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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Islamic State. Mostrar todas las entradas


Israel openly acknowledges that finances Islamic terrorists in Syria : Haaretz

Hala! It has ceased to be a conspiranoia. Israel openly acknowledges, through daily Haaret z, they control some of the groups associated with Al Qaeda to counter Iran. 

Now, I say, how this news will lay between fundamentalist Islam; your biggest enemy will finance?



It has stolen a full gas bottles truck last Friday. Given that one of the recent attacks in Spain wanted done by detonating gas bottles in crowded and emblematic buildings of Barcelona. Alert and possibility of a command Zionist deep state orders and may have paid mercenaries to steal the necessary goods to attack is very high.

also taking into account the political climate and have already sabotaged trains and other forms of attack including, tech Zionist attacks on military planes and a scare even the king. It is not ruled out that the stolen to attack this Christmas or even before the elections to victimize one side or get through victimhood change votes or show strength against Madrid. It not ruled out the imminent plot an attack I think quite possibly having to do with justice, courts, civil guard police stations or public bodies, also political figures or even in high-traffic areas of Madrid.

If you see any strange movement with cylinders communicate it to the authorities, several if possible, in case some body was corrupt and gotten into the matter.

Be sure there is a Zionist command of the CIA's "Deep State" or shadow government, it may even be part of corrupt CNI is boycotting many things in the area, such as when burned illegal scrapping tires, which was the work of the same command and some facts rather than have remained silent, but today sure there a command to act mafioso Madrid organized and ready to attack.

Many care this holiday season and before the vote in Madrid and surroundings, if you want a tip, stay away from the busiest areas and times and it is judged strictly necessary.

As always tomorrow will deny people a lot of TV and radio .... no matter if you are wise and have intuition, or read between the lines some news and alerts knows that this is possible, probable with the political climate there and what the Zionists and deep state wants to do as a guinea pig in Spain.

PS: And please remember that today is already 11 .... your favorite date along with 17 to attack. We also have to know that they take advantage of certain weather events and today have over the peninsula called Cyclogenesis Explosiva and they like to combine these alleged climates and climate changes to increase the power of chaos in places where they !.


" 'The theft occurred on Friday between 17:30 and 22:00 on a ship at the Boyer Repsol, 4 street of the capital, in the district of Vicálvaro"

17, 22 and 4, all these numbers have recently been used in attacks in Europe, robbery was the day 8. We also have to consider the name of Boyer, which reminds me of a political socialist economist Psoe very prestigious in the 80s I think, if not 90 also, I mean that already gives us clues that the motive is economic. Because for the Zionists absolutely everything is symbolic. And finally remember who was the last commands cheaper Catalan, now a prisoner? Bulrushes !, one of the conclusions a priori is revenge for the fact that prison is one of the possible candidates for the alleged cases presidency of the Catalan Generalitat. Only one data, follow the thread and see the plot !. /sucesos/20171210/433553593429/policia-investiga-robo-camion-bombonas-butano.html

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...