
25 de marzo de 2017

The luminated OLDER Owners Fed

The luminated OLDER Owners Fed
Original in English, in Spanish translation by Luis Prada.
Extract taken from the league to reach:


Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution [of the US] states that Congress'll have the power to Acuña (create) the value of regular dinero y mismo. Today however, the FED, which is a private property of compañía, controls and profits will imprimiendo the money through the Treasury, and regulate its value.
EDF empezó with approximately 300 people or banks that were llegarona owners (Shareholders comprando shares at $ US100 por acción - the shares are not publicly negociadas) bancariode the Federal Reserve System. Ellos make up a wealth of international cartel bancario Beyond comparación de cualquier (Reference 1, 14). The system collects bancario EDF trillion dollars (Reference 8, 17) and the annual interest on the distribuye Utilidades to its Shareholders. The Congress illegally le dio Right to the FED printing money (through the Treasury) without interest to the EDF. The FED creates money out of nowhere, and it provides the way back to us through the banks, and we charge on intereses nuestra currency. The FED also buys Government's Debt con dinero printed on the printer monetary (Mint) and le charges an interest in them contribuyentes de los EE.UU. Many Congressmen and Presidents dicen that a fraud (Reference 1,2,3,5,17).

¿Quién truly carried them to the Central Banks of the Federal Reserve? The property of the 12 central banks, a secret very well saved, has been revealed:

Rothschild Bank of London
Warburg Bank of Hamburg
Rothschild Bank of Berlin
Lehman Brothers in New York
Lazard Brothers of Paris
Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York
Los Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy
Goldman Sachs in New York
Warburg Bank of Amsterdam
Chase Manhattan Bank in New York

These banks are Logged in the London banking houses to those who lately controlan EDF.

When England were losing the war of the Revolution with America (our ancestry Were peleando in its own gobierno) ellos planned controlarnos mediante control our system bancario the impression Our currency and our Debt (Reference 4, 22).

Los individuos down the list of banks in your place Pose Pose shares in EDF. The list of banks Tienen control significativo down on EDF District of New York, which controls the 11 districts Others EDF. These banks are also foreigners and fear is partially poseídos controlan the Bank of New York FED District. (Reference 22)

 - First National Bank of New York
- James Stillman National City Bank, New York
   Mary W. Harnman
- National Bank of Commerce, New York
   A.D. Jiullard
- Hanover National Bank, New York
   Jacob Schiff
- Chase National Bank, New York
- Thomas F. Ryan
- Paul Warburg
- William Rockefeller
- Levi P. Morton
- M.T. Pyne
- George F. Baker
- Percy Pyne
- Mrs G.F. St. George
- J.W. Sterling
- Katherine St. George
- H.P. Davidson
- J.P. Morgan (Equitable Life / Mutual Life)

- Edith T. Baker Brevour

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