
15 de septiembre de 2017

These hurricanes have been made ": An engineer 'finds' the NASA imaging test"

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  • septiembre 9º, 2017

A chemist claims to have found evidence of the human origin of hurricanes Irma and Jose in satellite images obtained by the US space agency.

Patrick Roddie, a chemist and geoengineering activist, says that Hurricane Harvey, as well as activists Irma and José, who have been scouring the Caribbean islands in the Atlantic this week, have been "manmade" and created.

This is the conclusion reached by Roddie, promoter of the environmental group Stop Spraying Us, after studying the images of NASA in the interactive tool Worldview, which allows us to see our planet from the perspective of satellites.

In his research the activist discovered "suspicious guidelines" in the trajectories of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma.

Specifically, Roddie says that in these images are distinguished "feathery elements, mist and wave patterns" that -displays- are common in "the wakes of pulverized chemical agents", which reveals the existence of "geoengineering materials" around the hurricanes.

Roddie aired these ideas in an interview of more than an hour with the website Era of Wisdom on Youtube, where he stressed that this anomalous origin of hurricanes should encourage people to "investigate the possible role of geoengineering in them."

However, scientists believe there is nothing special about the appearance of these atmospheric phenomena, as the intense tropical storm season has been repeated for decades.

The season in the Atlantic began this year with Hurricane Harvey, which claimed the lives of at least 70 people and that the night of August 25 to 26 caused extensive material damage in Texas, where it arrived in category 4 storm form.

Harvey became the first such hurricane to hit the United States. since 2005. However, a few days later the Atlantic hurricane Irma, of higher intensity, was formed in the Atlantic and these days it continues to advance in the Caribbean towards Florida, where it is expected to touch the earth on Sunday morning with winds of up to 300 kilometers per hour.

So far, Irma has left 23 dead in her wake.

Meanwhile, the hiracán Jose, who reached this Friday category 4, follows the steps of Irma by the Caribbean, strengthening as it advances.

The sustained winds generated by José already reach 240 kilometers per hour.

Other major hurricanes in the last 25 years

In August 1992, Hurricane Andrew, Category 5, swept South Florida with its strong winds, destroying 127,000 homes and leaving a trail of 65 fatalities.

In the August 2004 thunderstorm season, Category 4 hurricane Charley left 20 dead in the US. and causing damages worth $ 15 billion.

In 2005, the infamous hurricane Katrina left hundreds of dead and affected the Bahamas, Cuba and several US states, going down in history as the most costly hurricane for the US, with material damages amounting to 108 billion dollars .

Another hurricane, Sandy, Category 3, hit 24 US states. in the storm season in October 2012, causing numerous damages of up to 65 billion dollars and killing 72 people.

Some households remained without electricity for weeks.


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