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Comença la neteja: Els mitjans d'informació entren en números vermells

El Periódico només ven de mitjana 30.000 diaris i el seu grup anuncia pèrdues de 22 milions ...

El Grup Zeta ha 100 milions i ja no li queden actius ...

La qüestió és que El Periódico va decidir ser "el fanal" dels votants de ciutadans sense tenir en compte que aquesta gent tot just llegeix ... 
Molt mala decisió de la redacció -en mans de l'infame Hernández- va ser passar d'una postura neutral amb el independentisme a ser brutalment espanyolista com si de La Razón o l'ABC estiguéssim parlant. I fent  fake news com El Mundo.

El dolent per al diari és que Madrid no paga a traïdors i ningú vol comprar la capçalera ni el grup, senzillament volen que desaparegui. 
L'únic que ha mostrat interès real és Roures, però l'amistat d'Asensio amb el rei espanyol han impedit la venda a l'empresari català ...

Asensio Grup Zeta reis

En fi, qui vulgui aquesta ruïna d'editorial haurà desembutxacar els 100 milions de deute i, no s'ho perdin, un bonus de 15 milions per al madrileny Asensio (retir daurat) ...

I després de deixar anar 115 milions intentar aixecar la runa d'una editorial que perd 20 milions anuals fins i tot venent la seva joia (Ediciones B).

Doncs això, una notícia que em congratula.


Corruption step: the tentacles of multinational automotive Ford with the CIA

oiyoi | 15.04.2004 23:07

The historically linked to the CIA and the Ford Foundation complex military-industrial-academic, in recent years has granted substantial number of organizations "alternative" media, such as FAIR, Pacifica magazine Progressive and subsidies. Also involved in this type of fund other foundations such as MacArthur elite, Soros, Rockefeller, Carnegie and Schumann.
the Paymasters
the Paymasters

The general policy for awarding grants, the Ford Foundation is in charge of the Board of Trustees. Approval of all grants of more than $ 100,000 must be signed personally by the President of the Ford Foundation, Susan Berresford, who is also a member of the Trilateral Commission of David Rockefeller and the Council on Foreign Relations of the United Kingdom, funded by the Ford Foundation. For example, a grant of $ 150,000 to FAIR by the Ford Foundation in 2001 for the member of the Trilateral Commission Berresford directly adopt the "general support to monitor and analyze the performance of the media in the United States," according with guidelines subsidization policy established by the Board of Directors of the Ford Foundation. Given the tremendous power that the Ford Foundation has historically exerted to influence politicians, academics and political affairs, one must ask: 

In May 2002, the Board of Trustees of the Ford Foundation welcomed a new member, Afsaneh M. Beschloss, a former World Bank investment and CEO / President of Asset Management Carlyle Group, a division of Carlyle Group, the international defense - related investment. Signature enjoying the influence of the revolving door of stars in the Bush White House and enjoy a bonanza of profits back to September 11. Beschloss first joined Carlyle Group Asset Management in 2001 as managing director. He is also married to the official presidential historian George W. Bush, Michael Beschloss. 

It would appear that the Board of Trustees of the Ford Foundation is located within the sphere of cronyism in the Bush administration. Is this who should be trusted to decide how donations are distributed to organizations "alternative" media? Probably the CEO of Carlyle Asset Management Group and the wife of a current presidential historian smile to fund organizations alternative means are eager to go beyond offering the usual complaints about the influence of Carlyle Group at the White House, and ask more probing questions about the role of this company, the "war against terrorism" as its alleged investment in the manufacturer of vaccines Bioport Anthrax or its former trade links with the bin Laden family, which is not completely separated from her errant son. 

In 1999, the Board of Trustees of the Ford Foundation Deval L. Patrick, currently Executive Vice President and General Counsel of Coca Cola joined. As Legal Counsel, Patrick currently has a difficult task to face in Coca Cola: defend the company against a historic lawsuit filed by the International Labor Rights Fund and United Steelworkers of America on behalf of the largest union in Coca Cola in Colombia. The charges are that the company is guilty of voluntary and complicity negligence during a long campaign of kidnapping, violence and murder committed against trade unionists in the factories bottling Colomian squads of paramilitary death (conditions that have kept conveniently low labor costs) . Several humanitarian and labor rights groups have supported the demand. Incidentally, this would be Mr.

Also on the Board of Trustees of the Ford Foundation Paul A. Allaire they are, chairman of the board of the Ford Foundation and former Chairman / CEO of Xerox Corporation, and David T. Kearns, another former President / CEO of Xerox. It happens that Xerox is one of the corporations involved in the ongoing accounting scandals. Can we completely rely on media organizations funded by the Ford Foundation to increase the heat and past history of limited and controllable cover damages from the "greedy and reckless CEOs" and "excessive deregulation" to examine the issues more deep corporate scandals that seem to indicate for a massive transfer of wealth calculated the ultra rich? Even more important are the much larger related scams in the government of the United States,  as the HUD scandal and the disappearance of about three TRILLION dollars from the US Treasury.UU. (according to official audits EE. UU. which did not produce audited financial statements as required by law). Financial expert Catherine Austin Fitts (who helped with the official cleaning scandals Savings & Loan and BCCI and helped implement the requirement that federal agencies must submit audited financial statements as Assistant Secretary for HUD in the first Bush administration) It argues that such extraordinary failures to produce audited financial statements together with indocisables trillion adjustments to ensure that the books are "balanced" could not have happened without a conspiracy involving senior officials from the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve. 

Another powerful elite corporate interests represented on the Board of Trustees is the aluminum manufacturing giant Alcoa. Alain JP Belda, chairman and CEO of Alcoa, joined the Ford Foundation in 2000 (also director of Citigroup and DuPont). Alcoa is also linked to the Bush administration through Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill, who was the predecessor of Belda and also served as chairman of industry experts war Rand Corporation. Alcoa happens to have some repellent skeletons in your corporate closet. Originally founded by the powerful right -Mellon family (whose Mellon Bank is currently the only external partner of the Carlyle Group) The company participated centrally in the conspiracy among a group of American industrialists and the interests of Wall Street in the 1930s to support and trade with the Nazis through a cartel agreement with IG Farben, the industrial giant famous who built Nazi war machine and directed his concentration. camps This wouldcontinue even in the first part of World War II, and sabotage of Alcoa's aluminum production program of the US Air Force. UU. With this agreement cartel made the Secretary of Interior Harold Ickles in June 1941 warned: "If the United States loses the war, you can thank the Aluminum Corporation of America." Some of the other names involved in this crime elite were Rockefeller, Ford, Harriman, DuPont and Bush; all strongly they supported the racial eugenics movement that inspired some of Hitler's policies. G. Farben, the famous industrial giant that built the Nazi war machine and ran concentration camps. This would continue even in the first part of World War II, and sabotage of Alcoa's aluminum production program of the US Air Force. UU. With this agreement cartel made the Secretary of Interior Harold Ickles in June 1941 warned: "If the United States loses the war, you can thank the Aluminum Corporation of America." Some of the other names involved in this crime elite were Rockefeller, Ford, Harriman, DuPont and Bush; all strongly they supported the racial eugenics movement that inspired some of Hitler's policies. G. Farben, the famous industrial giant that built the Nazi war machine and ran concentration camps. This would continue even in the first part of World War II, and sabotage of Alcoa's aluminum production program of the US Air Force. UU. With this agreement cartel made the Secretary of Interior Harold Ickles in June 1941 warned: "If the United States loses the war, you can thank the Aluminum Corporation of America." Some of the other names involved in this crime elite were Rockefeller, Ford, Harriman, DuPont and Bush; all strongly they supported the racial eugenics movement that inspired some of Hitler's policies. Sabotage production program Aluminum US Air Force. UU. with this agreement cartel made the Secretary of Interior Harold Ickles in June 1941 warned: "If the United States loses the war, you can thank the Aluminum Corporation of America." Some of the other names involved in this crime elite were Rockefeller, Ford, Harriman, DuPont and Bush; all strongly they supported the racial eugenics movement that inspired some of Hitler's policies. Sabotage production program Aluminum US Air Force. UU.with this agreement cartel made the Secretary of Interior Harold Ickles in June 1941 warned: "If the United States loses the war, you can thank the Aluminum Corporation of America." Some of the other names involved in this crime elite were Rockefeller, Ford, Harriman, DuPont and Bush; all strongly they supported the racial eugenics movement that inspired some of Hitler's policies.

Does not seem to be much indication that the recipients of "alternative" means of funding from the Ford Foundation with an interest in exposing this episode of betrayal still very repressed in US history. UU., And does not seem to have much interest in exposing how these same elite families continue to fund racial organizations related to eugenics, an example is the Manhattan Institute (funded by the Mellon-Scaife and Chase Manhattan Bank fortune Rockefeller) that It originated the policies of "compassionate conservatism" of President Bush. It seems unlikely that the Board of Trustees of the Ford Foundation wants to fund alternative researchers and journalists who are inclined to connect this type of points and indicating a critical analysis of the alarming fact that the interests of the US elite. UU. They have had a closer historical relationship with fascism Eugenics and genocide (as well as being closely related to the biotechnology and biowarfare) are in a position of great influence in planning defense policy bioterrorism US . UU., Including new proposals for forced mass vaccination. They have had a closer historical relationship with fascism Eugenics and genocide (as well as being closely related to the biotechnology and biowarfare) are in a position of great influence in planning defense policy bioterrorism US . UU., Including new proposals for forced mass vaccination. They have had a closer historical relationship with fascism Eugenics and genocide (as well as being closely related to the biotechnology and biowarfare) are in a position of great influence in planning defense policy bioterrorism US . UU., Including new proposals for forced mass vaccination.

Is it more likely that the Ford Foundation, given its long and well -documented history as a reverse channel flows covert CIA funding, favoring the kind of alternative media that are expected to make troubling questions about the recent activities of the CIA ? For example, many questions should ask about the close connections of the CIA with his subordinate in Pakistan, the ISI, which was a major supporter of the Taliban before 9/11. It was found that the former head of the ISI organized a bank transfer of $ 100,000 to the enigmatic alleged leader Mohammed Atta 9/11 in the summer of 2001 and also finished visiting Washington DC for high - level meetings with US officials. UU. Week of 9/11. Any journalist competent investigation would find that information like this needs convincingly further investigation, but " 

Is it likely that the Ford Foundation fund the type of alternative media that are inclined to analyze in depth the long - term control over politics outside the United States exerted by the private and secret Council on foreign Relations, given the fact that the CFR counts among are your sources of funding are the Ford Foundation and Xerox? Or is it more likely that the Ford Foundation favors those who can be trusted to keep the party line that the CFR (and other NGOs policymaking elite, as the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group) operate only as a society of intellectual debate, and that anyone who argues otherwise is a "paranoid nut"? 

Is it likely that the foundations of establishments, which have invested heavily in Big Oil, choose to fund the kind of journalists and alternative researchers doing challenging questions about the formative role of oil policy in 11-S and the " war against Terrorism "? Or those who have been conducting urgent investigations into the amazing variety of evidence pointing to the complicity of the Bush administration in the 9/11 attacks? 

Of course, no. Instead, it is likely that the fundamentals of large establishments seek "alternative" means more bark than bite, where they can trust to ignore and delete sensitive issues such as those mentioned above, and many more, as "irrelevant distractions" or "conspiracy theory." Funding recipients always protest because they are not influenced by any conflict of interest and do not allow funding sources affect their decisions, The most important question is, what kind of "alternative" journalism gets the goodwill of the corporate rogues gallery of the Ford Foundation first? Or the Rockefeller Foundation? Or Carnegie, Soros and Schumann? 

Judging by the journalism offered (not offered) by Nation magazine, FAIR, Pacifica, Progressive, IPA, Mother Jones, Alternet and other recipients of funding, the large foundations of establishments are successfully sponsoring the kind of "opposition" the ruling elite of the United States can tolerate and live. 

Brian Salter,  
September 29, 2002  


Part 2:  


Carriers / censors alternative means FAIR / CounterSpin / Institute for Public Accuracy, which includes co-hosts / producers CounterSpin, Steve Rendall and Janine Jackson, Institute for Accuracy / MAKING CONTACT, CEO Norman Solomon, MSNBC / DONAHUE SHOW pRODUCER Jeff Cohen and ACTIVE LABOR radio shows producer Laura Flanders - has also been subsidized by the Ford Foundation and other foundations of the establishment in recent years.

In a street fair June 1988 in Union Square in Manhattan, which marked the 35th anniversary of the execution of Rosenbergs, producer Jeff Cohen MSNBC DONAHUE SHOW sat behind a table selling copies of his newly created Journal of Fairness group & Accuracy In Reporting [FAIR], EXTRA!. In a few years, the group FAIR alternative means of Cohen issued a weekly news media called CounterSpin in Pacifica station WBAI in New York City. However, what listeners CounterSpin not said in the 1990s was that about 30 percent of the funds FAIR came from foundation grants, including grants from foundations of establishments such as Rockefeller Family Fund, MacArthur Foundation Bill Moyers Schumann Foundation and Ford Foundation. 

In 1991, FAIR received a $ 20,000 grant from the Rockefeller Family Fund "for general support". And then, in 1992, they began arriving FAIR annual donations from the offices of the MacArthur Foundation in Chicago. In an interview in early 1997, the program manager was then responsible for the media program of the MacArthur Foundation, Patricia Boero, he told the magazine AQUARIAN / DOWNTOWN: "MacArthur is funding the fairness and accuracy in presenting reports. And in '96, they received $ 75,000 for the cost "we've been funding since 1992, about the same level. It was a little higher a few years ago when the media budget was a little bigger. "  Boero also told AQUARIAN / DOWNTOWN in 1997 that one of the reasons why the MacArthur Foundation began funding FAIR was that FAIR it was already being funded by other foundations as "

Later, in 1997, more money from the MacArthur Foundation was launched under the direction of FAIR by a program of "donation genius" MacArthur, which was then led by a member of the Board of the Public Broadcasting [PBS] and the Board of the National Institute of the Nation magazine called Catharine Stimpson. A dancer who was apartner of one of the co-presenters / producers of the radio program CounterSpin FAIR received an individual grant of $ 290,000 from the program of the MacArthur Foundation, led by Stimpson, a board member of Nation Institute and PBS. Since 1997, FAIR has continued toreceive grants from the MacArthur Foundation. In 1998, the MacArthur Foundation awarded an additional grant of $ 150,000. And in 2000, another MacArthur Foundation $ 125,000 was submitted to FAIR. 

Another foundation of the establishment, the Executive Director of Public Affairs TV Inc., the Schumann Foundation Bill Moyers, also began to subsidize the work of alternative means of FAIR in the early nineties. In 1995, for example, Moyers Schumann Foundation awarded a grant of $ FAIR 150,000 "to support the promotion of the book THE WAY THINGS ARE NOT" which was co - authored the co-host and producer of CounterSpin, Steve Rendall. And in 1996, he was granted FAIR an additional grant of $ 15,000 from the Schumann Foundation (whose president, the Executive Director of Public Affairs TV Inc., Bill Moyers was press secretary of President Lyndon Johnson in the 1960s) . Since 1996, FAIR has continued to receive grants from the Schumann Foundation Moyers, including a further subsidy of between $ 2000 and $ 100,000 50,000. In addition, one of the co-hosts / producers CounterSpin FAIR Fair,  Janine Jackson, a member of the board of a group, Citizens for Independent Broadcasting [CIPB]. In 2002, Moyers Schumann Foundation awarded the Center for Social Studies Education a grant of $ 200,000 "for continued support for the activities of Citizens for Independent Public Broadcasting [CIPB]".

The executive director of alternative media of the Institute for Public Accuracy [IPA] / MAKING CONTACT, Norman Solomon, was included in the Form 990 FAIR in 1997 as the "president" of FAIR and has been an associate of FAIR in last years. Like FAIR, the Institute for Public Accuracy former president of FAIR, with an annual income of $ 267,000, it has been subsidized by the Schumann Foundation Bill Moyers. In 1997, Moyers Schumann Foundation awarded a grant of $ 100,000 for the IPA / International Media Project of Solomon "by the effort to keep the think tanks with high standards of precision."

In addition to the grant from the Rockefeller Family Fund, MacArthur Foundation and Schumann Foundation in the 1990s, FAIR also began receiving grants from the Ford Foundation in the mid-1990s As noted by the website in 2001 RADIO WORKING ASSETS "As the founder of Women's Desk in the body control means FAIR [the host and hostess Laura of Working Assets] Flanders received a grant of $ 200,000 from the Ford Foundation for a collaborative project to combat racism and sexism in News The resulting book, REAL MAJORITY, MINORITY MEDIA. THE COST oF WOMEN iN REPORTING sidelining was published in 1997 by Common Courage Press. In addition to the donation of $ 200,000 from the Ford Foundation FAIR in 1996 or 1997 to help subsidize the work of alternative means of Women's Desk, an additional donation of $ 150, 

In recent months, the "watchdogs of the media" funded by the Ford Foundation and the Schumann Foundation FAIR and the Institute for Public Accuracy the - Norman Solomon and Steve Rendall - seem more interested in preventing researchers and journalists conspiracy receive 11-S transmission time. in Pacifica radio stations that reveal the historical ties of its funding to the CIA or the White House Johnson his listeners and readers of alternative media. And RADIO ASSET WORK, which airs on KALW in San Francisco and is produced by a former co-host / producer of FAIR's CounterSpin and a staff member of Pacifica Network News - apparently has not been eager to welcome researchers and journalists 9/11 conspiracy the show. 

Working Assets Radio 

RADIO ASSET WORK is a promotional tool / marketing telecommunications company for profit Working Assets, Inc., of $ 140 million / year. And in addition to finance its own radio WORKING ASSETS transmitted in KALW in the Bay Area and Internet, Working Assets Inc. also helps fund other alternative media groups like FAIR / CounterSpin and the Institute for Norman Solomon Public accuracy (IPA). In 1996, for example, FAIR / CounterSpin received a grant of $ 59.723 by Working Assets Inc. Among the alternative media groups funded by Working Assets Inc. in 2000, plus FAIR / CounterSpin and API Norman Solomon , Free Speech TV and the Association of Independent Press. That same year, Working Assets Inc. also helped fund a group that Amy Goodman, producer and host of Democracy Now, has worked closely Action Network of East Timor, 

Based in San Francisco, Working Assets Inc. is a private telecommunications company secret reporting very little financial information about your business for profit to its 400,000 customers or consumers EE. UU. In general. One of its founders was the president of the Tides Foundation, Drummond Pike. Laura Scher, trustee Mills College in recent years, is one of the principal executive of Working Assets Inc. Another senior executive of Working Assets Inc., Michael Kieschnick, also participated until recently on the board of the National Network of Donors donations, which also includes representatives of Funding Exchange and the board of the magazine / Mother Jones Foundation for National Progress. Kieschnick still in the Project Advisory Board White House among people as the Executive Director of PBS, Pat Michell and former Vice President of the United States, Walter Mondale. The Advisory Board of the White House Project was created to promote the presidential candidacies of mainstream policies, as US Sen. Rodham-Clinton women. Another official of Working Assets Inc. in recent years, Lawrence Livak, was also the Treasurer of the Tides Foundation in recent years. 

Because of that Working Assets Inc. shares not sold in the market, is not legally obliged to publish large amount of financial information about their business operations online. In addition, executives from Working Assets Inc. have been reluctant to disclose writers and activists of the Movement what kind of wages are currently paying their top executives. Working Assets Inc. has also collaborated with JC Penney in recent years in a business project "Buying social change." 

Besides having the book he wrote in the 1990s subsidized by Ford, the host / producer of Working Assets Radio, Laura Flanders Foundation also had its subsidized journalism work for a time in 1998 by another foundation. After the Robert Sterling Clark Foundation awarded a grant of $ 50,000 to the Center for the Study of Democracy Institute of the Nation, "to monitor activities against abortion several right - wing groups", Flanders was briefly hired by the group experts Nation magazine to write an article on the subject, which subsequently appeared in the Nation magazine. In 2000, the Rockefeller Foundation also granted to the producer / host of Working Assets Radio and two colleagues a grant of $ 20,000 "to support the creation and production of 'Action Heroes," a multidisciplinary work. " 

Besides being the niece of the editor of CounterPunch Alexander Cockburn, the producer / radio presenter working assets, Flanders, is also the older sister Stephanie Flanders, who worked in the Clinton administration as speechwriter / Special Assistant Treasury secretary Larry Summers. Almost at the same time the former Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, Summers, was named new president of Harvard University, Stephanie Flanders began working as a reporter NEW YORK TIMES. In October 1999, an article observer Simon Kuper, entitled "The new elite that manages our egalitarian society , " said the younger sister of the host of Working Assets Radio is part of a group of British elite called "The Young Chiefs". According to Kuper: "The members of this new elite were presented with exciting opportunities at an early age ... Another feature of the new elite are the networks. The Young Chiefs, who tend to live near each other in the center of London, had the opportunity for old friends or people they met his friends lunch or farewell parties.  on the political side, the Chiefs Youth are so close that many of them are related. Ed Balls (Oxford, Harvard and the Financial Times, economic adviser to Gordon Brown) ... studied at Boston ... Ball's wife, Yvette Cooper (Oxford and Harvard, now deputy Labor), is also a young Chief, the like its companion tutorial at Oxford, Stephanie Flanders (Oxford, Harvard and Financial Times, senior adviser to the United States Secretary of the Treasury, Larry Summers) ... Nick Denton (Oxford and Financial Times, founder of was friend of Flanders in the Financial Times and, through it, met the older Balls "  the Young Chiefs, who tend to live near each other in the center of London, had the opportunity for old friends or people they met at lunch from friends or farewell parties. On the political side, the Chiefs Youth are so close that many of them are related. Ed Balls (Oxford, Harvard and the Financial Times, economic adviser to Gordon Brown) ... studied at Boston ... Ball's wife, Yvette Cooper (Oxford and Harvard, now deputy Labor), is also a young Chief, the like its companion tutorial at Oxford, Stephanie Flanders (Oxford, Harvard and Financial Times, senior adviser to the United States Secretary of the Treasury, Larry Summers) ... Nick Denton (Oxford and Financial Times, founder of was friend of Flanders in the Financial Times and, through it, met the older Balls " Young Chiefs, who tend to live near each other in the center of London, had the opportunity for old friends or people they met his friends lunch or farewell parties. On the political side, the Chiefs Youth are so close that many of them are related. Ed Balls (Oxford, Harvard and the Financial Times, economic adviser to Gordon Brown) ... studied at Boston ... Ball's wife, Yvette Cooper (Oxford and Harvard, now deputy Labor), is also a young Chief, the like its companion tutorial at Oxford, Stephanie Flanders (Oxford, Harvard and Financial Times, senior adviser to the United States Secretary of the Treasury, Larry Summers) ... Nick Denton (Oxford and Financial Times, founder of was friend of Flanders in the Financial Times and, through it, met the older Balls "  who tend to live near each other in central London, obtained breaks old friends or people they met on their lunch friends or farewell parties. On the political side, the Chiefs Youth are so close that many of them are related. Ed Balls (Oxford, Harvard and the Financial Times, economic adviser to Gordon Brown) ... studied at Boston ... Ball's wife, Yvette Cooper (Oxford and Harvard, now deputy Labor), is also a young Chief, the like its companion tutorial at Oxford, Stephanie Flanders (Oxford, Harvard and Financial Times, senior adviser to the United States Secretary of the Treasury, Larry Summers) ... Nick Denton (Oxford and Financial Times, founder of was friend of Flanders in the Financial Times and, through it, met the older Balls " who tend to live near each other in central London, they obtained breaks old friends or people they met at lunch from friends or farewell parties. On the political side, the Chiefs Youth are so close that many of them are related. Ed Balls (Oxford, Harvard and the Financial Times, economic adviser to Gordon Brown) ... studied at Boston ... Ball's wife, Yvette Cooper (Oxford and Harvard, now deputy Labor), is also a young Chief, the like its companion tutorial at Oxford, Stephanie Flanders (Oxford, Harvard and Financial Times, senior adviser to the United States Secretary of the Treasury, Larry Summers) ... Nick Denton (Oxford and Financial Times, founder of was friend of Flanders in the Financial Times and, through it, met the older Balls " won the great opportunities of old friends or people they met at lunch from friends or farewell parties.  on the political side the Heads youth are so close that many of them are related. Ed Balls (Oxford, Harvard and the Financial Times, economic adviser to Gordon Brown) ... studied at Boston ... Ball's wife, Yvette Cooper (Oxford and Harvard, now deputy Labor), is also a young Chief, the like its companion tutorial at Oxford, Stephanie Flanders (Oxford, Harvard and Financial Times, senior adviser to the United States Secretary of the Treasury, Larry Summers) ... Nick Denton (Oxford and Financial Times, founder of was friend of Flanders in the Financial Times and, through it, met the older Balls "  won the great opportunities of old friends or people they met at lunch from friends or farewell parties.  on the political side the Heads youth are so close that many of them are related. Ed Balls (Oxford, Harvard and the Financial Times, economic adviser to Gordon Brown) ... studied at Boston ... Ball's wife, Yvette Cooper (Oxford and Harvard, now deputy Labor), is also a young Chief, the like its companion tutorial at Oxford, Stephanie Flanders (Oxford, Harvard and Financial Times, senior adviser to the United States Secretary of the Treasury, Larry Summers) ... Nick Denton (Oxford and Financial Times, founder of was friend of Flanders in the Financial Times and, through it, met the older Balls " 


Part 3:  


NATION RADIO program of the Nation Institute is a promotional / advertising tool for a liberal left - wing magazine The Nation, which generally tends to be a publication oriented Democratic Party. Neither the magazine nor his radio show that airs on radio stations Pacifica and many college radio stations may be eager to encourage a discussion on the historical relationship between foundations and the CIA or the evidence of a conspiracy 9/11 journalists and researchers have discovered bases. However, in a 1996 interview with former media critic BOSTON PHOENIX, Dan Kennedy, the editor Katrina Vanden Heuvel La Nacion said that "we have a monopoly on the progressive weekly journalism in this country."

The Nation, a limited liability company for profit, was founded in 1865 by a British abolitionist named EL Godkin and early twentieth century, was owned by Oswald Garrison Villard, a descendant of American abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison. Later, it was owned by a Wall Street financier, the father of a writer of the nation called Bobby Tuckman, who sold it to the editor of that nation, Freda Kirchwey in the 1930s for $ 35,000 (which he lent him to her). Kirchwey, editor and owner of Nation, was a member of the university group of Intercollegiate Socialist Society (ISS) early twentieth century Jack London and Upton Sinclair had led.

In the early 1940s, however, THE NATION was a big money loser and was in danger of retiring due to financial difficulties. So in early 1943, Kirchwey decided a reorganization plan to keep the publication of THE NATION. He removed his individual property and created a new nonprofit organization, Nation Associates, which owns THE NATION would be nonprofit, but still Kirchwey determine the editorship of the magazine to serve as editor. In 1955, Kirchwey and retired industry executive health insurance called George C. Kirstein became the editor of the magazine and the main financial backer of the nonprofit organization Nation Associates, which was still owns the magazine. 

In the 1970s, however, THE NATION was again on the brink of bankruptcy, until a group of investors led by Hamilton Fish III bought the property of THE NATION. Although the group of investors of Hamilton Fish sold THE NATION in 1985 to a former investment banker on Wall Street (whose real estate properties and public services were worth around $ 200 million in 1991) named Arthur Carter, recently, 2000 Hamilton Fish was paid an annual salary for the tax-exempt affiliate of the Nation Institute as the president of the Nation Institute.

After buying THE NATION in 1985, Arthur Carter began publishing its weekly newspaper NEW YORK OBSERVER in 1987, under the initial supervision of former vice president of The New York Times Company James Goodale, a corporate lawyer on Wall Street in Debevoise & Plimplton was member of the rules committee of the National Democratic Convention in 1988. Although the owner NEW YORK OBSERVER Carter sold the magazine the Nation in 1995 to a group of investors that included the director of the Center for Journalism at the University magazine Columbia, Victor Navasky, former president of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting Alan Sagner, Hollywood actor Paul Newman, novelist EI Doctorow and the current editor, Katrina Vanden Heuvel, Arthur Carter,They have continued on the board of the Nation Institute in recent years.

The magazine editor Katrina Vanden Heuvel NATION is the daughter of a member of the board of the International Rescue Committee [IRC] William Vanden Heuvel. The father of the editor of La Nacion, Vanden Heuvel, is mentioned in the book The Cultural Cold War, Frances Stoner Saunders, in the following reference to the farfield Foundation linked to the CIA: "First President of farfield [Founcation], and CIA chief leader was Julius 'Junkie' Fleischmann, the millionaire heir to a great fortune yeast and gin ... helped finance ... tHE NEW YORKER `the Farfield Foundation was a founding of the CIA and there were many of those foundations. Tom Braden continued to explain ... farfield Other directors included William Vanden Heuvel at a New York lawyer who was close to John and Bobby Kennedy. "

A brief review of Michael Rogin book The Cultural Cold War, entitled "When The CIA Was The NEA" appeared in the issue of June 12, 2000 The Nation. He also referred to "small non-profit created by the CIA, especially the farfield foundation", but did not disclose to readers of The Nation that the father of the editor of the magazine used to be part of the board of the farfield Foundation. 

In the 1950s, the farfield Foundation helped subsidize the activity of the American Committee for Cultural Freedom liberal anticommunist. As noted by the book THE HIGHER CIRCLES of G. William Domhoff in 1970: "It seems that in the mid-fifties the head of the American Committee for Cultural Freedom was having trouble getting money for your project So he wrote to Edward Lilly. . member of a government agency to coordinate intelligence operations and psychological warfare to defend their case at the same time wrote to [the non-communist leftist Norman] Thomas, asking him to contact with Allen Dulles, then director of the CIA, through Shortly thereafter, the American Committee for Cultural Freedom received $ 14,000 from the Farfield Foundation and the Asia Foundation ... then Thomas wrote to the head of the committee: "I am, of course, happy I got the farfield Foundation ... "The 1982 book ENTERS SECRET ELEMENT IN POLITICS AUSTRALIAN CLANDESTINO by Joan Coxsedge also noted that:" The CIA is not so crude as to simply give money directly. Normally used Wealthy philanthropists as the JM Kaplan Fund and foundations such as the Asia Foundation, the farfield Foundation and the Hoblitzelle Foundation. " 

Born in 1930, the father of the editor of the Nation, Vanden Heuvel, apparently served between 1953 and 1954 as executive assistant founder of the CIA William "Wild Bill" Donovan when Donovan was the ambassador of the United States in Thailand. In his book WHITE OUT: THE CIA, DRUGS AND PRESS, Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair made the following references to the political role the US Ambassador in Thailand Donovan played at the time when the board member IRC, Vanden Heuvel, was apparently the ambassador Donovan. Executive Assistant: 

General Phao was appointed director of the national police in Thailand after coup backed by the CIA in 1948, led by Major General Phin Choohannan. The 40,000 members of the police force Phao, the Knights of the Police immediately involved in a campaign of assassinations of political enemies Phin and Phao. These troops also took control of the lucrative opium trade in Thailand ... Phao control over the opium trade was prompted directly by the CIA, which had channeled him $ 35 million in aid ... 

In the 1950s, the CIA backed the General Phao in a fight with another Thai general monopoly control of trade in opium and heroin from Thailand ... backed by squads of CIA advisers, Phao undertook the task of turning Thailand into a police state. Leading dissidents and scholars of the country were imprisoned ... Phao also cornered the gold market in the country, played a leading role in the twenty most important corporate boards in the country, it took protective tariffs executives and entrepreneurs and managed houses of prostitution and gambling houses. Phao close friend of Bill Donovan, then US ambassador in Thailand was made. 

In the early 1960s, the father of Nation editor, Vanden Heuvel, he served as Special Assistant Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy. According WHITEOUT: The CIA, Drugs and the press at the time when William Vanden Heuvel was his special assistant, RFK "was obsessed with removing Castro" and "told Allen Dulles did not care if the Agency worked mafia hit for as long as you kept fully informed. " 

During the sixties and seventies, the father of Nation editor, Vanden Heuvel, also became increasingly active in the International Rescue Committee [IRC]. Besides being a current member of the board of the IRC, William Vanden Heuvel held the positions of president of the IRC, IRC and Vice Chairman of the Planning Committee of IRC.

In an essay that appeared in the Summer 1997 issue of New Politics, titled "Albert Shanker: No Flowers", Paul Buhle made the following reference to the historical role of the International Rescue Committee: "important recent volume of Eric Chester, COVERT NETWORKS: PROGRESSIVES, tHE COMMITTEE oN INTERNATIONAL RESCUE aND CIA offers a well-researched perspective on one of the most interesting operations of the Cold War (and after the Cold War) related on one side with the favorite causes of prominent liberals and on the other, with a variety of projects intelligence agencies. ..The International Rescue Committee [IRC] became a central mechanism through its spin-off American Friends of Vietnam [AFVN], to sell Vietnam imminent war to the American public ...Young Daniel Patrick Moynihan, working as his public relations officer, had described the IRC as the "ideal instrument of psychological warfare."

"The IRC was later involved directly or indirectly in Shef ... As other operations during the saturation bombing of the US in Southeast Asia, the IRC followed trained and funded military forces decimating large districts of El Salvador ... " 

The book cited by Buhle, COVERT NETWORK: PROGRESSIVES, THE COMMITTEE ON INTERNATIONAL RESCUE, AND THE CIA by Eric Thomas Chester, was published in 1995 by ME Sharpe Inc. A review without signing the book that appeared on the Internet described the book Chester as follows: "the period of the Cold War in the history of the United States was characterized by a perfect cooperation between international charities, quasi - governmental organizations, major foundations, funding conduits and CIA ... This book highlights the Committee international Rescue, and to a lesser extent, the Ford Foundation. " 

During the 1980s, Interhemispericos Resource Center in Albuquerque also discussed the political role that the IRC has played historically. Besides pointing out that members of the board of IRC in the 1980s included people like Richard Holbrooke, Henry Kissinger, Ronald Lauder, Albert Shanker and William Vanden Heuvel, Center Interhemispericos Resources also noted:  

The IRC has consistently followed the policies that have effectively coincided with the foreign policy of the United States. interests. It has operated in geopolitics access points such as Southeast Asia, Central America, Afghanistan and Eastern Europe, leading programs that have strengthened anti - Communist activities in Washington ...  

Many of the members of the IRC have ties to the intelligence community, and at least one author called IRC "is a long time ally of the CIA does.

... In 1987, he received approximately 72 percent of their funds from contracts and grants from the US government. UU ...  

In 1987, the IRC received a donation of $ 1 million from the National Endowment for Democracy [NED], which was assigned by the US Congress. UU. The Agency for International Development [USAID], to "help the Polish Independent Union Solidarity ..." ... Recently, the main focus of the IRC has focused on Afghan refugees ... The IRC has published 10 books for National Endowment for Democracy American Friends of Afghanistan [AFA] financed under 

[former president of IRC] Leo Cherne [from death] has a long history of intelligence connections. He served as member of the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board Chairman from 1973 to 1976, President from 1976 to 1979 and most recently served as vice president of the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board of former President Ronald Reagan ... In 1954 , Cherne sent a cable to a US government official. UU. on the situation in Vietnam. "If today free elections, everyone agrees that private Communists will win ... The future depends on the organization of all resources to resettle refugees, supporting the government now bankrupt ..." During the meeting Reagan Administration,

William Casey [former president of IRC] was one of the members of a commission that visited IRC Indochinese refugee camps in 1978 and advocated "a virtual open door policy" to allow refugees from entering the United States. Under Reagan, Casey was head of the CIA until his death in 1987 ...  

John Richardson [former president of the IRC] was the Undersecretary of State for Cultural Affairs from 1969 to 1977.  He served as head of Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty Information Agency of the United States [USIA] of 1961-1968. During those years, he was closely linked to the CIA ... 

The IRC was actively involved in supporting the regime of Ngo Dinh Diem in Vietnam. In fact, the executive committee for the pro-Diem lobby, the American Friends of Vietnam, was virtually identical to the IRC. The strongest defender of Diem in the group was the former official IRC Joseph Buttinger ... "  

In the late 1960s, the father of the editor of The Nation was president of the IRC while former director CIA William Casey was chairman of the executive committee of IRC according to the minutes of the meeting of the board of IRC of 15 June 1967, "Leo Cherne appointed the following Subcommittee on the Middle East: William Casey, Leo Cherne, David Sher, William Vanden Heuvel and Edwin Wesley "and" the Board meeting adjourned at 7:

Besides being part of the board of IRC with the editor of Nation, Katrina Vanden father Heuvel, both in the late 1960s as the mid-1970s, the former director of the CIA, Casey, it was also one of the original investors and director of conglomerate media capital Cities ABC swallowed in the 80s, before the conglomerate itself means the Disney Company devour her in the 90s .  the former president of IRC, Casey, was also part of the board of the utility LILCO, which operated the Shoreham nuclear plant in Long Island, despite opposition from anti -nuclear activists US. UU. In the 1970s. Before administering the successful campaign of Reagan in 1980 for the presidential nomination of the Republican Party, Casey, board member of the IRC, also worked at the law firm of companies Rogers & Wells,  where he represented the special interests of customers such as Saudia American Lines, International Crude Oil Refining Company and the Government of Indonesia. As CIA director Reagan until his death in 1987, former member of the board of IRC, Casey, continued to maintain control of more than $ 3 million in shares in companies such as DuPont and Exxon, while simultaneously took decisions on the CIA affecting the profitability of their personal actions.

Casey was not the only director IRC became involved in presidential campaigns Establishment Party political party in the 70s and early 80s During the 1976 presidential campaign, the father of Nation editor, Vanden Heuvel, also chaired the committee of the presidential primary campaign of New York by former US President Jimmy Carter. In a letter dated January 12, 1976 to Robert Shnayerson, the then editor of Harper's magazine, the father of editor NATION Vanden Heuvel wrote: 

I understand that it was considering an article about the presidential candidacy of former Governor Jimmy Carter in his March issue of Harper's magazine. In this context, I send a copy of a telegram from Congressman Andrew Young in a recent column published by Village Voice. I hope you find interesting and relevant. 

If you have any questions, please call me at 425-XXXX-XXXX or 757. 

Sincerely, William Vanden Heuvel.

The telegram referred to in the letter of William Vanden Heuvel, member of the board of IRC (sent by former ambassador Carter Administration at the UN, Andrew Young to a Bardle B. Carter at the headquarters of 9 / 9/76) made the following reference to a letter written by Alexander Cockburn column: "the column of January 12, Alexander Cockburn, 'the enigma of Jimmy Carter, can a dark horse change its spots' is a wonderful example of the creation of 'the big lie' by a compilation of half - truths and distorted facts  

"  Jimmy Carter is not and has never been guilty of the kind of implicit racism of these charges. It is one of the best products of the most misunderstood region of our nation. "

But according to the history of a people of the United States by Howard Zinn: "The Democratic candidate for president in 1976, Jimmy Carter was a member of the Trilateral Commission ... In fact, the number of members of the Trilateral Commission appointed to important positions in the Carter administration was surprising. Brzezinski became his National Security Advisor ... Walter Mondale, the new Vice President, was a member of the Trilateral Commission. the Ambassador to the United Nations, Andrew Young, Secretary Treasury Michael Blumenthal and Secretary Harold Brown ... the price of food and the necessities of life continued to rise faster than wages. unemployment is officially maintained at 6 or 8 percent, unofficially, the rates were more high.For certain key groups -people young people, and especially young blacks: the unemployment rate was 20% or 30%.

"By 1978, it was clear that blacks in the United States, the group that supported Carter for president, without whose support could not have been chosen were very disappointed with their policies. He opposed federal aid for the poor . who needed abortions, and when it was pointed out that this was unfair because wealthy women could abort easily, he replied: "Well, as you know, there are many things in life that are not fair that rich people can pay. and the poor can not. "

On October 6, 1976, the then executive vice president of THE NEW YORK TIMES, Sydney Gruson, also wrote the following letter to William Vanden Heuvel (in the office of the New York Times Company), which apparently was sent to headquarters Carter / Mondale at 730 Fifth Avenue in Manhattan: "Dear Bill: Attached is the curriculum of my brother I told you he's an extremely talented guy anything you can do will be greatly appreciated How about bringing your partner to lunch... before the election? As always, Sydney ".

The father of the editor NATION then wrote the following letter on 12 October 1976 to one of the people who apparently would be responsible for offering jobs to people in a new Carter administration: Jack Watson, the law firm Corporate King & Spalding. (Note Disclosure: A lawyer King & Spalding in Manhattan is representing his landlord father in a frivolous lawsuit of harassment against a tenant with stable income which is sister of the writer of this article): "Dear Jack, Sydney Gruson is vice president executive New York Times. I made a special comment the other night to take me aside and asked me to send him a resume to his brother, Edward Gruson. it would be useful to have someone review it . and maybe a note from you Sydney Gruson and his brother would be most helpful. on 

the same day, the official Campaign New York Carter / Mondale 1976, Vanden Heuvel, also wrote the following letter to Executive Vice President of the New York Times, Sydney Gruson: 

Dear Sidney, I have sent Edward curriculum with a special note to Jack Watson. If Governor Carter won the elections, I assume that Jack will have an important transitional role, including staff. In my next conversation with him, I will discuss the matter. 

My guess is that the schedule will not allow Governor Carter lunch before the election. Discussions make programming is almost impossible because essentially require three days to each event. 

Hoping to see you soon. 

As always, William Vanden Heuvel. 

After the member of the Trilateral Commission Carter was elected president finally appointed William Vanden Heuvel as its deputy permanent representative to the United Nations. Katrina, board member Vanden Heuvel IRC, daughter of Princeton University, graduated from Princeton in 1981. According to an article by Van Wallach appeared in an edition of 20 March 1996 a publication of students from Princeton, Katrina Vanden Heuvel started working "as an intern Nation for nine months after taking the` Politics and Press' curso` taught by Blair Clark, the editor of the magazine from 1976 to 1978 "and" tHE NATION returned in 1984 as editor assistant for foreign affairs ". In 1988 he married a teacher named Stephen F. Cohen, who was also acontributing editor of The Nation in 1996. In recent years, "Stephen F. Cohen - NYU" has also been in an editorial committee POST-SOVIET magazine AFFAIRS which also includes a "James Noren - Central Intelligence Agency . "  in 1989, the daughter of a member of the board Vanden Heuvel IRC was named" the editor nation in general, responsible for coverage of the USSR "and" LYI I co - founded in 1990 .myi ... a quarterly magazine that links American and Russian Women "according to the publication Princeton alumni.

After the editor NEW YORK TIMES MAGAZINE became the editor of the Nation magazine, Victor Navasky, he organized the trade association for profit (which included Katrina Vanden Heuvel as one of the trading partners) to buy the magazine NATION the owner Arthur Carter NEW YORK OBSERVER, Navasky Katrina Vanden Heuvel appointed as editor, while assumed the title of publisher and editorial director. 

In 1996, the editor NATION, Vanden Heuvel, had "moved the magazine content to new places through a syndicated radio show and website worldwide , " according to the article published by alumni of Princeton. Like Democracy Now Pacifica and CounterSpin FAIR program, the radio program of the Nation magazine, RADIO NATION is also subsidized by money from the Establishment foundation. The money division is granted non-profit of The Nation magazine, The Nation Institute, on whose board of directors is the editor NATION, Vanden Heuvel and former member of the board of directors of PBS used to run the "genius grant" from the MacArthur Foundation program, Catharine Stimpson. Dean of Graduate School of NYU in recent years, Stimpson was also the treasurer of the Institute of the nation in recent years. Of $ 1. 4 million in annual revenue received by The Nation Institute, will spend about $ 88,000 in program production NATION RADIO magazine, which airs on about 100 radio stations in the US. UU., Including Pacifica Radio stations. Editors and writers of the magazine NATION who have tried to vilify and marginalize journalists and researchers from the conspiracy of 11-S in recent months, as David Corn, apparently also been using RADIO NATION as a means of self -promotional communication and linked to the radio to advance their careers as professionals in the world of mass media establishment journalists. 


Part 4:  


Although the program ALTERNATIVE RADIO David Barsamian is transmitted in several NPR stations that are subsidized by corporate subscribers and grants from various foundations of the Establishment, the Institute for Change social and Cultural Communications Inc. (which is part ALTERNATIVE RADIO) does not seem to have received subsidies directly from the Ford or other Establishment foundations Foundation. However, one of the guests more often ALTERNATIVE RADIO, Professor Noam Chomsky of MIT, received a "Kyoto Prize" of $ 350,000 by the Inamori Foundation Establishment Japanese in 1988.

The Institute for Social and Cultural Change Communications Inc. doing business as magazine Z.  Ironically, although it may have taken its name from a film adaptation of the novel Z Costa-Gavras (which dramatizes the discovery of a conspiracy of murder), Z magazine has tried to marginalize researchers and journalists 9/11 conspiracy in recent months on its website and in its printed pages. 

According to its Form 990 for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2000, Z Magazine receives over $ 641,000 a year in gross expenditure and only has annual expenses of $ 531,000. A large part of the annual income of the magazine Z are for three members of one family: the Albert-Sargent family. At least $ 120,000 per year of the total income of Z magazine end up in the pockets of Michael Albert, partner or child Lydia Sargent Lydia Sargent Eric. The three family members receive an annual salary of $ 30,000 for the journal Z.  The Z magazine pays each family member an additional amount of $ 10,000 for "office space" that the Albert-Sargent Family "Rent" to publish his magazine Z and maintain your website. 

Although the family of entrepreneurs left the magazine published by Z received $ 120,000 in the fiscal year ended 31/12/2000, all published writers who paid $ 38,700 for one year, for articles they wrote.

Of the $ 38,700 that the Albert-Sargent family paid their writers in 2000, $ 4,400 were delivered to the producer ALTERNATIVO RADIO David Barsamian, whose book THE DECLINE AND FALLOF PUBLIC BROADCASTING, was published, with an introduction by DEMOCRACY NOW INC's Amy Goodman, in 2000 by South End Press. Although a chart in the book of Barsamian on public broadcasting indicates that the Ford Foundation was among subscribers national PBS programming that contributed more than $ 1 million in 2000, the index of the book apparently contains no reference to the crucial role of Ford Foundation in shaping the public broadcasting system. The index Barsamian books also contains references to the Schumann Foundation, but for 3 references to passages from books describing the president of the Schumann Foundation, Bill Moyers. 

South End Press is the trading company of the firm publications of the Institute for Social and Cultural Change the Albert-Sargent family started in 1984, apparently with the help of $ 232.956 in "loans" to low interest of several individuals and organizations, you no longer have to be returned. According to the Form 990 South End Press for the fiscal year ending 30/6/200, the book publishing section of the magazine Z (which sells books like PROPAGANDA AND PUBLIC MIND: CONVERSATIONS WITH NOAM CHOMSKY the aLTERNATIVE RADIO producer Barsamian is co - author), he took more than $ 1 million book sales. 

So if the magazine / website Z and South End Press is considered as a business entity, we would be talking about a business that receives about $ 1.7 million a year market cultural left. In times of war imperialist US. UU., Books anti-war anti-conspiracy theorist Chomsky, as 11-S, tend to sell well and even make lists of the best sellers in the media. Therefore, even without directly dependent on subsidies Establishment Foundations wishing to discourage public opinion to consider evidence obtained by journalists and researchers conspiracy of the United States, ALTERNATIVE / Z MAGAZINE / RADIO SOUTH END PRESS may have a economic interest in attempting to marginalize anti - war journalists involved in investigations of conspiracy and journalism Sept. 11. 


Part 5:  

MOTHER JONES / Foundation for National Progress

Like FAIR / CounterSpin / IPA, MOTHER JONES / Foundation for National Progress received much money from the Schumann Foundation Executive Director of Public Affairs Bill Moyers TV Inc. in the 1990s  In 1995, for example, the Schumann Foundation Moyers awarded a grant of $ 500,000 to MOTHER JONES / Foundation for National Progress "to support Mother Jones magazine." A second grant of $ 150,000 was awarded to Mother Jones / Foundation for National Progress in 1996 "to support the recruitment of a new senior editor at the magazine Mother Jones". And an additional grant of $ 100,000 was awarded to Mother Jones / Foundation for National Progress in 1997 "to promote research money in politics magazine Mother Jones". As Rick Edmunds said in a recent essay on the Internet (titled "How to get behind the media: What are the subtle Awards Foundation grant for journalism?"): "Although often buried in the fine print header ... many magazines of opinion are themselves non-profit, to attract better funding from the foundation.  That's true MOTHER JONES ". 

Mother Jones magazine claims to be a "Foundation for National Progress" nonprofit. However, Mother Jones magazine raised nearly $ 6 million in annual revenue in 2000, including $ 822.358 for the sale of advertising space and $ 176.140 for renting your subscriber list. This gross income of $ 6 million in 2000, MOTHER JONES / Foundation for National Progess the following salaries paid to top executives of alternative means:  

1. The editor in chief of the magazine Mother Jones, Roger Cohn, received an annual salary of $ 144.670; 

2. The editor of Mother Jones magazine and chairman of the National Board of Progreso, Jay Haris, former general manager of operations Pacifica NEWSWEEK magazine of Washington Post Company, received an annual salary of $ 144.379; 

3. Mother Jones, Director of Sales and Marketing, Eric Weiss received an annual salary of $ 105.004; 

4. Creative Director of Mother Jones magazine, Jane Palecek, received an annual salary of $ 88.197; 

5. The Foundation for the National Secretary / Treasurer and CEO Joan Catherine Braun Progreso received an annual salary of $ 85.453; 

6. The editor of Mother Jones magazine, Eric Bates, received an annual salary of $ 74.716; and  

7. The advertising manager of Mother Jones magazine, Eileen Ellis, received an annual salary of $ 67.233; and  

8. Art Director MOTHER JONES, Caroline Joy, was paid an annual salary of $ 61.187. 

MOTHER JONES / Foundation for National Progress also spent $ 247,000 in fundraising in 2000; and its board included Anita Roddick, Body Shop, the Kadima, Chair Schreyer, the director of the HKH Foundation, Harriet Barlow and founder of Mother Jones magazine, Adam Hochschild Foundation. Hochschild has also established the Charity / Charitable Trust Fund Adam Hochschild, whose stated purpose, tax - free, is " to promote educational and literary purposes of the Foundation for National Progress". According to its 2000 report, the Charity Fund of Adam Hochschild / Sequoia apparently did this by contributing $ 2.4 million in shares MOTHER JONES / Foundation for National Progress. As a result, the value of $ 1,176,617 in shares of Wal Mart Stores (19.082 shares) was apparently owned by MOTHER JONES / Foundation for National Progress in 2001.

In addition to receiving money from Bill Moyers' Schumann Foundation and Hochschild Charitable Trust / Sequoia Fund of one of its own board members, there is another interesting connection with the world of foundations Establishment in Mother Jones magazine. In 1997, the wife of Alfred P. Sloan Foundation provided a grant of $ 3 million from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation's wife MOTHER JONES / member of the board of National Progress Adam Hochschild - University of California-Berkeley Professor of Sociology - to establish a Center for Working Families "at UC Berkeley, who now heads.  Among those Facility that are currently part of the board of the Sloan Foundation funded Arlie Russell Hochschild professor UC-Berkeley ' Sheila Widnall, a former secretary of the Air Force, currently represents the MIT on the board of confidence expert group on Pentagon weapons research: the Institute for Defense Analyzes ( Other members of the board of the Sloan Foundation include former presidents of the corporate boards of General Motors, JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley and two other MIT professors. In 1991, the wife of a member of the board of MOTHER JONES / Foundation for National Progress, Hochschild apparently also received a grant from the Ford Foundation.

Therefore, it is likely that there are many articles on the historical relationship of the Ford Foundation and the CIA, the Schumann Foundation and Public Affairs Bill Moyers TV Inc., the Sloan Foundation, the Institute for Defense Analysis, MIT or UC-Berkeley, or what evidence have been unearthed journalists and researchers Sept. 11 conspiracy, will be much published by Mother Jones magazine porters / alternative media censors. 


Part 6:  


The PROGRESSIVE magazine editor, Matthew Rothschild, also tried tovilify and marginalize journalists and researchers conspiracy 11-S a few months ago. Coincidentally, the company PROGRESSIVE, based in Madison, Wisconsin, has also been getting a lot of money from the foundation of an establishment in the United States politically non -progressive since the 1990s 

In 1992, for example, a grant was awarded $ 50,000 to PROGRESSIVE MacArthur Foundation (on whose board radio commentator for ABC News, Paul Harvey and director of Enron Global Power & Pipelines, Thomas Theobald, have been presented for many years) "to seek and disseminate articles relevant opinion. to US foreign policy and international security ".That same year, "several staff members MacArthur" were "called to consult with staff members of the presidential campaign of Bill Clinton , " according to The Chronicle of Philanthropy. And, in the late 1990s, one of the main economic authorities of the Clinton Administration, Laura Tyson, became a member of the board of the MacArthur Foundation. 

The MacArthur Foundation also awarded an additional grant of $ 150,000 to PROGRESSIVE in 1994. And in 2002, the MacArthur Foundation awarded $ 120,000 in grants over the company PROGRESSIVE, whose magazine, the anti-conspiracy Matthew Rothschild, theoretical edits. 

Like FAIR / CounterSpin and PACIFICA / DEMOCRACY NOW, the company PROGRESSIVE also has been getting a lot of money from the Ford Foundation since the 1990s  In 1998, for example, PROGRESSIVE received a $ 200,000 grant awarded by the Ford Foundation ( on whose board Clinton crony Vernon Jordan) he sat. And in 2000, the Ford Foundation awarded two grants PROGRESSIVE more, for a total of $ 250,000. 

In addition to receiving grants from the MacArthur Foundation and the Ford Foundation PROGRESSIVE he has also obtained funding from the Rockefeller Foundation in recent years. In 1998, for example, the Rockefeller Foundation provided a grant of $ 50,000 to PROGRESSIVE. 

In 2000, PROGRESSIVE Inc. earned an annual income of $ 1.7 million, including $ 69.727 from its sale of advertising space. And his editor, Matthew Rothschild, apparently received an annual salary of $ 44.468 in recent years for publishing-oriented Democratic Party magazine that rarely mentions the historical relationship of the Ford Foundation and the CIA and rarely publishes articles written for 9/11 Conspiracy journalists or researchers. 


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