
10 de mayo de 2016


We all know that after the treaty was negotiated TTIP (transatlantic trade and investment partnership) is a set of dark interests that the governments of the respective countries defend swashbuckling.
And they have nothing to do with the welfare, progress or the rights of their people.
on May 7, the day of German Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten news, published an article entitled " the United States is planning a frontal attack on the European courts through the TTIP", in which he revealed that "the urgency US to sign the TTIP has a solid reason: mega - banks should be protected from the claims of European investors who claim they were cheated during the debt crisis, which has revealed so probably involuntary US ambassador in Italy " as we shall see, the revelation of the US ambassador to Italy has nothing of "involuntary" and actually put on the table why the rush to Obama for signing the agreement. by sum it up quickly: the big US banks are afraid to be sued in European courts due to the debt crisis and its deceptive practices. If the lawsuits filed against them in Europe thrive, they will be forced to pay substantial compensation for their scams and malpractices. The only solution to avoid. Sign the TTIP But this great maneuver to protect the interests of large US banks, can also protect large banks that have incurred the same kind of malpractices and can be seen doomed to the same allegations. the US ambassador to Italy mentioned a particular case, albeit cryptic did not refer to any large US bank, but one German: Deutsche Bank, probably with the intention of forcing the Germans to sign the agreement as quickly as possible, to protect their mega - banks against potential lawsuits from foreign investors who decide to denounce the deceptions to which they were subjected by banks. In the case of Deutsche Bank, has received the complaint of investors from the Italian city of Trani, a town of 53,000 inhabitants. Regarding this case, it is noted that Reuters published on 6 May: "Italian prosecutor investigating the Deutsche Bank on the sale of bonds of 2011 , "and reported that," An Italian prosecutor is investigating the Deutsche Bank (DBKGn.DE) on sales of 7.000 billion euros of Italian government bonds five years ago. A prosecutor in Trani, a city in southern Italy, is investigating the case because the Deutsche Bank allegedly told clients in a research note in early 2011, there was no concern with the public debt of Italy and then sold almost 90% of its own holdings of Italian bonds possessed. " rating agencies of US bonds, are also the subject of complaint in this case, since investors in the city of Trani, they had been based in their false bond ratings to make the investment. Thus, the cryptic words of the US ambassador to Italy, represent an undercover Obama administration to Germany and other countries message, to force a quick deal and sign the TTIP, protecting and the big banks. (which in fact serve politicians). Obama-and-Merkel1 Obama, through his Italian ambassador, seems to be indicating that if the TTIP not become law, the mega - banks in Europe (and rating agencies bond US S & P, Moody 's and Fitch) may continue to be demanded by all deceived investors, as has been happening with US banks such as JP Morgan / Chase and Goldman Sachs in the United States, where complaints have prospered and banks have been forced to pay billions of dollars in compensation for their deceptions, precisely because the TTIP is not yet in force anywhere, including the US. apparently, Obama, the defender of the poor and the needy, would be much happier if all those complaints against banks and large credit rating agencies arenot possible and that can only happen if signed the TTIP and regulations that protect against these allegations are implanted. signing the TTIP is the way most quick to protect mega - banks and bond rating firms to their continued deception and fraud. And the rush seem to refer specifically to the sale of sophisticated investments in derivatives and the consequences that may end up carting for these great institutions if Europe continue to thrive complaints against them. The Machiavellian move by Obama has been to use the US ambassador in Italy John Phillips, to warn sibylline of the consequences that eventually suffer large European banks (such as Deutsche Bank) but quickly sign the agreement TTIP and people keep suing them for their deceptions and abuses.14205224724_d0fde6bf5d_z in fact and as complaint Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten, under the TTIP, no court of a small town, such as Trani, can reach to issue a complaint of this type against a large bank. under the TTIP, these complaints would be referred to a panel arbitration, (presumably impartial, but actually controlled by corporations and banks), in which aggrieved investors would not exert any influence and where it would be almost impossible for rights would be protected defrauded investors. Another example cited by the newspaper German is the German city of Pforzheim, which successfully sued in Federal Court, the US Megabank JP Morgan / Chase, which allowed whistleblowers Pforzheim claim for "damages accumulated 57 million euros" De signed the TTIP a Megabanco he received a fine of this type by a court, it could sue the taxpayers of the nation so that they would restore the loss that the complaint had resulted in the bank. non-TTIP that is, with the TTIP, when the defrauded investors who sued a large bank won their case in court, taxpayers own country would be forced to cover the fees that the bank has made ​​to investors defrauded, so that the bank would never pay for their misdeeds . Under the TTIP, any company be fined for abuses or fraud, can argue that their rights have been violated, forcing the end is the government of the country where the complaint is made, that is, its citizens, those who have to pay the fine, with the aggravating circumstance that in such a case, the government could not resort to any higher court to claim their rights or prevent such statement. Obama and other advocates of this system, called ISDS (state - dispute arbitration inverter), they argue that it is a more efficient way to handle such disputes. In international trade matters, not only eliminates the appellate courts, but gradually eliminates democracy itself, to condemn the governments (legitimate representatives of their peoples), to finally undergo these international arbitration panels, which probably be hired by large corporations and big banks. This is the reason why infectos characters like Barack Obama or Angela Merkel have so much interest and so much hurry to sign the TTIP: their masters of the big banks (the Americans in if Obama and the banking giant Deutsche Bank in the case of Merkel) are prodding them to sign once the agreement and protect them from the complaints of the populace. the banks do not want to continue to endure this humiliation can not continue tolerating . the poor who cheat and steal to sue and force them to return the money they have stolen in other words, Obama and his beloved girlfriend Merkel (friend turn the criminal dictator of Turkey), as is bloodhounds let loose by their masters, they want to destroy the last remnants of rights and power that has left the peoples of the countries of Europe and the US, so they definitely become slaves of the banks and large corporations. the TTIP and its relative Pacific, TPP, are in fact two strokes planetary State to establish the New World order and ending the last remnant remains of popular sovereignty, in order to install the foundations of a neo-feudalism corporate. for that why all those politicians who sign such agreements, should be condemned for high treason to their people and their countries and be punished with the maximum possible penalty in these

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