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9 de mayo de 2017

Pirated e Macron: drugs, weapons, Islamization of Europe, money pirate islands and meetings with Rothschild

#Macrongate would not have won if they leave before Pirated Post Macron - drugs, weapons, Islamization EU, sheikhs

Pirated e Macron:  drugs, weapons, Islamization of Europe, money pirate islands and meetings with Rothschild

[I apologize for the redundancy of the headline "money pirate islands and meetings with Rothschild"]. 

Let's see what happens to the seized material to the new French president. The curious thing is that it was made public only on the day before the election. 

The hacked emails undertake to Macron

The dozens of emails released by the website  4chan  hours before the second round of the presidential team on social liberal candidate,  Emmanuel Macron , may call into question its credibility.
Indicate  meetings Macron  with family members  Rothschild , communications  with sheiks of Saudi Arabia  and an  arms dealer in Lebanon,  in addition to handling of  funds in tax havens like the  Cayman Islands , and assumptions orders drugs and  a plan for the Islamization France , as published 
"#MacronLeaks contains tens of thousands of emails, photos, dated annexes to the April 24, 2017, a total of 9Gb (gigabytes) , " he said through his twitter account portal 4chan. In this regard, he added: "These leaks come too late to affect the election." 
The movement "Running", created by the former Minister of Economy a year ago, said he was thevictim of a  "massive and coordinated pirating"  has led to "spread on social networks of internal information of various kinds". 
He alleged that pirated files "were obtained for several weeks thanks to 'hack' address personal and professional responsible for the movement of mail." 
According to the movement, the authors of pirating circulated false documents with authentic to "sow doubt and misinformation"  and "attempting to destabilize the presidential elections."
After the media frenzy, consultant and vice president Marine Le Pen of the National Front, Florian Philippot,  soon manifestrase. 
"The #Macronleaks tell us things that investigative journalism has deliberately silent? Frightening, this wreck democratic ". In addition, WikiLeaks said after examining  it "found nothing wrong" .
The  National Commission for Control of Presidential Campaign (CNCCEP)  said Saturday that the spread of pirated documents could constitute an offense and involve  "criminal responsibility" r enovó the warning issued to the media in a press release and extended the warning to all citizens and users of social networks.
"The commission calls the actors on websites and social networks, first the media but also all citizens to show responsibility and not transmit such content, in order not to alter the transparency of the election, not to infringe the law and not be exposed to the commission of criminal offenses, "he said.

Macron party behind attacks on Le Pen

The National Front leader and presidential candidate of France in the second round, Marine Le Pen, has been attacked Friday off a visit to the cathedral of Reims. 
He went with the leader of Debout la France, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, in a visit that was out of his campaign agenda and was not communicated to the press. 
However, dozens of leftist radicals awaited the two political leaders leaving the temple, symbol for French monarchists, and threw themselves into the various candidate objects.
After leaving the scene of the attack the frontista candidate has stated that supporters of Macron are behind the wave of violence afflicting France after the first round of presidential elections. 
In its profile of the social network Twitter, Le Pen said that "Those who hold to M. Macron agitate violence everywhere, even in the Cathedral of Reims, symbolic and sacred place. No dignity. "
Among those harassed and attacked Le Pen had several young people wearing T-shirts with the name of Macron and its motto for this second round of voting: "Ensemble la France".
Marine Le Pen did not speak without knowledge of the facts. At half past nine, militants launched, the party of Macron, were summoned to protest against Marine Le Pen on the door of the cathedral. 
Through its social RESDES they summoned its members to act violently against the presence of the frontista leader.
In social networks the group Reims in Marche wrote: "Militants Urgent! Le Pen comes to the cathedral in minutes. Come with friends and come to silvarla and also to push! Macron balloons and T-shirts and Europe are available on the premises. Come! You have to kill her! Go, go, go, "
Faced with this violence, one of the militant group and component Reims Underway asked "Kill her?" And the head of social networking replied: "Yes, destroy his image Make her diabolical!".
These messages have been published by several leaders of the National Front, who have requested explanations from the own Macron. However, the party of centrist candidate for the second round has remained symptomatic silence after the attack on Le Pen.
It is not an isolated incident. 
On Thursday afternoon, a few hours before the assault, frontista leader lived a similar scene in Brittany, when a group of people threw eggs on arrival for a visit to Dol-de-Bretagne factory.

Disclose emails 

Macron incriminating

Two days before the elections, the 4chan website released a set of documents of the candidate for the French presidency Emmanuel Macron less that call into question their credibility equipment.WikiLeaks has examined the files and says he has not found one single false.

Two days before the presidential elections in France, the WikiLeaks website retweeted a set of documents of the candidate for the French presidency Emmanuel Macron team and put them under a separate file from the original overturned by an anonymous 4chan.

In the disclosed e meetings and communication banker and candidate reported  Macron  with family members  Rothschild,  communications with sheiks of  Saudi Arabia  and an arms dealer in  Lebanon , as well as handling of funds in tax havens like the  Cayman Islands  and orders drugs as well as an alleged plan Islamization of  France.

Through his twitter account  WikiLeaks published: "#MacronLeaks contains tens of thousands of emails, photos, dated annexes to the April 24, 2017, a total of 9Gb (gigabytes)." He added: leaks "come too late to affect the election."

Wikileaks  said not being the author of pirating operation which he calls "#MacronLeaks".

The party of  Le Pen, the National Front,  soon find a benefit. 

Florian Philippot , vice president of FN and right hand of  Le Pen,  said the social network Twitter : 

"The #Macronleaks tell us things that investigative journalism has deliberately silent? 

Frightening, this wreck democratic " .

Meanwhile, the campaign team confirmed the centrist candidate filtration, which he described as a "massive and coordinated action pirating".

"The movement afoot!  (which leads Macron) was the victim of an act of massive pirating and coordinated tonight has led to the spread in social networks internal information of various kinds (emails, documents , accounting, contracts) "indicates the team French said in a statement.

He adds: 

"Those who are circulating these documents authentic documents added to many others that are false, to sow doubts and misinformation [...] 
clearly a democratic destabilization, as happened in the US during the presidential campaign. "

The latter in relation to the statements of the US intelligence services, who accused Russia of interference in the American election campaign last year for  Donald Trump,  in particular through the pirating Democratic Party  Hillary Clinton.

According to the people of  Macron ,  the files "were obtained several weeks ago  by the hacking of personal mail boxes and various professionals responsible for the movement".

The campaign team stressed that the documents released by WikiLeaks are illegal.

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