
15 de junio de 2018

This year is announcing the awakening process in a large number of people

Ziimere of the Golden Light via Marlene Swetlishoff❤NESARA GESARA ASCENSIÓN🌎Junio 14, 2018 

Greetings, Beloved Lightworkers, 

been a long time since I had the opportunity to talk with you. The Scribe has been in deep channel process and often has been unavailable for use. There have been many changes within each of you in the past year. 

Most of you is moving toward the memory of the true identity of his soul , and when this happens, you are given more light to the world and all the inhabitants. Many of you have been moved to higher frequencies it is possible that humanity experiences and are still rooted on Earth.

As this occurs, their physical bodies have been transformed into its new crystalline bodies of Light. 

This year is announcing the awakening process in a large number of people and has been and will be a great cleaning and processing. Most of you reading this have already traveled this path and are completing this. 

You are moving towards your next step, ie, greater unity with your eternal Divine Essence. There is great enthusiasm in this development: every time one of you remembers the Light is and experience this unit with its higher aspects, a major change occurs within the consciousness of everyone on Earth. This is how they have been helpful in this wonderful moment of transformation for all.

Earth is constantly moving toward its intended path and is aligned with the galactic center. Everything is prepared and, from our perspective, we have been waiting with bated breath the opportunity to make our presence known to most of humanity on Earth. 

Those who have not been aware of what is really happening on your planet will feel more uncomfortable for some time, as their four - body system fits the more frequently than is now firmly established on your planet. It has been a difficult time for all as these adjustments are made and asked everyone to continue holding the Light as the process continues now.

 We have been working to align Earth with the galactic center and keep everything as stable and stabilized as possible. There have been many positive developments at this point ... much larger than originally conceived for this time of probabilities and possibilities. 

Each of you has the highest regard for the work they have been doing, since not only are going through changes , and body transformations with the rest of humanity, but have had to do this while maintaining a high level of Light to continue the transmutation of the Earth itself. Definitely not an easy task.

Everyone is coming to an own authenticity. Every part of your life is being scrutinized and aligned with the ascension process. This will continue to occur as the days continue, more and more of you will experience yourself as multidimensional beings they are. 

Many of you will experience being in many dimensions with awareness of this instead of just from the perspective of the fourth dimension. 

This is a time of momentous arrival of new technologies that will manifest themselves for the good of everyone on your planet Earth. We have been working for this technology is known by those of you on the planet. Many have asked for and received these ideas and templates, and have been working on its development.

These receptive humans are doing it quietly and without fanfare until the time to bring their inventions to the Light of all. 

What an exciting time this is for all of us, as we work together to increase the Light quotient upon the Earth and all its inhabitants. Humanity as a species are magnificent Beings of Light and now the collective light of humanity increases every minute. 

As unite to work in unity in the coming days, they know that you are providing stability to all and that their dedication is making a real difference now.

Cleaning will continue, Beloved Lightworkers, and since they are at the forefront of this process and the stages of completion, gives you all the opportunity to serve others on your planet. As you follow the impressions of your heart and your intuition, you will always be placed in the right place at the right time. 

Now all are positioned where they will rather in maintaining stability and Light. 

Your world is changing at warp speed and so is humanity! 

Those of you who have been desperate to have a big change on your planet and in the minds, hearts and conscience of mankind are nearing the end of their long journey and will end in victory and love.

From this perspective, we salute and honor your light. 

I AM Ziimere of the Golden Light,

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