
31 de enero de 2018


One World of Nations
Our Last Stand Series
29 January 2018

Exposing the biggest Fed Quad Trillion Scam on Earth and putting the Spotlight on the Fed’s worst possible Nightmare. Remember how Madoff came down? Exposure and Closure!

Before we take you to the key and real case of trusting Yohannes Riyadi (YR), who has been deceived and betrayed for decades by the Washington and New York Zionist Cabal, each time he has tried from his heart to found Hospitals, Medical Centers, and make a real contribution to humanity and mankind, his US Treasury Check Fed account has been denied. Yet we had confirmed it as real. His is the largest US FRB-NY (Federal Reserve Bank of New York) and US Treasury / Agency scam on the planet and he is the innocent victim. As are many more. Such vast amounts have been plundered and wasted, so much as could regenerate the Global economies, and fund the long awaited nations currency RVs (Revaluations). The Travesty of Justice, that is the FRB-NY and HS (Homeland Security), has a lot to answer for. This truth can set America and the Elders free. Truth the world needs. It’s time now for a Free Democratic world. No more of their Banking Shylocks.

Now, at last following a trusted, highly reputable law office from a recognised sovereign nation is performing the Herculean task and endeavours to progress his long deserving case, China is coming on board via Beijing. Truth will be verified. His Ancestral case and history has been checked and also verified, as we also did, to determine that YR has a truthful and bona fide case. One of so many more unfortunate trusting US Hegemony victims. Like the other 4,500+ looted Elders accounts, all are victims. All trusted the US, and all paid. Ask the Native Americans about Hegemony?

The bad news for the US FRB (Federal Reserve Bank) is that China will soon become a partial Benefactor and they will be served with the biggest Chinese Redemption Marker you ever conceived. Those are Chinese Ancestral Assets they STOLE! Their secrets will not stay buried.

These assets, if correctly used, can rebuild America, Asia and Europe. Where have these vast funds been going to because None met the Elders Ethos. We need to free them up and Feed Need not Greed!

Payback time is coming. Why has Mr Riyadi never been been paid? Why keep renewing his contracts if not correct? Where have the vast profits gone? We could so much have helped America and the world. Mr Riyadi, from the heart, will assist nations and good causes once we unlock the claws of these Pariahs. What you will see will show you your Deep State. We need President Trump to Deep 6 the lot! Clean the Swamp! Let's get America working again. Redeem Trust and Repay Mr Riyadi!

Expose and end these US Treasury and FRB-NY LIES! Pay back what is owed!

We will expose the mistruths about his nonexistent links to Saurin, the US HS (Homeland Security) criminal protected asset used to pull off the Pureheart scam in preceding Our Last Stand series articles. Not to confuse, this one focuses on trusting YR and his betrayal by unscrupulous US parties. The case is that these misappropriated funds must be redeemed and used for Global good! Including the RVs! No more funding false US bases. These funds are to fund humanity, not the FRB-NY Cabal and their ilk. Pay - Back what is owed and let YR help so many good causes and needs! Instead as with Leo Wanta and so many more, they lie, obfuscate, malign reputations and conceal truth. End the cover ups and redeem what is owed.

It also brings up again the question why Michael Herzog, arrested in Berlin, both his offices and home raided by Interpol, with Bank Trading Contracts fronted by George Bush 41 seized and copies given to Falcone's Attorneys, has not been charged and extradited to the US as UK Bankers were for far lesser alleged Frauds. Herzog is a known Bag Man for Bush 41, the Clinton's, linked also strongly to Josef Ackermann ex-Deutsche Bank CEO, and the CIA. Herzog has openly threatened that if he stands trial in the US and his money is taken, he will unleash all the secrets and dirt on Bush 41, the Clinton's, the Agency and other parties used to Launder Biden's bribe money. Also Falcone's attorneys hold the evidence on which Government planes were used by Bush 41 to fly known CIA Agents around the world laundering Joe Biden's bribe money to stop the tracking by Forensic Agents hired gaining access to his account records. Too bad, they did! So despite Herzog's arrest by Interpol, hard evidence supplied to the US and Falcone's attorneys, is Herzog's threat to take them all down why he is not on trial? Why not? America can then detect and recover vast capital amounts, and clean up corruption at the top. Help President Trump drain the Swamp. Now is the time. Help Justice fight back in America. Extradite Herzog and open the Can. Which Programs, who was paid?

How much was Tax Evaded via Offshore Banks. Romney is implicated, and more. Bring in Herzog and bring them down. The scale of endemic corruption is off the Richter scale.

In the optimism, not naive hope, that the newly assembled, Trump managing, WH (White House) team are real and true Patriots, prepared to actually fulfill the honour and commitments of their office to recover their nation and redeem the broken trust in Americans worldwide, we and all like type caring groups, are now releasing evermore detailed evidence of the vast corruption and criminality which has afflicted America for decades. It’s created this ugly Washington Paradise for Political Criminals, Unscrupulous Bankers, Liars and Traitors. This Privately owned Fed with Zionist Racketeering, US Treasury Corruption, in conjunction with its Bait and Switch partner FRB-NY, has funded the Cabal's murder of millions. Exporting mass genocide, protecting in truth not nations but only Energy and Arms contracts, also Drug trade, with CIA inspired criminal Regime changes to suit. This new report is issued in the hope that Trump AND HIS TEAM, will at last, actually investigate and seek, DEMAND!!, recovery of the truly vast Trillions syphoned off by these Treasonous conspirator scavengers, the loathsome, Thieving FRB-NY, and seek forced reparation from those responsible. The Saudis can, as they now lead America in cleaning their own house!

Why not America? China now has this on board. It’s wake up time. It’s not going away. Payback will now come, by demand, from a country that has teeth. Also the economic power to pull the plug if crossed.

This will now not go away - it’s OUT. Truth always breaks free.

The ESF (Exchange Stabilization Fund, Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) is the CIA and Cabal vehicle used by successive Cabal corrupted Presidents such as the Bushes, Clinton and Obama to wage wars supporting Agency chicanery, and for all to line their own pockets as the Bushes and Clintons, now also Obama, have done for decades. US Corruption in Office is Vast! No other nation comes close.

This is the Cabal's own SPECTRE Deep Throat Agencies also supporting Unit for Extortion, Terrorism, Fraud and Money Laundering. China executes corruption. America needs to.

We are asked - "Who are SPECTRE?", have you never seen James Bond you Ignoramus? Joking! But not really! Truth, it’s the US Cabal! Perverse, ugly and the Ringmaster Money Machine to keep US Hegemony alive and thriving by chicanery.

Exposing the truly vast scale of Deception and Fraud is a start. Naming, shaming - Acting!

Taking back these Vast Mega Trillions of Stolen and Defrauded funds now, which will save America, fund the RVs and rebuild the world economy. Yes - We CAN!!! We must and with China's support, we CAN! Does it take shaming these liars and exposing their lies to get action?

It was just not possible under Kenyan / Indonesian Criminal Barry Soetoro-Obama, Deep State front posturing, Con Man.

Why did he not use these funds for Good? Barry Soetoro, Deep State Asset, has a lot to answer for!

America, its people and our global world, has been looted blind, and defrauded by these Charlatans, posing Tyrants, with uncontrolled CIA Racketeering unchecked. No one bar Israeli run Zionists or Puppets are allowed to hold the key US Treasury and Fed jobs. End it - NOW! It’s a farce! Overrun by Illegals like Barry Soetoro, looted by Hoodlums. Stop this Banking Oligopoly NOW! No more Fed Zionist puppets! Wake Up! Remove the sequestrating Zionists and Crooks from the Fed and clean it up! End the privatelyowned Fed!


What the Constitution advocates don't realize is that with almost all politicians are Zionist puppets, purchased with campaign donations and favors. With four Zionist puppets serving on the Supreme Court, the prospect for "Ending the FED" or "Restoring the Constitution" is impossible. What's left, a call for a military coup? Best case scenario is the Officer Corps shutting down the FED, canceling debts on the grounds of the FED lending counterfeit money, and establishing a National Bank that coins its own money.

No MORE looting of America. Finish these Fraudsters games. Clear their Fed-Sty’s.

Stop Israel and special interests groups from funding American Political seats and end these obligated Oaths of Allegiance to Israel! Stop their Rackets and free America!

Under the Deep State remit of the Usurper reign of Barry Soetoro, unlawful Kenyan / Indonesian Con Man, who illegally held office for 8 years, and conspires still with others such as the Clinton's and Bushes, to continue to loot America blind, with contemptuous disregard for Justice or You, America sank ever deeper into Debt! Elect an inexperienced Union Organizer, you get Deep State chaos, as the world has not only witnessed, but fallen victim to.

As the Cabal, like Lucky Luciano and the Mob before them, own Justice, FBI and CIA, each believe themselves impervious to and above the law. It must stop - Now!Mongrels unchecked fit only for the Dog Pound!

They ALL are Scheming devious Benghazi type TRAITORS, who each and all need, and deserve, to be locked up as RICO conspirators for LIFE! The contract we are showing now in this report, is one of many to put them all on trial. RICO and no less! DOJ (Department of Justice) where have these funds gone?

Also, with your support and backing, to help Trump and the TEAM, to stand up for and to recover America! Trump needs to put a Recovery Team on this Contract - Do it Donald. Do it for ALL Americans. Take back these Trillions before China comes knocking. Follow the money! Do what is RIGHT! Rebuild Trust! Regain leadership of a nation so ravaged by thievery and corruption.

As evermore disturbing and deeply incriminating articles are also appearing, mainly still in the alternative free press, as the MSM is still Zionist / CIA / NWO propaganda presstitutes, it’s time to start to unleash truth as to the unbelievable scale of Criminality of the Bush / Clinton / Zionist, Jesuit (each a separate link) orchestrated Deep State and US Military Industrial Cabal. All this supported by the largest Criminal Fraud in history which we show you today. We expose their devious Money Laundering, false Fiat activities generated by the Zionist controlled US Treasury / Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Foreign owned, non-audited and responsible to no one bar its Criminal Overlords. This lot is as close to a James Bond's SPECTRE syndicate as you can get, but without the heroics or style. Rodents.

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A few years ago, when the FRB-NY's Chris McCurdy was first exposed as the FRB-NY deep cover Section Head, fronting the TRULY vast YR Fraud, his blind panic was immediate and he disappeared from Fed New York staff record site within weeks, attempting to distance himself from exposure and retribution. Sorry, but a wall of deeply incriminating evidence is held, his Compliance cohort Patsies too. Plus electronic footprints to indict the lot of them for Perjury. His flights to Swiss and other Banks recorded and known. Section staff also. Names, records, the corruption net is on record. Also their fully recorded dealings with the BIS (Bank for International Settlements) and Fed in Jakarta. Greenspan's visits to Jakarta for this contract are known. The Bank officers and others, plus Ministers, all on record. Bernanke's flight to London for the $15T scam. This is only the tip of the iceberg. They have no idea how much deep trouble they are now in. YR now has backing, and a Very Big Dog! A Dog who has many reasons to bite.

The big question now IS, WILL Trump's Team, elected to take this Cabal / Deep State down, really go after them to take back what was stolen? TO TAKE BACK AMERICA? Or choke? Man Up, or Shut Up? The time is here. Actions only will speak. Clinton still walks free as he Chokes!

Pay back what is owed and rebuild Trust!

This contract, now publicly released, shows you the TRUTH of what was done in American's name and America’s shame. Trusting, innocent Investors were disemboweled by these carrion. As so many have been, ranging from the stolen Marcos funds, the reneging on so many Chinese Elder's contracts, the vast pallets of US Dollars sitting in Warehouses across Asia, all Off Balance Sheet and needing conversion to bring them back in to allow value and stabilize nations. 40 years of Trust destroyed. Memories are long. Knowing well the betrayal of Marcos and the Elders, the key Dynasty families now block the US from any access to the vast hidden Gold depositories, and the cash pallets. America has LOST Asia, will Lose Eurasia, is fast losing the Middle East, and its own way.

All remember the Fed's rapid intervention and theft of the on balance sheet Taiwan Bank funds ACAT cash transfer for Tropos, which even en route to then Wachovia Bank, was blatantly electronically intercepted and used for more Fed chicanery supported ventures. None of this Thieving Operation goes unnoticed. The Global banking reservations of any cross involvement with the Fed are of Legendary notoriety. Tropos to this day remains unpaid, as do all other non-redeemed Creditors. Each victims of the Fed.

Where are the Tropos funds? Who and where are those who benefited from the theft?

Where are the Elder's 4,500+, US Cabal sequestrated, Trust Companies funds? Have any NOT been stolen?

Who redeems the Marcos Gold of which part still sits today in the Bank of England backing a Joint Bank Trading Program with the Fed?

Case after case after case, same modus operandi. Theft, Fraud, Lies and betrayal. All in America's name, the Treasury / FRB-NY Bait and Switch Scam! So many trusting victims. Nothing gets done. Can DC and FRB-NY even spell INTEGRITY?

Where has all this money gone? It’s time a Commission found out. Preferably cross represented by competent Foreign Professional Law Firms and Forensic Analysts. Payback is long overdue.

The Elders have been ruthlessly deceived, lied to and manipulated. Nations, so many needing causes deserving of their profit shares have all been denied. Even YR's first $500M USD contracted transfer as part of his of signing on agreement was intercepted and stolen, just as with Tropos, the Falcone funds and so many more. This is a ruthless, pernicious Cabal regime that needs dismantling. Chinese corruption sentences need to be applied as organ donors. If not imposed by leadership domestically, sentences will come in the future from abroad with a vengeance.

Hong Kong Lawyers are now working with Senior Chinese Government officials in Beijing where the whole YR case has been fully authenticated, his history proven, and the staggering amounts now compounded to, are now being assessed. It will not go away, unlike many who deserve to. This is now becoming an issue which can bankrupt America.

Swaggering around the world with 990+ bases funded by Fraud is about to come home as China is taking it up. These ARE Chinese Dynasty Heritage Funds and China will not stand by doing nothing. The point, as always, is when do the big Dogs fight? This is a damn big Bone the ailing Dog took, and the Younger, bigger, emerging challenger now wants it back! Or else?

The good news for us at last, is that China is now taking it on board. YR's and Elder'sLawyers are on it. Chinese Heritage Funds in vast, staggering, compounded TRILLIONS will come home with a bang!

They thought they had got away with it. NOT this time. China sees this SHAME. China will want its share now of Dynasty Assets. This bone is more than big enough for the two Big Dogs to fight. Every year it has compounded and grown and YR’s Lawful, LEGAL and ethical share has been sequestrated. His Joint Venture Account plundered and his lawful share stolen every month. They even used him and his funds share to bail out Obama with the $15T scam to cover Treasury shortfalls. Their combined criminality knows no bounds.

Before we invested such major time and money behind the YR contract and others, we first undertook serious and real Diligence because even then such numbers were alarming and have grown a hundred fold since. The first key Question was - are these truly vast Trillions Real?

Step 1 - We funded at our own significant cost, an ex-Senior White House Presidential Legal Adviser, a then top DC Attorney Law Firm Partner / Lobbyist and respected Adviser to NASA and others, to ascertain sensitively from the top, were these accounts and FRB-NY debts real and asked how could we safely proceed? We asked, was this a scam or real contracts, and did these funds actually exist? With the notorious Fed, how could we safely proceed? Had the US Treasury actually been party to this? If so, huge implications, and those now coming home.

Within days we were provided with unequivocal confirmation, YES. These contracts and funds were real, albeit heavily used on the Fed / Pentagon Gray Screen systems under FRB-NY control, and at the time, also being used by Clinton himself, among others. That was cross advised by our Advisers own Son in Law working directly within the Treasury himself, but advised this had to be a verbal confirmation only due to its extreme sensitivity as a key White House asset, and thus its Sensitivity! REAL Accounts. Hidden from the Public!

A special program, as later defined for us by the Governor of the Bank of Indonesia, had been set up via the Fed working with Bank of Indonesia in Jakarta. A special contract, plus sheltered account, was set up for the contract. Although the Treasury do not run Public accounts, or the Fed, because this was in conjunction with the BIS, a special sub-account was set up for YR, as exhibited and cross managed via the FRB-NY operation.

Be clear, we are talking of THE direct, previously White House based Personal and Private Senior Legal Adviser to the then President himself, with all the access and contact points endowed. It goes no higher to establish and verify authenticity. Contrary to the false Fed websites denying and covering its tracks, the YR case is very real! As are the records of those attending in Jakarta with Bank of Indonesia officials and Ministers, for the original contracts. Attested soundly from the TOP! Real - we were strongly advised to step with great care because Lies, denials and subterfuge are standard daily bag tools of DC and NY. Bush 43 also had major use of those funds and funded the Kuwait War from them. These are Deep State STOLEN assets. As with the Marcos funds, aren’t they all? Lucky Luciano's structure of corrupt officials are still in power. Same types. Corruption thrives.

Step 2 - We also requested YR to assist us establish unequivocal truth and facts, and to get the then Governor of the Bank of Indonesia to personally attest the authenticity of this account, which he graciously did, and he progressed to become Deputy President. A man of sound integrity, a word missing from the US Political dictionary with the exposed corrupt Nixon, Bushes, Clinton's and Thieving Bankers.

This article will be sitting on the desks of both the Chinese and Russian High Commands. Proof positive they cannot trust Washington as the poor Native Americans also found to their cost. The Federal State Gut Rotten Deceit and Chicanery was evident even then. Same zoo. Wild West Rules. All Empires end - Badly!

Trump needs to read it and act. Otherwise it will be embarrassing to have China face him down unprepared.

Draining the Swamp. He gets it! So now, it’s who, and when? Or - Why not?

The contract, be clear, is way beyond the limited English of Yohannes, and he has no infrastructure to create such articulate contracts, nor would invoke the wrath of Jakarta. This in no way impugns his intellect or integrity. He is a well meaning, intelligent man and another Fed victim. English is not his language. Simply that. All contracts are genuine.

Yohannes is only Custodian in Trust of the Elder's assets assigned for his portion of safekeeping. He was allocated 1,450+(mt) of Gold to be held in perpetuity for the Beneficial interests of his nation and humanity. Not for personal spending or sales. A Bank and State Bond was raised which we have as evidence, but will not release. This underpinned it all!

Yohannes sought help and guidance from his friend Boediono, the then Governor of the Bank of Indonesia and asked for help to utilize and administer the trust. The Governor in turn contacted the US Treasury and Fed. A US team controlled by Greenspan was flown in to create an Insurance backed Gold Bond, used to then hypothecate and underpin a self compounding Trading Program on the terms agreed in the contract. We know the authentic history. Truth as stated.

We know Yohannes, his personal Medical Doctor also who is a good, and moral man who looks after Yohannes with care. He, as a medical professional, has seen this for decades, assisting Yohannes sometimes with translations, and is appalled with US conduct and treachery. We know them both well and have good working relationships with them. It is good that the HK Lawyers have now brought Beijing in at the top. You know how they deal with criminals.

America is full also of very good, caring and intelligent ethical Professionals. This sort of conduct demeans us all, and transfers of funds meant to House, Educate and and feed Humanity, into funding Black Operations, Agency Hegemony and the worst kind of political chicanery. As with the leaked criminal Hillary documents, it’s long overdue time all American people see what is done in their name, while others steal the gain. Endemic corruption.

Now, the world sees.

These funds owed to Yohannes have now amassed such colossal compounded collateral value as to give us the combined means to clear the US budget shortfalls, to even clear the entire US national debt if we negotiate it with Yohannes (Which we CAN), to fund desperate Asian needs, to fund Global needs, and to underpin a new Global RV. A real one! With Yohannes's help we can do great things.

Feeding Need, not Cabal and Zionist Greed!

Doing right will put right so many Global wrongs.

China invented gunpowder. HK Lawyers have just lit the fuse. Fireworks are coming.


Why have these vast funds not been used as intended? Who has siphoned what? Who now will put it right and back?

Be clear, if Yohannes Riyadi is repaid what he is lawfully owed, as per the Contracts they have reneged on, those vast Capital Amounts recovered can be used to help his own nation, and many more, to undertake vast Economic and Social programs, Job Creation, Hospitals, Schools, Infrastructure, increasing Public wealth for you all and lowering taxes. Putting such vast Trillions back where it should be. Draining the Swamp. Where is the Treason line in America?

How do we all help Yohannes get his money back and working for Humanity? Always they try to falsely deny and malign his name. If it's not genuine, why keep renewing his contracts. Hello?

Let's all just help get Justice. We need all your voices. Let's all ask the President to work with us and help recover these funds to feed NEED not GREED!

Bring in Herzog. That is Bush 41's, FRB-NY's and both Clinton's worst nightmare. Truth!

Primer jefe ruso de espías convocado a Washington le dice a Trump que considera detenciones masivas

Por: Sorcha Faal, y según lo informado a sus suscriptores occidentales

Un grave informe del Servicio de Inteligencia Exterior (SVR) que circula hoy en el Kremlin revela que el Director Sergey Naryshkin fue convocado a Washington DC la semana pasada para reunirse con el Jefe de Gabinete de la Casa Blanca General John Kelly, el Secretario de Defensa estadounidense James "Mad Dog" Mattis y el director de la CIA, Mike Pompeo, quienes durante esta reunión histórica proporcionaron al director de SVR pruebas documentales de Naryshkin que demostraron que el general del ejército estadounidense Joseph Votel, comandante del Comando de Operaciones Especiales de los Estados Unidos (USSOCOM), desobedeció una orden directa del presidente Donald Trump cuando apareció sorprendentemente en la cadena estadounidense de noticias por cable CNN y amenazó a las fuerzas militares turcas en Siria, y también durante esta reunión, estos altos funcionarios estadounidenses declararon además que Trump está considerando ordenar el arresto masivo de sus enemigos del "Estado Profundo" que intentan derrocarlo en un golpe. [Nota: Algunas palabras y / o frases que aparecen entre comillas en este informe son aproximaciones en idioma inglés de palabras / frases rusas que no tienen una contraparte exacta.]

La creciente charla de la "web oscura" apunta a arrestos en masa que se producirán pronto en los Estados Unidos.

Según este informe [y como informamos en nuestro informe del 28 de enero Informes de CNN Turquía mató al actor de Hollywood Bradley Cooper después de que Trump abandonara a la CIA en Siria], el presidente Trump, durante la última quincena, hábilmente superó a sus enemigos del "Estado Profundo" cortando todas las armas a la CIA respaldaban a los terroristas en Siria, ordenando que se retiraran todas las armas pesadas que ya les habían sido entregadas, y ordenando a la CIA que declarara terroristas a los militantes que apoyaban, evitando así un enfrentamiento entre las fuerzas turcas (que acababan de atacar) Siria para destruir a todos estos terroristas apoyados por Estados Unidos) y las fuerzas estadounidenses estacionadas ilegalmente allí.
Después de que el presidente Trump hiciera sus promesas a Turquía de que Estados Unidos ya no apoyaría a los terroristas de la CIA, este informe continúa, las fuerzas turcas ordenaron a los estadounidenses que abandonaran inmediatamente sus bases militares ilegales en el distrito sirio de Manbij, donde estos terroristas están siendo entrenados. -pero fue sorprendentemente contrarrestado por el general Votel que apareció en CNN para declarar que sus fuerzas estadounidenses no se irían, preparando así el escenario para el inicio de una guerra global.
Es importante destacar que el General Votel, detalla este informe, es un agente de largo plazo conocido como "Estado Profundo" que, en 2014, fue designado por el Presidente Obama como el comandante del Comando de Operaciones Especiales de los Estados Unidos y a quien el Presidente turco Recep Erdoğan acusado de estar detrás del intento de golpe de Estado del 15 de julio de 2016 -y que el entonces candidato presidencial Donald Trump predijo misteriosamente que también enfrentaría si ganara- y quién, cuando millones de ciudadanos turcos tomaron las calles para defenderse El presidente Erdoğan, a partir de este golpe, declaró: "Parece que está en marcha un golpe militar en Turquía. ¡Están recuperando su país! ¡Seré lo mismo en EE. UU. Pronto si soy presidente!

Hasta qué punto es probable que el presidente Trump enfrente un golpe de "Estado profundo", este informe dice que la evidencia crece día a día y que el congresista estadounidense Matt Gaetz acaba de advertir que se debe a que "la elite criminal sabe que son "cuyo último golpe contra ellos ocurrió el domingo (28 de enero) cuando el director del FBI Christopher Wray leyó lo que se llama" The Memo "y" quedó conmocionado ", y eso lo llevó a despedir inmediatamente al director adjunto del FBI Andrew McCabe y jurando que "habrá más cabezas rodarán", con el Congreso de los EE. UU., Hace unas horas, votando para hacer que "The Memo" esté disponible también para el pueblo estadounidense.

En represalia rápida contra el presidente Trump, este informe detalla más, las fuerzas de "Estado profundo" lideradas por George Soros, financiado por el movimiento comunista, la rabiosa operación de asesinato de bebés Planned Parenthood, y el multimillonario izquierdista Partido Democrático donador de memes Tom Steyer, rápidamente reunió a un "quién-quién" reunió a las élites más importantes de Estados Unidos que incluían estrellas de Hollywood y artistas musicales, y quienes en su reunión radical en la ciudad de Nueva York llamaron el "Estado Popular de la Unión", juraron destruir Estados Unidos y gobernar. de genocidio:

Eliminar a Trump y Pence, y toda la repugnante porción de ellos ... aún no será suficiente. Debemos eliminar y reemplazar el sistema y la cultura que nos dio Trump en primer lugar. A medida que tratamos de deshacernos de Trump, también debemos limpiar nuestra alma estadounidense de nuestro privilegio masculino blanco.

Operadores de "Estado Profundo" y partidarios de élite juran reino de terror genocida sobre América el 29 de enero de 2018

Sabiendo que el "Estado Profundo" planeó la destrucción de los Estados Unidos para vencerlo a él y sus ideales de Dios, Familia y América Primero, este informe continúa, no es coincidencia que el presidente Trump elija la Biblia de Lincoln para ser juramentado oficina sobre -y fue utilizada por el presidente Abraham Lincoln cuando juró el cargo el 4 de marzo de 1861- y que al tomar el poder, como Trump hoy, fue confrontado por un partido demócrata en guerra con las masas del pueblo estadounidense que aún hoy habiéndoles ocultado la verdad de que el Partido Demócrata defendió la esclavitud, comenzó la Guerra Civil, fundó el KKK y luchó contra cada acto importante de derechos civiles en la historia de los Estados Unidos.

Mientras el presidente Trump se enfrenta hoy, explica el informe, el presidente Lincoln se enfrentó a un radical y fanático Partido Democrático alineado con el principal propósito de los medios de comunicación sobre su destrucción, pero que Lincoln contraatacó cerrando más de 300 periódicos alineados con el Partido Demócrata y ordenando su Departamento de Guerra. arrestar y encarcelar decenas de miles (la estimación más baja es 13,535) de sus periodistas, editores y propietarios.

Con el presidente Lincoln confiando en Articulo 1, Section 9, Cláusula 2 de la Constitución de los Estados Unidos que exige que "El privilegio de la acción de habeas corpus no se suspenda, a menos que en casos de rebelión o invasión la seguridad pública lo requiera. "-y su Ley de Suspensión de Habeas Corpus de 1863 para justificar legalmente sus arrestos masivos, este informe señala que el temible y formidable arma que el presidente Trump tiene a su disposición para lo mismo está contenida en una ley que acaba de volver a autorizar hace unas semanas (el 12 de diciembre de 2017) llamada Ley de Autorización de Defensa Nacional (NDAA), y cuyas disposiciones autorizan la detención militar indefinida, sin cargos ni juicio, de cualquier persona etiquetada como "beligerante", incluido un ciudadano estadounidense.

Y siendo ignorado en su grave peligro, detalla este informe, el "Estado Profundo" y sus partidarios ya han cruzado la línea roja y, de hecho, se han convertido en "beligerantes", y tal como se define en el Capítulo 115 del Código EE. UU. 115 - TREASON, SEDITION, Y SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES leyes, la más grave de las cuales es 18 US Code § 2385 - Advocating derrocamiento del gobierno que dice:
Quien deliberadamente o voluntariamente aboga, incita, aconseja o enseña el deber, la necesidad, la conveniencia o la conveniencia de derrocar o destruir el gobierno de los Estados Unidos o el gobierno de cualquier Estado, Territorio, Distrito o Posesión del mismo, o el gobierno de cualquier subdivisión política en el mismo, por la fuerza o violencia, o por el asesinato de cualquier oficial de cualquier gobierno; o
Quien, con la intención de causar el derrocamiento o la destrucción de dicho gobierno, imprima, publique, edite, emita, haga circular, venda, distribuya o muestre públicamente cualquier material escrito o impreso que defienda, aconseje o enseñe el deber, la necesidad, la conveniencia, o la conveniencia de derrocar o destruir cualquier gobierno en los Estados Unidos por la fuerza o la violencia, o los intentos de hacerlo; o
Quien organice, ayude o intente organizar cualquier sociedad, grupo o reunión de personas que enseñen, defiendan o alienten el derrocamiento o la destrucción de dicho gobierno por la fuerza o la violencia; o se convierte o es miembro de, o se afilia a, dicha sociedad, grupo o conjunto de personas, conociendo los propósitos de la misma,
Será multado bajo este título o encarcelado no más de veinte años, o ambos, y no será elegible para el empleo por los Estados Unidos o cualquier departamento u organismo del mismo, durante los cinco años siguientes a su condena.

La principal portavoz de "Deep State", Rachel Maddow, de MSNBC, aboga por el derrocamiento del presidente Trump

Con el "Estado Profundo" ahora intenta sabotear el mercado bursátil de Estados Unidos haciendo que sus grandes fondos de pensiones sindicales vuelquen todas sus existencias, mientras que al mismo tiempo no se les dice a los estadounidenses que el gas natural ruso se está enviando a Estados Unidos para ahorrar Según este informe, el último "juego" de Rusia que juegan estas élites es el lanzamiento de lo que se llama la "Lista de Oligarcas", que nombra a 210 (114 figuras políticas de alto rango y 96 oligarcas) ciudadanos rusos por razones aún no claras, salvo que todos sean ricos, y que el embajador de Trump en Rusia, Jon Huntsman, suplicara a Moscú "no reaccionar demasiado emocionalmente" acerca de que el presidente Putin dijo que estaba triste por su no ser incluido, y quien resumió este último efecto de propaganda propagandiza al decir: "Los perros ladran pero la caravana avanza".

Así que con el "Estado Profundo" tan preocupado por los rusos ricos, y si el presidente Trump, de hecho, comienza arrestos masivos, concluye este informe, los analistas de SVR sugieren que podría comenzar con la "Lista de Oligarcas" estadounidense que contiene 540 multimillonarios en los Estados Unidos con un valor neto combinado de $ 2.399 billones, todos los cuales ahora tiemblan por el temor a la publicación del libro "Imperio Secreto" que expondrá sus crímenes masivos para que todos lo vean.

Si alguna vez se ha preguntado por qué el "Estado Profundo" necesita 327 millones de ciudadanos estadounidenses para creer realmente que 143 millones de ciudadanos rusos son su peor enemigo, esto es, después de todo, si el pueblo estadounidense sabía que una nación pequeña y poblada como Rusia tiene una miserable deuda nacional de $ 195 mil millones (en oposición a que EE. UU. tenga una deuda nacional de $ 20 billones), vive en el país más grande del mundo que tiene recursos naturales valorados en $ 75 billones, podrían volver a la cordura y comenzar a ver quiénes son sus verdaderos enemigos

30 de enero de 2018 © EU y US todos los derechos reservados. El permiso para usar este informe en su totalidad se otorga bajo la condición de que esté vinculado a su fuente original en WhatDoesItMean.Com. Contenido de Freebase con licencia bajo CC-BY y GFDL.

[Nota: muchos gobiernos y sus servicios de inteligencia hacen campaña activa contra la información encontrada en estos informes para no alarmar a sus ciudadanos sobre los muchos cambios catastróficos de la Tierra y los eventos por venir, una posición con la que las Hermanas de Sorcha están en desacuerdo al creer que es todo ser humano el derecho de saber la verdad. Debido a nuestros conflictos de misiones con los de esos gobiernos, las respuestas de sus 'agentes' han sido una campaña de desinformación / mala orientación desde hace tiempo diseñada para desacreditarnos, y a otros como nosotros, que se ejemplifica en numerosos lugares, incluido AQUÍ.]

[Nota: El sitio web fue creado y donado a las Hermanas de Sorcha Faal en 2003 por un pequeño grupo de expertos informáticos estadounidenses dirigido por el gurú de la tecnología mundial Wayne Green (1922-2013) para contrarrestar la propaganda utilizada por Occidente para promover su invasión ilegal de Iraq en 2003.]

[Nota: La palabra Kremlin (fortaleza dentro de una ciudad) como se usa en este informe se refiere a las ciudadelas rusas, incluso en Moscú, que tienen catedrales en las que residen monjas de Schema (monjas ortodoxas), muchas de las cuales están dedicadas a la misión de las Hermanas de Sorcha Faal.]

Gozer the Gozerian Orders America: "¡Elige la forma del destructor!"
Como "Season Of Hate" consume a Estados Unidos, el mundo coloca la última esperanza en Trump
Si esto no fuera tan grave, jurarías que todo fue inventado.

Top Russian Spy Chief Summoned To Washington Told Trump Considering Mass Arrests

January 30, 2018
Top Russian Spy Chief Summoned To Washington Told Trump Considering Mass Arrests
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A gravely worded new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today reveals that Director Sergey Naryshkin was summoned to Washington D.C. this past week to meet with White House Chief of StaffGeneral John KellyUS Secretary of Defense General James “Mad Dog” Mattis and CIA Director Mike Pompeo—and who, during this historic meeting, provided SVR Director Naryshkin documentary proof proving that US Army General Joseph Votel, the commander of the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), disobeyed a direct order from President Donald Trump when he shockingly appeared on the American cable news network CNN and threatened Turkish military forces in Syria—and where also during this meeting, these top USofficials further stated that Trump is considering ordering the mass arrest of his “Deep State” enemies who are attempting to overthrow him in a coup.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Growing “dark web” chatter points to mass arrests occurring soon in America

According to this report [and as we reported on in our 28 January report CNN Reports Turkey Killed Hollywood Actor Bradley Cooper After Trump Abandons CIA In Syria]President Trump, during the past fortnight, deftly outmaneuvered his “Deep State” enemies by cutting off all weapons to CIA backed terrorists in Syria, ordering that all heavy weapons already given to them be taken back, and his ordering the CIA to declare the militants they were supporting as terrorists—thus preventing a clash between Turkish forces (who had just slammed into Syria to destroy all of these American backed terrorists) and US forces illegally stationed there
After President Trump made his promises to Turkey that the US would no longer be supporting the CIA’sterrorists, this report continues, Turkish forces then ordered the Americans to immediately vacate their illegal military bases in the Syrian district of Manbij where these terrorists are being trained—but that shockingly was countered by General Votel appearing on CNN to declare that his US forces would not leave—thus setting the stage for the igniting of a global war.
Important to note about General Votel, this report details, is that he is a long time known “Deep State” aligned operative who, in 2014, was appointed by President Obama as the commander of the United States Special Operations Command—and whom Turkish President Recep Erdoğan accused of being behind the 15 July 2016 coup attempt against him—and that then US presidential candidate Donald Trump eerily predicted he would be facing, too, should he win—and who, when millions of Turkish citizens took to the streets to defend President Erdoğanfrom this coup stated: “Looks like a military coup is underway in Turkey.  They're taking their country back!  Will be the same in US soon if I'm President!

To how likely President Trump is, indeed, facing a “Deep State” coup, this report says, the evidence is growing by the day—and that US Congressman Matt Gaetz has just stunningly warned is due to “the criminal elite knowing that they are being hunted down”—and whose latest blow against them occurred Sunday (28 January) when FBI Director Christopher Wray read what is being called “The Memo” and “became shocked to his core”—and that caused him to immediately fire FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and vowing “more heads will roll”—with the US Congress then, just hours ago, voting to make “The Memo” available to the American people, too.  
In quick retaliation against President Trump, this report further details, “Deep State” forces led by the George Soros funded communist leaning, the rabidly baby killing operation Planned Parenthood, and billionaire left-wing Democratic Partymega-donor Tom Steyer, quickly assembled a “whose-who” gathering of America’s top elites that included Hollywood stars and music entertainers—and whom at their New York City radical gathering they called the “People’s State of the Union”, vowed to destroy the United States and conduct a reign of genocide:
Removing Trump, and Pence, and the whole disgusting lot of them… still won’t be enough. We must remove and replace the system and the culture that gave us Trump in the first place.  As we seek to rid ourselves of Trump, we must also cleanse our American soul of our white male privilege.

Deep State” operatives and elite supporters vow reign of genocidal terror upon America on 29 January 2018

In his knowing that the “Deep State” planned the destruction of the United States in order to defeat him and his ideals of GodFamily and America First, this report continues, it is no coincidence that President Trumpchoose the Lincoln Bible to be sworn into office upon—and was the Bibleused by President Abraham Lincolnwhen he took his oath of office on 4 March 1861—and who upon taking power, like Trump today, was confronted by a Democratic Partyintent on war—with the masses of the American people still today having kept from them the truth that the Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, and fought against every major civil rights act in US history.
As President Trump is facing today, this report explains, so was President Lincoln confronted by a radical and fanatic Democratic Party aligned mainstream media establishment intent upon his destruction—but that Lincoln countered by closing down over 300 Democratic Party aligned newspapers and ordering his War Department to arrest and jail tens-of-thousands (lowest estimate is 13,535) of their journalists, editors and owners.

With President Lincoln having relied on Article One, Section 9, Clause 2 of the US Constitution which demands that “The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it.”—and his Habeas Corpus Suspension Act 1863 to legally justify his mass arrests, this report notes, the fearful and formidable weapon President Trumphas at his disposable to the same thing is contained in a law he just reauthorized weeks ago (on 12 December 2017) called the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)—and whose provisions authorize the indefinite military detention, without charge or trial, of any person labeled a “belligerent”—including an Americancitizen.
And being ignored at their grave peril, this report details, the “Deep State” and its supporters have already crossed the red line and have, in fact, become “belligerents”—and as defined by the all encompassing 18 U.S. Code Chapter 115 - TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES laws—the most serious of which is 18 U.S. Code § 2385 - Advocating Overthrow Of Government that says:
Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or
Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or
Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

Top “Deep State” mouthpiece Rachel Maddow, of MSNBC, advocates overthrow of President Trump

With the “Deep State” now attempting to sabotage the US stock market by having their large union pension funds dump all of their stocks, while at the same the American people aren’t being told that Russian natural gas is being rushed into America to save their Northeast Regions (New England) energy grid nearing collapse, this report says, the latest Russiagame” being played by these elites is the release of what is being called the “Oligarchs List”—that names 210 (114 senior political figures and 96 oligarchs) Russian citizens for reasons still not clear other than them all being wealthy—and that Trump’s Ambassador to Russia, Jon Huntsman, pleaded with Moscow “not to react too emotionally” about—that President Putin said he was sad about for his not being included, and who summed up this latest propaganda ploys effect by stating: “Dogs bark but the caravan moves on.”
So with the “Deep State” being so concerned with rich Russians, and should President Trump, indeed, begin mass arrests, this report concludes, SVR analysts suggest that he might as well begin with the AmericanOligarchs List” that contains 540 billionaires in the United States with a combined net worth of $2.399 trillion—all of whom are now trembling in fear over the pending release of the bombshell “Secret Empire” book that will expose their massive crimes for all to see

If you’ve ever wondered why the “Deep State” needs 327 million American citizens to actually believe that 143 million Russian citizens are their most dire enemy—this is it—after all, if the American people knew the truth that a small populated nation like Russia has a paltry $195 billion in national debt (as opposed to the US having a national debt of $20 trillion), live in the largest country in the world having natural resources valued at $75 trillion—they might snap back to sanity and begin to see who their real enemies are.  

January 30, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faalstrongly disagree with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]
[Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]
[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]

El Creador a través de Jenifer Farley: el vel

El vel | The Creator GEN 30 2018

 Durant els propers dies, pot experimentar una gran quantitat de canvis. Les coses que creies que eren veritables es demostrarien d'una altra manera. Les coses que creies que eren falses començaran a mostrar la seva veritat . Aquest canvi és necessari perquè comencis a veure el teu món com realment és, en lloc de fer-ho a través d'un vel de percepcions.Alguns d'ells poden ser decebedors, però la major part seran sorprenents. De qualsevol manera, serà un increïble viatge d'autodescobriment! ~ Creador Transcrit per Jennifer Farley, Thera Instructor / Practicant de sanació a The Creator Writings Font: Rainbow Wave of Light

The Creator via Jennifer Farley: The Veil

The Veil | The Creator

JAN 30 2018

During the next few days, you may experience a great deal of change. Things you thought were true will be shown to be otherwise. Things you thought were false will begin to show their truth. This shift is necessary for you to begin seeing your world for what it truly is rather than through a veil of perceptions. Some of it may be disappointing but, most of it will be amazing. Either way, it will be an amazing journey of self-discovery! ~ Creator

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, TheraHealing Instructor/Practitioner at The Creator Writings

Source: Rainbow Wave of Light

El Creador a través de Jennifer Farley: El velo

El velo | The Creator ENE 30 2018

 Durante los próximos días, puede experimentar una gran cantidad de cambios. Las cosas que creías que eran verdaderas se demostrarían de otra manera. Las cosas que creías que eran falsas comenzarán a mostrar su verdad. Este cambio es necesario para que comiences a ver tu mundo como realmente es, en lugar de hacerlo a través de un velo de percepciones. Algunos de ellos pueden ser decepcionantes, pero la mayor parte serán sorprendentes. De cualquier forma, ¡será un increíble viaje de autodescubrimiento! ~ Creador Transcrito por Jennifer Farley, Thera Instructor / Practicante de sanación en The Creator WritingsFuente: Rainbow Wave of Light

Cancelación del contrato en el momento exacto del eclipse lunar total

Cancelación del contrato en el momento exacto del eclipse lunar total de la luna llena el miércoles, 31 de enero. 2018 a la 1:29 PM UTC
1/27/2018 02:08:00 p.m.
Los eclipses son el momento perfecto para tomar nuestras decisiones y hacerlos más fuertes y poderosos, llevarlos a un nuevo nivel. Cobra mencionó algunas veces que los eclipses son sobre nuestras decisiones. Es por eso que haremos la cancelación del contrato en el momento exacto del eclipse lunar total el miércoles 31 de enero de 2018 a la 1:29 p. M. UTC.

Tiempo de meditación sugerido: 10 minutos

Hora Zona horaria Ciudad
03:29 a.m. HAST Honolulu
05:29 a.m. PST los Angeles
06:29 a.m. MST Denver
07:29 a.m. CST Chicago
08:29 a.m. est Nueva York
11:29 a.m. BRST Rio de Janeiro
01:29 p.m. UTC Reikiavik
01:29 p.m. GMT Londres
02:29 p.m. CET Berlina
03:29 p.m. EET El Cairo
04:29 p.m. MSK Moscú
08:29 p.m. TIC Bangkok
09:29 p.m. CST Taipei
10:29 p.m. JST Tokio
12:29 a.m. AEDT Sydney
02:29 a.m. NZDT Auckland

Horario en todo el mundo:

Temporizador de cuenta atrás:
https: //www.timeanddate. com / cuenta atrás / genéricos P0 = 1440 e ISO = 20180131T1329 y msg = + Contrato + a + la cancelación total del lunar + + + Eclipse?

Este es nuestro evento facebook:

tendremos un fuerte apoyo de la Fuerzas de luz en ese momento exacto.

Declararemos en voz alta la siguiente declaración:

"En el nombre de YO SOY que YO SOY, en el nombre de la presencia divina del alma que soy, en el nombre de todos los seres de luz ascendidos, en el nombre de la Confederación Galáctica, en el nombre del centro Galáctico, decreto y ordeno cancelar y anular todos mis contratos y acuerdos pasados, presentes y futuros hechos entre cualquier parte de mi ser y las fuerzas oscuras. Todos estos contratos y acuerdos y todas sus consecuencias ahora están completamente borrados de mi realidad. Ahora soy libre, todo el karma de mi ser entero ahora también se borró.

Soy un ser soberano y libre de luz, desde ahora hasta la eternidad.

Así sea, y así es. En Luz

* Firme con su nombre aquí * "

Hagámoslo y ¡danos un paso más en nuestro proceso de liberación y ascensión en la superficie de este planeta!

Aquí está el artículo completo de Untwine que explica la importancia de revocar contratos con fuerzas oscuras:

Y aquí nota de Therese Zumi Sumner sobre la anulación de contratos:

SI lees esto y no has decretado en voz alta (escribe si se siente más fuerte) que deseas poner fin a todos los contratos negativos para que sea el ser soberano libre que eres, te sugiero encarecidamente que lo hagas ahora. Por favor, difunde esta información a cualquier persona que conozcas que pueda necesitarla ".

Después de la Cancelación del Contrato, declararemos nuestro deseo de implementar el Codex Galáctico diciendo en voz alta la siguiente declaración:
"En el nombre de mi presencia YO SOY, declaro mi derecho inalienable para que el Códex Galáctico se implemente por completo en el planeta Tierra"

De esta manera apoyaremos la Operación Mjolnir por las Fuerzas de la Luz, que es una operación especial para hacer cumplir la implementación del Códice Galáctico dentro de la Tierra de cuarentena:

Información sobre Códice galáctico que encontrarás aquí: ¡

Victoria de la luz!

Destruidos laboratorios clandestinos de fabricación de virus y armas biológicas

Alertas de noticias

ALERTA RV / INTELIGENCIA - 30 de enero de 2018

Múltiples sistemas de vigilancia Cabal-MIC y satélites de armas en órbita fueron derribados este mes por la Alianza.

Los Operadores Fantasmas destruyeron con éxito múltiples laboratorios de armas biológicas Cabal no revelados que albergaban enfermedades y virus como la gripe.

Trump dará su discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión hoy, que será un punto de pivote para que el proceso de transición avance.

El soldado humanitario fue informado para prepararse para los intercambios de RV esta semana.

La ventana de lanzamiento de RV actual permanece a las 11:58 PM de esta noche a después de la medianoche a las 12:01 AM.

Trump: la era de la entrega económica ha terminado por completo ' por Joseph Lawler | 30 de enero de 2018, 9:40 PM 

Elpresidente Trump declaró: "La era de la rendición económica ha terminado por completo". Añadió: "A partir de ahora, esperamos que las relaciones comerciales sean justas y recíprocas".(Win McNamee / Pool vía AP) Elpresidente Trump declaró una nueva postura agresiva sobre el comercio el martes por la noche durante su discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión, y dijo que los Estados Unidos ya no entregarían su ventaja comercial a otros países. "La era de la rendición económica ha terminado por completo", declaró Trump. "A partir de ahora, esperamos que las relaciones comerciales sean justas y, muy importante, recíprocas", dijo.


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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...