
20 de enero de 2018


Real Truth Call of January 18, 2018 - 3 hours Questions and Answers -
I would like to explain to everyone to have more clarity:
👉  In the RV / GCR will soon have, theremany groups involved and I'll give a more detailed explanation for better understanding:
👉  Therea "republic" that was created by Rothchild and the French to USA (not good).
👉  a group of bankers USA left to operate from China After. These bankers call themselves "Chinese elders." They have a "game" that wantimplement the human race would regain control again and continue with the same system of slavery.
👉  Then we have the government of Washington DC, which is a corporation, making people believe that they are in charge when in fact they never were (also not good). It has been a shadowy group that has manipulated with lies, corruption, pedophilia, drugs, murder, etc.
👉  Then they have "La Republica" (the real) which has its center in Nevada and Philadelphia. This is the real government that handles all the country from behind.
👉  Elderly (bankers) are also associated with another group are families: there are families in eastern Europe and the Chinese families using code name: the family golden dragons, red dragons, butterfly and other families.
👉  People are confused with all publications of false information put in a lot comes from the Rothchild ... .they until they created the bitcoin trying to rebuild his empire.
👉  multiple to distribute this wealth we failed attempts were made.
👉  is a very complicated transaction and neededbe really sure that they would not intercede in the process and steal all the money has been distributed.
👉  These people have been in power and control of each operation on the planet for thousands of years where the human race depended entirely on the wrongdoings of bankers ago.
👉  Now that you have more complete information on how many people and groups darkness were interfering they will be ableunderstand why we had to suspend many times the exchanges. I hope my clarification contribute positively to their way of seeing the situation and continueraise their thoughts to complete this transaction in a successful way.
👉  Finally we have "grandfather" who looks 35 but has many more years. He is thewho is basically distributing all this wealththe planet. He is helping to "heal" the human race from all its economic problems.
👉  the abundance that was being accumulated hundreds of thousands of years is immense. A large part is stored here and was taken off the planet.Other civilizations have previously used this abundancewell.
👉  Many off-planet beings are soldiers who have come to light this timeline to help.
👉  irritates me just thinkingthings that have made us the dark. The technologies will presentshould have had50 years ago.
👉  When people hear about all the things that we hid the truth from governments, manipulation and liesmany will feel anger, a logical response to so great revelation.
👉  We can not affordfeel angry but think and feel it is unfair. At this point we can not afford to have those negative feelings because actually we harm ourselves. I understand that it will be difficult to handle for some but think that as the incoming energies surround us every day, these beings will notableresist and will affect.
👉  Letuse the energy of disillusionment that we can feel and transformémoslas into positive energy to help the planet. What they think believeAre not damaged with thoughts that do not belong and do not bother me remindwhenever you can.
👉  These people have been above the law, not those responsible have never harm they have caused.
👉  is a huge shift in consciousness ofwhole human race.
👉  also remember the geographical changes that Gaia will suffer. It will not be catastrophic but if you know that the costs will be covered by water have the chance to move.
👉  The distribution of this wealth will be before the change then thereno reason notmove. Remember that those who make exchanges are responsible for helping the rest of his brothers. Nobody will be left out. They will receive support from all sides. They are being protected, nothing will happen.
👉  It will be an event with enough time to plan where you wantrelocate. Be positive in your thoughts. All they will be well.
👉  roughly calculated that the Med Beds (beds healing) will be seen around the world in 6 years.You have to find specific places, healing centers with a special structure. Then comes the construction of the beds, distribution around the globe, technical training, etc. are many things to consider.
👉  At that time we will have the scooter to move from one place to another in 15 minutes we will alsoabletransport the med beds everywhere within minutes.
👉  But do not be disappointed, there are other healthrelated technologies that will be presented.
👉  Prepare yourselves in a positive way so that after receiving monetary blessing, they can collaborate with the reconstruction of Gaia and to the construction of machines or the use of technologies that, to be honest, many of you already knowThey do not remember, but you were here. It has not happened at some point say, but if this will be done and I never taught ... is for that reason.Many of you are descendants of Pleiadians or any other star system and eventually will be able to regain his memory.
👉  Focus on happiness will feel helping, assisting all his brothers working as a team, all together with the same goal: weall equal, free, living in truth, health, joy and abundance.
👉  There was a fleet of dark beings in this quadrant of the galaxy since 1940 working with the secret space program. For these programs dark activities had trillions of money available. They wash the money from the Pentagon.
👉  people working as slaves for 20 years where they erased the memory of the things that made them do. Research and inventions to affect human health as a whole.
👉  had bases on different planets. Mars has 5 colonies including reptilians. The atmosphere of Mars is completely habitable. There is a red planet as they say.
👉  Venus also has colonies but most live within.
👉  There are many extraterrestrials living among us but are hybrids. They are human DNA mixed with Sirians, Andromedans, Arcturians. But they have not wantedshare that information with the human race.
👉  Hybrids look human with some differences: some with golden hair, big eyes, the skin is different, etc. They live in their communities, are among you and are beings with a normal life.
👉  There are huge facilities and underground cities in the cortex, where there are beings living for many years, far more than the Earthcivilization this time. 
👉  Jupiter has civilizations. Saturn has civilizations. All planets have civilizations with the difference that their atmospheres, look different from us.
👉  Weassistingin this process of ascension to millions of beings from other systems belonging to the Galactic Federation of Planets. It is a complete consulate at all timesmonitor the movements that occur here. Are representatives of different planets which make the best decisions to complete the process of liberation.
👉  as to have an idea, in the 80s, there was a television series "Star Trek" which showed communication between different groups of space and interact forbenefit of all the galaxies ... These beings have two legs, two arms, look human but with different skin color and other characteristics.There are beings that have thousands and thousands of years, there are others who can not breathe in oxygen and have a special camera to breathe.
👉  There are beings of the future who come to learn about the human DNA that makes life here to implementon their planets as they are dying. Many come to help and many come to learn, research and apply their civilizations.
👉  There are many ships that have thousands of miles long and wide. There are ships as large as planets.
👉  There are interdimensional beings can travel to different dimensions. There dimensional ships passing from one dimension to another in seconds.
👉  We have 5 toes andis because we are beings of 5th dimension, or rather, we are in the process of ascending to wherebelong.
👉  We have a fleet of ships guarding the planet, satellites in space, system lasers.
👉  In my opinion replicators will be available between 2018-2020
👉  When the currency is replaced by FIAT Dollar currency backed by gold infew days they will begin to see changes in prices. Let's have a disinflation as happened in China when they went to the revaluation of their currencies backed by gold.
👉  The housing market will lower their prices, automotivewell. All products consumed daily and those who do not like furniture. Everyone needs a price change. Remember we had an inflation rate of 500%
👉  It will keep well for a while until the market stabilizes and adjustment to the new economy but prices are going to remain low.
👉  All largest and most important banks that belong to the Federal Reserve will be dismantled, meaning, that will give them other purposes, will be modified, restructured and renamed as the Federal Reserve is going to abolish .
👉  Corporations as such will also dismantle and restructure and will not meet the necessary requirements of clarity in their actions, they will be closed.
👉  It's getting a daily "cleansing" of all the corrupt bankers from the largest to the last employee who has been found guilty of various negative actions.We want full transparency in the banking system.
👉  not going to allow that once exchanges occur, no one of any bank can make some sort of "dark" transaction against someone you have your money deposited there.
👉  Everything is ready for the exchanges take place infew days. I understand the excitement and anxiety they feel, but do not worry that there is not much for waiting. In my call last night told them that we will have exchanges in less than a month.
👉  The # 800 will be published to call. They are going to ask the currency they have (as they have not) and where they live and they will giveanother number to call where they will make their exchanges. The process can take from 30 minutes to 1 hour.
👉  Their mentors will give themlotinformation such as: where you come, such as the 5th dimension, what is your mission, your story. They will feel good and grateful to have someone constantly teach them and guide them in the process.
👉  There are thousands of species into and out of our solar system andshould have interacted with them since the beginning of our existence but we were held captive in a private darkness of all kinds of learning and technology. Why this planet is known as"prison planet". Eventually we will achieve an open and direct communication with these beings.
👉  With regard to changes in costs, an estimated time that I think can see a beginning from 2020 and ending in 2025. Look maps of their areas internet movement. It has not been made public because they do not want peoplefeel fear and no reason to feel.
👉  The news is going to be spreading among people and remember that knowledge makes you strong and powerful, ignorance enslaves you and urges you to fear.
👉  The new banking system called "Hercules" is completely transparent to handle this transaction.The problem arises with people operating in these banks. Especially when one makes a transfer of money from one account to another: retain the money.
👉  These people are corrupt and are accustomed to "steal". I receive comments from some who have trillions in the bank forlong time but they can not use because the bank puts codes to keepunder their control and use their money for their own transactions to earn more money.
👉  Bankers believe that all money coming into its institutions, belongs to them. What is happening now is that any of these people who are trying these crimes, are being arrested daily.
👉  and others in other banks are tryingsteal anyway even if they know the consequences they are facing .... It is amazing to where corruption comes. It is a habit to which they have been accustomed for many years. We had a problem of this nature few days ago with the HSBC bank.
👉  a completely new system with advanced technology had been installed on the Twin Towers in New York prepared for the announcement in September morning in 2001 revaluation, NESARA,whole complete package of prosperity.
👉  But they waited untillast minute until armed themselves that "story" they did believe. They fired a missile intobuilding where he hadwhole system,was not an airplane From there, it became impossible to make this a reality and so we lost 16 ....
👉  currently only we hope that when tryingdivert their money to other accounts or delay their transactions snitch to immediately arrest.
👉  this system "Hercules" they have put layers upon layers of codes that prevent access to report corrupt actions but who is it that is trying to make the fraudulent transaction.
👉  pulls out to the middle and appears another and another and another. Eventually all evil will be removed and clarity will exist only in the banking system.

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