
21 de octubre de 2019


Read these and compare them with the description of Starseed that best suits you. There may be two matching better with you
Be sure to check the links next to each type of Starseed and scroll down to see which celebrities and are also known such Starseed.

VEGA ( [link] )

Resultat d'imatges per a "star Vega inhabitants"

Those who have Vega as their planetary origin are self-sufficient, independent, proud and strong will. There is a smooth exterior appearance of energy and strength and ability. The Vega tend to have expertise in a wide variety of areas, may be "collectors" of trivia for information about their areas of interest. They have a variety of talents and capabilities are quite creative and often have the ability to combine creative expression with intellectual expression. They can be artists, designers, inventors, architects or, in modern times, can work more closely with creativity through new technologies or expanding. Their working methods differ from many technology because it is based more on the "feeling" that intellectual understanding. They do well to start projects, but less well to complete. There may be lessons to help vegans to learn self-discipline and power, or can surround yourself with others who support them and help complete projects and ideas.

Vega are those of travelers looking for variety, challenge and understanding of the many questions they have inside. They are easily bored. Tend to analyze, question and doubt everything they do not understand, it does not meet your belief system or just does not "feel" right. Although they are quite willing to learn, change and grow, vegans need understanding to occur at an internal level that allows open for change to occur. This understanding is not practical and logical nature. It will be an internal understanding that will be more a "feeling" that will lead to a "knowledge" rather than a technical understanding.

Most Vega has a strong sense of responsibility, care and care. You can find satisfaction in working with children, those who are ill or who need care and support. Sometimes, however, they may be overly responsible for others, and may need to remind themselves about the importance of teaching responsibility, as well as being responsible. They may need to work to develop a stronger sense of feeling the integrity of others, because they can be exploited because of their caring nature. You can find other energy attracted to your understanding, and can be addressed in many situations by others who wish to share personal problems. It should be noted that few of Vega are willing to share personal details with others,

Vegans have healing abilities and can have affinity for stones and crystals. Many of Vega work in caring for others in the area of health care, whether physical, mental, as teachers or in areas that allow freedom of creative expression. They have a great need for time alone, privacy and freedom of restrictions. It is important to be shown appreciation for what it does for others. Those personal relationships with vegans may sometimes require more attention and may feel somewhat neglected because of their many interests and areas of focus. They can get so involved in caring for others who neglect personal needs and personal relationships.

SIRIUS ( [link] )

Resultat d'imatges of Selden nidle Resultat d'imatges per a "sirius star"

Those who have Sirius as their planetary origin are very focused, very determined and established on any road where they are at any given time. It is very difficult to change the mind of one of Sirius, but once they are convinced that a new "way" is more appropriate, is fully focused on the new and old quickly released. Syrians have strong beliefs, ideals and personal integrity.

The Sirius make loyal and reliable friends, but expect the same in return. They are hurt and disappointed when these expectations are not met. Syrians not easily be internal staff share with others, and may have difficulty sharing emotions and express feelings and needs. Be fully accepted and reliable as a close personal friend of Syrian means you've been carefully examined. Syrians may have difficulty in relationships and friendships when they expect to be treated a certain way, but do not share their expectations with others involved. It is important to work sharing expectations, ideals, communicating needs and wants to avoid being hurt and disappointed.

The Sirius tend to be future-oriented focus and do not enjoy in the past. They may get defensive if others are forced to focus on the past. This is due to the fact that pain and emotion of the past are kept indoors, refuse and repressed, rather than treated when they occur. Because of this, there may be large amounts of old emotions that need to be treated and released. Syrians do not enjoy confrontation or open expressions of anger, but if they are forced to a discussion defend themselves and their beliefs fiercely. This is particularly true if it is the honor of themselves or their loved ones. One of the lessons that many Syrians have chosen to work in this life is the importance of releasing the old pain,

The Syrians have a sense of very unique and strong humor, which often only seen when they are with those they trust and feel comfortable. Syrians may be considered by some dreamers. This is due to its active and vivid inner life. This can cause forgetfulness and a tendency to not notice dimensional trivial things in the present. Sometimes they may seem disinterested or inattentive, but in reality are simply elsewhere. You may not realize that others are unaware of their internal activity. Although they look very calm, quiet and reserved on the surface, there is much activity inside. Children often can think that the Syrians have learning disabilities or who have problems with their attention span. This is due to the attraction of the inner world, which it is often more interesting than what is taught in schools of Earth. They do better in learning when visual teaching methods are used, and are allowed to practice freely types of learning to move and explore. These are children who benefit greatly from alternative schools, are very intelligent but strong enough to feel that if something interests them, not should be required to learn it.

The Sirius have a deep connection with the Earth and the energies of nature. Many Syrians have had many lives as American Indians and maintain close ties and memories of these lives. They are very visual, in your ability to see things others do not see, and how they learn.

PVILA ( [link] )

Resultat d'imatges per a "PVILA"

Those who have Pvila as their planetary origin have strong personalities, strong skills and pride. There is a strong sense of humor and desire to be the focus of attention. These are often types of "class clown" or "life of the party." There may be a tendency to go too far with teasing and humor, sometimes at the expense of others. This is not done with any intent to harm, simply by a tendency to get carried away by the impulses of the moment. You need to learn compassion and kindness in dealing with others.

The pvilanos have an aura of power that can give others the impression that they are inflexible and inaccessible. This can be disturbing, especially for those that are unsafe or have low self esteem. Sometimes, others may have trouble understanding and addressing Pvilans as they may seem a bit overwhelming. It may be necessary to work changing behavior patterns and smoothing the approach used in interactions with others,
It's good that others look beyond the forceful exterior, this allows them to see inside kindness. When this is done, you will discover that Pvilans are very attentive and will do much to help those who feel they are true friends and they deserve your help. Sometimes they can do too much by friends, and may need to step back and allow others their learning experiences. Those close to Pvilans, the find as very loyal friends and devotees who easily overlooked deficiencies and defects of friends. They can be very quick to judge or label these same deficiencies or defects in others not even consider themselves friends.

It is useful for Pvilans learn to step back and separate from the "I", as they tend to be so absorbed in their personal lives that can exclude others. This can be a problem in relationships because others may feel neglected when this happens. One lesson that many of Pvila have chosen to work in this life is the control of ego and learn to balance caring for others with the care of personal needs.

There is a drive to collect information, details, knowledge and a desire to explore and understand everything. Pvilans has a kind of "photographic" memory. There is the ability to retain what they learned, for future reference, in graphic detail. The pvilanos are good speakers, authors can work with technical or scientific knowledge. Not only they love to gather knowledge, but also share it with others.

They have many possible careers and can have several active simultaneously careers because they do not like to be limited. They usually have knowledge about many different topics and ask lots of questions to find information and details. They may feel frustrated or intolerance with others who seek to learn and understand with the same diligence. It's good for Pvilans work with the development of tolerance and understanding of those who do not share their thirst for knowledge.

The pvilanos are very determined and focused on whatever your way at any time. This path can change frequently as they move from one path to another with ease. For others, it may appear to have difficulty making decisions or maintain a focus. This is not true, simply have the ability to maintain several approaches simultaneously with changing levels of priority. Areas of interest will come and go as the desire for new knowledge leads them to always look forward.

In relationships, those of Pvila need respect and freedom. They should seek out those whose power and personal security are strong, so do not feel intimidated. The pvilanos must have alone time to reconnect and find inner peace. There is a great need for privacy and quiet moments. They equilibrate along with others who share this need for freedom and privacy. Often there is an attraction for those who have milder energies, however, it is important to be with others of equal intelligence, as this creates the challenge and excitement that both enjoy the Pvilans. This allows energy balance, but maintains the intellectual stimulation that is so important for Pvilans.

PLEIADES ( [link] )

Resultat d'imatges per a "PVILA"

Those who have Pleiades as their planetary origin are sensitive loving and kind. There is a deep and abiding peace and happiness for all desire. If you ask one of the Pleiades, what do you want from life? Probably they say "be happy". They pleiadian have a nice and gentle energy that others like to be around.
They are emotional and loving, but tend to repress a lot because of his desire to please others. They are sensitive and react quickly to criticism. Pleiadian tend to sacrifice personal needs and desires while trying to please others. This can cause internal resentment. Instead of openly express resentment or anger, the Pleiadians may use a passive-aggressive behavior with the hope that their feelings are noticed and answered without discussion. Must learn to realize others who seek to please, generally, they prefer to listen to their feelings and needs. Pleiadian can physically sick in situations where there is anger, tension or open discussions around, because they absorb the emotions of others in an unconscious effort to mediate and smooth situations. The tendency to suppress their own emotions, and emotions can be absorbed by other energy blockages if there are released over a period of time. This may eventually lead to physical illness.

Much of the learning experience for the Pleiadians is learning to allow others to experience what they have chosen and not get personally involved. They will learn to be aware of their desire to make others happy and realize that one can only be responsible for personal happiness and self. They must learn to let others be responsible for themselves, their growth and learning situations. They must learn that they can not decide when others are happy, or what others need to be happy, and instead should focus on creating their own happiness. Accepts as true personal responsibility and personal happiness, flourish and the physical body will respond with glow.

Pleiadian should work to develop communication skills at a level of third dimension and to develop self-esteem. It is important for them to claim personal power, learn to communicate freely and strengthened inside. Sometimes, it may seem to others that the Pleiadians are too reserved and distant. This is due to their tendency to criticize his thoughts to the point of not sharing and self-esteem issues that many people of Pleiade. They often feel they are not worth sharing your thoughts and should also work in this area.

The Pleiades can develop patterns using various three-dimensional activities as temporary escapes from reality, or false helps to develop communication skills and confidence. This could be dabble in drugs or drinking, creating sexual or romantic dramas, or simply escape to other realities through reading, television or movies.

Pleiadian are released through crying. Because of its tendency to suppress emotions, this can reach a point where the release should occur. This can cause tears appearing as an overreaction to current situations. Instead, it is a release of much more than the current situation. Due to communication problems with which we work, many Pleiadians experience various types of liberation in the area of ​​the throat chakra, like crying. This could also be frequent physical problems or difficulty speaking, such as hoarseness, cough or tightness in the throat chakra. This will no longer occur when trust and open communication of emotions and needs to learn and use in daily life.

The pleiadeanos are very strong in faith and trust. Have a strong sense of purpose since childhood, a feeling of knowing that there is a connection, purpose and plan of God, even in its darkest hour. There is an inner desire to seek spiritual answers and find their connection to the Force of God. As you begin to look and learn, growth begins. As they begin to realize the connection with God and to love themselves as perfect beings who are all, many of the old feelings, emotions and self - doubts vanish.

ORION ( [link] )

Those with Orion as their planetary origin have strong personalities, ideals and beliefs. Orion can be recognized by the many questions they do! There is a strong urge to understand the reasons and the inner meanings of all things. They tend to analyze people and events in their need to understand. This can be frustrating for those around them, as this can create feelings of being examined. This is due to the tendency of most of the Orions to operate on a mental level, rather than a feeling level. This is not due to a lack of feeling, is simply the main mode of Orion.

Orions want others to respect their opinions and may argue to win respect and convince others of the validity of their opinions. They must learn to balance the urge to understand, with sensitivity to the needs of others. Mature Orion has learned that in explaining their views and opinions, making that are accepted as valid and considered by others is what they want, and do not need others agree.

Orions have a deep inner thirst for knowledge and may be frustrated with those who do not share this thirst. Interested in a wide variety of fields. In conversation with Orion, it will be obvious that a subject is of great interest to them and they are quite knowledgeable, or no interest and know almost nothing of that area. There is strong skepticism and difficulty accepting new beliefs without exhaustive evidence and proof of validity. This is due to their mental and intellectual approach and the need to "make sense" to things logically before accepting them.

Orions tend to be critical of others and themselves. This is because Orions hopes and strives for perfection. They have a good eye for details and notice things others do not. They tend to point out these things to others, if they feel they are things that need attention or correction. This can be annoying for those who are not accustomed to the energy of Orion, and can be taken as a personal criticism. It is good to realize that the Orions are very sensitive to balance and may feel physically uncomfortable or sick in situations where there is an imbalance. This creates the need to correct the imbalance when detected. It can be an emotional imbalance perceived in others or themselves, or external physical imbalance.

In relationships and in dealing with emotions, Orions reacts to emotions intellectually and may surprise others for their reactions. The urge to understand is much stronger than the emotional reaction. It is very important for them to understand the reasons behind a situation, to help them accept and understand. In an emotional situation, a typical response is to ask questions Orion, although the most peaceful Orions can do this inside. This does not mean they do not feel no worry, just to look for understanding. Orions often feel uncomfortable with emotional situations unless they know the people involved well enough to feel free to ask questions inside. By meeting this need, communication can be built in relations with Orions.

The Orion need privacy and time alone to recharge, learn and develop the internal flow. They learn best alone or in small groups, and do not feel comfortable in large class rooms. There is a high energy level, which combined with the inquisitive nature makes Orions is intolerant of classroom learning when they feel that teaching is not done well or not makes sense. Orions are many excellent teachers, because of their ability to see many details and "angles" reporting, to make learning more interesting for the student. A Orions likes to make others laugh. There is a strong sense of humor and desire to tease and play. Others may notice that changing game to be critical can occur quickly.

There is a strong communication with the spirit and psychic ability. As the Orions grow on a spiritual path, they find that their biggest challenge is to develop higher levels of trust and faith. This is because many aspects of spirituality that simply must be accepted by faith. The Orions are deeply rooted in the need to question, seek evidence, answers and logical understanding before accepting beliefs. This can create difficulties and an internal struggle for many Orions, as they learn to combine technical mind with the spiritual self. However, these same qualities are what make Orions is an important collector of information and knowledge that can be shared with others.

MALDECK ( [link] )

Resultat d'imatges per a "MALDECK"

Those who have Maldeck as their planetary origin have strong personalities and constant. They are determined and focused on their beliefs, whatever those beliefs. It can be difficult for someone to convince one of Maldeck the validity of the new beliefs, as there are always many questions to be answered for your convenience before accepting new possibilities. They often have deep leadership skills, although they can express themselves quietly.

Maldeck those are very intelligent, technically minded and detail-oriented. They are knowledgeable in a wide variety of areas. They may have several careers or a career with strong interests outside the field they chose for the race. They seek to understand what is beneath the surface of people, things and events. Because of this, rarely accept simple explanations or easy answers. They tend to analyze events, experiences and interactions with people and believe that there is always more than is apparent at the surface. Maldeck those are people who generally know enough about any issue that may arise in conversation.

They are reserved and can seem distant or difficult to approach those who do not know well. They are cautious and skeptical about who and what to trust their innermost beings. If one is accepted as a friend or an intimate relationship, they are very loving, honorable and reliable partners. They are disappointed in relationships if others do not return these qualities alike. They expect from others what they themselves are willing to give. It is often surprising to find other beliefs, opinions and emotions so deeply felt in someone who appears on the surface of this quiet and calm manner. Only with those they trust fully open emotionally, but when this trust is present, they are very capable and enjoy compartiéndose at all levels.

The maldeckeanos love challenges, mysteries and the unknown or inexplicable. They are often fascinated by the "magic" and using energy to create and manifest. They often have an early interest in astronomy, planets and exploring the universe. They may love stories like King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, Merlin the Magician and others of that era. The desire for honor, integrity, loyalty and service of common goals is strong. They may long historical times when the defense of these ideals was a common daily activity. These periods of time on Earth were favored by maldeckeanos, who may feel frustrated for much at this present time on Earth.

In relationships, they understand and firmly support maldeckeanos partners, as long as your partner is equally open to share and discuss fully all elements of your needs and desires. Once mutual understanding is achieved, the willingness to do whatever is necessary to help those who love them achieve their goals and dreams there. It should be understood that because of the nature of Maldeck questioning, could lead many arguments to make it happen. The maldeckeanos have a strong loyalty and commitment little trouble with either a relationship, friendship, career or ideal. They expect the same in return and quickly disillusioned if not. This would be one of the rare occasions you could see a Maldeck temperament.

Maldeck was a planet on the other side of Mars. No longer exists, and current remains of the planet are what appears to be an asteroid belt.

ARCTURUS ( [link] )

Resultat d'imatges per a "Arcturans images"

Arcturus those who have as their planetary origin have strong personalities, a deep inner strength and an internal "knowledge". On the surface, they seem strong, capable and powerful. There is a feeling from childhood to have an important purpose in life, although generally not know what it could be. this purpose, which often leads to spiritual exploration is sought. If it is not this purpose, there may be an inner feeling of dissatisfaction or unhappiness without understanding the cause of this.
The Arthurian are very creative. Many Arcturians are writers, artists, designers and use their skills to create in some way. The Arthurian are often good public speakers, have a good sense of timing and humor, the "life of the party." They enjoy making others laugh. They are loving and love to travel. They may tend to get bored easily and seek new experiences to avoid boredom. If "bored" they can create dramas, just to shake things up or create emotion. This may appear a trend to create big problems from small to drag dramatize situations or situations to get attention.

The Arthurian may seem difficult to zoom in or out at times. They do not have many close and intimate friends, but they have many "casual" friends. If a Arcturian accepts it as a close personal friend and shared with you on an internal level, know that has been considered carefully before being "accepted". Arcturians attract people: strangers are attracted to the Arcturian energy and magnetism. Advice givers are good, and his aura makes them look to others who are strong and complete. Others may be surprised to discover that the Arcturians have problems and feelings like everyone else. Often there is a wide circle of acquaintances who rely on their friends Arcturians for advice and guidance. While willing to listen and give advice, Arcturians can be impatient with those who are unwilling to make the necessary effort or really are not "trying" to get what they want. There is impatience with "whiners". Those looking for advice but are unwilling to use the advice they receive, they may lose their mentor Arcturian when it realizes.

The Arcturians have lots of energy, both physical and mental. They can jump from one place to another or from one subject to another. Usually they do not like to sit still and be quiet, but they need to feel like they are accomplishing something. They tend to be enthusiastic and optimistic. When your energy is focused and used properly, there is little they can not achieve. When scattered and unfocused, there will be many projects started, with few completed.

In love relationships, the Arcturians need personal freedom. They feel trapped in relationships that are restrictive. They need time alone, time with friends and to do so without guilt or explanations. You need to understand that freedom should apply to all those involved; the treatment they need for themselves should be extended to others. The Arthurian not feel comfortable expressing their deepest emotions and tend to react to situations that provoke deep emotions creating distractions. Their emotions, they feel more comfortable expressing anger and humor. They can create arguments, start telling stories (the Arcturians are great storytellers!) Try to create laughter or have a sudden urge to "do something" to avoid openly discuss their emotions.

APOLÓNIA ( [link] )

Resultat d'imatges per a "apollonianos"

At apollonianos they love to learn and add to your many talents. Often there is interest in taking various classes and develop many skills. There is a profound questioning nature to the Apollonian that leads them to seek answers and satisfaction. This can result in a series of races or interests in life, and constantly seeking to increase their repertoire of skills. Sometimes they can feel like "sponges", absorbing many different pieces of knowledge. They may appear to others as "professional students", or give the impression that they can not decide what they want to do. This is not the case. Apollonian is simply that do not allow themselves limited to a single role or definition of who and what they are. Any attempt to limit or other label is very strong and instantly resisted. This is an instance in which the normally quiet Apollonian show a dramatic reaction. There may be situations where the Apollonian may feel that others are trying to restrict, restrict or label ... regardless of the truth, if a situation creates this feeling, there will be a strong reaction.

There is a deep desire to be self-sufficient and avoid the need to rely on others, financially or emotionally. You may occasionally need to remind themselves to enjoy life and take time for pleasure, as they tend to be quite serious. This can be very obvious if you focus on a way of learning or achievement. It should be noted that even the rare Apollonian choosing a path of seeking pleasure and play rather than a serious learning, you are so deeply focused on that path.

Many of Apollonia have work to do as a healer of the Earth and feel a deep connection with the Earth and its needs. There is an early recognition of energy fields, auras, spiritual friends or angels, which leads them to be attracted to the spiritual learning as a means to find answers and explanations. These skills can lead them to perform energy healing work at some point in their lives, either with the planet, animals or people. Often there is an attraction for children and a desire to help children and those who are helpless or in need. This could be as a parent, teacher, counselor or simply as a friend interested.

There is a great capacity to empathize with others and use that ability to help others heal and release emotional pain and fears. There is a strong love for beauty and nature. The Apollonian often rely on the beauty and peace of nature to heal and find inner peace. There is a strong sense of intuition and spiritual connection. The Apollonia is often considered exotic or pleasure in being "different".

ANDROMEDA ( [link] )

Resultat d'imatges per a "Andromedans"

Those with a planetary origin Andromeda seek freedom. There is a deep inner thirst and an impulse that leads them to seek this feeling of freedom. They can change from work, home or relationships in your search. At some point, they will realize that freedom seeking and often have feelings of being trapped not due to their actual circumstances. True freedom comes only from looking inside. It is only developing self-esteem and inner spiritual being. Mature Andromedan has realized this, and works with this knowledge to create a reality that allows meet these needs, while continuing to grow in other areas.

Andromedans should work with issues of self-confidence and love. These areas may be obvious in their need for development, or may be disguised. When self-esteem and confidence, inner freedom and spiritual connection takes place you will be found inside ... where it has always been, if confidence and faith in oneself were present to allow them to see. As this unfolds, the connection between oneself and God is strengthened. This allows flow memories of past lives, and many old talents begin to awaken to be used again. Many Andromedans find they have much to offer others in a spiritual way and are known as teachers and healers.

The Andromedans enjoy travel and prosper experiencing many kinds of realities. Enjoy the excitement, activity and variety. They may have early desire to visit homes of past lives, shown as desire to visit certain places or interest in certain areas or periods of time without understanding why. You can enjoy driving fast, or flying in airplanes, as this stimulates the subconscious memories of 'home'. The Andromedans tend to create dramatic scenarios learning for themselves, because of their tendency to be self-critical no longer taken seriously. By learning to 'notice' opportunities and lessons of smaller growth will begin to avoid creating larger dramas.
Andromedan tendency to be self-critical can lead them to expect others to be critical of them. More often they surprised to discover how well they like the others! Outwardly, many Andromedans are safe, capable and well-developed extroverts to communicate with other skills. Are very good at keeping inner fears, doubts and insecurities within and present a very different world outside "face". They may be suitable for teaching, medical care or careers that involve traveling. Some learn to combine attraction to drama with writing or acting, and express themselves that way.

The Andromedans have healing abilities and communication often feel early in childhood. Family members often ignored or discouraged, and then be recovered. The Andromedans are sensitive and caring people who have a lot of compassion and ability to put yourself in the position of another and really empathize. There is a desire to work to heal physical, emotional or psychological pain of humanity.

It is important to understand this information because it is partially supported by the ignorance of people who once dissipated, people awake now also alert the public about this knowledge in hand.

Posted by   THENANSHED Officer 1st Galactic Federation of Free Planets  by Joan Ashtar   © misteri1963 this publication may freely reproduce respecting its integrity and citing the author / a, as a source of it and this URL includes  https: / /  and Copyright notice

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