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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Galactic Federation:. Mostrar todas las entradas


Collective Ascension Template Mission by the Celestial White Beings

Greetings, we are the Celestial White Beings, labelled so because of our pure white celestial light. We reside within the Multi- Universal and Cosmic Levels of the Creator which means that we receive the intentions of the Creator in their purest form before they are distributed through the 352 dimensions of the Creator’s Universe. While there are many planets, stars and places of inhabitancy within the Universe of the Creator, Mother Earth and all those that reside upon her are held dearly in our hearts. The Earth is moving through such tremendous acceleration in both technology and spirituality that many on the inner planes are investing their energy, love and support to create a most beautiful outcome. The Earth is creating a template of light, consciousness and growth which will be used for generations to come on the Earth and other places of inhabitancy throughout the Universe of the Creator. The template will be the most unique and awe-inspiring creation because it will hold the wisdom and knowledge of how to reawaken and return to oneness with the Creator as a collective civilisation and as an individual. Many civilisations such as the Lemurians, Atlanteans and even the Ancient Egyptians as a collective consciousness and civilisation tried to create a pure template that would guide and support other civilisations in moving through ascension as a collective and experiencing the greatest embodiment of light never before experienced on the Earth. Those currently present upon the Earth, whatever age they may be, have consented on a soul level to try once more to create and form this divine template of how to achieve collective ascension.
Personal ascension is appropriate and needed, your own inner exploration and spiritual advancements will add to and energise the creation of the Collective Ascension Template, however there is a greater goal that resides within the depths of your soul and that is to serve others and support their inner reunion with the Creator. This simple mission of being of service is the beginning of the creation of the Collective Ascension Template. You may have noticed that you are more eager or inspired to help, care for and inspire others, or maybe you find yourself becoming irritated that the people around you aren’t progressing spiritually quick enough. These are all symptoms of the mission of creating, awakening and grounding into your reality the Collective Ascension Template.

Why is the Collective Ascension Template Mission Manifesting Now?

Humanity has moved through a major transitional process which began many years before 2012 and is now beginning to subside. This transitional process allowed for many illusions, and old templates of light and consciousness to fall away. Humanity realised that they could access an incredible power within them and had the divine right to use it. A focus has been placed on releasing the illusion of being unloved, controlled, helpless, judged or judging, unable to make a difference, and being disconnected from the world, self and the Creator. With these boundaries beginning to fall, humanity is able to realise the power they hold as individuals and how they can positively impact their reality, and more importantly the power humanity has as a collective. With an awareness of individual and collective power growing so this allows the mission that many generations have tried to achieve to be revealed once more. It is as if it has been dormant, waiting until the appropriate vibration and frequency of energy is achieved once more upon the Earth. Your soul has been present within each civilisation that tried to create the Collective Ascension Template and so this is why, we, the Celestial White Beings, are bringing to your awareness this mission which you may have long forgotten and yet its energy and presence remains within your soul.
Some of you may be holding onto wounds from past experiences of creating the Collective Ascension Template, you may also hold within your being parts of the template which were created before and are still relevant and needed for this current creation of the Collective Ascension Template. In truth, you hold within you a healing process which will allow you to gift new wisdom and light to the template as well as ancient wisdom which may have been long forgotten. There is a need to re-access this abundant energy within you and gift it to the Collective Ascension Template Chamber within Lord Buddha’s Planetary Level Ashram which has been created to house the construction of the template. The template is being formed by every soul currently on the Earth and this is why it is being housed within the Planetary Level of the Creator’s Universe.
With a new energy, era and dimension dawning and awakening upon the Earth, a sense of liberation is manifesting and humanity is being given the role of creator. Becoming the creators of the New Earth, an Earth that all wish to experience, Earth that is aligned so deeply with the Creator and the Creator is recognised in every present moment. One person leading the Earth forward to experience heaven on Earth is no longer appropriate and will only manifest in situations which have been previously experienced. Humanity is being invited to re-discover their untied consciousness, their infinite connection with all that is the Creator, including all sentient beings on the Earth and Mother Earth herself. When this natural and eternal connection is once again realised then humanity will regain their power as a collective, this will be the foundation of the Collective Ascension Template. From there on, the Collective Ascension Template will record all that humanity achieves as individuals and more importantly as a collective to heal, create peace and raise the vibration of the Earth. Many beings on the inner planes will assist in fine tuning the template and offering humanity guidance to create the most beautiful existence for the Earth.

How Can You Play Your Role in the Collective Ascension Template?

1st Practice: There is first a need for you to recognise that your soul has agreed to support the formation of the Collective Ascension Template for the Earth now. This means that your spiritual development, healing and inner awakening is positively impacting the creation of the template and a guide for generations to come of how to evolve through the Earth school as a collective consciousness. In order to embody this fully, there will be a need for you to let go of the understanding that spiritual growth only occurs through suffering, pain, hardship and challenges. You may believe that you have let go of this belief, we, the Celestial White Beings, invite you to contemplate any suffering, pain, hardship and challenges that are continuing to manifest in your reality. The more you can detach from the drama of such situations and simply realise the message or change that needs to take place, doing so without affirming it as an opportunity to grow spiritually, the more these situations will dissolve. There is a need to open your awareness to the positive experiences in your life or the shifts that occur without drama, affirming these as powerful lessons and growth processes of your spiritual evolution. This will not only create a major transformation within your being and life, it will impact the collective consciousness of humanity majorly. Resulting in less disasters, suffering and pain of all forms for humanity as a collective and inhabitant of Mother Earth.
2nd Practice: Focusing upon your connections is immensely important. There is a need to build your awareness of your connection with your body, etheric body, emotional body, mental body, spiritual body, soul, as well as your creations in your reality, the people in your life and across the entire world. The animals, nature kingdom, in truth everything that is a part of the Earth, which includes Mother Earth. This can sound like an enormous and lengthy task to achieve and yet it can be achieved in a few minutes of meditation or quiet time.
Allow yourself to enter into a peaceful state of being, focusing on your breathing. Imagine the energy of your soul within your heart and recognise the colour it is emanating. Imagine, sense or acknowledge that you radiate the colour of your soul into your entire body, recognising each part of our body and auric field for a moment. Then extend the colour of your soul into your surroundings imagining the light connecting with people, situations, even your home and surrounding areas. Then expand the energy of your soul further to connect with all the people on the Earth, all the animals, nature, everything you can imagine, as soon as you think of the connection it is created. Then simply enjoy the experience of being in the energy of the collective.
As you have emanated the light from your soul, this means you are connecting to the soul level of all beings, you are connecting with the light in everyone and are completely safe and protected. The more you experience the practice the more it will become your natural existence, accessing the power of the collective at a soul level. You will also notice the way you act and react to people being very different. Wisdom from the collective energy of all upon the Earth may dawn to inspire you.
3rd Practice: Be aware that when you achieve or approach things as a collective, you access a power that creates beauty, transformation and truth. The collective can mean being connected and accepting of your entire being, co-creating with your guides, angels, etc, or realising that when you join with other human beings with a unified understanding much can be created. Try to approach your reality, experiences and create transformations from this perspective.
4th Practice: Ask within you during meditation or quiet time,
‘I invite my soul to reveal to me the wounds that are required to be healed from my previous attempts of creating the Collective Ascension Template. I invite the Celestial White Beings to co-create with me the healing process that is essential, allowing me to heal with ease and perfection.’
(Take time to recognise whether anything comes to your awareness that needs to be healed and invite the Celestial White Beings to bring forth healing.)
‘I invite my soul to bring forth the wisdom, energy, consciousness or love I have already discovered in the past when attempting to create the Collective Ascension Template. I now ask that this wisdom is returned to my current embodiment and returned through my expression to the Collective Ascension Template within Lord Buddha’s Planetary Ashram.’
(Take time to receive, whether you believe you have received or not, send energy to the Collective Ascension Template within Lord Buddha’s Planetary Ashram.)
I allow myself to connect with the Collective Ascension Template within Lord Buddha’s Planetary Ashram. I allow myself to receive its sacred energy and any wisdom it wishes to share with me. I recognise myself as a co-creator.
(Take time to connect and receive.)
We are present to assist and serve you,
The Celestial White Beings
Natalie Glasson’s Soul Group


Rafael Jophiel Elohim is with Raul Gonzalez and Raul Castillo González. 
October 15 at 08:56 

By the end of the month ... FLEET WILL Federation starships paseíllos and acrobatics in the skies of major cities of the planet 's surface. 


MORE AND MORE LIGHT SHOWS unknown in our skies ... 


THE GOAL IS TO BE UNQUESTIONABLE for us they are here ... THAT ARE ELSEWHERE ... and most importantly ... WE LOVE. 



EVIDENCE will become true for everyone, ... AND QUICKLY gain momentum, .... a pulse quicken unstoppably ... FOR GOVERNMENTS AND corruptly .. . 

EVIDENCE WILL PUBLICLY LES recognize the existence of our brothers STARS AND BROTHERS intraterrestrial ...

Be at peace ... NOT LET YOU FAKE BANDERAS ... FAKE AS SHIPS FLEET ... GREAT ATTACKS OR ... In these crucial moments ... 

when you see ... BREATHE and smile, ... COMES THE CAVALRY !!! 🤗😍😉

Melatiah AA 21/11/32 Rafael Jophiel

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved.You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL is included and the Copyright Notice


The New Reality of Unity by Archangel Uriel

The Solar Level of the Creator’s Universe is represented by a copper golden colour and overseen by Helios and Vesta. The purpose of the Solar Level is to bring forth the balanced energy of the Masculine and Feminine vibrations of the Creator, giving birth to new creations born from balance and unity. The Solar Level supports the magnification, empowerment, and expansion of light and is likened to the radiant glow of the sun.
We, the Angelic Kingdom, embody both the Masculine and Feminine energies equally within our energy fields, although we do not recognise the energies as either Masculine or Feminine, their unified creation is simply an integrated aspect of all that we are. In truth, we are unable to bring forth an idea or concept of separation within our essence. However, we recognise that understanding, discovering and remembering the presence of the Divine Masculine and Feminine is an integral aspect of the Earth Ascension School. There are many levels and dimensions within the Universe of the Creator where the separation of the Divine Masculine and Feminine are honoured and explored. As well as areas where the unity and integration of these two sacred aspects of the Creator are celebrated and experienced fully as an awakening of remembrance of the Creator.
I, Archangel Uriel, wish to bring your awareness to the Solar Level due to the brilliant and awe-inspiring awakening and emanation taking place from this level of the Creator’s Universe. Helios and Vesta, the overseers and representatives of the Solar Level are bringing forth a new intention which is already in action at the Solar Level and is manifesting within the Planetary Level and earthly vibrations. The Solar Level is merging the Divine Masculine and Feminine at a higher frequency and vibration than ever before, this means that the light being created is sublime, powerful and impactful for all. A higher frequency of synthesised light of the Divine Masculine and Feminine is available now for all to download in order to create a sacred activation and remembrance within your being. This will create an alignment with the energy of unity and oneness that will be breathtakingly inspiring promoting new understandings of yourself, reality and spiritual growth.
Helios and Vesta
Even more remarkable is that Helios and Vesta are receiving direct guidance from the Creator of intentions to be placed into the core of the Solar Level in order to give birth to new creations of unity. Thus, the Solar Level core is creating new manifestations, new energies and even a new reality of unity and oneness for all to explore. While the energy is being created within the Solar Level, every person has a direct connection with the Solar Level within their soul. Therefore, the transformations are already beginning to take place within your soul, radiating into your entire being and reality.
Using the word, ‘reality,’ I, Archangel Uriel, am speaking of a view of self and surroundings. Each person and soul have a personal view of self and surroundings, even of the Creator. This view or reality is open to shifts, transformations and alterations, thus a reality is never the same, meaning a perspective can never be the same in any present moment. The Solar Level is creating a new reality of unity and oneness, this is a new view, perspective, understanding, and experience of the Creator’s union, this vibration has never been experienced within the earthly realms, Planetary Level and Solar Level. This signifies that humanity has consented through their soul to embody a transformation focused on unity and to let go of old concepts and ideas of what unity and oneness is and how it is in action through them. Imagine a new idea of what unity is, how it is to exist as and emanate unity, as well as how it would influence your life. It is impossible to imagine what a new perspective of unity would be like and how it would impact your awareness and inner wisdom, this is because it has never before been experienced in these dimensions. However, you do already embody the new reality of unity because you have existed in other dimensions of higher frequency than the Solar Level and you are an embodiment of all that is the Creator. The process is a remembrance experience for your soul and a new activation and embodiment for your physical being.

Downloading the Energy of the New Reality of Unity

I, Archangel Uriel, wish to invite you to download the energy of the new reality of unity being created within the Solar Level core. It doesn’t matter if you do not understand it or that you cannot comprehend what it would be like to perceive from a space and state of balanced Divine Masculine and Feminine. Simply allow yourself to be a receiving source of the new reality being created.
During meditation or quiet time, imagine that you are existing within a copper golden chamber of light, before you is the most brilliant and exquisite sun, beaming upon you. This sun is safe for you to gaze into and receive its sacred rays of light. Allow yourself to bathe and receive the light of the Solar Level core for as long as feels appropriate.
When you feel ready, state your intention, ‘I allow myself to be a receiving source of the Solar Level’s new manifestations, creations, and reality of unity, oneness, and balance. I invite a new reality and view of unity, oneness, and balance to be downloaded and activated through my soul and brought into full embodiment and action within my being. I am now ready to let go of old ideas and concepts of unity, oneness, balance, and harmony replacing these with a new view as created by the Creator and the Solar Level core. Thank you, I am now ready to receive and open myself to accept all that is appropriate.’
Imagine, sense or acknowledge that from the centre of the Solar Level core existing before you a new manifestation of energy emerges, the Solar Level is giving birth to a new reality of unity. The Solar Level will gift this energy to you in the most appropriate way for you. Please be aware of any symbols, visions, insights or sensations that dawn as you receive the download of light. Receive for as long as feels appropriate.
Next, take your focus into your Soul Star Chakra above your head and acknowledge or simply know that your soul is activating, bringing forth remembrance and truth into your current embodiment. Follow the stream of your soul light from your Soul Star Chakra down through your chakra column and into your Earth Star Chakra below your feet. Acknowledge that you are bringing the new reality of unity and oneness from your soul into manifestation and grounding within your being. Your soul will rewire your entire being, creating new chemical reactions within your body that will shift the programming of your physical body and awaken new possibilities within your being at a physical and spiritual level. You are giving your soul permission to upgrade your entire being and energy field in order to allow you to exist with a new view of yourself and your surroundings.
Remember that there is no need for you to comprehend or understand how your new reality of unity and oneness will appear. Simply know the energy has been downloaded and the understanding will dawn with divine timing. It is not for you to comprehend, more so it is for you to be aware of the presence of balance, unity, oneness, harmony and the synthesis of the Divine Masculine and Feminine within your being and reality. When you are aware of the opposite, invite your soul to bring forth the new reality of unity and oneness into the area, situation, experience to manifest transformation and further ground the energy into your being and everyday life.
I, Archangel Uriel, am present to support you,
With angelic peace,
Archangel Uriel


Galactc Actually

Galactic Parentals take their leave.
Gaia Higher Dimensionals take the lead.
Ascending Spirals are recognized and followed.
Marshalls complete their mission


Pleiades 1 Message for the Alliance

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE / SdE !!

Higher updates happen as openings are given.

Main code of abundant release analyzed by security. Protocol 1 remains.

Attention *Arpetromus, The Guardian of the Star! Deep releases occur as New is Sustained.

Attention *Hermitath, The Gatekeeper! Special Projector Upgrade in progress: 56% (non-regressive).

Knights and Amazons announced.

*Hérga, the Sorceress: Line illumination in progress: 49% (non-regressive). The Light Celebrates!

Attention, The *Return of the Magicians (Urena, Meloni and Aklero), Projector support for Enlightenment started: 62% (non-regressive).

The *Return of the Magician (Urena, Meloni and Aklero): Line Lighting in progress: 59% (non-regressive). The Light Celebrates!

Attention, The *Spanish Line! Projector support for illumination initiated: 64% (non-regressive).

Attention, Terrans! Immediate call for karmic transmutation! Primary waves being sent! 7/7 Grace is Grace! The Light Celebrates!

Microparticular accelerators released for special ambiance.

Lady of the Lord harmonizes and invigorates PVSE by retransmission.

End of Transmission


By Gabriel RL.



Energy Update: We Are Entering New Timelines As Old Timelines Collapse To Make Way For The New Higher Consciousness

by EraOfLight
itstime eraoflightdotcom
Blessings Beloveds,
Huge Timeline Shifts Occurring For The Last Two Weeks
Timeline shifts continue and are growing stronger. I first reported this (in this cycle) in my article on August 12 you can find here, then another article August 20th ( here) and now a third article today a week later. Many are wondering what is going on with this HIGHER/elevated energy that is occurring and this is it. This means we have been shifting timelines for over 2 weeks now and there is no end in sight. What does this mean for us in the Ascension process? It means we are on a HUGE Upward swing in the Ascension process like no other. This has not been seen before by me and I have been reporting on energy changes and shifting timelines /dimensions since 2010.

Many of you may have been feeling something BIG has been happening and that is because it IS!  You may be tuning into energy and feeling this as many lightworkers are feeling this change taking place. The light worker is actually the first Divine Being on the scene as they are the first ones to feel the effects of energy changes. They in many ways are far ahead in the fact that they are actually feeling energy. The lightworker/starseed may feel alone/isolated but they are actually a HUGE group of countless thousands that are helping to bring this SHIFT in.

Mandela Effect With Changing Timelines
You may have noticed the Mandela effects I have talked about in my last 2 articles. This week we had a new celebrity death that has already occurred with Robin Leach. I remember him dying at least one time before. If you do not remember his past death, you can try to forge it into your memory this time as it will most likely happen again, in the many times we are changing timelines. I talk about the other recent celebrity deaths /Mandela effects in my other articles highlighted above.

How does the Mandela effect change timelines? The Mandela effect is a symptom of the changing timelines. There are many Mandelea effects out there, yet the most conclusive ones to me are always celebrity deaths. Its always interesting to me when a report of a Mandela effect person has passed on and yet there is no recent memory of them in the public eye for years before this and many of them would continue to be in the public eye if they were in fact still living. This is a small detail to try to also remember.

So what does this mean for our new timeline and how has the new timeline changed?
There has been a huge desire for many light workers and those working on themselves/their own inner growth and awareness to start to now live in Truth and speak their truth with letting the chips fall where they may. We can see this happening every day, as more speak out. We see it in 3D society as well as our personal lives. The urge to speak the truth and only truth is HUGE and getting stronger with each upgrade we go through.

There have been more compassionate feelings going through our bodies at this time. When we hear about someone going through rough times, we are now feeling like this is happening to us. Why is this taking place? because we becoming closer to becoming one unified field of energy. The care of animals is also taking a higher place in society through the changing timelines as the compassion can be felt on all levels.
Hidden / Dark Traits Coming To The Surface
Many are dealing with their own hidden/dark traits coming to the surface for cleansings and clearing. This is happening on a scale not seen before. This might present itself as dark night of the soul for those not familiar with the cleansing process. With one who is aware it will manifest as out of alignment/ thinking/feeling/ acting. They then start to notice that this behavior is not how they want to present themselves to the world. This is the chance to work on these dark/ hidden aspects of self and come into alignment with the Divine Creator.


Many are feeling a deep connection to others and feeling a need for this deeper connection. This is necessary and will increase as the Ascension process continues and goes deeper into every aspect of oneself. The goal of ascension is to bring all that is hidden to the surface/ so that everyone becomes at the same/ or close to the same level of enlightenment. This is the connection we are feeling as the many start to come closer.

Breathing Issues

Many are reporting having breathing issues these last 2 weeks. This is because the air changes as we reach higher levels of consciousness and our lungs need to adapt to these changes as they take place. This has happened before and will happen each time we reach a higher timeline. The light body is working on our bodies to reach the maximum state of enlightenment and will implement small changes as time continues.

Authenticity Increasing

There is a feeling now of wanting to step out of the crowd and be our authentic self. This comes from the Divine Connection we have entered into through the new timelines. We came here to be who we really are, not a fake/programmed/conditioned version of ourselves. This urge becomes stronger, the more enlightened we become.


As we become higher in awareness, we are automatically brought closer to the galactic tribes. As we become closer to the galactic tribe, they become more aware of us. This is how they have made themselves known to me, through my own higher awareness. As each person steps into the higher timelines, more unknowns will be waiting for them as they pass through. They must be ready for this higher awareness, and be able to HOLD the higher energies as this takes place. Fear must be discarded as each person learns to set boundaries in their reality. In my own beginning stages this was something I needed to learn by way of out of this dimension experiences.

I will continue to update on these changes as become closer to UNITY consciousness.
In Service and Love
Diane Canfield.

Copyright © 2018 Era of Light All Rights Reserved.


The Freewill and Soul

by EraOfLight
Welcome to you this fine morning. Somebody wrote in asking if you would talk to us about ‘Free will’. For you say, no one can take it away from us. Yet, many would beg to differ. He wrote ‘How can anybody claim that we are down here making choices of our own “Free will” when we are clearly in no position to do so? No – any “choice” that humans are making here in his place is being made without access to“all the facts” and out of a distorted and heavily manipulated state of consciousness, indeed in many cases, “choices” are being made under duress.  Would you care to speak about this please?
Welcome to you and indeed, it is a fine morning from the beautiful country in which you reside. Not all can say the same weather wise and yet, perhaps that discussion is for another communication.
There is so much involved with … so much, that sometimes it is not always so easy to condense such vast topics into a conversation such as ours.
This matter of ‘Free will’ is a curious one. For we have stated only recently, that one cannot take away ‘Free will’ of your soul. However, there is much manipulation through controversy and mind influence that suggests one … does not/is not … able to be FREE to do exactly what they want.
Well, on our Planet … one would say this is very much the case. For there is much control taking place in many, many areas of our lives. Which definitely takes away our choices, therefore, our ‘Free will’ surely?
Yet, you CAN CHOOSE how you CHOOSE to CHOOSE!
In that … there is an acceptance of certain probabilities … at this stage in ‘The Game’ … regarding things … out of/ beyond your … control. The way governments and their agendas are run … and not excluding those that reach far above that of the government protocol. However … and we reiterate … at this stage in ‘The Game’ … you do have the ‘Free will’ to CHOOSE the way in which you decide to … think about/ behave towards … such matters that are occurring.
NO-ONE can take away your KNOWING of ‘EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT’ … no matter what is presented outwardly. And should one so CHOOSE to hang on to that KNOWING above all else, no matter how things appear … then ‘EVERYTHING ‘WILL’ BE ALRIGHT.’ You have the ‘Free will’ to make these decisions.
You have on your Planet what is known as THE LAW OF ATTRACTION. It is a law unto itself. That which you think, you attract.
The Energy in which you CHOOSE to Vibrate regarding your thoughts and desires, is the ultimate key as to whether or not such desires come to you sooner rather than later. This too, is your ‘Free will’.
One can moan and complain until they are blue in the face. This too, is ‘Free will’.
One can adopt a change within their thought patterns of negativity and change their lives around, literally, due to their focus on that which they desire and Vibrating on the knowing that it is theirs. You have the FREE WILL to BE YOURSELF.
Yet, do we? Are there not those who are able to control our minds through microwaves etc?
Yes. This is so.
Then this would prevent ‘Free will’ would it not?
Yes. It would. Yet, we would state that ‘The Self’ … the ‘True Self’ … can be aware of this and break through that mind manipulation. This matter is intense and complicated. There are also certain drugs that are used to manipulate one’s thought pattern and one could say that they too, take away ‘Free choice/will.’
Even from this knowing, we would still say that the soul … the will of the soul … has the power to break through that which one feels they cannot control.
The Power of the soul is more than you CHOOSE to imagine.
The Power that is within you is more than you can imagine.
Yet, isn’t that because a lot of our imagination/skills/tools were … taken away/shut down? Where is the ‘Free will’ in that?
It is within your soul. It remains in your soul. Your ‘tools’ to access this Power have merely been ‘put to sleep’ … and yet NOW in these Glorious days … THEY ARE AWAKENING. YOU ARE AWAKENING. Each one … in their own choice of time.
Ok. So, let me question that … ‘In their own choice of time’. Surely, if one knew about this possibility … we would all wake up immediately in order to access this power?
Not so, Blossom. There are those who have settled so deeply into their slumber that they have ‘chosen’ to ‘keep things as they are’… so as not to disturb the Peace. You have to understand that there are souls who do not want to face up to the reality of what is actually going on. It is too much for them to have to deal with and therefore, their choice, to remain closed down.
Is that laziness? Why is that?
Free will!
Yet, why would they choose this? For surely each one of us ‘deep down’ knows we are of spirit, not flesh … and … of the LOVE that we TRULY are. However deep down it rests for some.
Yes … and yet, EVOLUTION of the soulself has the … right to/the ‘Free will’ to … take everything at one’s own pace. Just because one soul may desire to ‘Blossom’ more quickly than another … does not mean that either is right or wrong. All souls CHOOSE their path in this experience/experiment.
As your friend and ours … the Beloved White Cloud, has spoken off … Some may take a bus that takes you on the scenic route around the country side … Some may take a bus that takes you up the busy highway … Some choose straight through, no stops … Others like to stop for a while and take in different opportunities. Either way … the bus … at some point arrives at the same destination.
Each soul’s evolution is marked out for them … by themselves!
Their choice, their ‘Free will’ to play this Game any way they CHOOSE. Any lifetime they CHOOSE. As many lifetimes as they CHOOSE. On a soul level, there … is always/will always … be ‘Free will’ to CHOOSE ALL THAT ONE DESIRES TO EXPERIENCE … for ever and ever and ever!
Ok. This is delving down the rabbit hole and deep into the warren yet, some say/believe … that we live in a computerised matrix. The movie ‘The Matrix’ is a fine ‘trigger’ to awaken to those possibilities. IF that is the case … where is the ‘Free will? ‘
The choice to take the blue or the red pill! IF … that is the case that you are living in such a programme.
I would be hung, drawn and quartered if I let the opportunity pass by to ask … Are we?
And we, Dearest Blossom, are not here to say ‘Yea or Nay’ to that answer. As indeed, we are not here to say ‘Yea or Nay’ to whether or not this is a flat earth or a round one … or whether or not a Light ship of massive proportion is soon to arrive in your skies. We are not here to disclose these things.
Do you know the answers?
Yes. Yet, also consider the possibilities that ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. Therefore, it ‘could be’ … that there is neither a ‘Yea or Nay’ answer to such questions … because the answer may be different depending on that which each one desires to concentrate on.
So complicated! One question leads to a billion more … none of which gives a straight answer. No offence to you.  I have a job to do here … as do you. And we both are IN LOVE and TRUST to do this to the best of our capabilities, coming from our individual positions.  I get that. One day I will know answers to things that you are unable to divulge right now. When I am in a Higher Vibration to understand more.
May we say this?
You have the ‘Free will’ to say whatever you like!
Are we ‘residing in it’?
If you CHOOSE to believe you are, yes. If you CHOOSE to believe you are not … no!
Yep … get all that … and I (and many others) know the key is within our grasp. We just can’t seem to get it to fit in the lock! If we could, believe me, I would be flinging that door open so fast, it would drop off its hinges!
We would ask you to consider to be gentle with yourself. Is it not that any soul prefers to ‘come round’ from their slumber in a slow, Peaceful, gentle fashion? Rather than being awoken by an alarm clock set to loud rock and roll!
Nothing wrong with a bit of rock and roll. Yet, I understand what you are saying and if ‘I’ get the point, then everyone else will, also.
The stirring arising within your Beings in these most extraordinary days are preperational signals to … Be alert. Be aware. Be guarded. Be guided.
For as each day comes to rest and a new dawn presents … you are ever closer to the Gifts that are to unfold before your very eyes. Gifts that will swell your heart to bursting point … for the WAVE OF LOVE that is to flow … over/through … your Divine Gaia is so very close now.
Hold on to this knowledge. For as Truths untold get told … you may lose sight of the wonders ahead that will take you into a Higher position. The one that you came here to bring about.
This Change … this wondrous … change/chain of events … will show you the Lighted pathway through to your destiny/destination.
We Love you so very much …
Ditto! Many, many thanks my friends. Until next time.
Until next time … indeed.
Channel: Blossom Goodchild
Please revisit The Invocation ‘We are the Game Changers’ whenever the mood takes you … to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.

Copyright © 2018 Era of Light All Rights Reserved

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...