
13 de abril de 2018

difference between 'dreamers' and 'creators'.

Dreamers are happy only dream / fantasize about: a better life, a more successful future or live in a society 5D Nova Gaia. They are simply dreaming and dreaming continually, but without taking any steps to make your wishes a physical reality in their lives. 

Creators, on the other hand, are visionaries. 'Visualize' a happy, bright, peaceful and abundant future and then actively participate in making this future happen! 

Are you a dreamer? Or a Creator? Are you ready to reclaim your divine birthright? Are you ready to take your place in the Cosmos powerful as the 'Movers and Shakers'; as the Awakened Beings of Light group that are holding the destiny of humanity and Gaia in their very capable hands?

I am here to ask for your full commitment and dedication to this cause. I am giving all my children an open invitation to enter the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Now you accept my invitation? Are you ready for? 

Perhaps you're wondering why I can not get you out of this Earth 3-D and then "throw you" directly to Earth 5-D immediately. Why do you all have to go through this chaotic process of Ascension, sometimes exhausting, often confusing, occasionally painful? The answer is simple. Doing so will remove power. You are here on a great adventure that has never happened before elsewhere in this universe. Ascension of a planetary being which is Gaia, your Mother Earth, with all its inhabitants.

Everything you've gone through in this life (and past lives here on Earth and elsewhere) and everything you're going through now make all of who you really are : "a magnificent and multidimensional eternal Spirit in an eternal evolutionary journey infinite potential. " 

everywhere, people are forced to face all their deep - seated problems that come from the past.

Odos those who currently are not aligned with your Higher Purpose will be at a crossroads because many things are shaken to awaken spiritually and claim your divine power. For example, many people have recently lost their jobs, their marriages, their wealth, their confidence in themselves and their lifestyles previously "normal". This is not a coincidence. It 's all part of the Ascension process. 

If you are one of these people who is currently going through a difficult time, remember that you have everything within you to emerge victorious completely. The future may seem bleak at this time or may appear that there is no escape. That's just an illusion. It 's really just afraid to talk and raise its ugly head.

Let go of all impatience. Impatience led to yourself, the world around you or the Ascension process itself will not useless.

Here are some examples of powerful, three - dimensional and false beliefs that can start releasing today: 

There are many more three - dimensional belief that the Human Collective should set aside to achieve their highest potential. If you can not 'think, feel, believe or do' out of the box of the third dimension in which you have been living your whole life, you will never be able to grow into the mighty Being of multidimensional Light that is your true identity. It's time to release all those who are chained and holding it 

For those of you who really believe in the existence of his divine powers of creation and manifestation, now I 'll share the secret to overcoming those beliefs / powerful conditionings
You only need to replace all those false beliefs deeply rooted dimensional with a powerful belief that overrides all. 

And here it is again: I AM ALL THAT I AM. I AM LIMITLESS. I AM GOD. You must commit completely to give the best of you in making the above statements. This is the key of your Divinity, your sovereignty. Are you ready for this challenge? It's all your being; your mind-body-spirit now ready to embrace its potential as God? Are you ready to finally leave behind all feelings of smallness, helplessness, worthlessness or unworthiness, then COMPLETELY, once and for all, embrace your Divinity, Divinity and Power?

If your answer is a strong, immediate and decisive YES, then, my dear, please take my hands now. Let go of everything that slows you down and trust me. Give your life completely and submit it to Me. I'll take care, will guide you , protect you every step of the way and I 'll make sure you get to the destinations where you want to go. All you have to do now: CONFIANME completely. 

This is your mission if you choose to accept. The ball is on your roof. 

With all my love and light, 

God the Father.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...