
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta hidden plots. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta hidden plots. Mostrar todas las entradas

31 de julio de 2020



President : I am stopping all travel to and from China to protect us from Coronavirus, China is lying

WHO : Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in Wuhan, China," the organization had said.

Democrats and Media: Trump is a Xenophobe. Clearly just closing the borders because he is racist.

Dr Fauci : There is nothing to worry about right now this is not a threat to the Amercian people

CDC : Sure we can make those test kits. Don't allow anyone else to make them.

CDC 40 days later : Whoops we muffed up we didn't follow our own rules on making them and contaminated them. My bad let someone else make them above our pay grade.

President : I've been told a therapeutic Hydroxychloroquine was safety tested and approved by FDA already is a good option

Gov Cuomo : We need more venitlators, ventilators, ventilators and i'm not allowing Doctors to prescribe hydroxychloroquine

Media : some lady and her husband ate fish tank cleaner, don't take hydroxychloroquine Trump is a liar. He killed those people.

Bill Gates : We need a vaccine we cant go back to normal without a vaccine. I know what I'm talking about I secretly run WHO and am heavily invested in Big Pharma and Monsanto trust me.

Liberal Billionaires : Lets donate millions and billions for a vaccine, Gates knows whats up.

Doctors from around the world : hydroxychloroquine is a better option then a ventilator, we are seeing success with it we can cure this without a vaccine.

FDA : Lets revoke the emergency use authorization for hydroxychloroquine, which permitted doctors to prescribe the drug even though we approved this as a safe medicine.

Twitter & Facebook : Delete. Delete. Delete. They can't see hydroxychloroquine we already invested with Gates

Also Twitter & Facebook - we keep getting alerts regarding child pornography and pedophile posts..
sounds like a free speech violation by deleting, we don't have time for that amyway we are too busy deleting and throttling anti-big pharma and anti-liberal posts.

Doctor : Hydroxycholoroquine helps saves lives I've personally treated all my patients with coronavirus and not 1 death.

Some people : yea but she said some crazy things, I dont know (she made President look right how can we spin this)

Dr Fauci : I don't think we can ever eradicate coronavirus

Some Big pharma : 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰

19 de junio de 2019

Angela Merkel Trembling; Glitch, Clone Malfunction?

German Chancellor Angela Merkel appeared unsteady and was visibly shaking Tuesday as she greeted the new Ukrainian leader in the hot sun in Berlin, saying later that she clearly “hadn’t drunk enough water”. A glitch in the old matrix hologram, or are we seeing malfunctioning clones?
Merkel’s whole body visibly shook and she pursed her lips as she tried to contain the situation as she stood with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy in the 28-degree Celsius (82-degree Fahrenheit) heat while a military band played their national anthems outside the chancellery.
But following the anthems, Merkel seemed better, walking quickly along the red carpet with Zelenskiy into the building, pausing to greet the military band and take a salute. About an hour later, following their meeting, Merkel told reporters at a joint news conference that they had discussed bilateral issues and the Minsk peace process during Zelenskiy’s first visit to the German capital as president.
Merkel, who turns 65 next month, smiled broadly after a reporter asked whether her shaking was cause for concern. She replied that she was fine.


8 de octubre de 2018

Scientists Accuse DARPA of Genetically Modifying Insects for Bioweapon to Spread Agricultural Viruses

freemedia eraoflightdotcom
In a scathing report issued this week, researchers with the Science Policy Forum have accused the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) of creating a technology—ostensibly used to genetically modify crops with insects—but that could be converted into a dangerous and illegal bioweapon.
The current program is being funded by the Pentagon’s darling “research” arm DARPA — who last year was found to be spending millions on “genetic extinction technology” that could wipe out entire species. DARPA’s new project, dubbed “Insect Allies” involves releasing fleets of genetically modified insects onto crops which would “infect” plants with a special virus that would genetically modify the plant on location.
As Gizmodo points out, if you think this sounds scary, you are not alone.
The lead author of the new Science Policy Forum report, Richard Guy Reeves from the Department of Evolutionary Genetics at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Plön, says the Insect Allies program is a disturbing example of dual-use research in which DARPA, in addition to helping out farmers, is also working on a potential weapon.
Naturally, as is the case with all accusations against DARPA when they get caught working on some sadistic planet killing plot, they are denying the accusations, writing them off as mischaracterizations.
The report was published in Science on October 5, and it is nothing short of chilling. According to researchers, DARPA “aims to disperse infectious genetically modified viruses that have been engineered to edit crop chromosomes directly in fields.”
As Gizmodo explains, the technology at the heart of this research could herald an entirely new way of genetically modifying crops. Instead of having to wait for a plant to pass its newly-acquired traits onto the next generation, genetic changes would be imposed upon living organisms, a process known as horizontal genetic alteration. Hence the technology’s name—Horizontal Environmental Genetic Alteration Agents, or HEGAAs.
The viruses will be delivered using genetically modified insects as a means of overcoming the previous limitations to delivering HEGAAs.
According to the report, “the regulatory, biological, economic, and societal implications of dispersing such horizontal environmental genetic alteration agents (HEGAAs) into ecosystems are profound. Further, this program stipulates that the means of delivery of these viral HEGAAs into the environment should be insect-based dispersion.”
DARPA plans to release swarms of genetically modified insects like leafhoppers, whiteflies, and aphids, that have been altered using CRISPR, or other gene editing systems. The swarms would be carrying an infectious virus to crops that are already established as a means of genetically modifying them on the spot.
If this sounds like science fiction to you, it should. However, it is most assuredly not fiction. As Gizmodoreports:
Insect Allies was announced in November 2016, and it currently involves research contracts in excess of $27 million. DARPA is funding four teams (not three, as claimed in the report), namely the Boyce Thompson Institute, Ohio State University, Pennsylvania State University, and the University of Texas, Austin. The defence agency maintains that “all work is conducted inside closed laboratories, greenhouses, or other secured facilities,” and that the insects will have built-in lifespans to limit their spread. DARPA is hoping to see tests done in greenhouses in as few as two years, with maize being a high-priority crop.
Considering DARPA’s history and their Pentagon funding, scientists are expressing justified concern over the development of this technology. The researchers in this report pull no punches when they claim it may be a cover to develop an offensive bioweapon.
“It is our opinion that the knowledge to be gained from this program appears very limited in its capacity to enhance U.S. agriculture or respond to national emergencies,” write the authors in the new Policy Forum. Instead, they say, “the program may be widely perceived as an effort to develop biological agents for hostile purposes and their means of delivery, which—if true—would constitute a breach of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC).”
Using insects as a means of distributing the viruses is a terrible idea, according to the authors of the report, because they cannot be controlled. The scientist claim that HEGGAs would be far more effective if simply sprayed overhead like most other delivery systems for agriculture.

Stopping short of calling it a weapon, DARPA actually acknowledged that this technology could be used as a means of national defense. According to the DARPA website:
National security can be quickly jeopardized by naturally occurring threats to the crop system, including pathogens, drought, flooding, and frost, but especially by threats introduced by state or non-state actors. Insect Allies seeks to mitigate the impact of these incursions by applying targeted therapies to mature plants with effects that are expressed at relevant timescales—namely, within a single growing season.
Jason Delborne, an Associate Professor at North Carolina State University, an expert in genetic engineering and its potential environmental, economic, and social consequences, says the concerns over the current DARPA research seem “appropriate,” according to Gizmodo.
Indeed, when the people who are exempted from most all federal regulations begin modifying swarms of insects to infect crops with viruses which would genetically modify them on the spot—and refer to this as national defense—it may be time to start paying attention.

11 de septiembre de 2018

Is it time to feel afraid?

Bob Woodward on Donald Trump and 'Fear': Is it time to feel afraid?Susan Page USA TODAY
Published 7:29 AM EDT Sep 11, 2018

Bob Woodward in New York on Sept. 10, 2018.
Josmar Taveras, USA TODAY

NEW YORK – Bob Woodward titled his new book "Fear," the word Donald Trump once told the journalist described "real power." But the author had other possibilities in his pocket: "Crazytown," a quote he attributes to White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, or maybe the phrase that Kelly's predecessor, Reince Priebus, used to describe the Trump administration: "Zoo Without Walls."

All the names suggest the portrait Woodward paints of a White House in chaos, led by an erratic president whose own top aides maneuver to prevent him from taking steps they worry could be catastrophic.

The book, being published Tuesday by Simon and Schuster, already has gotten the president's attention. "The Woodward book is a Joke - just another assault against me, in a barrage of assaults, using now disproven unnamed and anonymous sources," he declared in one of a string of derisive tweets Monday. "Many have already come forward to say the quotes by them, like the book, are fiction."

Indeed, Kelly has denied that he called Trump "an idiot," and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis has denied that, after a particularly contentious National Security Council meeting, he said the president had the understanding of "a fifth- or sixth-grader."

Woodward dismissed their written statements as unpersuasive. "That's just the Washington denial machine," he said Monday, a familiar formula designed to protect their jobs and preserve their relations with their boss. "I think people kind of get it."

There is a certain symmetry to Woodward's career. He came to fame at age 29, breaking crucial early stories on the Watergate break-in with Washington Post colleague Carl Bernstein. The scandal would force President Richard Nixon to resign. Now, at age 75, Woodward is pursuing another embattled president, this one leading a tumultuous administration and awaiting the judgment of a special counsel's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

The youthful reporter who was portrayed by Robert Redford in the movie "All the President's Men" now has a craggy face and a slight stoop. But Woodward found himself reprising the reporting tactics he deployed at the start of his career, before he was the nation's most famous investigative reporter and the author now of 19 books.

This image released by Simon & Schuster shows "Fear: Trump in the White House," by Bob Woodward, available on Sept. 11.

"I became lazy," he said. "I mean, over the years, I wasn't going to people's homes without an appointment," knocking on the door and asking them to talk. That's what he found himself doing again. "What the hell am I showing up at somebody's house at 11 o'clock at night?" he sometimes wondered. Then he would remember the lessons from his mentor, legendary editor Ben Bradlee. "His message was always 'Suck it up' and 'What have you got for me tomorrow?"

Woodward's reporting has some critics. For one thing, he talked to sources on "deep background," meaning he could cite their accounts but not attribute the information to them by name. That makes it harder for readers to assess just what to believe, and it makes it possible for sources to say one thing anonymously and something else for public consumption.

What Woodward got were details of what he dubbed "an administrative coup d'etat," with senior aides removing papers from the president's desk to prevent him from seeing them or signing them. He depicts national security aides rattled by the president's contempt for the international infrastructure in security and trade that had been built since World War II.

More: Bob Woodward book, 'Fear: Trump in the White House' — The 5 most explosive claims

Since details of the book leaked, some see those aides as protecting the country. Others warn they are undermining the Constitution by defying the decisions of the duly elected president.

Woodward insisted he doesn't take a side in that debate. "Is it a good thing? Is it a bad thing? I just want to find out what happened," he said. "Now it's the political system's turn, isn't it?" He noted that during Watergate it was Congress that launched the Senate Watergate Committee and moved toward adopting articles of impeachment against Nixon, prompting him to resign.

But Woodward added this: "I think people better wake up to the nature of the war on truth and its consequence."

When Trump phoned the journalist in early August, after his manuscript had been completed, Woodward told him why he had wanted to write the book. "As you know and are living, we are at a pivot point in history," he said.

"Right," the president responded.

There apparently is a robust market for the book. Even before the publication date Tuesday, thanks to pre-orders "Fear" was the No. 1 bestseller in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Germany. Simon & Schuster already had ordered a seventh printing that will bring the total number of hardcovers to 1 million copies. The high interest "says people are worried," Woodward said.

Published 7:29 AM EDT Sep 11, 2018
© Copyright Gannett 2018

22 de julio de 2018

Improbability, becomes reality.

Tellinger TN 
32 min · 
John F. Kennedy Jr. as "Q"
Resultado de imagen de nesara gesara
Suddenly, in recent days, the Internet is full of speculation that Q is actually John F. Kennedy Jr. The claim is that faked his own death in 1999 and was a close friend of Donald J. Trump. My initial reaction to this was to dismiss it as utterly ridiculous; coin holders have waited too long and finally lost their disappointments and improbable speculation.
Tonight, in my meditation, I saw that, actually, it is quite possible that this is true, and could even see a purpose and a spectacular finish.
· Constants references throughout JFK Sr, painting him in glowing terms, saying it was the last honest and honestly elected president
· Publication Q: "You will not believe who has been speaking to you
· JFK Jr always took with him an instructor when he flew to Martha's Vineyard
· Also always he took his dog with him
· This trip took less than an instructor or a dog
Rather flimsy ... after all, the whole world saw a video of her body being removed from the plane and specifically remember hearing in the media at that time that his head was completely twisted, looking back.
But then considered:
· The Alliance began shortly after and as a result of the Kennedy assassination
· Jr was 3 years old when his father died
· As Jr grew up, attended college and law school, it was very likely to be contacted with members of the Alliance and become an active member.
· He was determined to show the world who really killed his father and fulfill the promise of his father to destroy the shadow government.
· The story made it clear that JFK Jr never have a public office because he would be killed.
· ¡¡¡¡¡¡The only way to keep alive Jr is faking his death !!
· With the help of the Alliance, it would have been possible to achieve this.
· Then he, his wife and his sister could live incognito in a remote part of the ground or off the planet.
· In the 19 years since his supposed death, he has been working between racks, researching, compiling constitutional and legal processes to ensure the success of the final revolution.
Then consider:
· Q has said that July is the month when everything will be exposed
· Q also said, "Wait until you find out who has been talking.
· Then the revelations begin, starting with the revelation of Q
· Then Q - JFK Jr - he tells the world about the cabal / illuminati / MIC and what they have been doing
· No one will believe in this source ... !!! instant credibility
· A 1-2 punch ... hit the public with the fact that JFK Jr VIVE and then let him tell the public the truth ... 'It is now a cosmic explosion !!
· WITHOUT civil disruption ... no need to Martial Law! People will freeze in shock and amazement, therefore disinterested in protests and violence!
· The issue has now become non-partisan ... JFK is a Democrat; appoint names on both sides and call for a more balanced progressive perspective, a type of society 5D instead of a 3D type.
· Announce NESARA, requiring the resignation of the current pres and vp
· JFK Jr entered on November 6 as the new (first) president of the republic restored.
Fran D. July 19, 2018

3 de julio de 2018

UK Gov’t: Queen Elizabeth About To Die – 10 Days Of Mourning Planned

July 1, 2018 Sean Adl-Tabatabai

UK government ministers are secretly preparing for a national 10 day mourning period after learning that Queen Elizabeth is on her deathbed.

According to a report by the Sunday Times, senior government officials, chaired by Prime Minister Theresa May’s deputy David Lidington and Home Secretary Sajid Javid, took part in an emergency exercise to plan for the Queens “imminent death.” reports: The exercise took place in the same Cabinet Office room where the Cobra emergency committee meets and political aides were banned in an effort to prevent any leaks.

Plans for the 92-year-old Queen’s death have long been in place, and are referred to as ‘London Bridge’. However, the scale of this week’s exercise along with the ministers’ attendance has been described as “unprecedented.”

“This is the first time different ministers have come together in one room,” an unnamed Whitehall source told the Times. “Previously it has only been officials.”

The exercise, called ‘Castle Dove’, focused on plans for the day after the Queen’s death, known as ‘D+1’, and the planned 10 days of mourning that would follow the monarch’s passing.

Plans are in place for 600 members of the privy council to gather at Buckingham Palace to set in motion the new king’s accession to the throne. The Queen’s eldest son Prince Charles is next in line for the crown, with his son William to take his place after his death. New currency with the new king’s face on it would begin to circulate.

The exercise took place on the same day that the Queen cancelled an appearance at St Paul’s cathedral because she was feeling “under the weather,” a statement from the palace said. The Times reports the Castle Dove exercise was not carried out because of any particular concerns about her health. Queen Elizabeth has been head of the monarchy for 65 years, making her the longest serving British monarch.

When the Queen dies, the prime minister will be informed, and civil servants will use secure lines to spread the message using the code phrase, “London Bridge is down,” the Guardian revealed last March. However, because the code word has been revealed, a new one is likely in place.

Countries which still have the Queen as their head of state, such as Australia and the Bahamas, will be informed, followed by the 36 Commonwealth nations where the Queen is symbolic figurehead.

11 de mayo de 2018

Proof that Our Federal Government Was Usurped By Foreign Corporations

By Anna Von Reitz

With many thanks to my Soul Brother John-Henry Hill who complied a short and to-the-point documentation and proof of exactly WHAT has been functioning "as" our government since 1868.  I have seen these documents and others like them pertaining to all sorts of variations of the names United States of America and United States, but these are the Big Muggly-Wugglies that prove beyond any reasonable person's doubt that yes, indeed, what I have been telling you for years is true and part of the public record you can look up for yourselves.

The main entity that the rats (Scottish rats) set up in 1868 is recorded here at John-Henry Hill's brilliant website, together with all the links you need to go see for yourselves.  If you ever need to "prove" that a commercial corporation was substituted for your national-level State of State Government in 1868, look no further: 

For those on the email list I am attaching your very own copy, so you can print it off and cherish it for posterity.  Given our vermin's proclivity for burning books and obscuring records, make a few copies and flash drives for posterity. 

Thanks to the friends who inspired me to address this topic.  Given what is coming out next, it is indeed fortuitous to put all questions about the incorporated nature of the Beast to rest.

1 de mayo de 2018

Hollywood Child Protection Act Ignored; Here’s Why It Is Important

April 30, 2018 12:38pm

Source: Deadline | By David Robb

EXCLUSIVE: One of the key California laws designed to protect child actors from sexual predators has gone largely ignored and unenforced since it was enacted five years ago. The law requires publicists, managers, acting coaches and headshot photographers who work with child actors to be fingerprinted and pass an FBI background check to screen out registered sex offenders. Only then will they be issued a Child Performer Services Permit.

A Deadline investigation, however, has found that not a single Hollywood publicist who represents child actors has obtained a permit. Dozens of managers, acting coaches and photographers who work with child stars have also failed to comply with the law, which is punishable by a year in county jail and a $10,000 fine. And yet, no one has ever been charged with breaking it.

The law, AB 1660, prohibits registered sex offenders from “representing or providing specified services to artists or performers under 18 years of age.” Fingerprints and FBI background checks are required to ensure that registered sex offenders don’t skirt the law by working under assumed names.

The law was enacted to keep men like Robert Villard from entering – or in his case, re-entering – the industry after being convicted of a sex crime. Villard, in fact, was the poster-pedophile the law specifically targeted: for many years, he was a publicist, manager, acting coach and photographer of child actors, some of whom would go on to become major movie stars. But he also had a long history of sex crimes against children. In 1987, he was convicted of possessing child pornography, but the conviction was overturned on appeal. He was arrested again in 2001 after a police raid of his home turned up thousands of photos of scantily clad boys in sexually suggestive positions. He pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor and was sentenced to three years’ probation.

Villard, who sometimes operated under the assumed name of Bob Moniker, continued to work with child stars until he was busted again in 2005, this time pleading no contest to committing a lewd act on a 13-year-old boy to whom he was giving acting lessons. He served seven years in prison and got out just before Gov. Jerry Brown signed AB 1660 into law in September 2012.

BizParentz co-founder Anne Henry, the lead sponsor of AB 1660, said that the law was designed to protect child actors from convicted pedophiles like Villard. “Before this, there was nothing to stop him from returning to the industry and starting the abuse cycle all over again,” she told Deadline. “We wanted something to prevent that from happening.”

Other examples:

Martin Weiss, a personal manager to many young stars, got out of jail shortly before the law went into effect, having severed six months after pleading no contest to two counts of oral copulation with an 11-year-old boy whose career he was managing. Like Villard, he too operated under fake names including Maximilian Weiss, Paul Weiss and Menachem Mendel. But if either of them tries to apply under a fake name for a permit to represent child actors again, their fingerprints will give them away.
Jason James Murphy, a convicted pedophile who’d already spent five years in prison for kidnapping and molesting an 8-year-old boy, was arrested just a few days after Weiss. After getting out of prison, Murphy came to Hollywood, where he worked as a casting assistant and acting coach for child actors. He was arrested in December 2011 for failing to use the name under which he was a registered sex offender, but the judge dismissed the case, saying that Murphy had not attempted to conceal his identity, even though he was working with children under the professional name of Jason James.

Brian Peck is another registered sex offender who the law was designed to keep away from child actors. Peck, now 57, was convicted in 2004 of performing a lewd act on a child and oral copulation of a person under 16. His victim was a young boy to whom Peck had been giving private acting lessons at his home. But after spending 16 months in jail, he returned to Hollywood and resumed his career as a dialogue coach for child actors – which the law now prohibits.

Those cases helped propel AB 1660 through the legislature and onto the governor’s desk for his signature. At the time, the bill’s author, Assemblywoman Nora Campos, said that “Under the existing law, talent agents are regulated; however, casting directors, managers and photographers are not. This loophole makes it very easy for a predator to gain access to children working within the entertainment industry.”

Wide Support, Little Follow-Through

The bill had wide support. It was backed by the MPAA and by the Association of Talent Agents. SAG and AFTRA, pre-merger, were both behind it, too, and so were the Talent Managers Association and the Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office, among many other groups. The only opposition came from an organization called California Reform Sex Offender Laws – now the Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws – which lobbies for the rights of convicted sex offenders.


“We were very supportive of the legislation,” said Duncan Crabtree-Ireland, SAG-AFTRA’s COO and general counsel, “and we remain insistent that it was necessary. It’s clear that this applies to photographers, managers, coaches, and publicists, and we’d like to see that any of these types of professionals who work with child performers are registered, as is required by the law. We are going to reach out to the people who should be registered under this statute and make sure they are aware of their obligation to register.”

And it’s “distressing,” he said, that so many industry professionals have failed to register. “The whole point of having this in the first place was to insure that industry people who work regularly with children would be subjected to background checks.”

Hollywood’s publicists, however, haven’t gotten the message. A database maintained by the state’s Department of Industrial Relations lists 292 valid permit-holders who are legally allowed to work with child actors. It’s intended as a guide to parents, but a Deadline review of every permit-holder reveals that not a single publicist holds a Child Performer Services Permit.

Deadline has found more than 20 Los Angeles-based publicists who don’t have permits but represent child stars on numerous hit TV shows including Stranger Things, This Is Us, Modern Family, Black-ish, Lost in Space, Revenge and Code Black. Publicists without permits also represent young stars on Nickelodeon’s School of Rock, Henry Danger and Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn, and on the Disney Channel’s Stuck in the Middle and Raven’s Home. They also represented child actors on numerous films including Fences and the upcoming Bumblebee, to name but a few.

“Any manager, publicist, photographer or acting coach who provides services to minors is responsible for complying with the law, which requires them to have a permit,” said Paola Laverde, public information officer for the Department of Industrial Relations, which enforces the law. “If the Labor Commissioner’s office finds a violation or is alerted to businesses working with minors in violation of the permit requirements, it will pass on those names to the appropriate prosecuting agency.”

Among the professions specifically addressed by the law are “public relations services or publicity, or both, including arranging personal appearances, developing and distributing press packets, managing fan mail, designing and maintaining Internet websites, and consulting on media relations for an artist or performer under 18 years of age.”

The law is more widely adhered to among personal managers, in part because the Talent Managers Association has been telling its members about it for years, strongly encouraging members who represent child actors to obtain the permits. “Our members are definitely aware of the law,” said TMA president Versa Manos. “We’ve sent emails to our members telling them that any manager who works with children must have a permit. We make that very clear. We want to make sure that parents know that their children’s managers are safe and have been cleared by the state. There’s nothing more important than the safety of the children.”

Talent Managers Association logo

Manos, who represents two child actors, has a permit, as do TMA vice president Nikki Mincks and corresponding secretary Betty McCormick. “We highly recommend that members who represent children have a child performer services permit,” McCormick told Deadline.

More than 40 managers are listed in the state’s database of permit-holders, but Deadline has found an equal number who don’t have permits but manage the careers of child performers anyway. These include managers of young stars on many of the shows mentioned above, as well as many others including Jane the Virgin, Shameless and Designated Survivor, as well as such films as A Wrinkle in Time and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, The Book of Henry and the upcoming It: Chapter Two.

In other words, publicists and managers all over town are guiding the careers of young performers who they’re legally not allowed to represent. The law does not apply to talent agents, who are covered by a different law requiring that only the head of their agencies be fingerprinted. It also doesn’t apply to studio teachers, who also have to be fingerprinted and pass a background check. Casting agents, producers, actors and directors aren’t required to have permits either, although many do – mostly to coach or teach young performers.

James Symington, who has a permit to manager minors, said that a “lack of awareness” about the law is most likely the reason so many managers of child actors don’t have permits. “I don’t know if people are aware of it. I think it’s about educating managers about what is required.”

From interviews, it’s clear many publicists don’t even know about the law, while others mistakenly think it doesn’t apply to them.

“We work with a lot of agents and managers who work with kids, and I’ve never heard of this, and I’ve been doing this for 20 years,” said an L.A.-based publicist who represents several child stars. “I work with 50-100 people every day and I don’t think any of them have heard of this either. It seems weird that publicists would even need this.”

After reading the law, she called back to say it doesn’t apply to her because of an exception spelled out in the law, which states that it doesn’t apply to: “A person whose contact with minor children is restricted to locations where, either by law or regulation, the minor must be accompanied at all times by a parent or guardian, and the parent or guardian must be within sight or sound of the minor.”

The law, she said, doesn’t apply to her because “I’m never alone with my child clients. They’re always with their parents.”

“They Need To Get Legal”

But that’s a misreading of the of the law according to Dana Mitchell, chief consultant to the Assembly Committee on Arts, Entertainment, Sports, Tourism and Internet Media. She’s the legislative aide who helped draft AB 1660 and usher it through the state legislature.

Asked if publicists who say they’re never alone with their clients are exempt from the law, she answered “No,” but added: “I cannot give you a legal opinion on this matter, merely my own personal opinion regarding the intent of the author as relayed through our committee analysis.” She then explained that exempting publicists and managers who say they’re never alone with their child clients “was the exact circumstance we intended to prevent.”

The term “either by law or regulation” that’s contained in the exception, she said, only applies to those who work with child actors exclusively on set or on location – where other laws and union rules require studio teachers to be present and for a parent or guardian to be within sight and sound of their children at all times. The exception doesn’t apply, Mitchell said, to reps who meet their young clients in their offices, or attend publicity events, benefits and awards shows with them, or who advance their careers outside the actual workplace. In other words, she said, the exception doesn’t apply to publicists.

Asked if publicists would be exempt even if they were actually never alone with their clients, Mitchell said. “No, unless they only see children on the set or location – aka place of employment – where a parent and/or studio teacher must also be present under the California Code of Regulations and the Labor Code.”

“This law absolutely applies to publicists — no question. That’s a fact,” said Henry, the co-founder of BizParentz, an advocacy group for the parents of child actors. “When we testified before the legislature, we discussed publicists in particular because Bob Villard and a few other men were promoting themselves as publicists, and they are convicted sex offenders who we did not want to re-enter our industry.”

“Publicists often have very close relationships with their clients because they travel with them on publicity appearances,” she said. “They need to apply. There’s no excuse for them not having a permit. This law’s been in effect for five years, and there’s no excuse for industry professionals who work with children to be unaware of it.” She said she “horrified” that so many are, and that “They need to get legal.”

The Cinematographers Guild, IATSE Local 600, which absorbed the Publicists Guild back in 2002, says it’s up to the local’s 400 or so publicists to follow the law, even if they don’t know it exists. “It’s the members’ responsibility to have any required licensing,” said a spokesman for guild. “We have no visibility on who’s handling underage performers or anything like that.”

Even though so many who work with child actors have failed to obtain permits, the state Labor Commissioners’ office has never received a single complaint. And while hundreds of thousands of taxpayers’ dollars were spent starting up the database and processing the applicants – for a fee of $200 for a two-year-permit – very little has been spent on enforcement. Before the bill was passed into law, the Senate Budget Committee estimated that there would be “Likely minor costs annually to the Department of Industrial Relations for enforcement.”

“We have not received any complaints or allegations that the law is not being followed,” Laverde said.

“For all the great legislation that’s in effect to protect child actors, the problem is that enforcement is often lax,” said Amanda Biers-Melcher, mother of a 14-year-old child actor.

The law also stipulates that permits, fingerprints and FBI background checks are required of anyone “providing still photography, digital photography, video, and film services to a minor for use as an artist or performer.” But of the dozens of well-known photographers whose websites say they take headshots of child actors, Deadline has found only six who are registered: Rena Durham, Tamara Tihanyi-Knausz, Michael Chinnici, Colette Cugno, Sharlet Fouse and Luciana Nocks.

Durham said she was alerted to the law by a casting director. “Once she let me know about it, I made sure to register for the permit. I know I am one of the few that have it and I wish I could say that it makes a difference in the amount of bookings I get, but it doesn’t. The agencies continue to refer photographers who don’t have the permit and parents continue to go to these photographers – not sure if they just don’t know that it is required by law to have the permit or they just don’t care. As far as the photographers who don’t have the permit, many were advised of it and just don’t want the expense or hassle. It’s sad because the welfare of the children and the peace of minds of parents should be a priority.”

Permits are also required for those who provide “instruction, evaluation, lessons, coaching, seminars, workshops, or similar training as an artist, including but not limited to acting, singing, dance, voice, or similar instruction services for minor who is seeking to secure employment as an artist or performer.” But here too, dozens of coaches and acting teachers who cater to young performers have either not obtained permits or have not renewed expired permits.

Acting coach Anthony Meindl runs an acting workshop in town where all 15 of his teachers have permits. “All of our teachers have to have one,” he told Deadline. “We have 15 teachers. That’s a lot of licenses and a lot of permits. A casting director told us about it and we wanted to make sure we are complaint. We thought it was important for everyone to be registered.”

Concerned parents can run the names of people their children work with through the U.S. Department of Justice’s National Sex Offender Registry, but that database is of no use if a sex offender is working under an assumed name. To make sure that doesn’t happen, the state requires fingerprints and FBI background checks on everyone who applies for a permit.

A manager of the careers of 15 child actors told Deadline that she got her permit when the law first went into effect five years ago. “It’s very important to me,” she said. “I was very happy when they did it. I was one of the first ones to sign up. This is a big deal to me.”

A check of the state database, however, showed that her permit had expired last June. “I’m glad you told me,” she said. “I would have renewed it the second it expired. I’m going to renew it right away.” She’ll have to pay the $200 renewal fee, but she won’t have to be fingerprinted again.

Asked why she thought so many managers of child performers haven’t gotten the permits, she offered two reasons: “One, people are lazy; and two, nobody assumed anybody would follow through, and nobody has. They figure that if there are no consequences, what does it matter?”

11 de abril de 2018

DEEP STATE Vs White Hats

The WHITE HATS Beny Wilson are trying to prevent World War III. The Deep State is pressing Trump to fall on his agenda. The New Elite is having a very difficult time to handle various situations at this time. We are told that the real agenda Pornstar is about to unfold. From now on , EE. UU., China and Russia are on yellow alert.Each superpower is on high alert. Our prayers should focus on world peace.

In the meantime. Bankers both in Iraq and in the US. UU. Now they exchange ideas on logistics for implementing the public exchange. This is the first time we hear something like this happens. They have also told us that Kim Jong-un is about to unfold in the same way we know it has always been. "A TRAITOR" I think when you see this guy out with a surprise ... I really see the prophetic word "When things look their worst" "And then the Dinar" as the Profesia says

BANKS here in the US. UU. They are now discussing the possibility of throwing in gold investments in thousands of millions of dollars in new bonds and currencies backed by gold. The old elite Criminal are now investing millions of dollars in Cryptos, so we expect to see a sudden increase in values of Cryptos in the next 2 weeks. " What would I do?" Litecoin buy, Ripple and TNCs have more ... but this is all I allow sharing. 

God bless you all.

18 de marzo de 2018

Archons and humanity

😎 The eye that sees everything. This spy program operates from the etheric plane and monitors all activity of physical beings and then reports to nonphysical Arcontes. (Cobra) | Sunday, March 18, 2018


26.000 years ago, the Archons declared this planet was his property and all living creatures were their hostages and slaves. They declared this planet quarantined and all space vehicle entering or exiting this planet needed a special permit from the Archons. This is the reason for the "non-intervention" we hear so much. The human race has been taken hostage by the Archons for all those millennia, and maintained in a closed cycle of reincarnation in the same place again and again, dragging amnesia and lethargy. The time of amnesia is almost over. Archons have maintained their control with a special technology which is called The Veil. It is a fenced electromagnetic frequency on the lower astral and especially on the etheric plane, extending up to 8.6 miles (13.8 kms) above and below the earth's surface to such an extent that prevents the light from reaching the Earth in quarantine . Veil is operated by the non-physical Archons. This technology could be described as etheric HAARP. This technology distorts the time / space structure at the quantum level and creates great difficulties for the propulsion systems of UFOs of positive extraterrestrial forces. In the past, this significantly hindered the progress of positive ET races towards this planet.

Besides keeping the good ETs at bay, the Veil has the function of programming / reprogramming the human population and keep it in the process of reincarnation / recycling. now I will discuss now some of the main astral / etheric programs in operation for humans reincarnated.

1) Reduction of consciousness and deactivation of the light body / merkaba. This program is maintained with resonance technology pricked ethereal waves.

2) blocking the free will and positive initiatives.

This program is maintained with etheric infrasonic technology. Part of that sound precipitates towards the physical plane and some people can hear it as a very low frequency hum. This is the source of the mysterious sounds escuhados at the beginning of 2012. The infrasound block certain centers in the physical brain and this blocks positive initiatives. This infrasound is also the cause of unusual tiredness that many people experience no apparent reason.

3) Reduction of intelligence.

This is done by inducing strong magnetic fields to the etheric brain and the membrane between the physical and etheric brain and this causes disturbance in the process of thinking. This program produces a confused, forgetful mind and lack of concentration.

4) Inducing disharmony in Relationships.

This is done interfering fields of the etheric body and creating dissonant frequency auric membrane with etheric infrasound. This program produces an artificial separation between love and sexuality, closing the heart, overactivity of the mind and imbalance between feminine and masculine principles.

5) Inducing poverty.

This is done by projecting images / holograms poverty to the etheric brain.

6) Subculture division.

This program operates when choosing targeting different subcultures with specific opposing hologram images thus creating division among them.

7) food / obesity disorders.

This program is induced by projecting images into the etheric brain of certain foods that produce obesity.

😎  The eye that sees everything.

This spy program operates from the etheric plane and monitors all activity of physical beings and then reports to non-physical Archons.

9) implants.

These are etheric / astral crystals that are placed in the aura of every human being just before reincarnating, since the person needs decender from the mind / astral planes superior to the lower / etheric astral into the physical plane to embody. These implants eliminate the memory of previous incarnations and are the main reason that we do not remember our past lives., Nor the Archon entities ruling the planet. The implants are poetically called as "veil of forgetfulness".

There are also physical implants.

Physical implants were very popular in Atlantis but were discontinued after the fall of Atlantis happen. There was an attempt to reintroduce physical implants after the 2nd World War II with physical biochips that were put in the vast majority of the population through vaccination programs. This is the reason why the World Health Organization has made vaccination compulsory. Physical biochips reinforced other programming but were successfully deleted from the human population 2 years ago with a special technology that can be remotely operated, developed by the Resistance Movement. Therefore, fears that the New World Order plans to introduce microchips in the human population is not based on reality since the population had already been microchipeada and those same microchips have also been eliminated without anyone noticing.

Grid Archons etheric is controlled by a very small group of Archons etheric who give their orders to millions of Draconian etheric (commanders sector), and those trillions of reptilians (warriors) and these amoebas (elemental beings semi-conscious that exactly they obey orders without question).

The Archons control with advanced etheric grid technology. The plane etheric within the layer of 17.2 miles controlled by Archon whole is permeated with cameras with strong electromagnetic field can distort the space-time structure according to the program of the central computer etheric directing the flow of etheric energies along the planet in a way that controls humanity mostly. These cameras detect all positive thinking and emotions and if they are too powerful, the cameras send a signal to the central computer which then strengthens the etheric grid distorted electromagnetic fields around the person experiencing positivity, effectively turning it off. If this is not enough, additional active cameras with a infrasonoro ELF low frequency hum that represses the person, with additional electrical pulses sent to the solar plexus chakra kundalini energy to short, turning it off. This is sometimes combined with strong electromagnetic fields around the third eye chakra, disorienting the mind back to the somnolent or almost drugged person. Along with that, strong negative thought forms are projected, constantly bombarding the mind of the person.
Beyond that, each embodied person has an amoeba attached to the solar plexus area, which tries to control the emotional life of that person energy parasite. Amoeba is also connected with parasitic amoeba in others, orchestrating conflict.

Archons etheric transmit data from the mainframe etheric to physical black box is in possession of one of the many ancient families of the Italian black nobility and is conectedada with physical mainframe Cabal ( "the Beast") and then linked to the mainframe computers within the NSA. Although the forces of Light managed to put a computer virus in the Black Box, this virus has not been as effective as expected.

Etheric Archons are allergic to certain things.

First the energy of love, especially love between a man and a woman. When they see a happy couple, they want to destroy the love between them, because that Love empowers forces of Light nonphysical to remove the etheric Archon and his henchmen.

Second, they are allergic to healthy sexual energy. They suppress this energy in the human population, they do not succeed in suppressing it , they pervert. Sexual energy is the life force itself and when they manage to suppress it , they have a fleecy population on the planet's surface that can be easily controlled.

Third, they are allergic to extraterrestrial civilizations positive energies and energies of the Ascended Masters. They try to suppress, distort and manipulate these energies when-ever you possible ...



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