
19 de agosto de 2019

Update QFS and GESARA July 19, 2019

GESARA News report:

Uninsured are heading into recession: Germany, the engine of the European economy is in crisis, stagnant Europe, USA slowing its growth, and generally a murky environment. The US trade war with China, the Brexit, tensions on oil with Iran, the situation in Argentina, this does not look good because it creates tremendous uncertainty in the markets. China devalued its currency to a level that triggers a currency war; about that the situation of Hong Kong in danger of being taken over by China, which slowed its growth as a result of the trade war that leads to growth levels equivalent to 2002; other countries in similar situations show that the recession is imminent and no topic of discussion, but to measure the seriousness of the problem and take orders ...

Argentina, victim of an untenable situation shows us the consequences of totally statist model state, dependent on the money of others, and not the productive economy does not believe in markets, and they do not believe in Argentina. The problems do not come alone, the anti - system in their unstoppable march, carried all before it in accordance with the covenants of the earth alliance and Exopolitics, which provide a framework to GESARA plan, which starts with the "Quantun Financial Sistem" system (QFS) implanted in the financial world, from the morning of August 15, 2019.

 Quantum computing offers a technology impossible to decipher, and involves connecting all the world's banks to an international monetary system backed by gold assets. Systemic governments and the media are silent to avoid financial panic.

This information is important and significance internationally, but has a calendar for the next two years and only half a year in advance; governments continue to maintain silence because they will only when there is more than communicate them forced by circumstances. The new system is intended to terminate the handling, usury and state corruption. Quantum computing creates a virtually impossible to decipher allowing interbank and secure any communication encryption cyberattacks.

 This QFS system runs through a central computer located in a satellite in orbit, and is protected by the "Secret Space System" to prevent piracy, it is completely independent of the existing centralized banking system, after the revaluation of sustainable currencies, this revaluation will leave obsolete all criptomonedas not have gold backing, as they are notations only banks and digits in computers.

Quantum computing, can create an unclassifiable and irreproducible currency, due to the unique properties of quantum states, where you can not copy what you do not know, and if you try to read it, the correct answer is not obtained, because states quantum they are constantly changing and the only time the correct answer is given when the exact question is given. 
How comes to corruption, manipulation and usury, where the "sovereign" is the victim of abusive taxes, unfair interests, and excesses of authority, Callan governments, Callan media, and meanwhile the world revolves between vices, lies and corruption.

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