
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta the Protocols of Zion. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta the Protocols of Zion. Mostrar todas las entradas

22 de noviembre de 2018


Systhesis of the restart published on November 22 at

1. The GCR has moved to December 1.

 3. Global currency restart: according to David Steele, the implementation of the GCR has been moved to December 1.

It was planned that at the time we received the 800 # s, there would also be an announcement of the Restored Republic and the implementation of the GESARA Act. The GESARA Act would expose the fiduciary financial system in bankruptcy, which would force all Central Banks (including the privately owned Federal Reserve and the IRS) to close.

Stock market:

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has lost approximately $ 42 billion since his net worth reached its peak in September at $ 168 billion.


Going down to the fiat banking, the Vatican, the CIA, the mafia and the secret societies in our movement towards a quantum financial system backed by assets / gold

It is believed that the secret societies are interconnected with the CIA, the Mossad, the CFR, the Bilderbergers, the round tables and Freemasonry, and even more in the history of the Illuminati, the Templars, the Maltese Knights and the Priory of Sion.

 Members of royal circles, the orders of the neo-knights, the Masonic sects, the CIA, the Mossad, the Maltese knights and the Vatican often come together to temporarily join forces with a common purpose.

His continued agenda was to discredit both national and ecclesiastical authorities in his attempt to forge a united Europe and then unite the rest of the world, that is, to realize the New World Order.

Trump was achieving an economic restart and the Rothchilds had already surrendered. Deep Staters will not enjoy eggnog this Christmas. Instead, many of them will be dressed festively in orange prison costumes and adorning the halls of GITMO. Let's practice compassion and forgiveness on the way to military courts. None of us would want to exchange places with the perpetrators, knowing the karmic path ahead of them.

It seems that the meek will inherit the Earth before the end of the year. Where we go one, we all go Love and Light Sierra (NZ)

©Published by alternative website

restored through a GCR Republic: update from November 22, 2018

eraoflight alternative news.jpgCompiled on November 22 at 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret. CEO, Recovery of child abuse, Author, "Twenty Two Faces , " Byington's Before It's News articlesa satanic ring CIA and international trafficking of children pedophiles sponsored by the Vatican:  Source 
The following is a summary of information on the Internet. Correspond to theindividual reader do your own research and decide whether it is valid or not. Patience is a virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world.
Judy Note:  This may be my last update, offering 800 # s release on  Friday, November 23  . If we do RV this weekend, my reports will resume on  November 24 . A special thanks to Martha and others who chose to remain anonymous. I have provided a steady stream of special information and valuable ideas. Patrick is unique and we should all be eternally grateful for their dedication to reveal the truth through their websites. I hope we all can find and enjoy each other on the other side of the Global Currency Reset. And in all your donations, please do not forget to abused children. These innocent can be found throughout the world and right next door. They need your help, support and protection against the evil that lies around us.
A. The Plan - What we know from the Thursday morning. November 22th:
1. 800 # s Released:
Bruce:  800 # s would be out and would begin to exchange the  Friday. November 23  .
Tony:  Banks said we should see this on  Friday. November 22  or Saturday. November 23  .
Multiple sources have indicated that the 800 # s would come out on Friday. November 23  or this weekend.
2.  RV:
China RV'd and started trading on  Tuesday. November 13  .
Trump has a written agreement with China that the US. UU. RV would move just after China would support its assets.
RV'd Iraq on  Tuesday. November 20.
3.  Global Restarting the coin:  as David Steele, the implementation of GCR has been moved to  December 1  .
4.  Stock market: it  was planned that the RV began during a deliberate implosion of the market. For  Wednesday  November 21,  the three major indexes had given up their gains for the year 2018. As a guru of the stock exchange said  on November 21 : "The roads will be filled tonight when the race starts Action thanks, but this morning investors rush for the exits. "
5. Some said the  Thanksgiving, Thursday. On November 22  it would be a logical place to announce the return of the US currency now. UU. A standard gold - backed / active (if announced). That  November 22  was the anniversary of the death of JFK: it is believed that the assassination of the President of the United States occurred because Kennedy was in the process of closing the Federal Reserve and making the country's transition to the gold standard.  They had printed new US notes in preparation. UST also our new notes have been printed and stored in banks and Redemption Centers in preparation for RV / GCR (this week in honor of JFK?).
6. It was planned that by the time we received the 800 # s, also would be an announcement of the Restored Republic and the implementation of the Law GESARA. GESARA Act would expose the bankruptcy trustee financial system, which would force all Central Banks (including privately owned Federal Reserve and the IRS) to close.
7. On  5 December, the  Attorney General Huber, (which has been more than 79 researchers investigating questionable political activities since Trump took office), appeared before Congress to testify about their findings about Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation .
B. November 21, 2018 3:06 pm EST TNT Call Ray, Tony, Sunny:  TNT Showtime CC with RayRen, Tony Cliff Notes by Sunny 11-21-18
1. Banks said we should see this on  Friday. November 22  or  Saturday. November 23  .
2. Banks were preparing to start making appointments on Friday or Saturday and had a rate for Zim.
3. Exchange rates: Dinar $ 3.47, contract fee $ 28; Dong $ .47, $ 2.47 fee contract; Rs $ 1.08 - $ 1.38; ZIM $ 0.22 - $ 0.27.
4. It was predicted that the 2nd basket of currencies to RV would in six months.
C. 1:18 pm Nov. 21 2018 EST SWG report, Steele (Video)  (Video) SGTReport - Robert David Steele: The deep state against Trump and America
1. GCR has moved to  December 1  .
2. The Clintons were involved in child trafficking and child sexual abuse. Steele wrote to Comey asking Hillary Clinton's accusation of treason, pedophilia, fraud and electoral fraud charity.
3. Watergate tried to kill pedophiles in the upper echelons of the Democratic and Republican Party.
4. Bin Laden was a CIA agent who died in 2001 and his obituary was published.
5. Trump was making an economic restart and Rothchild had already surrendered.
D. Tuesday. tomorrow, November 20 at 8 am Iraqi time (midnight, EE. UU.) Q cards of Iraqi citizens were liquid and used (Tony).
Iraq has RVD. $ 6.78 rate in the country.
F. November 21, 2018 1:48 pm EST GOP probe the Clinton Foundation, Durden: House GOP is "working with informants" in the probe of the Clinton Foundation
1. On  December 5  , Republicans in the House  of  Representatives will hear the testimony of former attorney general of Utah, John Huber, in an investigation with the Department of Justice to investigate allegations of irregularities in the Clinton Foundation.
2. Meetings Huber appointed last year to work with the Department of Justice to discuss conservative claims of misconduct in the FBI and review several issues related to the Clintons. This includes  links  Hillary Clinton  with a Russian nuclear agency and concerns about the Clinton Foundation.
3. The  work  of Huber  has remained shrouded in mystery  .
4. The Clinton Foundation has been under investigation by the IRS since July 2016.
G. November 21, 2018 3:17 a.m. ET Q December 5, Sierra:  "New Q: 5 December is D5" by Sierra (NZ) - 11.21.18
1. Publications Q: Legal action against Hillary Clinton & Clinton Foundation starts  on 5 December  .
2. Lisa Mei Crowley:
3. Q post # 2494: The GOP in the House of Representatives held a hearing on the investigation of Clinton on the Clinton Foundation  on December 5  . Huber testify.
Nothing can stop what's coming. 
This choice was not to fix the economy, trade, borders, military, protect our children, etc., all of a corrupt politician or "insider" that can simply undo [priest]. This was not just another choice of 4 years but a crossroads in the history of civilization that will determine whether we, the people, we demand control over our government . '' 
Panic in DC. 
4. Publication Q indicating that military courts will begin  on January 1, 2019  :
5. Deep Staters will not enjoy this Christmas eggnog. Instead, many of them will be festively dressed in orange prison outfits and decorating the halls of GITMO. We practice compassion and forgiveness on the road to military courts. None of us would exchange places with the perpetrators, knowing the karmic path ahead of them.
It seems that the meek shall inherit the Earth before the end of the year. Where we go one, all we  Love and Light Sierra (NZ)
I. Nov. 21 Market:
On  Tuesday  November 20,  the Dow was nearly 2,500 points from its peak and fell 552 points.
Paul Hickey, co - founder of Bespoke Investment Group, wrote to clients on Tuesday. The selloff this week marks the continuation of two sad months on Wall Street. The S & P 500 fell nearly 10% from its record high, flirting with the official correction territory. Investors were prepared for the end of a fantastic economic growth and profit that marked last year.
Technology stocks in Asia were mixed after big US technology stocks recorded volatility on Tuesday. 
On Wednesday, Asian technology stocks were mixed after seeing losses a day earlier, after another technological collapse in the state. Major indexes in Australia, Japan and South Korea declined amid shaky investor confidence after falls overnight in US stocks.
There is a 'bubbly' corporate debt pump $ 9 trillions in the US economy. UU. Ready to detonate, corporate debt burden has continued to increase thanks to easy loan terms and the seemingly endless thirst for investors. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has lost approximately $ 42 billion since their net worth peaked in September with $ 168 billion. Mark Zuckerberg has lost approximately $ 34 billion of its maximum value in July and now has a value of $ 52 billion.
J. The Deep State, Q and JFK Jr.  Https://
K. Nov. 21 2018 3:09 a.m. ET The victim of the fire exposes weapons of direct energy used to light fires in California:  the intelligence of the American media interview the victim of the fire in California Robert Otey In August and October, massive forest fires in California used a generalized pattern of broken homes and cars, while nearby trees remained relatively unscathed. These grisly events appeared to be the result of Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs). There was a shocking video of several cars charred skeletons sitting in car seats, where people were overcome by flames while trying to escape. The estimate of 1,000 missing persons was low. There were paths in the forest where cars metal bodies appeared tobe used as accelerators for the DEW masers to feed these fires. Chemtrails that sprayed almost daily for years with aluminum, strontium and barium, desiccants and acted as accelerants to ignite and spread the fire, possibly together with DEW.
L. Going down to the fiat banking, the Vatican, the CIA, the Mafia and secret societies in our movement towards a quantum asset-backed financial system / gold
1. There was irrefutable evidence of the involvement of the Priory of Sion, the Mafia and the Vatican merger with secret societies and intelligence services to use large amounts of money with illegal purposes where the lines between politics, religion, espionage, the banking world and organized crime fades and becomes negligible.
2. Members of the royal circles, orders of knights neo, Masonic sects, the CIA, the Mossad, the Maltese Knights and the Vatican often join to join forces temporarily with a common purpose.
3. The Priory of Sion represents the pinnacle of the pyramid of power current and recruits Freemasons for society through the Rosicrucians.
4. It is believed that secret societies are interconnected with the CIA, Mossad, the CFR, the Bilderbergers, round tables and Freemasonry, and even more in the history of the Illuminati, the Templars, the Maltese Knights and the Priory Zion.
5. Your continued agenda was to discredit both national and ecclesiastical authorities in their attempt to forge a united Europe and then join the rest of the world, ie, make the New World Order.

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