
3 de octubre de 2018

St. Germain via James McConnell: You Want NESARA? RV? Make it Happen

Dear St. Germain,

I just HAVE to reply to your latest channeling via James McConnell. 

I am aware, Sir, of your highly regarded status in the Universe, and rightly so, and am most grateful to you for all you do for Gaia and Humanity. 

I am especially beholden to you for your help with the writing of the Declaration of Independence. It is my favorite legal document of all time. "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." Brilliant.

But Sir, with respect, I believe in my heart that you and the Company of Heaven, are utterly out of touch with your boots-on-the-ground 3D lightworkers.

You said, "You want NESARA? You want GESARA? 
Then make it happen. Make it become so. 
You want the RV? Make it happen. 
Don’t sit back and wait for it. 
Make it happen within your own visualizations, 
within your consciousness create it. 
Create it into being.
Create the financial changeover."

With respect, St. Germain, that is what we lightworkers have been doing FOR YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS.

We are continuing to ENVISION the RV/GCR/GESARA but clearly our visions, prayers, affirmations, actions, intent and willingness for those to manifest IS NOT ENOUGH or they would have manifested already. Believe me.

There is not a single lightworker I know who isn't more-than READY for the RV and GESARA.

There is not a single lightworker I know who hasn't given their ALL to Gaia, Her Kingdoms and Humanity their ENTIRE LIVES. 

Lightworkers, as a general rule, give and give and give and usually without payment. That's just how we are. We want to help.

So in this "now" moment — we are READY to RECEIVE. 

We are READY to get on with the manifestation of our DREAMS and VISIONS of helping our beloved Gaia, her kingdoms and Humanity with this blessed Reval money.

I can't think of a single person I know, who is holding this Currency, who isn't working as hard as they can to bring the shifts into MANIFESTATION with all their might.

EVERYONE I know is EXHAUSTED. We HAVE been patient — through YEARS of false predictions and lies.

As I understand it, it was you, Sir, with several of your fellow Masters, that devised this Plan HUNDREDS of YEARS ago. Thank you. It's extraordinary in its simplicity and power: Flood the planet with a tsunami of Money and wipe out the cabal's remaining controls on Gaia and Humanity with one pull of a lever. It's truly genius.

And then finally, on 9-11, it was supposed to go into effect. Sir, that was 17 YEARS ago. 

With respect, what are YOU waiting for? Our readiness??? WE ARE READY.

Let's GO! Give the downbeat! Whomever needs to say "Make it so" then by God, Make It So!!!

Please—no more lectures from the Company of Heaven about what WE should be doing. WE ARE DOING EVERYTHING WE CAN TO MAKE YOUR PLAN MANIFEST.

Peace on Earth; The RV/GCR/GESARA; release of 6000 patents of technology that will help clean up and heal the planet, her kingdoms and humanity; Full Disclosure—the TRUTH about what is actually going on; and then First Contact.

You said, Sir, "I tell you that you haven’t seen anything yet. 
So many things are in development. 
Just continue to hold patience. 
Continue to remain calm as Sananda has said, 
as this storm continues to approach..."

Sir, we are and continue to be PATIENT.

But please—no more assurances that things are happening behind the scenes or are "in development." That is so not good enough anymore.

And please, no more blogs about "the cabal are on the ropes" or "the changes that are coming are wonderful."

I feel I speak for many of us when I say I am done with being lectured to and told to do more of what I have been doing for decades.

With the greatest respect and deepest appreciation most especially, for the Violet Flame prayer:

Blaze blaze blaze the Violet Fire
Transmuting all into Light Light Light
In all Timelines, Dimensions and Multiverses,
Now and Forever * And so it is *

It is time, St. Germain, for the MANIFESTATION of peace, financial abundance and a global debt jubilee, sparkling health, blazing light and joyous celebration, that billions of us, whether we ever heard of the RV or GESARA, are praying for.

With greatest respect, blessings and light,

xo, Kat

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