
27 de mayo de 2018


Have any of you has happened that has realized that it has an emotional block, and has made hundreds of different therapies to no avail?
When thoroughly investigates this issue, you can reach conclusions that would otherwise not even the one arise. For example:
If I cleaned everything that has happened to me - it is meant to traumático- level in this life .... Will it is something that comes from far away? ....
Before asking this question, perhaps many of you have gone through all kinds of therapies, therapist, healer, doctor, you read books to complete a doctorate ... almost. Without having obtained the least favorable change to your problem.
Then you have raised two things: a serious limitation to accept that and live with your emotional block resigned, trying to bring dignity as the rest of your life. Still others will have decided to open beyond the "normal" your mind and start to investigate further. The second in a fit of courage will have raised: "and if that happens I come from a past life"?
Here we begin to enter a different dimension where first of all is to accept that we are beings of a single life, but we have gone beyond what we remember this. And therefore a life, there are also some experiences that have been able to make a final form. These experiences are stored in our subconscious and we in the sack of our memory as seeds waiting for the fertile land properly -the experience to germinate and bear fruit. When a seed of our past bears fruit, we are immersed in a kind of experiences we do not understand but that affect us our "actual" life-defining shape.Marking our present, and our destiny.
We will explain what types of situations from past lives have been able to produce these unconscious "locks" in the present life. We call "votes Karmic".
Revokes your vows made in past lives 
 What are the karmic votes?
Are decrees of obedience we did in past lives. Especially when we joined religious orders or initiatory or when, due to traumatic experiences which we live, we vowed "never again ..." or "From now on and for all eternity ..." and so on.
Why should revoke?
Because some of them continue to operate until the present time and we present life hinder or prevent us from enjoying what we promised to resign. For example, you do not allow yourself to have money if you took your vows seriously poverty in another incarnation; or just enjoy sex without guilt with your partner for your ancient vows of chastity and celibacy, etc.
a) vows of poverty:  signed within religions or philosophies where money was considered perverse. The vow of poverty was held in the idea that God will keep us despite everything, but ignores the fact that the best way that God has at this time to keep his creatures is through sufficient income. If you are a person who believes that money is bad or not mixed with spirituality, or if you've consistently experienced financial problems, you may in a past life have taken a vow of poverty.
b) vows of chastity:  here, the belief is that what is wrong is sexuality. Worldly pleasures were considered opposed to spiritual development. Of course this was not a universal concept, many Eastern religions have given sex a sacred character, propitiatory of union with God. If you've experienced recurrent lack of sexual, sexual dysfunction (impotence, frigidity), or have problems with intimacy, I desire you may have taken a vow of chastity in past lives.
c) Grade of selflessness:  it is a covenant of self - sacrifice that somehow expresses that you postpone any personal satisfaction in favor of the desires and needs of others. Rejects the love of oneself. If you feel that always loads the responsibilities of others, you feel a compulsion to help others above your own needs and you're always in the last place in line when repartes energy, you may have signed a pact of self - denial.
d) vows of celibacy:  equivalent to renounce establishing meaningful emotional relationship because we are "married" to God. But it is God who gives us soul mates to show us aspects of our own self. The vows of celibacy are manifested in many ways: sabotage intimate relationships, fear of commitment, and a personal history that records numerous relationships that end abruptly. Deny the possibility of a deep bond with someone is a way to bogged down in our growth. If this is your case, you've probably signed a pact of celibacy.
e) Vows of Silence:  in certain ancient religious orders, the word is considered one of the tools of the devil to seduce mortals. Hence the belief led to that silence helped maintain the purity of the soul. I detected other cases, for example, people who have lived in contexts of war being bearers of secrets or information vital to his country, which vowed not to speak and were tortured to death. Today, these people experience extreme difficulty expressing who they are, and tell the truth.
f) Votes of suffering:  in some historical contexts, the body was considered an impediment to spiritual growth, and therefore was flogged, punished, damaged to test the commitment of Divinity. Our current conception of the body is different: we understand that is the vehicle through which our soul expresses itself and therefore it is important to take care of him. However, many people have harmful behaviors toward your body can not ______
Source: Los  Angeles Love

n control from nail biting addiction to persist. Some of these people discovered through regression who have lived in religious contexts body impairment.
g) vows of obedience : they involve abandoning the will and subordinate to the will of God. The problems of obedience arise when this is completely blind, because if you believe that God's will is to destroy the infidel, who does not believe in the same God as us and acts accordingly (becoming a messenger of hate), only accumulate more karma. An evolved life involves becoming a partner of God in his creative work, not a blindly obedient subordinate. Learning is the balance between the two wills. Many people today who feel unable to confront authority (either a strong father, a chief tax system or regulations), they discover that they have signed covenants of obedience in past lives.
Copy or print the text of the "Revocation of votes made in past lives" which appears a few lines further down this page.
Performs a ritual or a special meditation in which you request the help of your soul or your higher self, your guides and teachers and all those souls of all those involved in the contracts that you have established in previous lives. Then read aloud the text recall whenever you want to feel in your soul that you have indeed already released. Then sign it and then burn the paper and forget about it.
If blockages persist can retake revocation on three occasions, but usually work the first time.
I apologize to God, my conscience and who appropriate for the times I killed or sacrificed animals or human beings with or without your permission on behalf of God or against God.
I apologize to God, my conscience and to whom it may concern for all acts against life I have done in this and other lives or moments of my existence, against me or any living being.
I release myself from all the votes made in this and other lives or moments of my existence.
I waive and release of all votes relating to poverty. 
I waive and release of all votes regarding chastity. 
I waive and release of all votes related to flagellation and self -punishment. 
I waive and release of all votes of limitations related to food. 
I waive and release of all votes of dying in God 's name. 
I waive and release of all the votes to kill in God 's name.
Today I forgive myself and decreed that henceforth:
I would experience prosperity and abundance in every aspect of my life. 
May I receive money for any activity performed for theirlivelihoods. 
I allow myself to experience pleasure with food in the form and amount you want to eat them 
I allow myself to enjoy a healthy and fulfilling sexuality. 
I would have and enjoy everything you want in accordance with my Divine Plan.
By the power of God in me, so, so, so.


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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...