
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Masonic. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Masonic. Mostrar todas las entradas

3 de abril de 2018


A number of authorities, including Tau Michael Bertiaux, a Conservator of one branch of the Old Rite, have suggested that the Egyptian Rite of Freemasonry (Ritus Memphis et Misraim, or Rite of the ancient city of Memphis in Egypt) is actually a secret store house of UFO wisdom.

Kenneth Mackenzie’s 1877 catalogue of “the latest form” of the Rite of Memphis lists the 63° as “Adept of Sirius” but by the time of the distinguished Grand Master John Yarker’s last revision of the Rite, ADEPT OF SIRIUS had been mysteriously omitted in favor of SUBLIME KAWI (63°).

In the Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts, SUBLIME KAWI has the same cipher value (149) as the more elaborate degree which immediately follows it, the 63rd, or SAGE OF MYTHRAS. The Word of the SUBLIME KAWI degree, interestingly, is “Krishna” - the name of a blue-skinned sky god who, according to the Hindu religious tradition, incarnated in a teaching role upon Earth.

The 35th Degree, or “Knight of the Temple” is a correlative of the ADEPT OF SIRIUS Degree. Its secret Password is, in fact, “Sirius” or “Dog Star” answered by “Sothis” another name for Sirius.

But, what does the substitution mean? Does the ADEPT OF SIRIUS Degree contain a clue to the great arcane tradition of the connection between Adepts and Ultraterrestrials?

In the New Aeon Cipher, we discover that ADEPT OF SIRIUS carries the significant cipher value of 192. Scanning our personal cipher directory, The Book of the Law and other New Aeon Holy Texts, we find that 192 = FOR THE STARS AND TWO. Sirius is a double star, the smaller white dwarf twin invisible to the ancients but known to the Bambera, Dogon, Bozo, Bandiagara and perhaps other North African tribal peoples even today.

At least some of these peoples are of Libyan Garamantes, or Greco-Berber descent, and thus connected to ancient Greek, Egyptian and Babylonian tradition.

The number 192, “ADEPT OF SIRIUS,” also yields BLUE AM I AND AN EGG (Sirius is the most prominent blue-white star, and said to have dispatched teachers to the Earth in luminous egg shaped craft), THE SCHEDULE FOR ALL, as Sirius was indeed a ‘calendar star’ for the ancient Egyptians, its helical rising being a major concern of Egyptian priest-astronomers, marking the ‘Dog Days’ (July 3-August 11) the year’s hottest period.

The Word “Sirius” itself equals 85 or THE DOOR. ADEPT OF SIRIUS also carries the same value as SECRET MASTER, SECRET CHIEFS and NAME THE VOICE.

Curiously, in the Lexicon computer search program selected so as to show numbers from the text of Liber AL, ADEPT OF SIRIUS = 192 = THIS WHOSE SIGIL IS 69.
Temple arrangement of pillars, globes, steps and altar
 in York Rite Second Degree ritual work.
Now “69” is a major key to the sexual gnosis of the Adepti (HEXAGRAM PLUNGE also carries the same value), but it is also the glyph, or symbol for the Zodiacal Sign Cancer.
“The star [Sirius],” according to Fred Gettings, “is of the first magnitude, now in 13 degrees of Cancer…”
In ancient times Cancer the Crab was the constellation of the Summer Solstice, marking the ‘dog days’ associated with Sirius. Cancer is still astrologically the Sun Sign associated with the period June 22-July 22.

In Aleister Crowley’s incomparable table of correspondences, 777, The Sign Cancer is associated directly with Sothis (that is, Sirius) the Crab and Water (keeping in mind the amphibious nature attributed to these primeval visitors), but also the Sphinx and the word ABRAHADABRA as a magical formula, in this case the eleven-fold key to the Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts.

Sirius is, according to some unorthodox adepts, the Silver Star which informs the Great White Brotherhood directly. The Tarot Card known as “The Star” - and sometimes as “The Dog Star” depicts a nude female figure with one foot on land and the other upon water, pouring a jug of water into the water and another upon the land. In the background are the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge, associated in ancient legend with the Serpent of Wisdom.

Overhead is the ‘Dog Star’ Sirius and seven smaller stars, thought to represent the traditional planets or the “Big Dipper” in The Great Bear, but, just as likely, the Pleiades. The amphibious Oannes from Sirius was said, like the Serpent of Wisdom (also alluded to in the venerable card) to have brought Knowledge to humanity.

We are informed by an old Masonic text that,
“The Masons hold their grand festival on the day of St. John, not knowing that therein they merely signify the fish-god Oannes, the first Hermes, and the first founder of the Mysteries…” (The name “Oannes” relates directly to the modern name “John” - see below.)
The nude woman is probably a reference to the naked splendor of Nuit, the sky Goddess of the early Egyptians.

The Trees refer to a reptilian source of knowledge, the feet and water interchanged referring to the Ultraterrestrials’ alleged amphibious nature. While as divinatory cards the Tarot is old but not ancient, the symbolism closely parallels bas reliefs from ancient Babylon and Sumer, including the peculiar depiction of Sirius itself, as the central star in the sky from the perspective of the card.

It is strange that the Degree substituted by the late venerable Grand Master, John Yarker, in the Egyptian System of initiation, SUBLIME KAWI, has a value of 149 in NAEQ6, the numerical exact equivalent of AIWASS’ law of the New Aeon, DO WHAT THOU WILT.

KAWI itself has a value of 36, the same as the variant spelling of AIWAZ originally favored by Crowley.

The SAGE OF MYTHRAS Degree has the same value, and includes this curious dialogue between the Ceremonial Guard and the candidate for admission to that Degree:
Dagon, an ancient variation of Oannes.
GUARD: Thou seeist a Griffin pushing a wheel before it. What does this emblem signify?

CANDIDATE: I consider the Griffin to be an emblem of the Sun; and that the wheel which is parted by four spokes, represents the 4 seasons.

GUARD: And this Cross called the Diagramma?

CANDIDATE: It is formed of four (Greek letter) Gammas, joined at their points, and represents the apparent revolution of the Sun.

GUARD: And this figure holding forth the left hand?

CANDIDATE: It represents good-faith.

GUARD: And this semi-nude figure, with head thrown to the right?

CANDIDATE: The sun is never entirely covered at the same time to all the world.

GUARD: Why is the hair shorn off, even to the roots?

CANDIDATE: It points out this inextinguishable star has the faculty of rebirth.
This dialogue, which also refers to an urn, strongly suggests the imagery found in the Tarot Card, “The Star” (card #17) and likely confuses our Sun (Sol, card #19) with the Star Sirius.

In the instructions for this degree, a sun and myrtle tree form the background arrangement, and the number seven is a repeated motif, as with the seven stars, also shown in the Tarot Trump.

All of this strongly suggests that the Knowledge of the Secret was, indeed, intentionally hidden in the symbolism and structure of ‘High Degree Freemasonry’ including the Egyptian Rite of Memphis and Misraim, as Grand Master Michael Bertiaux has suggested.
“That rather lifeless system, which contained some rather interesting Egyptian roots,” Bertiaux wrote, “was really quite remarkable. It was the design for the computer and energy system of what we might now be tempted to call something like a UFO object or projection from some empirical or chaotic [occult power zone]; but, which at that time, as strange as it might seem to the uninformed reader of these matters, was posing rather inconspicuously as an Egyptian Rite of Ancient Freemasonry with the name of ‘Memphis-Misraim’”.
The ‘Ultraterrestrial Connection’ with Freemasonry (and its initiatory predecessors in the “Mystery Schools” of Ancient Times) is nowhere clearer than in the repeated use of formal Ciphers in Masonic ritual.

Such Ciphers generally follow the ‘decoding’ rules found for many centuries in the Qabalistic System, and seem to be designed for simple communication between initiates, on the one hand, but to also serve the more occult purpose of allowing “deep agents” of Ultraterrestrial penetration into Earthly civilization to call attention to themselves through the use of key phrases in well-publicized encounters.

In Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts, I disclosed how the ancient Qabala of Nine Chambers had been employed to develop the English-language Cipher communicated to Royal Arch Masons in the York Rite down to modern times. Looking again into the Ark, the High Priest takes out four pieces of paper, which he examines closely, consults with the King and Scribe, and then puts together, so as to show a KEY to the ineffable characters of this Degree…

The key to the ineffable characters, or Royal Arch Cipher… consists of right angles, in various situations, with the addition of a dot. By transposition, it forms twenty six distinct characters, corresponding with the twenty six letters of the English Alphabet.

That this is built on a structure based on a Qabalistic code formed out of the 22 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet is both extremely clever and indicative of a very long history. The pattern is repeated with other Ciphers in the Masonic System.

In the 34th Degree of the Rite of Memphis, The newly made “Knight of Scandinavia” is given a “Runic” cipher. As we show elsewhere in this volume, this Degree is itself built around the Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts, and is an allegory for the Visitation of Ultraterrestrial teachers from Sirius in ancient times. Another Cipher is given in the 64°, “Sage of Mythras” one of the oldest and most elaborate of Masonic Degrees.

This cipher is similar to the Royal Arch Cipher, and is called the “Ammanian Alphabet”. This Degree not only refers to the origins of the Mysteries in the Ultraterrestrial interventions here, but it contains internal evidence that the ritual itself may be of Ultraterrestrial origin!

Part of the ritual is conducted in the blue-white light of Sirius, and the “setting” is as in the Tarot Card “The Star” which, as we demonstrate elsewhere, is not our Sun, but a world beneath the Sun-star Sirius.

In the Memphis System, there are also ciphers for the 75th Degree and the 90th Degree. The latter alludes to an ancient War between Ultraterrestrial forces for control of the Earth.

The cipher is much like that which generated the rituals of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in the last century.
Babylonian Priests of the Fish-God Oannes under the Light of Sirius.
The Fish-Crown of the Priest (right) has been carried over into modern High Church regalia.

2 de mayo de 2017

AIPAC directs the shade and Catholic sect ultra El Yunque

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...