
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Beings of Light. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Beings of Light. Mostrar todas las entradas

28 de noviembre de 2018


Light Beings

Welcome friends (as) in this entry will try to explain that they are beings of light and positive influences they can have on your personal life. The light beings are spiritual beings, not material, and as such are in a dimension beyond the physical world, but can manifest to us in various ways. These beings can be angels or deceased relatives are projected at us with positive energy and give us spiritual guidance.
We must understand that beyond this material world with which we interact daily through our senses, there is a spiritual world, a dimension that has no time limitations of space. In this dimension are these beings. Although many people this may seem an abstract concept to them, the truth is that this spiritual plane is a reality, and manifests in our lives, sometimes without realizing it. We too are spirits, we have a physical body, which wears out and is destroyed at death, but we also have a spiritual side, a soul that is immortal.
As human beings we are, we can develop and cultivate the spiritual part, channeling positive energies in our lives. We know that we are not alone, beings of light present in our lives as spiritual guides. Sometimes you can make visible, but also manifest in our mind and consciousness, as an extrasensory experience. Sometimes the manifestation of a being of light may go unnoticed, but as we improve our spiritual being, the better we understand, as mentioned beings at some point they were also human, and know our feelings, joys, sorrows.
The origin of the beings of light and  reincarnation
In addition to the purpose and the involvement of the beings of light in our lives, more than delve in other entries, it is important to understand what the origin of these beings. From a standpoint of spiritualism, all we can become spiritual beings of light, as mentioned above, at death a person is released from the physical body, but his spirit, which is energy remains. In many cultures and civilizations as they have visualized these energies as a way to meet incarnate beings by belief in reincarnation, in this case incarnation of the beings of light, so that you can return to live in someone, having gone through several lives, and in this purification process is achieved and ascends to higher spiritual level,
A divine approach
As mentioned above also the light beings may also be angels. This gives us another approach from a different point of view, related to the idea of ​​divinity that is present in Western culture. From this point of view they manifest to support humans and our planet can manifest as light, or with a defined shape, like angels, in human form.
we also see ourselves as beings of light, we communicate with other beings in the spiritual realm, always with positive messages and peace, light and love energy. Let's get this encouraging messages to more people
Whatever approach you can give, we can see that there is a spiritual realm, beyond this physical world with spiritual beings, manifested in our lives, as positive emotions and energies in us, we are also beings with great spiritual, and we must liberate our soul and our being, to evolve a better understanding of our purpose and mission potential is this life, basing our actions on love, faith, hope, filled our lives with positive and enriching experiences, to improve ourselves to ourselves and those around us.
We hope that this information helps you understand what the purpose of these wonderful entities and concept have of them, from different points of view of spirituality of the human will. Other articles will delve more on the subject to achieve a better understanding of this spiritual realm and the beings that comprise it. Thank you for your visit.

© misteri1963 this publication may be reproduced freely provided respecting its integrity and mention the author / a,  as a source of it  and include this URL  and Copyright notice


Welcome friends (as) readers. This time I want to talk about arcturus or Arcturans beings. As I had already told them in a previous article, I wanted to expand more on this subject, which implies a different vision of the beings of light, focusing them as beings from elsewhere in the universe that at times can communicate with us. While I have not had any experience with this manifestation of spiritual beings, there are many people who claim to believe in their existence and even claim to have communicated with them.
Arcturian beings of light are from a much more advanced civilization on the planet Arcturus, within our galaxy. They are considered living in a higher dimension, further, known as the fifth dimension. Many people say that you can contact them by channeling techniques and connection made by so-called "Arcturans teachers." They ensure that Arcturans beings have energy and healing powers of the mind and spirit.
Arcturian beings Athenas

Features beings Arcturans

The foundation of the Arcturans beings is love and light, eliminating our being all energies and negative feelings. Arcturians beings have a close relationship with the ascended masters, of which more later in another article. Moreover, its society is based on respect and veneration for the elderly, who are the source of wisdom.
Physically they are of short stature, but can live up to 400 years. Their high spiritual level and so connection between your being and universe makes them superior beings. Despite its human appearance, as regards communication, you can do it telepathically, and their senses are highly developed. On your planet there are no diseases or disasters, because they have managed to live in unity and harmony with nature and the universe, so it can transcend time and space.
The ships of the Arcturans beings are very advanced, and are often mentioned by people who claim to have contacted them by connecting techniques. For example Athenas ship, whom we see in the figure above, anyway hope to expand a little bit on this character in an upcoming article.
Purpose and connection with beings Arcturans 
Experience and contact with entities of Arcturans allows us to know more about this fifth dimension, which moves away from the physical plane and allows us to have a better understanding of our soul and learn about our spiritual essence. It is achieved by unconditional love and light, which help us eliminate our fears, fears and negative experiences to achieve our true purpose and find happiness. The basis for entering the fifth dimension is love.
Many consider that some of these beings of light are among us, and help us to find the light guide and love in order to evolve to the fifth dimensión.La basis of this is love, which is a feeling that vibrates in our hearts and we practice it in our daily lives to find our true identity and purpose, as only beings who are part of the harmony of the universe.
© misteri1963 this publication may be reproduced freely provided respecting its integrity and mention the author / a,  as a source of it  and include this URL  and Copyright notice

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