
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta III world war. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta III world war. Mostrar todas las entradas

27 de febrero de 2022

Call For World Peace


Call For World Peace

The two worlds are on vivid display this week, in the bright spotlight since 2/22/2022. On the same day of the powerful 222 Goddess infusion of loving compassion and peace we also witnessed Putin command his military war machine to invade Ukraine. We are experiencing the dying patriarchal bullies grasping for power, prestige and prominence. As the dark, fallen Old Earth system slips away, we are witnessing the final death spiral of their destructive paradigm.

I shared last week ‘The divine 222 Goddess Infusion will alter and transform the global operating system from the dissolving hierarchical patriarchy into a more equitable circle of collaboration, community and expansion. This is a threshold moment for humanity and Gaia. It is an entry point in a new direction, away from rampant consumption, destruction, and disregard for life on planet earth.’

Although the shifts in consciousness ripple across the world stage, it is important to remember that the cosmic Ascension plan is an ‘inside job’. We live in a holographic universe – our outer reality is a mirror reflection of our inner environment. All that we create and imagine interacts with the fertile field of consciousness. The more Love and Peace we vibrate, the stronger it grows in the field.

Every time I read the energy of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, it has very little power in it. Since he started invading Ukraine’s border, it still felt ungrounded, very little energy in it. These actions go against the universal Laws of Justice. Harming any living being is NOT of the LIGHT. There is overwhelming global opposition to his invasion. The field is pulsing alive with an alternative outcome, a loving world of peace and collaboration. This is our New Earth!

Solar activity is assisting with energetic transformation, but it will not resolve your karma, clear your shadow or heal your trauma. Only you can do the deep Ascension work. Our beloved AA Metatron has gifted his Master Alchemy method for rapid transformation. It is my humble service to offer and teach his Quantum Access® technique to all seeking Ascension. The New Earth is already here, alive, abundant and accessible. A Solar Flash will not shift you there. I encourage everyone to take advantage of the 222 energies and get to work!

Lovingly, Meg

It is the time of going within. The stronger your light inside, the more resilience you will have to maneuver the outer world. So, you know what to do: breathe, calm, ground, open your heart and crown and receive the light to expand. Stay anchored in Mother Earth, for she is transforming, and you are riding with her. The outer world is spinning off what is lower density so we must surrender our attachment to it. While not fully understanding what that means, our willingness is important to ease the transition. So, watch your investment in outer world dramas and chaos with detachment…the more energy it takes from you, the more you need to replenish to remain balanced. Keep a watch on that meter!

You can feel that these are powerful days of transformation, caused by a myriad of alignments, all profound whether numerologic, energetic, planetary, earthly, physiologic. You are being bombarded with frequencies that will assist in this transformation. Keep riding high on the waves and do not let them sink you. If you start to feel overwhelmed, go within and recalibrate. You are sovereign. You are that light, so allow it. Allow it to bend and mold and charge you. When your brain gets tangled in trying to decode what is going on while the structures collapse, withdrawal or you will go down with them. If you have chosen to rise with the light, this is not the direction to go! Ground. Centre. Breathe. You are more guided and protected and inspired than you can even imagine now, so also trust that, even blindly.

Surrender doesn’t mean giving up; it is the contrary. It means you actually know your own truth and honour it by not participating in anything that goes against it. Surrender to – allow – only what is right and true for you. In this self-honouring, your frequency is established and all that is in alignment with it will arrive. This is the sorting of the wheat from the chaff so to speak, the time of reckoning. You must choose your stance, your place, your right, your freedom, your dignity, your sovereignty and all that is your resonance. All else will come to you. Watch the miracles arrive. Do not waiver, no matter what is taking place in the outside world. You are you. You are true.

All of the rules you know apply and self-care is of utmost importance. This is how you calibrate yourself in each moment to adjust to the radically changing frequencies. And keep an eye on your energetic exertion meter and intake needs to be predominant now. Call on help from the etheric planes of the highest resonance and keep in close touch with your intimate support team. This is the lightworker Olympics now…and the warriors of the light must be maintained and calibrated for optimal performance. Rest, regroup, recalibrate, rejuvenate, all towards rebirth.

From this place of stillness anchored within, you can witness the falling of the outer structures in a calm way. This strength will be needed for others to witness as this kind of conviction is contagious. Like being in the presence of a Yogi. You are your own Yogi, and as a result, are the Yogi example for others. Yoda had it right all along! Breathe yourself through this rebirthing process, and don’t push. Allow. Surrender. You’ve got this.

We are forever strong in our presence for you,

The Council of Light Within.

**Channel: Rebecca Couch

© 2022 Joan Ashtar  

10 de abril de 2018

U.S. Navy Destroyer Armed With Tomahawks Arrives Off Syrian Coast, "Harassed" By Russian Warplanes


As the situation in Syria continues to escalate, guided missile destroyer USS Donald Cook has weighed anchor off Syrian territorial waters, and is reportedly being "harassed" by low-flying Russian warplanes, which have buzzed the "Arleigh Burke" class warship at least four times according to CNN Turk
Of note, the Donald Cook has 60 Tomahawk cruise missiles on board.
A Navy source confirmed the deployment with the Washington Examiner, who said that the guided-missile-destroyer had just completed a port call in Cyprus, while the Pentagon reportedly draws up plans for how to deal with the situation. 
U.S. military planners have drawn up more than one option for possible military action against Syria, including a strike similar to last year’s attack in which 59 sea-launched cruise missiles inflicted heavy damage on a Syrian Air Force airfield in Homs.
Pentagon officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the options now are similar to those presented to President Trump after last year’s chemical attack in northern Syria that killed and injured hundreds of civilians, including women and children.
But officials said the president could decide to choose a more robust option this time, given that Syrian President Bashar Assad didn’t seem to get the message last time. -Washington Examiner
What is surprising is that according to the latest Stratfor naval map, there was no other major naval support - either amphibious or carrier strike groups - in the vicinity of Syria as of April 5.
The destroyer's aggressive positioning comes hours after Israelconducted a Monday morning strike on Syria's T-4 airfield, situated about halfway between Homs (Syria's third-largest city) and Palmyra (famously the site of ancient ruins). RT reports that two Israeli F-15 jets fired eight guided missiles at the airfield from Lebanese airspace. The jets never entered Syria.
The IDF has long noted the T-4 base for its housing of Iranian and Quds forces with the backing of Syria.
US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis told reports on Monday "I don't rule out anything right now," when asked about a potential response - noting Russia's alleged involvement. 
The first thing we have to look at is, why are chemical weapons still being used at all when Russia was the framework guarantor of removing all the chemical weapons?” he said. “And so, working with our allies and our partners from NATO to Qatar and elsewhere, we are going to address this issue.”
Last year, the U.S. warned the Kremlin ahead of the strike so that Russia could make sure its planes and personnel in Syria were not in harm’s way.
This time, the Foreign Ministry in Moscow has issued an explicit warning to Washington that any “military intervention” in Syria would be “unacceptable” and would lead to the “most serious consequences.”
The U.S. acted alone in April last year, but this time it could work through a coordinated international response. -Washington Examiner
Britain and France have also hinted at possible military action in Syria - following comments by British Foreign Secretary, who spoke by phone with French Minister for Foreign Affairs, Jean-Yves Le Drian on Monday, saying that there should be "no impunity for those that use such barbaric weapons," in reference to the gas attack. 
Speaking to reporters at a Monday cabinet meeting, President Trump said he would be making a decision "very quickly, probably by the end of today" about the U.S. response
“This is about humanity. We're talking about humanity, and it can't be allowed to happen,” Trump said.
Meanwhile, Russia appears to be making preparations for an imminent, US-led attack and according to unconfirmed reports, there have been "intensive flights of Russian aircrafts along the Syrian coast & over Khmeimim base, in addition to the intense flights of military aircrafts belonging to the Assad regime in the sky of Homs. There is great anticipation from Assad and Russia for a possible blow."
Published by misteri1963

18 de mayo de 2017

El plan del Pentágono para Europa... en caso de guerra con Rusia, Europa será arrasada

El plan del Pentágono para Europa

Dentro de los preparativos para la estancia del presidente Donald Trump en Europa –visita a Roma el 24 de mayo, Cumbre de la OTAN en Bruselas el 25, Cumbre del G7 en Taormina los días 26 y 27– el Pentágono presentó su plan estratégico para el «teatro europeo».

La presentación estuvo a cargo del general Curtis Scaparrotti.

En su condición de comandante de las fuerzas estadounidenses desplegadas en Europa, el general Scaparrotti se halla automáticamente a la cabeza de todas las fuerzas de la OTAN con el cargo de Comandante Supremo de las fuerzas aliadas en Europa (SACEUR).

El 2 de mayo, ante el Senado estadounidense, el general recordó que «el teatro europeo sigue teniendo crucial importancia para nuestros intereses nacionales» y que «la OTAN nos da una ventaja única sobre nuestros adversarios».

Pero esa ventaja se encuentra ahora en peligro ante «una Rusia resurgente, que tratar de socavar el orden internacional bajo la dirección de Occidente y de reafirmarse como potencia mundial».

Así que el Comandante Supremo exhorta a los aliados europeos a cerrar filas alrededor de Estados Unidos para defender por todos los medios el «orden internacional» –basado en la supremacía económica, política y militar de Occidente–, orden ahora en peligro ante el surgimiento de nuevos actores estatales y sociales.

El general Scaparrotti concentra el fuego sobre Rusia, acusándola de «actividades malignas y acciones militares contra Ucrania» –precisamente cuando se conmemora el tercer aniversario de la masacre perpetrada en Odesa, el 2 de mayo de 2014, que costó la vida a varias decenas de rusos.

Pero la «amenaza» no proviene solamente de Rusia: Estados Unidos, según declara el almirante Harris, jefe del Mando del Pacífico, enfrenta en esa región los desafíos simultáneos que plantean «una China agresiva y una Rusia revanchista».

En respuesta a esos desafíos, anuncia el general Scaparrotti, el Mando de la fuerzas estadounidenses en Europa «está volviendo a su papel histórico de combate, adaptando sus planes a las amenazas que tenemos ante nosotros».

Y solicita al Congreso estadounidense que aumente los fondos para la «European Reassurance Initiative», que es la operación que Estados Unidos inició en 2014, oficialmente para «tranquilizar» a los aliados de la OTAN y a los socios europeos, y a la que ya se asignaron 3 400 millones de dólares en 2017.

El general sostiene que «son necesarias inversiones significativas para aumentar en toda Europa nuestra presencia avanzada, el preposicionamiento de material militar y los ejercicios de preparación para los conflictos».

El plan está muy claro: hacer de Europa la primera línea del enfrentamiento con Rusia. 

Eso es lo que confirma el anuncio, emitido el 4 de mayo, de que el ejército de Estados Unidos en Europa abrió un nuevo cuartel general en Poznan (Polonia) para dirigir a los más de 6 000 militares estadounidenses acantonados en Polonia, Estonia, Letonia, Alemania, Eslovaquia, Hungría, Rumania y Bulgaria, con vistas a «reforzar el flanco oriental de la OTAN como disuasión hacia Rusia».

En el despliegue sobre el flanco oriental –que incluye fuerzas blindadas, cazabombarderos, navíos de guerra y unidades de misiles, incluso con misiles nucleares– participan las potencias europeas de la OTAN, como lo demuestra el envío de tropas francesas y de carros de asalto británicos a Estonia.

¿Y el ejército europeo? Durante el encuentro realizado en Malta, el 27 de abril, con los ministros de Defensa de los países miembros de la Unión Europea, el secretario general de la OTAN no dejó espacio alguno a las dudas al anunciar que:

«Se acordó claramente por parte de la Unión Europea que su objetivo no es constituir un nuevo ejército europeo ni estructuras de mando que compitan con las de la OTAN sino algo que sea complementario con lo que hace la OTAN.»

El bastón de mando se mantiene definitivamente en manos del Comandante Supremo de las fuerzas aliadas en Europa, un general estadounidense nombrado por el presidente de Estados Unidos.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...