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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta United States. Mostrar todas las entradas


President Donald Trump over the last week did the following, but you probably won't hear about it from the News.

President Donald Trump over the last week  did the following, but you probably won't hear about it from the News.

1. Made vaccines voluntary not mandatory. Military will check purity and distribute vaccines

2. Defunded WHO forever and wants an investigation into its operations

3. Cancelled the Democrats HR6666 bill, known as the Covid19TRACE Act that was the basis for BillGates's diagnosis and tracking project, which was also cancelled.

4. Cancelled Bill Gates project known as ID2020

5. Opened a complaint platform to report censorship on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. It was overrun with complaints. They got the evidence.

6. Executive Order to reopen states: Governors who refuse to reopen will be sued.

7. EXECUTIVE Order for W.H. to take over all Electrical Grids: Which will include Internet servers, Broadcasting systems, Electronic systems.

8. Declares places of worship 'EssentialSevices.' Some mayors are fining people for going to church.

9. Applauded Australia and 116 countries for insisting on a China Probe into the spread of Covid19 despite several threats from China about refusing critical exports.

He’s changing the world!

-Credit to Patti Wiseman (Fellow Patriot)


Ten days of darkness explained

Més opcions
Sent to me by a good friend last night. Spot-on assessment. There are millions of us who’ve been studying Q’s cryptic posts for the last 2 1/2 years. I’m 99.9% convinced that #TheStorm is here.
“Ten days of darkness explained:
So ready for the REAL juicy stuff? Trump said yesterday Americans should not gather in groups of more than ten for the next 15 days! Holy SMOKES! There are families with more people than that. That's basically voluntary medical martial law. There is no way that doesn't hurt the economy. Trump and the repubs know this and are going to ask for an insane $850 billion relief package from Congress. Pelosi will undoubtedly hinder that. The current package is being held up because Pelosi inserted 87 pages of additional material hoping no one would read it, but they are.
The other thing Trump did is say the virus would linger until July or August. That's just not true based on what we are seeing in China. Following that model we should be completely fine by May. His statement caused the Dow to drop a full 3000 points. I have no idea why he said that, but back to the 15 day voluntary quarantine. That is a response FAR out of proportion to the situation.
The virus is already well contained, fewer than 100 US deaths. 100 people die every day from car wrecks. But notice when the 15 days are up. April 1, and the travel ban is set to end 10 days later on April 10. 4-10-20. Trump's initials, DJT, something referenced by Q. That's ten days.
This gets to my topic title. Ten days of darkness. Before I get into that, Q has said MANY times that we "have more than you know". I've always assumed that, but his posts can be so cryptic to the point of unreadable, but it looks like he told us what was going to happen NOW about three years ago. Q has mentioned "ten days of darkness" several times with an anon asking when those days would come. Q actually responded saying "shutdown". This is VERY meaningful, but I am sure a bit blurry so let me back track. Two and a half years ago Q posted, "Dark. Darkness. Learn double meanings. SHUTDOWN." He just told us what that means. Darkness. Not literal. In the military sense when communications are completely down. In other words no communication. A month before this he posted this, and this blows me away. "Ten days. Darkness. Scare tactics [MSM]. D's failing. R's walk away/removed. SA-->US-->Asia-->EU"! Clear as mud, right?
Here's the summary. What Q is saying above is there will be ten days of darkness. The anons think that means there will be no social media, no TV, no radio, possibly no internet. NO ONE will know what is happening. The military will shut it all down. That's when the real operations take place out of sight from the media, from everyone. Keep in mind, the National Guard has been activated now in 22 states and counting, the military just recalled vets, and every branch of the military posted on the same day the green light images saying they are ready to take on the enemy. What enemy? Trump has brokered peace in Afghanistan and brought back half our troops. Same with Syria. They are ready for something. What does the last part ( “SA-->US-->Asia-->EU” ) mean? It means Saudi Arabia first, then the US, Asia and the EU. Do you remember last week, the brother of the king of Saudi Arabia attempted a coup? Since then, over 298 high ranking Saudi officials have been arrested with aid from the US. Saudi Arabia first.
Well that puts the US next, and look at the window.. Two weeks from now. Q has said a dozen times light comes from the dark or “dark to light” and many variants on it, but the message is constant. Darkness first. Look at his post. MSM pushing scare tactics, dems failing. That is NOW! The anons also claim the coronavirus that was ***manufactured*** was also later neutralized by the white hats who removed two inserted HIV gain of function genes, rendering the virus harmless. The media is pushing this as if it was the original deep state virus. But Q said panic is essential, and why would that be? To cover their tracks, but here's the more important point. Panic keeps us at home. Trump just said not go gather in groups of more than 10? Is he kidding? Nope, it is for our protection, but not from the virus. It's a protection from FALSE FLAGS. Look at what he's done. According to the anons, once the arrests take place, and the white hats make their move, the deep state's self defense will be mass false flags.
How do you stop this? You make sure no one is in school so no school shootings. No one is at a theater so no theater bombs, etc. In other words, there is NO chance for mass casualties. This is BRILLIANT if true. I mean this is the stuff of movies. How do you protect the entire country? Just like this. Genius.
Q has also said “PANIC in DC”, which means Patriots Are Now In Control in DC.
By the way, people have asked what are the white hats. In the old western movies, the good guys ALWAYS wore white hats, and the bad guys black hats, hence the white hats are the good guys. The anons also provided a ton of other information. If you look at a map of the large quarantine centers set up around the US, they coincide with where the majority of the sealed indictments have been filed. Some aside tidbits that I found fascinating: The very first day Q ever posted, Trump made a tweet in which the letter Q is posted in caps as a stand alone letter. It's the only time he did this in 2017. Additionally, the anons did research and found the lab in China is partially owned, by, yes, George Soros. Not a coincidence. XBox Live was shut down, and why that matters is Q has said the deep state communicates to each other through XBox live, and these take downs are presumptively to interfere with their communications.
This all sounds crazy, and none of us can imagine ten days of darkness. Who on Earth knows what they will do during that time, but it's all just conspiracy and crazy, right? We have some proof. A top White House staff tweeted out that Evergreen's coronavirus is in critical condition. Evergreen is the Secret Service name for Hillary Clinton. Is that a message that the deep state CV-19 has been a failure?
Then we have this, and there is no mistaking this. ***HUGE***. Trump tweeted a video out about how to handle the coronavirus, and at the 21 second point at the top in the title a Q appears in bold followed a second later by +. Q+, Trump. Someone MADE that video clip meaning that was inserted on purpose for us to notice. Q has gone dark but is still speaking to us, CRAZY times you all.”


Murphy: la administración Trump está armando información clasificada

El senador Chris Murphy (D-CT) el domingo en el "Estado de la Unión" de CNN acusó a la administración Trump de convertir en arma la información clasificada.
Dijo que hubo "instancias múltiples" deque esto ocurriera.
Murphy dijo: “Me preocupa la politización de la inteligencia por parte de esta administración. El nuevo jefe de inteligencia en funciones no tiene antecedentes en inteligencia. Él es un leal de triunfo, y todos nos preocupamos de que esta administración controle cantidades masivas de inteligencia, cantidades masivas de información clasificada y se filtre a la prensa cuando las beneficia. Me ha preocupado mucho el tipo de información que la administración Trump mantiene clasificada ”.
Continuó: “Hay múltiples instancias en las que la administración Trump que guarda información clasificada podría ser políticamente embarazoso para el presidente, pero no contiene información clasificada de seguridad nacional verdadera. Así que el armamento de la información clasificada es algo que nos preocupa más, especialmente con el nuevo director de inteligencia en funciones ".
Añadió: "La reunión con Mike Pence con Ucrania que se mantuvo clasificada en los procedimientos de juicio político y no contenía información clasificada y la razón por la que se clasifica es porque habría perjudicado el caso del presidente en el juicio político"


Putin echoes Trump impeachment criticism, says reasons have been ‘completely fabricated’

  • Russian President Vladimir Putin says he expects Trump to survive an impeachment trial in the GOP-controlled Senate.
  • In his annual year-end press conference in Moscow, Putin says the Democratic Party was trying to dethrone Trump “by other methods and means.”
Annual news conference by Russia's President Vladimir Putin
A screen shows Russia’s President Vladimir Putin during the 15th annual end-of-year news conference at the World Trade Centre in Moscow.
Valery Sharifulin
Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday he expects President Donald Trump to survive impeachment proceedings and that the legal move against him was a Democratic Party trying to get results “using other methods and means.”
Late Wednesday, Trump became only the third president in history to be impeached by the House of Representatives. In a largely party-line vote, the House impeached Trump for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress over his attempt to pressure Ukraine’s president into opening up investigations into his political rivals, including former Vice President Joe Biden, a leading contender to face Trump in the November election.
This sets up a trial in the Senate that will decide whether Trump remains in office.
At his annual year-end press conference in Moscow, Putin said he didn’t expect to see Trump’s reign to end via impeachment as his Republican Party would save him.
“It’s unlikely they will want to remove from power a representative of their party based on what are, in my opinion, completely fabricated reasons,” Putin said, according to a Reuters translation.
Putin said the Democratic Party is attempting to remove Trump because it had failed in the 2016 election.
“This is simply a continuation of the (U.S.) intra-political battle where one party that lost an election, the Democratic Party, is trying to achieve results using other methods and means,” Putin said.
Putin added that the Democrats had accused Russia of election interference and collusion at high levels. This had been proven untrue, he said, and now the U.S. opposition had moved on to allegations surrounding Ukraine.
US House votes to impeach Pres. Trump for abuse of power, obstruction of Congress
Allegations of Russian interference prompted a near two-year long investigation led by Robert Mueller. The inquiry concluded that Putin’s government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in “sweeping and systematic fashion” and had been designed to favor Trump and harm Hillary Clinton’s campaign.
Trump is accused of pressuring Ukraine to announce investigations into his Democratic political rival Joe Biden and into a debunked theory that Ukraine intervened in the 2016 on behalf of Clinton. Trump is also charged with obstruction of Congress for allegedly refusing to cooperate with the impeachment inquiry.

Unfriendly move

A fresh bill to impose more Russian sanctions is making its way through the U.S. system.
Titled the “Defending American Security from Kremlin Aggression Act of 2019” (DASKA), the law would level new sanctions against sovereign debt, banks and Russian oligarchs.
It is backed by Senate Democrats and some senior Republicans, although it is understood the White House, via the State Department, “strongly opposes” it.
Putin said Thursday the decisions by the U.S. against Russia were obviously not coming from the executive branch — Trump — but were being pushed by the legislative.
He said fresh sanctions would have some impact on ties between the U.S. and Russia. “There is nothing good about it, this is an unfriendly move,” Putin said, according to a separate translation.
Markets are quite happy to shrug off impeachment proceedings: Investment manager
—CNBC’s Holly Ellyatt contributed to this article.
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State deep in total panic when the investigation confirmed that Durham had happened to criminal charges impending phase ...

Trump News

Beyond News "bomb", we now have confirmation that US Attorney John Durham has transitioned to a "criminal investigation" will likely lead to criminal charges of traitors of the deep state. The most likely to face criminal charges are John Brennan and James Clapper, which can lead to evidence implicating James Comey, Robert Mueller, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, among others.

As  the New York Times reported  :
For more than two years, President Trump has repeatedly attacked research in Russia, describing it as a hoax and illegal even months after the special counsel closed. Now, the Department of Justice Mr. Trump himself has opened a criminal investigation into how it all began ... The Justice Department officials have moved an administrative review of the Russian research closely monitored by the Attorney General William P. Barr a criminal investigation, according to two people familiar with the matter  the measure gives the prosecutor who runs it , John H. Durham, the power to subpoena the testimony of witnesses and documents, catch a grand jury and criminal charges.


Our analysis of the events that unfolded in recent months concludes that interviews with the alleged author of "record Trump" Christopher Steele showed explosive new evidence that all the attempted coup of the intelligence community against President Trump was initiated smear a document funded by Hillary Clinton (file) that was not written by Steele at all. The whole operation has always been a coup attempt deep state to reverse the 2016 elections by any means necessary  . The effort failed, the  traitors of the deep state  have been identified and are about to face justice.
Two key names to see in all this are Christopher Steele and Joseph Mifsud. As  Conservative Treehouse explains  :
So what the New York Times is describing here is that the CIA conducted an operation using Mifsud to put information into Papadopoulos, a classic setting, and the FBI now says they had no idea that the CIA was intelligence apparatus source for that information. Very interesting…. It aligns with the defensive framework FBI last week.
Well, the statement: "The FBI did not use information from the CIA to open the investigation of Russia" is demonstrably false. The CIA produced an "electronic communication" (EC) officially launched the FBI that the premise of the operation "crossfire hurricane". CE that has never been released, but has been seen by congressional investigators. Whoever this "former US official" is lying.
Lisa Haven as explained in the following video of Brighteon, the criminal investigation of Durham is "the link to all" and expose the biggest coverup in the political history:

(See more videos of Lisa Haven on  the channel page Lisa Haven in  ).
NEW FEATURE: You can now  subscribe to your favorite channels  in Simply click the big red button "Subscribe" below any video to begin following that channel. When visiting the homepage of, you'll see videos from channels to which you have subscribed.
Observers expect charges of criminal conspiracy investigation Durham / Barr arise. As  reported by The Gateway Pundit  :
Former Trump campaign adviser, George Papadopoulos, reacted to the news tonight. Papadopoulos was created by CIA-FBI during the elections of 2016.
George Papadopoulos: John Durham investigation has officially transformed into a criminal investigation. When I said Mifsud and Downer were together and Halper was there to provide protection, I meant it Wait conspiracy charges out of this. Great day for America!

Pete Santilli has covered the explosive revelations of John Durham in detail in its transmission program, also published in

As  Fox News also reports  , the IG Justice Department investigation on abuse of FISA is also about to fall:
The Inspector General of the Department of Justice, Michael E. Horowitz, told lawmakers the Senate and House of Representatives Thursday the process of finalizing its report on possible abuses of the Law on Foreign Intelligence Surveillance (FISA) before the presidential elections in 2016 was "almost finished" according to a letter obtained by Fox News.
The "extensive" draft report "refers to sensitive matters of national law enforcement and security , " Horowitz wrote in the letter, adding that he anticipated that "the final report will be published with few newsrooms".
Horowitz said he did not anticipate the need to prepare or issue "separate classified and public versions of the report".


The imminent indictment of traitors deep state means that the Democrats, the media and his conspirators left the deep state are stepping up efforts to eliminate Trump power by any means necessary.
I have published a detailed analysis of the recall effort, covering what is at stake and how it is likely to decrease the effort (in flames):

Follow more of my podcasts in  the channel in HR Report  . Click the Subscribe button below any video to subscribe to the channel and follow all new videos or podcasts as they are released.
Buckle up, folks. The heads are about to roll, which means that the left lawless is about to unleash new false to try to distract America from the truth that is about to be exposed flags.
Read  to stay updated on the latest news of impeachment.

* Why do we publish this?
 It is important to understand this information because it is partially supported by the ignorance of people who once dissipated, people awake now, with this knowledge in hand, you can alert the public about the breach of trust and responsibility by institutions application of the law that already have a legal mandate to enforce the laws but they refuse because they are part around illegal activity.

Posted by EverthThenansehed by Joan Ashtar 

© misteri1963 this publication may be reproduced freely provided respecting its integrity and mention the author / a, as a source of it and include this URL  and notice Copyright


said digital trade was just agreed upon in an agreement by the U.S. and Japan

Resultat d'imatges per a "informe fulford 9 de septiembre de 2019"

Okay. Irvanka said digital trade was just agreed upon in an agreement by the U.S. and Japan. It's also gold backed. Does that have anything to do with crypto currency? No. President Trump specifically stated: He does not support crypto currency.
What is digital trade? digital product means a computer program, text, video, image, sound recording, or other product
that is digitally encoded, produced for commercial sale or distribution, and that can be transmitted
electronically. For greater certainty, digital product does not include a digitized representation of
a financial instrument, including money.


electronic authentication means the process or act of verifying the identity of a party to an
electronic communication or transaction and ensuring the integrity of an electronic
electronic signature means data in electronic form that is in, affixed to, or logically associated
with, an electronic document or message, and that may be used to identify the signatory in relation
to the electronic document or message and indicate the signatory’s approval of the information
contained in the electronic document or message;
government information means non-proprietary information, including data, held by the central
information content provider means a person or entity that creates or develops, in whole or in part, information provided through the Internet or another interactive computer service;
interactive computer service means a system or service that provides or enables electronic access
by multiple users to a computer server;
personal information means information, including data, about an identified or identifiable
natural person;
trade administration document means a form issued or controlled by a Party that must be
completed by or for an importer or exporter in connection with the import or export of goods; and
unsolicited commercial electronic communication means an electronic message, which is sent
to an electronic address of a person for commercial or marketing purposes without the consent of
the recipient or despite the explicit rejection of the recipient.


begins the "great disorder

President Trump said he is ready to start the "great disorder" and that the main US bank is about to collapse - September 22, 2019

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A truly exciting report by the Ministry of Finance (MF) circulating in the Kremlin today confirming that the global banking giant Goldman Sachs warned that global stock markets "are about to become locos in October , "......
Affirms the more accurate word that should be used to describe what lies ahead would be catastrophic, and because one of the biggest US banks is so close to collapse, which the Federal Reserve is quick to keep it afloat with emergency rescue an amazing $ 1.5 trillion, .....

An emergency rescue, however, the Federal Reserve is expanding daily payments of $ 75 billion until 10 October for no alarm and put panic citizens of their nation, but now "wreaking havoc in the interior plumbing of the entire financial system of the United States ", ....

especially since this bank that is about to collapse has not yet been officially named, which makes it said" is better than the Fed discover who they are ... before any financial journalist does, print your name so that everyone can see and start what may soon be the biggest bank run since the financial crisis ", .....

and whose collapse would join the other 566 US banks have failed in the last 24 months, all of which French President Emmanuel Macron, on August 27, told the world to wait with his warning that the "great upheaval" " it has begun, and his assertion that "the international order is being shaken in an unprecedented way by the great upheaval that is certainly happening for the first time in our history, in almost all fields and with a deeply historic magnitude" .. ..
A Macron warning specifically aimed at the United States saying that his was ruling the world has come to an end, such as the French and British empires that preceded them, a fact known by President Donald Trump, who has prepared for this. most critical case that will define the rest of the 21 st Century -DVDs exemplified by his saying in an interview that he hardly noticed in March 2015, months before he decided to run for the presidency, "a country used to have very, very strong because It was based on a gold standard, "and to do so would I had to invoke the unlimited powers to be granted. under the Law of International Economic Emergency Powers (IEEPA) ....
Almost a month ago, Trump had proclaimed an "absolute right" to invoke at any time so decide.
[Note: Some words and / or phrases that appear in quotation marks in this report are approximations of words in English / Russian phrases that do not have an exact counterpart.]

According to this report, with the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, the raison d'etre (reason or justification of existence) for the US to maintain a position of global war ended, which cost the US. UU. More than $ 8 trillion and more than 100,000 lives lost its military forces who fought in the wars in Korea and Vietnam, whose most lasting catastrophic effect was the "Nixon shock" of 1971, and that was when the Americans went on bankrupt and could not pay their debts, which caused President Richard Nixon abolished the Bretton Woods system of international financial exchange existing gold at that time since the end of World War II and substitute in its place what is known as Federal Reserve notes (paper currency called US dollar),

Coinciding with the dissolution of the Soviet Union, this report continues, was the US administration of President Bill Clinton, who together with the chairman of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, knew the system of petrodollars was unsustainable unless the United States wanted really go to war. the world, and knowing this fact, Greenspan saw leading US monetary policy. UU. on a path that followed the signs that would have created a gold standard, especially since Greenspan said queel change in the price of gold is historically parallel to the change in the general price level of goods and services; in other words, it has an inherent stability when seen for decades or even centuries, and whose results saw aClinton yGreenspanpresidir economic unciclo of "

Although both President Clinton and the president of the Federal Reserve, Greenspan, rightly deserve credit for follow signs to the gold standard to prosper the American people and his nation as he drove away from the system of petrodollars, this report points out that the history of the facts shows that continued to build on the foundation president Ronald Reagan had begun to create, as Reagan had asked the United States for decades to return to the gold standard, but it was a destroyed foundation when both President George W. Bush as President Barack Obama began his wars of petrodólares.-that not only have cost the lives of millions, but have destroyed the US economy that Reagan and Clinton spent two decades building.

The central global financial system that controls the system of petrodollars, explains the report, known as the World Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), which links more than 11,000 financial institutions in more than 200 countries and territories, but the United States armed has to use against anyone who opposes him, and in response, saw the System for International Settlements in China (CIPS) created by the Chinese to protect themselves and their allies, and Russia created its System Message Transfer financial (SPPS) for the same reason, and that all banks in Iran have now been connected, and that's why both Russia and China continue to furiously buying all the gold they can.

Unlike the payment system overall armed US SWIFT based on pieces of paper without called Notes Federal Reserve to sustain its system petrodollar value, this report details the systems global payment SPPS Russia and CIPS China depend on gold, and that's why both have been leaving Banknotes of the Federal Reserve as quickly US dollars possible, which, in turn, now hardly see anyone in the world who wants to have US dollars, which leaves Americans no choice but to buy their own debt, but their own banks can not pay, and that's why they are collapsing.

replaced in 1977 by the Economic Powers Act International Emergency (IEEPA) that Trump is able to exercise whenever you want it, and when exercising, now sees it fully supported for your nation return to the gold standard by one of its main economic advisers called Judy Shelton, whom Trump has just nominated to join the Board of the Federal Reserve -More specifically because she called for a new Bretton Woods conference to establish a new world economic order and said sincerely, "we the United States again be great to make money from America back to be great, "but when returning to the United Unidosal gold standard, limits spending US government. UU. just so you can raise taxes or borrow against its gold reserve,

Now you know why JPMorgan Chase is the largest bank in the United States and the sixth largest in the world and it was not necessary to rescue during the 2007 financial crisis bank.

September 22, 2019 © EU and US. UU. All rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition that is linked to its original source in WhatDoesItMean.Com. Free base content licensed under GFDL and CC-BY. .. <>


!!!ATENCIÓN CIUDADANOS DEL MUNDO!!! !!SI ESTO SE COMPRUEBA ESTÁN ACABADOS!!! El New York Times revela que Soros y Clinton pagaron a las mujeres para acusar a Trump

Tania Vega

La evidencia ha surgido de que el dinero vinculado a Hillary Clinton y George Soros se usó para pagar a las mujeres con el fin de compensar las afirmaciones falsas de que el presidente Trump las había agredido sexualmente, según un informe de la bomba en el  New York Times . Al escribir para The Hill, el reportero de investigación John Solomon,  revela que la abogada Lisa Bloom realizó pagos  a mujeres que estaban dispuestas a presentarse alegando que habían sido acosadas sexualmente por Donald Trump.El dinero era un señuelo.Según el informe, uno de los acusadores había pagado la hipoteca de su casa, mientras que al otro se le ofreció un pago en efectivo de $ 750,000.

Los nombres de dos de los patrocinadores fueron revelados por el NY Times el domingo y ambos están vinculados a la Resistencia, George Soros y Hillary Clinton.Apenas esta semana se reveló que Soros invirtió la friolera de $ 3 millones en el New York Times al devorar una gran parte de las acciones de la compañía.
¿Podría esta adquisición ser una forma de controlar la narrativa de la publicación sobre tales historias sobre el futuro?
The  New York Times  nombró a David Brock, un secuaz de George Soros, y a Susie Tompkins Buell, la amiga de Clinton, quien dirigió cientos de miles de dólares al esfuerzo antes del día de las elecciones.
«Dos demócratas familiarizados con los arreglos dijeron que un grupo sin fines de lucro fundado por el Sr. Brock, de la Fundación American Bridge 21st Century, dio $ 200,000, mientras que la empresaria de moda Susie Tompkins Buell, una importante donante de la suite de grupos del Sr. Brock, dio $ 500,000 a la Sra. La firma de Bloom para el último esfuerzo.»No fue productivo. «Una mujer solicitó $ 2 millones, dijo Bloom, luego decidió no presentarse. Tampoco lo hizo ninguna otra mujer».
Su página de Facebook es de extrema izquierda e incluye soporte para el grupo de odio marxista Black Lives Matter.David Brock no solo tiene vínculos con Hillary Clinton y George Soros, sino que es la Resistencia, no solo con Trump sino con Fox News.Donó $ 200,000 al esfuerzo.
En enero del año pasado, el  Washington Free Beacon  obtuvo un  memo confidencial  de David Brock, aliado de Clinton, que alega que usará su PAC, American Bridge, para poner en marcha las ruedas y destituir al presidente.Este será un proyecto de varios años.Esperaba construir una red de donantes que compita con los Koch Brothers, de derecha.Tuvo éxito en la formación de la red sombría.
Brock reunió a izquierdistas con mucho dinero para financiar la campaña bien organizada de actividades subversivas para derribar al presidente.El memo / manifiesto sobre el plan, » Democracy Matters: Strategic Plan for Action «, describe la agenda de cuatro años de Brock para atacar a Trump y los republicanos usando Media Matters, American Bridge, Ciudadanos para la Responsabilidad y la Ética en Washington (CREW), y Shareblue, Cada uno con su propia estrategia y plan de ataque.Clinton negó saber sobre los esfuerzos y la Sra. Bloom dijo que el dinero no era para recompensas sino para garantizar la protección de las mujeres que se presentaban.Bloom sostuvo que representaba solo a clientes cuyas historias había corroborado y disputó la premisa de que ofreció dinero a los clientes para convencerlos de que se presentaran, informó el periódico.»Pagaríamos por la defensa legal de los acusadores de Trump», dijo Brock a  Politico .En el mismo informe, la sombría madre y abogada de Bloom, Gloria Allred, le dijo a  Político : «Si alguna mujer que hace acusaciones de conducta inapropiada se comunique conmigo, me complacería hablar con ellas y luego decidir si podría representarlas». . ”John Solomon  señaló en su informe que los esfuerzos de Bloom para presentar acusadores incluían «ofrecer vender historias de presuntas víctimas a los medios de TV a cambio de una comisión para ella misma, organizar un donante para pagar la hipoteca de un acusador de Trump e intentar obtener una hipoteca». calcule el pago para otra mujer que finalmente se negó a presentarse después de que se le ofreció tanto como $ 750,000 «.Hay otros donantes y uno puede imaginarlos a todos como parte del movimiento de destitución de Brock.
* ¿Por qué publicamos esto?

Es importante comprender esta información porque está parcialmente respaldada por la ignorancia de la gente, que una vez disipada, la gente ahora despierta, con este conocimiento en mano, puede alertar al público sobre el incumplimiento de la confianza y el deber por parte de las instituciones de aplicación de la ley que ya tienen un mandato legal para hacer cumplir las leyes pero se niegan porque forman parte en torno a la actividad ilegal .

Publicado por Thenansehed  a través de Joan Ashtar  
©misteri1963 ésta publicación puede reproducirse libremente a condición de respetar su integridad y mencionar al autor/a, como fuente de la misma y se incluya esta URL y el aviso del Copyright

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...