
28 de octubre de 2018

MOMENTO DE LA VERDAD: Q Anon revela el programa Secret Space

MOMENTO DE LA VERDAD: Q Anon revela el programa Secret Space
El miércoles 19 de septiembre de 2018, el misterioso Q Anon reveló que no estamos solos en el universo y que sí tenemos un Programa Espacial Secreto.
Podría decirse que este es el desarrollo más emocionante que hemos tenido en todo el tiempo que hemos estado haciendo esta investigación ... que se realizó a tiempo completo desde febrero de 1993.
Q Anon es la única voz oficialmente sancionada de la Alianza en la actualidad ... un grupo de alto nivel que trabaja diligentemente para crear arrestos masivos de la Cabal y divulgación.
Q se ha mantenido en silencio durante 17 días a partir del 9 de octubre de 2018, lo que sugiere que "algo grande" está en las obras. Una carta fue publicada ese día, disculpándose por los retrasos.
Por lo tanto, podemos estar pasando por el "momento crítico" final donde se necesita un silencio completo para la seguridad operativa, antes de que la Alianza termine el trabajo.
Al día siguiente después del anuncio, vimos la prematura muerte de Karl Wolfe el 10 de octubre, seguido por Bob Dean al día siguiente, el 11 de octubre.  
Wilcock conoció a Karl Wolfe en el Proyecto de Divulgación original en 2001, y esperaba entrevistarlo si alguna vez decidía hablar de nuevo.
Karl Wolfe estaba montando su bicicleta cuando fue golpeado por un camión de 18 ruedas en Lansing, Nueva York, y más tarde murió a causa de sus heridas en el hospital.
[Esto sonó muy similar al incidente en enero, donde el perro de Emery Smith fue golpeado por un camión de 18 ruedas que podría haberlo golpeado fácilmente].  
Bob Dean reveló una participación mucho mayor "extraoficial" para este autor que la que había compartido públicamente, como se discutió en la segunda mitad de The Ascension Mysteries. 
Cada uno de estos hombres habría tenido un valor insustituible como testigos públicos en una sociedad de divulgación posterior al Programa Espacial Secreto, y ahora se han ido.
Estas muertes pueden sugerir que la Cabal responsable de este encubrimiento está haciendo todo lo posible para “limpiar la casa” antes de que ocurra cualquier anuncio de divulgación.
Otras señales de que podemos estar en el umbral de los principales eventos incluyen los mega huracanes y un colapso económico importante en progreso que podría convertirse fácilmente en el próximo 2008.
Esto es muy probable que sea un evento estructurado e intencional creado por la camarilla para intentar crear un caos mientras la Alianza realiza sus movimientos finales.
La película "Above Majestic" arroja nueva luz sobre el Programa del Espacio Secreto, Q Anon y mucho más, y está programada para lanzarse en múltiples plataformas, como iTunes, a partir del 30 de octubre.
El autor de este artículo tiene la máxima facturación en la película y aparece durante muchos minutos de tiempo de transmisión a lo largo de la película, revelando una variedad de temas controvertidos.
La parte de la película del Sr. Wilcock se volvió a grabar completamente a principios de agosto, por lo que se actualizó significativamente desde versiones previas que se emitieron en Disclosure Fest el 23 de junio y Dimensions of Disclosure el 19 de agosto.    
Esta película está destinada a convertirse en un "clásico instantáneo", y será muy útil en el proceso de divulgación a medida que avancemos, especialmente a la luz de esta sorprendente nueva revelación de Q Anon.
El estreno del 30 de octubre tuvo que ser cancelado  debido a la severidad de las amenazas que estaban llegando contra los participantes y la audiencia por igual.
[ACTUALIZACIÓN, A LA MAÑANA SIGUIENTE: Se  agregó un enlace valioso al final de por qué Q puede estar esperando hasta después de las elecciones.]
Ascensión es el contexto más amplio para todas las discusiones que tenemos en este sitio web, incluido el tema del artículo de hoy.
Mis artículos, libros, conferencias, videos, programas de televisión y películas invariablemente nos hacen recordar el hecho de que estamos atravesando una evolución muy rápida en lo que significa ser humano.
Docenas de profecías antiguas apuntan hacia los tiempos en que nos encontramos ahora como un verdadero punto de "Todo está perdido" en nuestro propio Viaje del héroe colectivo.
Se pronosticó que las condiciones terrestres alcanzarán un período de máxima tensión, en el que todo lo que podemos pensar pasa por una crisis simultánea.
La biosfera se vuelve loca, lo que sugiere que el planeta en sí no continuará siendo habitable, y esto desencadena una experiencia de iniciación mundial.
El colapso de las economías, la pobreza y la desigualdad alcanzan un máximo histórico, una corrupción indescriptible aparece en todos los niveles más altos, y el dolor sigue y sigue.
La iniciación alcanza la máxima intensidad tanto a nivel global como personal. Todos los que conozco lo están pasando ahora mismo de varias maneras.
Por lo tanto, si está experimentando un infierno como nunca antes había creído posible, no se preocupe, todo es parte de la gran iniciación.
Lo que sea que esté sucediendo en su vida en este momento, y siga volando en su cara, es precisamente ese trabajo sagrado que es suyo para procesar, integrar y trascender.
En lugar de combatirlo, las enseñanzas nos recomiendan enfrentarlo de frente. No hay escapismo ni distracción. Simplemente participar plenamente en el proceso.
Entiendo que puedes sentir una profunda frustración, tristeza, depresión y enojo. Eso es todo parte del proceso de Ascensión.
La clave es mantener la calma, recordar su vocación superior y resolver cada nuevo problema de manera metódica, paso a paso.
Cada punto de All is Lost se siente como el peor, pero tarde o temprano termina el examen y te relajas una vez más.
Tenemos una gran cantidad de material espiritual, tanto antiguo como moderno, para extraerlo a medida que procesamos estas diversas dificultades.
Este material nos recuerda que somos seres eternos en una línea de tiempo eterna. No importa cuán intensas puedan parecer las cosas, es solo otra fase del gran viaje.
Claramente estamos atravesando un épico "punto de unión" en los ciclos de la historia en este momento. Hay muchas dificultades, pero también está muy cargada de resorte.
La "sabiduría eterna" nos recuerda que todo es holográfico. Si ponemos el amor, la compasión y el perdón en el mundo, volverá a nosotros.
Una de las enseñanzas espirituales más paradójicas que encontramos es esta idea de "saborear el dolor" de la vida en lugar de huir de ella.
Podemos volver a encuadrar cualquier situación que estemos atravesando como una bendición sagrada, una oportunidad para experimentar avances espirituales masivos a una velocidad muy rápida.
Estas "oportunidades" pueden crear avances en breves ráfagas que llevarán decenas de miles de años para trabajar en los mundos mucho más armoniosos de los reinos superiores.
Si usted es un lector habitual de este sitio y resuena con su mensaje, es muy probable que su alma haya venido de reinos superiores para ayudar a que este planeta evolucione.
En el camino, pasas por tus propias experiencias evolutivas muy profundas, llevándote mucho más allá del nivel en el que estabas antes de llegar.
Descubrí que era un alma ET o "Vagabundo" en 1995, y desde entonces he tenido innumerables oportunidades para "saborear el dolor".
También nos vemos obligados a aprender a tener límites saludables. No podemos permitir que lo negativo pase por encima de nuestras vidas.
El levantamiento de la Alianza y las acusaciones selladas en masa, es una manifestación de estos límites saludables que finalmente aparecen en un nivel colectivo.
Sin embargo, nada importa más que el trabajo personal que estamos haciendo en este momento para establecer límites saludables en nuestras propias vidas, mientras mantenemos a nuestros atacantes en amor y luz.
Cada vez que defendemos con éxito lo que es verdadero, correcto y honesto, en nosotros mismos y en el mundo, estamos haciendo enormes progresos.
No estamos condenados, ni juzgados, por permitir que nuestros opresores continúen insultándonos, manipulándonos, controlando, degradándonos y torturándonos.
Sin embargo, una vez que finalmente decidimos levantarnos y hacer algo al respecto, atraemos todo tipo de karma positivo, y avances.
Obviamente hay una gran diferencia entre probar el agua y beberla.
Muchas veces siento que los artículos que escribo solo dan una idea de lo que realmente está sucediendo, sin realmente "absorber" las implicaciones espirituales más profundas.
En una situación como la que tenemos ahora, con toda la iniciativa de la Alianza aparentemente estancada, las cosas pueden parecer muy sombrías para los que seguimos esta historia.
Muchos de nosotros podemos sentir que "nada va a suceder", "todo esto fue falso", "la vida apesta y luego mueres", etc.
Le recomiendo encarecidamente que considere el contexto cósmico mucho mayor que está ocurriendo, y que no se quede atrapado en los detalles de un momento en particular.
Incluso si los arrestos masivos nunca ocurren, y lo harán, todavía nos dirigimos hacia eventos de significado espiritual inconmensurable como planeta.
The mass arrests will be great when they finally do happen, but that is not the end of the journey.
It will nonetheless be a major milestone in our collective awakening.
How we navigate and integrate that mass awakening is ultimately a deeply personal process that all of us are making, each and every day.
It said, “All this is leading towards something like a coup over the military industrial complex and its stranglehold over this story regarding UFOs and the like….
Government is in for a massive cleaning… but at first it will be interpreted as chaos and disorder.”
The “chaos and disorder” part is likely to occur once the mass arrests begin in earnest — and that moment may now be very close.
For me, the Law of One series took everything I already knew and framed it in a much greater cosmic context that still has deep relevance for today.
I first read the Law of One series in January 1996, and was stunned to see how a lifetime’s worth of my seemingly original research was summarized and greatly enhanced in these books.
The key argument was that the universe itself was alive and conscious — and certain areas of space and time had their own consciousness at certain “density” levels.
Our own solar system was said to be moving into a new domain of space and time that was “fourth density,” as opposed to our current 3D level.
Our transition into this new domain would ultimately lead to a “quantum leap” in biology, consciousness and even the laws of physics in our local vicinity.
Hundreds of specific references in the Law of One provided signposts for scientific research that is still ongoing to this day, and revealed many startling interconnections.
Some people completely understand that Ascension is happening, with profound dreams, visions and insights, whereas others are totally clueless.
If you are aware that very heavy stuff is heading our way, and struggle to tell others anything about it without being laughed at, here’s a suggestion.
I always advise people to follow the “Rule of Ten Percent,” meaning tell people ten percent of what you want to say, and then stop.
If they ask questions and make interested remarks, give them ten percent more. If not, simply change the subject.
Apart from any New Age-sounding jargon about densities, we find that our entire solar system is indeed experiencing rapid climate change, not just the earth.
Click on this link and scroll a little ways down until you see the words “The Sun”in order to read all the specific NASA examples I had for this, fourteen years ago now.
The amount of supporting evidence has since expanded dramatically. It is summarized in all three of my published books, The Source Field Investigations, The Synchronicity Key and The Ascension Mysteries.
I am only bringing this up now to point out how easy it is to debunk casual hate comments that there is “no evidence” to support these assertions.
This mass energetic charge-up of our solar system is also having a direct effect upon our DNA, causing evolution to occur on a very rapid timescale.
Various scientists have discovered different pieces of the puzzle, but hardly anyone sees how they all interconnect.
For those who have watched Wisdom Teachings on Gaia or read my books, the facts behind these conclusions are inescapable.
This DNA change is not something that happens all at once at the end of the cycle. You are going through this change right now.
In short, if you watch Seasons 27 through 29 of the show, you will see 47 half-hour episodes that nicely summarize the “core argument” for Ascension — almost a year of weekly programs.
This argument is all based on the original message of the Law of One, with the appropriate scientific data to back it up.
For the first two and a half years of my time with Gaia, this scientific argument in favor of Ascension was the main focus of my work.
Then, beginning in July 2015, I was able to convince Corey Goode to come forward as an insider in what became a new show, Cosmic Disclosure.
For the first time, I had someone who was willing to go fully on record with information I had previously only heard about on a private, confidential basis from others.
Three of the people who provided this information just died in the first half of this month, as I shared in the intro.
What made Corey’s information so unique was that he had apparently received stunning new ET contacts, beginning in March 2015, in addition to his prior experiences in the Secret Space Program.
Before too long, the ETs that allegedly contacted Corey revealed themselves to be the same beings that authored the Law of One series in 1981-83.
Many interesting narratives came through in the three years we did the show, including a wide variety of new data on the Ascension process.
Corey had barely even read the first volume of the Law of One after being asked, but his information often referenced it so precisely that I had to go back and re-read it to see the connections.
The interconnections are so complex that without a long-term, dedicated study of the Law of One and Goode’s testimony, it is impossible to truly appreciate the scope and depth of the story.
This included the alleged appearance of beings from the inner earth calling themselves the Anshar. I later went back and found numerous references to this group in the Law of One, though not by that name.
Other insiders also came forward with supporting information, including Pete Peterson, William Tompkins and Emery Smith.
I was able to convince Peterson and Smith to come forward after both men had been privately sharing information with me for nearly a decade.
I lived with Carla Rueckert and Jim McCarty, the surviving members of the Law of One team, full time from 2003 to 2005.
I also lived right near their land in Milton, Kentucky for another year, coordinating efforts with various volunteers.
There were plenty of disappointing events that took place during those three years, mostly because I had put them on a pedestal before I had arrived.
Soon after I moved in, I became very distinctly aware of how flawed and human they were, as are we all. Out of respect I have shared hardly any specifics, and do not plan to.
The same thing is the case with my insiders, including Corey Goode, who in many ways received the next major phase of the Law of One contact, in my estimation.
Regardless of whether Corey’s experiences were literal, tangible realities or dreamlike telepathic messages, they nonetheless were very helpful. (I do believe they took place in physical reality.)
I do find it interesting to see how my own life has woven through these various situations, including being present at the original Disclosure Project event in 2001 and meeting the witnesses, including the late Karl Wolfe.
We have all been subject to ongoing attacks, and our own character deficits can often bring them on.
The appearance of these character deficits can cause our attackers to feel that everything we have done has been discredited.
As I have seen, you do not have to be any type of “special person” to have these contacts. It has more to do with being the right person at the right time.
The Law of One contact only lasted for three years, from 1981 to 1983. Carla and Jim lived for many years thereafter, but the main contact never returned as it had during that time.
Similarly, the active phase of Corey’s contacts went on for three years. Much data was conveyed that we can still spend years poring over.
It is unclear whether additional contacts will occur at this point, apart from Anshar contacts regarding personal issues that he is still receiving.
What we do know is that we have a blueprint for the future that clarified and enhanced the Law of One message in many different ways.
We are only days away from the next update from this group, where the number may well expand to the range of 60,000.
As we have argued in multiple past articles on this site, there is no conventional explanation for why so many sealed indictments are on the books.
We are expecting an international “mass arrest” of Cabal elites to take place once these indictments unseal.
The delay has been extremely frustrating, to say the least — particularly as the supporting evidence grows greater and greater.
It is important to remember that the Alliance is a group of real people, complete with flaws, doubts, insecurities and personality distortions.
Everything that is pushing us toward disclosure is still very much happening in the ‘real world.’ Heroes can be deeply flawed, and still finish the job.
One of the most consistent themes in the Law of One series is how incredibly persistent the negative forces are at disrupting positive plans.
We naturally assume that we will not be affected by the negative, that we are “stronger than that,” and it will have no effect on us.
The negative is incredibly good at what it does. It can find the slightest weakness in someone’s personality and dramatically enhance it.
Many people cannot possibly grasp the idea that anything positive is coming out of the Trump administration whatsoever.
I can remind our readers that the Alliance has been fighting and dying for this cause since at least the 1950s, but people get very hung up on the present situation.
The negative seems to be doing an incredible job at making it appear that there is no positive angle to the current situation.
This influence works through the personality structures of individuals, and how they then interact with others.
Even the die-hard Q Anon fans must be feeling extremely bleak in light of the extended absence of posts we are now seeing.
The Alliance spoke to everyone’s deep frustration on October 9th, and has since disappeared for the ensuing seventeen days.
Here is a partial quote, from what is post number 2381 on
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.373
Oct 9 2018 20:42:13 (EST)
Statement release 10.9.18 [p_AUTHORITY1]
General Statement:
We understand that there is extreme fatigue and frustration re: the wheels of justice [slow].
Exclude emotion and personal desire, instead use logic and critical thinking based on situational awareness.
[(How do you) undo a lifetime of evil & corruption [infestation] in the span of less than 2 years w/ a corrupt DOJ & FBI in place?]
[Process & Planning – Law and Order]
[Military OP]
How can you make arrests [non-military] prior to first fully cleaning out corrupt elements [at the top] of those departments [FBI][DOJ] that oversee ‘investigation & prosecution’ in the United States?
[They [themselves] are the very ones engaged in the illegal treasonous acts.]
The post goes on from there, including a list of many different officials that have already been fired or forced out of office from the FBI, DOJ and the like.
[UPDATE: A commenter pointed out that the number of this post, 2381, is the US penal code statute number for treason.]
The silence in the aftermath of this post has been particularly dramatic, making everyone wonder what will happen next.
We used to be able to get many briefings on what was going on, but our own insider sources have gone completely silent.
This does not at all mean that things have just fizzled out.
Quite to the contrary, this is an indication that the behind-the-scenes fight to defeat the Cabal is now at an all-time high.
Before we delve into all the intricacies of the present, let’s do a quick review of where we last left off on September 8th.
Our previous article from September 8th predicted Mass Arrests that will occur after the unsealing of what is now over 55,000 indictments.
Apparently, numerous spy satellites and computers that were the backbone of Deep State surveillance have been taken down in a stunning move by the Alliance.
Now that the Deep State has been effectively blinded, the final preparations are being made for the arrests — with less probability of interference.
In a third update on September 10th, we also discussed the sudden, suspiciously-timed appearance of a mega-hurricane that would have bulldozed Washington DC.
After we published the third update, the hurricane first looked like it was getting much worse, only to then slow down, weaken and take a bizarre, sharp left turn at the last minute.
We have disclosed the secrets of weather warfare on this site for many years. It involves the use of intense, high-frequency microwave beams.
Had that hurricane hit DC, the power would have been down for weeks, and the resulting arrests could be further delayed.
In our previous three-part mega-article,we ended with photographs of the Orion space capsule, positioned on the White House lawn:
This, coupled with announcements in March and May about the creation of a “Space Force” in the US military, were compelling clues that a UFO-related disclosure was imminent.
[Later in this article, we will review the data on the “Space Force” that was publicly released at the time.]
The blatant, public proposals for a “Space Force” were a more-than-passing hint that a secret space program would soon be declassified.
Even despite these interesting clues, nothing could have prepared us for seeing it in black-and-white in Q posts.
I could go on and on with emotional language about how exciting all of this is — finally seeing something I’ve worked my entire life for coming to fruition.
Knowing what I know about the Q Anon posts, seeing them formally acknowledge the Secret Space Program was truly mind-blowing.
Here is a screen capture of the two Q Anon posts of interest as they appeared on Wednesday, September 19th.
Technically they appeared in reverse order, but this is how they appear on, the go-to site for all Q posts:
In short, when Q was asked “Are there secret space programs,” the answer was, “Programs exist that are outside of public domain.”
Or, the short answer would be, “Yes, there are secret space programs.”
That one answer opens up a veritable universe of speculation — including serious questions about the veracity of Corey Goode, William Tompkins, Pete Peterson, Emery Smith and others’ statements.
Here is a plain-text version of the two posts so the words will show up in search engines and be more easy for you to copy and paste into other forms:
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 98088e No.3094236
Sep 19 2018 19:25:34 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 5948d8 No.3093831
Sep 19 2018 19:10:44 (EST)
Are we alone ?
Roswell ?
Highest classification.
Consider the vastness of space.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 922952 No.3095105
Sep 19 2018 19:58:13 (EST) NEW
Anonymous ID: a16b71 No.3094804
Sep 19 2018 19:45:34 (EST) NEW
Did NASA fake the moon landings? Have we been to the moon since then? Are there secret space programs? Is this why the Space Force was created?
False, moon landings are real.
Programs exist that are outside of public domain.
This all started in response to Q Anon calling for Q & A (Questions and Answers) just over an hour beforehand, as follows:
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 72b088 No.3093270
Sep 19 2018 18:50:13 (EST)
This was an obvious call-out to the people reading the board and interacting. It appeared as of 18:50:13 EST.
Just twenty minutes later, at 19:10:44 EST, someone asked the big question: Are we alone in the universe?
And was the Roswell crash truly an extraterrestrial spacecraft, rather than a Project Mogul “weather balloon” complete with test dummies?
This confirms what my colleagues in the UFO community have been saying all along.
Not only do UFOs and ETs exist, this subject is considered the single most highly-classified “government” secret there is.
It’s one thing if we are being visited. That’s already very interesting. We discuss the historic evidence of this all the time on Ancient Aliens.
It’s quite another thing if Roswell was real, if we recovered the crashed technology, and if we then “reverse-engineered” interstellar-capable spaceship technology from it.
Roswell was seventy years ago. That’s a very long time for us to have developed entire fleets worth of ships based on this technology.
That also means that we would have had plenty of time to develop bases on the Moon, Mars and elsewhere.
The second post in this series confirmed that this is exactly what has happened.
Also notice the “numerical synchronicity” of the Roswell post from Q. It is number 2221. I loved that.
This numbering may have been a deliberate, intentional act on the part of Q, since they do love codes and symbolism.
We have pointed out “numerical synchronicities” of repeating digits in the hit counters of almost every article we write.
I come back to make an update or check on the hit counter, only to see a pattern of repeating digits.
This occurs without conscious effort. It is very consistent, and it suggests that our work is being influenced by higher consciousness in some way.
If Q did NOT do this intentionally, that actually makes it even more interesting, particularly since 2221 is only one away from being a perfect “quad” of 2s.
The last “quad” that was even possible for the Q posts was 1111, and that was all the way back on April 9th, 2018:
Furthermore, there are different Q aggregators that don’t all have the exact same numbering systems, as they don’t all catch every post.
So trying to hit a “quad” is, by definition, an inexact science, and would be dependent upon which app you’re using to view the posts.
Also, sometimes posts disappear and then re-appear, based on the way the app is grabbing information.
That is another reason why the number could have been one off, if the Q team was trying to do this intentionally.
Ultimately, who cares whether Q intentionally planted this on the first “quad” to hit since April, or if it truly was a “random” synchronicity.
The message that texts number 2221 and 2224 contain is of far greater significance.
This is the Big One. This is the moment I have been waiting my entire life for. It is what I have dedicated my entire career to ever since posting articles online in 1996.
Q has gained the attention of hundreds of millions. It is all over the mainstream media now. Everyone is talking about it, whether they believe it or not.
It has gotten so big that the mainstream media has had no choice but to discuss it. Obviously, their goal has been to discredit the whole thing.
My guess is that if Q had mentioned anything like this earlier, the media would have focused just on that, and ignored everything else.
All the headlines would say sarcastic, mocking things like, “Q: Little Green Men And Other Trump Fantasies Gone Wild.”
I did see a definite clue that an announcement like this might happen earlier this year, but it was vastly more subtle than what just happened.
In my Alliance talk at Contact in the Desert this year, on Sunday, June 3rd, I drew attention to two previous Q posts that were very interesting.
To me, these posts were the closest to a hint of a possible UFO-related disclosure that we had gotten… up until then.
One had said “SKY EVENT.” The very next post showed a picture of three skyscrapers connected at the top by what honestly looks like a cigar-shaped mothership.
Here are the two posts, 1328 and 1329, side-by-side, followed by two increasingly close-up shots of what was in 1329:
At first I didn’t even know what I was seeing. Was this a craft hovering over three skyscrapers? Was this even real? What the heck was it?
This was particularly significant because of numerous UFO reports over the years of cigar-shaped “motherships” holding many smaller saucer-shaped craft.
Furthermore, Corey Goode’s testimony of his time in “Solar Warden” included details of serving in a submarine-type craft with similar features.
It is interesting that right before the words “SKY EVENT,” Q said,
“There will come a time they (the Deep State) will not be safe walking down the street. We will not be held hostage.”
Held hostage where? In context of a “SKY EVENT” and a very strange mothership-looking building, the idea might be that we are being held hostage here on earth.
Perhaps the keys to space already exist, but we are being kept land-bound here on earth.
Only the elite have had access to the Secret Space Program, according to many insiders.
The idea that “they will not be safe walking down the street” has taken on new significance with this week’s homemade mail bombing attempts.
10/25: Pipe Bombs Sent to Multiple Democrat Figures
Pipe bombs were mailed to prominent Democrats, including George Soros, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Representative Maxine Waters, and former Attorney General Eric Holder.
Another was sent to the CNN station in New York and was addressed to former Director of the CIA John Brennan.
On Thursday morning, former Vice President Joe Biden and actor Robert DeNiro, an outspoken and vulgar criticagainst Trump. None of the bombs were detonated.
Hypnosis, trauma and amnesic drugs can be used to influence people to do violent actions, without any conscious awareness that they are being influenced.
These attacks did not succeed, but could conveniently be used to frame the coming mass arrests as the work of civilian vigilantes.
Our insiders also said the Cabal would attempt to trash the global economy as the arrests grew near, and we are now seeing that happening as well.
October 10, 2018
October 11, 2018
A really good economic collapse on the level of 2008, or worse if the Cabal gets their way, could definitely distract the public.
These increasingly edgy market movements suggest the Cabal is busily trying to throw us all into chaos right now, as a last-ditch effort.
Getting back to this Q quote from May 10th, the term “SKY EVENT” also suggested that we may at some point see the decloaking of advanced craft.
This could be a key aspect of disclosure after mass arrests.
A recent briefing from Pete Peterson confirmed that this exact scenario is being planned for a time soon after the arrests take place.
The enigmatic building in Q’s May 10th “SKY EVENT” posts ended up being the Marina Bay Sands Hotel in Singapore.
Here you have three skyscrapers connected by a commonly-shared viewing deck that is built to look like a stylized cruise ship, complete with trees and viewing decks:
Q telegraphed a location that was near to where peace talks would occur between North Korean strongman Kim Jong-Un and POTUS, apparently before it was publicly announced.
The Q posts happened on May 10th, and a variety of researchers said the picture of this hotel was posted before the summit location of Singapore was announced.
The Marina Bay Sands was apparently not where the actual summit took place, but was rather a meeting of corporate heads nearby that both leaders visited:
I find this “nearby meeting” particularly interesting in light of some of the material from the latest briefing I got from Pete Peterson. (See Part Three of the last article for context.)
In case you are new to all of this, Pete is a very high-level insider who worked for the CIA, NSA, DIA, DARPA and DHS, among others.
He was a leading expert on classified technology for the Reagan Administration, and worked directly with Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and other “Sith Lords.”
Pete came forward in 2009 after feeling he had “mud on his wheel of karma” he wanted to clean off. We have been best friends ever since.
He is now living in a nursing home, but thankfully is no longer in a delusional state after having fallen, hitting his head on the hard ceramic of a toilet, and then enduring a stroke.
This event could very well have been the result of unusual methods used to try to assassinate or otherwise cripple him for life, and thankfully that did not happen.
Sadly, we just lost Preston Nichols, Karl Wolfe and Bob Dean this month. They were not as fortunate.
Pete told me he is getting briefings on a daily basis, has had significant and healthy weight loss from precision dieting, and is doing much better.
One of the topics we discussed in the previous article is the secretive group that controls much of the wealth in China, namely the Dragon Family.
Our briefings included the fact that the Dragon Family was very deeply involved with the Secret Space Program.
They apparently have financed many of the defense contractors working on these technologies. Thus, they effectively own multiple underground cities, as well as their advanced contents.
It is for this same reason that the Dragon Family has a strong presence near certain underground facilities here in the US. Their top people are getting to see things we can only dream of.
One key piece of information from Pete’s last briefing was that Jack Ma, the CEO of Alibaba, had recently built “the best spaceship factory on Earth.”
According to Pete, this facility would “utterly dwarf Elon Musk’s Gigafactory” in terms of its size, scope and impressiveness.
This was not entirely surprising, since Alibaba sells three times as much product as Amazon, and is arguably the biggest company on earth.
Pete implied that this entire “spaceship factory” was contained in an underground city. It was not clear whether it was in China or the US.
It is difficult to estimate how much money Alibaba takes in, since they record earnings far more conservatively than Amazon, which counts gross payments as revenue.
Alibaba is likely earning hundreds of billions of dollars in profits at this point. That is a staggering amount by any measure.
It is therefore entirely possible that Alibaba could have used its profits to develop a very expensive, covert factory designing advanced technology.
Think about it — if you had that much money, and you knew it was possible to build interstellar technology and visit off-planet locations and ancient ruins, what else would you want to spend it on?
Remember, our Dragon Family insider in Part 3 said the world he was living in was so bizarre that I would need extensive debriefing just to be able to understand anything he was talking about.
This very clearly was related to a world of advanced technology and ET interactions that none of us, myself included, have the slightest clue about.
As a result of that briefing from Pete, my ears are going to perk up when I hear something about Alibaba having a big corporate meeting.
Alibaba is directly involved in some very, very, very interesting stuff. They may very well be helping to build various craft for the coming “Space Force.”
What was even more interesting was that this meeting took place right next to a major peace summit between the US and North Korea in Singapore.
Obviously, both leaders could very easily have come to this Alibaba meeting and discussed the unveiling of Secret Space Program technology.
Alibaba was a key player in the Consumer Goods Forum, taking place at the mysterious Marina Bay Sands Hotel in Singapore (emphasis added):
6/11: Kim Jong Un Visited Swanky Hotel Where Top CEOs Will Flock This Week
Several worlds will collide in Singapore this week.
Not only is the Asian city-state set to play host to the first meeting of President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, but several key retail executives are also scheduled to meet nearby for the Consumer Goods Forum, which kicks off on Tuesday.
The four-day event is being held at one of Singapore’s most luxurious, best-known resorts, the Marina Bay Sands,which includes a hotel, a mall, a casino, and several bars and restaurants.
It’s the same place where Kim was spotted arriving on Monday evening. The North Korean leader was greeted with loud cheering as he entered the hotel’s lobby downstairs — perhaps headed for the rooftop bar on the hotel’s 57th floor.
While Kim isn’t staying at the hotel, he’s only 15 minutes away at the St. Regis.
On Wednesday, Marina Bay Sands is expected to be full of retail executives from companies including Coca-Cola, Colgate, L’Oréal, and Alibaba. Each evening, attendees from the conference will be meeting to socialize.
Perhaps this “Business Insider” knew more than they were letting on by saying “several worlds will collide in Singapore this week.”
So yes, the crossover of the Consumer Goods Forum and the US / North Korea summit was one level of what “SKY EVENT” meant.
The corporate leaders at this event may have been discussing buy-ins with Alibaba’s massive “spaceship factory” and the related technology it produces.
For all we know, human-looking ETs could also have been invited guests at this event as well, making it even more interesting.
However, this Q statement could also be read literally, as a reference to an event that would take place in the sky — such as a mass UFO sighting.
The shape of the “craft” linking the three buildings in the picture clearly was suggestive of a massive mothership hovering over a city.
Furthermore, these Q posts were not a stand-alone event. They came only eight days after the president announced he was building a “Space Force.”
The following article from Zero Hedgeseemed to be the most detailed out of any I saw about the Space Force announcements.
There are several key passages in here worth reviewing in detail.
Remember, this was just eight days before the words “SKY EVENT” and the mysterious “mothership” picture appeared on Q.
Take a look (emphasis added):
5/2: “Space Force:” Trump Teases Sixth Branch of US Military Again
Six weeks after Trump told a crowd of U.S. Marines at Miramar Air Station in San Diego of a proposal to expand the military’s reach into space – the President is at it again; teasing the idea of a space force to a White House crowd on Tuesday.
Trump made the comments while presenting the Commander-in-Chief’s Trophy to the Army football team for its victory over both the Navy and Air Force last year.
We’re actually thinking of a sixth [military branch] — and that would be the Space Force,” said Trump, after naming off the existing military branches.
“Does that make sense? Because we are getting very big in space, both militarily and for other reasons and we are seriously thinking of the Space Force.”
Before we continue with the Zero Hedge article, let’s just stop for a second and think about what the president said.
“We are getting very big in space?” Says who?
As far as most of us land-bound folks are concerned, NASA isn’t even launching manned space missions.
All we get is little teases about the X-37B, which basically looks and flies just like another Space Shuttle.
It hangs out for hundreds of days at a time in orbit, doing classified missions we are told nothing about.
Yes, we have orbiting satellites, but there is no obvious indication that the number of satellites has suddenly gone up.
There is no reason for most people to think we are “very big in space.” Nor would that appear to include much of a military presence, which he mentioned.
Furthermore, we are left even more in the dark when considering what “Other Reasons” we might be “Very Big in Space” for.
The whole thing is mysterious… unless you consider the intel we’ve been leaking on the Secret Space Program.
Now that Q has officially acknowledged that “[Secret Space] Programs exist that are outside of public domain,” this becomes far more understandable — and interesting.
Now we get to the part where we see the Army football players smiling and laughing.
Since no one has reason to think we are “very big in space, both militarily and for other reasons,” the Army cadets just lost their composure:
5/2: “Space Force:” Trump Teases Sixth Branch of US Military Again
A few of those in attendance standing behind Trump seemed to have issues taking the idea seriously:
Not surprisingly, Josh Sánchez’s Twitter account was one of many that have been suspended in the mega-purges that have occurred of late.
That is another subject that we could easily dedicate an entire article to right now, but these other issues are far more significant.
We know the Cabal is losing, and this hyper-aggressive censorship is just another example of Wile. E. Coyote paddling in the air before he starts to fall.
The Zero Hedge article then rolls the clock back to a talk the president had in front of a group of Marines in March.
When we combine these two talks together, it gets even more interesting. Check this out (emphasis added):
5/2: “Space Force:” Trump Teases Sixth Branch of US Military Again
When Trump floated the idea to Marines at Miramar Air Station in March, he said, “We are finally going to lead again”…
You see what’s happening. You see the rockets going up left and right. You haven’t seen that in a long time.
“Very soon we’re going to Mars. You wouldn’t have been going to Mars if my opponent won.
That I can tell you. You wouldn’t even be thinking about it. You wouldn’t be thinking about it,” he added.
The President also said we’re going to Mars “very soon.”
Why would the president say we are going to Mars “Very Soon?” That implies months, not years.
Even if a massive, manned mission to Mars was pushed through and financed in a traditional NASA sense, it would take years to accomplish with conventional technology.
The whole thing would be extremely expensive, time-consuming and highly dangerous for the astronauts, as various sci-fi movies have explored.
Now that Q has announced that “[Secret Space] Programs exist that are outside of public domain,” this Mars statement makes a lot more sense.
The original questioner also wanted to know whether we had continued covertly going to the Moon. The answer definitely seems to be yes.
If we have the technology to easily go to the Moon in the classified world, Mars wouldn’t be very much harder.
It is only after the September 19th Q drop that we can finally understand what the president was talking about in these speeches.
Lastly, the president teased in this same speech from March that the “big breaking story” could be our sudden return to Mars, “Very Soon” in the future:
5/2: “Space Force:” Trump Teases Sixth Branch of US Military Again
“My new national strategy for space recognizes that space is a war-fighting domain, just like the land, air, and sea. We may even have a space force,” Trump revealed.
“We have the air force. We will have a space force. We have the Army, Navy. I was saying at the other day because we are doing a tremendous amount of work in space.
“I said maybe we need a new force. We’ll call it the space force, and I was not really serious and that I thought what a great idea, maybe we’ll have to do that.
“That could happen. That could be the big breaking story,” said Trump.
This speech was intended to sound like it was a hypothetical idea that just popped up while he was talking.
That’s not how Presidential speeches work.
Don’t let the casual tone fool you. This was a very direct telegraphing that there could be a “big, breaking story” about how “we are doing a tremendous amount of work in space.”
This could lead to us going to Mars “Very Soon,” as part of the unveiling of a “Space Force.” It’s all very interesting.
Now as we head into Part Two, we will bravely sail into the nastiest of waters: the political stuff nobody wants to talk about.
Hits: 69,009

David Wilcock es profesor, cineasta e investigador profesional de civilizaciones antiguas, ciencia de la conciencia y nuevos paradigmas de la energía y la materia. Está reescribiendo ramas enteras de la ciencia y liderando una nueva narrativa de la historia humana, que incluye razas de seres altamente avanzados con los que compartimos la tierra y el espacio. El hilo de oro que teje su trabajo es la ciencia de la Ascensión, una transformación de todo el sistema solar que eleva a la Tierra y la humanidad a una fase superior de avance espiritual. El mensaje de David es de unidad y amor, alentando a las personas a vivir una vida de bondad y armonía. Es un reportero cósmico de noticias y eventos conmovedores en la línea de tiempo y el drama de la Ascensión.

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