
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Deep State. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Deep State. Mostrar todas las entradas

19 de febrero de 2023






11 de febrero de 2021

La herramienta Deep State más importante de los medios - Parte


artículo de noticias principal eraoflightdotcomConciencia multidimensional

Elegir volverse consciente es separarse de la programación del control mental; para escapar delefectos de la prisión física, mental, emocional y espiritual provocada por la opresión. Habiéndote liberado de la programación mental y la imposición de los demás, la conciencia multidimensional, te ha permitido escapar de los confinamientos dualistas de la materia, la energía y el espacio-tiempo, entonces todo se ha vuelto alcanzable.

La verdadera historia humana, se entera de que las especies alienígenas destruyeron la civilización de la  Atlántida .

Después de que los Anunnaki del planeta Nibiru organizaron un gran grupo de batalla contra la Atlántida con el plan de hacer explotar el campo de fuerza protector de la Tierra desencadenando explosiones en las que tomar el control de Giza Stargate, permitiendo entrar al planeta Tierra.

Los orígenes de la vida se remontan mucho más atrás en el tiempo de lo que se conoce, y aún es menos conocido, como episodios de la historia humana . Las hazañas comenzaron más allá de los confines de este planeta y se remontan a los imperios estelares, las federaciones galácticas,  las especies exóticas y las civilizaciones  de  Atlántida ,  Lemuria , Mu y aquellas que solo se comienzan a descubrir hoy en día.

Hace aproximadamente 450.000 años, un grupo de extraterrestres humanoides llegó en una nave espacial al planeta Tierra. Provienen de un planeta de aproximadamente tres veces el tamaño de la Tierra, que los sumerios llamaban Nibiru. Nibiru fue descrito en la literatura sumeria antigua como el duodécimo planeta de nuestro sistema solar, y no los diez que la NASA nos deja creer. Los sumerios estaban muy por delante del hombre moderno en el campo de la astronomía, declara Detroit News en un artículo. Los sumerios también contaron a la Luna y al Sol como cuerpos planetarios, alcanzando así un total de doce, el mismo número del que consta la asamblea de soberanos Anunnaki.

Estos extraterrestres humanoides, explotaron al 'ser humano' de la Tierra como sus esclavos para extraer el oro del planeta Tierra y usarlo para su propósito de larga ligereza. Una de las razones es que quieren reducir la población de la Tierra hasta en un 90%.

No hay pandemia,  ¿por qué usar mascarillas?

Sólo la exageración pandémica lo forma; Intentos y amenazas gubernamentales a nivel mundial para cerrar absolutamente toda la actividad económica, produciendo efectos sociales mortales, más hasta el punto de su ceguera deliberada de que la mayor parte de la actividad económica no está relacionada con la propagación de Covid.

Es más, la verdadera pandemia es la demolición de la conciencia social desde adentro, para lo cual se necesita cierta comprensión para identificar los programas de ingeniería social, los planes de la élite global y cómo no ser víctima de ellos.

La élite mundial quiere una reducción de la población del 80-90%. Quieren control y observación total de todos los aspectos de su vida. Han implantado el fascismo para gradualmente convertirse en comunismo. Bajo, confiscación de su riqueza en sus manos, como les sucedió a los judíos durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

El empoderamiento y la soberanía de las personas son opuestos a sus planes. Quieren quitarnos cualquier cosa de valor. Todo en nombre de la preservación del planeta Tierra y su clima. Si todos están en cuarentena y se mueven en vehículos eléctricos con alcance limitado, pueden controlarnos mejor. Tenga en cuenta que todo el clima y otras nuevas estipulaciones están diseñadas para confinar al resto de nosotros en áreas cerradas restringidas.

La cuarentena mundial Corona o Covid es el primer paso en esa dirección. Solo hay dos escenarios posibles: O es un desastre y miles de personas están muriendo por este virus del resfriado, ¡y no nos importa! - O, todo es un  engaño , pero ustedes idiotas creerán cualquier cosa, ¡así que nosotros, el Estado Profundo, vamos a restregarlo en sus estúpidas caras! Y es por eso que la gente necesita usar máscaras faciales.

Las máscaras faciales presentan serios riesgos para la salud si se usan durante horas, pueden reducir la oxigenación de la sangre hasta en un 20%, lo que puede conducir a la pérdida del conocimiento, como le sucedió al desafortunado hombre que maneja solo en su automóvil con una máscara N95. provocando que se desmayara, chocara su coche y sufriera heridas. Hay varios casos de personas de edad avanzada y personas con función pulmonar deficiente que se desmayan y se golpean la cabeza, lo que puede provocar la muerte.

El hecho más sorprendente sobre la agenda del  Gran Reinicio es que está siendo promovida por las mismas familias de linaje de plutócratas de élite responsables de los defectos del actual modelo económico mundial. Ellos, no nosotros, hemos creado la ruina de los campos orgánicos y la naturaleza con su glifosato Roundup y pesticidas tóxicos. Han arruinado la calidad del aire en nuestras ciudades por los modelos de transporte que nos impusieron. Crearon el modelo de globalización de “libre mercado” que ha arruinado la base industrial de Occidente. Ahora, mientras nos culpan por una supuesta emisión catastrófica de CO2, nos condicionan a aceptar la culpa y ser castigados por movernos en vehículos eléctricos que destruyen aún más nuestro medio ambiente, bajo el argumento de “salvar a la próxima generación” para Greta. y amigos.

Los Deep State Media no sucedieron solo un día. Se remonta a hace cientos de años. Los medios siempre han sido una parte importante de las tácticas DS-cabal. Comprenda que la inteligencia del gobierno tomó el control de los medios de comunicación ya en 1948 y probablemente incluso antes de esa fecha.

La desinformación revela un nuevo orden mundial

Controle las narrativas sobre la economía y el comercio y controlará la economía y el comercio. Controle las narrativas sobre política y gobierno y controlará la política y el gobierno. Los controladores utilizan este mecanismo de control para canalizar el poder y el dinero a la élite, convirtiendo así a la sociedad en una granja de energía gigante para la clase élite.

Jesús podía convertir el agua en vino. Pero los bancos centrales pueden dar un paso mejor; ¡Pueden convertir trozos de papel sin valor en dinero! Trillones de dinero. Suficiente para "estimular" todas las economías a un estado de emoción inspiradora: desterrar la pobreza, la recesión y las crisis financieras de la faz del planeta Tierra.

La codicia y la corrupción están destruyendo el tejido social. Ya sea en el sector político, financiero o empresarial, está incluso en el amaño de partidos en el fútbol europeo. La élite privilegiada del Estado Profundo ha estado saqueando la riqueza de la nación durante demasiado tiempo. Los políticos, banqueros y jefes corporativos han perdido toda credibilidad y confianza, ahora están tan podridos hasta la médula, que sólo es aceptable un cambio total de personas y de sistema. Todo el dinero que ilegalmente ha sido tomado por banqueros y políticos debe ser devuelto a la población; y abolido el escudo fiscal de amnistía de la élite. Los políticos y banqueros condenados por fraude o actividades ilegales deben enfrentar penas de prisión o algo peor. Y eso sucederá pronto.

El objetivo es el dolor: luchar contra la marea de desinformación y exponer el 'Nuevo Orden Mundial'. Si se toma el tiempo para dar un paso atrás y analizar la información que recibe en este artículo y analizarla en lo que sabe que es cierto según sus propias observaciones, en contraposición a lo que se acepta popularmente como verdadero, simplemente porque se imprimió en un diario de noticias o dicho en una transmisión, su actitud sobre muchas cosas puede cambiar.

Se necesita un despertar masivo para liberar el planeta Tierra

Nuestro abrumador e incontrolable despertar masivo es lo que más teme la élite gobernante del mundo. Dado que los superamos en número a ellos y a sus cohortes, no sabrían cómo tratar con nosotros, incluso con su tecnología avanzada. Entonces, la verdadera pregunta es ¿cómo nos volvemos conscientes?

Piense en: su libertad comienza con su conciencia.

Trump-Team y los patriotas están luchando por un futuro real asombroso, que se materializará pronto. Para nombrar unos pocos; Free Energy patentado y mostrado por Nicolas Tesla hace 100 años, Interstellar Travel, Tele Time Travel, un sistema monetario respaldado por activos - QFS, curas naturales para enfermedades crónicas como el cáncer, métodos para limpiar la atmósfera de los efectos venenosos y desastrosos de la geo -ingeniería, exposición a alimentos peligrosos transgénicos, retorno a alimentos 100% orgánicos, conversión a una nutrición libre de venenos, en otras palabras, una verdadera Edad de Oro se acerca. Se revelarán más de 5000 maravillas patentadas ocultas, mientras que gran parte de la historia perdida se encontrará y revelará.

Tengan la seguridad de que los Patriots vamos a ganar la lucha contra el Estado Profundo. Las cartas se han barajado y repartido. El juego ha fijado su curso para el jonrón hasta el final. Ya nada puede influir en el resultado positivo. Está tardando más de lo esperado porque todavía no se han despertado suficientes personas. Ayuda a acelerar el despertar en nombre de todos los despertados.

Si esta información le pareció interesante, explicativa, valiosa y / o reveladora, compártala con todos sus conocidos para ayudarlos a despertar y prepararlos. Y no olvide poner su bandera nacional mostrando al mundo que está despierto y motivar a la mayoría silenciosa y despierta a seguir su ejemplo. Cuanto más banderas muestran que la camarilla está perdiendo su poder sobre nosotros. ¡Hay mucha más información esclarecedora a continuación! Está invitado a suscribirse de forma gratuita, así como a participar en la discusión en el sitio web de Final Wakeup Call en

La unidad es poder

Nuestro proceso de liberación ya no se puede detener. Unirnos con otras personas de ideas afines crea y da forma a nuestra mejor realidad. Se están creando redes mundiales de personas que despiertan, como en España en la zona de Marbella / Málaga , que atrae a un número cada vez mayor de participantes. En solo unos meses de existencia, el grupo ha crecido a más de 500 miembros. Si desea postularse o aprender cómo iniciar su propio grupo regional o local, comuníquese con FWC por correo electrónico. Nuestro futuro está en nuestras propias manos específicamente en pequeñas comunidades que se convierten en la base de nuestra sociedad autogestionada.

Estén atentos, hay más por seguir

28 de marzo de 2020

Wake Up! Your Fears Are Being Manipulated | The American Conservative

We have a terrifying example in 9/11 of how this goes. Let's calm down and figure out who has what to gain by stirring panic.
Customers rush to purchase toilet paper at a Target store during the panic shopping in Orlando, Florida. ( Paul Hennessy / Echoes Wire/Barcroft Media via Getty Images)
March 26, 2020
12:01 am
I’m not worried about the guy coughing next to me. I’m worried about the ones who seem to be looking for Jim Jones.
Jones was the charismatic founder of the cult-like People’s Temple. Through fear-based control, he took his followers’ money and ran their lives. He isolated them in Guyana where he convinced over 900 of them to commit suicide by drinking cyanide-laced grape Kool Aid. Frightened people can be made to do anything. They just need a Jim Jones.
So it is more than a little scary that media zampolit Rick Wilson wrote to his 753,000 Twitter followers: “People who sank into their fear of Trump, who defended every outrage, who put him before what they knew was right, and pretended this chaos and corruption was a glorious new age will pay a terrible price. They deserve it.” The tweet was liked over 82,000 times.
The New York Times claims that “the specter of death speeds across the globe, ‘Appointment in Samara’-style, ever faster, culling the most vulnerable.” Others are claiming Trump will cancel the election to rule as a Jim Jones. “Every viewer who trusts the words of Earhardt or Hannity or Regan could well become a walking, breathing, droplet-spewing threat to the public,” opined the Washington Post. Drink the damn Kool Aid and join in the panic en route to Guyana.
The grocery store in Manhattan, just after the announcement of the national state of emergency, was pure panic. I saw a fight break out after an employee brought out paper towels to restock the shelf and someone grabbed the whole carton for himself. The police were called. One cop had to stay behind to oversee the lines at the registers and maintain order. To their credit, the NYPD were cool about it. I heard them talk down one of the fighters, saying, “You wanna go to jail over Fruit Loops? Get a hold of yourself.” Outside New York, sales of weapons and ammunition spiked.
Panic seems to be something we turn on and off, or moderate in different ways. Understanding that helps reveal what is really going on.
No need for history. Right now, in real time, behind the backs of the coronavirus, is the every-year, plain-old influenza. Some 12,000 people have died, with over 13 million infected from influenza just between October 2019 and February 2020. The death toll is screamingly higher (as of this writing, coronavirus has infected 60,653 and killed 819 Americans). Bluntly: more people have already died of influenza in the U.S. than from the coronavirus in China, Iran, and Italy combined. Double in fact. To be even blunter, no one really cares, even though a large number of bodies are piling up. Why?
The first cases of the swine flu, H1N1, appeared in April 2009. By the time Obama finally declared a national emergency seven months later, the CDC was reporting that 50 million Americans, one in six people, had been infected, and 10,000 Americans had died. In the early months, Obama had no HHS secretary or appointees to the department’s 19 key posts, as well as no commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, no surgeon general, no CDC director. The vacancy at the CDC was especially important because in the early days of the crisis, only they could test for the virus (sound familiar?). Yet some 66 percent of Americans thought the president was protecting them. There was no panic. Why?
Of course, Trump isn’t Obama. But if you really think it is that black and white, that one man makes that much difference in the multi-leveled response of the vast federal government, you don’t know much about bureaucracy. Most of the people who handled the swine flu are now working the coronavirus, from the rank and file at CDC, HHS, and DHS to headliners like Drs. Andrew Fauci (in government since 1968, worked ebola) and Deborah Brix (in government since 1985, prior to corona was an Obama AIDS appointee).
Maybe the most salient example is 9/11. Those who lived through it remember it well, the color threat alerts, the jihadi cells around every corner, the sense of learned/taught helplessness. The enemy could be anywhere, everywhere, and we had no way to fight back. But because the Dems and Repubs were saying the same thing, there was a patina of camaraderie to it (led by Rudy Giuliani and Mike Bloomberg, where are they now?), not discord. But the panic was still very real.
Why? We panicked when people took steps to ensure we would. We were kept calm when there was nothing to gain by spurring us to panic (the swine flu struck in the midst of the housing crisis; there was enough to worry about). After 9/11, a fearful populace not only supported everything the government wanted to do, they demanded more. Nearly everyone cheered the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and not believing the government meant you were on their side. The Patriot Act, which did away with whole swaths of the Bill of Rights, was overwhelmingly supported. There was no debate over torture, offshore penal colonies, assassinations, kidnappings, and all the little horrors. The American people counted that as competent leadership and re-elected George W. Bush. Fear was political currency.
Need a 2020 example of how to manipulate panic? Following fears of a liquid bomb, the TSA limited carry-on liquids to four ounces for years. Can’t be too careful! Yet because of corona, they just changed the limit for hand sanitizer only (which, with its alcohol content, is actually flammable, as opposed to say, shampoo) to 12 ounces. Security theater closed down alongside Broadway tonight.
False metrics are also manipulative because they make fear seem scientific. We ignore the low death rate and focus on the number of tests done. But whatever we do will never be enough, never can be enough, the same way any post-disaster aid is never delivered quick enough because the testing is not (just) about discovering the extent of the virus. For those with naughty motives, it is about creating a race we can’t win, so testing becomes proof of failure. Think about the reality of “everyone who wants one should get a test.” The U.S. has 331 million people. Testing 10 percent of them in seven days means 4,714,285 individuals a day while the other 90 percent hold their breath. Testing on demand is not realistic at this scale. Selective decision-based testing is what will work.
South Korea, held up as the master of mass testing, conducted at its peak about 20,000 a day. Only 4 percent were positive, a lot of effort for a little reassurance. Tests are valuable to pinpoint the need for social distancing, but blunt tools like mass social distancing (see China) also work. Tests do not cure the virus. You can hide the number of infections by not testing (or claim so to spur fear), but very sick people make themselves known at hospitals and actual dead bodies are hard to ignore. Tests get the press, but actual morbidity is the clearest data point.
There will be time for after-action reviews and arguments over responsibility. That time is never in the midst of things, and one should question the motives of journalists who use rare access to the president to ask questions meant largely to undermine confidence. If they succeed, we will soon turn on each other. You voted for him; that’s why we’re here now. Vote for Bernie and Trump wins and we all literally die. You bought the last toilet paper. You can afford treatment I can’t. You’re safe working from home while I have to go out. Just wait until the long-standing concept of medical triage is repackaged by the media as “privilege” and hell breaks loose in the ERs. We could end up killing each other even as the virus fades.
At the very least, we will have been conditioned to new precedents of control over personal decisions, civil life, freedom of movement and assembly, whole city lockdowns, education, and an increasing role for government and the military in health care. Teachers, don’t be surprised if less of you, and fewer classrooms, are needed in the virus-free future, in favor of more classes online. It’s almost as if someone is taking advantage of our fears for their own profits and self-interest.
There are many reasons to take prudent action. There are no good reasons for fear and panic. The fear being promoted has no rational basis compared to regular influenza and the swine flu of 2009. We have a terrifying example in 9/11 of how easily manipulated fearful people are. Remaining calm and helping others do so is a big part of what your contribution to the disaster relief could be.
That’s one way to see this. Too many right now, however, seem to be looking for Jim Jones.

26 de octubre de 2019

State deep in total panic when the investigation confirmed that Durham had happened to criminal charges impending phase ...

Trump News

Beyond News "bomb", we now have confirmation that US Attorney John Durham has transitioned to a "criminal investigation" will likely lead to criminal charges of traitors of the deep state. The most likely to face criminal charges are John Brennan and James Clapper, which can lead to evidence implicating James Comey, Robert Mueller, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, among others.

As  the New York Times reported  :
For more than two years, President Trump has repeatedly attacked research in Russia, describing it as a hoax and illegal even months after the special counsel closed. Now, the Department of Justice Mr. Trump himself has opened a criminal investigation into how it all began ... The Justice Department officials have moved an administrative review of the Russian research closely monitored by the Attorney General William P. Barr a criminal investigation, according to two people familiar with the matter  the measure gives the prosecutor who runs it , John H. Durham, the power to subpoena the testimony of witnesses and documents, catch a grand jury and criminal charges.


Our analysis of the events that unfolded in recent months concludes that interviews with the alleged author of "record Trump" Christopher Steele showed explosive new evidence that all the attempted coup of the intelligence community against President Trump was initiated smear a document funded by Hillary Clinton (file) that was not written by Steele at all. The whole operation has always been a coup attempt deep state to reverse the 2016 elections by any means necessary  . The effort failed, the  traitors of the deep state  have been identified and are about to face justice.
Two key names to see in all this are Christopher Steele and Joseph Mifsud. As  Conservative Treehouse explains  :
So what the New York Times is describing here is that the CIA conducted an operation using Mifsud to put information into Papadopoulos, a classic setting, and the FBI now says they had no idea that the CIA was intelligence apparatus source for that information. Very interesting…. It aligns with the defensive framework FBI last week.
Well, the statement: "The FBI did not use information from the CIA to open the investigation of Russia" is demonstrably false. The CIA produced an "electronic communication" (EC) officially launched the FBI that the premise of the operation "crossfire hurricane". CE that has never been released, but has been seen by congressional investigators. Whoever this "former US official" is lying.
Lisa Haven as explained in the following video of Brighteon, the criminal investigation of Durham is "the link to all" and expose the biggest coverup in the political history:

(See more videos of Lisa Haven on  the channel page Lisa Haven in  ).
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Observers expect charges of criminal conspiracy investigation Durham / Barr arise. As  reported by The Gateway Pundit  :
Former Trump campaign adviser, George Papadopoulos, reacted to the news tonight. Papadopoulos was created by CIA-FBI during the elections of 2016.
George Papadopoulos: John Durham investigation has officially transformed into a criminal investigation. When I said Mifsud and Downer were together and Halper was there to provide protection, I meant it Wait conspiracy charges out of this. Great day for America!

Pete Santilli has covered the explosive revelations of John Durham in detail in its transmission program, also published in

As  Fox News also reports  , the IG Justice Department investigation on abuse of FISA is also about to fall:
The Inspector General of the Department of Justice, Michael E. Horowitz, told lawmakers the Senate and House of Representatives Thursday the process of finalizing its report on possible abuses of the Law on Foreign Intelligence Surveillance (FISA) before the presidential elections in 2016 was "almost finished" according to a letter obtained by Fox News.
The "extensive" draft report "refers to sensitive matters of national law enforcement and security , " Horowitz wrote in the letter, adding that he anticipated that "the final report will be published with few newsrooms".
Horowitz said he did not anticipate the need to prepare or issue "separate classified and public versions of the report".


The imminent indictment of traitors deep state means that the Democrats, the media and his conspirators left the deep state are stepping up efforts to eliminate Trump power by any means necessary.
I have published a detailed analysis of the recall effort, covering what is at stake and how it is likely to decrease the effort (in flames):

Follow more of my podcasts in  the channel in HR Report  . Click the Subscribe button below any video to subscribe to the channel and follow all new videos or podcasts as they are released.
Buckle up, folks. The heads are about to roll, which means that the left lawless is about to unleash new false to try to distract America from the truth that is about to be exposed flags.
Read  to stay updated on the latest news of impeachment.

* Why do we publish this?
 It is important to understand this information because it is partially supported by the ignorance of people who once dissipated, people awake now, with this knowledge in hand, you can alert the public about the breach of trust and responsibility by institutions application of the law that already have a legal mandate to enforce the laws but they refuse because they are part around illegal activity.

Posted by EverthThenansehed by Joan Ashtar 

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...