
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta consciousness. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta consciousness. Mostrar todas las entradas

30 de noviembre de 2023




What is the plan for ascension?


Hello my dear living lights.

Well I am sure by now you have realized that you were not given a blueprint for ascension.

(No easy way to out).

In a 3D world you had a manipulated blueprint or model showing you what to do. 

You would know what to expect and what not to expect and therefore would move through the process with more grace and ease that you do now. 

But as you all realized, you don’t live in a same world, a 3 Dimensional world so you blindly stumble along trying figuring it out as you go.

Much of your energy is spent learning that you have many misconceptions of what the ascension process is and isn’t.

These misconceptions created a lot of the pain that you experience along the way. 

For example, there is a misconception that we can ascend without having to experience our fears or knowing the truth of reality and  who you all are. 

Oh how wonderful it would be if that was really true.

This short multiverse squadron lesson is to help dispel some of these misconceptions that cause you to stumble and also to provide something of a blueprint for the process. 

This blueprint, of course, is based on my own experiences as well as those of the beautiful souls who I am honored to work with, to know and who walk the path alongside me.

So let’s begin with the basics.

What is ascension?

"On an individual level, ascension is the process of changing one’s consciousness from one reality, based on one set of beliefs, to another".

On a group or planetary level, ascension is the collective expansion of a state of consciousness (set of beliefs) to the point where that consciousness creates a new reality, a completely new state of being or dimension.

Example: you are collectively creating now the 5th dimensional consciousness through your individual ascension processes.

Okay, I realize I have thrown a new thought in here, that being that a dimension is a state of consciousness. 

Maybe it's best if we stop and look at this before we go any further, because you really need to understand consciousness, dimensions and everything else we talk about in the Universe classes before you can truly understand the ascension process.

A review of what is a dimension?

A dimension is a state of consciousness.

Now how can that be? 

Well, when you look at what you know about dimensions, what you find is that each is about a unique set of beliefs, knowledge of truth. 

For example: 3D is about the belief that, this is the only life that you have and if you can’t touch it, taste it, see it, feel it or hear it, it doesn’t exist.

Is that pretty close? 

Yes I guess so in the 3D mindset.

Now in 5D, which I will fully we activated for everyone who is ready to ascend is about Unity consciousness where you realize that you are all connected. 

Connected through something Greater like Quantum energy field and you understand and live in oneness (there is a misconception of what unity consciousness looks like and I will address it in the next lesson. 

The 5th Dimension what will it be like?

Your current 3D-4D consciousness was not established until enough people began to believe the same way. 

And the current 5D consciousness was not established until enough of the people have existing there, figured out how to live in unity. 

So when enough people live a set of beliefs they, the collective create a dimension frequency.

Going further, a state of consciousness/dimension vibrates as a certain frequency just as all physical matter has a distinguishing vibration or frequency. 

In our universe, as I mentioned it before, the closer we get to the integration point of Dark and Light onto the same mindset, the faster we vibrate (compassion being the integration point with the fastest vibratory rate).

So, if a whole group of people like 18 of you inhere acquire a particular set of beliefs, in this case, the understanding of how to live at the integration point between Dark and Light, then you all begin to vibrate at that particular rate. 

This vibratory rate is also known as a frequency.

Continuing on, you as a group vibration creates a new consciousness, a new reality, and a new dimension by the individuals in the group expressing themselves emotionally, creatively, etc.

With this frequency we can change things of happening or not happening among other things. I hope this all makes sense to you.

Sometimes I find it difficult trying to explain to you the battle or process we are in and type of frequency vibration required with our Posts attached as public notice to succeed.  Now here we have also a multidimensional concepts, a bit challenging because there are so many levels to them. I can see them in my mind but getting them down on writing is another matter.

Now that we have a basic understanding of consciousness, dimensions and frequency, let’s get back to the ascension.

How do we ascend?

Simply stated, you ascend by clearing our emotional blocks, integrating the fears that are the basis of those blocks, and transmuting the anger, hatred, guilt, blame and shame in those blocks into compassion. 

You don't need to associate or make contact with anyone to make this possible. 

All this can be done consciously in within yourselfs.

In each of your emotional blocks there is judgment of the dark emotions (those I already stated above). 

As you learn to accept, value and use those emotions in a balanced manner, you balance the Dark side of yourselves.

On the outside, as you learn to value and appreciate those who express those dark emotions in their roles as your teachers (i.e., those who play dark roles because they have spiritual contracts with us to do so), we balance the Light and Dark in your reality. 

Once again, another multidimensional concept condensed into a sentence or two. 

This is why you need to balance yourself first.

As you clear your blocks you shift your consciousness.

You  become less judgmental, thus more compassionate. 

So your consciousness shifts first and your physical body follows suit. 

Thirdly, your external reality begins to reflect back the new consciousness that you are expressing. 

Thus, the physical reality slowly shifts also.

So every day, as you allow your guides to bring your lessons forward so that you can clear them, you are ascending. 

Each time you clear a block and experience the joy of gratitude and appreciation and compassion, you are ascending.

Let’s recap this one.... in  Q & A

Q. Ascension occurs when you?

A. Are willing to clear your blocks.

"Clear a block, integrate a fear by experiencing it and achieve compassion, thus creating a shift in your consciousness".

What are the mechanics of ascension?

Ascension is a process that has spiritual, emotional, mental and physical components. 

This process is multi-layered and interconnected, meaning that an action taken on one level affects the other levels (think of it as a domino effect).

The mechanics of the ascension process go something like this:

- You ask for your fears to be made known to you.

- A fear manifests in your life packaged as a lesson that has come forward.

- You move through the fear, being willing to experience it as completely as necessary in order to integrate it.

- You integrate the fear, thus learning the lesson. 

In this part you feel the fear feelings associated with this fear/lesson. They can be feelings such as guilt, shame, hatred, anger, resentment, etc. (Yes, you do fear feeling these emotions because you have been taught that they are bad and if you experience them, you are bad.)

- You experience release as the fear is integrated and the lesson is learned. In this release you experience emotions such as joy, bliss, gratitude (for the person who played the Dark role) and compassion (for the pain the Dark role person had to experience in order to play their part). As you feel the compassion, there is a tingling sensation in your body and in many cases an orgasmic explosion of energy in your high heart chakra (this is the anger, shame, etc., being transmuted into compassion) as you release the people involved in your lesson from blame.

The compassion you feel transmutes a bit more of your DNA from carbon-based to Crystal/Diamond or like a silica-based, thus allowing more light into your body. 

At the same time, any implants (also known as behavior patterns) associated with that fear/lesson are changed (balanced out).

If you have been working on this fear in all its various aspects for a while, those newly changed implants then release their bit of your dormant 10 strands of your DNA so that they can be realigned.

The more you move through these steps, the more you recode and triggers your DNA activation, this shifting your consciousness closer and closer to the integration point between Light and Dark.

Compassion is the unconditional and equal acceptance of all things (Light and Dark) regardless of who or what they are.

Now let’s look at some of the misconceptions about ascension. Shall we?

There are also many misconceptions about ascension going around these days.

Most of this seems to come from a lack of basic information and trying to formulate your concept of ascension on what you have been taught in the past. 

Once you are given the higher perspective regarding some of these concepts you can see where just having another level of knowledge makes it all make sense.

Let’s look a few of the more prevalent ones.

We can ascend without experiencing pain or fear?

As I said earlier, I wish this was true but as you have seen from the information and my experience above, you must have something that you can use to achieve compassion.

You must have some form of fuel of energy. 

We don’t transmute love or joy into compassion, do we? 

Both love and joy are higher frequency emotions, like compassion, aren’t they? 

It is our understanding that we use the energy of the lower frequency emotions of anger, shame, guilt, resentment, etc. to transmute into compassion.

So, if this is true, then you must be able to access these emotions to be able to transmute them, right? 

And in order to access them you must feel them in some way because that is what is meant by accessing, is that not true? 

And isn’t experiencing them the same as feeling them?

Going further, don’t lower frequency emotions create emotional and, sometimes, physical pain. 

For example: Doesn’t anger create emotional pain, or guilt or shame?

So to wrap this up, if you need transmutable emotions for fuel energy to ascend, then you must access them.

This means feeling the pain of those emotions, and if you feel the pain of your emotions, then that means that you don’t ascend without experiencing pain.

Does this make sense?

And let's keep in mind that pain is a catalyst for change. 

You don’t change until you realize that you need to,  pain is the indicator that it is time for change.

From the higher perspective, to understand it, pain is one valuable tool because without it you have no catalyst to move you to do the work that is necessary in order to grow spiritually.

You can recode your DNA just through intent or by having someone else do it for you intensionally.

Well, think about this. 

If you are doing emotional clearing and that changes your DNA, isn’t that the same as DNA Recoding and awakening?

And, if you need more fuel  to transmute into compassion to recode, awake your DNA  and to experience that whole process of transmutation for it to work then how can you do it merely by intent?

Also, how can someone else do that for you? 

How can they experience your fears, integrate them and learn your lessons for you?

I don’t see how they can. 

It would be the same as having someone else live your life for you while you sit on the sidelines and observe. 

You do you!

But if they could, I would have been certainly the first in line!

Repeat this every morning and evening? 

Please make it a habit of yours.

"I don’t want to experience any more pain and discomfort than I have to".

Through this ascension process you will gain the ability to bi-locate, levitate and move objects with your minds. 😁

It was a real let-down for me when I found out that these abilities were not for everyone and not part of Earth’s planetary ascension process and plan.

I so wanted to learn how to do them and found that in the beginning they were one of my DNA coding and that was just one of the reasons I kept going. 

But on the other hand, you are not required to attain them in order to ascend and that is a big relief for everyone!

Think of how much time and energy it would take to be able to acquire these abilities. 

These knowledge are things from a mysterious school that take years to learn to master. But you heard that you are also privileged by all this.

(So, no, these abilities are not part of the ascension process but nice to have it, lots of fun).

But the abilities that are required are:

1. The ability to achieve compassion by transmuting emotional blocks.

2. The ability to value the Dark in all ways without haitful thoughts. ( Not necessarily means you need to associate with them an

Or allowing them to influence you , lowering your frequency energy vibration. Oh no. Heart crack opening of love by goodness intention and positive consciousness.

3. The ability to live in harmony with all other species in the universe regardless of differences.

Something that you learned not long ago in the Galactic classes and that you may be interested in remembering, is that there are two different ascension processes.

There is the Reptilian process and the Natural Human Process:

A. The Reptilian process, taught through their ancient mystery schools enables you to ascend through mental mastery and requires their student live apart from the world in order to concentrate on his/her skills.

B. The Human process enables you to ascend through the heart and requires the student to live in the world to acquire the skills.

Okay, so I may just have opened a can of worms on this one, did I?

I guess I’d better explain this one too.

When you ascend you will be on a different planet.

Actually in one sense it will be like being on a different planet, but in reality you will be on a different plane of this one.

Just as radio stations exist on different frequencies but you can still access them from the same radio, 3D, 4D and 5D will be different dimensions/frequencies/states of consciousness that can be accessed on the same planet, Earth. 

When you ascend you will live to total unity and oneness, there will be no Dark or negativity it will be all love and light.


Won’t people be surprised when they see that there is still Light and Dark in 5D?

Once again, you will have a more united society but not at the expense of individuality. 

Having only Light/Unity means, in its extreme, a hive mentality like bees or ants.

(Big groups of family). 

Do we really want that? 

As I understand it, you want to live in the knowing that we are all connected so that we can stop all the warring and fighting that is caused by “we are separate” thinking. 

But you don’t want to give up your individuality and free will to become part of a unity consciousness where everyone thinks the same, do you?

Well if that is the case, count me out. 

I like having free will and free thinking.

As we ascend we should leave our 3D lives behind and move into the Light.

Well, that’s also not part of the plan this time.🤔

As I understand it, we are to live in the world and be part of it but live in it with a multidimensional consciousness. 

This was a difficult one for me to figure out. 

At the beginning of my path, I wanted to separate from the world, go live in a closed community of like-minded people, give up my credit cards and bank accounts and live on love.

I soon found out, just by doing part of that, that it didn’t  quite work until you get yo the ending of 5D ready to go forward to 6 Dimension.

You are to stay grounded and in the world because the world is the place from where your lessons will come. 

It is the place where you can access your fears and integrate them, access your lower frequency emotions and transmute them within your 3D physical bodies.

If you separate from the world and spend your time hanging out in other dimensions or the astral plane, you will lose out on the experiences that cause you to grow. 

Remember, without the lessons and knowledge going forward, you cannot spiritually grow. 

You grow out of imbalance into balance.

If we try to live in a perfect world, we become spiritually stagnant, don’t we? Think about it. 

Okay, let’s move on.

How can I tell if I am ascending?

You have mentally made the decision to go through the ascension process. 

This is different than being on the spiritual path. 

Ascension is a choice to move to the 5th dimension. 

Not a choice of I Want, a choice of emotional intent. Felling!

The spiritual path is a choice (I Want) to open up to what is beyond 3D and to access the spiritual side.

Your fears are manifesting in your life as lessons.

Your physical body begins to react to the ascension process through new aches and pains.

This is your inner child being triggered by the fears coming up to be integrated. 

These fears are stored in your physical body in different locations.

Example: A fear of money is stored in your lower back and you experience that fear as lower back pain.

You begin to be consciously aware of the synchronicities and unusual occurrences in your life versus being unaware of them. 

(Synchronicities are your guides and your work bringing forth the events on your Life Blueprint that you had chosen during your time in the Interlife, the life between lives.)

What do we mean by that when we say that the 3rd, 4th, and 5th dimensions are merging?

This is an interesting tidbit that I couldn’t resist sharing with you.

As many of you know, there is a lot of talk about the dimensions merging, and the physical/mental/emotional effects we are experiencing because of it. 

"I’d like to share what this really means since perfect 18 of you  have have made it this far."

As more and more of you move along the Spiritual and Ascension paths, you achieve levels of understanding.

For example: As you learned already that you are spiritual beings having a physical/human experience. 

When enough people figure that one out, they create a new consciousness on this planet.

This particular belief being one of the more basic ones on the Spiritual path is a 4D concept. So, this group has anchored a 4D octave into 3D because they live in a physical 3D world, hence they have merged 3D and 4D.

The same thing occurs now,  when enough people anchor a 5D concept in 3D. 

This is what is meant by the dimensions are merging. 

Groups of people are creating new dimensions of consciousness while living on a different dimension and changing everything else with it. 

Hopefully this makes sense, and you understand the meaning of ascension.

We love you all so much!


Keep your mind open and especially your vibration high.

It will be a great surprise of freedom!

May all beings in all worlds be free!

Captain Fernando M. Gonçalves - FLW – Free Light Warriors💎🤍💚

Ambassador of Light – Diplomacy of the Universe

Galactic Council 💙🤍💛

Universe Council 💙🤍✨

Multiverse Council 💙🤍

Omniverse Council 💚🤍



21 de noviembre de 2019

The Soul's Purpose and the 7 Rays of Consciousness

What is purpose and where does it come from?

Sense of purpose is crucial to a satisfied and harmonious life. We all seem to have a yearning for something, even if in some people that sense of destiny is partially suppressed, denied or distorted. Purpose in life is what makes us tick. It's what gets us out of bed in the morning, it defines sense of worthwhile service and it brings the divine nature of the etheric into reality. Yet when unbalanced it can also make us desperately unhappy. So what is the purpose of the soul, where does it come from and how can we attune it so that we may experience a fulfilling and successful life?...

let there be light!

From the Openhand perspective, all arose from the great void before time came into existence. Pure presence, the absolute, God, separated into two flows of consciousness; one outwards to ever greater sense of separation and the other inwards to ever greater sense of unity and at-one-ment. We call the two flows "Separation Consciousness" and "Unity Consciousness". This underlying dynamic has created the entirety of universal form. As the Separation flowed outwards, its energetic strength increasingly diminished until the pull back inwards of Unity caused a condensation into form. Thus materiality happened in the shape of gases, liquids and solids. The immense gravitational forces caused the formation of planets, solar systems and galaxies. And within that form, life has evolved as we see it today. When we look at the big picture along these lines, there appears to be no intended purpose. If there was, who intended it? Where did that creator come from and who created the creator? No, to me, life sprang into form spontaneously because it was inevitable, given an infinite array of time. But there still is sense of purpose which most people feel. Why is that?...
Sense of purpose arises from the pull back to the source of life itself. Separation Consciousness has subdivided and condensed into multiplicity of form. But each fractal of materiality is infused with the impetus for increasing sense of unity. It is a pull back to ever higher degrees of unity and oneness, which manifests as a yearning to fully express the memory of the original condition of absolute oneness. This is what defines and shapes the soul within each of us. The soul is an inherent divine sense of purpose, direction and destiny, which when we align with, fulfills all our true desires and needs.

Distortions impacting true impulses

This interplay of the multiplicity of separated form and action, yet infused with the pull to higher sense of unity, defines every thought, emotion and action that takes place both in the macrocosym of the universe and the microcosym of our daily lives. All our choices are defined by this simple underlying dynamic. To me, all of form and creative action is caused by this Relativity which Einstein so eloquently introduced.
In our daily lives it is witnessed in the struggle within each person to overcome personality distortions causing us to make choices which are not at one with our soul. Until we are enlightened, we all have distortions. These are attachments to material phenomena or experiences, the attachment to relationships, to looking good, feeling good, being successful, being loved etc etc. It's where we identify and get stuck within the Separation Consciousness. We allow ourselves to be defined by that sense of limitation.
We have temporarily at least, taken on a false self identity - ego - within the free flowing nature of the universe. We've become trapped by the illusion, temptation and seduction of separated form. The soul, which is spontaneous and interrelated with the entirety of the universe has been duped into accepting itself as less. Hence the inner struggle to find realignment - Enlightenment - such that this repressed inner harmony can once more arise.

Each distortion conceals a hidden gift

In order to find this internal realignment, we have to recognise the contradictory flows of consciousness within. So every natural impulse will likely be distorted in some form or another. Eddy currents of attachment are created which trap the soul into them. These eddy currents - or distortions - arise from the conditioning of our upbringing and society. They emanate from fixed beliefs, ideas, dogmas and repetitive ways of doing things.
In every moment of life, we are invited to make choices. If we examine the patterns the choices fall into, we will notice each one invites us to express either our distortions or gifts of beingness at the heart of the distortions. The distortions cause us to express our separation from unity consciousness and on the other hand, our gifts cause us to reunite both ourselves and others with the "absolute" - the Void of Silence. It's like we're either making choices based on control and limitation or instead, absolute freedom of unbridled authentic expression.
Since flowing towards the absolute is our divine destiny, we achieve much greater internal harmony and sense of completeness if we express our gifts rather than the distortions. If we begin to recognise this dynamic in our lives and apply ourselves with commitment, perseverance and core splitting honesty to always express our highest truth as defined by the inherent gifts, then over time, the distortions - our conditioned behaviours - dissolve and the soul is liberated within us to express the absolute completeness it is. In other words we become enlightened.

The Journey of Enlightenment

To me, successful living means aligning with the universal flow, having it course unhindered through me and thereby allowing it to animate my being with unbridled freedom of self expression. I recognise this as an enlightened life, permanently allowing freedom of natural expression to flow unhindered through me. Identity which constricts and limits is continually confronted and peeled away. There is the natural alignment with the higher sense of unity and purpose.
In attaining this state of being, my attention was brought consistently to the underlying nature and gifts of beingness of the soul concealed within the thoughts and emotions of the moment, defined within the choices we tend to make. Either we're giving into conditioned distortions or we're expanding through these and unleashing the radiance of the soul. It's what defines the spiritual path.
On my journey of Enlightenment, I discovered that if in any distortion, where I got fearful, tense, tight or worried, or if I was wanting something I apparently lacked, then if I could find the underlying authentic beingness trapped within these distortions and express those instead, then the veils of limitation would peel way leaving the authentic expression to shine forth. Furthermore, each time I applied myself to life in this way, I discovered that I kept dropping into the void of pure presence - the infinite source from which life has arisen. I experience it as the continual taste of pure, unadulterated heaven!

The Seven Rays of Divine Impulse

So knowing the characteristics of the soul - of beingness - can greatly help to align with our destined journey through life, restoring inner peace, contentment, harmony, fulfillment and simple joy of living. In sharing them here below, I hasten to add that they are my own personal experiences from my own journey. However, I have witnessed very similar in the others that I have worked with and helped facilitate. There are other spiritual guides who've also described them in similar ways:
  • Ray 1: purposeful creative will Ray 1 is the driving sense of purpose to create. It is the manifestation of the divine masculine principle throughout the universe. From the place of separation, it is that undeniable inner will to find and create a higher level of harmony both within ourselves and between all sentient beings. It causes us to challenge and break apart the status quo which may be holding us in a lower level of realisation. The Ray 1 inspires life’s motivational leaders.
  • Ray 2: surrendering unconditional love Ray 2 initiates the impulse of unconditional love for life. It is the manifestation of the divinely feminine principle of surrendered acceptance throughout the universe. It is the empathising compassion that willingly embraces, does not judge nor need to change the inherent imperfection in all sentient life and situations. Ray 2 strongly inspires the selfless servants of life.
  • Ray 3: interpreting authentic reality Ray 3 harnesses and processes higher abstract wisdom delivering it in a form to provide a clear interpretation of our current, authentic reality. In other words, it’s how we know what’s really real. People with strong Ray 3 influence notice the natural patterning in life bringing the formless into form in such a way that can be understood and appreciated by many. Ray 3 inspires life’s translators, creative artists and mathematicians.
  • Ray 4: harmonising through right resolution Ray 4 is the divine rationalising energy which helps us find right resolution with our environment and other sentient life. It is the ray impulse which blends passion with compassion. It provides the discernment to confront unjust situations in a non judgmental way. Its purpose is to break apart the lower harmony to find a more equitable higher one. People with highly active Ray 4 tend to be life’s diplomats, politicians and teachers.
  • Ray 5: realising abstract higher wisdom The Ray 5 enables us to hold the infinite complexities of the universe as pure knowing within our beingness. This ‘science’ is abstract, all encompassing and rather than realised, is more sensed, as an art form, like poetry in perpetual motion. Ray 5 enables us to attune to the universal flow and harness it for co-creative exploration, deeper understanding and further evolution. The Ray 5 animates life’s scientists and creative business leaders.
  • Ray 6: yearning self expression Ray 6 inspires us stay continually focussed on our life’s purpose: to realise, unfold and express who we really are. It generates commitment and devotion to our cause, radiating our soul in all its brilliant colour. The Ray 6 provides the unquenchable driving force to express our innate qualities and inspire others to shine their inner light too. Humanity’s philosophers, spiritual leaders and performing artists are all driven by the Ray 6 influence.
  • Ray 7: shaping synchronistic magic Ray 7 provides the ingredient of pure magic on our life’s journey. If we are able to master our inner distortions and pause just long enough in the drama of life, then we can open up to spontaneous, synchronistic and co-creative magic. Thereby we catalyse and initiate the surrounding field for the maximum benefit and upliftment of all. In this way, Ray 7 inspires life’s ‘magicians’ and entrepreneurs.

A Dance with the Divine

If we can stay in the place of the observer of ourselves through each moment in life, then we will taste the influence of all 7 rays and their corresponding distortions. Ultimately, by means of profound self honesty, we unveil what I call "the jewel within the lotus". It is our very own "Soul Ray Harmonic", for each of us, a unique blend of the rays which ebbs and flows through life with the uplifting harmony of a symphony orchestra. When we're aligned and attuned to this, life feels like an exquisite dance with the divine. In shining these qualities through all events, we burn away the dross of conditioned behaviours lighting a fire of transformation both for ourselves and others. This is the inimitable, inviolable taste of fulfilment we have been unknowingly seeking all our lives. It is the underlying driving purpose of the Soul. It sets us absolutely free to express in every moment exactly who we are. For me, there is no other greater purpose of life!
About Openhand Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution: integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages, it is a way of tapping into the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe and aligning with it in your life. It helps you unveil your True Self, remove karmic blockages and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic, resilient and truly successful living. Join us...Openhandweb, Openhand fb, Openhand TV
Submitted by Openhand
© Joan Ashtar  

21 de octubre de 2019

Soul Awakening - Part 5 of 8 - Avoiding the Time Trap

Here is the main reason why people often fail to implement the Law of Creation. To be successful in creating a new reality, you have to create a scene where the desired reality has come to fruition. You have to be in the scene, experiencing the end result. It won't work if you are an outside observer looking into the scene. You have to own the scene, be a part of it, and feel what it is like to be there as a part of that new reality. If you see it as something outside of yourself, you will lose the thread that makes this work. 
Let's say that you want your current reality - call it Reality A - to become a new reality; call it Reality B. So, you have already imagined Reality B and conjured up feelings appropriate to the excitement of having Reality B materialize but, at the same time, you know that Reality A is your current reality. 
It's a conflict. You're supposed to be in Reality B and make it as real as possible while knowing, all the time, that Reality A is your current reality. You're stuck in the Time Trap. 
Then, you're looking for a way out so that you can resolve the contradiction. The future seems separate from the present but, in order to fully accept the reality of that future ideal, you need to become at one with it. 
The trick is to imagine that you are a time traveler.
It's not so hard; your soul consciousness does it all the time. The reason that your soul awareness knows how each possible solution to a problem would work out is by traveling down the potential timelines and seeing what would actually happen. 
That's why deja vu experiences seem so real. Part of your awareness really has been there before - not just seen it; you've been there at that point in time before. 
Your soul is a time traveler and your conscious mind can do likewise. This ability is already built into your consciousness and it's ready to operate right now. 
The fact is, when you create a new reality, you create an event that exists in your future, not your present. When you are in that scene witnessing the end result of your desired reality becoming a reality, you are operating, in your imagination, at some point in the future. 
As a time traveler, you can be in the scene at the relevant point along your future timeline, then return to your present time point. 
Every day that intended new reality comes closer. Every day it affects your current reality more, making it morph into one which will accommodate the desired event or condition. It's like a powerful magnetic field that exists in your future, coming closer each day. The closer it comes, the more your situation changes to allow the manifestation of the desired reality. 
Add reinforcement to this new reality every day, knowing that each time you do, it gains power and therefore moves closer to successful manifestation. 

4 de octubre de 2019


Image may contain: text

Hundreds of thousands of people around the world are now aware that we are not alone in the Universe and ptactican the Prot ocolos CE-5 regularly to interact peacefully with visitors from the stars.
CE-5 is a term describing a 5th cateoría alien encounters (ETI), characterized by a mutual, two-way communication instead of a specific contact.
The CE-5 initiative is central focus Human bilateral communication - ET based on mutual respect and universal principles of exchange and contact.
CE 1-4 are types esencialmenre passive, reactive and initiated by the Extratrerrestres intelligences (ETI).
A CE-5 is distinguished from them by conscious contacts, volunteers and procativos initiated by humans and presence and reciprocal responses with ETI.
(Olga Bernuy)
With Love  
It is important to understand this information because it is partially supported by the ignorance of people who once dissipated, people awake now also alert the public about this knowledge in hand.

Posted by   THENANSHED Officer 1st Galactic Federation of Free Planets  by Joan Ashtar   © misteri1963 this publication may freely reproduce respecting its integrity and citing the author / a, as a source of it and this URL includes  https: / /  and Copyright notice

17 de junio de 2019

Atmar: Be Alert

This time has full potentiality in store for you. All you need to do is to perceive these potentials, and right away your life will develop in the only appropriate direction: towards the return to God.
Consciousness from pure consciousness, love from love, and compassion with a hard-pressed humanity!
In fact, many of you feel pressured – pressured by the many and increasingly more numerous violations and assaults by the dark rulers of this matrix. This perception of yours is right. What is still wrong and imperfect is your response to it.

Don’t get impressed

When you are faced with any kind of imposition, don’t get impressed! When you encounter hatred, don’t get impressed but respond with compassion. When fear is spread, don’t get impressed but respond with love.
In the upcoming days scenarios of fear will increase, the goal of which is that mankind fearfully bows to anything that can be conceived and summoned up. The purpose is to irritate and weaken you until you give up all resistance and submit. I am telling you: Don’t get impressed by any of it.
Because it is your love, your realized joy, and your inner peace, that never let these fears get to you.

You are a creator!

You are the master! This time is a great opportunity for you to stay who you are, or become who you are, by the power of your consciousness.
The bigger and mightier the attacks on your free spirit are, the greater the chance for you to grow through this challenge. In that way all powers that are playing a different game than that of love and light, end up serving you greatly.
Fact is that you need to strengthen your spiritual muscles until you become immune to all energy fields that are clearly out to harm you.
Your consciousness is the key to everything, because it has the power to face every dark power with the mighty power of light. Be impressed with yourself and not with those phenomena that capable of making you fearful and worried.
Today, when many people are captured by a “lack of light”, it is essential that you point out your “abundance of light”.
Master, the only problem that truly exists is that you are unaware of your power!
Observe yourself. Be alert and conscious of the power you represent, and of all the things you can undo and resolve.

Joy is the answer

The highest frequency is represented by the joy flowing from a loving heart. If you vibrate in this frequency, all other frequencies don’t concern you anymore. The only way manipulations are possible is if you resonate with the frequency of fear.
Be vigilant wherever someone tries to diminish your joy, dim your light or obstruct your love.
Be observant whenever other people are haunted by great fears, and consciously counteract these fears with the energy of joy.
The more fears you perceive, the more joy you need to create – and you can achieve that through consciousness.
You are in the right place!
• You are here on earth now because that is exactly what you chose.
• You are in the right place at the right time! It’s right because you wish to experience this time with all its great potential.
• You are here because you may have reached the end of your journey !?
• You are here because you provide everyone who isn’t quite ready yet for the daring adventure of freedom, with your joy, your love and your light.
• You are here to be happy. You are here to be yourself.
• You are here to live – to live YOUR life, not just any life.
Be aware, master, that nothing can harm you as long as you are aware of your divine power. Everything serves you so that you can become conscious of your divine power.
Celebrate this dark time, because it holds the brightest light for those who look through the illusion and recognize themselves.
How powerful you are, and how little this time can do to you. Recognize this. Be alert, stay alert or become alert.
I love you endlessly. Light from light, love from love.
I Am Atmar!

2 de junio de 2019

The Great Map of Awakening - The Great Solar Flash is upon us

by Champ Parinya,
May 13, 2019
from In5D Website

The Great Awakening Map is the quintessential red-pill navigational chart for Escaping the Matrix and Returning to Source.

From the Deep State to the deepest states of mind, the map is designed to lead humanity out of the Matrix and onto the paths of Enlightenment - liberating all from suffering and ultimately to activate our Light Body and Return to Source Energy - the One Infinite Creator.

The map has been spotted on 8chan in accompaniment with the Q-Map, and has served a vital role in the Great Awakening across the entire globe.

Over a decade of metaphysical research was collected prior to the map's release in mid-2018.
"I designed this one-page meme to awaken humanity as quickly as possible.

I researched for 10 years. I didn't know how to write a book and I also thought people don't have time for books these days. They like memes. Memes are more powerful.

So I set out to create the ultimate one page meme that would awaken humanity as quickly as possible."

Click on The Map.

Our future is already on the Optimal Timeline Reality but we must continue focusing our group mind on transitioning successfully into 5D Earth.
Positive thoughts create our positive future.

When our collective consciousness comes together for a cause, the mass meditative effect multiplies exponentially, manifestation occurs quickly.

We are co-creating our positive timeline as we are seeing,
The Great Solar Flash is upon us.

The new Cosmic Energies are transforming the entire Solar System. Our planet is shifting into 5D consciousness. Mass Ascension is occurring everywhere.

Now is the time to fully understand the big picture and your individual role in the greatest transition of Earth and Humanity into 5D...

12 de mayo de 2019


Michael: As you explore avenues of higher thought forms, you will understand there are many levels to the thinking process. The thinking process, centered in the physicality of the brain, is normal for the vast majority of those who are embodied in your world. They are unable to move outside of that physical dynamic. As you begin to explore more of this material and teach it and experience it for yourself, you will begin to realize the complexities of thought forms. “Thought forms” are different from the thought that comes from the physicality. Thought forms have many more complexities and levels. It is this that we have been talking about geometrically and mathematically in previous sessions. There are limitations in bringing certain realities and thought forms into the third dimensional reality. Certain aspects of this material are impossible to bring into that realm because of the denseness.
There is a separation that was created at the time of the Fall of Consciousness and remains today. A prime example is occurring on your planet today. There is much confusion; things are changing. Even those beings who are not on a path of spiritual reformation are aware of great changes and shifts that are occurring. And those who are interested in perfecting all parts of themselves are having new understandings. You will remember them saying to you “I know that I know this but I can’t verbalize it. I can not explain it to you”. This is the space where they have stepped out of the third dimensional density and are in the transitory corridor where they are accessing other thought forms that can not be translated and are not usable in the density of third dimension. When they are in that space, they cannot verbalize great portions of what they are accessing or thinking or experiencing. You will find this will become even more present and many will be very confused by it. People who normally are very articulate in their languaging skills will find themselves at a loss for words. There are no physical, dense words that represent what they are accessing in those thought forms because they have stepped out of the third dimensional reality and into a fourth, fifth or sixth dimensional state of being and thinking. Until those states of consciousness are more stabilized and available, it will be confusing and frustrating.
You, as a teacher, are beginning to remove some of that frustration by offering concepts and tools that allow an understanding to occur without attachment or frustration. The third dimension must fall away so that more of the stability can be put in place for the fifth dimension to be in play. During that transitory process, it is sometimes difficult and frustrating because of the interplay that occurs. Once the denseness begins to fall away, you become accustomed to the new vibrations that are in play.
The normal state of that third dimensional reality is crumbling and there is an underlying fear that is not recognized. The fear causes what you have called, the “pushing against”, the resistance, the frustration, the worry. Those types of negative components will hinder the process. The negative emotional response will keep the third dimension more stable instead of allowing the crumbling and the falling away. But the crumbling will occur. There is no doubt. It can occur in an easier way, however. There is no need for physical understanding in these realms. It is nonexistent; it is a vestige of the third dimension. The understanding in the “normal” way cannot be utilized or arrived at. There is a platform that you can construct that allows this transitory process to allow the process to begin to unfold. Allow.
I will withdraw now. Blessings.
Next Monday: Time Recalibrated
This is a conversation between Jim Self and Archangel Michael as they prepare to teach a class together.

We thank Joan Walker for bringing forth Michael to speak through her. With her collaboration, the Mastering Alchemy Level 3 course unfolded.

2 de mayo de 2019

Abe Delmar: Jesus, Avalon, Christ Consciousness

The energy of the contraction of energy is much different than the energy of the expansion of energy. So, the contraction of energy (5D going into 4D going into 3D) will be much more “darker” than the expansion of energy (3D going into 4D going into 5D), which will be “lighter”.
In the hourglass timeline image I drew, the “contraction of energy” part of the hourglass is like the dark side of the coin. And the “expansion of energy” part of the hourglass is like the light side of the coin. Even in the hourglass timeline is the yin and yang, dark and light. So, 5D in the “dark” side of the coin is very different from 5D in the “light” side of the coin.
Client co-creation. Bringing forward information sparked by a client session. Jesus opening into the Realms of Gaia, Avalon and teaching magic, Resurrection, 3D and 5D, and opening Christ Consciousness energy connected to “I AM” as well as past, present, future and beyond. All you ever were, are and ever will be.


23 de abril de 2019

The Pleiadians: Sexuality; A Bridge To Higher Levels of Consciousness

When the library of yourselves was torn from the shelves and scattered, and the DNA was split so that there were only two strands left with very little data and very little memory, sexuality was left intact in the physical body. It was left as a form of reproduction, of course-as a form for the species to stay in touch with its own essence and bring itself into life. Very deep inside the mechanism of sexuality is a frequency that can be attained that has been sought after and misunderstood by many people. It is called orgasm.
The orgasm has been distorted from its original purpose. Your body has forgotten the cosmic orgasm of which it is capable because society has taught you for thousands and thousands of years that sexuality is bad. You have been taught this in order for you to be controlled and to keep you from seeking the freedom available through sexuality. Sexuality connects you with a frequency of ecstasy, which connects you back to your divine source and to information.
Sexuality has been given a bad name upon this planet, and that bad name is stored in your cellular memory. This is not just from this lifetime; it is from thousands of years of misappropriation and misuse. It is necessary for you to clear the negativity surrounding sexuality from this lifetime, as well as to experience and examine how you utilize sexual energy and sexual expression in your multidimensional selves.
The sexual parts of the body are avenues to pleasure that create frequencies that heal and stimulate the body and potentially lead it to its higher spiritual self. Sexuality is so misunderstood on this planet that, when it is exchanged between two persons, very seldom is there an intent to connect spirituality with it. Sexuality invokes a spirituality that is free and that looks at itself as a creator. However, very seldom is sexuality used as a bridge to take you to higher levels of consciousness.
We have spoken with a number of individuals who have been utilizing light. Since finding the proper partner in a monogamous situation, they have been able to achieve very high states of being. Monogamy tends to work for most of you very well because of where you are vibrationally. When you have many partners, you tend to be less than honest and to hide who you are: you share a little here, there, and everywhere in scattering your seed. It is best to be with one person, but this does not mean the same person forever. Be loyal, be open, and be sharing with the person you are working with, and go as far as you can with them. If it happens to be your whole life, wonderful. If it doesn’t, then when you come to a place where you are no longer communicating and serving one another, and you feel the relationship is not going to be able to make a leap, terminate the relationship and find another person who works with your vibration.
When you work one-on-one intimately, you develop trust. Most of you have difficulty trusting yourselves because you don’t have a role model for trust. You can learn about trust in a relationship because a relationship acts as a mirror for you, showing you what you cannot see from your own viewpoint. It shows you yourself outside of yourself when you have open communication within sexuality and deep intimacy, and when you are not using sexuality as a distraction for getting close. Many of you have used sexuality as a distraction and a way to avoid intimacy rather than to develop it. You begin to get energetic and to look into one another’s eyes and to feel all hot and excited. Then, instead of exploring each other intimately and spiritually, you shut down your feeling centers, put on your armor, and have shallow, genital sex because it is too frightening and too intense to go the deeper route of full body and full spiritual connection. Sometimes hot sex feels great and is wonderful. We are simply saying that there is more. There is much more, and no one is keeping it from you except yourselves and the beliefs and fear you have of letting down your boundaries and walls.
Many of the fears you have are based on what you have created for yourselves and what you have done to others in your sexual life. Your sexual history affects every other portion of your soul, so all of your soul’s issues are broadcast loud and clear throughout your body. You don’t want to look at this sometimes because it is too painful, and you judge it because you think it is bad. Stop judging, and get neutral about what you have done-no matter what you discover, no matter how heinous it seems, no matter how difficult it seems, and no matter how much violation it involves. Understand that your purpose has been to gather data and to understand your selves.
Sexuality is a frequency. It represents what was not taken away from you even though your history, your memories, and your identity were removed and scattered. The way you were left intact with the ability to discover who you were was through the sexual experience. Of course, you were never taught this. We are going to do some church bashing here. So sorry for anyone who is a member of the churches. The churches came about as organizations-businesses to control religion and spiritual development and to create jobs, to create a hierarchy, and to create a club. Very few churches came about with the idea of bringing information to people. You don’t usually think of religion as something that keeps you informed, do you? Any religion that brings information is a religion operating on the vibration of truth.
Spiritual realms are places of existence that the human body is locked away from. Because sexuality was an opportunity for human beings to regain their memory, or to connect with their spiritual selves and spiritual creator, or to find an avenue to the spiritual realm that you are sealed off from, the churches came about and promoted sexuality for procreation. They taught you that the only reason you had sexuality was to produce little humans.
Sexuality was promoted as something very bad. Women were told that sexuality was something they had to undergo to serve men and that they had no control over the birthing process. Women believed this; hence, to this day, you believe in general that you have no control over that portion of your body. You must realize that only you decide whether you are going to birth a child or not. This is not such a complicated thing as you have been told. Decision and intention are what bring the experience to your being. You can control whether you have a baby or not. If woman had had this ability for the last several thousand years, and if she had been able to explore her sexual self without fear of having a child, perhaps men and women would have discovered that they were much freer than they had been told they were.
The discovery of the highest frequency of sexuality arises from the love experience. It has nothing to do with relationships being either homosexual or heterosexual. It has to do with two human beings bringing pleasure to one another in a way that opens frequencies of consciousness. You have bought many ideas about what is proper and what is improper within sexual expression.
Love is the essence that is to be created in all relationships. If you love and honor someone, it doesn’t matter what your composition of density is. What matters is the love vibration and how you explore this love, which ideally is gifted and coupled with the integration of the male and the female counterparts that make the twin flame.
Ideally, sexuality is explored through feelings. The third and fourth chakras connect you to the emotional and compassionate selves, which connect you to the spiritual self. The spiritual self is the part of yourself that is multidimensional through which you exist in many forms simultaneously. It is your assignment and agreement and task to be aware of all these realities in the identity that you are. When you are aware, you can time into the different frequencies, remember who you are, and change the vibratory rate of this universe.
We love to talk about sexuality because it is so mysterious upon this planet. Certain mystery schools have held some of the knowledge about the potential uses of sexuality in secrecy. You are electromagnetic creatures, and when you come together physically with another human creature, you bond your electromagnetic frequencies together. When your frequencies are attuned and joined by a love frequency, incredible things can occur.
Thousands of years ago, when society had more of a matriarchal view in certain areas of the planet, Goddess energy was coming through and working with certain individuals. The female understood her power, her intuition, her feeling center, her connection, and her desire to create life. She also understood that she never had to conceive a child if it was not her intention to do so.
In order for the patriarchal society to come full circle and prepare Earth for this shift in consciousness, female energy needed to take a back seat. So female power, energy, and understanding of sexuality were suppressed. In modern times the past two thousand years-it came to be upon the planet that women believed they had no control over when they could have children, that sexuality was deemed bad and disgusting, and that sex was taught to be performed only within the rights of marriages and so on. All of this was a marketing program.
Some of the present-day marketing programs to create an even greater fear of sexuality and its expression are the new diseases: AIDS, herpes, and all the other things. You read about these things in your newspapers and become frightened of your own expression, frightened of your own intuition, and frightened of your own joy. Do you understand?
Before DNA was rearranged, the way many people reached the higher realms and were able to climb the ladders of themselves and reach into off-planet frequencies was by electromagnetically bonding through love. They created a rocketship-like experience to propel them out into other systems of reality. This has been one of the best-kept secrets upon the planet.
Many we have spoken to have had absolutely profound experiences with their sexuality. We would like to point out again that we are not making distinctions or judgments about who you happen to bond with in a relationship, and we suggest that you give up that judgment as well. It is old programming. It does not matter whether you bond with a member of the opposite sex or a member of your own sex. We are talking about two humans coming together by physically joining themselves in whatever ways are appropriate for them to join and create love, because they are sharing love. When integrity and love are missing from a joining of human bodies, that is when human beings do not think well of their experience. This can create all kinds of damaging results within the physical body.
You were left with the frequency of the orgasmic experience in sexuality so that you could remember your higher identity. When this energy or history of yourself is revealed and you discover who you are, you will unite many bodies of your personal multidimensional identity in your physical form. To receive the full impact of the gridwork of your identity, let the twelve helixes fit in your body and allow the light-encoded filaments to rearrange themselves. This process has to do with the mental body, which is of course connected to the physical body. The emotional body, which is connected to the spiritual body, is the body that everybody wants to skip. You say, “I want to evolve. I want a rapid acceleration, but I do not want to go through the feeling center to do it.”
You are connected to your multidimensional selves through your feelings, and it is in your feelings that you primarily get stuck. Accept that your “stuff” comes up for a reason. Many of you would like to bury your “stuff” and throw it out in the trash as if it is something ugly and not who you are. This “stuff” is the shadow portion of your identity that you don’t like to deal with or accept.
We understand that sometimes, when something comes up, you label it and say, “I hate this part of myself. I want to just finish it and sweep it under the rug and forget it. I’m finished with this stuff.” Guess what. Your “stuff”-your issues-are the treasures of your life. They are how you learn.
You have agreed to mutate, to pull light into your body, and to birth the Family of Light on this planet. Since light is information, you must deal with all of the things you have hidden from yourself. Sexuality is the primary issue because it is the secret self-the self you hide from. Society has said to you, “This is good. This is bad. You are to do this. You are not to do this.” Who gave you these laws? Who gave you any of your laws to begin with?
You have been stuck because you can’t read the symbols of the language you are speaking to yourselves. So you dwell upon it. Many of you love your stories because they get you attention. If you didn’t have a story, who would talk to you? Observe your body and see what it is teaching the self. Ideally, you will heal the sore and create a place of greater comfort and joy as you learn to dwell more completely in your physical body and have a new identity of your sexuality.
Sexuality is a key. It is a doorway to the higher realms of consciousness. As you redefine yourselves, and the light-encoded filaments give you a new definition of yourselves, you are going to change who you are sexually as well. Sexuality must come up for all of you, and, we will say from experience, it is the area that you are most frightened of at this time. We guarantee there will be more frightening areas later.
If you are stuck on the idea of love and cannot comprehend what is going on with it, your difficulty is that you are looking for love outside yourself. You are looking for somebody else to put meaning in your life and validate you. If you do not have that person, you become angry or feel you are worthless. This is a pattern you grew up with, which your parents and your society showed you. We have said over and over again that the most important thing you can do is love yourself and honor Earth. But you keep forgetting this and looking for the next relationship to make you whole or complete. You feel that without a relationship you are perhaps less than an acceptable citizen. Then you feel lonely. You must learn how to be alone. Loneliness is simply a state of mind. You are never, never alone. You have multitudes of entities around you. If you would stop feeling sorry for yourselves, you would find that there is so much data constantly being blasted at you that you may want to be alone so you can have a good time receiving the contact.
When you love yourself and stop getting convoluted about the need to have someone else love you, you are able to accept what someone offers. It is imperative that you value yourself so that you do not settle for a love disguised. If you decide to go for a partner or to vibrate with someone, and you do not receive what you want, do not whine or nag or pout about the person to make them change according to your needs. If you set a value for yourself and do not create it, then simply change your reality and continue onward alone until you meet someone who reflects your value. All the while, vibrate in the love of the self, honor the self, and understand that the journey here is about selfdiscovery in relationship to others. It is not just about husbands or wives. The journey here is about honoring your physical body and the uniqueness of the self as you touch the lives of many. Always allow yourself to work with the self and let the self evolve.
You are all afraid of being intimate with yourselves-of being alone with the self. Once you develop an intimacy, a silence, a self-love, and a containment of your energy, then you will want to make that aspect of intimacy your standard for intimacy with someone else.
Sexuality can be very confusing at this time because you are raising and studying your frequencies. When you join bodies, even when you hug one another, you exchange frequency. When you have a sexual experience, there is a hormonal release inside the body. The hormones awaken certain energies inside the cells, and there is a transference of one person’s essence onto the other person. That is why when vote have had sexual experiences with someone volt sometimes cannot get their energy off vote. Even though you don’t want to be with the person, the sexual experience stays with you because you have had an electromagnetic exchange.
You are going through this frequency modulation and learning how to raise your frequency to a place of consistent information, self-love, and self-intimacy. Therefore, it can seem very confusing and sometimes frightening to take this vulnerable thing you are learning about yourself and layer up and merge with another. The more you become aware, the more you take charge of how you use your body, where you plug it in, where you sit it down, and certainly who you mix it with sexually.
If expressing yourself sexually now encouraged your greatest growth, you would automatically create that experience for yourself because you would be ready for it. Understand that, during the process of evolving the self, very often a period of dormancy in sexual activity occurs. Within the sexual frequency, you exchange with one another. So if you are bonding yourself and chemically exchanging with a person who is not of your likeness, you are taking on their garbage because you are exchanging energy quite intimately.
Sometimes you will be led away from that kind of exchange. You may think, “Oh, my goodness, what is happening? Am I turning old? Am I drying up? What is going on?” That is not the case. You can learn to use the energy that would stimulate you sexually without giving it over to another person. Instead of getting chaotic and crazy, you may explore that energy by practicing the art of masturbation, knowing that it is perfectly legitimate and fine to do it. Or, you may want to simply observe that you feel a sexual arousal and decide what you are going to do with it. You may say, “Well, I’m not going to act on this now. Let’s see where this energy goes.” Take the energy, let it rise through your body, and use it in other areas.
You will get to a point when you must adore, sustain, and love yourself as if you are holding yourself like a newborn babe in your own arms, knowing you will do the best for yourself. Many of you distract yourselves. Find the place of serenity and silence in which you can find answers. You cannot find answers by dialing the telephone all day long and asking everyone else for them. If you attempt to, you are demonstrating that you are looking outside of yourself. When you learn how to turn within to find answers, the self will speak. Usually you cannot hear because you are locked in behavioral patterns that you know you have to change but that you don’t want to change because you don’t know who you will be.
In all honesty, you are afraid of yourselves. This is a very common thing. You are afraid you will not be complete, and you want to be complete very much. So you say, “I am complete. I am sovereign. I need someone else. I am attracted to someone. Oh, no, I cannot look. I am too frightened of that. I don’t need anyone. I do need someone.” You go back and forth. Learn to still your mind. Learn to become completely in charge of your energy. What does that mean? It means that wherever you are, you observe yourself-how your body is positioned, how you are using your hands, whether you are repeating yourself over and over again, whether you are speaking or silent. Learn to watch yourself with no judgment. Learn to watch and selfcorrect by determining how you would like to be versus how you are. Learn to quiet your mind.
Frequency is carried from you to another person particularly if there is a love bonding. A love bonding does not mean that you are going to cleave to one another forever. It simply means that you are in a relationship for however long you deem that relationship appropriate in that you honor one another and exchange energies and let the energies flow as if through open circuitry. When you do not love another and you are not bonded, there is no exchange; the circuitry does not open. It does not mean that you cannot have good sex; it simply means that the circuitry is not open.
As this electrical current is raised higher and higher, there are greater heights of orgasmic experience that the human body can receive because the nervous system is able to handle the higher ecstatic frequencies. The nervous system will determine how you express yourself and how you feel. If you have a poorly evolved nervous system, your sexual experience will be very limited because the nervous system conducts the electrical current. The orgasmic experience brings about a healing and realignment of the physical body.
Eventually, you will not be able to get close to or be with someone who is not operating at the same voltage you are. You simply will not fit. It would be like putting a size nine foot into a size two shoe. It won’t work or be comfortable. You won’t fit because you won’t be able to merge vibrationally.
You will eventually understand the importance of vibrational nourishment as you begin to link sexually. Linking sexually is only one way of merging with people who are moving at the same or a compatible voltage rate. Your reality is very interesting to us because you have so many clues in your waking world. When you go to a foreign country, your electrical appliances do not plug in. They don’t fit, so you need an adapter. It would be stressful if you had to continuously adapt to a vibration when you were involved intimately in a sexual relationship. It would be too much effort. You would spend all your energy creating the adaptive mechanisms. Then you would be in denial and not give yourself permission to go further because you would lower the ceiling.
The sixties marked the opening of sexual exploration. In an instant, the paradigm shifted. Much of the energy that was on the planet at that time, coupled with the experimental ingestion of different mind-altering substances, immediately made a new paradigm and split you from previous generations. The boundaries were instantly changed. You were split from a generation that believed in war and did not feel-a generation whose sexual expression was done in the dark, perhaps with many clothes on. You broke the paradigm wide open in many ways, and you set new trends and created new ways of being. It was wonderful. “Oh, goodness, free sex and love and bodies showing!” you said.
Now it is time for a whole new revolution through which you will become vibrationally hooked to a person. There will be no more distractions of sexuality and no more pretending that you are without hang-ups-that you are sexually liberated because you can be in this position and that position and say this and do that. That is simply body aerobics in the area of sexuality. We want you to get into the aerobics and contortions of the soul-the vibration. The depth of two people coming together and linking in this capacity is what you all crave. If you are frightened of it, it is because you don’t have a framework or role model for it. You must design one. You must trust that somehow the energy in the design of the cosmic blueprint will instantly bring about a new movement based on the desire for this next step of understanding yourselves.
You will remember with great clarity your expressions of sexuality in your different manipulations through reality-when you have been both men and women and explored sexuality in every aspect. It takes courage to do this. If there is one area in which you really judge yourselves, and in which the planet does great judging, it is sex. You have had some definite ideas about what is sexually proper and improper. So, many of you may be shocked to remember what you have done with your sexuality.
Understand that, on this planet, sexuality has always been the body’s link to its higher frequency. Even though much of the data was scattered and disassembled in the body, this potential to create life remained for you to completely understand who you are at the base of your being and at the core of who you are. Sexual vibration has been your link with your cosmic identity, but this whole concept has been completely misunderstood and lost. We are simply saying that there is a bigger story and that it is much more exciting than anyone has dared to believe. There were those who did not want you to be in tune with these frequencies because the sexual frequencies could have taken you to areas of liberation where you would have begun to figure things out. Sexuality was left as a frequency for you to ride through the nervous system and connect with the higher mind by going out of your body. If you had been told that this was the route out, who could have controlled or manipulated you?
The population must clear the negative connotations and judgments that have colored your sexual experience for eons. You must make peace with sex in order to integrate the frequencies and identity. Things have been manipulated and given a boundary of limitation so that the truth of sexuality has been kept from you. You have been told that you can procreate with it and have orgasms, but you have not been told that you can open frequencies with it. You can come into contact and use it as a method of remembering who you are and altering the vibrational frequency of your body.
In the next few years, your expression of sexuality will have a whole new dimension. You will evolve and grow, provided that you have a partner who is willing to take the same route and to be that open. But if you are with someone who wants to play the avoidance game or the game of denial, you will not get there.
» Channel: Barbara Marciniak » Book: Bringers of the Dawn

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...