, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f8c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : Catalunya against Spain corrupt


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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Catalunya against Spain corrupt. Mostrar todas las entradas


We applied the 155 to declare independence and now they will do it again just for being separatists

They threatened us with Ulster and it has been. Catalunya will be split in half: one will enjoy watching retaliation State towards independence, even if they have a life of misery, and another intellectual who must live under the Spanish yoke.

Spain Catalunya robs 16,000 million euros a year at least, and there is a part of society, mostly immigrants, who both gives them. And it is because they came as colonists, not as workers. Basically they do not want Catalonia to be prosperous because they have never left their neighborhoods or city-ghetto.

That said, the powers of Madrid and just think about when they talk of Catalunya unionism, even not take into account that 70 or 80% of Catalans who want to solve the conflict through a referendum. The Spain of PP or PSOE only has a formula: repression.

While the Catalans were cowards when we allow ourselves to apply the 155, since that article has been de facto within our autonomy. Spain left the spring installed to activate it when he pleases and for whatever reason. An article that serves to punish disobedience will become an injunction to subdue the will.That is "Vote budgets and stop being arreo independence or you" ...

And we have reached this point, in part, by an attitude of amilanamiento. We would not have had to leave Madrid tuck their claws into our most ancient institutions even took the opportunity to steal our art. Next time will be more terrible.

To this must be added that the verbal violence impostor Pedro Sanchez is given by the extreme right rampant fear that goes from the PP to VOX through C's ... But there is also the judges, the police, the army in the royal house, in the media and in the Ibex 35.

Now the Socialists believe that punishing Catalunya solves the problem ... when obviously it worse and going to the Slovenian model that both have criticized.

If we do not act, what comes now is the end of institutions and Catalan culture.The Madrid is preparing the  Final Solution :  155 eternal, mossos integrate the Spanish police, outlawing of independence parties and severest sentences for political prisoners. In other words, one half of Catalunya pissed off, you can not have ideology even paying more taxes than anyone, It will be difficult to live with the settlers. The principle of animus is the same as in Ulster, that is, and no one else will be mixed or shared public space.

In any case, yesterday and today, the "third way" has proven that there is no plan except for Catalonia repression. The monograph on Catalunya was expected for weeks with the fear that we just offered a "Basque quota" ... No, just 155 threats and police ... it is clear that we will call and prewar.

Again, yesterday, who worried me most are not the notorious Albert Rivera and Casado, but Pedro Sánchez ... 
The Generalitat de Catalunya's days, either because they suspend the autonomy or because very soon we grant the Republic. I'm afraid it will be the first ...

This article shows how crazy and mad they are. 
But it is also alert the barbarities that can get to do.

And finally we were preparing would be good again; stocking up on non-perishable food and cash. When one looks like Married still erre que erre with lying spit, one realizes that front has a sold mass, they take and buy the fallacy or posverdad unblinking because what they want is the annihilation of Catalunya.

They warned us yesterday that more virulent continue the destruction of Catalunya, remember that began forcing companies would leave the Catalan territory. 
It depends on us if they do. 
Notice, I do not rule and that Spain in the coming weeks perpetrate crimes against humanity against Catalunya, or another false flag attack like Las Ramblas. 
Before losing everything by war Pinning.



Colau dethrones the Bourbons of the avenue

© Image A plaque commemorates the price of tram line covering Horta 

third episode of the serial Borrón Bourbon government of Ada Colau. After renaming the plenary hall of the Queen Regent, now called Carles Pi i Sunyer, and recovering the Cinc d'Oros square, removing the plaques dedicated to Juan Carlos I, Barcelona City Council has taken steps to dethrone the Bourbon dynasty avenue Nou Barris that bears his name.

In the near future it will be renamed Avenue Borbó Avenue Els Quinze. Thus it became known popularly, from the second decade of the twentieth century, crossing the Paseo Maragall with Borbó Avenue (formerly Bourbon, walk Marshal Joffre and Old San Acisclo), in memory of the tram line 46 He connected the plaza Urquinaona Horta and the 15 cents it cost peseta ticket from origin to this place.

At the time of the old trams, the transport ticket had different prices depending on the journey. In the case of 46, Urquinaona to Camp de l'Arpa, the rate was 10 cents; to Horta, 20. The conductor announced in advance geographical boundaries where rate changes occurred. Thus the cry of "Els Quinze" became familiar among the passengers of those trams, which ended up incorporating it into their everyday vocabulary.

The full Nou Barris district approved a proposition which raised the name change to the presentation of the gazetteer with the votes of BComú, the PDECat and ERC. Previously, the neighborhood association Torre Llobeta-Vilapicina and Taula Confederation of Nou Barris per the Republic had collected 1,300 signatures as collateral for the change of name of this road that, by decision of the Franco regime, recovered in 1942 the name of the ruling house in Spain. 

When the paper report of renaming a period of public exhibition and presentation of allegations will open. Finally , a mayoral decree will close the file and give way to theofficial naming and effective replacement.

Throughout this mandate, the government of Commons has proceeded to make various changes in naming the public space of the city. A recovery of Zinc d'Oros and replacement of Borbó avenue must be added the change in Llucmajor square at Republic Square, also in the Nou Barris district, or replacement of the Plaza de la Hispanidad by the Pablo Neruda.Another not without controversy change was the street Almirall Cervera, in Barceloneta, by the comic Pepe Rubianes, or removal of the statue of Antonio Lopez in the square still retains the name of the employer, shipowner, banker and patron.

That of Borbó avenue probably will not be the last change of gazetteer in Barcelona for the remainder of the mandate. After recently renamed the breakwater of the Mar Bella, which already bears the name of the former leader of PSUC Antoni Gutierrez Diaz, Guti, it is scheduled to dedicate a passage from Ciutat Vella to the memory of another prominent politician of the transition also linked to this party, the historian Josep Benet.

Barcelona seems less likely now follow the lead of other Catalan municipalities governed by independence forces and dedicate a space to the events of October 1, 2017. Yesterday, the first deputy mayor, Gerardo Pisarello said his government is " open to study "this possibility as PDECat and ERC have asked, but said that in any case is to take some time and there must be a local demand in this regard. Pisarello spoke of at least five years, but this standard, as required by regulation gazetteer, is only meant for people. Specifically, the legislation indicates that "can not put the name of any person to a public space if not at least five years after his death does, except for the people there been awarded the Gold Medal of the City . The only living person who can honor by naming a street is the head of state. " In this case, a Bourbon.

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