
14 de abril de 2018

GOD THE FATHER mother-- Something very important to ask "new moms". Under no circumstances allow hospitals or clinics immunize their newborn !! | Saturday, April 14, 2018 


✍ DECEMBER 4, 2016 

- I would like to share that all who walk on the surface of the Earth are not native to here! All have come from other galaxies and solar systems.Some came from Lemuria and you are all beings of higher vibration. Soon they will know when the meeting with their relatives and tell them to occur. The bodies that you have are just that: a body ... if they could see how they look in reality, what is your true image a surprise lead. Their bodies are a shell covering their true identity and I will say that some of you are insects, other reptilians, other arachnids, other snakes but no matter because we are all one!

- They have forgotten their true essence. They have forgotten their true imagen.Ustedes have been brought to Earth by an experiment that is about to be completed (use it as a laboratory if I accept this word) and that was whether all these species could live on the surface of planet and we prove that if you can. Other planets in your solar system and the galaxy, 

- all the planets are inhabited and only inside the Earth was the only planet to prove that you can live on the surface and inside. But let me tell youthat they will return to the center of the Earth, inside. The surface will be a garden, a paradise, will return to what it was always from the beginning ... and all its inhabitants will live inside like the other planets

- The Bible: In the Old Testament I will make a clarification. God said, Let us make man in our image and likeness and all the power and abilities !! That part removed, not included ... .if you read the Bible Throw in that part if they want to awaken the God / goddess in you.

-To go / visit the deep Earth: if they choose must first become one with Mother Nature. To do that, they do not hurt any of his brothers. If there is a spider in your home, take it by putting a glass on her and get her out paper underneath and outside.Same with flies, ants, etc ... do not kill or hurt anyone or anything ... the same with plants, rocks, trees ... Understand that when you hurt Mother Nature, the damage they are doing to yourselves and to all we are one with it. Once it reached the level of consciousness will be accepted to come. 

✍ DECEMBER 16, 2016

- In the inner earth they are already extinct creatures on the surface such as dinosaurs. Also they exist and are very real but they did believe they were for children 's stories like the unicorn (which is a cross between a horse and goat) and mermaids. There is also centaurs, half man, half horse (the sign of Sagittarius is represented by the centaur) 

- All these creatures with beings, plants and everything in the deep earth live in complete harmony, no matter the size or color or shape. All communicate with each other: can be telepathically as audibly.

- The crystals, plants and water are conscious and even sing! Shower and wash your hair there is a pleasure because water is life and massage you while you clean. When you experience that you will feel surprised but loved. Remember that everyone inside collaborate with others for the benefit of all ones. No arguments, no bad thoughts ... everyone respects freewill but always considering the other first. 

- Every time you repeat themselves I AM GOD OR THE POWER OF GOD in me ... your vibration and frequency rise tremendously. With this expression of your Inner God they can attract their lives whatever they desire: wealth, love, health, etc. 

✍ Jan. 7, 2017

- Remember that the official announcement of NESARA was scheduled for September 11, 2001 and could not be done through a government ruse US (Bush & Clinton) knocking down the Twin Towers in New York preventing the announcement. 

- With the announcement of NESARA, it will make a choice of a new president and assure them that the new president will be a representative of the Galactic Federation. We want to ensure that everything goes well so we need one of us is in charge.

- Meanwhile prepare for the relationship with the bank manager, or someone who is ready to guide you in managing the fortune that will receive these exchanges (RV). Ask the highest values when they are doing their personal transaction with the bank or exchange centers. 

- Each country will have its phone # to make their exchanges, for example here (in the US) the toll free number is 1-800 but in other countries the toll free number is different. But all will get. Do not worry! 

- We also expect the official announcement of his brothers in the land and the brothers of heaven.

- Something very important to ask the "new moms". Under no circumstances allow hospitals or clinics immunize their newborn !! The poison that these vaccines contain cut short their years of life! Children who are arriving at the planet are beings with a conscience and high vibration and your immune system is much more powerful than that of adults. They are healthy and the ability to stay healthy. They are beings of 5th dimension and intoxication and do not need these vaccines. 

✍ JANUARY 21, 2017 

- You have the power to change reality together for the planet. As the days pass more people are "waking up" and that will make the balance weighs more on the side of light. Thoughts are creations and have much power.

- The mermaids are real and half - human half dolphin. And now they feel their vibrations are higher and they will not cause harm, are showing every day. They have taken photos of these creatures from the water. Sirens have the ability to swim from one side of the ocean to the other in just hours. 

- Conéctense with Mother Nature. Go to the ocean, put his bare feet in the water. Soon they will be able to hear the water sing. If you feel the need to be near the water or live near the water it is because in a past life you belonged to that kingdom as sirens, dolphins, etc so feel the need to re-connect with their past. 

✍ FEBRUARY 4, 2017

- They get sick because the contaminated soil remain scattered all these chemicals for many years and when the lands grow their vegetables and fruits are contaminated. In addition, for longer life, food preservatives companies inject them (more poisons)

- Meat consumption has a negative impact on their health and that the human body was not created to consume corpses. In addition, animals have souls consequently consume sentimientos.Cuando besides putting in your body all these chemicals and poisons that inject you are also consuming the energy of pain the animal when killed experiment. And a third reason is that all foods are packaged to be moved bring the energy of the staff working in these balers.(Sadness, frustration, pain, etc.) 

- The planet will expand, needs to grow in size, 1/3 the size it is today. All buildings that were on the surface of the earth will disappear. All people will live inside the earth.

- The area will be transformed back into the "Garden of Eden". Animals such as lions, bears, and even unicorns will live on the surface. 

- The near future of the land has a lot oftechnology, no government, great abundance of health, peace, joy, love, there will be gaps or wars. 

… be continue

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