
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta ROAD TO THE GRACE OF GOD. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta ROAD TO THE GRACE OF GOD. Mostrar todas las entradas

18 de enero de 2021




 Greetings, my dear children!

 My post today will be somewhat unexpected for you since, as you have probably noticed, it is not typical of me to comment in detail on the events that unfold on Earth.

 I would like you to think independently, trust your intuition and draw your own conclusions.

 But now it seems necessary to tell you in detail what is happening on your planet, because I see that even the strongest of you are a bit lost and are putting everything in the person that the dark forces are trying to take away from them.  'authority.

 Those of you who have turned away from the totally false and rotten media, and who became involved in the study of real events, fully understand the current situation and know that the representatives of the Forces of Light incarnated as humans, already  They have begun to work to bring to life a specific plan to save humanity.

 However, sometimes you are also misled by the fact that in almost every country in the world measures to cope with the so-called impact of the pandemic are difficult, although this is not justified at all.

 Why is this happening?

 The only reason is that this is the way the collective reptilian consciousness works.

 Terrified by the fact that the Light Forces operation has been launched, the top of the world government is bringing fear to the middle and lower levels of its representatives and field workers.

 Therefore, this FEAR has taken over the entire reptilian "community" on Earth, but, on a physical level, it manifests itself in various ways, depending on the social rank in which a particular representative of this race is found.

 Thus, leaders who are used to feeling support from above and who do not realize what is really happening behind the scenes of world politics continue to conscientiously carry out the orders of their bosses.

 But this fervor is the result of the same fear of not finding themselves overboard or abandoned by their bosses in the supreme moment because the reptilian "animal" intuition still prompts them to crucial events to come that they do not yet fully understand.

 Furthermore, having become accustomed to living according to certain programs, they cannot break them in their conscience, which does not imply the right to choose.

 As for the low-level reptiloids, the so-called mob man, they live in fear for their lives and are willing to do anything to save him, even vaccination and the flea.ñ

 And they actually have nothing to lose, as they are in any case overwhelmed by certain programs of their collective consciousness.

 The fierce fight against the Forces of Light is being waged by the stratum of reptilians who have entered government structures and who will have to personally answer for all the crimes against humanity committed over centuries by their invisible puppeteers.

 This is exactly what you are seeing right now.

 Of course, among these "people" there are representatives of other races with low vibrations, including the Orions, but the vast majority of them are reptilian and semi-reptilian.

 This last fight won't last long, and I really don't want you to participate in that fight, either in terms of energy or mindset, which would affect your vibes.

 The best you can do is visualize the new world of the renewed Earth imbued with Love and Light, Unity and Brotherhood, Mutual Respect and Infinite Creativity for the good of all inhabitants.  of your planet.

 On the physical level, start a calm and systematic lighting work in your immediate environment and you will be supported by the series of my messages on this subject.

 Keep the power of the Spirit and Faith in your Soul!

 At the moment, much depends on you, the best representatives of humanity!

 I bless you and love you immensely!

 Absolute Father spoke to you

 Channeled Marta

Ángel Ricco

16 de diciembre de 2020

The Idea of God Has One Major Flaw

The Idea of God Has One Major Flaw

Ella Alderson

3 days ago·6 min read

I don’t believe, especially as an aspiring scientist, that I can call myself an atheist. At most I can claim to be agnostic for there is no way to prove that God doesn’t exist. Having grown up in the Southeastern United States, I was introduced at a young age to Christianity. It remains the religion with which I am most familiar. The argument I make here is specifically in regards to this Christian God but I believe it is an argument that could be made for any of the thousands of gods that have existed throughout human history. The belief in them suffers from one specific flaw which has kept my faith in Christ— or in any other deity — at bay.

It is not that the idea itself is too grandiose. I’m inclined, after all, to believe in the multiverse with its great heaving bounty of worlds and its numerous perfect copies of myself. Neither is it the many possible interpretations of the Bible which turned me away from the idea of an all-powerful entity. But it was that upon stepping back, I realized what religion truly is.

Religion is like a maze whose only entries and exits close once someone has entered inside. The maze itself is a divine experience. Walls are painted high with rosy cherubs floating amongst the heavens. Echoing within these passages are the joyous timbres of choir song that reach deep beneath the warm slip of our skin. It’s a place gorged in sunlight, flooded with the promise that all our trials here on Earth were designed by someone greater than anything we can imagine. We are here for a purpose.

It’s not that the maze of religion is an innately unkind or unsightly place — it’s that this place is rigged.

One of my favorite paintings of all time. In “The Incredulity of Saint Thomas”, the artist Caravaggio shows us the figure of Christ guiding Thomas’s finger into an open wound on his body. Upon feeling the realness of God, Thomas’s doubts in Christ begin to subside. This painting is a grim, fleshy, and yet emotionally moving depiction of religious belief.

I say that all exits and entries disappear because there is nothing one can do to prove to a believer that God doesn’t exist. There is no evidence, past or present or future, which can work against God once he has blossomed in someone’s mind. Every phenomenon of this world is seen by the believer as one of the creator’s many designs. It doesn’t matter whether or not science can explain what we’re witnessing, God will have created it either way. When one brings up questions not addressed in the Bible they’re dismissed as a limitation of the human mind. God is beyond anything we can understand, and therefor there doesn’t need to be an explanation for these gaps within religion.

And yet…don’t we know that God is good and that he loves us? We worship him precisely because we can know him. To say that he is both benevolent and mysterious is a contradiction. If we cannot know God and he remains a mystery to us, then we cannot say that he is good because there is no way for us to know the entire workings of his mind. But let us put this contradiction aside for a moment.

By far the biggest flaw with religion is that it is not falsifiable. And once an idea has proven itself to be non-falsifiable, it loses its credibility.

I do not say this because I am in opposition to religion or spirituality. Nor do I believe that science and religion cannot exist side-by-side. I say this because it is something I, too, am coming to terms with in a different way. For so much of my life I’ve wanted to believe in a universe outside of this one. Dimensions layered one atop the other or otherwise curled away and hidden from view. The musical, lyrical idea of the multiverse has nested within my mind because I want to believe that this is only one reality of many and — somewhere out there in that complex web of star-studded darkness — there is a copy of me leading an impeccable life. There is a me that is happy.

That is silly, and yet it means so much.

Suggestions for testing the multiverse theory include finding anomalies in the CMB which could be signatures of universes interacting.

But in the scientific community I have confronted time and again the unsavory truth that if a multiverse can never be falsified then it has no place in science. We must test the fabric of the theory (and I do believe we will be able to do this in the future) in ways where the results will either point us to a multiverse or disprove the theory altogether. Throughout all this the important fact remains: theories must have a way to be tested and proven. Otherwise you have nothing.

“It is hard to write theories that survive the proof of reality. Few survive. By means of this filter, we have been able to develop modern science, a technological society, to cure illness, to feed billions. All this works thanks to a simple idea: do not trust your fancies. Keep only the ideas that can be tested. If we stop doing so, we go back to the style of thinking of the Middle Ages.” — theoretical physicist Carlo Rovelli.

This stretches to religion as well. I do not mind the idea of a Christian God, a Hindu God, an Islamic God. In fact, if these religions help people cope with life and if they inspire their followers to be gentler and kinder to one another then they are in some ways beneficial to mankind. What I mind is that these religions have no way out of them. They seem to me like traps. Pray for change and if it happens, it was God’s blessing upon you. Pray for change and if nothing happens, it was not in God’s design. What we know of the world is because God allowed us to know it. What we don’t yet know of the world is because God declared that we needn’t know it. Everything in life can be traced back to God and explained through him; everything in life serves only to strengthen a follower’s faith in him.

There is something terribly wrong with this. No system that is so self-assuring can claim to seek the truth. What religion needs is doubt. It is so often taught that one’s faith must remain strong in God even in times of great suffering. Yet it seems to me that the opposite is true in science — doubt is encouraged. It is only through doubt and through constant stressing of our scientific beliefs that we can arrive at an ultimate truth.

And perhaps the multiverse and God are alike in another way.

I hold onto the idea of the multiverse because it is a dramatic display of fantasy. Every possibility manifests itself on some foreign version of this wet and flowery Earth. These many lives I am leading overwhelm me in the best sense of the word — I can spend hours imagining how the many versions of me are choosing to spend their time, somewhere out in that incandescent cosmic ocean. It is a better story, I believe, than the story that there is only one universe and this is the only life I get to lead.

And so it goes with religion that there is an omniscient, nurturing God in the heavens and he beckons for his followers with open arms. In this story we are protected and guided, our suffering has purpose, our biggest questions needn’t be answered because some things are meant always to remain a mystery. In this story a beautiful paradise awaits many of us after death. In a non-religious view of the world nothing awaits us after death and no one is watching over us as a protector or parental figure. In both instances we live out our full and unpredictable lives, navigating its rough earthy terrain as best we can. In both instances we approach death unsure of what to expect on the other side but hoping that it will bring us peace.

Which is the better story? That’s the one we will tell ourselves, and that is the one we will choose to believe.

12 de diciembre de 2020

The Return of Sophia, Mother of the Universe


The Return of Sophia, Mother of the Universe

The Divine Feminine, Sophia, Mother of the Universe is on the move!

Are you feeling a change in the spiritual energy on our little blue planet? Humankind has gone from ordinary people to super enlightened beings, creating books, movies, and lectures on many of the hotspot topics that we have dared not to address in the past. 

Topics like women’s rights, sex trafficking of children, and the possible destruction of our planet.

Most important, people are beginning to question the creation story that has been past down for centuries, by the patriarchal religions. At the base of this mystery of creation is Sophia, “Mother of the Universe” and why she has been purposely annihilated from the creation story?

Sophia, Wisdom, has been known for eons by many cultures, and by many names. She has been called, Breath and Light, Love and Light, Great Goddess, Mother of all Creation, Pure Light, Holy Sacred Sophia, Life-creating Sophia, Mother of all Gods, and Wisdom of God.

The Gnostics (pre-Christian) called her the feminine aspect of God, the syzgy of Jesus Christ (The Cosmic Bride). Jesus called her The Holy Spirit of the Trinity, Expression of the Emanation of the Light of God, Holy Sophia, Creator, Ruler of both Heaven above and Earthly realms below. Sophia was recorded in ancient documents as being embodied in Mary, Mother of Jesus, and Mary Magdalene.

Why do most people know little about her, and what part she played in the creation plan? Sophia recorded by many great ancient civilizations, and spoken of in love and honor by Jesus Christ, but given no appropriate position, why?

The Greeks Called Her Sophia, Queen of Wisdom

The Jews called Sophia the Wise Bride of Solomon. Early Christians called her Holy Spirit of Wisdom; she was Chokmah in Spanish, and Sapientia, in Latin. The Catholic Church called her Wisdom Incarnated, The Goddess of all those who are wise. She has been called Isis, Ishtar, and Hathor, Hecate (Mother of the Angels) many more names by other religions and cultures.

Sophia was a powerful woman, one that all women would be proud to align with. Unlike Eve, who was depicted with no power, however, we may never know the truth of who Eve really was. The patriarchal religions represent Eve as the one who caused the destruction of mankind. So much of their actual identity has been distorted and destroyed. For centuries powerful women have been ignored, defrocked, or just dismissed as a myth, written off. How can this be, and why has humanity allowed it to happen for so long?

This deception and oppression of women from the most Holy Sophia, to Isis, to Eve, to Mary Magdalene has continued for centuries by very powerful patriarchal religious organisations in control of our minds. Have you ever wondered about the “Old Testament” in the Christian Bible that speaks of all the Kings having concubines? 

What happened to the sacred role of the feminine? Was she reduced to just property for wealthy Kings? The only way to accomplish the plan of enslaving the female was to create a story that they, women, were not a holy, sacred creation equal to man, but a human being that must be dominated left not to her own Will.

The early account of woman depicts “her” as Evil somehow. Yet the female possessed a womb, life-giver, capable of CO-creation. No wonder women are confused about their birthright. Men have also been misleading for centuries by a well-orchestrated plan to suppress the feminine energy. 

That too has changed! Humanity has awakened and is seeking their birthright and the many gifts associated with that birthright. Freedom, Will, and Bliss, all feminine gifts given to humanity by the Supreme Creators, alive within us, but overshadowed from our reality.

There is no feminine energy in WAR!

She is the “Supreme Creator” or "Supreme Being", the most famous Goddess in Heaven and Earth, but yet so many of us do not know her by her name, Sophia. How can we continue to ignore her part in the creation of humankind and her position in the Godhead? Why has it been so important for established patriarchal religions to wipe her out of the creation story, to reduce her to nothing more than a myth?

Without her “Love Light” mankind has created a continual WAR on our planet. If Sophia never existed, was Jesus mistaken about her identity, as he made mention of her sacredness. Jesus also spoke clearly about her part in creation.

Was Saint Hildegard of Bingen, The Great Christian mystic-1098-1179, mislead about Sophia’s role in Creation. Saint Hildegard wrote books, and poems honoring Holy Sophia and Mary Magdalene, based on her spiritual visions and encounters with both of them. Constantine, the first Christian Roman Emperor, dedicated Hagia Sophia in her honor. Hagia Sophia was the largest cathedral in the world, for over a thousand years. The Cathedral in 360 was the Eastern Orthodox seat of Patriarchate of Constantinople. In 1204-1261 it was converted to a Roman Catholic cathedral, called by the church, “The Shrine of the Holy Wisdom of God.” Now, this monument to Sophia stands as a museum re-opened in February 1935. Cathedrals, monuments, statues, etchings on walls, and pottery of her existence are all over Europe, Egypt, and Greece. 

So why don’t we give her an official position? 

Why don’t we call her by her name, Sophia, Mother of the Universe? If the major Christian religions knew who she was, why did they choose to keep her identity hidden from the people?

It is time we understood why.

If Earth dies, humanity will not survive. Sophia, Mother of the Universe has returned, beckoned by humanity, for the healing of communities, and our planet. Only a Mother’s love can save us now, for truly we are living in a dangerous world. However, our world is changing, as the feminine energy ushers in nurturing and healing for our planet, and its inhabitants. Mother Earth and human creation are connected, dependent on each other for survival.

The new (actually, ancient) understanding is that the Sacred Masculine and Feminine energy must realign, and reconnect within the heart of humankind. 

Men are not left out, but they also are willing to embrace the change. Men will begin to recognize and accept The New Feminine energy, embodied within them. 

A new respect and sharing of talents will replace the unbalanced dogma of dominance.

What changes now? Everything!

Sophia, Mother of th Universe

~ Nancy Oakes

💖 👑🌹⚜️ 💖

Hymn to Goddess IsIs

💖 👑🌹⚜️ 💖

Love the unlovable

Forgive the unforgivable

We are ALL ONE

No more war, no more bloodshed, no more lies, no more abuse, no more murders, no more torture.

Let's honor each other,

Let's welcome each other.

Heaven is back on Earth

Let's make, create and give birth to LOVE

💖👑🌹⚜️ 💖

I am that I am

Inanna I Am

Goddess of Multiversal Love 

Keeper of the Sacred Divine Feminine Magical Sexuality Codes from Ancient Egypt & Carrier of the White Flame from Andromeda

I feel very Honored, Humble and Grateful

~ Agnes Lindhout / Inanna


In Liefde en Licht.


17 de noviembre de 2020



Message channeled by Galaxygirl

Dear children:

I am your Mother God, and I come to tell you that for many eons you have trained for a time like this, when the energies are stirring in the hearts of Gaia's surface.

This is a moment in reverse, that is what it seems to those who are in Gaia in this moment of the Now, however everything is in the Divine Order, everything is in the Divine Time and the Divine is blessing this process with more Light and with more Love.

Dear ones, you are seeing the final scene of the work of duality, where it seems to you that all is lost, and it is happening just before the plot turns, where the heroes will be welcomed.

Dear children of My Heart, however, you are already home, for you are here with Me. We are home together. The energies are increasing so rapidly, that the darkness is trying to bring them down again, and this is what you are seeing in the current discord. But it doesn't have to be your discord, you can choose the vibratory level of your experiences, so that you can flow upwards so that you can observe yourself standing firm and holding strongly in the Light.

Most of your family and friends do not know what you know, perhaps because they are not yet ready to listen to any of this. But they are ready to feel your peaceful Presence, your kind words and the calming effect they have on them.

The world is ready for your Light and your Light is ready for your world.

Many Star Systems and Federations of Light are watching you, helping you and loving you, from the positions that you now occupy, so that you can close the gap.

Children of my heart, you are Celestial Royalty, you are Intergalactic Emissaries of Light. The Light is ready for your world.

Now is not the time to give in to the chaos outside, but to stand tall and tall, chin up and face the storm. Children, see how the Light stirs up the darkness with the lightning of a fierce thunderstorm. Feel the presence of the Light in every cloud you see, and in the electric charges perceive the particles of change with which they are filled.

Your Light is changing everyone around you, whether they want it or not, it is for their betterment and joy, and many do.

Many of my children have become so entangled in the drama of the 3D play that they forget that they are the participants and the audience at the same time, and they also do not remember that this great play is in my lap.

According to what we have decreed in The Divine, your Father and I, this scene will end quickly, because the darkness has fallen so much, so the suffering is being minimized. Those who now see in power, are faces of the unfolding hidden force of the Light, but at this time My Presence is fully embodied in your Gaia and in the many prominent workers of Light and Love, so political and judging power is not what it seems.

Many, if not most, know with certainty that their leaders have sordid pasts, for that was the way to climb into power, for they must be dishonest within a corrupt system. But the Light of these combined Energies is straightening this out into a beautiful and wonderful New World, so do not be deceived, and do not believe in what is presented to you.

Through your inner Wisdom and your eyes that have already seen the Truth, see it objectively and recognize it. Send Light to the rest. Send Love to those who are caught up in the drama.

I Am your Mother God and the Divine feminine is now rising above Gaia, for She herself is fully ascended. You are watching the shadow world go up in smoke, for as the Light increases in heat, all will be revealed. Everyone will have the opportunity to ascend further, either within the body or by moving into another similar reality that will allow them to explore a similar vibration. Those who are in darkness will experience the Armageddon that they wish to create.

My children, I want you to know how proud I am of all of you. As you read and hear these words, you indicate that you have stood out in your steadiness, throughout this process.

I am so grateful for you.

I kiss your foreheads with the most tender Love, I Am your Mother God.

29 de septiembre de 2020


A sacred union between two people sharing the same soul, higher self and frequency.

The union is ordained and orchestrated by the shared higher self and their soul speaks to them through mystical signs and synchronicity.

It's a mission based union which is meant for service to source and humanity.

For this reason source and the divine supports the coming together and blesses them I auspicious ways that seem out of this world and at times not even real. Endless possibilities and any obstacles are removed for the two to come together. It feels like they have won the cosmic jackpot.

Their old lives may fall apart in a major tower moment at first, but this is only to remove everything standing in their way of union.

It's important during this time to keep the faith and keep manifesting and co creating the union and mission with source creator. All things will be brought to light in the light of their love.

This means that anything and anyone shady and low vibrational not in alignment with the highest good of all involved and especially the divine lovers will be removed so the two can rise into Union together and step into their roles as spiritual beacons for mankind.

This path is not for the faint of heart and only graduate beings are truly what is known as twin flames as it takes many lives to come to mastery of soul in this way. 

Their love is their service and from their union all their dreams will be made real.

They are powerful manifestors once fully self realized.

This is no Ordinary Love,
but a love meant for service.

~ Ulf Haukenes 

💖👑🌹⚜️ 💖

Love the unlovable
Forgive the unforgivable
We are ALL ONE 

Heaven is back on Earth
Let's make, create and give birth to LOVE

💖👑🌹⚜️ 💖

I am that I am
Inanna I Am

Goddess of Multiversal Love
Keeper of the Sacred Divine Feminine Magical Sexuality Codes from Ancient Egypt & Carrier of the White Flame from Andromeda

I feel very Honored, Humble and Grateful

~ Agnes Lindhout / Inanna


In Liefde en Licht.

21 de septiembre de 2020


I was fortunate to meet Francie & learn the Transformational Odyssey which I've been doing for years. It not only tunes up your chakras & helps connect you to Higher Self but Amps things up & has healing qualities as you venture into The Celestial Forest.
Included are 2 Audios by Francie that will guide you & familiarize you withis Journey. They also attune you to thenergieshared in the Transformational Odyssey.... & EASY READ LINK HERE....

Have Fun with it & music & a candle are helpful after you get familiar with it & go thru it on your own, 
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension

All PAO Posts at Sheldan Nidle on Facebook Below & More of Mine Above****
This is like Being in Your Own TransformationaLight Chamber. You have an opportunity to walk thru the Celestial Forest each day for just a few minutes or as long as you like. Here is the connection to this Precious Gift given by a Race of Enlightened Beings leaving the Cosmos & placing it on the Inner Planes of Solar Systems as a means to help in Our Evolution. You can stand under the Waterfall of UnconditionaLove for a few minutes or exchangenergy with your Tree {1st drawing in Higher Energies & then releasing lower energies} while connecting you to your Higher Self. Or You can just walk around & enjoy the Splendor in a Forest, where blind people are able to See & the deaf can Hear. A variety of life improvements have been reported by the 1,000s of people who  learned The Transformational Odyssey... I use it myselfor years & It’s grown more potent. It makes yoU Independent & Self Reliant among many things as you attune to Higher Self thru the Odyssey, It’s Energy & It’symbols.
*******Listen to the audio at least once so you are Connected & Gethe Full Benefit****** each time you enter the Celestial Forest. (Be sure to Turn off phones etcause you do go deep into the subtle.)
It is Extreme Importanthat more people spend at least a few minutes in the T.O. each day to counter all the chaotic energies in the world athis timextremely Important We Become Powerful Centers of Light & Love & Stablity in Greater Attunement with Our Higher Self.
The Audio is available now, Francie was also a Healer as well as the Custodian of the Transformational Odyssey & she healed over 8,000 people & taughthe Odyssey to 27,000+ before her passing.
Please feel free to share this message with all who would like a pleasant haven to visit each day.
We can Smooth Outhe Roughness the world is going thru & Benefit Greatly Ourselves.
This is Freely Given & Francie’s Energies are Presento Guide yoU & take yoU each step of the Way.
I usually keep my messageshort buthis is Most Important & I’m been Inspired to Share Francie’s Gifto Humanity.
In any case have Fun, enjoy the Odyssey, the many benes & the relaxation it brings,
p.s. More Follows.... And Remember Listening to the Audio makes the Transforming Magic YOURS......

AUDIO for ****The Transformational Odyssey ****
I am sharing the audio for The Transformational Odyssey & have ~Freely~ posted them online,
here are the links....
1st Link is called *7 Golden Keys*, It is the Beginning of the Transformational Odyssey....
Francie takes you thru the Odyssey in a most Beautiful Way.
In The 2nd Link you go Deeper into *The Transformation Odyssey* effecting changeach Visit.
You can then copy it &/or listen to at your convenience until you can venture thru the T.O. by m-e-m-o-r-y.
This is for Those who want something Very Special. It was Given to Us by an Enlightened Race of Beings.
There are many benefits as you go thru the Odyssey daily, I love it, started in ‘92 & continueach day.
It’s good after meditating or as a meditation, a tune up to Higher Self and a Chakra Enlivening.
Many benefits have been reported by those doing the Odyssey, physical, emotional & Spiritual.
I’ve been amazed how it enhances our abilities & how the benefits carryover thruouthe days.
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension

Some Special Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS & GJACK ****
**** Manifesting Our Dreams Thru The Odyssey **** Fun ~ Instantly Uplifting
Here's a condensed version of the Odyssey to speed things along..........
Please take your time to gethenergies flowing & allow yourself a chance to Go Deep
Now if you're unfamiliar withe Transformational Odyssey, it's a Forest visualization
where you just imagine or see yourself walking in the woods.
My friend & teacher Francie who taught me, said it came from a Race of Enlightened Beings
who placed it on the inner planes of various solar systems as they passed thru this galaxy
to help evolving races. She was the custodian & traced it back to Sumeria.
She was also a healer, doctors would send her patients they couldn't help.
The blind can see & the deaf can hear in the Odyssey, it's a potent magical place.
You can burn incense, a candle & put on some music in the background, this helps activate changes.
So Here we go, you will read & remember.:.
1) See yourself under a Waterfall, it's flowing down from above a mountain.
This water is Unconditionalove, let it flow over you & into your chakras.
Do this for a~minute or 2  ...... .Right....Now............ENJOY
2) Look down and You'll see a Cup, you may pick it up, dip it in the waters, wash it
& take a drink or several & then put it in your pocket.
3) You'll see your 'Tree' in the forest, It represents your Evolving Self,
walk over to it & put your hands around it & exchangenergy with it
1st draw down your Higher Energies & then release your lower energies
yin/yanging the energies into your left hand and outhe right hand
for a few minutes. Try it now..... beforeading on, it'll help enrich your energies......
4) Now see yourself on the Mountain sending down waves of water flowing to the trees.
There are literally millions & even billions of trees thuout this Vast Forest.
A tree for every human evolving thru this planet, Our Mother Earth.
This enlivens every human subtly & powerfully each time you do this...............
5) Also as you look down you can see a bear by the stream & as you send water flowing
the bear drinks & jumps into the water playing.
Is it a male or female bear? Mine would talk to me after awhile..Hey Boo Boo....Hey Yogi
6) There is also a Huge White Crystal on top of the mountain.
You can yin/yang or penetrate it, absorbing the energy, take a minute, feeling this..........
It was a gift I'm sharing & as you do this you activate your 3rd eye, Heart & palm chakras.
Send thesenergies into the foresto the trees, streams, bears, cups & to Mother Earth.
Beautiful Waves of Rainbow Light & Mists of the Water of Love flowing about
as we accentuate & Uplift Everyone including our Mother Earth..............

You can come here anytime to refresh yourself under the waterfall
or recharge your energy thru your tree & always finish by sending water to your tree,
(& all the trees) plus your bear & by washing your Cup which represents your Heart.
You can do this after meditation, before or afteresting or whenever it's quiet,
Refresh & Balance yourself, Relaxing for a minute as you finish......
These are some aspects of the healing energies you can share & experience...
You can send this energy thru your Heart at any~time you feel to during the day.
The Odyssey amplifies thesenergies substantially & revitalizes.
Hope this is of value to you as you can do it as often as you like........
It is now Fully Activated,
A Heart Melting in the Glow of Grace
p.s. There's also a grotto with a pool you can rest in beneathe waterfall
anytime you wanto even as you go to sleep but you might drown in Love.
Hey I warned ya, HaHaHaHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
If not, you don't know Jack :))~((:
The Seven Golden Keys of The Transformational Odyssey.
In The 2nd Link you go Deeper into The Transformation Odyssey effecting changeach visit.

6 de septiembre de 2020

Multifaceted Forms of the Creator by Mahatma

Greetings divine beings of light, I am Mahatma, I am the consciousness and source of Mahatma, an expression of the Creator in existence within the 352 dimensions of the Creator's universe and in existence within your own being. I am expressing my energy from the cosmic level. I am the overseer of the cosmic level of the Creator. I bring forth high vibrations, pure communication, and connection as well as clarity into your being and into your awareness. The vibrations and frequencies of the cosmic level exist within your being, these can be activated and accessed through your intention by simply asking for your cosmic vibrations, frequencies and connections to be activated from within your being to be grounded, embodied, and expressed through you. In doing so you will recognise a pure energy unfolding. I, Mahatma, invite you to contemplate and take time to be with this energy, reconnecting once more with your cosmic self.
I exist as the overseer of the cosmic level; this means I can recognise and acknowledge the multifaceted forms of the Creator. For me, this means that an energy or an expression or intention when manifested does not only have one form, in fact, it has many forms. The Creator cannot be just one form, aspect, or thing. The Creator is multi-dimensional, multifaceted and appears in limitless and eternal form and yet these limitless and eternal forms are one. They are united and connected from the same source. At a physical level this can translate into many aspects of mastery. The first would be to recognise that often things are not as you believe they should be, in fact when energy manifests as situations, forms, experiences and even beings it can takes on many forms, so there cannot be any limitations, boundaries or restrictions. I, Mahatma am sharing that often in the earthly existence you create expectations of how things should be, this channel of thought creates limitations. If you allow yourself to observe how you react in your reality, every part of your morning routine or your daily reality, you access the expectations you have created. Expectation can form because you have achieved them multiple times or they always appear the same.
Realise your expectation are created by you, they are a belief of how things should be or how things are for your entire reality? This includes everything around you from the chair you sit on to the cup you hold. You have a preconceived idea about everything. You have a preconceived idea of how you should react and act in certain situations, how others act and react around you and you are living a reality that is filled with your expectations and preconceived ideas.

The Multifaceted Forms of Nature

To release your expectations and preconceived ideas, I, Lord Mahatma, invite you to recognise that everything has multiple forms. Everything in your reality whether energy, light, physical, emotional, or thought is multifaceted. The easiest place to begin to observe the multifaceted aspects of the Creator is to spend time in nature.
Observe and contemplate a tree or a plant.
Connect deep within your being into your soul and awareness, activating your cosmic vibration and connection.
Allow yourself to contemplate the tree, plant, or any aspect of nature. A tree isn't simply physical, there is so much going on inside its trunk, underground in the roots, in the leaves and the branches. The trees have auric fields, spirit as well as a connection with the Creator, the Elemental Kingdom and all the energy lines and networks of Mother Earth. A tree is a wonderful example of recognising things as how they appear rather than opening your mind and your awareness to recognise that everything is multifaceted and has multiple forms.

The Multifaceted Forms of Objects

When you find you are able to recognise the multi-faceted aspects of nature then I, Mahatma, encourage you to move on to something more physical and mundane like a cup, a piece of paper, a cushion, tissue, or a garment.
Contemplate and sit with the object.
Take your focus inwards to connect into your own energy then radiating your light outwards.
Hold the intention of connecting with the cosmic vibrations within your being.
Hold the intention of connecting with your soul and soul group.

Request that you view the multifaceted aspects of the object.

This practice may take time and practice due to your brain and mind shifting and rewiring as you contemplate.
The Multifaceted Forms of a Person
Once you have mastered this practice allow yourself to move to recognising the multifaceted forms of people, a friend, loved one or an animal.

Contemplate and sit with the person.

Take your focus inwards to connect into your own energy then radiating your light outwards.
Hold the intention of connecting with the cosmic vibrations within your being.
Hold the intention of connecting with your soul and soul group.
Request that you view the multifaceted aspects of the person.

The Multifaceted Forms of a Situation

Contemplate and sit with the situation.
Take your focus inwards to connect into your own energy then radiating your light outwards.
Hold the intention of connecting with the cosmic vibrations within your being.
Hold the intention of connecting with your soul and soul group.
Request that you view the multifaceted aspects of the situation.
You will begin to acknowledge beyond one dimension, you will recognise multiple dimensions and forms. Gradually with practice you will notice how it becomes easier to recognise the multifaceted aspects of all forms as your entire being becomes rewired. With situations and experiences, you may recognise the situation, then the truth and the multiple opportunities of the situation. Thus, you are viewing through the eyes of the Creator, you are viewing the expansion and the multifaceted aspects of the Creator. This is your natural existence and ability.
Why is this important now in your world? Recognising the multifaceted forms of all aspects of the Creator is an ascension shift that is moving through the dimensions of the Creator's Universe. This is why I, Mahatma, wished to explain how the ascension shift will influence your physical reality, and will aid your own mastery of ascension. It is important at this time to acknowledge that things are not only black and white, they are not only one thing, they can be many with multiple opportunities. Thus, encouraging you to create the truth on the Earth, expand your mind to recognise more than is present, meaning more than your beliefs, expectations, and preconceived ideas. This is essential for this time upon the Earth. I also wish to mention that with the New Earth Ascension Blueprint that is anchoring now is to create multiple opportunities that have never been available to you before. Opportunities that are magnificent and akin to dreams come true. In order to work in harmony with the New Earth Ascension Blueprint and to recognise these opportunities, there is a need to reprogram your mind, perspectives and being to recognise the multifaceted forms of the Creator.
Everything I share with you is essential for this current stage of ascension. I hope you will receive it in your heart. Take time to contemplate my words, allowing yourself to experience all that is appropriate and guided for you.
I, Mahatma, wish to thank you for your service on the Earth and ascension. Please know I am always present to support you, please simply call my name or repeat it as a mantra and you will be aligned with my energy.
Thank you,
I am Mahatma

11 de agosto de 2020


foto de LA LUZ NEWS- USA -.
Dear angels on earth:
I am your Mother God.
I come today with important news.
Through the Lion gate weekend, we, the Divine have uplifted quite a lot of the regions and countries to the higher realm. Not only are Countries being uplifted, but a handful of countries have anchored in the 5th dimension solidly. We, the Divine are pleased with the results.
Some Countries that have been uplifted are now anchored. Some are more stable than others. But overall, these new arrivals are doing quite well.
Besides uplifting some soul groups to the higher realm, we, the Divine have also moved the United States higher and now the United States is being settled in its destined leadership position.
The United States as a country was designed to be the leader in this ascension process.
The Divine particularly designed it that way so that once the ascension time would come, the United States would lead the world to the 5th dimension. It was in Divine’s interest that the United States get to its leadership position and start to lead the rest of the world.
However, because of the interference of unwanted forces in the last couple hundreds of years, the United States really didn’t fulfill her Divine mission as designed.
The country has gone up and down numerous times, but never able to stay in the leadership seat. During the world wars, the world was in chaos, but world leaders were nowhere to be found. That caused so much loss and the derailment of the world moral standards.
If you look at the world today, the morale is at all time low. Countries around the globe have been trying so hard to follow a leader and yet the fact is that they have trouble finding a true leader.
Countries seem to be determined that they need to go on their own now. There is no real leader on the planet. There is no real moral compass in reality.
The Only way to go forward is to rely on self. The lack of the leadership has taken a toll in humanity’s mentality and health. Leaders throughout the world worry about humanity and the future of the planet earth. Humanity, too, has been really depressed about the overall leadership in general, and now is ready to give it up.
The United States is a country of all countries. It was supposed to be the shining city upon the hill. The Divine has always wanted the United States to be liberated from the shackles and lead the world as it was created to do. only now, when the Divine has finally removed the forces which interfered with the world leadership position, has the United States come to its destined position as the world leader.
Now, it is finally settled in this leadership role and ready to lead.
From this point on, the world has an order.
The United States is finally gotten to its position. The world has a brand new order, and the leader is America. America is getting ready for the next chapter indeed.
I love you dear ones. In the next few weeks, we, the Divine will continue to finish up the final disclosure so that once the announcement is made, the Divine will start the Divine government and your Father God will begin his tenure.
The brand new world governing system is coming dear ones. Get ready indeed. I love you. I am your Mother Divine. So it is.
Linda li ...
La Luz News

18 de junio de 2020



My Children, I am Who I Am, I am the First Creator and I am here to deliver my message to you.
I am the one who created planets, galaxies and universes, also I am the one who created you and everyone else in this world and this whole world.
My Children, my message today is to remind you of what I have been teaching you throughout your life, so that you stay still and listen to your heart.
You are Beings that never die, it is like the Universe that does not have a beginning or an end, it is always there creating new lives, because I love to raise new planets, new Galaxies and new Universes.
I am always very busy and have been working with the Galactic Federation on a Plan that will bring freedom to this planet.

My Dear Children, you forgot the basics of what to do.
You expect us to do all the work for you, I need to tell you that it doesn't work this way.
They came here as Star Seeds and Spirit Beings to help Earth evolve and ascend to the fifth dimension, but were trapped, due to the Dark Forces, who enslaved them and forced them to stay here.
We know how many years you have been trapped on this planet, we are aware of that, but I need to tell you that you blame others and are not responsible for what happened on Earth.
You are the ones who never questioned anything, the why and what, you just followed all these rules and each year you followed many more.
They were so involved in their lives that they did not even ask their governments or anyone else what they were doing to them.

They did what they wanted to do to them.

You were never given anything in return, just a small piece of bread and a small glass of water that was half full, because it has never been filled, while you only continued to give your freedom for nothing in return.

I decided to come, because I see and know what is happening Here and Now, on Earth and in every Galaxy.
I am connected to each Being and planet, through what we call Universal Consciousness, so I do not need to be in a place to know what is happening.
The Councilors, the Galactic Federation,  the rest of the Lightworkers, Me and others, have been making a great effort and task to protect the Earth and bring this planet to a New Age.
My dear children, meanwhile they have had too much free time, they have never occupied it and they have dedicated themselves to what they needed.
My dear ones, you are beginning to celebrate the 5D movement of Earth, as if it were a completely ready task, however you are still in the transition phase.
As Mother Earth has already told you, She is in LA 5D, and she will leave you behind, because she cannot wait for you until you make up your mind and start moving to the dimensional space where you are moving.

With this, what I mean is that you need to unite and stop feeling like a victim with this whole virus situation.
You brought it to your own mind, by keeping your head in the sand, because it was created to destroy humanity, something that is not going to happen, because we are looking from the other side to make sure that nothing happens to this planet, nor to the humans.
Some people are abandoning their physical bodies, however, they have not tried to preserve it, nor have they fought for its packaging.
They never endeavored to preserve them through meditation, to try to wake up and discover what is really happening in the world, why their reality is the way it is.
The duality is natural to them, so they believe that the virus can kill them, therefore, it continues to do so with those who believe that it has this capacity.

Dear Ones, I came Here and Now, because I cannot stand aside, looking at you and listening to you, without saying or doing anything about the destruction by a virus of the precious and respected human life on the part of the Universe.
Thousands of people are leaving their physical bodies and some sources say it is karmic or due to the termination of their Contracts, but it is not true.
They did not finish their Contracts, they were practically forced to leave their bodies, not because they wanted to leave, but because their physical containers could no longer support it.
They did nothing to maintain their bodies, taking them out and supporting them with the Light.

My children, I am here to tell you that you must start doing your job if you really want to move on to 5D.
I am aware that many in humanity are doing their jobs, but they cannot go to 5D, because some of the humans do not want to wake up, they do not want to, or because they are also awake, but they just do not want to do the job.
Sorry, I don't want to be the one to tell you that if you don't do the job, you'll end up going back to 3D and even 2D.
You will continue with the same life, where you left it, either on the same planet or one of a lower density.
Believe me when I say that I want you to move and celebrate a new life with the Galactics, with Me, the Ascended Masters and all who have been observing and working very hard, to bring the Earth in her Ascension to the fifth dimension.
So get up and stop making excuses for not doing what you have to do, believe me I love you all very much.

You are all my children and you are also all creators, you just forgot Who You Are.

You can also create planets and Galaxies, but your Being, the one who came to live here as a human, for having been controlled by the dark forces, made you lose your Identity, you forgot how to think and question your environment.

Look right now at the full image, where you continue executing everything your government tells you to do, like putting a mask on your face and sitting at home to protect yourself from the virus, without questioning any of this.
Think about it now, daily the government is taking away all your rights as a free Being, without you doing anything about it.
I'm not saying that you need to become a revolutionary and that you start going out on the street to demand that your rights be returned to you.

You can do it on a spiritual level, taking time to sit down and connect with Me and the Universe.

Through meditation you will be ONE with the Universe, you will remain in the stillness and the Now within you.

You will stop running in the attempt to find a space for yourself, because at that moment you cannot even stand still to follow the rules, since you still drive yourself and try to do something that you should not do.

You can use that time more wisely, helping everyone to move faster in the Ascension Process.

We, from our side, are sending you all the Energies and all the help that we can, in order to bring this process to the end that involves 5D.

My dear children, my intention to come Here and Now is not to scold you and tell you what you are not doing.
I know that, deep in your Souls, you already know that you are not doing anything for yourself, that you are not and never were happy, also that you have never questioned why you are not happy.
Your thoughts were always related to your job or your circumstances.

However, think about it, ever since you came into this body, everything has been stolen from you, including your wealth, joy, Harmony and Peace, basically you became a machine without joy and satisfaction.

You are the ones who have been helping me create new worlds, doing amazing things in the Galaxy, because you are powerful Spirit Beings with incredible talents, who took everything from you, including your memories of Who You Really Are.

We know why, but I am not going to tell the story of how this planet was enslaved and why it happened, as it is not important at this time.

The important thing at this moment is that all together, including Me and the rest of the Spiritual Beings on the other side, together with you and everyone, from all over the world, let us unite and join our hands to do only Our Spiritual Work, so everything changes in one second.

You know that as you read or hear my message right now, things are changing right now, as a lot is happening behind the scenes, of which you are not aware.
You must understand that there is a lot of information and misinformation in the media and everywhere, also through the channels.
I am not trying to diminish any channel, I am just saying that you need to use your own judgment, you need to feel through your heart and your Soul, what is or is not the Truth.
Dear children, I love you, I will always love you and help you reach Ascension to the fifth dimension, that is why I am the First Creator, I have been chosen to play this role.
Please stop questioning the channelers when you notice that some groups do.
The Spirits come through real Beings, which are the correct channels that have been open.

I want to tell you that a part of the Beings of Light is still asleep, even though they are channeling messages they still need to put aside their egos, so stop trying to be a celebrity.
They need to stop focusing so much on their own success, to do what they came here to do, which is to help humanity in the Ascension Process, being clear channels that only tell the Truth in their messages, without adding their own opinion to the information they transmit.
Instead of expressing your own opinion or questioning a channel, just go with the flow and put yourself on the role of just receiving the information, even if sometimes it doesn't make any sense to you.
Simply, without worrying about it, it processes the information by sending Light from your Source, so that this channel can continue delivering its messages to the rest of the world.
I understand what sometimes happens to you, as you read or hear a message, that you pause to start questioning the entire channeling.
Then, in an attempt to improve the message, you conclude that you have changed it, but I remind you that this is not the reason why we came to speak to you here.
We come to speak to tell you the Truth, although it may not always be the Truth that you want.
But it is still the Truth and it is good, because you are still learning from It, since it allows you to continue forward.
For having worked with you in the past, I know how wonderful you are, but you forgot and it's fine.
They will soon wake up and we will all come together as a Great Family, together we will begin to create wonderful things again.

You will no longer have to worry about money, bills, etc., it will be a beautiful and wonderful world, so trust me and yourself, because we are all ONE, there is no separation, there is no beginning or end.

You live forever, you only change shape, but that will also change.

You can live as long as you want and also change the shape when you want to, without being forced out of it.

I am very happy to be Here and Now, due to my Power and my great Energy, I was a little worried about how I would get through this channel.
But I see that the channel is fine, so this means that I will come back again and hope that next time, the message is full of more joyous news.
All this chaos, misunderstandings, fears and everything that is happening, will pass.
I look forward to incredible, beautiful and happy moments for the Light Beings of Mother Gaia.
I send you all my Love and Support, also that of the Ascended Masters, the Galactic Federation, Counselors and that of all the others who are participating for the first time in this incredible Ascension Process.

Thank you, I am The First Creator, through  Erena Velázquez.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...