
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta healing Letters. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta healing Letters. Mostrar todas las entradas

23 de marzo de 2019

How we help the Ascended Masters


Surely there will ever observed how a child learns to walk. With difficulty rises again and again, staggers insecure about their little feet and finally takes a step forward. 
Often it gives the feeling that the child knows that walking is possible, he is able to walk, but nevertheless can not. It turns to fall back and sometimes angry and desperate cries when seeing that it is not able to walk.
Parents do not catch her up continually to help. Otherwise the child will never learn to walk. They hold it for a few minutes to keep it up and help you take the first steps. They encourage and support affectionately indicating how it works 'this' gait. But not always give it their support, because otherwise the child would never learn to walk. 
Just as loving parents to support their child, the Ascended Masters do the same. They show the way and provide experiences that lift our spirits. They know exactly when their help is beneficial for us and when we can begin to take the first steps by ourselves. And we call attention when we forget our goal or when we want to roll back.
Of course, not always easy for us to recognize that help. As a child, sometimes we get angry, we despair and we feel disappointed or resigned when something does not go as we want, or where the aid is not what we expected. We feel abandoned and we doubt if the spiritual world will be there beside us, to support us.
Like parents, the Ascended Masters are loving guides on our way to become unity. We help develop our common sense, our conscience and be ourselves also Masters. This development process runs along different lives. And every life we learn something new, experience new learning techniques, developing our personality more and more, until finally \ live fully conscious until we wake up completely. 
As we mentioned above, the Ascended Masters have already traveled this path successfully and are always available with their experience. Our contribution to this joint work is our willingness to awaken, and to receive such assistance and know apply.
But the aim of the Masters is not only to develop our own existence but also that we know to live it in our daily lives, we know "forge our daily lives." Easy to reach a state of tranquility and feeling a unit in meditation, on a walk through the woods or while contemplating a picturesque sunset. 
But where that calm and that peace remains when all around us children play noisily, fight testing our patience and our nerves when we are under time pressure and we get stressed when we have to face a unpleasant conversation or we tighten our economic debts? This is everyday life.
The goal is to maintain the serenity and balance in those stressful situations, how to act calmly and clearly. It is knowing how to take advantage of our potential to develop our intuition, to follow our inner wisdom, to accept our darker side and know integrate. In learning these guidelines Ascended Masters also want to lend us their help. 
Being everyday life, in every letter you will find instructions and questions about life situations. So you can benefit from what the letter will indicate, ie, energy Master

© misteri1963 this publication can be reproduced freely provided it respects its integrity and mentions the author, the translator and the URL as the source and the copyright notice

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