
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta independence Spain. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta independence Spain. Mostrar todas las entradas

6 de julio de 2017

comment on the referendum seen from the point of view of a Catalan

To me what I like are these trolls who always see the future, and are not lined by going to the casino. Always they know what we are going, and what we will not do. Because guess what will happen sometimes is not so difficult, but it is difficult to really know when something will happen. For example, it is easy to guess that the roulette ball will soon fall in a red box. 

The hard part is to know if happen the next time you turn the wheel. But these trolls always guess things they say they will never happen. Not with a high probability of passing in one year, or 10 or 100, if not ever. With two balls. !NEVER. And of course, they do not realize that what they say is ridiculous. They are ridiculous. They do not realize that if the ball is thrown, there is always a chance of falling red. Always come to fall into the red eventually. It does not matter that there are 100 data that something will happen soon, they cling to NEVER. And of course, these knuckleheads do not know the probability that something that says the Spanish government is lying. 
Resultat d'imatges de referendum
If the government says there will be no referendum because it will prevent then bet your house 100 one that will be a referendum, you have almost no risk. What did the Spanish government these 5 years, and ultimately was true ?. The first thing he said is that he would lower taxes, and rose 2 days after having government. And as it says Jordi said there would be 9N, and there 9N. And we're not talking about things he could not control. We are talking about raising or lowering taxes, which does not depend on another country as the price of oil. If the Spanish government says it will do one thing and does the opposite, it is simply because BLATANTLY AS LIES always does. 

9N could stop it because the government has the means to do so, since judges, policemen, and soldiers, and therefore lied to the Spaniards as he always does. And lying now. The Spanish government really wants is to bomb Barcelona as they always do. And he has the means. And if he does it because it's fucked up, and afraid of what would happen if he does. And the Spanish government wants to prevent the referendum, and has the means to do so. And it will not because he is afraid of what will happen if you do. If you allow the referendum there is a chance that few people vote, they earn no (hahaha), or that the Catalan government shit on something and goes wrong (eg the voting day not reach the polls on time) . However, if it prevents the force knows that if you lose or Catalonia. 
Resultat d'imatges de estelada
The only thing you can do is annoy without being noticed using force, because everyone already has his eye on Catalonia and its referendum. The Spanish government already knows his plan to let the issue rots, the independence parties squabbling, the Catalans change their minds, and prick souffle, he has failed. Nor will prick the souffle, or go down the separatists. You can only trust that the referendum is a failure, and they have to make new regional elections. Independence parties for there is no turning back. Which a step back, you will pass over the polls to the next opportunity. They have promised independence, and must give independence, or failing that a referendum showing that most Catalans do not want independence. And there's more. 

Not worth it that the Spanish government has prevented us from making the referendum. If there is no referendum, it will have to make a DUI, which is what they voted. There are no other alternatives. And the Spanish government offers smoke in exchange for the referendum is not possible. We are seeing the end of Spain in slow motion on TV.
Resultat d'imatges de bancarrota
Baiget case: begins the final stretch

When El País reported that a 42% in a referendum was a slam dunk .


At this point, the cover of El País on the referendum on the failed European constitution, and has half Catalunya via WhatsApp, accompanied by a written puts  "Keep this cover for review on October 2. We can laugh" But I made the post about it because this blog one day be studied to better understand what happened during the years of proces ...

It was to vote 42%, of which almost 78% YES vote (I remember having voted NO). That means that the country was a resounding YES supported by 31% of the census or 25% of the population ..

6 de mayo de 2017

According to exjuez Vidal, the Government estimated assets and liabilities to secede from Spain



Photo: Photo of Santiago Vidal.  (EFE)


Talkativeness of exjuez and  outgoing Senator  Santi Vidal  had no limits. In one of his talks in Catalonia, the former senior ERC  claimed that the Government had commissioned a study to negotiate this fall, after the referendum, the distribution of assets and liabilities with the Kingdom of Spain to complete the process of independence. It did last October 7 in Setmenat, a small municipality of Barcelona between Terrassa and Granollers.
"A study commissioned by the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Generalitat figure at 76,000 million euros  the debt ofthe Spanish State Catalonia. To give you an idea, I guess many zeros input will seem alot of money, but to give you an idea, the budget of a year of the Generalitat are 40,000 million. That is, Spain owes us the budget two years in advance , "he said then.
The credibility of the judge is minimum.Last week, its main endorser, the leader of ERC,  Oriol Junqueras , denied three times when  he appeared in Parliament  in his capacity as financial vice - president of the Generalitat: "His statements have done much harm." He said that everything was alie. But if the rest of talks and conferences Santi Vidal are reviewed at least  19 bowling between September and January- the judge 's speech was repeated over and over for five months and it was impossible for the 'Department' and ERC They do not know. And by active or passive, they were not tolerated.
In Setmanat, two months before his speech in Granollers cost him his Senate seat and had to leave the national executive of ERC, the former judge  contributed important innovations . Especially in the economic area. Vidal reveals that the plan of the Government is to establish the Kingdom of Spain on a table arbitrated by the International Court of Justice in The Hague and negotiate a separation of assets and liabilities, as well as other issues such as the government continues to pay pensions Catalans are already retired.
"Therefore, when we sit at the table, first thing we do, first, and so Spain puts many downsides ... The first thing we will say ... see, you owe me 76,000 million. What do I owe you? Does it explain how we split the assets and liabilities? And right now we know what we owe to the Spanish State: 19.000 million euros. I guess you know subtract perfectly. The difference is brutal, it is brutal , "said then - Senator. The difference to respect offers a  favorable balance Catalonia 57,000 million .
The Ministry of Economy denies the existence of that report. But when it became public the  presentation for investors  in bonds of the Generalitat where any reference is avoided independence, and they added that "beyond this presentation are other documents explained to investors  and where the consequences are detailed a referendum in Catalonia, but valuations of assets or liabilities. "

More details

On the issue of the Tax Agency and tax data, Santi Vidal insists on its version: that the Government has all fiscal data of the Catalans, in violation of the Data Protection Act.  And adds jokingly : "Do not ever explain, now or when we are a republic, how to get them . For just missing a judge will explain how a crime is committed. " By the way, the public Granollers on November 24 jubilant river. The Setmenat of also; and even he applauded.
At this conference in Setmenat, the former judge went further: "Someone may think that the reaction of the Spanish State from October next year, if we win the referendum, again, will be an absolute lock all the money of all economic backgrounds that are currently interrelating Catalonia and Spain. I can tell you that right now  we have perfectly structured and technological system lock all taxes  and all sources of public resources that you willcontinue paying citizens. And this money no longer will nor the Spanish Tax Agency and the Bank of Spain, but will go to the bench in Catalonia ".
Delirium? Most likely. But the deputy of C's Carlos Carrizosa  reminded Junqueras last week during his appearance in Parliament precisely because of the case of Judge Vidal, there are  130 million interdepartmental funds  without clear allocation and other " 400 million for information technology , which are many for an autonomous government: it 's like the entire budget of Culture ". Bulrushes allowed ironizar assuring: "To you do not like the computer".
The committee is on the table but without the support of the CUP meaningless because the appearance of Santiago Vidal would avoid
Now C's, PP, PSC and CSQEP study  create a commission of inquiry in Parliament  to investigate the case Vidal. They could do so. But together for yes, with the support of the CUP, would veto the hearing the judge.So there would be a commission Vidal case without Santi Vidal. A paradox in the paradoxical Catalan political life. While Junqueras said at the same parliamentary session that is scrupulously following the law while is finalizing its plans for independence.

CNI challenge

In the act of Setmenat that organized l'Assemblea Nacional de Catalunya (ANC) irony that occurs Santi Vidal himself makes clear the absurdity of having all these plans ahead of time , but claimed he had permission from the Government and the Parliament to reveal everything recounted.
"Obviously, some may think, I guess not, because we are in Setmenat, but some may think it does need to advance the play of this  game of chess we have with the Spanish central government. Because if here among people who assist this act, there is some agent infiltrated CNI, for tomorrow will go to explain to our friend Fernandez Diaz . Given this scenario, I will tell you two things. First, the Catalans have much education and so if there was someone that tomorrow is interested in going to explain what we now explain here to Fernandez Diaz, well look, the Catalans are very educated, welcome, feel at home and tomorrow do the work corresponds "reflected Vidal amiably.
It did not infiltrate the CNI in the  act of independence advertising . The sector of the ANC in the  Western Vallès  finished hanging the audio of the conference on its website. It's what you have internet: saves alot of work spies

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...