
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Spiritually. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Spiritually. Mostrar todas las entradas

21 de abril de 2019


Transformation Lyran Channeling by Jamye Price
Blessed beings, as always it is a precious moment when we meet in your awareness for it is your awareness that brings life to form. You are constantly changing. This is an exciting tipping point of this time.
Your awareness is being utilized by you more consciously to shift your experience. Therefore, change occurs more easily and rapidly. You are beginning to resonate with this pace of change and what seems fast moving now will soon become a natural pace for you. You will feel more at ease with your change.
It is your perception of your challenges and your capability to adapt easily to change that makes a difference in this flow.


You are rapidly changing on conscious and physical levels, although the physical changes will take more time than your mental, emotional and subtle changes. Your awareness allows all of these changes to flow more easily.
Change is constant. You have become used to change of weather and seasons. Now you are learning to adapt more easily in your emotional situations, social situations, with technology and to your environment. Although change is occurring at a faster pace, it is becoming easier to you.
You are learning how to integrate more of yourself with the change.  
Changes in your environment include changes in weather. The way you adapt to change in weather is a good example of how to learn to work with the energy flow around you. As you observe weather you sense heat, moisture and pressure. You respond knowing that the weather will have an effect on you and your life. You adjust easily because it is a natural flow and you recognize that you must deal with weather.
This is a beautiful analogy of this time. You are learning to adapt and respond. As you begin tolook at your life as something you can adjust to easily, you will begin to allow the flow of it more easily. You will allow the energy of Life to be fully received by you and to flow more easily with you. Most of this has been invisible to you and sometimes not easy.
You are supported through change because you have allowed yourself to receive energies that are changing your resonance and vibration.


You are receiving energy and information at all times. You are a biomechanism that naturally receives energy. As a species, you are becomingmore consciously aware that life is interacting with you on many levels. Your conscious awareness is sensing and feeling what others are sensing and feeling. You are sensing things that are not said. You are sensing information that may not be in the current timeline. Information that may be from the past or the future.
This is an important and beautiful time. Your conscious awareness is calling you to more choicemore loving allowance and more wonderment with life.
Your conscious awareness of the energies you receive is key. You are meant to be interactive with your environment and the energies around you—interactive with nature, people and animals. Your consciousness is key.
As you receive these energies, you filter them through your internal environment. Your internal environment is your inner sacred space. Your choice and perception within is where you allow what you have received to become change.


As you allow the information of life to flow in, you are strengthening your ability to flow and respond with Life. Interaction becomes very natural. You feel it, ponder it and perceive it. Interaction becomes a give and receive. You find that experiences that once challenged you will have more flow to them.
As you receive Life, you are actually opening up to more of yourself. You are allowing more of yourself to emanate into the world. You will naturally begin to connect more with life and emanate your intentions and choices into your experience.


Look for small things that delight you. This is a way to access more conscious awareness within your experience. Small things allow you to connect with your environment and sense the subtle energy.
As you connect with colors, smells, temperatures, sounds and emotions you allow change to flow more easily.
As you allow the positives and negatives to thrill your discovery, you become more adaptable.
Life becomes more like play and less like pressure. The small delights allow that ease of taking the next step along your path.
Allow yourself to find the small delights. What is it that most delights you? What draws your attention? Are you more auditory or more visual? Do you like to think, feel, or physically create?
When you find the small delights, they will connect you with life and allow you to receive more. You will begin to feel less of a need to disconnect for protection. You will have a sense of more safety and wisdom. You will connect with life in ways that serve you and serve life. Your resonance is affecting your environment.


Your resonance is your vibrational information. It is shifting and changing at a rapid pace now because you are available to more change. Your resonance is affecting your environment. Your environment responds to you. The Earth is yours, just as you are of the Earth. Embrace it in all ways.
As you embrace Life, Life embraces you even more. In these powerful times, receive it, receive Life. Teach through your receiving, through your allowance and awareness of that which is delightful and interesting to you. For Life has information within it that is now within you and changing your resonance. Your resonance and your magnificence will become more obvious.
You are Love in Action Lyran Channeling by Jamye Price
As you find the small delights, let it be okay that sometimes you find sorrow. Sometimes you find fear or anger. Embrace it anyway, because as you do you are allowing it to transform. It becomes strength, wisdom, or new choice within your resonance. You are the Passive force of love that knows life is perfect and ever changing.


Love is a passive force. It is a force because it is powerful. It is passive because it will not overtake. It will open to allow and that which is resonant will create anew.  It is passive in that you can never force someone to love. But you can call them to it and embrace them. As you love, you become a powerful force that creates life.
Life is constantly offering itself to you. It doesn’t matter if you are in a moment of fear, hatred or sorrow. It will embrace you. Life offers itself to you for creation, and that love is unconditional. Life gives itself easily to you. What you are doing now is receiving more of that. You are allowing your love to flow more easily into the world. This releases the control systems that have been flowing their own energy strongly. 
The truth of who you are is known to be love in action.
Your life is known to be in transformation. You are known to be capable, ever changing and magnificent. The truth of you is known. You are capable of embracing any experience you are having and transforming it. 
You naturally transform experiences. This is the beginning of unconditionality within this realm of conditions. Your unconditionality is in the subtle realm. Conditions are for the physical realm. Honor both. Remind yourself, “Yes, I am fully prepared for this. I am. I take it in. I transform it. If it takes a season, so be it. This fruit, too, shall ripen.”
The beauty of life is that you can refine your experiences through thinking and feeling. This has the potential to create excitement in every experience. Your conscious awareness of what you are experiencing is what defines and changes it. A beautiful aspect of physicality is that there is a duality. There are opposites. Your opposites create a complete whole. This is how you find your wholeness. This is an exciting part of life

Published by EVERTH THENANSHED, 1st Official of the Galactic Federation of free planets.

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved.You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, the author is given credit and the URL is included in and the Copyright Notice

13 de abril de 2019


- I do not remember to myself that I am happy and prosperous now

- Today I wake up plen @ and happy, I know that wonderful things will happen to me in my life.

-Today I begin this day with great joy in my heart and that will be the premise for me. My fears and fears of yesterday were left behind. My whole being is filled with love now.

-I keep my mind on my goal constantly.

- From today I will express a good will and rejoice and I will have a friendly attitude with everyone.

- New strength and power flow through my being, I feel strong and my body and in my spirit and I try to keep it that way at all times and forever

- Today I am the master of everything I do, I will express and make a habit of being happy, enthusiastic and happy in everything.

- I do what makes me good, things are all new to me.

- I am full of life, today I start this new day with joy and I enjoy all the good things that happen to me.

- I only talk about the things that I like and my goal is set in my goals, I have the certainty of achieving everything I want to achieve, I have a clear mind a cheerful heart and an enjoyment of what life gives me.

- Today I will love the work I do, and I will love my neighbor as myself.

- I will revive with a dynamic power

- Today I see life with a positive perspective, I will put the best of myself with love in my work, I take the right attitude towards everything that concerns me.

- I decide to attract everything good to me.

- My goal is to live and enjoy a happy and successful life.

- Today I will put all the enthusiasm and joy in everything that I am capable of in my work.

- Today I start to be happy, circumstances do not control me, nothing has power over me to harm me, hurt me or hurt me, I see life with a new perspective. Love, affection, respect and chemistry go hand in hand with our partner, all the energy of love is in me.

-I keep my mind on my goal constantly.

- From today I will express a good will and rejoice and I will have a friendly attitude with everyone.

- New strength and power flow through my being, I feel strong and my body and in my spirit and I try to keep it that way at all times and forever

- Today I am the master of everything I do, I will express and make a habit of being happy, enthusiastic and happy in everything.

- I do what makes me good, things are all new to me.

- I have an abundance of love to give.

- Today I start the best year of my life and bring the best things of life to me. Today I attract the ideal love of my life and all the romanticism to my life.

-I know that my vibrations of love are attracting you to my life.

- I allow love to find me, I am determined to bring it to me.

-I see the love of my life again and again and it materializes now.

-My life, love life is enriched and we learn from each other.

- I smile and I fill with energy the present, I do not worry about the future. My dreams are always fulfilled.

- I thank the Creator every day for all the blessings I receive.

- I give thanks for all the blessings I will receive.

Published by EVERTH THENANSHED, 1st Official of the Galactic Federation of free planets.

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved. You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, the author receives credit and the URL is included in https: //misteri1963.blogspot. com and the copyright notice

12 de abril de 2019

5 Signs you've met someone Been During a past life

Our souls are eternal. We have lived many lives and will continue to live many more.While we do not remember our past lives, mostly, there are people with whom we believe we have known forever, there is a reason for this feeling. Our soul will recognize our past lives, even if we ourselves do not. If you experience any of the following things when you meet someone, you may know someone who has known before in a different life. It could even be someone you have met 100 times.

5 Signs That You met someone from a past life:

1. You have a strong connection or repulsion instantly. 
Not all of your past will come with a positive light. Have you ever met someone and instantly you feel like you have to be your friend or otherwise could not bear to be near them for some reason? This is why.
You feel as if they'd known each other forever if only you had known. 
When you meet someone from your soul family, you feel as if you knew for along time, but technically you have not done. It could advance their friendship much faster than their friendships with others. This is because the connection of your soul is taking you down a path together.
3. You can read them easily. 
Even without words, you can tell what the other is thinking. Know your thoughts and emotions without having to really express. Nothing in this sense seems tense and everything is easy.
His presence unearths emotions do not think you should feel. 
Of course, do not think you should feel like much or because you do not know long ago, but because your soul has all these feelings flooded. Something about being around this person feels more powerful. Ways you can explain.
5. You can see it in his eyes. 
His eyes are like family, it's like if you had looked a million times. We all know that it is said that the eyes are the mirrors of the soul, this proves that's true. Each person has unique iris patterns and when you meet someone he met in a past life, I just know.
Find someone from a past life is a wonderful thing. It serves as a reminder that no matter how big the world, those who must return you will. Of course, not all connections are good, but the good are amazing. For more information about souls and families of past lives, see the video below. The more lives you've lived, the greater yours.
Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved. You can copy and distribute this article provided you do not modify in any way the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and include this URL https: // and Copyright notice 

Freeing Emotional attachments and cut the cords Etheric

I'm Spiritual

Have you ever you felt completely stuck and drained? Do you find that this feeling is more exasperated when trying to remove someone from your life?

Have you ever been removed someone from his life only to discover that regularly appears in thought, as if they were keeping tabs on your mind? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you may be experiencing an energy connection between you and another person through what is called an "etheric cord".
The etheric cords are like a power link that develops between two individuals.This may include a brother, father, former spouse, child, lover, current spouse, close friend or even a co-worker. These cords are formed as tubes, connecting chakra to chakra. Energy flows freely along these tubes back and forth between people, however, there are times when the energy flow is unilateral, draining from one person to the other.
However, if you feel you've done with a person in your life, you are still running out of energy, then you must take steps to cut the ropes for your own physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. There may also be people who can not eliminate from your life, however, you find that your connection is running out, as a family member. You can still cut these cables to preserve your own energy levels.

Signs and Symptoms of emotional attachment include:

- Profound feelings of sadness, anger and depression in relation to your past.
Discussions in your mind-regularly with someone
-Mantenerte aware of the unfair treatment of your past.
To talk with someone from your past online through social networks or view them compulsively
- Lack of interest in hobbies, activities or other relationships.
- frequent conversations with a person in your mind.
- I want to get back at your past.
- Mourn uncontrollably, an emotional shock.
-Difficulty to sleep
Constantly memories or emotions connected with someone that arise in your life.
'You can go ahead
-Experimentar a high degree of temptation to return to a relationship that no longer serves you.
-Reminding often things that have been said in the past.
Turning down other offers and invitations.
You feel like you're constantly processing the past and what happened there.
'You can not stop thinking about a person.
Continuous-feel judgment or criticism from someone in her past
-Feeling trapped or stuck in the past.
How to Cut Laces

To cut the cables, you need to find a quiet, private place that is not going to be interrupted. Close your eyes and allow yourself to visualize the power cables extending from your body. They may be in different colors or different places depending on the type of relationship they represent. No need to worry about understanding who represents the cable, or if you are imagining all cables in the world. For exercise to be effective, try not to force the process and be open to what you experience.
Allow yourself to visualize a large golden sword in your hands. Feel the power of this sword flowing through your hands. His arms raised, allow yourself to cut through each of the ropes. By moving the sword, declare the following vowel statement: "I am now willing to release all attachments based on fear."
As the remains of these cords away from his body, visualize a golden white light coming from the universe and descends through the crown chakra at the top of his head, filling the body with warm and comforting light. When you feel your aura is filled with this light, slowly return to your current location, feeling the ground beneath your feet.
Whenever you feel that these emotional connections you are running out, repeat this exercise. It may seem simple, however, it is highly effective

Thenansehed published by Everth 1st officer of the Galactic Federation of Free Worlds  
by Joan Ashtar  ©  misteri 1963 All rights reserved. This publication may be freely reproduced respecting its integrity and mention the author and source thereof and include this URL and Copyright notice

11 de marzo de 2019

* Cleaning * karmic * Abundance Economic

Resultat d'imatges KARMA

* Cleaning * karmic * Abundance Economic
Repeat from the depths of your heart
I, (your name)
I decided to live in opulence, I'm a winner, I was born to succeed and to win. I am enterprising and claim the portion of wealth that is for me. I am prosperous and rich. The money comes into my life in abundant, copious, permanent and effortless manner.
Money grows on my hands and grow large trees in the field, I spend all comes back to me multiplied, because I am the source of all wealth, I am prosperous and abundant.
Libero mental and physical poverty that I have created or inherited by living in this and other lives, and erase all memory in my cellular memory that this burned into my subconscious since my first incarnation on the earthly plane to the present, it is negative, traumatic order, any program of terror, panic, fear or fear, harmful, troublesome, destructive, generating conscious memory in this life.
Remove physical inactivity, laziness, laziness, every state of paralysis that keeps me moving, destroy all karma that I drag them making it abundantly.
Remove all vow of renunciation, chastity, poverty, silence, sacrifice, obedience, celibacy, submission, cloister, martyrdom, which has made for belonging to a religious congregation of any kind since the first incarnation on the earth plane, to my current existence.
Remove hence all pain, sorrow, curse that has befallen both offspring and me, lies, suffering, collective suffering, grief, loneliness, trauma couples, addictions of all kinds (drugs, sex, alcohol, gambling, lust, obesity ) excessive anxiety, misery, fear, slave labor or labor dependency, misery, tragedy, low self-esteem or lack of self-esteem, depression, selfishness, despotism, diseases of all inherited type, phobias, corruption of any kind, alterations to a life normal, harmonious, rebellion family, abuse, humiliation, heartbreak, spiritual suicides, physical suicide, addictions conflicts, sacrifices, solidarity soul with any of them, incidents, accidents, religious dogmas wrong partner.
destroyed, disintegrated and pulverized any negative transgenerational I bring quantum instituted the family tree of my father and my mother, from the first generation formed their families to the heritage we have received from them in this life.
He eliminated any negative competitive spirit that generates me envy, hatred and resentment toward others.
He eliminated all spiritual damage and waste product of resentment.
I break any agreement you made with a soul in past lives and I do not allow my evolution, which ate me, I sacrifice, I damaged, I pond. Taking all this in my DNA, trailers, bodies, physical and fuel cells, chromosomes, my blood, all my seven energy bodies, and any pact that has unconsciously done with darkness, ignorance of the orders of spiritual laws, dissolving into systems excretion (sweat, feces, urine) to be taken out and removed forever and forever including in my next reincarnation and lives in turn close all portal door vortex hole is open dark and I unknown.
Decreeing and establishing a system of health, love, abundance, prosperity, serenity, confidence, happiness guided under universal laws.

26 de febrero de 2019

Scientists Discover Biophotons In The Brain That Could Hint Our Consciousness is Directly Linked to Light!

Scientists found that neurons in mammalian brains were capable of producing photons of light, or “Biophotons”!
The photons, strangely enough, appear within the visible spectrum. They range from near-infrared through violet, or between 200 and 1,300 nanometers.
Scientists have an exciting suspicion that our brain’s neurons might be able to communicate through light. They suspect that our brain might have optical communication channels, but they have no idea what could be communicated.
our brain might have optical communication channels
Even more exciting, they claim that if there is an optical communication happening, the Biophotons our brains produce might be affected by quantum entanglement, meaning there can be a strong link between these photons, our consciousness and possibly what many cultures and religions refer to as Spirit.
In a couple of experiments scientist discovered that rat brains can pass just one biophoton per neuron a minute, but human brains could convey more than a billion biophotons per second.
This raises the question, could it be possible that the more light one can produce and communicate between neurons, the more conscious they are?
the more light one can produce
If there is any correlation between biophotons, light, and consciousness it can have strong implications that there is more to light than we are aware of.
Just think for a moment. Many texts and religions dating way back, since the dawn of human civilization have reported of saints, ascended beings and enlightened individuals having shining circles around their heads.
From Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, to teachings of Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity, among many other religions, sacred individuals were depicted with a shining circle in the form of a circular glow around their heads.
shining circle in the form of a circular glow around their heads
If they were as enlightened as they are described maybe this shining circle was just a result of the higher consciousness they operated with, hence a higher frequency and production of biophotons.
Maybe these individuals produced higher level of biophotons with stronger instensity because of their enlightenment, if there is any correlation between biophotons and consciousness.
Even the word enLIGHTenment suggests that this higher consciousness has something to do with light.
enLIGHTenment suggests that this higher consciousness has something to do with light
But one of the most exciting implications the discovery that our brains can produce light gives, is that maybe our consciousness and spirit are not contained within our bodies. This implication is completely overlooked by scientists.
Quantum entanglement says that 2 entangled photons react if one of the photons is affected no matter where the other photon is in The Universe without any delay.
Maybe there is a world that exists within light, and no matter where you are in The Universe photons can act as portals that enable communication between these 2 worlds. Maybe our spirit and consciousness communicate with our bodies through these biophotons. And the more light we produce the more we awaken and embody the wholeness of our consciousness.
Quantum Entanglement
This can explain the phenomenon of why the state of a photon is affected simply by consciously observing it, as it is proven in many quantum experiments.
Maybe our observation communicates something through our biophotons with the photon that is being observed, in a similar fashion as quantum entanglement, like light is just one unified substance that is scattered throughout our Universe and affected through each light particle.
Of course, nothing of this is even close to being a theory. But asking questions and shooting such metaphysical hypothesis might lead us closer to the truth and understanding of what consciousness is, where it comes from, and what are the mysteries that hide within light.

21 de enero de 2019

It's time to prepare, there is no turning back

It's time to prepare
Before you start you must have a good knowledge of it it is yours and what are your responsibilities and properties.
Dedicate a spiritual purposes in body and soul.
You have full and unrestricted control of your creativity and are totally inspired.
You must be versatile and adaptable and try to have greater control over tsu mind, your heart and your body.
Love is the power of divine healing, it is possible to cure through love with kindness and patience.
It is capable of anything, should not be limited, you feel free to express force must know and implement
Must be prepared to move forward, be open to help everyone including himself, knowing that everyone suffers and accept the weaknesses and deficiencies around the world through tolerance,

Finally, it is necessary to put an eye on the past, one in the future and walk in balance for life.
Thenansehed by Joan Ashtar ©  misteri 1963 this publication may freely reproduce respecting its integrity and citing the author and source thereof and include this URL and Copyright notice

19 de noviembre de 2018

The event: lifting the veil

raising event was light veil
Greetings to you, Brilliant! As always, heart to heart talk right now, I'm KejRaj (KayRy).
The information expressed here is my perspective, my point of view. Because the whole truth awaits you in your heart. We hope you feel our light and love in this message.
Light Body
Progress in 2018 and beyond vibrational level on Earth is increasing rapidly, our physical bodies are being filled with the purest light. It is essential to be aware of what we put into our bodies. Food, liquids, everyone should be natural and organic as often as possible.
The number of people who become aware of animal consciousness is growing rapidly, and many are switching to a vegetarian diet, but that number is still not good enough. As we said before, everything is a matter of choice. Our bodies do not need meat. However, the ego is not easy to balance, or be convinced of this.
There are more plants than animals on this Earth, and less conscious still ask: "How do you live without meat?". Often snidely they say things like: "Do you know all the plants die from vegetarians?". Well, for starters, we need to cut the entire tree just to pick an apple. Second, the tree itself feels joy to share a part of yourself with others. Can you say that about an animal that is about to be sacrificed? Surely the butcher should feel resistance of the animal. The energy of fear in the animal created at the time that they take away life is embedded in the flesh. The animal toxins released into the flash when they learn they are about to be killed. You're putting all this in your body. Yes it has many negative effects. Third,  we are not saying that vegetarians are better than others. For us, it was not a selfish choice when we decided to eat only vegetables, was not to be fashionable. The first reason was that thought in animals and, secondly, shortly after eating only vegetables for a few weeks, we feel better in all aspects. Healthier, happier, lighter, more aware.
Again, everything is a matter of choice. The ultimate goal is to stop drinking alcohol altogether as we move towards the higher planes of existence. He lives alone with the energy provided by our sun, prana. And going vegetarian is the first step. However, you can continue in their old ways if you want, but know this, as the energies become more powerful, the body requires nothing more than pure and light food, and if you do not listen to your body, you will find many problems of health. .
Liquid  Drink purified water, distilled, one gallon per day may sound too, what it is not. This makes it easier for the body to process the new light entering. Of course, all the natural spring water is preferred. And for other beverages, choose juice 100% pure and natural only.
As far as medicine is concerned, there is some synthetic medicine. If necessary, use medicinal herbs. You can now find them in your city days, or buy online ..
As always, spend time outside as possible, regardless of the weather.Nature is where you find the most refined energies that continually enter our world. New Perspective As we make changes in our diet and eat lighter, choosing to see things from a higher view, from the point of view of the heart, our vibration is increasing. We are becoming more aware of our environment and our true self. The more you raise your vibration, theeasier the process for you. The more extrasensory abilities are activated within you. Your chakras are cleaned, they are fully activated and will become light rotating discs.

Now we are getting closer and closer to the event, we will continue to feel different sensations in our bodies. The most common, of course, would be the physical pain and unpleasant dreams. Physical pain; Headaches, forehead (activations third eye), back of the head, lower neck, pain in the temporal branch of the area of ​​the facial nerve, cleaning breast, stomach pain (cleaning your solar plexus). Weakness and stiffness in the left leg, also pain in the lower back (due to rising kundalini energy)
Activating our dormant DNA strands. They are not 'dj junk', the creator does not create junk. Some of the symptoms of DNA activation; Flu - like symptoms, dizziness, fear, anxiety, extreme fatigue, ringing in the ears, change in appetite, eating more or less than usual, emotions out of balance, crying a moment to laugh at another, and more. These are just to name a few. But we must not forget that all are temporary. And soon you will begin to notice less and less these symptoms until they are completely gone.
During this transition, most activities will be held in the part of the body's head. Activation of a higher percentage of your brain. This process will accelerate once your third eye is fully activated. The pineal gland is the first major receiver of light and transmits the rest of the body.
We understand that for those who remain on Earth right after the event, the third eye of every human being fully activated. This will be the lifting of the veil in our transition from 4D to 5D Earth reality. Thus most, if not all, they will perceive the new world.
It is true that once this happens, there will be confusion among the masses, but do not worry, because this is where YOU. You will help the Galactic Confederation to keep humanity calm and peaceful. This is where the answer to your question "What is my purpose in life?" It will be answered. You put in use everything you've learned in many, many trips you've had in other star systems.
Galactic ad
The event   has occurred, now it begins the exciting part of your trip, if you have not found this exciting process, all ready.
We do not want to disappoint any of you, especially Starseeds and Lightworkers, but we'll say with certainty: You will not go anywhere during or after the event. The spacecraft will not get to visit other worlds, at least not yet.
No mass evacuation will occur, this will not be necessary. In addition to the souls who are ready for the transition and incarnate in other worlds because they simply are not prepared for this, the rest will remain on Earth during this lifetime and others will return and spend one or more lifetimes on Earth after ascension. If you so choose. The reason is that, as mentioned above, is after the event begins his true journey, to create the new reality and return to Earth to its original pristine state it once was. As the Garden of Edon, a place that once was in the stars, not on Earth.
Mother Earth needs us. She has waited for millions of years by this time , and you too, you just forget this. Now, can you imagine how you would feel if all rise and start we left without completing the mission? She endured "hell" for us and for us all these years because of the unconditional love he has for every human beings in their outer and inner planes. It is fair to do our part, although it is impossible to give back what she has given us, we must make every effort to return it to 'heaven physically fit' it really is, and truth. In the very near future everyone you will see this.
As the veil covering our hearts, our inner light, rises, while the deployment of our true self continues, before they know it, Revelation Galactic will also occur on Earth.
The revelation of our galactic family will be a global event, or should we say a galactic event. It will be 'full disclosure'. Hear all, all they see, everyone will know. Everything will be broadcast on televisions, computers, radios.
The Galactic Confederation will take over the airwaves to make the big announcement of his arrival. And other announcements will follow shortly after. We will meet with our Inner Earth cousins. We will meet with the Pleiadians, Andromedans, Arcturians, Syrians, cetaceans, Venusians and many, many more. You will experience excitement beyond your wildest imaginings.
This is where you cross the doors to the new reality, to your new assignments. Again, this is where you'll use everything you've learned in many, many lives you've had. And this is just the beginning of your trip.
This all starts with the opening of the heart, unconditionally. Allowing the essence of light and love of the Creator to flow through and around you. Finding joy in your way, sharing this joy with everyone. Love and accept yourself, love and accept everyone else.
The brightest light shines from within. The more you give you account and accept this, closer to where you want to be, you find yourself. Remains at the center of your being. The time is now. Light, love, peace and joy are the new reality of Mother Earth.
Heart to heart, KejRaj (KayRy).

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...