
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Messages of Galactic Federation. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Messages of Galactic Federation. Mostrar todas las entradas

14 de octubre de 2019

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Arcturian Council’s Connection to Humanity - Oct 13, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have established a connection with so many of you now that we have a tremendous amount of information with which to go on in regards to how we help you. We also have been amazed by so many of you, as these connections have taught us about the struggles of being human there on planet Earth. We know what you have been through, and we respect you so much for taking that deep dive into density.

We are better equipped now to offer you energetic transmissions, and we want you to recognize that how we feel to you today we be quite different from how we felt to you three years ago. And we want you to recognize that difference because we want you to be able to discern when a being, or a group of beings, is offering something to you that is in fact helpful.

We know that we were still being helpful three years ago when we were coming through this channel in the early days of our transmissions, but we also know that what we offer you today is of greater value because of the intimacy that there is between us now. We invite you to approach life with your feelers out all the time, rather than always checking with your logical mind to see if something makes sense. You need to feel into the different beings you are connecting with and the different pieces of information that you are receiving, even if they are coming to you from a trusted source.

A lot can happen to that trusted source and a lot can happen in the life of the trusted source that you have been receiving information from. So always check in with your feeling senses to see what resonates and what does not. And please also note that you are getting better and better at receiving information directly. We, and others like us, have trained you to set your vibrational tone to such a frequency that you can get more directly now, and that’s a very good thing. So we are changing to better suit your needs, and you are changing and becoming better receivers of what we offer. You are becoming better receivers of all that is coming to you from the higher realms, and we applaud and salute you for honing that gift as well.

We do want you to realize that you are important in this process of offering and receiving, because you are the ones doing the asking. And please know that we hear your requests. We know what you want to hear about from us, and if it is appropriate, we will give it to you. If it will derail you from your path, then we will not go there with you, even though it’s something your mind or ego is certain is important. This is how we work together. This is why we talk about our transmissions as co-creations, and we just want you to feel into our energy as much as you can so that you will always know when something you are getting does not resonate.

This is important now more than ever because you have so many different sources of information available to you. There are many, many pure and wonderful channelers and teachers, and there are many, many beautiful beings and collectives who are helping humanity. And if you set your dial vibrationally to them, then those will be the ones you encounter and hear from. So remember that as well. This whole process starts even before you receive a message or a transmission.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

21 de septiembre de 2019

Mike Quinsey's independence

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message,

September 20, 2019

20th September 2019. Mike Quinsey.
With the young people of the world showing more and more independence and determination to bring about changes, the old regime cannot last much longer and must make way for the changes necessary to move Humanity firmly onto a new path that is opening up for them. People are sensing that changes are imminent and are eager to move onto a new path that is free from the old dictates that have become outdated. There are many souls who have incarnated at this time specifically to serve the people and help them understand what is required of them. They have a different outlook and understanding of events on Earth and know that they have an important part to play in bringing the new into being. The old energies are being played out never to return, and already the new vibrations are beginning to lift people up, and their sights are set upon creating a pathway to the New Age.

Time is running out for the old energies of confusion and disruption, and there is a new energy emerging that will leave the old vibrations behind. The time for suffering is up and in the near future a new and heartfelt approach will be taken to bring it to an end. Some souls are so involved with the old energies that they will find it hard to release themselves from them, but be assured help will be given providing they are responsive to it. Those higher Beings who oversee Humanity’s evolution are guiding you onto a path that will move you on from which you will never look back. The old ways can no longer influence your future unless you allow it, so be aware of the opportunities placed before you and take what is presented to you. Many, many souls are working hard to get you going in the right direction.

Many of you now know that you are not of the Earth and you do in fact come from a number of different sources. You all came to the Earth to learn about life and be tested, to see if you could find your way back through spiritual growth and awareness. It must be stressed that you accepted the challenge knowing that in the ultimate you would be guided back. The road has been tough and hard and through it you have become more spiritually aware and understanding, helping you to evolve to a new higher level. All will ultimately be revealed to you but has been hidden from you to allow your evolution to progress without interference.

Your governments may hide the truth from you about ET’s but it is unrealistic for them to think that they can continue doing so. You not only have ET’s working amongst you, some are revealing their identities, as it will soon be time for a worldwide newscast announcing their presence. Only a small percentage of you are aware of the truth surrounding this subject and it is time to prepare the ground for enlightenment on this subject. There is a degree of fear amongst some people who are ill informed about ET’s, which is why the whole question of making an announcement is being handled very carefully. You have had sightings and contacts with them for over 70 years when the first big ones took place, and in spite of the subject having been largely ignored by your Press people have become knowledgeable of the subject. You are no longer in isolation and it is time to meet some of your closest friends such as the Pleiadians who have guided your progress.

A great time awaits you when the remnants of the last Age can be shaken off. Already many of you are aware that major changes are afoot but few comprehend the totality of them. All that you could possibly wish for will be yours as you are projecting your wishes into the future and at some time they will manifest. So keep your focus upon all that is good and positive, and do not be distracted by what is going on around you. Changes are happening all the time around you and will continue for a long time until you have fully entered the New Age. It is not an easy process as people tend to be attached to what they have become used to for many years. However, progress marches on regardless of even the Cabal and their minions, who must yield to the overpowering need to let humanity enjoy the advances in technology that will make life so much more easier and enjoyable. Naturally some have come into being because they could no longer be held back, but many more that would considerably lift the standard of life are still waiting.

It is so evident that Mother Earth is also in the throes of massive changes that cannot be held back and the result is some discomfort for you. Having entered a new area of space she has to adjust and does it in a way that causes a minimum of damage and inconvenience to you. In the long run it will all be beneficial to you and welcomed. Your scientist can predict the coming of major changes so that the people can be forewarned and do what is necessary for their safety. Naturally progress will be monitored and ample warning given if you should be in areas that are at risk. Be assured that events on Earth are always closely monitored. It may seem incredible that you are considered to be so successful for having passed the Marker and you do not realise what a great achievement it was against all expectations. That is not to say that you were left without outside support and you can be certain that all of the time you were being assisted. You are all greatly admired for having undertaken the challenge to experience life without memory of your real background and destiny. Now it is appropriate for the truth to be gradually released and not in a way that would overpower you. However, in a manner of speaking time is no longer on your side and progress must be made so that you move with the times. One day you will look back and fully understand why matters occurred in the manner in which they did and you will not be disappointed.

In the distant future but not too far away you will realise how difficult it was to introduce new advancements and also that it was largely due to those who have vested interests in the way things are now, and are reluctant to accept change that affects them. It is understandable that having invested much time and money into developing their market they do not like the idea of change. In a minor way at present you can see that the introduction of the electric car is considered a threat to the industries that rely on the present motor trade for their income.

Everyone will ultimately gain from the changes that will take place, and the medical industry will greatly benefit from them as will those who use their services. Already things are changing at a rapid pace and it is only “money” that will delay the introduction of new methods of treatment. Not for the first time we will mention that eventually the surgeon’s knife will no longer be needed, and that should give you plenty to think about. Progress will be made regardless of any conditions that exist at present. So take heart from the future prospects and know that all will turn out well, no matter how long it takes.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey

Published by EVERTH THENANSHED 1st Officer of the Galactic Federation of free planets.

 © misteri1963 this publication can be freely reproduced as long as it respects its integrity and mentions the author, the translator and the URL as the source and the copyright notice.

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