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Why MSM finally cover Epstein? Former Greek FM exposes the diplomatic child trafficking and the attack on Syria

Welcome to  The Daily Wrap Up  a concise program dedicated to providing the most relevant independent news, as we see, in the last 24 hours (30/11/18).

Diplomatic visas issued to minors, covered organ trafficking

In October, Nikos Kotzias, former Foreign Minister of Greece, revealed that some of the Greek diplomats were involved in a scheme to smuggle children 'sorgans. During an interview on November 20, Kotzias said the investigation of organ trafficking offense continues and diplomats who issued visas to minors before are already in jail. Kotzias said that for now there are 93 cases involving officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to issue visas to unaccompanied minors.
Kotzias mentions the case of a baby of 14 months received a visa without parental consent. He said that Greek diplomats  had  hidden this fact  and that the press had refused to write about it.
During an event on the island of Crete on October 22, Kotzias provided some of the details, according to 247 News a  means of communication Greek  :
"We sent 93 cases to the Prosecutor, highly respected ambassadors went to jail,  but the press did not write about them.  A visa for a baby unaccompanied by 14 months and tried to cover for him. "
According   to a report  published by a Greek newspaper, there are thousands of unaccompanied children in Greece, who were brought illegally into thecountry and national authorities have ignored. In addition, there are 3,050 unaccompanied migrant children, almost half of whom live in unfamiliar places or have no place to live.
In 2016, criminal intelligence agency of the EU reported that at least 10,000 unaccompanied refugee children who have disappeared after coming to Europe. Brian Donald, Chief of Staff of Europol noted that 5,000 children had disappeared only in Italy, therefore, the number of missing children exceeds 10,000.
As always, take the information discussed in the video below and investigate yourself and draw your own conclusions. Anyone  that  you  say  what is the truth, or  say  you have  the answer  , is likely to lead you astray, for one reason or another. Remain vigilant.

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved. You can copy and distribute this article provided you do not modify in any way the content remains complete, full credit is given to author and included this URL https: //misteri1963.blogspot. com and copyright notice


Iran Just Threatened to Release Names of Officials Who Took Bribes to Pass Nuke

Officials Who Took Bribes to Pass Nuke Deal

BREAKING: Iran Just Threatened to Release Names of Officials Who Took Bribes to Pass Nuke Deal

By  on 

Now, this is truly epic!

Although the Deep State and the Swamp made every effort to avoid it, last week President Trump made his decision to pull out of the Iran deal just a few days before the May 12th deadline with it effectively unraveling what little is left of Barack Hussein Obama’s eight dark years in office.

This came after even the former Secretary of State and all around Traitor to the U.S. John “Heinz” Kerry took a secret trip to Iran in order to try to keep the deal Iranian nuclear deal alive. Kerry sat down twice with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif in recent months to strategize in a bid to save this one-sided deal, as part of what was coined as “an aggressive yet stealthy” mission to put pressure on the Trump administration to keep the deal alive in some form. 

Kerry’s actions immediately sparked criticism and raised claims that such dealings with Iranian and European officials would be in violation of the Logan Act which prohibits private citizens from negotiating on behalf of the U.S. government without authorization, but since we all know by now that the Democrat Party and it’s operatives get away with everything, we can be sure he will never be investigated or prosecuted. 

But now things might really get good. 

Yup, H.J.Ansari Zarif’s senior advisor actually confirmed that they will be naming the politicians who took bribe money during the nuclear negotiations with Iran if Europeans stop trading with Iran and don’t put pressure on the U.S. to come back to the negotiating table.

Wouldn’t it be great if this does happen and the Iranians give out the names of all the corrupt politicians who sold out our nation for their own political and monetary gain? 

Let’s all hope and pray that list is released soon.  Once it’s released, maybe this nation will wake up and dust off the firing squad!

Here is more information on The Logan Act:

“Logan Act"

The Logan Act (18 U.S.C.A. § 953 [1948]) is a single federal statute making it a crime for a citizen to confer with foreign governments against the interests of the United States. Specifically, it prohibits citizens from negotiating with other nations on behalf of the United States without authorization. (Would this not also include Obama as well as Clinton and Kerry?)

Congress established the Logan Act in 1799, less than one year after passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts, which authorized the arrest and deportation of Aliens and prohibited written communication defamatory to the U.S. government. 

The 1799 act was named after Dr. George Logan. A prominent Republican and Quaker from Pennsylvania, Logan did not draft or introduce the legislation that bears his name, but was involved in the political climate that precipitated it.

In the late 1790s, a French trade embargo and jailing of U.S. seamen created animosity and unstable conditions between the United States and France. Logan sailed to France in the hope of presenting options to its government to improve relations with the United States and quell the growing anti-French sentiment in the United States. France responded by lifting the embargo and releasing the captives. Logan’s return to the United States was marked by Republican praise and Federalist scorn. 

To prevent U.S. citizens from interfering with negotiations between the United States and foreign governments in the future, the Adams administration quickly introduced the bill that would become the Logan Act.  The Logan Act has remained almost unchanged and unused since its passage. 

The act is short and reads as follows:

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply, himself or his agent, to any foreign government or the agents thereof for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects.

The language of the act appears to encompass almost every communication between a U.S. citizen and a foreign government considered an attempt to influence negotiations between their two countries. 

Because the language is so broad in scope, legal scholars and judges have suggested that the Logan Act is unconstitutional. Historically, the act has been used more as a threat to those engaged in various political activities than as a weapon for prosecution. In fact, Logan Act violations have been discussed in almost every administration without any serious attempt at enforcement, and to-date there have been no convictions and only one recorded indictment.

One example of the act’s use as a threat of prosecution involved the Reverend Jesse Jackson. In 1984 Jackson took well-publicized trips to Cuba and Nicaragua and returned with several Cuban political prisoners seeking Asylum in the United States. President Ronald Reagan stated that Jackson’s activities may have violated the law, but Jackson was not pursued beyond a threat.

The only Logan Act indictment occurred in 1803. It involved a Kentucky newspaper article that argued for the formation in the western United States of a separate nation allied to France. No prosecution followed.”

H/T The Gateway Pundit


Read Trump's Speech Withdrawing 

         From the Iran Deal

On Tuesday, President Donald Trump announced that the U.S. will withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal and reinstate sanctions on the country. The agreement—which was reached by the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Russia, China, and Germany, along with the European Union, in July 2015—lifted sanctions on Iran in return for the country halting its nuclear program. Trump has long been vocal in his opposition to the deal, calling it a “horrible agreement,” an “embarrassment,” and, a day before his announcement, “very badly negotiated.” Trump’s decision to reinstate sanctions on Iran puts the U.S. at odds with its allies, who have indicated that they plan to stay in the deal. 

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani recently said that if the U.S. exits the deal, “it will quickly see that this decision will be a regret of historic proportions.” However, the debate as to the best course of action is a heated one: Some argue that the deal isn’t effective, while others say that withdrawing risks provoking an unnecessary crisis.  
Here, a full transcript of Trump’s remarks.

My fellow Americans, today I want to update the world on our efforts to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. The Iranian regime is the leading state sponsor of terror. It exports dangerous missiles, fuels conflicts across the Middle East, and supports terrorist proxies and militias such as Hezbollah, Hamas, the Taliban, and al-Qaeda.
Over the years, Iran and its proxies have bombed American embassies and military installations, murdered hundreds of American servicemembers, and kidnapped, imprisoned, and tortured American citizens. The Iranian regime has funded its long reign of chaos and terror by plundering the wealth of its own people. No action taken by the regime has been more dangerous than its pursuit of nuclear weapons and the means of delivering them.
In 2015, the previous administration joined with other nations in a deal regarding Iran’s nuclear program. This agreement was known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA. In theory, the so-called Iran deal was supposed to protect the United States and our allies from the lunacy of an Iranian nuclear bomb, a weapon that will only endanger the survival of the Iranian regime.
In fact, the deal allowed Iran to continue enriching uranium and, over time, reach the brink of a nuclear breakout. The deal lifted crippling economic sanctions on our end in exchange for very weak limits on the regime’s nuclear activity and no limits at all on its other maligned behavior, including sinister activities in Syria, Yemen, and other places all around the world. In other words, at the point when the United States had maximum leverage, this disastrous deal gave this regime—and it’s a regime of great terror—many billions of dollars, some of it in actual cash. A great embarrassment to me as a citizen and to all citizens of the United States.
A constructive deal could easily have been struck at the time, but it wasn’t. At the heart of the Iran deal was a giant fiction that a murderous regime desired only a peaceful nuclear-energy program. Today, we have definitive proof that this Iranian promise was a lie. Last week, Israel published intelligence documents, long-concealed by Iran, conclusively showing the Iranian regime and its history of pursuing nuclear weapons.
The fact is, this was a horrible, one-sided deal that should have never, ever been made. It didn’t bring calm, it didn’t bring peace, and it never will. In the years since the deal was reached, Iran’s military budget has grown by almost 40 percent, while its economy is doing very badly. 
After the sanctions were lifted, the dictatorship used its new funds to build nuclear-capable missiles, support terrorism, and cause havoc throughout the Middle East and beyond.
The agreement was so poorly negotiated that even if Iran fully complies, the regime could still be on the verge of a nuclear breakout in just a short period of time. The deal’s sunset provisions are totally unacceptable. If I allowed this deal to stand, there would soon be a nuclear-arms race in the Middle East. Everyone would want their weapons ready by the time Iran had theirs.
Making matters worse, the deal’s inspection provisions lack adequate mechanisms to prevent, detect, and punish cheating—and don’t even have the unqualified right to inspect many important locations, including military facilities. Not only does the deal fail to halt Iran’s nuclear ambitions, but it also fails to address the regime’s development of ballistic missiles that could deliver nuclear warheads.
Finally, the deal does nothing to constrain Iran’s destabilizing activities, including its support for terrorism. Since the agreement, Iran’s bloody ambitions have grown only more brazen. In light of these glaring flaws, I announced last October that the Iran deal must be either renegotiated or terminated. Three months later, on January 12, I repeated these conditions. I made clear that if the deal could not be fixed, the United States would no longer be a party to the agreement.
Over the past few months, we have engaged extensively with our allies and partners around the world, including France, Germany, and the United Kingdom. We have also consulted with our friends from across the Middle East. We are unified in our understanding of the threat and in our conviction that Iran must never acquire a nuclear weapon.
After these consultations, it is clear to me that we cannot prevent an Iranian nuclear bomb under the decaying and rotten structure of the current agreement. The Iranian deal is defective at its core. If we do nothing, we know exactly what will happen. In just a short period of time, the world’s leading state sponsor of terror will be on the cusp of acquiring the world’s most dangerous weapon. Therefore, I am announcing today that the United States will withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal.
In a few moments, I will sign a presidential memorandum  to begin reinstating U.S. nuclear sanctions on the Iranian regime. We will be instituting the highest level of economic sanction. Any nation that helps Iran in its quest for nuclear weapons could also be strongly sanctioned by the United States. America will not be held hostage to nuclear blackmail. We will not allow American cities to be threatened with destruction and we will not allow a regime the chance death to America to gain access to the most deadly weapons on Earth. 
Today’s action sends a critical message. The United States no longer makes empty threats. When I make promises, I keep them. In fact, at this very moment, Secretary Pompeo is on his way to North Korea in preparation for my upcoming meeting with Kim Jong-Un. Plans are being made, relationships are building, hopefully a deal will happen, and with the help of China, South Korea, and Japan, a future of great prosperity and security can be achieved for everyone.
As we exit the Iran deal, we will be working with our allies to find a real, comprehensive, and lasting solution to the Iranian nuclear threat. This will include efforts to eliminate the threat of Iran’s ballistic-missile program, to stop its terrorist activities worldwide, and to block its menacing activity across the Middle East. In the meantime, powerful sanctions will go into full effect. If the regime continues its nuclear aspirations, it will have bigger problems than it has ever had before.
Finally, I want to deliver a message to the long-suffering people of Iran: The people of America stand with you. It has now been almost 40 years since this dictatorship seized power and took a proud nation hostage. Most of Iran’s 80 million citizens have sadly never known an Iran that prospered in peace with its neighbors and commanded the admiration of the world. But the future of Iran belongs to its people. They are the rightful heirs to a rich culture and an ancient land and they deserve a nation that does justice to their dreams, honor to their history, and glory to their god.
Iran’s leaders will naturally say that they refuse to negotiate a new deal. They refuse and that is fine. I probably would say the same thing if I was in their position. But the fact is they are going to want to make a new and lasting deal, one that benefits all of Iran and the Iranian people. When they do, I am ready, willing, and able. Great things can happen for Iran and great things can happen for the peace and stability that we all want in the Middle East. There has been enough suffering, death, and destruction. Let it end now. Thank you. God bless you. 


Netanyahu to Meet with Putin on Wednesday

Here we go. The mainstream media is switching focus to the Middle East as expected. The Alliance are actively solving the Syria issue as we speak. All is being softly disclosed through the mainstream media for those who aren't awake. ~ Dinar Chronicles

MAY 5, 2018 / 1:29 PM

Israeli PM Netanyahu to meet Russia's Putin on Wednesday: statement

Reuters Staff

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Benjamin Netanyahu will meet Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday in Moscow to discuss regional issues, the Israeli prime minister said in a statement on Saturday.

Israel has been lobbying world powers to “fix or nix” a 2015 nuclear deal with Iran as a May 12 deadline set by President Donald Trump approaches.

Israel is also concerned that Iran is establishing a military presence in Syria, and it has attacked Iranian targets there.

Since intervening in the Syrian civil war on behalf of President Bashar al-Assad in 2015, Russia has generally turned a blind eye to Israeli attacks on suspected arms transfers and deployments by his Iranian and Hezbollah allies.

But when Moscow condemned an April 9 strike that killed seven Iranian personnel, and blamed Israel, it set off speculation in Israel that Russian patience might be wearing thin.

On Thursday, Israel’s defense minister reminded Russia of his government’s decision not to join Western sanctions against it, and asked that Moscow reciprocate with a more pro-Israel approach to Syria and Iran.

Netanyahu and Putin spoke by phone on Monday after the Israeli prime minister presented what he said were Iran’s secret nuclear files which document it having worked toward developing atomic weapons in the past. [L8N1S81NS]

U.S. and Israeli officials said the information showed Iran had lied about its past work to develop nuclear arms but intelligence experts said there was no smoking gun showing that Tehran had violated the nuclear deal under which it curbed its atomic program in return for relief from economic sanctions.

Trump has given Britain, France and Germany a May 12 deadline to fix what he views as the deal’s flaws - its failure to address Iran’s ballistic missile program, the terms by which inspectors visit suspect Iranian sites, and “sunset” clauses under which some of its terms expire - or he will reimpose U.S. sanctions.

Moscow has repeatedly said it wants the Iran nuclear deal left intact. Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Friday Russia would deem any changes to the deal to be unacceptable.

Source: Reuters


The Syria Pentagram

The real occult reason for the Syrian conflict is the battle for the Syrian goddess vortex which is one of the most important key energy points in the planetary energy grid.

Whoever controls that energy point is very close to controlling the majority of the energy leyline system on the planetary surface. Whoever controls the energy leyline system has direct access to global consciousness of humanity.

This is why the Jesuits have engineered the creation of Daesh (Islamic State).

The Syrian energy vortex is actually a pentagram. In the hands of the Light forces, this pentagram is an instrument of good that can transform the whole Middle East and can be a huge transmitter of positive feminine energy. In the hands of the dark, this pentagram can create much suffering, as people in Syria have experienced in the last few years.

All five points of Syria pentagram are key towns in Syria that had a strong connection with the Goddess energy in their rich past. 


These five points are:

Aleppo, a city with a strong Goddess presence:

Homs, the birth place of Julia Domna. Julia Domna was a Roman empress who tried to bring wisdom to the Roman court:

Palmyra, the birth place of Zenobia, a queen that lead the revolt against the oppression of the Roman empire:


Raqqa, the area where the Halaf culture was born:

Manbij, which was the center of worship of the Syrian goddess of fertility, Atargatis:

Three of those points, Aleppo, Homs and Palmyra, have already been liberated from the clutches of Daesh, Palmyra very recently:

Manbij will be free soon, too:

The liberation of Palmyra has cleared the path towards the liberation of Raqqa, the main Daesh stronghold in Syria:

When Raqqa is liberated, that will very rapidly lead to the complete liberation of the Syrian pentagram and will drastically improve the situation in the Middle East.

Those who feel guided, can help supporting the healing of the Syria pentagram by visualizing this piece of ancient Halafian pottery rotating over the whole Syria pentagram, strengthening the Goddess vortex there and removing all darkness from the region: 


This piece of Halafian pottery, made 7000 years ago, contains sacred geometry codes that activate Goddess presence and remove darkness from all four directions.

Victory of the Light!


Many people are asking what is behind the Panama papers. This link explains it all:

Syria Event Could Be the Biggest One to total defeat the cabal deep state & wake up humanity

Source: Messiah Note

Define “Chemical Weapon” for me please?

I do not know how much knowledge do you have, but to me all the artificial chemicals man-made in labs are “Chemical Weapon” ! All kind of pesticides, GMOs are hurting all kind of animals & human body, the only different is how much the damage cause.

The East could bring to the table 3 things after the Syria Strike:

– New financial system with “Physical Money Physical Goods, Digital Goods Digital Money”

– Ban all kind of man-made artificial chemicals, Plastic & GMOs.

– Global Peace Union where all nations military will join together.

The main resources of the Cabal Deep State in all nations are the artificial chemicals & the digital goods.

Of course this will shake up the whole world especially the public who are living in illusion life, where most only care about “status” but do not care about the real physical quality.

Humanity must face the truth, for there is nothing worse than the Noah Flood Type Catastrophe.

The road to human evolution & ascension may be begin from now.


Messiah – Mahdi – Maitreya – Udumbara Flower Holy King


Syria is critical! Netanyahu reveals that "EE. UU. Rap"

It looks very bad! Updated at 9:26 PM, Doom is on! Syria is critical! Netanyahu reveals that "EE. UU. Rap"

Many new updates are now posted further down the page ... is quite revealing that the media completely ignore this rapidly escalating situation that seems increasingly a fact. Maybe Satanists do not want anyone to attempt to spread their plans through public opposition. 

From ... ..  

Tuesday 10 April 2018 11:18

There have been significant developments in the overnight on the current situation in Syria. All my former colleagues in the intelligence community tell me that the United States, the United Kingdom and France have military units in the Middle East on alert for what most believe will be a direct attack supported between the US, UK and France Syria starting as early as tonight! This article will be live updated throughout today (Tuesday, April 10, 2018). 

The units of the British Air Force in Cyprus are being openly charged with bombs, missiles and ammunition. The Russian Baltic Fleet has declared a  combat alert  . Russian strategic bombers are in the air over the Mediterranean Sea, loaded with   air - to - ship  cruise missiles and the Russian Air Force are carrying out heavy combat air patrols across the region.

This situation is like a big pile of dynamite waiting to explode a spark in a direct war between Russia, the US / NATO and regional powers in the Middle East. 

Russia, the only nation with permission from the Syrian government to be in that country, told the US / UK and France will not allow another attack on its ally Syria.  Russia has made clear it will fight back knocking down any missile launched in Syria, shooting down any aircraft to attack Syria, and then attacking any Navy ship to launch missiles and air bases from which the attack aircraft were launched.

US / UK / France claim that chemical weapons attack was perpetrated 4 days ago against innocent civilians in a Damascus suburb called East Ghouta. The alleged attack involving chlorine gas and possibly a nerve agent.  
Reports vary, saying that between 40 and 161 civilians were killed and more than 1,000 others were injured. 

The United States, the United Kingdom and France blame for this "attack" the Syrian government, but tests show the area chlorine cylinders manufactured by MERCK, at its factory in Schudgardt, Germany. That means that chlorine was supplied by Germany, a country of NATO. Here's a picture of evidence:

So far, Merck has not answered my questions about the media citing a serial number on one of those cylinders of chlorine. I contacted with MERCK in Germany for answers about who bought this cylinder, when, to whom the cylinder was sent, where and when. MERCK in Germany did not respond.


Overnight, military units in Syria the Syrian Arab Army, Hezbollah backed by Iran and Russia were ordered to begin to disperse from several bases, in anticipation of a military attack from the United States, the United Kingdom and France. 

The Russian Air Force has ordered at least two early warning aircraft (A-50) on the east and west of Syria, each of them is protected by two fighter jets of the Russian Air Force (RuAF). 

British armed forces in Cyprus have been put on alert for military action in Syria and reported "significant" activities. 

Russian Black Sea Fleet has declared a combat alert high level for all vessels while transnational force attack US - led with the UK and France is ready to attack Syria over allegations of chemical weapons. An attack is expected in the next 24 hours. 

RuAF is very active in Syria with several aircraft in the air near its coast, an antisubmarine aircraft P-8 POSEIDON of EE. UU. Just be monitored signal and electronic intelligence gathering off the coast of Syria and now is just off Lebanon. 

Russian strategic bombers are flying over the Caspian Sea and Iran, fully loaded with Kh-55SM extend the reach cruise missiles 3000 km. These missiles are air boat and are known to be incredibly accurate murderers boat. 

Accordingreports, US warships converge in the Mediterranean, and the Pentagon now admits that the USS Donald Cook is the station near Syria. 

Surface ships of the Chinese navy in the Mediterranean in joint exercises with surface units of the Russian army have been ordered to join the Russians in the Syrian port of Tartus in case of a possible aggression against Syria. (  Source ) (This means we are now seeing EE. UU./RR./ France versus Syria / Russia / Iran and China). All this activity is taking place, however, the mass media in the United States and Europe are virtually silent about it Little or no story about the magnitude of what is happening are reported. It is almost as if the powerful wish that the public remained in the dark until the war broke out suddenly. In this way, the public is frightened by the sudden catastrophe facing and will comply with what the government says fear.

From this point, the updates will appear below as the information becomes available. Updates are INTELLIGENCE RAW and I warn you now, in war there are often highly conflicting reports. 

Then updates as available:

Steady stream of freighters Galaxy C-5 US taking off from RAF Cardiff in Wales, presumably transporting supplies to the Middle East. 

The Russian ruble is falling in value at this time, 8% today. This comes after the Russian Stock Exchange also fell 11% yesterday. 

 Boeing P-8A of EE. UU. (168439) NAS Sigonella conducting a surveillance mission off the coast of Syria near the Russian bases from Latakia (port and airbase) Radar Path below:  A fighter plane Russian made mock attacks against the French frigate 'Aquitane '(pictured below) the Mediterranean  now reports that the Army and Air Force are evacuating Syrian warplanes airbases Al-Typhur and Al-Seen towards the airbase Al-Nayrab and Damascus International Airport


It is reported that the factions of the Syrian army at the US base of At-Tanf are preparing to attack the city of Deir Ez Zor, possibly when the US - led coalition launched major attacks against Syria. The  

President Trump canceled his first trip to Latin America: the  president of the  White House    , Trump is no longer on the next trip to South America; will remain in the US. UU. "to oversee the US response to Syria." 

Unconfirmed report:  EE  .  UU. He wants to launch the ground operation in Damascus within the next 24 hours! US military. UU. They prefer a massive operation. Ammunution for US Troop. UU. And NATO allegedly deployed in Syria now. Troops from France and the UK and secretly sent to northern Syria. 

Reports from Syria deployment of missile systems around the presidential palace and the Defense Ministry in Damascus, according to a UN diplomatic source. It was reported that the aircraft were transferred to the Russian base near Lattaquieh. 

The SU-24 fighter aircraft Russians have begun to tingle US warships in low and crazy levels in the Mediterranean.  Some fly to just  50-60 feet. 

Russia will take all measures of political, diplomatic and military retaliation if necessary if the United States attacks Syria, President of the Defense Committee of the State Duma (lower house of Russian parliament) and former commander of the Russian Airborne Troops said Vladimir Shamanov on Tuesday , according to TASS 

 United States requested a vote at 3pm (7pm GMT) on a draft UN resolution to start an investigation into multiple attacks with chemical weapons in Syria  

(  Editor 's Note: I    suspect that Russia will veto the resolution and wAR then. This is really fucking bad. This is the closest I've been to the 3rd world war since the Cuban missile crisis.)

White House informed the press that will not accept delays and  They will move with or without the vote  , but rather one. 

 Syrian forces have started sending its warplanes to Khmeimim airbase, a base of the Russian Air Force in Latakia. 


Russian Ambassador Nebenzia summoned the three main imperial powers (EE. UU./R UK / France) at the meeting of the UNSC on Syria for lack of "clear strategy":  "Everything you touch, chaos slouch ... do not understand the dangerous threshold at which are you bringing the world?" Saudi Arabian FM confirms its support for attacks on #Syria, which makes #KSA the first state in the Middle East to join the transnational US - led attack. #UK and #France have pledged to attack the alleged use of chemical weapons. Attack expect in the next 24 hours  Reports that Britain, France, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and even Israel have said they want to help the United States in an attack on pro-Assad forces. The Pro-Assad forces have begun to move planes and helicopters to better defended air bases.

Russia's ambassador to the UN said they are not afraid to attack the US military assets if the US strikes Syria; so it's not just Ships - United States also has bases and troops 2k in northern Syria 

's UN ambassador of Russia, Vasili Nevenzia, it said that the draft US resolution condemning the continued use of chemical weapons in Syria "contains some unacceptable elements that can make even worse." 
additionthe USS Donald Cook,US has dispatched USN..  

Carrier Strike Group 8 to Mediterranean / # Syria  - USS Harry Truman aircraft carrier  - Carrier Air Wing VII  - USS Hue City missile cruiser  - Arleigh Burke Destroyers x6 - x1 Fragata Oliver Hazard Perry

The OPCW will send independent investigators to the Duma chemical weapons in Syria is what hailed as a diplomatic breakthrough, hoping to avoid a US - led attack on Syria. #Russia has supported the inspection. 
The international watchdog chemical weapons send a fact finding mission to Douma, Syria, to investigate reports of an attack there. The move follows calls from Moscow and Damascus to initiate an international investigation.
"Today, the Technical Secretariat of the OPCW has asked the Syrian Arab Republic to make the necessary arrangements for such a deployment.  This has coincided with a request from the Russian Federation Syrian Arab Republic and to investigate allegations of use of chemical weapons in Douma.  the team is preparing to deploy in Syria soon ",   he said in a statement Tuesday the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

The incident allegedly occurred in the suburb of Douma in Damascus on Saturday. Several groups of activists linked to the rebels, including the controversial White Helmets, reported that Syrian troops accused of throwing munitions filled with chlorine in the area. They also claimed that affected dozens of civilians, and have been published online images of children allegedly treated for poisoning.

Damascus described the alleged attack as a   "fabrication".   Russian military specialists explored the area when militants Jaysh al-Islam occupied Douma began to evacuate the city as part of an agreement with Damascus brokered by Russia. Moscow said the experts found no traces of chemical weapons or victims treated by chemical poisoning.

The announcement of the OPCW took place shortly before a scheduled meeting of the Security Council of the UN on the alleged incident of Douma. It is expected that both Russia and EE. UU. Deploy draft resolutions calling for an international investigation into the alleged attack. On Monday the UN said it could not   "independently verify the allegations" with   respect to Douma.

"We are not in a position at this point to independently verify the allegations but obviously any allegations of continued use of chemical weapons is extremely, extremely worrying , " said  Stephane Dujarric, spokesman for UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres.
Defense Sec.  James Mattis had planned to travel to Nevada and San Francisco this weekend, but has since canceled his trip, according to a US official. 

 Reports that several warplanes RuAF carrying antiship missiles broke the sound barrier over Tartous and Latakia at this time.

BULLETIN ***** *****

Alert notification for Civil Aviators for FIR Eastern / #Nicosia Mediterranean. Prior notice now is relayed across Europe:

Note that EASA has issued 'Notification early warning for the area of FIR Eastern Mediterranean / Nicosia' indicating that:  
Due to the possible launch of air strikes on Syria with air- to -ground missiles and / or cruise in the next 72 hours, and the possibility of intermittent disruption of radio navigation equipment, should be duly taken into account when planning flight operations in the area of FIR Eastern / Mediterranean Nicosia. 'The 
aircraft operators are invited to verify any relevant NOTAM  
NMOC Brussels
12:03 AM EDT - Russia has just reported to the UNSC that the draft of the United States will be discussed tonight is not accepted. 

12:20 AM EDT - US amphibious transport base of the United States Navy, USS New York (MMSI: 369970522) is moving. 

24:33 EDT - Prime Minister Theresa May and President Donald Trump spoke by phone and condemned the "ruthless disregard for human life" Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad and agreed on the importance of defending the global ban on the use of chemical weapons  

 12: 50 PM EDT - RUAF T154B2 from Moscow, Russia to Baltimore, USA. UU. And return the same day: April 10. There must be someone very special on that flight. It may be a general of the Russian armed forces with some caveats opening for Donald Trump. 1:14 PM EDT -  "Doomsday Plane" (Boeing E-4B Nightwatch) in the air now ... 1:35 PM EDT -  The US ambassador  .  UU. NATO told me that President Assad is guilty of "genocide" and that military action would be "an appropriate response"  on military actions the ambassador said this:  "I think a military response, perhaps eliminating some of the places where carried out these missions -the bases from where they fly to shed químicas- weapons, I think it would be an appropriate response. " 1: 40 PM EST -  

. NATO Sec  Gen. Jens Stoltenberg said in an interview with NRK Dagsrevyen tonight, there will be a strong reaction the United States within the next 24 hours. He also said that NATO is in consultations with the United States and other NATO countries on the reaction to chemical weapons attack in Syria. 

2:00 PM EDT -   Russian jets buzzing American and French ships near the Syrian coastline war. The planes were fully armed with missiles. 

14:35 EDT -  A senior Russian lawmaker warns US against attack on Syria, says it could trigger a direct military confrontation between Russia and the United States  

. "Shamanov emphasized that a Russian retaliatory strike could attack ships and aircraft of the US Navy.  He added that the use of nuclear weapons is "unlikely ... yet" (not out)

2:40 PM EDT - 'critical juncture'. Beijing warns against military intervention in Syria  

 2:55 pm EDT -   ALERT reportedly British forces They mobilize their bases in Cyprus and Rafale fighter planes could take off from the airbase at St Dizier in France for possible attacks against Syria 

3:15 pm EDT -  The Israel Defense Force (IDF) is now on high alert in northern Israel as regional tensions soar with Syria. 

3:20 pm EDT - Starts meeting of the Security Council UN 

3:22 PM EDT - Russian Ministry of Defense (MOD) has asked Iran to provide access to Third Base Combat Tactical Air Force the Republic of Iran in Hamedan to deploy their heavy bombers (probably Tu-22 or Tu-95), tankers Il-78 and use it as a refueling point for fighters who plan to deploy in Syria. 

 3:30 pm EDT - Nikki Haley now speaking before the UN vote. He said that the proposal of the United States is the "bare minimum". He says the Russian proposal allows researchers to choose from Russia and would not be independent. He says that we can not take more. 

VOTING BEGINS IN THE United Nations Security Council on American RESOLUTION TO SYRIA 12 in favor, 2 against, China refrains at  

3:40 pm EDT -   US project vetoed by Russia at 




359 PM EDT -  "All the goods needed 'instead to attack Syria, FROM TRUMP ORDERS EXPECTED' anytime '- US military officials. UU. A I24 NEWS. 



4:14 PM EDT -   Russian Embassy in Lebanon. "Russia will respond to the #US and its allies in the most severe way possible if they launch an attack on #Syria  . Both mobile and fixed assets will be directed"

4:18 PM EDT -  Reports of a large number of US strategic bombers arriving in the UK Cambridgeshire

**** **** NEWSLETTER

4:45 pm EDT - Top Russian officials and key government personnel ordered to order and control bunkers in places beneath the Ural Mountains, with immediate effect.

5:15 pm EDT -  A US military officer said that if Iranian missile attacks against Israel, "we moving combat forces within 72 hours." 

5:20 PM EDT - The Security Council of the UN has reprimanded behind closed doors. 

The Swedes are trying to reach an agreement between Russia and the rest of the council whereinvestigate who was responsiblethe chemical attack in Syria, and hopefully avoid an escalation of the local conflict among the larger countries with vested interests. 

5:25 PM EST - #EurEast various media have reported the alleged evacuation of Assad and all his family to Tehran because of fears of military action by Western states against Syria threatening 
 FOUR (  4) E-6B US Navy. UU. Everything in poorly coded transponders! This is not an accident. They are scrambling identities of the aircraft. The Boeing E-6 Mercury (Hermes above E-6) is a position command and a relay airborne communications on the Boeing 707-320 based. The E-6A manufactured by the original division of Boeing Defense entered service with the US Navy in July 1989, replacing the EC-130Q. 

This platform, now modified according to the E-6B standard, transmits instructions of the National Command Authority's fleet ballistic missile submarines (see communication with submarines), a mission known as TACAMO (Take Charge And Move Out). The E-6B model deployed in October 1998 also has the ability to remotely control the Minuteman ICBM using the launch control system Airborne. The E-6B EC-135Cs replaced the Air Force in the role of "Mirror", providing command and control of US nuclear forces. UU. If the ground control becomes inoperable. With production lasting until 1991,

 5:30 PM EDT -   Russian missiles Kalibr Crusie locked in US bases in Syria 

The Armed Forces of the Federation  Russian are prepared  for full combat

if the United States decides to use force in Syria in connection with an alleged chemical attack in the city Duma will receive a similar response, not only in Damascus but also Moscow. 

Warships in the Mediterranean, as well as fleets Caspian and Black Sea are ready to attack facilities and US bases in the Middle East if the Pentagon decides to use force in response to an alleged chemical attack in Douma. 

 5:45 PM EST -   the 2nd. Security Council resolution UN Failed voted 5-4 ¡¡¡  

6:09 PM EST - Russian Ambassador to the #UNSC: the strike is planning against #yria lead to catastrophic results. 

6:10 PM EDT -   Russia deployed several Su-34 and Tu-154 to Syria 
 6:12 PM EDT -   .. "Any military clash between Russia and the US will expand beyond a local conflict and confrontation will be inevitable. " -   

Lieutenant retired. Yevgeny Buzhinsky (former head of the International Department of the Russian Ministry of Defense)

definitely gives clues about the presence of NATO in Ukraine and Russia 's borders in the Baltic.

BULLETIN ***** ***** 

6:14 PM EDT - Now I can confirm positively that the "Great Military Attacks" against Syria by the United States and our allies, IS IMMINENT. This information is 100% supported by people with direct knowledge of planning.  

6:37 PM EDT -   observers have noted numerous assets of the coalition in the air near the border between Iraq and Syria. Breaking Heavy aircraft flying US - led coalition on Syria-Iraq border # (al-Jazeera)

18:44 EDT -   Al Jazeera reporting on important incoming armada coalition   
6:46 PM EDT -   Numerous US and French aircraft they are flying over Jordan. 

6:59 pm EDT - Israeli media report that "Israeli Prime Minister revealed during a meeting US security deal a military coup the Syrian regime"  

 .7  :  02 PM EDT - The member of the public advisory council of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, Igor Korotchenko, said: "Trump has to understand that we will talk about the possibility of nuclear escalation if we have a collision between the armies of the US and Russia" 

, he warned decision to carry out an illegal military effort, we hope, I hope you regain your senses. You are responsible for yourself. " 
  Ruptured  Security Council   : The coalition led by the United States is asking all flight companies in the Middle East to change their itinerary in Syria to another country because of possible air strikes against targets army Syria: KURDISTAN 24 

7:10 pm EDT - inquiétude *** *** Turkish media reports say they have launched missiles to Syria from ships in the Mediterranean Sea. INCONFIRMADO ** **

7:42 PM EDT -  FoxNews reports on Live TV an imminent announcement on US action Syria  OMG! BULLETIN *** ***


Russian state television tells everyone not to panic, but still provides a practical guide on "What to take to the air raid shelter."

8:30 pm EDT - The Syrian Arab army has posted a message to President Trump on his Facebook page; a photo taken from inside a control console missile defense with a note saying "Fuck U Trump". 

Launch console has the key inserted and activated trigger. 

8:28 PM EDT -   The Pentagon is preparing to make a statement about its decision regarding military strikes against Syria 

8:39 PM EDT - refueling aircraft KC-767 Italians who now entering Jordan from airspace Saudi Arabia. It provides logistics for fighter aircraft is expected to launch cruise missiles to Syria soon as part of a transnational US - led attack against Syria. 

10:01 PM EST - None. Absolutely nothing. All my contacts in the Intel Community are silent. 

Syria is 7 hours ahead of the east coast of the United States. Then from this update are 5:01 a.m.  The sunrise is at 6:10 am  So unless something happens within the next hour would "doom off" for now.  

In general, EE. UU. No launch major attacks in the light of day because the cruise missiles traveling slowly enough to be fired by ground forces that can see them, and so the EE. UU. (Normally) attack in the darker hours of the night. 

Perhaps this is a strategy; keep the target worried about what "know" is coming. Increases the stress level. Drag. Make them tired. When people are tired, they do not work well. That's an advantage. 

Anyway, I've been awake since 4:30 this morning and I'm fully occupied. At 11:00 pm, if nothing happens, I'll live updating this article. 

Please  dona  . They're ruining the costs of bandwidth (data transfer) and could use the help. 

10:11 PM EDT -  Informa President Assad leaving Damascus in a Russian convoy heads to the Lebanese border. 
Posted by  free will

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