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begins the "great disorder

President Trump said he is ready to start the "great disorder" and that the main US bank is about to collapse - September 22, 2019

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A truly exciting report by the Ministry of Finance (MF) circulating in the Kremlin today confirming that the global banking giant Goldman Sachs warned that global stock markets "are about to become locos in October , "......
Affirms the more accurate word that should be used to describe what lies ahead would be catastrophic, and because one of the biggest US banks is so close to collapse, which the Federal Reserve is quick to keep it afloat with emergency rescue an amazing $ 1.5 trillion, .....

An emergency rescue, however, the Federal Reserve is expanding daily payments of $ 75 billion until 10 October for no alarm and put panic citizens of their nation, but now "wreaking havoc in the interior plumbing of the entire financial system of the United States ", ....

especially since this bank that is about to collapse has not yet been officially named, which makes it said" is better than the Fed discover who they are ... before any financial journalist does, print your name so that everyone can see and start what may soon be the biggest bank run since the financial crisis ", .....

and whose collapse would join the other 566 US banks have failed in the last 24 months, all of which French President Emmanuel Macron, on August 27, told the world to wait with his warning that the "great upheaval" " it has begun, and his assertion that "the international order is being shaken in an unprecedented way by the great upheaval that is certainly happening for the first time in our history, in almost all fields and with a deeply historic magnitude" .. ..
A Macron warning specifically aimed at the United States saying that his was ruling the world has come to an end, such as the French and British empires that preceded them, a fact known by President Donald Trump, who has prepared for this. most critical case that will define the rest of the 21 st Century -DVDs exemplified by his saying in an interview that he hardly noticed in March 2015, months before he decided to run for the presidency, "a country used to have very, very strong because It was based on a gold standard, "and to do so would I had to invoke the unlimited powers to be granted. under the Law of International Economic Emergency Powers (IEEPA) ....
Almost a month ago, Trump had proclaimed an "absolute right" to invoke at any time so decide.
[Note: Some words and / or phrases that appear in quotation marks in this report are approximations of words in English / Russian phrases that do not have an exact counterpart.]

According to this report, with the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, the raison d'etre (reason or justification of existence) for the US to maintain a position of global war ended, which cost the US. UU. More than $ 8 trillion and more than 100,000 lives lost its military forces who fought in the wars in Korea and Vietnam, whose most lasting catastrophic effect was the "Nixon shock" of 1971, and that was when the Americans went on bankrupt and could not pay their debts, which caused President Richard Nixon abolished the Bretton Woods system of international financial exchange existing gold at that time since the end of World War II and substitute in its place what is known as Federal Reserve notes (paper currency called US dollar),

Coinciding with the dissolution of the Soviet Union, this report continues, was the US administration of President Bill Clinton, who together with the chairman of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, knew the system of petrodollars was unsustainable unless the United States wanted really go to war. the world, and knowing this fact, Greenspan saw leading US monetary policy. UU. on a path that followed the signs that would have created a gold standard, especially since Greenspan said queel change in the price of gold is historically parallel to the change in the general price level of goods and services; in other words, it has an inherent stability when seen for decades or even centuries, and whose results saw aClinton yGreenspanpresidir economic unciclo of "

Although both President Clinton and the president of the Federal Reserve, Greenspan, rightly deserve credit for follow signs to the gold standard to prosper the American people and his nation as he drove away from the system of petrodollars, this report points out that the history of the facts shows that continued to build on the foundation president Ronald Reagan had begun to create, as Reagan had asked the United States for decades to return to the gold standard, but it was a destroyed foundation when both President George W. Bush as President Barack Obama began his wars of petrodólares.-that not only have cost the lives of millions, but have destroyed the US economy that Reagan and Clinton spent two decades building.

The central global financial system that controls the system of petrodollars, explains the report, known as the World Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), which links more than 11,000 financial institutions in more than 200 countries and territories, but the United States armed has to use against anyone who opposes him, and in response, saw the System for International Settlements in China (CIPS) created by the Chinese to protect themselves and their allies, and Russia created its System Message Transfer financial (SPPS) for the same reason, and that all banks in Iran have now been connected, and that's why both Russia and China continue to furiously buying all the gold they can.

Unlike the payment system overall armed US SWIFT based on pieces of paper without called Notes Federal Reserve to sustain its system petrodollar value, this report details the systems global payment SPPS Russia and CIPS China depend on gold, and that's why both have been leaving Banknotes of the Federal Reserve as quickly US dollars possible, which, in turn, now hardly see anyone in the world who wants to have US dollars, which leaves Americans no choice but to buy their own debt, but their own banks can not pay, and that's why they are collapsing.

replaced in 1977 by the Economic Powers Act International Emergency (IEEPA) that Trump is able to exercise whenever you want it, and when exercising, now sees it fully supported for your nation return to the gold standard by one of its main economic advisers called Judy Shelton, whom Trump has just nominated to join the Board of the Federal Reserve -More specifically because she called for a new Bretton Woods conference to establish a new world economic order and said sincerely, "we the United States again be great to make money from America back to be great, "but when returning to the United Unidosal gold standard, limits spending US government. UU. just so you can raise taxes or borrow against its gold reserve,

Now you know why JPMorgan Chase is the largest bank in the United States and the sixth largest in the world and it was not necessary to rescue during the 2007 financial crisis bank.

September 22, 2019 © EU and US. UU. All rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition that is linked to its original source in WhatDoesItMean.Com. Free base content licensed under GFDL and CC-BY. .. <>


Central Banker Admits a Global Financial Reset is Underway

Central banker lets slip that Global Financial Reset is underway as government's prepare for collapse of current system

8:16 AM

For anyone who does even a modicum of research, the 2008 financial crash was not just a cyclical 'bump' in the credit cycle, but an actual death event for the entire financial system. And this is primarily why central banks like the Fed, ECB, and BOJ have had to constantly fund their 'life support patient' with endless amounts of QE, Zero percent Interest Rates, and even Negative Rates.

In fact despite the reality of tens of trillions of dollars printed and monetized by the central banks over the past seven years in both the U.S. and in Europe, most banks remain underfunded, and pretty much insolvent if they had to administer true accounting practices.

Since around 2013, Asian and Eurasian economies such as Russia, China, India, and even Kyrgyzstan have been preparing for a post Petrodollar world, and one no longer controlled by the Western central banks. And even in Europe, nations such as Germany, Austria, and the Netherlands have all done the unprecedented move of recalling their gold reserves back from the U.S. into their own vaults.

But while those who pay attention to the alternative financial media have heard numerous times that we are preparing for a great 'Global Financial and Currency Reset', only trickles of information has come from leaders on the reality of this paradigm shift.

Until now?

On June 21 the head of the UK's central bank (Bank of England) gave a speech in which he emphasized that the global financial system is moving rapidly towards a 'New World Order', which in this case is political speak for the global currency reset.

The race is definitely on as to who will be dictating the terms of the reset. 

Everybody has their eyes on China and Russia, thinking they join forces to form the dominance in the global economy to push out the dollar and elevate China to world reserve currency status, or elevate a combination of China and Russia to world reserve currency status with a gold and/or silver backing in this new monetary system, perhaps even with a return to gold and silver via aChinese Gold-backed Yuan and a Russian Silver Ruble

Well, it’s not only the East that is actively working on the global reset. 

England seems to frantically be in the race as well. 

Yesterday, Bank of England Governor Mark Carney gave a speech, and it wall basically all about the coming reset. 

That phrase that we all can’t stand – the “new world order”. 

Yup. It’s coming. 

Its a very long, super boring speech, but I’ve read between the lines, and I want to show you some of the thing he has said, so that you can come to your own conclusions as to what is going on. 

To me, it speaks to the end of the dollar dominated world and the coming reset and re-ordering of the global monetary system 

Here’s some of the things he said in no particular order (bold and red bold added by Half Dollar for emphasis): 

The Bank recognises that a new economy, a new world and new demographics demand a new financial system. 

While we prepare for great change, we will be guided by one constant: our mission to promote the good of the people we all serve. 

This infrastructure must be overhauled now that the economy is on the cusp of the fourth industrial revolution and our demographic challenges are intensifying. 

And rebalancing of the global order is proving as dramatic as it was in Montagu Norman’s time. 

Such profound changes demand a new finance. 

We now have a balance sheet fit for a new world order with greater reliance on markets in a wider range of reserve currencies. – Silver DoctorsThe average citizen will NEVER receive warning from either governments or the financial powers unless they are able to read between the lines in speeches such as this one on what is being worked on, and what is coming. Because all one has to do is remember back in 2008 when CNBC went out of their way to tell us how solvent and stable Bear Stearns was, only to see it vanish forever just four days later, with Congress having to push through a bailout under the guise that this crisis could bring about the institution of Martial Law.

Source: The Daily Economist


and businesses have long been in this game and we just started


Interview with Edward Snowden, who made the biggest leak of secret documents in US history
"The government and companies have taken advantage of our ignorance, but that's coming to an end"

The Guardian / Daily

Five years after the historical data filtering NSA, Edward Snowden takes stock of what has been achieved in the fight against mass surveillance by the government and intelligence services. "People say that nothing has changed, there are still massive surveillance. But the changes are not measured well. Look prior to 2013 and look what happened situation. Everything has changed."

Edward Snowden in an interview with Japan's Kyodo in Moscow in May 2017, KYODO.  
Five years after the biggest leak of secret documents in history, Edward Snowden has no regrets about anything. United States has in the list of most wanted persons. He lives in exile in Russia. However, he feels satisfied with the way his revelations about mass surveillance have shaken governments, intelligence agencies and major internet companies. 
In a telephone interview on the occasion of the anniversary of the day when The Guardian published the news firstSnowden remembers the day his world - and that of many others on the planet changed forever. He went to sleep at a hotel in Hong Kong and when he awoke, the news that the National Security Agency (NSA) had been absorbing the data of millions of Americans took hours moving headlines. 
Snowden knew at that moment that he knew his life was over. " It scared me, but also was liberating , " he says. "I had the feeling it was something definite. There was no turning back." 
What happened in the last five years? Snowden is one of the most famous fugitives in the world, it has been filmed with its history  a winning documentary Oscar a  Hollywood movie and they have written at least a dozen books. The governments of the US and UK, because of his revelations, have been brought to court to change laws surveillance. Both countries have had to adopt new laws. Internet companies, thanks to the popular reaction around privacy, encryption have made is something widespread. 
Snowden, evaluating the changes, says some privacy activists have expressed disappointment with how the events occurred, but he does not agree with that. "People say that nothing has changed, there are still massive surveillance. But that's not how the changes are measured. Look at the situation prior to 2013 and look what happened. Everything has changed."
According to him, the most important change has been the public consciousness: "The government and the business sector have taken advantage of our ignorance But now we know people are aware people still do not have power to stop it , but we're trying... . the revelations have made the fight more balanced , "he explains. 
Snowden says he does not regret anything. "If I wanted to be safe, I would not have gone to Hawaii" (where he had been destined when heworked for the NSA, before moving to Hong Kong).
His own life is marked by uncertainty, perhaps now more than ever, he says. His asylum in Russia depends on a change in the government of Putin opinion, and US intelligence agencies and British have not forgiven him. For them, the issue is hotter than ever. They say that his betrayal has hurt them at a level that the public fails to understand. 
This was reflected in an unusual statement Jeremy Fleming, director of British surveillance agency GCHQ which, together with the US NSA, was the main purpose of filtration. Responding to a question from The Guardian for the anniversary filtration, Fleming argues that the mission of GCHQ was to keep safe UK: "What did Edward Snowden five years ago was illegal and jeopardized our ability to protect UK, causing a real and necessary to the security of the country and our allies harm. you should pay for what he did. " 
The danger of what not publishedThe fury of the intelligence community in the US and UK is not only what has been published , which represents just over 1% of documents- but also what has not been published. They explain that they have had to work on the assumption that all the information that Snowden had access has been compromised and had to be discarded. 
Agencies had another job. Having had to throw away so much information, they had to develop and install new and better systems faster than planned. Another change came in the area of transparency. Before Snowden, questions from the press at GCHQ were with answers "no comment", while now have more willingness to cooperate.The fact that Fleming has responded with a statement shows that change.
In his statement, Fleming expresses its commitment to transparency, but makes clear that this is not the merit of Snowden, because change is prior to 2013. " It is important that we remain as open as we can and I am committed to the changes we have begun more than a decade to achieve greater transparency. " 
Other people in the intelligence services, especially in the US, grudgingly admit that it was by Snowden so they began to discuss where they should draw the line between privacy monitoring.The former director of the NSA deputy, Richard Ledgett, when he retired last year, said the government should have made public the information that had a lot of phone data.
Manifestation for Snowden against the US Congress in Washington in October 2013.
Demonstration against spying by the NSA and for Snowden against the US Congress in Washington in October 2013. Applewhite SCOTT / AP.
The former director of GCHQ, David Omand, agrees with the statement Fleming on the damage caused, but admits that Snowden has helped new legislation is introduced. "We now have a better and more transparent for gathering intelligence legal framework. Of course this would have happened anyway, but certainly their actions accelerated the process , " Omand said. 
The US Congress  passed the Freedom Act in 2015, which limits the mass collection of telephone data. A year later, the British Parliament passed the controversial  Investigatory Powers Act (Investigatory Powers Act). 
Ross Anderson, A leading specialist in computer security and privacy academic, believes Snowden's revelations were a momentous time."Snowden's revelations were one of those luminous moments that change the way people see things," Anderson, professor of security engineering at the computer lab at the University of Cambridge explains. "Maybe they did not change much in the UK for our culture idolizing James Bond and everything he does. But in the rest of the world did people really understand that monitoring is a serious matter".
Lawmakers and much of the British media are not committed to the same level as their colleagues in other European countries, the United States, Latin America, Asia and Australia. Among the exceptions is the Liberal Democrat MP Julian Huppert, who pushed for this issue until he lost his seat in the election of 2015. "Snowden's revelations were a tremendous blow, but theyhave made us to achieve greater transparency in some of the agencies on their work , "he says. 
"The counter has just begun"One of the revelations that had the greatest impact was on the level of cooperation between intelligence agencies and Internet companies. In 2013, US companies outstripped the EU in the negotiations on data protection. Snowden leaks fell like a bomb in the middle of negotiations and data protection law that was applied last month is a result. 
One of the most visible effects of the revelations of Snowden was the small yellow sign that began appearing in the messaging service WhatsApp in April 2016: "The messages and calls in this chat are now protected with encryption end to end". 
Snowden before, this encryption few people used it"If I could go back to 2013 , " says  Jillian York, Director of the international department for freedom of expression of the group for the digital rights of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, "I perhaps on my phone would TextSecure, the previous version of the encrypted communication of Signal application. It would have another tool mail encryption mail, PGP, but would not use anyone. " The only major exception was the iMessage Apple, which has been encrypted from end to end since its launch in 2011. 
The developers at large technology companies, scandalized by revelations Snowden began to take action. Some, such as WhatsApp application that was bought by Facebook a year after it came to light leaks, implemented their own encryption.Others, like Alex Stamos, of Yahoo, They resigned rather than support more intelligence  (Stamos is now Facebook 's chief security officer, but has announced that the company will soon). 
"No Snowden , " says York. "I do not think that Signal had secured funding. I do not think Facebook would have gotten Alex Stamos, because it would have been in Yahoo. These small actions caused further action. Not that these companies suddenly say 'we care about privacy. "I think they had no other choice. " 
Other changes in the technology sector show that the influence of Snowden has been limited in many respects.  The rise of "smart speaker"Exemplified in the Amazon Echo, he has perplexed many privacy activists defenders. Why, just a few years after a global surveillance scandal at the hands of the government, people accept microphones installed in their homes that remain always on? 
"The recent dilemma privacy representing installing a device that can literally hear everything you say is a chilling innovation in the era of things connected to the Internet , " he wrote last year  Adam Clark Estes, Gizmodo .
Toward the end of the interview, Snowden recalls one of his first alias, Cincinnatus, in honor of the Roman who returned to his farm after serving society. Snowden said he also feels that once fulfilled its role, has retired to a quiet life, spending time developing tools to help journalists to protect their sources. "I think I had never felt so accomplished , " he says. 
However, he said that not celebrate the anniversary as a triumph. There's still much to do. "The counter has just begun , " said Snowden."Governments and businesses have long been in this game and we just started." 
Translated by Lucia Balducci 
Source:  http: //www.eldiario.

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