
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Ascended Masters. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Ascended Masters. Mostrar todas las entradas

4 de noviembre de 2023



Padre Madre se presenta de cabello y barba blanca, con el cabello a los hombros, con un bastón en su mano, sentado en un trono y con una corona de Rey en su cabeza. Todas sus vestiduras de un blanco inmaculado que le cuelgan hasta sus pies.

Saludos Emanuel y Pastora, soy su Padre Madre Adonai Nebadón Nebadonia. 

En esta mañana quise pasar a saludarlos y a bendecirles, a darles todo mi amor y todo mi apoyo. En esta mañana de hoy, les quiero dar una gran noticia. 

Han visto como me he sentado en un Trono, pero no un trono que utilizan sus reyes, de ostentación y riqueza, es un Trono que simboliza la absoluta protección y dirección.

Estamos asumiendo el control, la protección y la dirección del planeta.

Los seres más desviados, que más perturbaron el plan. Las grandes inteligencias que han estado detrás de toda esta red de control maléfico y malévolo en el planeta, ya han sido desalojadas de las influencias de las mentes y de las conciencias humanas. 

No hay más control de estas fuerzas sobre el planeta. 

Ya se ha logrado desarraigar, desinstalar, grandes, primero, la gran malla electromagnética ya se había desmantelado, pero hay que desarraigarla, desprenderla, primeramente, de las mentes y de las conciencias humanas. 

A lo cual aprovecho para llamar a reflexión a todos mis hijos del planeta, para que despierten y dejen de ser presas del control, porque ya solo queda eso en sus mentes y en sus corazones. 

Porque ya como les dije, se está desprendiendo, se ha logrado ir separando de todo nuevo andamiaje, de toda esta Nueva Tierra, toda esa matrix de control antigua.

Punto a punto, hemos ido recuperando todos ámbitos, todos lugares, sistemas, de la nueva y antigua matrix de las fuerzas oscuras de su planeta, de esos mis hijos desviados. 

Ahora, como ya les dije y reitero, solo queda, desprogramar y desarraigar de sus mentes, todas esas programaciones que estas fuerzas les han instalado en sus mentes.

Ustedes dirán, ¿Padre Madre, que vamos a desarraigar? 

Antes que todo mis amados, desarraiguen el miedo, el miedo porque al sentir que se van a desprender de algo, lo primero que sienten es el miedo. 

El miedo a no vivir conforme lo conocido y la gran mayoría vive presa del materialismo, presa de los dictámenes de la matrix, de la moda, de los compromisos sociales, de las costumbres. 

No digo que no mantengan costumbres, pero costumbres en bien de sus almas, que sean para su crecimiento interno y espiritual.

Desarráiguense de todo eso, que les ofrecen platos apetitosos por la rapidez, comidas, la alimentación, yo las llamaría envenenadas, porque todo eso lo que producen en los grandes centros empresariales, de comidas que llaman chatarra, todo eso viene con gran veneno. Le llamo veneno porque, les hace daño al cuerpo y a su sistema de funcionamiento.

Libérense de todos los vicios que les ha inculcado la antigua matrix. 

Libérense de los vicios, del alcohol, del cigarrillo, de todos esos vicios, de las substancias, de las drogas y de todas esas sustancias, que solo hacen dañarles su cuerpo físico, para no permitirles a ustedes que avancen en su configuración como cuerpos de luz, como cuerpos de Avatares en tierra.

Libérense de las drogas de farmacia, todas esas sustancias, de todas esas cantidades de químicos, que les han enseñado a tomar desde el más mínimo dolor de cabeza como llaman, el más mínimo dolor de estómago, hasta las más grandes enfermedades. 

Para todo hay un componente natural, que la naturaleza les ofrece. 

Eso son mis amados y otros más, la necesidad de poseer y poseer, de tener dinero como si el dinero fuera la gran panacea del mundo y olvidan cultivar el corazón, el espíritu, el amor, la paz, viven ha veces, como endemoniados entre comillas, porque el dinero no les alcanza, porque trabajan y trabajan y el dinero no los hace felices, el dinero no cumple las expectativas de estilos de vida que quieren vivir por imposiciones de la matrix. 

Se endeuda y se endeudan con tarjetas de crédito, con préstamos y las mil trampas que les ponen el sistema financiero de la matrix para que caigan, se endeuden, para que vivan endeudados y esto les resta paz a sus almas, a su corazón.

Amados, de eso y de tantas programaciones más que les ponen en el cine, en esas películas que Hollywood les pone fijando conductas, implantándolos, porque eso hacen, implantar sus mentes. 

Les colocan situaciones de una invasión extraterrestre, cosa más alejadas de la verdad amados todos, porque los hermanos de paz, de luz, de amor, vienen es para ayudar y no para invadir y han asistido a la humanidad durante miles y millones de años, esta no es la excepción.

Estamos consientes que han venido civilizaciones que los han implantado, hibridado, buscando genética, como reproducirla en ellos, como la genética reptil más que todo y no puede ser reproducida, porque esta genética es, para seres de sangre caliente. 

Pero han intentado hacerlo por miles de medios y no lo han podido lograr. Tomar estos códigos que el Padre Madre Adonai ha colocado en Todos sus hijos de luz y amor.

Bueno amados hijos, no terminaría de retarles las situaciones que la matrix ha impuesto en ustedes. 

Solo les digo amados, que todas esas situaciones a nivel de red, de la matrix, ya han sido completamente liberados, solo falta que cada uno de ustedes se desprogramen individualmente. 

No tomen más de esos programas instalados, comiencen a trabajar en la Nueva Conciencia, en los Nuevos Programas de luz, de amor. 

Amados Hijos, trabajen en la Nueva tierra, eso es lo que ya estoy tomando el control de todo este plan que ya felizmente hemos logrado desalojar todos esos controladores de oficio, que han tenido durante tiempos, décadas, eones, miles y millones de años. Vivan el Nuevo tiempo.

Vivan la Nueva Energía, vivan en el amor infinito, Interno de ustedes para Todos y de Todos para ustedes. 

Empodérense cada uno, así como me estoy yo empoderando hoy de este planeta que estaba en las garras de las fuerzas oscuras, de mis hijos desviados, que ahora se libera para la luz, para el Universo de Luz de Padre Madre Adonai.

Desprográmense y vivan la nueva experiencia de las nuevas energías, porque ya estamos en el Nuevo tiempo.

Amados hijos, y no os preocupéis por lo que ha de venir, porque todo está calculado para asistirlos a todos y que el plan se dé como tiene que darse. 

Siempre en armonía y en orden divino, para bien de toda la humanidad y para todos los hijos de Padre Madre Adonai en la Luz Infinita.

Los amo y los bendigo a Todos.

Sigan el camino de la luz y desprográmense amados hijos. Suelten, reseteen esos pensamientos, esas costumbres. Instalen programas nuevos, pero de la luz, del amor.

Me despido, soy Padre Madre Adonai, Nebadón, Nebadonia.

(Emanuel y Pastora - ServiUm Montaña Sagrada de ERKS - Ishtar Ashtar Adonai)

22 de abril de 2022


Saint Germain: Peace and Freedom Time


God is in the world an in the hearts of all people!
God comes to your aid, is close to you and breathes through you! YOU and GOD are ONE! Become aware of the spiritual powerhouse that you are!

Here and now, remember your power. I am guiding you from the valley to the mountain top, from the shadow into the light!

By the power of your love, the earth will transform, and by the power of your light, a new mankind will be born. What you are currently experiencing are labor pains, the pain before the miracle that awaits you when all the work is done.

And this work consists of deepening your connection with God, devoting yourself fully to HIS omnipresent guidance, and having unconditional faith in HIS works in your life.

Especially when times are tough, it is crucial to have complete faith in the power of all life, the source of all being, the mother of mothers, the father of fathers, the heart of hearts, the light of lights, the love that exists in all there is.

So come on, beloved human being, get moving, because we are about to bring movement into the affairs that currently dominate life and weigh heavily on some people’s soul.

Not for much longer, and the time when everything is easy, beautiful, majestic and luminous again can dawn. You are still passing through a tunnel, and the light at the end of this tunnel still seems far away. However, this is a mistake, because with each luminous deed, and with every loving thought, the NEW earth is created and the NEW human is born.

You are spirit, from the very beginning pure divine spirit. You are pure life, limitless and free.

Nothing and no one can limit your inner divinity. Realize whose child you are and whose power lies within you.

Let’s move out of the tunnel and create a new reality here on earth at high speed.

For that it is necessary that you spiritually connect with the light.

Create an energy field of light!

Light up candles or flares, create fire places and connect with each other. You are united in your longing for peace, and united in your longing for freedom.

Create a common energy field of light by creating a common ritual that you perform worldwide and simultaneously each day. That way your intentions will manifest, because no force can escape the power of awakened people.

If you want your free will and desire for peace and freedom to be acknowledged, you have to make yourself visible, audible and get active.

Due to cosmic law, this signal must be respected by all heavenly and earthly powers. If you want freedom, be free; if you want peace, put it into practice; if you want self-determination, live in an independent self-determined manner.

Freedom for yourself, and peace for all of mankind – that is what this light shall symbolize and manifest for you.


Proceed as follows:

1. Light up a light at 6 p.m. local time each day, no matter where in the world you are.

2. While you ignite it, say the following words:

I am the light, I am the love, I am the life. I ignite this light for peace, freedom and forgiveness. God is my shield and the truth is my sword.

After that you may add your own words. Get inspired by your soul …

No matter where you are, who you are with, or what the circumstances around you may be: always carry a candle – or a simple tealight – with you and ignite it daily at 6 p.m. ! If you can’t leave it burning for a longer period of time because you are changing location, put out the flame until there is another opportunity to reignite it.

Common action at 6 p.m.!

You can put the light on your window sill for everyone to see, or light it privately for no one else to see.

Follow your intuition, because if you want to be a part of this sea of light, you will always be at the right place each day at 6 p.m.

What matters is the united action at 6 p.m. local time!

There shall be light and there is light, and God is with you!

Remember that you are never on your own. There is an increasing number of people who wish to live and experience peace, freedom and joy – this world as it presents itself now has outlived itself in the eyes of more and more people.

This action is the beginning of the true sea of light on earth, because you are LIGHT, your neighbor is LIGHT, and each individual breathing in this world is pure LIGHT and pure LOVE.

Memory returns, and only an active life leads you to awakening.

Together, create this sea of light by reminding yourselves daily of who you are, what you want and how you can receive support and protection.

You’ve got the power. God is with you!

Together you’ve got the power. God is with you!

You are many, and now you are becoming the SEA OF LIGHT!
With endless love,

**Channel: Jahn J Kassl


7 de marzo de 2021



 What are we women talking about when we talk about Mary Magdalene?

 I don't think we ourselves know it, despite how deeply her figure touches our hearts.

 The archetype of her is alive in the mythical and archetypal universe of many modern women who, curiously, do not consider themselves Catholic.  And when I say that she is alive, I mean that her deep numinous power calls us, she pulls our skirts, sends us signals through synchronicities, dazzles us and attracts us like a magnet.

 It is alive as long as it is active, fulfilling a very important function in the female collective unconscious of the 3rd millennium, unfolding the Magdalena code through us, activating in us the internal initiations of the 4th female archetype, that which has nothing to do with the functions.  biological factors of motherhood.

 Her energy (also manifested in women who are mothers) guides us towards the pilgrimage of the feminine internal universe, of the inner path that can lead us to transcendent contact with the spirit and enlightenment.

 The Mary Magdalene archetype brings us the perfume of the navigators of the inner vision, of the hermits and the mystical madmen, of the pilgrims of the conscience;  all members of the Magdalena lineage.  Protective dakinis of secrets that are only revealed when the time is right.  Yoginis who, in the middle of the snow, knew how to dry wet clothes with the heat of their bodies.

 Women who locked themselves in caves for years to realize the Body of Light and who, when they died, emanated the scent of roses and left pearls as relics of their body.

 All of them diverse and all a single essence that is, above all, freedom, intensity and unshakable purpose in the search for transcendence, acceptance of itself without any shame, absolute defiance towards social conventions manifested through a powerful peaceful force overflowing  of tenderness.

 It is the path of the 4th archetype that has its focus on everything about us that is beyond our biological functions, that of our children or our partner.

 That which invites us to nurture and develop our own Christic or Buddha dimension and which, as I have already said, operates with force both in women without children, as in those who do.

 As for the mythical story, almost all the texts of the first century present her as the recipient of a special transmission that Christ revealed to her alone, the closest to him of all the disciples, the one whom he loved the most and kissed on the lips.

 While the male disciples disappear from the scene when Jesus is arrested, she remains close to the master, witnesses his crucifixion and death and accompanies him to the grave to anoint his corpse, thus becoming a witness to these events and showing, once again, his  loyalty and commitment.

 She later she is the first to whom the risen Christ manifests himself naming her as spokesperson for the news of her resurrection.

 Some texts of her describe her encouraging the apostles after Christ's death, comforting them, guiding her male companions towards wisdom, healing with her own saliva, bringing the news of Christ to Provence.

 In New Age settings, much has been written about Mary Magdalene.

 Almost everyone is determined to point out her as the wife of Jesus Christ, or as the wife of Paulo whom she abandoned because he was a drunk and beat him, or as the mother of a daughter of Jesus ... However, there is no such thing as  data, neither historical nor legendary, that supports any of this.

 In reality, these stories only reflect the distortion made with the most important example of the 4th female archetype present in the tradition.

 Christian (and I say tradition, not religion).

 Behind an apparently liberating reinterpretation, they perpetuate the patriarchal idea that a woman is only important as the wife of a relevant man or as the mother of her children and, in this way, they deny Magdalena her own identity and essence.

 From all these opinions arises a tangle (undoubtedly exciting) of stories that interweave in their fabric the Gnostics, the Essenes, the Cathars, the Templars and the European nobility (who amazingly vindicate their lineage as a descendant of that supposed daughter of Christ and  Magdalena, thus justifying the "divine" origin of the monarchy).

 Stories that mark the steps of Magdalena with hidden treasures of enormous value (the treasure of the Temple of Jerusalem, the treasure of the Templars, the treasure of the Cathars or supposed documents that show that Magdalena and Christ had descendants for which the church has paid  "A treasure" so that this secret is not disclosed).

 Texts whose starting point is Magdalena, but in which what is less talked about is Her.

 There is a hidden treasure in Magdalena, a treasure to be deciphered in these times, but it is not, in my opinion, the one pointed out by many of the books published on the subject.

 Privileged incarnation of the Sophia, Free and economically self-sufficient Woman, Friend and main disciple of Jesus Christ, Apostle of the Apostles, Exile who was thrown into the Mediterranean in a paddle boat without oars, Bearer of the Grail, Pilgrim, Curandera who used her saliva as medicine, Hermit in  her cave living 33 years of light, She who came to experience the Ascension seven times every day.

 That energy called Mary Magdalene seems to have destined her teaching for the beginning of the third millennium.

 Never like now can we women reap the fruits that she sowed, recognize her love in our hearts and her strength beating in our bellies.

 That is why today so many women vibrate when they hear about her.

 We could relate many other aspects about the Magdalena, but I am already extending myself too much.

 May Mary Magdalene guide us and her perfume always inspire our hearts.

 Marianna G

2 de enero de 2021



Hello beloveds it is I Lord Ashtar along with Lord Michael coming through for all of you today today.

I'd like to talk about where you are on your journey not only on your journey to the fifth dimension but where you are on your journey with what's going on on the planet right now and Lord Michael will bring through messages and he will interject in this conversation that I, that we are bringing through this channeler

Where you are on your journey now is you are at a crossroads, you are at a point at a bend ; we're going to say where your consciousness is really opening up to all that is on the planet and not only to all that is on the planet but to what really is going on and does exist on this planet.

A lot of you have really opened up to seeing the truth of what's going on and a lot of you have really become conscious to your gifts, your journey, sort of your your birthright and your destiny we're going to say.

A lot of you that are healers, have really come online. A lot of those that this channeler does healing with are healers that she's able to really do palm activations and all kinds of activations with.

A lot of you, out there are really searching for something else than what was just going on and going through we're going to say with your lives as they were and are.

A lot of you are realizing that there's a lot more vastness out there, that there are different dimensions, that you are really shifting your consciousness and that you are really not only changing who you are but you're really shifting and changing all of humanity.

For a lot of you are really holding the light, for a lot of those that are still sleeping and a lot of you are really reaching out now to figure out what it is that your journey truly is and a lot of you are really looking for all the information you can about what is truly happening on your planet.

So from where we sit up in the high councils and the high collective of light, we can feel for your energy, we can feel for your vibration on this planet and plane and we can feel that you really have done an uptick in your vibration and your frequency and we can feel that you really have shifted the consciousness not only your consciousness but shifted the consciousness of humanity.

We can see that you are not where you were a year ago or even six months ago and we can feel that the energies and all the activations and everything that is sent down from the angelic realms, sent down from the sun and sent down from the galactic communities really is shifting all of you for this is a monumental journey you're on and we just want to give you some inspiration today.

We just want to tell you how proud we are of all of you. You are really going through a lot on your planet right now you are really realizing a lot of the truths have been taken from you and not only taken from you but hidden from you for a very long time and you're also realizing that a lot of what is out there is not the truth it is mistruths that are being told to you over and over and over

A lot of you are seeing really for yourselves what is going on and wanting to really sit more in your truth of who you are and a lot of you we see having a lot of hardships really rolling through this really dark agenda not being able to work, you know having your lives really turned upside down but we want to tell you and share with you how beautiful all of you are for still really rolling through this process, getting through this dark agenda and how grateful we are for all of you for really trudging through it and really knowing that there is an end in sight that you will come through this and that you will change and shift not only how you navigate but how everyone navigates on this planet and plane for all of you are children of the light all of you are holding so much light not only within your energy field but all around your aura space as well.

You're beaming, you're radiating, you're exuding light all around you and you have so many that are helping you, you have not only your guides and angels but you have your galactic families as well for a lot of you are starseeds and the wayshowers and the light workers and you have jumped in to really be of service on this planet and plane now.

So for all of you we give a big shout out and for all of those in the collectives who are holding the light you are the reason all of you that are awakened, you are the reason that humanity; all the collective that is sleeping is still rolling through this. They are rolling through it with really at a monumental pace.

You are fast tracking to the ascension as well you do have the second and third waves coming upon you very quickly but we just want to shout out how proud of you, how wonderful it is that all of you are really doing so much for humanity, for all in humanity and really pulling together as one.

You are going to push right through these mistruth, you are going to find the truth on your planet, you're going to take back your freedom, your free will and you're going to push forward.

We are helping you, we are with you every step of the way, we are all thousands and thousands and thousands, literally millions of us cheering you on as you go through this very emotional rollercoaster and you go through a lot of emotions that have to be purged and let go of as well but we're here to cheer you on, we're here to tell you how much we love you and we're here to really stand with you, beside you and all around you for you are the ones that are really pushing for this jump not only jump in humanity but we're really pushing for this shift for you don't want to be down here and play in these games anymore, you're really pushing for a change, you're really pushing to see the truth, to feel the truth and to actually live on a planet of truth and you're also pushing forward to live in a planet where people really live with their hearts, in their heart centers more where people live with compassion and where people are able to feel peace around them not fear.

So i Lord Ashtar along with Lord Michael, along with the entire angelic kingdom, along with all the collectives of light councils of light, we're behind you. We're sending you such love, blessings and light.

Lynne Rondell

11 de septiembre de 2020

People everywhere are reclaiming their individual sovereignty



by John Smallman

People everywhere are reclaiming their individual sovereignty.


As your moment of awakening draws ever closer, there is a palpable air of excitement worldwide, in spite of all the “bad” news that the mainstream media is focusing on so constantly and vociferously. Truly, there is much pain and suffering as age-old hatreds and resentments rise into people’s consciousness to be acknowledged, forgiven, and released. Awareness of the insanity of many of the old patterns of human behavior – one on one, in families, in social, political and religious organizations, and between nations and groups of nations – is spreading, and people are making it clear that change of enormous magnitude and on a global scale is essential NOW!

It is becoming apparent to all that for peace and harmony to prevail the oneness and interconnectedness of all to all must be honored in harmonious loving acceptance of one another, regardless of any and all apparent differences that you observe between each other. Humanity is a vast family, with many diverse interests and creative abilities, and it is now time to recognize this and honor all your brothers and sisters, instead of dividing yourselves into opposing groups that judge and condemn the appearances, beliefs, and creative endeavors, etc., of other groups. You have been aware for a very long time that that does not work, nevertheless, the immature and egoic need to be right, to which so many cling, has made it practically impossible for you to truly honor even one other because of your own lack of self acceptance.

That sense of non acceptability is the result of trauma of varying intensity inflicted or imposed upon you during infancy and childhood. None among you grew to adulthood unscathed by the trauma of childhood unacceptability, trauma so painful that you had to disown it or bury it deep within you – out of sight, out of mind – to enable you to face and engage with others, even though there still remained within your conscious awareness a sense of not being good enough. What you had buried so deeply within yourselves as totally unacceptable was constantly being reflected back to you by others who were similarly traumatized, whom you then judged and condemned, just as you had been judged and condemned as little ones. Growing from human infancy to mature adulthood is not easy, and many were so traumatized that they have never succeeded in maturing emotionally or psychologically. Many of those then used their physical or intellectual capabilities to defend themselves against what seemed to be an an almost constant and aggressive onslaught from others, and often sought positions of power and authority over others in order to find some kind of personal self-acceptance, which has frequently brought disastrous consequences raining down on humanity.


As your moment of awakening draws ever closer, there is a palpable air of excitement worldwide, in spite of all the “bad” news that the mainstream media is focusing on so constantly and vociferously. Truly, there is much pain and suffering as age-old hatreds and resentments rise into people’s consciousness to be acknowledged, forgiven, and released. Awareness of the insanity of many of the old patterns of human behavior – one on one, in families, in social, political and religious organizations, and between nations and groups of nations – is spreading, and people are making it clear that change of enormous magnitude and on a global scale is essential NOW!

It is becoming apparent to all that for peace and harmony to prevail the oneness and interconnectedness of all to all must be honored in harmonious loving acceptance of one another, regardless of any and all apparent differences that you observe between each other. Humanity is a vast family, with many diverse interests and creative abilities, and it is now time to recognize this and honor all your brothers and sisters, instead of dividing yourselves into opposing groups that judge and condemn the appearances, beliefs, and creative endeavors, etc., of other groups. You have been aware for a very long time that that does not work, nevertheless, the immature and egoic need to be right, to which so many cling, has made it practically impossible for you to truly honor even one other because of your own lack of self acceptance.

That sense of non acceptability is the result of trauma of varying intensity inflicted or imposed upon you during infancy and childhood. None among you grew to adulthood unscathed by the trauma of childhood unacceptability, trauma so painful that you had to disown it or bury it deep within you – out of sight, out of mind – to enable you to face and engage with others, even though there still remained within your conscious awareness a sense of not being good enough. What you had buried so deeply within yourselves as totally unacceptable was constantly being reflected back to you by others who were similarly traumatized, whom you then judged and condemned, just as you had been judged and condemned as little ones. Growing from human infancy to mature adulthood is not easy, and many were so traumatized that they have never succeeded in maturing emotionally or psychologically. Many of those then used their physical or intellectual capabilities to defend themselves against what seemed to be an an almost constant and aggressive onslaught from others, and often sought positions of power and authority over others in order to find some kind of personal self-acceptance, which has frequently brought disastrous consequences raining down on humanity.


But, the Past is Over! Change, inevitable and absolutely essential change is occurring, and will continue to occur until the old order just disintegrates due to a complete lack of popular support. A new environment, in which peace, love, acceptance, understanding, and cooperation unite all, is being established, and signs of this are becoming visible in many places. People everywhere are reclaiming their individual sovereignty, the sovereignty with which they were created, for and in eternal joy, to live in freedom, being what their loving and amazingly sensitive hearts guide them to be – Themselves – unhindered by even the slightest feelings of guilt, shame or unacceptability, because such feelings or negative self-judgments are, and always have been, utterly invalid!

You are all divine beings having a temporary experience in form as humans. As humans your task was to evolve spiritually, and you have been doing this for eons, and the fruits of this evolutionary progress are beginning to ripen beautifully as they start to become a most magnificent harvest for all to enjoy. Therefore, prepare to CELEBRATE.

With so very much love, Saul.

31 de marzo de 2020

The Impact of Co/vid – 19 by Saint Germain

Greetings with love and truth enfold your being now, as I draw close to connect with you in the truth of the Creator. I am Saint Germain speaking to you, although I am accompanied by the entire Universe of the Creator. We are all expanding our love and support to each being upon the Earth and in fact all aspects of the Earth. Please know and remember how much you are loved and valued by us and the Creator. We are simply expressions of the Creator, as are you.

You Are Worth More Than Your Imagination Can Conceive

Please take time to contemplate your worth, because you are magnificent and unlimited. The more you can contemplate your worth from a space of being centred into your awareness the more you will learn to love yourself and humanity unconditionally. This will awaken new understandings and insights as to what it means to be a human being living in the physical reality. Changing your perception of how you wish to experience life on the Earth from the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of your being as well as your soul in action. You will discover through this simple practice how to be with other people in a truthful and loving way, and how to create in your reality from a space of divinity.
This practice will support you in staying grounded during this time of change upon the Earth and beginning the awakening process for yourself and humanity that is taking place now.

A Multidimensional Shift is Taking Place Within Your Being and Mother Earth

An ascension shift is taking place for the Earth predominantly, although it will impact the entire Universe of the Creator. The Light Blaze of 2020 has anchored a light magnification designed to energise all that is light upon the Earth and within humanity. This has created an eruption of fear and negativity which has been buried and locked into the Earth, waiting for a time when humanity is ready to transmute the energy. The fear and negativity are both from the present day and previous lifetimes. There are unresolved energies from Atlantis which have been waiting to be transformed and completed. As fear and negativity arise so they continue to be and create their original intention. Some people on the Earth are using the energy to create control and further experiences of fear to try to suppress the spiritual awakening process taking place for all. Covid – 19 is a product of the negative and fearful energies arising to be released and transformed. The virus and its impact upon the world is allowing humanity to recognise the presence of fear and negativity within their being, to recognise suffering and to begin to create positive shifts within their beings to create something beyond fear and negativity, something that will empower all.
Covid- 19 is encouraging everyone to seek within themselves to discover their connection with each other, their relationship with the Creator and the power that is theirs to wield. A multidimensional shift is taking place for the Earth and her humanity; it is taking place within each person. As each person is connected to and an expression of the Creator and Universe of the Creator. The benefits of this multidimensional shift and what will be created from it have yet to be fully realised or glimpsed by humanity. As more people seek within their being for answers and truth amidst chaos and fear, they will glimpse the value of the multidimensional shift taking place.
The ascension shift taking place upon the Earth now is major, many have been waiting for this shift for lifetimes. As with any ascension shift some souls choose to depart their physical body and return to the inner planes to be of service. This is a contract made by their soul before their birth and not a decision made by the personality. The experience of loss by those who remain on the Earth breaks open the heart chakra to allow for love to swell and expand, brighter and more powerfully than ever before. Humanity’s heart chakras are awakening now as they see the devastation occurring on the Earth. Thus, as if mirroring humanity, Mother Earth’s heart chakra is expanding and revealing her depth of love, which is unlimited. The evolution of love from a source, point and essence of purity within the universe of the Creator is emerging from within each being and Mother Earth.
While the shift taking place due to the presence and impact of Covid-19 is occurring predominantly for the Earth. Each person will begin to recognise that the Universe of the Creator resides within them, therefore, they will bond on a deeper level with the dimensions of the universe residing within. This will offer humanity a glimpse into the fullness, completeness and wholeness available to embody and express.

A New Collective Pure Intention for The Earth and Ascension

Covid-19 is encouraging a new collective intention to arise from within humanity, created through humanity recognising the unity of their souls, their eternal connection with each other and the Creator. This collective intention is being born from the purity of each soul and the Creator. It is untainted by the personality or ego, instead, it glows with the brilliance and innocence of the Creator. As humanity activates the pure intention within their beings, merging it with their personal divine plan, so new intentions for the Earth and the evolution of humanity are born. Humanity will begin to recreate themselves and the world around them from the space of purity of the soul within. With illusion of separation dissolving so humanity will create their lives from a space of unity, connection and oneness with all, allowing all beings to step into their power. A new human being, a new reality and a new Earth is forming as humanity is encouraged by current situations on the Earth to delve into the source of truth within their being.
You are a valued part of this spiritual revolution of pure intentions manifesting on the Earth now.

Healing the Shock Within the Core of Humanity

Within the core of each person on the Earth and within the consciousness of humanity there is a wound of separation with the Creator. The physical reality especially promotes a feeling of being separated and isolated from deep intimate unity with the Creator. This wound vibrates throughout each person’s being and reality like an echo which often goes unnoticed.
The presence of Covid-19 and its impact upon the world has reactivated the wound of separation and brought forth a sense of shock. Many people are also experiencing a deep-seated shock at the suffering, fear, and chaos occurring on the Earth now. This presence of shock both from separation with the Creator and the current situation of the Earth is causing feelings of disbelief, distress, numbness, emptiness, depression, judgment, desolation, anxiety and anger. Humanity is being asked to trust or rediscover their trust in the Creator, in the world within and around them, as well as, the reality they are creating. To rediscover a deep-seated presence of trust there is a need to journey through the shock impacting your being now, whether you are aware of it or not, in order to begin the first step to regaining your liberation.
I, Saint Germain, invite you to take time to contemplate whether your being, body, emotions or mind are feeling shocked or overwhelmed by the current situation unfolding on the Earth. Allow yourself to feel into or bring your attention to anything that may resemble shock. As you connect with the energy, let it fill your entire being, so you may recognise and acknowledge its presence fully. Through your acknowledgement the shock and distress will begin to disperse and dissolve. You may wish to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth to encourage a release of the shock. Do not be afraid to experience the shock and upset. In doing so you will set yourself free, being able to act and react with greater clarity. You will be achieving this for the Earth and her humanity as well. The shock of separation with the Creator and the current situation on the Earth is causing many to feel off balance, distracted and uncentered. With the healing of shock so clarity and compassion will be magnified as will the light of the Creator. Each person will be able to connect on a deeper level with the love available to them, thus nurturing and nourishing their being. Many are unaware of the shock they are experiencing, and which is influencing their way of life currently. It is time to bring healing to yourself and all.
My eternal love is yours eternally,
Saint Germain

23 de marzo de 2020

Marlene Swetlishoff - KWAN YIN - MARCH 2020

The above image of Kwan Yin was commissioned by ©Marlene Swetlishoff 
through ©JanineRoseKeall. All rights reserved.

Beloved Ones,

I come on the wings of love to speak with you in regards to the ongoing energetic downloads that are available to each of you for the asking, but you must ask for them, Beloveds. The Ascended Masters and Angelic Realms are busily downloading the latest updates to assist you in your continuing transformation into the Light Beings that you truly are. These updates help you to safely and easily adjust to the ever increasing frequency levels of Celestial Light upon your planet.

Please remember to make your request each morning and night for all the latest light codes, and DNA codes that are available to you from all God sanctioned sources. We are working with each of you to ensure that you stay deeply grounded while absorbing and assimilating this Divine Light into your crown chakras. So many changes are taking place within each of you, even though it is not readily apparent to you. Many of you feel the changes within you as they continue to take place.

18 de marzo de 2020

A SAUL MESSAGE Know that Love is the antidote to fear

by John Smallman.

As you are well aware the Coronavirus pandemic is giving rise to much fear all across the world, while daily life becomes increasingly difficult for most people due to government restrictions on gatherings and travel. Know that Love is the antidote to fear. Fear causes stress, sometimes intense stress, and this places a heavy load on your immune system which can reduce its ability to deal effectively with the wide variety of infections to which it is exposed as you lead your normal daily lives.
Your immune system is individually tailored to suit you, and this is why people, who receive organ transplants or who have to undergo invasive treatments for major diseases, then require to be on various kinds of medications for the rest of their lives, as their immune systems identify what has been implanted as alien and attempt to disable it. Your immune system is a magnificent self-healing infrastructure that is constantly on the alert for new threats to your well-being, while continually developing new forms of amelioration with which to deal with the ever-changing environments in which you lead your daily lives. As new diseases arise it is constantly teaching itself new ways to deal with them by disabling and dissolving them when they invade your body, thus allowing healing to occur.
Some of you have immune systems that are better able to deal with the Coronavirus than others, thus many of you will become infected but will not become sick, others will experience flu-like symptoms that will drain their energy and require them to take time out to rest and recuperate, and, for a few, their immune systems will be unable to disable or discard the virus, and so they will lay down their bodies and return Home, where they will receive a most magnificent welcome.
So, if you are one of those who loses someone who is near and dear to you – whether from the Coronavirus or from any other cause – just remind yourself that they are being extremely well cared for as they adjust delightedly to their Home-coming. And for yourself, allow adequate time to grieve your loss, totally forgive yourself if for any reason you believe that you have hurt or offended them in any way, and know that they have most definitely and most lovingly forgiven you, because THERE IS ONLY LOVE, and they are now absolutely and fully aware of Its joy and power as they rest in Its most loving embrace!
So, throughout these difficult times, keep resetting your intent to be only loving whatever arises. Focus your awareness on the fact that you are well advanced in your awakening process. Doing this empowers you and allows Love to flow through you more easily and powerfully, strengthening your immune system, and then out from you to assist and uplift all humans as they engage – knowingly or unknowingly – with the awakening process. Your awakening is a done deal, it is assured and you will experience it, along with the intense joy that accompanies it. As a rather poor analogy, you could think of it as a movie that you very much want to see. You know that the movie has been put on general release, and that now it is just a question of you finding the time and the purpose to go and see it – it’s out there, you can see it any time you choose. So with your awakening, it’s out there awaiting your decision to engage with it.
Much that is presently occurring throughout the world is very firmly nudging you toward becoming aware of the need to change your perception of your worldview, to become fully aware of the connected interdependence of all your thoughts, words, and actions, and of the need to modify or totally change certain beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve you, and with which you have self-identified for much of your life. Within the illusion, dream, or nightmare that you are experiencing as a human in form, much is occurring that needs to change. And you, each individual, by changing your perceptions and beliefs from ones of fear to ones of love, are bringing into being those essential changes. Make no mistake, your presence on Earth at this momentous time in humanity’s spiritual evolution is most urgently required. You each have a very important role to play in the collective awakening process, a role in which no one else is qualified or able to replace you. Do not be alarmed by that thought, because each of you has within you all that you need to perform and complete your tasks. Some of them may be physical actions in service to others, some may be just being yourselves by letting drop the masks that you have become accustomed to wearing when you are not completely alone. When you allow yourselves to be yourselves, thus allowing others to see you as the person you really are – kind, compassionate, loving – it encourages and persuades them to do the same.
When you all start to show yourselves as you truly are, instead of presenting yourselves behind masks that limit the ability of others to recognize you because of your fear of being thought of as not good enough, less competent, or even unacceptable, then major shifts in humanity’s collective awareness of what it means to be human will occur very rapidly indeed. Your self-trust, expressed and demonstrated through your self-disclosure, will help others to find the necessary courage to do likewise. And as that happens you will start to recognize the awakening occurring all around you.
Your collective awakening is happening right now! So, do not be distracted by worldly events that are being reported in ways that encourage fear. Now is the moment to engage fully with Love, with your true nature, and see all others as Love, even if their actions or behaviors in the moment do not demonstrate that. By demonstrating Love in action, and by choosing to see It in others – and nothing else – you most positively affect and accelerate the awakening process. Do not wait for others to do it first! That only acts as a drag on the process. Trust Mother/Father/God, Source, Jesus, those in the spiritual realms to whom you pray, your spiritual support team, and everyone with whom you interact, because all are One, and, therefore, you and You and we and We are bringing this wonderful moment into full bloom.
With so very much love, Saul.

10 de febrero de 2020

The Transformation Within by Lord Melchizedek

Welcome, I am Lord Melchizedek, I AM the overseer of the Universal Level of the Creator’s Universe. I identify myself as one being and yet I am a whole comprised of many. I am the Melchizedek consciousness and source. However you choose to recognise me, I AM present to illuminate you and remind you of your deepest connection; your relationship with the Creator experienced through your current manifestation. Will you allow yourself to see within me the truth of the Creator? Will you allow yourself to see within your being the truth of the Creator? The Creator is ready and available to be seen, sensed and experienced fully. There is simply a need to create your intention, shift your mind to align with your intention and open yourself fully to receive. In opening yourself fully you release and let go of all which is limiting and blocking you, in order to receive all that has always been present.
This simple practice can be applied to all areas of your reality, to situations, problems, creations and healing:
▪ Create an intention.
▪ Ask that your entire mind and mental body is aligned with your created intention. Also ask that your mind, mental body and the intention is enthused with light to raise the vibration of your being thus allowing your intention to manifest as the purest and greatest possibility for you.
▪ Focus upon receiving the light, love, and truth of the Creator into all aspects of your being. As you do so you imagine, sense or acknowledge yourself opening, expanding and relaxing, allowing the divine flow of the Creator to surge through you.

This simple and yet powerful practice allows you to create transformation within your being and reality. After experiencing this practice a few times, you will begin to recognise the powerful shifts created within your being, understanding how synchronised everything is within and around you. A realisation that blockages, stagnation, and feeling that things are impossible or cannot manifest is simply something you may have aligned with in the past. Realising the power of aligning to that which you wish to experience and/ or embody, sets you free, supporting a powerful transformation within and the reality you create for yourself.

The Shifts Taking Place Within

This is a time of complete transformation. By this, I, Lord Melchizedek, mean you are transforming to recognise the completeness of your being. The fact you are already whole, connected to the Creator and embody all you need. There are numerous levels of recognising the completeness of your being, each brings you closer to the presence of the Creator within you. This is the time for recognising your closeness with the Creator and it is due to the 2020 Light Blaze amplifying all that is the Creator within and around you. It is important to make the most of this amplification taking place now. To do so is to focus your attention within you and to ask yourself:

What transformations are taking place within me now?

To ask such a question is to align yourself to any and all transformations taking place within your being. While also taking a moment and some space to recognise there are transformations taking place which are major and mind-blowing if you only allow yourself to recognise them. It is possible that you have most recently found your attention being drawn outwards into the physical world, this often happens when a lot is happening within you. It is almost like a coping mechanism. However, there is a need for you to be a witness to the shifts and transformations taking place within you, even if you do not understand them fully. Each moment you focus within with the purpose of recognising the transformations taking place you open yourself to be inspired and to recognise your inner magnificence. Thus, you allow your entire being and beyond to transform into an embodiment and remembrance of the Creator. Such an experience would be empowering, encouraging you to continue to search within, watching both the turmoil and radiance taking place.
The shifts taking place within each person will be different and diverse, even though the goal of remembrance of unification with the Creator is the same. Each time you turn your attention within your being, you may receive different, varied and new understandings. Predetermining the transformations taking place within you or creating expectations of what should occur will only distract you for recognising the truth ready and available to blossom. In many ways, there is a need to open your perspective beyond anything you are currently willing to acknowledge and accept. Thus, moving beyond your current state of being in order to embody the completeness of the Creator, which requires great courage and dedication. It is far too easy to retain your current perspective and outlook while trying to seek within you the truth of the Creator. Only what you know will be revealed to you, thus your inner transformation will be insignificant compared to the breakthrough available to you in any given moment.

What transformations are taking place within me now?

Only you have the power to answer this question with the truth and integrity it requires. Only you can communicate with and receive the Creator for yourself and your reality in this lifetime. It is time to trust in the process unfolding within you. Even if you do not understand it. It is time to trust in your ability to recognise, know and embody the wholeness and completeness of the Creator now and in every moment of your reality. In doing so, you will remind yourself of your unbreakable bond and inspirational communication abilities with the Creator, which have always been present and yet can now be fully embodied by you. It is now time to step fully into your pathway of truth and to engage with it wholly. Your pathway of truth is most likely not what you expected for yourself and life, yet it will be deeply engaging and exhilarating. Let yourself hold and embody the transformations occurring within you, if only for a moment, as the flow of the Creator is immensely powerful.
The Inner Planes Transformations
It is appropriate to say that the same transformations and shifts occurring within your being are also taking place in the 352 dimensions of the Creator’s Universe. You are the vehicle which houses the Universe of the Creator. Everything you discover within you is taking place for all on the Earth and beyond. There is no separation, there is only unity and oneness. The shifts you experience within you are happening within the Creator. Therefore, you are the witness of the transformations occurring within the Universe of the Creator and the core of the Creator. You also have the opportunity to embody these transformations, experiencing them as your own. Can you recognise how synchronised you are with all that is the Creator on the Earth and the inner planes? This in many ways is your quest of discovery and embodiment.
When you feel as if you would like some additional inspiration, you can call upon my energies, Lord Melchizedek. Ask me to connect your awareness into a shift and transformation taking place within the Universe of the Creator. You may wish to specify that wherever I, Lord Melchizedek, feel guided to direct your attention, that this will serve and bring enlightenment to your current reality. As you enter into meditation with my energy surrounding you, I will guide your attention to the inner planes, making you aware of a transformation taking place. Simply allow yourself to be a witness to this transformation. Thus, you will notice the same within your being and its impact upon your entire being.
As a closing question, I invite you to ask into the presence of the Creator within you, what is a transformation after all?
With devoted love,
Lord Melchizedek

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