
10 de enero de 2018


The first step is to identify the problem.
And the big problem in the world right now, is not excessive corruption and criminality of the financial elite and their obedient minions of the world of politics; are no wars, no hunger, no terrorism (including countless false flag operations) nor the imbalance between those who have almost everything and those who have nothing; nor the proliferation of superbugs, or climate change or something it may seem, not just the threat of an asteroid upload everything.
The real big problem facing the world today, is the deplorable state of most of the world's population mentally, Especially in western and wealthier countries.
And we say that this widespread mental state is the main problem, because basically, is what prevents us to deal with all the other problems that we have listed above.
We are in a state of collective hypnosis, verging on the servile conformism, of pasotismo to the constant abuse, even when citizens experience in their own flesh and can identify abusers with names.
We live in sick societies, populated by undead, with a total lack of rebellion, both collectively and individually.
the fire of workers' struggles, the struggle for the rights of women or racial rights struggle was extinguished; struggles for social justice and equality, of any group.
There are only cosmetic protests muffled voices and always asking permission to not disturb.
There is no longer that gleam in the eyes of those who should fight for their rights and for the future of their children and that always comes from the wounded dignity.
There is only the pasotismo which expects those who most despise, we solve problems in exchange for putting a ridiculous ballot in a ballot box every four years.
We have more possibilities and more tools than ever to connect with other people and organize ourselves without anyone's permission; more likely than ever to fight for what we want and to express ourselves freely; but these wonderful tools, starting with the Internet, are useless, because our mental state of collective hypnosis, becomes useless: most use them to make selfis and share their profound stupidity with others, in exchange for the insipid dose dopamine offered by a few likes.
The proliferation of zombie movies of recent years, perhaps it was an unconscious of what is happening on a social scale, in this increasingly globalized world reflex.
It seems as if the minds of the creators had drunk a kind of collective unconscious and had captured in images that we all intuit and experience within us and we do not know into words.
It's like a little voice within us, buried by tons of cultural debris, trying to wake squeal, to warn the path of self destruction in which we are engaged ... but not useless.
In recent years, we have seen helplessly as the repression grew our most basic freedoms, moving like a bulldozer without anyone having moved just a finger (and no, move your finger on the mobile screen does not count).
Since 11-S 2001 and policies of mass control that have followed, our social freedoms have not stopped cropped, day after day, no one blinked, and always justifying the following abuse under the pretext of security.
And we have reached a point where no matter that people know that many terrorist bombings are false flag operations, or their governments steal and lie to them or their leaders sell weapons or do business with the same criminal regimes promoted after the terrorist attacks on its soil and against their fellow citizens.
Any news or revelation has become little more than a commodity.
In the popular imagination, there is no difference between the effect caused a shocking news that should be outraged to burn down the streets and chapter in a sitcom: the consumer sees, reacts according to what he sees as hard news and then deletes of his memory, as one forgets an episode of "Big Bang Theory".
But what is really serious is that what we're missing goes far beyond the freedoms relating to social, political or economic rights.
We are not facing a new phenomenon and our loss of freedom, is not confined to political decisions made in recent years, under the epithet of "fighting terrorism" .
For decades we lose freedom as individuals and above all, losing our contact with the essence of what makes us human and connects us with our most basic instincts, those who open the door to individual dignity and their expression in the form of rebellion and fight for our rights .
Recent decades we have lost tremendously as people without nor have we just stopped thinking about it.
We will put some examples that older people understand better than anyone.
Those who were children 20, 30, 40 or 50 years ago will know: how could you go out and play outside with other children without the paranoia and the level of surveillance that exists today remember?
Remember when your knees playing dirty to the eyebrows, without representing a danger of "immediate deadly infection" that needed disinfectants and pharmaceuticals skinned?
If it is seen that there was a not too distant time when children still had an immune system and its interaction with the bacteria present in the environment and nature itself, it does not imply a "death threat" as now, but all on the contrary, the possibility that your body learn to fight and strengthened.
They remember when the children knew what was a chicken, a pig, a goat or a cow, but it had to teach stories or hear their song recorded on a Playskool toy?
They remember when you could have fun playing with four stones, or chalk, or a ball or a plastic soldiers and did not need game consoles last generation to imagine for you?
Yes, there was a not too distant time when children laughed, jumped and ran around and always found some fun, without having to be sitting at a little screen.
Remember when the restless children who could not sit still because they had plenty of energy, they were labeled simply "naughty" or "terrible" and were punished without snack and not risked appeared a cretin who diagnosed them nonexistent disorders such as ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)?
Remember when kids were fighting, throwing stones, face split apart and had bullies, but there was sickly and cruel kind bullying harassment?
Remember when the children were playing "mommies and daddies" or "doctors" and discovered for themselves the principles of their sexuality without my having to come a psychologist or had them give Aseptic sex education classes? Remember when I discovered all by themselves and not through pornography on the Internet, distorting his view of sex forever?
Remember when families could go to a beach without encountering thousands of tourists brainless atiborrándolo all? When there were still small coves and hidden beaches and not overcrowded, free of buildings that destroy the environment?
When there was still forest up on the beach and not just moles cement in the form of chalets or skyscrapers? When summer came and people did not need a television commercial paid with public money, he advised to drink water to avoid dehydration, because everyone, including cat and dog already had enough sense to know natural ?
You remember when you could go into the woods without finding it filled with cigarette butts, cans, plastic bags and garbage? When people were able to picnicking, and even make fire in a wooded area without causing a forest fire, because the herds of goats had done cleaning the underbrush naturally?
They remember when they could board a train without having to go through security checks, lathes, electronic ticket readers and scrutiny of thousands of cameras and uniformed tipejos escrutándoles as if they were a general?
They remember when they could repair their own cars or trucarse their own bikes in the basement of their homes without having to spend a thousand and inspections?
When could they build a wall or a porch on their land without having to ask permission from the council because that was their property without fear to pass surveillance aircraft to inspect the works you did in their own homes, to plundered by taxation and penalties for the pockets of four thieves?
Remember when young people could ask for a job in a shop, a workshop or even in an editorial, without being required to submit a resume demonstrating thousand who had studied languages ​​and had 10 years of experience?
When people learned trades or professions without having to study before a thousand and one useless things to take off unnecessary titles that have nothing to do with their qualifications?
Remember when before going to bed did not need to consult compulsively the screen of a mobile or spend 3 hours in front of the TV, like a ritual essential to life?
Or when they could eat with their families without there being screen TV talking for you?
Remember when fruits and vegetables were seasonal and had taste really, when the bread smelled of bread and when they could take any product without it being packaging, plastic and disinfected to turn it into a mass of matter tasteless and full of dyes industrial?
And we could go on for hours.
I'll make a confession: I have not experienced any of that.
Only the last gasps of the world that have already destroyed. But still, I am aware of what we have lost.
It's true: that past was full of darkness, discomforts, cultural arrears, horrible prejudice and discrimination, with terrible wrongs and evils and abuses silenced by hypocrisy and lack of social freedoms, especially in countries traditionally paid to cultural backwardness and social and Spain.
I am in no way saying that all the past was better, much less.
This attitude corresponds to the elderly and infirm reactionaries who hate any progress that can not understand and who blindly cling to any past in which even had erections.
I do not intend to make a nostalgic reminder of alleged "better times", but only a remembrance of things that we have left to lose unnecessarily.
Perhaps we should ask: Have we really progressed, whether our alleged technological and social progress has killed so many things that connected us with ourselves, with our instincts and nature?
Is it really incompatible technological and social progress to preserve what we had good, removing only what prevented us improve as a society or grow as individuals?
Because it is this: progress, progress means better.
Take advantage of advances to be freer.
Instead we are less free as individuals. We are more controlled and are even more dependent on external artifacts than we were old.
And we need state permits even to lift a finger.
When you lose the essence of who you are, as luck would have it, contact your instincts and above much of your freedom, you have not progressed at all: you've just destroyed how good you were.
Yes, we have made great strides, but we have lost essential aspects of our lives.
Medicine has advanced greatly and can cure many diseases that were previously lethal; but superbugs proliferate and immune systems are weakened people.
Our bodies do not know how to defend themselves without antibiotics or chemical junk.
If we had progressed properly, we could treat these incurable diseases before, and yet not see a proliferation of superbugs and immune systems are weakened.
We live a crisis of masculinity, with an increasing number of men with weak sperm and infertile women.
Not to mention the proliferation of sexual disorders affecting more and more people, especially men.
We have more sexual freedom than ever, but we have more disorders and addictions than ever to not enjoy it.
What's the point of all this?
And as we said before, especially we have much more access to information and greater capacity than ever in history to be exchanged with each other ... and yet the majority of the population remains as or more stupid than before and much more submissive and conformist, especially the middle and working classes.
It does not matter at all that the majority of the population no longer illiterate, or even have many studies.
They keep voting, worshiping or slavishly obeying the same leaders who steal their bread and the future, as did the illiterates of 50 years.
In countries like Spain, the same servile and stupefied mass, continues to vote to them already ruled during the dictatorship!
With the aggravating circumstance before, the "village idiot" was treated as such, and now, the "village idiots" get rich out on television and are converted into mass idols.
We have everything to be freer and more creative than ever and instead, we are more and more dependent slaves of the things we possess and the most powerful elites.
If we have the necessary instruments to be free and are not, what is wrong is not the tools but ourselves.
Our brutal loss of freedom, is only explicable by the passive and conformist, almost servile state of mind.
And that state of mind can only be explained by the loss of our instincts and our essence as human beings.
At the moment, our minds are already aseptic and perfectly sterilized.
Soon we will be born wrapped in a plastic bag ...

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...