
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Energy. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Energy. Mostrar todas las entradas

30 de noviembre de 2023




What is the plan for ascension?


Hello my dear living lights.

Well I am sure by now you have realized that you were not given a blueprint for ascension.

(No easy way to out).

In a 3D world you had a manipulated blueprint or model showing you what to do. 

You would know what to expect and what not to expect and therefore would move through the process with more grace and ease that you do now. 

But as you all realized, you don’t live in a same world, a 3 Dimensional world so you blindly stumble along trying figuring it out as you go.

Much of your energy is spent learning that you have many misconceptions of what the ascension process is and isn’t.

These misconceptions created a lot of the pain that you experience along the way. 

For example, there is a misconception that we can ascend without having to experience our fears or knowing the truth of reality and  who you all are. 

Oh how wonderful it would be if that was really true.

This short multiverse squadron lesson is to help dispel some of these misconceptions that cause you to stumble and also to provide something of a blueprint for the process. 

This blueprint, of course, is based on my own experiences as well as those of the beautiful souls who I am honored to work with, to know and who walk the path alongside me.

So let’s begin with the basics.

What is ascension?

"On an individual level, ascension is the process of changing one’s consciousness from one reality, based on one set of beliefs, to another".

On a group or planetary level, ascension is the collective expansion of a state of consciousness (set of beliefs) to the point where that consciousness creates a new reality, a completely new state of being or dimension.

Example: you are collectively creating now the 5th dimensional consciousness through your individual ascension processes.

Okay, I realize I have thrown a new thought in here, that being that a dimension is a state of consciousness. 

Maybe it's best if we stop and look at this before we go any further, because you really need to understand consciousness, dimensions and everything else we talk about in the Universe classes before you can truly understand the ascension process.

A review of what is a dimension?

A dimension is a state of consciousness.

Now how can that be? 

Well, when you look at what you know about dimensions, what you find is that each is about a unique set of beliefs, knowledge of truth. 

For example: 3D is about the belief that, this is the only life that you have and if you can’t touch it, taste it, see it, feel it or hear it, it doesn’t exist.

Is that pretty close? 

Yes I guess so in the 3D mindset.

Now in 5D, which I will fully we activated for everyone who is ready to ascend is about Unity consciousness where you realize that you are all connected. 

Connected through something Greater like Quantum energy field and you understand and live in oneness (there is a misconception of what unity consciousness looks like and I will address it in the next lesson. 

The 5th Dimension what will it be like?

Your current 3D-4D consciousness was not established until enough people began to believe the same way. 

And the current 5D consciousness was not established until enough of the people have existing there, figured out how to live in unity. 

So when enough people live a set of beliefs they, the collective create a dimension frequency.

Going further, a state of consciousness/dimension vibrates as a certain frequency just as all physical matter has a distinguishing vibration or frequency. 

In our universe, as I mentioned it before, the closer we get to the integration point of Dark and Light onto the same mindset, the faster we vibrate (compassion being the integration point with the fastest vibratory rate).

So, if a whole group of people like 18 of you inhere acquire a particular set of beliefs, in this case, the understanding of how to live at the integration point between Dark and Light, then you all begin to vibrate at that particular rate. 

This vibratory rate is also known as a frequency.

Continuing on, you as a group vibration creates a new consciousness, a new reality, and a new dimension by the individuals in the group expressing themselves emotionally, creatively, etc.

With this frequency we can change things of happening or not happening among other things. I hope this all makes sense to you.

Sometimes I find it difficult trying to explain to you the battle or process we are in and type of frequency vibration required with our Posts attached as public notice to succeed.  Now here we have also a multidimensional concepts, a bit challenging because there are so many levels to them. I can see them in my mind but getting them down on writing is another matter.

Now that we have a basic understanding of consciousness, dimensions and frequency, let’s get back to the ascension.

How do we ascend?

Simply stated, you ascend by clearing our emotional blocks, integrating the fears that are the basis of those blocks, and transmuting the anger, hatred, guilt, blame and shame in those blocks into compassion. 

You don't need to associate or make contact with anyone to make this possible. 

All this can be done consciously in within yourselfs.

In each of your emotional blocks there is judgment of the dark emotions (those I already stated above). 

As you learn to accept, value and use those emotions in a balanced manner, you balance the Dark side of yourselves.

On the outside, as you learn to value and appreciate those who express those dark emotions in their roles as your teachers (i.e., those who play dark roles because they have spiritual contracts with us to do so), we balance the Light and Dark in your reality. 

Once again, another multidimensional concept condensed into a sentence or two. 

This is why you need to balance yourself first.

As you clear your blocks you shift your consciousness.

You  become less judgmental, thus more compassionate. 

So your consciousness shifts first and your physical body follows suit. 

Thirdly, your external reality begins to reflect back the new consciousness that you are expressing. 

Thus, the physical reality slowly shifts also.

So every day, as you allow your guides to bring your lessons forward so that you can clear them, you are ascending. 

Each time you clear a block and experience the joy of gratitude and appreciation and compassion, you are ascending.

Let’s recap this one.... in  Q & A

Q. Ascension occurs when you?

A. Are willing to clear your blocks.

"Clear a block, integrate a fear by experiencing it and achieve compassion, thus creating a shift in your consciousness".

What are the mechanics of ascension?

Ascension is a process that has spiritual, emotional, mental and physical components. 

This process is multi-layered and interconnected, meaning that an action taken on one level affects the other levels (think of it as a domino effect).

The mechanics of the ascension process go something like this:

- You ask for your fears to be made known to you.

- A fear manifests in your life packaged as a lesson that has come forward.

- You move through the fear, being willing to experience it as completely as necessary in order to integrate it.

- You integrate the fear, thus learning the lesson. 

In this part you feel the fear feelings associated with this fear/lesson. They can be feelings such as guilt, shame, hatred, anger, resentment, etc. (Yes, you do fear feeling these emotions because you have been taught that they are bad and if you experience them, you are bad.)

- You experience release as the fear is integrated and the lesson is learned. In this release you experience emotions such as joy, bliss, gratitude (for the person who played the Dark role) and compassion (for the pain the Dark role person had to experience in order to play their part). As you feel the compassion, there is a tingling sensation in your body and in many cases an orgasmic explosion of energy in your high heart chakra (this is the anger, shame, etc., being transmuted into compassion) as you release the people involved in your lesson from blame.

The compassion you feel transmutes a bit more of your DNA from carbon-based to Crystal/Diamond or like a silica-based, thus allowing more light into your body. 

At the same time, any implants (also known as behavior patterns) associated with that fear/lesson are changed (balanced out).

If you have been working on this fear in all its various aspects for a while, those newly changed implants then release their bit of your dormant 10 strands of your DNA so that they can be realigned.

The more you move through these steps, the more you recode and triggers your DNA activation, this shifting your consciousness closer and closer to the integration point between Light and Dark.

Compassion is the unconditional and equal acceptance of all things (Light and Dark) regardless of who or what they are.

Now let’s look at some of the misconceptions about ascension. Shall we?

There are also many misconceptions about ascension going around these days.

Most of this seems to come from a lack of basic information and trying to formulate your concept of ascension on what you have been taught in the past. 

Once you are given the higher perspective regarding some of these concepts you can see where just having another level of knowledge makes it all make sense.

Let’s look a few of the more prevalent ones.

We can ascend without experiencing pain or fear?

As I said earlier, I wish this was true but as you have seen from the information and my experience above, you must have something that you can use to achieve compassion.

You must have some form of fuel of energy. 

We don’t transmute love or joy into compassion, do we? 

Both love and joy are higher frequency emotions, like compassion, aren’t they? 

It is our understanding that we use the energy of the lower frequency emotions of anger, shame, guilt, resentment, etc. to transmute into compassion.

So, if this is true, then you must be able to access these emotions to be able to transmute them, right? 

And in order to access them you must feel them in some way because that is what is meant by accessing, is that not true? 

And isn’t experiencing them the same as feeling them?

Going further, don’t lower frequency emotions create emotional and, sometimes, physical pain. 

For example: Doesn’t anger create emotional pain, or guilt or shame?

So to wrap this up, if you need transmutable emotions for fuel energy to ascend, then you must access them.

This means feeling the pain of those emotions, and if you feel the pain of your emotions, then that means that you don’t ascend without experiencing pain.

Does this make sense?

And let's keep in mind that pain is a catalyst for change. 

You don’t change until you realize that you need to,  pain is the indicator that it is time for change.

From the higher perspective, to understand it, pain is one valuable tool because without it you have no catalyst to move you to do the work that is necessary in order to grow spiritually.

You can recode your DNA just through intent or by having someone else do it for you intensionally.

Well, think about this. 

If you are doing emotional clearing and that changes your DNA, isn’t that the same as DNA Recoding and awakening?

And, if you need more fuel  to transmute into compassion to recode, awake your DNA  and to experience that whole process of transmutation for it to work then how can you do it merely by intent?

Also, how can someone else do that for you? 

How can they experience your fears, integrate them and learn your lessons for you?

I don’t see how they can. 

It would be the same as having someone else live your life for you while you sit on the sidelines and observe. 

You do you!

But if they could, I would have been certainly the first in line!

Repeat this every morning and evening? 

Please make it a habit of yours.

"I don’t want to experience any more pain and discomfort than I have to".

Through this ascension process you will gain the ability to bi-locate, levitate and move objects with your minds. 😁

It was a real let-down for me when I found out that these abilities were not for everyone and not part of Earth’s planetary ascension process and plan.

I so wanted to learn how to do them and found that in the beginning they were one of my DNA coding and that was just one of the reasons I kept going. 

But on the other hand, you are not required to attain them in order to ascend and that is a big relief for everyone!

Think of how much time and energy it would take to be able to acquire these abilities. 

These knowledge are things from a mysterious school that take years to learn to master. But you heard that you are also privileged by all this.

(So, no, these abilities are not part of the ascension process but nice to have it, lots of fun).

But the abilities that are required are:

1. The ability to achieve compassion by transmuting emotional blocks.

2. The ability to value the Dark in all ways without haitful thoughts. ( Not necessarily means you need to associate with them an

Or allowing them to influence you , lowering your frequency energy vibration. Oh no. Heart crack opening of love by goodness intention and positive consciousness.

3. The ability to live in harmony with all other species in the universe regardless of differences.

Something that you learned not long ago in the Galactic classes and that you may be interested in remembering, is that there are two different ascension processes.

There is the Reptilian process and the Natural Human Process:

A. The Reptilian process, taught through their ancient mystery schools enables you to ascend through mental mastery and requires their student live apart from the world in order to concentrate on his/her skills.

B. The Human process enables you to ascend through the heart and requires the student to live in the world to acquire the skills.

Okay, so I may just have opened a can of worms on this one, did I?

I guess I’d better explain this one too.

When you ascend you will be on a different planet.

Actually in one sense it will be like being on a different planet, but in reality you will be on a different plane of this one.

Just as radio stations exist on different frequencies but you can still access them from the same radio, 3D, 4D and 5D will be different dimensions/frequencies/states of consciousness that can be accessed on the same planet, Earth. 

When you ascend you will live to total unity and oneness, there will be no Dark or negativity it will be all love and light.


Won’t people be surprised when they see that there is still Light and Dark in 5D?

Once again, you will have a more united society but not at the expense of individuality. 

Having only Light/Unity means, in its extreme, a hive mentality like bees or ants.

(Big groups of family). 

Do we really want that? 

As I understand it, you want to live in the knowing that we are all connected so that we can stop all the warring and fighting that is caused by “we are separate” thinking. 

But you don’t want to give up your individuality and free will to become part of a unity consciousness where everyone thinks the same, do you?

Well if that is the case, count me out. 

I like having free will and free thinking.

As we ascend we should leave our 3D lives behind and move into the Light.

Well, that’s also not part of the plan this time.🤔

As I understand it, we are to live in the world and be part of it but live in it with a multidimensional consciousness. 

This was a difficult one for me to figure out. 

At the beginning of my path, I wanted to separate from the world, go live in a closed community of like-minded people, give up my credit cards and bank accounts and live on love.

I soon found out, just by doing part of that, that it didn’t  quite work until you get yo the ending of 5D ready to go forward to 6 Dimension.

You are to stay grounded and in the world because the world is the place from where your lessons will come. 

It is the place where you can access your fears and integrate them, access your lower frequency emotions and transmute them within your 3D physical bodies.

If you separate from the world and spend your time hanging out in other dimensions or the astral plane, you will lose out on the experiences that cause you to grow. 

Remember, without the lessons and knowledge going forward, you cannot spiritually grow. 

You grow out of imbalance into balance.

If we try to live in a perfect world, we become spiritually stagnant, don’t we? Think about it. 

Okay, let’s move on.

How can I tell if I am ascending?

You have mentally made the decision to go through the ascension process. 

This is different than being on the spiritual path. 

Ascension is a choice to move to the 5th dimension. 

Not a choice of I Want, a choice of emotional intent. Felling!

The spiritual path is a choice (I Want) to open up to what is beyond 3D and to access the spiritual side.

Your fears are manifesting in your life as lessons.

Your physical body begins to react to the ascension process through new aches and pains.

This is your inner child being triggered by the fears coming up to be integrated. 

These fears are stored in your physical body in different locations.

Example: A fear of money is stored in your lower back and you experience that fear as lower back pain.

You begin to be consciously aware of the synchronicities and unusual occurrences in your life versus being unaware of them. 

(Synchronicities are your guides and your work bringing forth the events on your Life Blueprint that you had chosen during your time in the Interlife, the life between lives.)

What do we mean by that when we say that the 3rd, 4th, and 5th dimensions are merging?

This is an interesting tidbit that I couldn’t resist sharing with you.

As many of you know, there is a lot of talk about the dimensions merging, and the physical/mental/emotional effects we are experiencing because of it. 

"I’d like to share what this really means since perfect 18 of you  have have made it this far."

As more and more of you move along the Spiritual and Ascension paths, you achieve levels of understanding.

For example: As you learned already that you are spiritual beings having a physical/human experience. 

When enough people figure that one out, they create a new consciousness on this planet.

This particular belief being one of the more basic ones on the Spiritual path is a 4D concept. So, this group has anchored a 4D octave into 3D because they live in a physical 3D world, hence they have merged 3D and 4D.

The same thing occurs now,  when enough people anchor a 5D concept in 3D. 

This is what is meant by the dimensions are merging. 

Groups of people are creating new dimensions of consciousness while living on a different dimension and changing everything else with it. 

Hopefully this makes sense, and you understand the meaning of ascension.

We love you all so much!


Keep your mind open and especially your vibration high.

It will be a great surprise of freedom!

May all beings in all worlds be free!

Captain Fernando M. Gonçalves - FLW – Free Light Warriors💎🤍💚

Ambassador of Light – Diplomacy of the Universe

Galactic Council 💙🤍💛

Universe Council 💙🤍✨

Multiverse Council 💙🤍

Omniverse Council 💚🤍



31 de agosto de 2022

The Energies of September; Energetic Balance

The Energies of September; Energetic Balance

As we step into September, we will feel the harmonic energies that are now descending into our Planet, inviting us to create the energetic balance required for us to continue with the next integration wave.

September is a month that offers us the opportunity to stabilize our bodies and equilibrate ourselves, at all levels, as it is pivotal after a long period of embodiment.

A balance that is announced by its six universal frequencies, within a six universal year. It is the time to move inward again, regain strength, and create harmony, for the next wave in October-November. A harmonic passage that will be reinforced by the Equinox, at the end of the month, whose frequencies will help us harmonize ourselves, and continue with the process of building our light body.

A six universal frequency that indicates love, and restoration. Number six is represented by the tarot card of the Lovers, which to me, is not just about physical relationships but about the inner union, between opposites, that has to occur before it happens with another being. An inner union that has nothing to do with our 3D sense of love, as it beings with the union of our shoulder wing portals, as it is there when we begin to unify our bodies, masculine and feminine essences.

Balanced relationships or enlightened ones, come when first we love ourselves and act, at all times, as integrated and whole beings, for it is by acquiring perfect equilibrium and inner unity, that we can truly merge with another with integrity and equality.

It is a time to work on the union that we have with ourselves, and the ones that we have created, as Virgo introduced at the end of August, it is how we grow and recognize ourselves and what we have not yet healed, through the assistance of others that have agreed to co-create and work with us, in both a physical and soul level.

Loving energies that remind us of the importance, at that time of reflection, of witnessing our human self. Do we love and respect ourselves and our personal energy? Do we act with integrity – as we think and feel? This is the most important inner work, if we have not yet totally achieved this inner synthesis if we are not yet unified, healed and completely whole, we cannot transmit the same harmony and equilibrium into our relationships.

This month is going to show us in our relationships everything that we are not ready to look at within ourselves yet, and that our soul companions, as once agreed, will do for us, lovingly, even though many times we may not perceive it as such.

September is going to be a month that will help us see where we need more balance, within and without ourselves, if we desire to live within a harmonic timeline, all we think, feel and do, shall be aligned with where we are going.

As we listen to our inner guidance and the many energies that are inviting us to move within, examining ourselves and our personal lives, we will realize if we need to transform something that is not totally unified, as we will have important alignments helping us to move forward, as for us to be able to create anew, leaving the past behind is essential, as there is nothing there for us anymore.

This is a great opportunity to revise, regain strength, and continue building our new lives. It is a month that will help us see where we are going, and what is yet to come if we choose to continue the path of our soul and the mission that it involves.


During this new energetic month of September, we have very important planetary alignments that will repeat themselves, to remind us of the importance of focusing on what we are creating, not what we are leaving behind. We have the semi-sextile created by the True Node and Chiron, which begins on August 29, continues on September 3rd, and ends on September 6th, helping us focus on our personal evolution on this earth, on both a physical and a soul level, on where we are heading, what we have created, and where our creations are taking us at the moment.

It is about the future timeline that we are forming, with every thought, feeling, and act, in this Now moment. On the other hand, Chiron has a very healing essence per excellence, when both co-create, we are being invited to heal, from the present, past timeliness, or parallel ones as I prefer to call them, as when we awake our multidimensionality and consciously and intentionally choose to heal in the present, this same healing extends to other parallel timelines, helping us heal at all levels, in all dimensions, and all aspects of who we are.

We no longer need to dig into the past, as there is nothing there for us anymore, but to learn how to heal in the present, properly, so we are also healing what we call past selves. So, we are healing ourselves and helping our own future generations to heal as well too

We have a wonderful month ahead for us to continue our journey of DNA rehabilitation, healing, and clearing, for the current energies come to help us burn away the old, so we can move ahead without constantly focusing on the past, as it is what the majority of the times bring into the present unwanted situations and outcomes.

On September 5th,  Venus enters Virgo. Venus is the feminine aspect of us, the aspect who creates from the womb and who gives birth within Divine love and compassion to All. This is wonderful energy for those who are beginning to make their passion their living as well. Venus, the Planet of Love and Abundance in Virgo is going to teach us how to put all we desire to create, in the tangible, in a way that serves others, not just ourselves, so all we do is now serve others in their journey as well. This is about grounding our soul desires and goals in a way that we too nurture ourselves in the physical, at the same time that we are in service to All.

A few days later, on September 9, Mercury Retrograde in Libra, until September 23 when it will move into Virgo. As you know I do not feed this limited belief of Mercury being retrograde. I can only inform you of the date it turns retrograde for those who resonate with it.

Mercury in Libra whether retrograde or not, as the essence does not vary, as it is just the perception we have from our human view, is about bringing balance into our mental plane, as well as on the collective mind. This is going to be a month for us to keep dwelling on the illumined and peaceful essence of our Soul, for there are many distractions that can make us fall apart and come back into old states of being.

Clearing our minds from time to time of self-destructive patterns, old beliefs, and many other debris and programs, is pivotal if we desire to evolve and continue embodying new aspects of the Truth, for the Truth is only One but it has many aspects, depending on where we are in our evolutionary journey, as the more we evolve, the more we are ready to discover.

The most important to contribute to a more peaceful and loving planet is to precisely create this same frequency from within and remain there as long as possible, even though as humans, there will be challenges that may often make us oscillate between two different frequencies.

The next day, on September 10th, we will have a Full Moon at 17 degrees Pisces. This is a very magical passage, as the final moon of the summer, and as one of the most intuitive passages that we have had in months, as it is conjunct with Neptune.

Piscean energies come after a very important alignment, especially the one of the True Node with Chiron, for us to receive more guidance and clarity about our soul’s unique journey and mission. If we have done the inner work of healing, clearing, and reconnecting, then we are ready now to envision our future path, one that we create at every moment, if we consciously build, in the Now.

On September 21 we have Jupiter semi-square Saturn together with another important alignment on September 28, Jupiter semi-square Uranus. This is going to have a great impact on the collective, and on many who are yet mastering how to move, or set the perfect balance, between their personal sense of freedom, and responsibility, as even though both may seem opposite, they are not at all, for one cannot coexist without the other.

Within freedom is the duty of taking responsibility for our acts, otherwise, we will not be acting as integrated and conscious beings. This is why from both a personal and collective level, both events will trigger the necessary change, for us to realize where we are in terms of personal boundaries, freedom, and responsibility.

The next day, September 22, the Sun enters Libra. We welcome the Equinox and with it, the peak of the stabilizing frequencies received all this month. If we look closely, all this month offers us precious energies for us to balance every single aspect of ourselves, and hence, our outer lives, as they are a reflection of how we feel inside.

It is up to us to take the opportunity each month to focus on an aspect of ourselves and work with it rather than waiting with open arms to be blessed or cursed, by outer forces or beings, as it used to be, for now, we know that we create it all from within, by being devoted and doing our inner work, and conscious focus on what we desire to birth.

We end September by having a New Moon at 2 degrees Libra on September 25, together with Venus moving from Virgo to Libra as well. This is about balance, love, harmony, and above all an invitation to nurture ourselves, being a wonderful passage for us to focus on ourselves, and our loved ones, as well as in nourishing everything that we have previously created, for there is a time for everything within Creation, and it is now the time to focus on what we build, being grateful for it and learning how important it is to take care of our soul’s creations, in the physical.

A month to strive for energetic balance, in ourselves, relationships, and in all the new creations that we are building in our earthly plane. We have the constant opportunity to tap into the wisdom of our soul, retrieve its infinite experience and guidance, and use it to expand ourselves towards our new destination and towards being in service in new ways.

The opportunity to step into a new reality is always there for those who do not fear what could possibly happen if we finally choose to have the courage to move on from what limited us.

I wish you a wonderful September, Beloveds!

Within Infinite Love,

**By Natalia Alba

15 de noviembre de 2021



Galactic Federation: FREE Energy


This is a message for humanity from the Galactic Federation. We are here to inform you that, based on new developments and research, we are introducing this new initiative to planet earth.

The idea is to create a free energy zone here on earth, which will be designated areas that are provided to supply clean and free energy at no charge or cost to those in these areas willing to participate in these projects.

This new technological advance will change the entire planet.

You may not know that you have a representative of the galactic federation very close. We are here to let you know that we are improving the energy supply of your planet. There is no need to panic! We are not going to take anything away from them or make things worse in the process, quite the opposite. We'll install a completely free new source of power that not only meets all your needs better than your current system, but there is so much more.

Not only does it keep your appliances running, it also keeps your car on the road. It works with zero emissions and is completely environmentally friendly.

By using the free energy source, you are regaining your right to exist on this planet without being taxed; you regain your right to freedom to live without paying for the contamination of others. It is time to stop paying your monthly bills for fuel, electricity or oil.

The moment when you realize that you don't need electricity, or diesel for heating, in order to live comfortably, is truly magical.

As we observe, many people on earth are about to destroy themselves because of the choices they have made. Many of these destructive choices are inherent in your belief systems. They have destroyed much of its natural resources and continue to create pollution that changes the composition of the Earth's atmosphere.

Today, most systems use dirty and outdated technology as a power source. The Earth has become very polluted. This pollution is all around you. Surround the planet at certain levels.

Our free clean energy system will be portable and more efficient for your needs. It is environmentally friendly and will help make the planet more sustainable for future generations.

With the enormous amount of energy available in space, the use of completely new energy capture and conversion technology, and the extremely low cost of energy storage in space, it is practical for this advanced infrastructure component to provide free, clean energy to all the planet.

You don't need any wiring; it's wireless, and it's stronger. Therefore, you can enjoy unlimited technological power for your computer, mobile phone, household appliances, etc., without the need for any fuel such as electricity, gas or oil.

It is compatible with all devices. No need to charge the phone or put gas in the car. All these gadgets will work 'ON' 24x7 with this power without the worry of power theft because it is wireless Free Power.

Are you ready to be a part of this free energy movement that will change the world and bring a bright and prosperous future for you and your family?

You are about to make the right decision that will give you more power than you imagine. You are about to take your life into your own hands.

The first phase of free zones will be established by the Galactic Federation of Light. To be available for this designation, an individual is not required to subscribe to any specific religion, ideology, belief system, or way of life.

The first phase of the free energy zones will be strategically chosen based on several variables, including but not limited to; the contour of the earth, water flow patterns, temperature patterns, the location of hot spots (vortices), the movement of tectonic plates, the stress points of tectonic plates, the stress points of tectonic plates, and residual tectonic pressure points will all be factors in the selection of this area.

It is with great enthusiasm that we present this gift of new technology to you. This will provide you with the necessary foundation to allow your civilization to progress on its path of ascension.

The words you are reading now are just a glimpse of the main objectives of the Galactic Federation.

We are here to prepare you and your planet for ascension, and we will not stop until you and everyone else on Earth experience enlightenment and become free.

We love you deeply.

We are here with you.

We are your family of light.


Aurora ray

Galactic Federation Ambassador

Channel and art by Aurora Ray

Copyright 2021 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.

20 de septiembre de 2020

the Fall equinox’s energy has arrived.

Dear beloveds, the Fall equinox’s energy has arrived. The energy is very powerful indeed. The Divine says that the Fall Equinox’s energy is going to get stronger and stronger. Stay hydrated and centered. Know the energies are most potent and they are for the  DNA activations and deep initiations for some light workers. The process is indeed needed and just in time for some light workers.
The Divine says that if you find yourself being initiated,  that means  your next mission is about to start. Just like any other cases, before the important mission begins, the light warriors will have, sometimes, extreme activations and initiations so that the energies can be downloaded to the aura field and the Divine knowledge can be activated and being ready for use.
The energies that are coming in through this equinox’s portal will activate a lot of the light workers. Especially the ones whose mission is about to begin. The critical light workers who have  their Divine missions coded in their aura field may actually sense the activations going on. And that is ok dear ones. Know that your aura field has the Divine structure embedded. When the Divine energies like this Equinox’s energies arrive, you are automatically being activated, and, sometimes, without you knowing it. Your aura field has all the codes and they  line up waiting for the energies to arrive.
Once the energies arrive, the codes in your aura field will be busy activating themselves with or without your low self’ knowledge. Once the activation process is done, you may need a couple of days to assimilate the newly activated DNAs and energies. And that means that your gifts will arrive simultaneously. And that is the process of growing your spiritual gifts and power. And this equinox will unfold a great deal of gifts for a lot of light workers.
Take care of thyself dear ones. And know that in the next few days, there are going to be a lot of the energies coming to the planet. Mother Earth, too, will have a great deal of changes. And that will also impact you and your life. Stay in the heart dear angels and stay grounded. Know the energies that are streaming in right now were designed for this time and they are indeed very powerful. I love you dear angels. I am your Mother Divine. Stay in peace dear ones. So it is.
Linda Li

12 de junio de 2020

Are you listening to the Awakened Women now? ⠀

<3 awakened="" p="" the="" woman=""> These women are showing up daily, boldly and unapologetically claiming your newsfeed, too damn powerful to be ignored. ⠀

Sharing truths you must deeply hear, learn and transform from.

Come to their altars with a humble, teachable heart. And recognise how the Goddess continues to call you home.

‘There is a band of women present on this earth who are carrying flaming torches for the evolution of humanity.⠀

These women are rare, unique, highly-crafted jewels of the ancient feminine spirit.⠀

These women possess more courage, resilience and perseverance than is fathomable.⠀

These women have silently walked through thousands upon thousands of years to find themselves back here on earth, charged with the task of re-awakening the deep feminine soul to humanity and earth.⠀

Emerging one by one from the etheric temples of Shakti in all Her forms, the Awakened Women plant their naked feet on the barren soil of earth. Glistening with the radiant dew of communion with Divine Love, bodies supple and fluid with free-flowing Kundalini, Third Eyes wide open and streaming cosmic codes of truth, hair flaming and blazing with wild, unashamed passion, hands moving spontaneously to touch the wounds of Gaia’s Soul and love Her back to Life.⠀⠀

The Awakened Women do not announce themselves as the Saviours of our Time. They mostly get on with their immense workload with devotion, discipline and immeasurable commitment to mission. ⠀

When these women heal themselves, they ignite a domino-effect of healing and transformation for generations of females both past and future. Not only that, the innate spiritual power of these women, who have spent eons devoting their entire Selves to serving the High Feminine, is so catalytic, so immensely creative and illuminating, so alchemizing – when these women pour sacred intention into bringing themselves into Wholeness, the entire Universe receives a body-full of oxygenated divine-blood.⠀

If you have been pulled into the vibrating web of an Awakened Woman’s energy field, you will experience a spiritual change.’ ⠀

~ Sophie Bashford
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In Liefde en Licht.

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15 de mayo de 2020


Matt Kahn : May 12, 2020

As a continuation from last week’s energy update, I bring you some fresh downloads from the Universe to help you understand the Ascension process on a deeper level. Whether noticed on a collective or individual level, the Ascension process is comprised of three main facets: transformation, transmutation, and activation.
Transformation refers to the process of evolution occurring within the relationship between your perception of life and the environment in view. This means nothing occurs by chance and everything has been orchestrated by the highest intelligence within you. It’s an intelligence that is always present but never something the ego can tangibly name, grip, coerce, or control. Transformation is a word ensuring you that while everything changes, it can only change you for the better, even if the 'better you' it inspires has yet to be seen. In order for the evolutionary growth and expansion of transformation to occur, there must be oscillating periods of transmutation and activation.

Transmutation is the healing result of being triggered by the exact circumstances that bring up suppressed clusters of emotions that were never felt fully from the past or honored for their role in your healing journey.

During transmutation phases, it often feels like endless rounds of energetic purging. It is much like an emotional form of detoxification. Through the eyes of the Universe, whenever in the throes of transmutation, you are always in the right place at the right time for the exact healing that needs to be triggered and released. While many people want to be in charge of releasing the emotions that feel so exposing or uncomfortable, the clearing of emotions during moments of transmutation is a role for your guides and angels to fulfill. In order to give your guides permission to clear each emotional layer, your essential role is to offer permission through the freedom of your will by how you welcome such feelings as an ally of evolution instead of bypassed as an enemy to avoid.
As your nervous system relaxes during phases of transmutation, you are able to interpret each spontaneous emotional release less as a trauma or invasion, and more as an opportunity to befriend the feelings that eagerly await returning to Source through the permission of your most authentic acceptance. Again, it’s not a matter of trying to like each feeling or how it feels when such feelings erupt, but to accept the role of each emotion as a helper and catalyst in the transmutation phase of your Ascension process. As greater space is opened throughout your subconscious mind, due to the emotional purging clearing out densities recorded in your cellular memory-- much like the changing of a season-- from transmutation comes the opposite experience of activation.
During moments of activation, a greater awareness has more emotional space to move into your energy field to offer greater perspectives and inspirations to help you get to know this newly-upgraded you. While activation often comes with moments of elation and profound moments of clarity, there is a dance going on in the background where the frequency of this new consciousness must meld into harmony with the nervous system. When the nervous system requires extra time to welcome the frequency of activated consciousness, it is often interpreted by the physical body as tension, anxiety, pain, drain, and/or a suppressed immune system. This is often why so many lightworkers are exhausted which I described in the previous Energy Update as “Empath Fatigue.”
Understandably so, it can be maddening to oscillate back and forth between intense emotional releases and learning how to function in newly-activated levels of consciousness, much like someone acclimating their breathing to life at a higher altitude. And yet, you have seen so much of this journey through to such a pivotal degree, there is no turning back nor would you truly want to go back to an outdated reality you no longer fit into or resonate with — no matter how desirable or romantic it seems in retrospect.
As the seasons of transmutation and activation orbit in and out of your reality, sometimes by the day or even by the hour, the past 5 days has seen a tremendous upgrade to many people’s third eye chakra. While many believe a third eye activation only occurs with prophetic visions of the future, the very evidence of it opening to a greater degree feels like the opposite. Many empaths who have undergone extensive third eye activations and upgrades experience a sense of their mind spinning. You may have noticed this in an inability to make decisions even of the smallest degree, or in your vacillating back and forth between various options. This can, of course, trigger moments of intense irritability, frustration, anger, resentment, as well as a variety of negative self-talk which perfectly coincides with additional layers of transmutation being cleared out of your field on an energetic and emotional level.
When undergoing activations and upgrades to your third eye chakra, it is best to rest your mind from needing to know: “What is happening?"... "What’s the truth in all of this?”... “What do I do?” ...“Where do I go from here?” As these questions are surrendered to give your energy field enough room to process the activations taking place, you can assist the process by repeating this healing mantra to yourself as often as needed:
“I don’t know what’s happening and that’s okay. I’m safe and one with the light exactly as I am.”
As empaths complete this third eye activation and continue to clear space in the cellular body through the ongoing transmutation process, more and more of your transformed reality begins to peek through the curtains from the inside out. With a desire to see this Ascension process through, for the benefit of your journey and to further inspire the expansion of the whole, it is essential to take each step forward as authentically and mindfully as possible. This means to approach each step with reverence and respect, even when the feelings felt or the circumstances at hand seem anything but respectful in nature.
Whether your mind has been: spinning and unable to make decisions, going back and forth on what to do, having the experience of sudden migraine headaches, and or experiencing an increase in emotional triggers, greater frustration for your patterns or the conditioning of others, I assure is all a part of a greater third eye activation to help you notice a wider spectrum of choices and perspectives that often come into your awareness as you let go of needing to see or know more than this moment provides. As this deep letting go inspires greater transmutation to clear out space where the vibration of fear can no longer reside, you are ushered through a corridor of light to enter the most exciting timelines that all previous lifetimes prepared you to enter.
This is the shift of the ages. It is the dawning of a global spiritual renaissance activated by the rapid expansion of a transforming humanity.
It is the very mission you came to fulfill on behalf of Mother Earth as our way of saying 'thank you' for all the space she has held for each of us throughout all cycles of birth and death.
Whether you are still experiencing moments of emotional purging, empathic fatigue, greater emotional sensitivities, profound activations that haven’t quite integrated into a functional way of being, an oscillation between these extremes, or perhaps even suspicious of spontaneous bursts of radiance and wellness you feel, this is unquestionably the most intense time to be alive on planet Earth. During this time, it is essential to be easy on yourself, as patient with your healing journey and others as possible, and maintain a life rooted in the simplicity of prayer, intention-setting, greater moments of surrender, and moments of authentic forgiveness for those who wronged you or humanity.
In my next Energy Update, I will outline intention-setting, as a step-by-step process from a 5D perspective. Until then, may you breathe in the joy of the Universe’s highest plan for you, while breathing out all that your guides are ready to release from your field.
Many blessings of immaculate grace, unwavering strength, and unconditional love — from my heart to yours.
All For Love,
Matt Kahn

7 de mayo de 2020

Energy Update


May this energy update help confirm your experiences and clarify any confusion when living as an empath during the most pivotal shift of human evolution in Earth’s history. These unprecedented times can certainly make it quite challenging for light workers, especially with so many of us still acclimating and adjusting to life in a higher vibrational altitude. The most recent Ascension update sees Mother Earth settling into alignment with 5D consciousness, while a significant percentage of Earth’s inhabitants adjust to life at a higher frequency of consciousness.
It is interesting to notice, from the heart of compassion, a percentage of the world’s population is just now learning how to function in the very climate of uncertainty many spiritual beings have spent years encountering through various healing processes and ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ experiences. Equally so, while light workers have had a small taste of the collective they would help shift through the imprinting of their childhood and adolescent years, many light workers are still adjusting to a greater depth of presence as they embody a higher level of awareness, mindfulness, and heart-centeredness as anchors of Earth’s Ascension.
This means many light workers are experiencing the ups and downs of Empath Fatigue — where the most simple human tasks create waves of exhaustion, and you just can’t do as much as you normally would under these uncertain conditions. While some think self-quarantining or social distancing is to blame, it is actually a process of building up psychic endurance so your vibration can be so fully aware of its unlimited potency and power that it can effortlessly hold space for an entire planet without even having to think about it or micro-manage it in any way. As you engage in the process of building your psychic endurance, it’s normal to feel its effects as the opposite experience which could include fatigue, emptiness, boredom, and exhaustion. If your ego has begun to internalize and identify with this process, it can be sensed as grief, guilt, shame, depression, and various waves of anxiety, loneliness, and fear.
The key to shifting out of the ego’s tendency to internalize each feeling as evidence of being the lowest version of self is by seeing it from the viewpoint of a higher consciousness.
To experience such a shift of relief, please repeat the following words:
“I accept that my most uncomfortable feelings are not proof or evidence of a lower vibrational frequency, no matter what my ego might suggest, conclude, or assume. If there is a lower vibrational frequency, it is the layers of emotional density being cleared out of the collective that slows in resolve whenever I join the ego in interpreting the evolution of life into a judgment towards myself or others. If humanity is clearing large amounts of density, it could only be a sign of a higher vibration emerging. And because I am a light worker already aligned with the light, may I support the healing process of humanity in absolute accordance with the Divine Will of the Akashic Records by acknowledging my experiences and feelings as gateways into greater psychic endurance. No matter what my ego insists, I accept I am building up my psychic endurance by holding space for a world awakening within me. By accepting this interpretation of experience, I allow my psychic endurance to increase while remaining naturally aligned and grounded in the wisdom of my soul’s deepest truth. This is the Ascension and I am helping to lead the way as part of the Ascension’s first wave. I have earned the right to be here just by the grace of being born with nothing more to prove and only my purest light to shine. And so it is!”
May the wisdom of this “Repeat After Me” help you refrain from tendencies of debating with your ego, or trying to help it see a clearer point of view. Instead, it is far more aligned and beneficial to your evolution to allow the ego to have its beliefs, concerns, and viewpoints, while knowing in your heart — the ego cannot see this as an evolutionary benefit because this would mean you are in less need of your ego instead of more hooked into it. To resolve this, simply place your hand on your heart and let the ego know:
“I appreciate your help and all that you share. You have an important purpose but it isn’t found in correcting me. I see this sharing as a request for love and so I will love you the way others weren’t able to before. I see you. I accept you. I love you — just as you are.”
As the world gradually adjusts to the climate of awakened consciousness, while empaths build up more psychic endurance to be able to experience the frequency of their own light instead of getting pulled back into the orbit of vibrational co-dependency, you may have noticed some interesting patterning over the past several weeks:
Many light workers have reported an amplification in emotional triggers in themselves and those close to them.
This is because these amplifying times makes the world into a magnifying glass of awareness. Those who are building greater psychic endurance will notice more of the peaceful presence of their soul able to be accessed, even if in short spontaneous waves of experience. Meanwhile, the deepening of this collective healing can cause friends, family members, or even smaller parts of you to act out various levels of ego patterning in what may seem exaggerated or animated from your viewpoint. If established in enough psychic endurance, you will begin noticing such patterns without being pulled into them. If still cultivating greater psychic endurance, your instinct will be to fight, flight, freeze, flee, or fawn as a way of responding to others as a subconscious emotional threat.
While it is important for empaths to know when they have enough energetic and emotional equity to hold space for others, it is also important to know when you need the ‘recharging’ benefits of alone time. This remains a highly important skillset of discernment, no matter whose ego may feel abandoned by your need for greater self-care. If you’re able to notice your difficulty in being around certain characters in your reality, you can always consciously decide to stay in their presence for an extra 30-60 seconds, while slowing your breathing as a way of gradually building your psychic endurance, before creating a boundary– whether in the form of going for a walk, taking a bath, journaling, practicing yoga, ecstatic dancing, meditating or even taking a nap. As always, dare to give yourself extra support and encouragement as you are always doing the best you can, no matter how much ‘better’ you think you should be doing.
When choosing to see yourself as the evolution of consciousness in action versus the lowest most unredeemable version of self, afraid of being alone or left behind, you will always know on an intuitive level exactly what you need for greater emotional nourishment, energetic balance, and overall well-being.
With today’s date being 5/5/2020, we add up the numbers (10 + 4) to get a prime number of 5.
This lets us know that while you may have felt ‘tossed around’ or exhausted by the healing of repressed emotional patterns on a personal or collective level, the prime number 5 signifies this week’s intention of giving you greater glimpses into 5D consciousness. Whether it is sensed as moments of greater interconnection, feeling or hearing guidance from your angelic guides, deeper inspiration bubbling to the surface, a soothing presence telepathically affirming everything will be okay, or even visitations from deceased loved ones, this will be a week for light workers to experience more of their gifts beyond the super sensitivity to the experiences of others. May you welcome these glimpses with relaxed breaths, more consistent self-love towards the integrating ego, and compassion towards yourself and others.
No matter the experience you are currently having, on behalf of the Universe, it is truly an honor to serve your evolution — every step of the way.
Victory to the light dwelling in all hearts. Victory to the light I AM that you are.
All For Love,
Matt Kahn
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25 de enero de 2020

Eight Signs Of An Energy Shift In The Universe

Source: Katherine Hurst
Mail Attachment 2

What Is An Energy Shift?

In order to establish a definition of energy shifts, we first have to understand that all beings are made of energy, as is everything around us in the Universe. When there is an energy shift, there is a quantifiable physical change in the Universe. This shift can occur around you (e.g. in the environment, in other individuals), and it can also occur inside you.
Most people aren’t adept at noticing energy shifts, even when their thoughts, feelings, and experiences are impacted by them. However, with training and reflection, you can learn to notice the kinds of patterns that indicate important shifts.
One major benefit of being more attuned to energy shifts is that this helps you to differentiate between your own emotions and feelings that are reactions to emotions in the collective consciousness that surrounds you. Like everyone else, you are part of that collective consciousness! Your life experiences impact on this consciousness just as it impacts on your life experiences. As your understanding of energy shifts increased, you will find yourself easily identifying ripples in the collective stream. Often, they are responses to great tragedies or important scientific discoveries, but people experience these responses before the major event takes place.

Eight Signs Of An Energy Shift In The Universe

Although we’ve canvassed some of the main reasons why a vibrational shift might occur, it’s worth noting that none of these things are guaranteed to cause such a shift (and when they do cause shifts, they may be subtle). Consequently, it’s important to know the major signs of energy shifts, so that you can make the right connections.
Here are the eight most common signs of energy shifts in the universe, along with descriptions of how they might appear in your life. Depending on the level and nature of the shift, you may recognize one or more at any given time.
1. A Sudden Change In Mood
Your sudden change in mood may be negative, positive or somewhere in between. For example, you may experience free-floating anxiety and be confused about its source. Alternatively, you may feel lighter, more certain that everything will turn out well.
Some people also report repeated mood swings rather than just one shift in mood. So, you might move from happy to sad and back again.
Short tempers are also common, with everyday irritations feeling impossible to deal with. Keeping a basic daily mood diary can help you track the progress of this sign, which can thereby help you track a vibrational shift.
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2. Hypersensitivity
When you or the world around you begins to experience an ascension energy update, hypersensitivity is extremely common (and can be difficult to manage).
In a lot of cases, this sensitivity will impact all of your senses. So, noises will seem louder, lights will seem brighter, and smells will be stronger. You may find yourself intolerant of busy, hectic places and feel an urge to retreat.
Sometimes, this hypersensitivity also affects the skin, making you sensitive to scratchy materials or to changes in temperature. As you adjust to the energy shift, your heightened senses should gradually return to normal.
3. Increased Compassion
Increased compassion is one of the most noteworthy higher vibration symptoms and one of the greatest benefits attached to vibrational shifts. This spike in compassion will make you more empathetic in all of your interactions and may promote unusually generous behaviors.
For example, you might stop to help a stranger, consider adopting a rescue animal, or sign up to do volunteer work. You may also find yourself able to practice more self-compassion, taking time out to recharge and to treat yourself kindly. Often, a vibrational shift will cause increased compassion in a whole community, creating a contagious wave of kindness.
4. You Have Strong Urges
A vibrational shift can come with an increase in the intensity of all your desires, broadly construed. Sometimes, this will mean simply feeling more motivated to pursue the things you already thought of as very important. This can make the time of vibrational shifts especially productive.
In other cases, you may be surprised by new urges to change direction; you might suddenly feel passionate about a new hobby, start looking at a different career or begin viewing a friend in a more romantic light. Trust these impulses, as vibrational shifts enhance intuition and can help guide you towards your true purpose.
If you believe you may be having a vibrational shift, you should consult your own Intention Point. As an exercise, connecting with your heart energy could help you master The Law Of Attraction. Consequently, this can help you increase your vibrational frequency. My ebook goes into this more thoroughly, detailed concrete tips and techniques.
Click here now to download my ebook, The Secret Law Of Attraction: Master The Power Of Intention!
5. Physical Changes And Flu-like Symptoms
The physical changes that come with energy shifts include changes in what you feel like eating, as well as spikes in your own energy. However, it’s also common for vibrational shifts to induce flu-like symptoms that never really develop into a full-blown illness.
For example, you may have a gnawing headache around your temples, your body may ache, and it is possible to develop sore eyes or blurry vision. Migraine sufferers might notice an increase in attacks during the time of a vibrational shift, too. Once again, these apparent signs of illness will disappear as you adjust to the change in energy.
6. Time Feels Different
While vibrational shifts don’t literally induce time travel, they can lead to a strange change in your perception of time. For example, if you create a spiritual vibration level chart and track the time you spend on different projects each day, you might start to notice that hours feel shorter or longer than you’d expect. Some people report many hours passing by without any real awareness of time moving, while others note that a day has the quality you would normally associate with a week.
Sometimes, this shift in time perception influences your sleep too, leaving you feeling unrested or groggy.
7. Energy Levels Fluctuate
Perhaps unsurprisingly, your own bodily energy levels can fluctuate when the universe’s energy is changing. It’s common to either feel supercharged and wide awake all the time or to feel listless and exhausted no matter how much you rest.
Further, these two states of being may alternate during a period of vibrational shift, which can make it difficult to plan the day ahead! In many cases, whether you experience a spike or dip in energy, it can be a good indicator of whether there has been a positive vibrational shift in the universe. For example, tragedies can lead to a community-wide sense of lethargy.
8. Visions
Finally, when there’s a large shift in the energy of the universe, we can see or hear things that aren’t really there.
Sometimes, you might be tempted to dismiss these as unimportant. For example, when you think you see an insect and turn out to be mistaken.
However, these “visions” we see can have great symbolic significance.
You may also notice that you have much more vivid dreams during a time of vibrational shift. Imbued in these dreams may be deeper meanings than usual.
Write them down when you can remember them, and consider what they might indicate about your life’s purpose.
By Katherine Hurst

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