
8 de abril de 2016

real evidence that a world war is prepared

ILLUMINATIS real evidence that a world war is prepared

the Illuminati

The documentary describes how the occultists political system of the United States and Britain is controlled by a small elite group who have sworn allegiance to Lucifer.Durante more than two centuries, the aristocracy of Britain and America have taken part in societies secret satanic infiltrating politics, the media and the army. 

the documentary "the Illuminati" is based on historical records, images and photos that will take the viewer on a journey of discovery starting with the JFK assassination, the Gulf war or as members of the secret society "Skull and Bones" manipulated the presidential elections of 2000 and 2004 in the United States. The documentary also exposes the links between Aleister Crowley (the father of Satanism), Freemasonry and the Royal Family of Britain who had ties with Nazism. The Illuminati Vol.1 - New World Order. 

This documentary covers a large spectrum of different topics. Topics covered include: Bill Clinton under hypnosis - How the Presidential 1992 fixed - The Free Tibet Campaign - Aleister Crowley and the eye that everything ve- Jewish vampyrism - Images CIA MK Ultra Mind Control Program s - Kabbalah - knights Templar and the Holy Grail - OTO - satanic images of British Royal Family s coat of arms - Bohemian Grove and The Manhattan Project - The ritual torture in Iraq - The Antichrist of the Koran - The Jewish Antichrist - Magic Sigil - Occult Symbols - Corporate Logos - The Golden Demon son of satan and more ... The Illuminati Vol.2 - The Antichrist Conspiracy.

The Illuminati 3 Volume: Murdered by the Monarchy is the latest version of Enigma Motion Pictures. A long, hard look is needed in the grisly history of "Royalty" and shows how beaten, killed and tortured make their way to power. Also it is seen in the events surrounding the untimely death of Princess Diana and discloses royalty who prefer to remain hidden. After seeing this film 'Real' is the last word you will use to describe them . "... Rasputin, Jack the Ripper, the sadistic sex romps in the castle of the Marquis de Sade, Nostradamus in the French royal court, in the real life Dracula Prince impaling virgins, forced campaign of Ivan the Terrible of cannibalism, the links between Freemasonry, the Templars and the royal families of Europe as well as the historical facts behind the hidden temples underground and catacombs in place where Princess Diana was killed ... you can not take one breath with all the rabid hatred and murder at the hands of the real constitution ... This film is a powerful exhibition of torture, strangulation, poisoning, rape , hangings, impalings and methods of vehicular homicide perpetrated by real throughout history ... Alarming elite, not a minute of this film (which lasts more than two hours) slides in any way the theoretical rhetoric - all evidence is supported by large amounts of documents, old photographs and movies ... the revelations about king Solomon, the ancient book of spiritual communication called the Goetia, and the secondary role of Aleister Crowley in the gruesome murders of Jack the Ripper is all the new evidence that is sweet to my eyes and ears. the new film by Chris Everard, published by Enigma Motion Pictures, follow this rebel assault, British director of the senses, the combination of an educational background, historical documentary, which is both erudite and shocking time. A film definitely not for the feint of heart, but must for those of us who want to make sense of evil at the pinnacle of government and society. " The Illuminati Vol.3 Murdered by The Monarchs.

The Volume 4 continues the hidden illuminati three US presidents career, and exposes for the first time in the film Black Magic seances conducted by Dr. John Dee Queen Elizabeth the first in the 1500s - These convened seances demons described in the ancient "Book of Howl ', also known as the" Goetia "- the demons prescribed a method of controlling the hearts and minds of all people on Earth - and recommended that divides our planet into a number of regions and states - what we now call "the New World Order." the Illuminati Vol.4: Brotherhood of the Beast.

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