
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Galactic Federation. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Galactic Federation. Mostrar todas las entradas

19 de julio de 2019

Universal Races: The Galactic Federation of Worlds

by  Jelaila Starr
from  NibiruanCouncil  Web

Galactic Federation of Worlds

Galactic Federation of Worlds (FG) is a federation of civilizations from many different planets, galaxies and universes working together for a harmonious existence of all life. 

There's a galactic federation in each of the inhabited galaxies of our universe. These federations are part of the universal management structure, as well as local offices are part of the management structure of a large corporation. 

The  Galactic Federation for the Milky Way galaxy  is called the 
Galactic Federation of Worlds , but some of the races represented in our GF may call them by other names, therefore, behold the difference in the names given by the Zetas, Andromedans, etc. 

Each race, civilization and planet has a council within the FG to represent them. These tips can vary in size depending on the population and the amount of responsibilities they carry within the management structure of the FG. There are literally thousands of these tips, as there are many breeds represented. 

The FG is much bigger than we can imagine.

The great halls of the FG The FG has an important oversight council has representatives from each council member. 

This council meets in the Great Hall. But each council has its own Great Hall. Perhaps this is why there is so much confusion about this  business in the Great Hall.  Many channelers attend meetings at the Grand Palace and think that there is only one, when in fact, could be the Great Hall of the races of members or civilizations.

You see how quickly it gets complicated. 

The largest of these tips Nibiruan Council has its own Great Hall but also meets at the Great Hall of FG more often because their duties include managing FG. 

Nibiru  is a planet with a civilization, but a starship FG with representatives of many races, whose role is that of a traveling galactic management team.

Its mission is to help negotiate alliances and maintain peace between the different worlds of FG and help new and incoming members. Hence its motto, "Serving the worlds." 

FG our galaxy, the Milky Way, is in the Sirius star system. Our sun is a star system that door, and FG. Therefore, the  
star system dog, Sirius  is so important for the Earth and plays an important role in our history.

History of FG .
The Galactic Federation of the Milky Way is the oldest of this Universe FG. 

It was established at the end of the first Great War that was fought in the constellation Lyra among humans, Reptilians, Felines and Carians. After this war, the survivors decided that they should establish some way to arbitrate disputes so that this kind of destruction (destruction of the home planet Avyon Human, First Earth) would not happen again.

Thus, the FG was established with the Founding Members of Lira and Orion. His first badge was Pelegai, one of the few ships intact after the war. This was a very painful time and the wounds of war would take many dimensions of time to heal. 

Initially, the FG was very small, since very few had survived the war.Lira Council and Orion Councils doubled as the administrative arm of the new fledgling federation. In other words, they were the FG. In time new races as offshoots of the original four FG and welcomed them as they reached galactic status, as we are about to do now created.

Thus, the Galactic Federation grew and became a very large and powerful federation of worlds devoted to universal praise peace and prosperity.

Now there are millions of members throughout our galaxy.

The Carians  (bird People) 
Race Parents of ReptiliansThe Carians are a race of beings bird. 

In its most evolved state, the ruling class of the Carians resemble humans with characteristics of colors like eagles. Like the original Felines, the Carians first arrived in this universe when it was being created. A group of 45 came at the request of the founders of this universe to help assist and oversee the Universal Game. Founders gave the Carians a new planet in the Orion constellation for their home. It was more tropical in design and featured a lot of humid swamps and jungles. Also it had more islands than large land masses. Like the cat, they were essential and, therefore, had to develop physical bodies of life forms evolving on the planet's surface. 

Of course they chose the way of life that became bird and over a period of hundreds of thousands of years, they developed bodies of different colors and sizes. 

The Carians were known for their unique affinity towards colored plumage and so created physical bodies that reflected their creative talent in this area. Is why the Carians have much more variety in size, shape and color in their race than the Felines. They can be 12 feet tall or only a few inches tall. 

Also like the Felines, a group of the original 45 Carians remained etheric and became a council that oversaw and managed the development of their brothers and sisters who chose to incarnate on the planet as part of enhancing their physical forms.   

When their physical vehicles had reached a certain level of development, they began with the genetic crossing (something they had learned from the Felines) with certain reptilians that had developed in the swamps and warmer regions of the planet. 

The result of this genetic program was the creation of a new hybrid race known to us as the Draconians. They were part Carian and part reptile. Draconian eventually became more abundant in the  royal line of Aln  than Carians purebreds. And like the Felines, eventually the House of Aln would be peopled more by Draconians, and their first derivative the  flying serpents  (Snakes), which Carian. By the time of the First Earth, Grand Experiment, the House of Aln was headed by a winged serpent known as  Cobazar . Cobazar  is the father of  Jehowah . See  3 Land , for more information on this.

The Carians are known for their strong analytical and organizational skills. A predominant character trait of the Carians is their need to maintain a good appearance and image at all times. They are good team players, as long as the team structure involves discipline and strictly adhere to codes of conduct. 

You will find a preponderance of Carians involved in the creation and maintenance of stargates, dimensional grids and magnetic fields through our galaxy and universe. Their inherent analytical abilities make them well suited for this type of work. 

They are also known for their militaristic capabilities and their star ships are more advanced than any other in the universe. 

They held most military posts during the Great Experiment of the First Earth. 

It was a Cariano commander who ruled over the vast fleet of star ships and cruisers Galactic Federation of Lyra, and the  royal houses of Avyon  and  Aln . 

Felines  (the Lion People)  Race Parents humansFelines are one of the two primary races in our universe. They came here atinvitation of the Founders. 

Having successfully completed their Universal Game and completing their universe, a group of 45 Felines volunteered to come to this world to help set up and oversee the same game here. 

Felines are a bipedal race measuring between 12 and 16 feet high. Your skin is covered by a sort of soft fuzz, and though no hair, have manes and both males and females have long hair. 

The eye color varies from blue to gold and can be changed from blue to gold as they mature. They also become a golden brown to white. 

Feline general temperament is warm, sanguine and intellectual. As they mature they take on a more somber, introspective and gentle nature. The elders are revered for their wisdom, compassion and understanding. 

As a race are very close and have a great sense of fair play.Females are revered and honored on equal terms with men. And true to the feline way, they are very curious and inquisitive. 

As part of the Universal Game, the Founders gave the Felines a new planet in the constellation Lyra for your home. Felines called it Avyon. 

Now this is not the exact pronunciation or spelling, but it is close enough. The actual name can not be translated into English. 

Avyon was a paradise planet with mountains, lakes, streams and oceans. This blue planet was very much like our present earth in form and variety of vegetation and life forms. 

When the Felines arrived, they were as ethereal, and therefore passed through the stage of evolving a physical body in which to reside on the planet. After many millions of years evolved the lion and other felines and began incarnating into those forms. 

As part of the plan, a portion of the original Felines stayed in etheric form to provide guidance to ingrown. Would be the equivalent of modern  Christ Selves . Remember that this was a 3D planet and once the etheric felines incarnated they would fall under the veil of amnesia that is part of the workings of a 3D planet of free will. 

As time passed, and through countless cycles of incarnations, the Felines evolved a line of felines that walked upright and retained the consciousness of their etheric counterparts thanks to the periodic incarnations of some of the etheric Felines, and the DNA of a bipedal ape-like mammal that evolved on the planet as well. 

With the DNA of simian mammal the Felines were able to take a more like humans while retained most of the facial features and other characteristics of the feline body. It was from this crossing when a certain stage that the genetic line known as the Real Line Avyon or Avyon House, entered into force was reached. 

The etheric Felines would continue taking turns addressing to provide not only improving DNA, but education and training in high dimensional principles for their brothers and sisters united by the planet does not remain stuck in the cycle of incarnation of animals non-conscious . 

As you can see, the Felines evolved in Avyon much the same way that humans evolved on Earth. The only difference is that humans themselves were stuck in the animal cycle. More on this on page in world history. 

Eventually conscious Felines grew in numbers enough to assume the responsibilities of planetary guardians of their home world.They continued to evolve and eventually developed the technology for space travel and then push technology by bending. Brothers and sisters their etheric continued to act as their guides.

Many of them became geneticists (a Feline specialty) and began helping to develop life forms in various kinds of planets and stars in the universe. Some of them became great explorers and space scientists of various kinds.

It was during this stage of development that the Felines woulddirect their attention to that bipedal who owed both mammal and began a program of genetic crossing and upgrading that would give them a soul and in the process create a new species it is known as humans. 

After numerous crossings and genetic upgrades, the Adamic Human was made. There were two strains, being the most extroverted and energetic redhead strain, and platinum blonde strain being the most gentle and introspective mood. 

After many thousands of years of continuous and careful crossing breeding, the Feline / Human hybrids began to be more common in the royal line of the Felines, La Casa de Avyon, what were the Felines purebreds. However, this was the plan.

Eventually purebred Felines would become the ancient ancestors of humans with only their genetic traits as a reminder of the connection between them. And although the genetic relationship between the Felines and Humans has been forgotten by modern man, the Felines remain in our consciousness as a regal creature, worthy of our respect and love. 

Felines remain the loving guardians to support their genetic offspring, humans. They have continued in this role through time and all dimensions of the Universal Game. 

Devin (Feline) is the reigning patriarch of the 9D Royal House Avyon of, and Anu (Human) is the reigning patriarch of the 5D Royal House of Avyon at this time. 

Man Zephrin, the book are the Nibiruans

Humans are the youngest race of the four primary races in our universe. They were first created by the Felines on a planet in the star system Vega in the constellation Lyra. Humans are unique among the races, because of its DNA code. 

Human beings were given the Gen of Compassion as their inheritance of Felines.They are heirs to the great work that is showing all other races how to achieve compassion through the opening of the heart and high heart chakra. 

Human beings were given a different creation myth given to their counterparts, the Reptilians. 

The myth of the creation of man states that they will strive to live in harmony with all races occupying a planet wishing to colonize. 

It also notes that, through their living example, show your fellow race the way for the compassion of the heart rather than the compassion of the head (mental compassion). 

Therefore, you will find that cats and humans who have open hearts will be assertive, truthful and confrontational in their communications and relationships with others. 

Humans became more prevalent in the royal line of Avyon by the time they reached the Pleiades star system. 

Devin (Feline) is the current patriarch of the 9D Royal House of Avyon in the constellation Lyra.

Anu (Human) is the current patriarch of the 5D Royal House Avyon in the Pleiades. 

People dragon, snake and lizard

Reptilians  are the creation of the Carians, race father.

They evolved on a planet in the star system Alpha Draconi of the constellation Orion. The royal line of Reptilians are the Draconians, the winged dragons. The name of your royal line is the House of Aln. This is not the exact spelling, but it is close. It's more like Hln or AHLN. However, keeping this in mind, the Council asked for Aln spell. 

Reptilians  have two other major subraces. They are known as the winged serpents (snakes) and lizards called by some the Lizzies. 

Reptilians are less emotional than their human counterparts. However, they have a very refined universal physics and laws knowledge. Reptilians are responsible for the Mystery Schools of the Earth and its teachings are the ancient knowledge held by their parent race, the Carians. 

A Reptilians were given a creation myth by their parent race, the Carians, which clashes with the myth of the creation of human beings. 

A reptilians were told they had the right to colonize all planets and star systems in the universe and when they did, they also had the right to conquer or destroy any civilization they found there. 

This creation myth has been the source of many conflicts between the reptilians and humans along the dimensions. However, it was given as part of the Universal Game (Polarity Integration). Without everyone would have lived in peace and there would be no conflict. 

If this were the case, soul evolution would cease and the universe would become stagnant. 

Reptilians represent the Dark in the Polarity Integration Game while humans represent the Light. Through this game, the highest level, all souls in this universe have the opportunity to evolve spiritually and meet with creative god source. 

Jehowah  is the current patriarch of the 9D House ALN and Enki is the current patriarch of the 4D House of Aln at this time. Until recently, Marduk, son of Enki was the current commander of the Federation Flagship Nibiru, having seized control of it from his grandfather Anu, former commander.

I have also understood that Enki has become the patriarch of the 5D House of Aln and also Head of the 5D Nibiruan Council on behalf of Darkness.

9D Family Gallery Ascan see, we are not fully human, but more Felines and Carian / Reptilians. 

We all walk upright. The Carians (bird people) and the cats were in this universe were created long before the reptilians and humans.The human prototype is actually the youngest of the 4 universal primary races.

 They were created by the time the reptilians were just making space travel.

Devin, 9D Head of the Council of Nibiru and patriarch of the Feline House Avyon

Jehowah, 9D Head of the Council of Nibiru and patriarch of the Reptile House Aln

Jehowah  and in our natural state at the time of their marriage on Avyon. 

This photo have told me that is the time before our planet was destroyed by a civil war between our races. This marriage-alliance did not last because I could not integrate into the reptilian ways my husband. I returned to my village. 

This also fueled the fires that led to the war between our two families and consumed our planet. We are married again in this dimension and so far we are doing, but has not been without struggle.

I firmly believe that without the Keys of Compassion would have left again. Watch the Carians in the background and the image of a red-gold (left image) planet. 

I wonder if this represents Nibiru, or maybe Avyon? What do you think?...  

Cobazar and Divai, Mother and Father of Jehowah - Jehowah and I share the same mother but have different fathers. 

I'm not sure but I think this portrait (pictured right) is more symbolic union between Light and Darkness, reptile and human than is our true resemblance to our parents.

In any case, I knew for some time that my mother could not give birth to Jehowah and had to have a surrogate birth mother for him.When I received the photo of Phyllis, a channeled message accompanied her and said Jehowah was the egg.

Observe the lavender dress. I have been told that lavender is the color representing the Nibiruan 9D Council and the ship,  Pelegai .In addition, background colors gold and red are the colors of Nibiru. 

Phyllis never met me in person, I have never read my book and knew nothing of Nibiru.

Posted by Everth THENANSHED, 1st Officer of the Galactic Federation of Free Planets.

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