President Trump said he is ready to start the "great disorder" and that the main US bank is about to collapse - September 22, 2019

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A truly exciting report by the Ministry of Finance (MF) circulating in the Kremlin today confirming that the global banking giant Goldman Sachs warned that global stock markets "are about to become locos in October , "......
Affirms the more accurate word that should be used to describe what lies ahead would be catastrophic, and because one of the biggest US banks is so close to collapse, which the Federal Reserve is quick to keep it afloat with emergency rescue an amazing $ 1.5 trillion, .....
An emergency rescue, however, the Federal Reserve is expanding daily payments of $ 75 billion until 10 October for no alarm and put panic citizens of their nation, but now "wreaking havoc in the interior plumbing of the entire financial system of the United States ", ....
especially since this bank that is about to collapse has not yet been officially named, which makes it said" is better than the Fed discover who they are ... before any financial journalist does, print your name so that everyone can see and start what may soon be the biggest bank run since the financial crisis ", .....
and whose collapse would join the other 566 US banks have failed in the last 24 months, all of which French President Emmanuel Macron, on August 27, told the world to wait with his warning that the "great upheaval" " it has begun, and his assertion that "the international order is being shaken in an unprecedented way by the great upheaval that is certainly happening for the first time in our history, in almost all fields and with a deeply historic magnitude" .. ..
A Macron warning specifically aimed at the United States saying that his was ruling the world has come to an end, such as the French and British empires that preceded them, a fact known by President Donald Trump, who has prepared for this. most critical case that will define the rest of the 21 st Century -DVDs exemplified by his saying in an interview that he hardly noticed in March 2015, months before he decided to run for the presidency, "a country used to have very, very strong because It was based on a gold standard, "and to do so would I had to invoke the unlimited powers to be granted. under the Law of International Economic Emergency Powers (IEEPA) ....
Almost a month ago, Trump had proclaimed an "absolute right" to invoke at any time so decide.
[Note: Some words and / or phrases that appear in quotation marks in this report are approximations of words in English / Russian phrases that do not have an exact counterpart.]
According to this report, with the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, the raison d'etre (reason or justification of existence) for the US to maintain a position of global war ended, which cost the US. UU. More than $ 8 trillion and more than 100,000 lives lost its military forces who fought in the wars in Korea and Vietnam, whose most lasting catastrophic effect was the "Nixon shock" of 1971, and that was when the Americans went on bankrupt and could not pay their debts, which caused President Richard Nixon abolished the Bretton Woods system of international financial exchange existing gold at that time since the end of World War II and substitute in its place what is known as Federal Reserve notes (paper currency called US dollar),
Coinciding with the dissolution of the Soviet Union, this report continues, was the US administration of President Bill Clinton, who together with the chairman of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, knew the system of petrodollars was unsustainable unless the United States wanted really go to war. the world, and knowing this fact, Greenspan saw leading US monetary policy. UU. on a path that followed the signs that would have created a gold standard, especially since Greenspan said queel change in the price of gold is historically parallel to the change in the general price level of goods and services; in other words, it has an inherent stability when seen for decades or even centuries, and whose results saw aClinton yGreenspanpresidir economic unciclo of "
Although both President Clinton and the president of the Federal Reserve, Greenspan, rightly deserve credit for follow signs to the gold standard to prosper the American people and his nation as he drove away from the system of petrodollars, this report points out that the history of the facts shows that continued to build on the foundation president Ronald Reagan had begun to create, as Reagan had asked the United States for decades to return to the gold standard, but it was a destroyed foundation when both President George W. Bush as President Barack Obama began his wars of petrodólares.-that not only have cost the lives of millions, but have destroyed the US economy that Reagan and Clinton spent two decades building.
The central global financial system that controls the system of petrodollars, explains the report, known as the World Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), which links more than 11,000 financial institutions in more than 200 countries and territories, but the United States armed has to use against anyone who opposes him, and in response, saw the System for International Settlements in China (CIPS) created by the Chinese to protect themselves and their allies, and Russia created its System Message Transfer financial (SPPS) for the same reason, and that all banks in Iran have now been connected, and that's why both Russia and China continue to furiously buying all the gold they can.
Unlike the payment system overall armed US SWIFT based on pieces of paper without called Notes Federal Reserve to sustain its system petrodollar value, this report details the systems global payment SPPS Russia and CIPS China depend on gold, and that's why both have been leaving Banknotes of the Federal Reserve as quickly US dollars possible, which, in turn, now hardly see anyone in the world who wants to have US dollars, which leaves Americans no choice but to buy their own debt, but their own banks can not pay, and that's why they are collapsing.
replaced in 1977 by the Economic Powers Act International Emergency (IEEPA) that Trump is able to exercise whenever you want it, and when exercising, now sees it fully supported for your nation return to the gold standard by one of its main economic advisers called Judy Shelton, whom Trump has just nominated to join the Board of the Federal Reserve -More specifically because she called for a new Bretton Woods conference to establish a new world economic order and said sincerely, "we the United States again be great to make money from America back to be great, "but when returning to the United Unidosal gold standard, limits spending US government. UU. just so you can raise taxes or borrow against its gold reserve,
Now you know why JPMorgan Chase is the largest bank in the United States and the sixth largest in the world and it was not necessary to rescue during the 2007 financial crisis bank.
September 22, 2019 © EU and US. UU. All rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition that is linked to its original source in WhatDoesItMean.Com. Free base content licensed under GFDL and CC-BY. .. <>
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A truly exciting report by the Ministry of Finance (MF) circulating in the Kremlin today confirming that the global banking giant Goldman Sachs warned that global stock markets "are about to become locos in October , "......
Affirms the more accurate word that should be used to describe what lies ahead would be catastrophic, and because one of the biggest US banks is so close to collapse, which the Federal Reserve is quick to keep it afloat with emergency rescue an amazing $ 1.5 trillion, .....
An emergency rescue, however, the Federal Reserve is expanding daily payments of $ 75 billion until 10 October for no alarm and put panic citizens of their nation, but now "wreaking havoc in the interior plumbing of the entire financial system of the United States ", ....
especially since this bank that is about to collapse has not yet been officially named, which makes it said" is better than the Fed discover who they are ... before any financial journalist does, print your name so that everyone can see and start what may soon be the biggest bank run since the financial crisis ", .....
and whose collapse would join the other 566 US banks have failed in the last 24 months, all of which French President Emmanuel Macron, on August 27, told the world to wait with his warning that the "great upheaval" " it has begun, and his assertion that "the international order is being shaken in an unprecedented way by the great upheaval that is certainly happening for the first time in our history, in almost all fields and with a deeply historic magnitude" .. ..
A Macron warning specifically aimed at the United States saying that his was ruling the world has come to an end, such as the French and British empires that preceded them, a fact known by President Donald Trump, who has prepared for this. most critical case that will define the rest of the 21 st Century -DVDs exemplified by his saying in an interview that he hardly noticed in March 2015, months before he decided to run for the presidency, "a country used to have very, very strong because It was based on a gold standard, "and to do so would I had to invoke the unlimited powers to be granted. under the Law of International Economic Emergency Powers (IEEPA) ....
Almost a month ago, Trump had proclaimed an "absolute right" to invoke at any time so decide.
[Note: Some words and / or phrases that appear in quotation marks in this report are approximations of words in English / Russian phrases that do not have an exact counterpart.]
According to this report, with the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, the raison d'etre (reason or justification of existence) for the US to maintain a position of global war ended, which cost the US. UU. More than $ 8 trillion and more than 100,000 lives lost its military forces who fought in the wars in Korea and Vietnam, whose most lasting catastrophic effect was the "Nixon shock" of 1971, and that was when the Americans went on bankrupt and could not pay their debts, which caused President Richard Nixon abolished the Bretton Woods system of international financial exchange existing gold at that time since the end of World War II and substitute in its place what is known as Federal Reserve notes (paper currency called US dollar),
Coinciding with the dissolution of the Soviet Union, this report continues, was the US administration of President Bill Clinton, who together with the chairman of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, knew the system of petrodollars was unsustainable unless the United States wanted really go to war. the world, and knowing this fact, Greenspan saw leading US monetary policy. UU. on a path that followed the signs that would have created a gold standard, especially since Greenspan said queel change in the price of gold is historically parallel to the change in the general price level of goods and services; in other words, it has an inherent stability when seen for decades or even centuries, and whose results saw aClinton yGreenspanpresidir economic unciclo of "
Although both President Clinton and the president of the Federal Reserve, Greenspan, rightly deserve credit for follow signs to the gold standard to prosper the American people and his nation as he drove away from the system of petrodollars, this report points out that the history of the facts shows that continued to build on the foundation president Ronald Reagan had begun to create, as Reagan had asked the United States for decades to return to the gold standard, but it was a destroyed foundation when both President George W. Bush as President Barack Obama began his wars of petrodólares.-that not only have cost the lives of millions, but have destroyed the US economy that Reagan and Clinton spent two decades building.
The central global financial system that controls the system of petrodollars, explains the report, known as the World Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), which links more than 11,000 financial institutions in more than 200 countries and territories, but the United States armed has to use against anyone who opposes him, and in response, saw the System for International Settlements in China (CIPS) created by the Chinese to protect themselves and their allies, and Russia created its System Message Transfer financial (SPPS) for the same reason, and that all banks in Iran have now been connected, and that's why both Russia and China continue to furiously buying all the gold they can.
Unlike the payment system overall armed US SWIFT based on pieces of paper without called Notes Federal Reserve to sustain its system petrodollar value, this report details the systems global payment SPPS Russia and CIPS China depend on gold, and that's why both have been leaving Banknotes of the Federal Reserve as quickly US dollars possible, which, in turn, now hardly see anyone in the world who wants to have US dollars, which leaves Americans no choice but to buy their own debt, but their own banks can not pay, and that's why they are collapsing.
replaced in 1977 by the Economic Powers Act International Emergency (IEEPA) that Trump is able to exercise whenever you want it, and when exercising, now sees it fully supported for your nation return to the gold standard by one of its main economic advisers called Judy Shelton, whom Trump has just nominated to join the Board of the Federal Reserve -More specifically because she called for a new Bretton Woods conference to establish a new world economic order and said sincerely, "we the United States again be great to make money from America back to be great, "but when returning to the United Unidosal gold standard, limits spending US government. UU. just so you can raise taxes or borrow against its gold reserve,
Now you know why JPMorgan Chase is the largest bank in the United States and the sixth largest in the world and it was not necessary to rescue during the 2007 financial crisis bank.
September 22, 2019 © EU and US. UU. All rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition that is linked to its original source in WhatDoesItMean.Com. Free base content licensed under GFDL and CC-BY. .. <>