
15 de septiembre de 2017


"The Economist," the magazine of the Rothschild, presented on its cover July Trump with soaking feet under the sign "SWAMP 2"

Photo by: pantano 2

  • By Posesodegerasa,    
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By Posesodegerasa, astillasderealidad.blogspot.comView original
We are witnessing with amazement a series of Atlantic hurricanes that are continuous and chained, in a way never seen before.
By Posesodegerasa, astillasderealidad.blogspot.comView original
We are witnessing with amazement a series of Atlantic hurricanes that are continuous and chained, in a way never seen before.
Does this mean that the Elite has devices to alter the climate?

The answer is "yes," and they themselves also give it back.

Since 1985 the Elite has the patent US-4686605-A, which registers the technology to alter a region of the Earth's atmosphere previously selected by polarized electromagnetic radiation.
Bernard J. Eastlund, father of HAARP technology
It was invented by Bernard J. Eastlund, who ceded the rights of its use to the company Apti Inc., contractor of the army of E.U.U.

In the final paragraph of the patent exhibition, published, once again, on a day 11 (August) we read the following:

"Climate modification is possible with this device, for example by altering the wind patterns of the upper atmosphere or by altering the solar absorption patterns by constructing one or more columns of atmospheric particles that would act as a lens or focusing device" .

Which implies that terrible atmospheric phenomena can be generated like hurricanes of the maximum power.

Like virtually any technology, it could be used for positive purposes, since it allows the elimination of greenhouse gases, such as carbon monoxide (as well as its artificial increase): "in addition to changing the molecular composition of a atmospheric region, you can choose a molecule or molecules to increase its presence.

In the same way can reduce gases like carbon monoxide, nitrogen and the like, favoring environmental improvement.
The Elite is modifying natural phenomena

This means no more or less that the elite could reduce the presence of the gases that cause their "climate change" in less than 24 hours.

But they prefer to keep the problem and increase it, rather than eradicate it, to take economic advantage of it.

Like so many other problems that could be eradicated at a stroke because it has the resources and the technology to do so.

But as we are governed by psychopaths with a thirst for unlimited power and control. prefer to "create problems" in order to maintain the suffering and tension of the population as a more effective method for global control.


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