
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Messages Galactic Federation of free planets. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Messages Galactic Federation of free planets. Mostrar todas las entradas

4 de mayo de 2020


Zaphiel Elohim's photo.








Commander Theyshed AA Zaphiel 12.22.34.
Angelic Kingdom of Interconnection.
Galactic Confederation of Free Worlds.

12 de agosto de 2019

Mike Quinsey: The Starseed

Mike Quinsey Message, August 

9th August 2019. Mike Quinsey.

Have you ever wondered about your previous lives and how long ago it all began for you, well the following extract from a Kryon message goes some way towards providing the answers. The comfort of knowing you are immortal and have left the old ways behind and have everything that is grand and beautiful before you. There is a plan for Humanity and you will create the pathway, so it is important that you only project thoughts that are pure and of the highest vibration. The past will become a mere drop in the ocean of experience, with everything you could wish for manifesting in the course of time. Let doubts and fears remain in the past where they belong and bathe yourself in the love that awaits you.


You are the seeds of the Creator and even if you can grasp this in a small way with your personality today, I am telling that you can be all of it. If you could look at yourself and understand you are not just worthy, you are above it all, all of it. No matter what you think tomorrow holds you can soar above it. Every single one of you including your partner will take a last breath someday and humans fear that last breath. I want you to soar above that because it is not your last breath, it is just the last one in that body and you return rejuvenated and young, and vibrant and ready to go, and I say it again this will be the first time you rejuvenate as a human Being in a brand new energy, and you will have things to remember that you never knew this time around. Death will have no sting at all except to the people you leave behind, and even they will have a renewed idea of what it all means, because you can soar above it.

You were here before the Earth was created The millions of years that it took you to develop you were here, time was not time and some would say well what did I do, and I would tell you dear human Beings. That is such a human question – there is no doing when you are on the other side, there is just love, there is just the beauty of being, and there is no time because there is no resting, there is no activity, there are no cycles of anything it is just the purity of being. I cannot explain it but you have been there, and there is part of the remembering. I am asking you to be and do just a little bit – will you soar above everything that you are today. Some of you have actually said I can feel the camaraderie, the family, the warmth and fuzziness, there is so many Lightworkers who are not warm and fuzzy and I want to talk to them now. You can soar above it and the “warm and fuzzy” let it come from us. Do not depend on other human Beings to give you the sense of balance, go inside and find us the family of God, you are never alone. You can be different because you soared above everything contrary to the reality of frustration and tears.


Be aware of what is happening on Earth but as an observer and do not allow yourself to be pulled into arguments about the future, it is bright and you will be uplifted as the vibrations continue to speed up. There is no doubt about the changes that are coming and you will go through two short cycles, one hot and then a cold cycle, all part of the cleansing of the Earth that is normal after a Solar Cycle has completed. You will never need to go through the lower vibrations again, and you have emerged as a greater and wiser soul destined to fulfil a role as teachers to another group that follow in your footsteps. The Pleiadians are a perfect example and you will follow in their footsteps and benefit from their guidance. Not a single soul is left alone to wonder how to progress and every help is given if requested.

There is no doubt that the future holds many welcome surprises for you that are the result of you having passed the marker. You have proved you are ready to rise up and you are now on a different path that has left all of the old ways behind. Naturally some souls still cling to what they are used to and familiar with and do not seek changes but instead reject them. It means that having made that decision it will be respected and they will continue to experience in the lower vibrations. Be assured that they will still be given every opportunity to evolve, and their destiny is to rise up when given another opportunity.

Life on Earth may suggest to you that you are not free souls to determine your own future, yet you are because although help and advice is given it is not imposed upon you. Realise that it is you who is making the decisions that affect your immediate future, but understand that you will have agreed a life plan before you incarnated. So you will be guided to make the most of your experiences, so that in your next incarnation you will not necessarily have to go through the same ones again.

In reality there is nothing that you cannot do but it is dependent on your “programming” so that in any one lifetime you have all the attributes needed to be a success. Your Guides know of your life plan and will do everything possible to help you through it. Of course as a free soul you can change course, but the question would be whether by doing so will you be gaining or losing progress. By losing it you may incur karma and have to face the same problems again.

You may have noticed how already the New Age is beginning to reveal new advances that are speeding up the evolution of the Human Race, and so it will continue. You have for too long been denied opportunities to fully enter the New Age, but not for much longer, as new inventions are surfacing that will improve your quality of life. Many are in the process of being made public whereas previously they have been deliberately held back.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey

13 de abril de 2019

Pleiadian-Sirius-Arcturian :: * traveling through timelines. *


The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light:

"We are here now.

We love you.

We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.
Dear One, you are a precious soul, traveling through timelines. 

But, this is all it is: a line of time. 

Imagine, that there are many different timelines, all existing at the same time. 

You can choose to jump to different timelines, as you are creating your experience.

Let's say, you are looking back at a past experience and it might seem like it happened yesterday.

Then, you are remembering a different experience and it seems like it happened a long time ago.

So, there is a difference in the way you are experiencing a distance in time.

Now, let's say, you wish to create an experience in the future.

You have the ability to shorten the distance to this future event by the way you feel about it. 

In other words, if you feel that this future event can happen in no time, it will speed things up.

If you feel that it will take a long time, it will slow things down. 

You are able to "mold" time with your intent and belief.

It is like a muscle that can be trained. 

Begin by using small experiences in the future and try to belief that it will happen fast. 

Every time you think about it, think that it will happen really fast. 

When it happens, make a note of it and how fast it felt to you.

Then, move on to experiences that matter more to you and practice with them.

Happy "time-molding!" 

We are holding the vision of the New Earth with you and from our 
vantage point it is glorious. 

We are with you, every step of the way.

You are loved beyond measure.

We are with you... always. We love you.

We are you. Namaste."


Thank you, Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light

24 de marzo de 2019

Commander CM: Ascension Update

TR: It gives me more than great pleasure to introduce you to one of the most brilliant and hard working beings of Light that I know of. He is a big part of our Team of Ascension Mentors and Masters of Light, assisting and sometimes heading up the orchestration of our Planetary Clearing and Ascension preparation.
Those of you that have done our Clear to the Core work, and sometimes past-life clearings, have met and participated with the Commander (CW) of the Galactic Federation (GF). He is a big part of our Team that assists in tracking, netting, freezing and removal of nefarious contraptions that are around an individual, on this planet and others, the Inner Earth and out in space. He has such a high level of compassion, insight, heart and awareness for this planet, the people and all living creatures, and enjoys learning from “Team Earth,” as we do from him.
He is the ultimate diplomat in our Universe, teaching peace, understanding and compassion everywhere he goes. Earth and Gaia, and Her inhabitants are his assignment, with the Sub-commander and their crew at this auspicious time. He works closely with the ArcAngelic Realm and other Ascended Masters, along with the Crystalline Stellar Skulls, Goddesses and Dragons.
I have quietly worked with the Commander for many years, and have always wanted the latest pulse on Ascension Updates. We are now offering the Updates to you, and suggest that you send them to everyone. Let them decide if they are ready or not! I think you will be surprised!
Meeting the Commander I met the Commander when Metatron introduced us to him, when we were trying to figure out how to deal with a huge situation I had discovered. CW felt it was time to meet and offer first hand assistance, which then made everyone’s job so much easier, giving us many more options to work and play with.
As our relationship unfolded, I asked CW to give us some ideas of what we as humans can expect for this Ascension, and how many will be participating in the first round, since I had been told it would happen in rounds. I was working with another woman at that time, and she was able to bring them in for conversations and work, which was ever-so informative.
Several Years Ago
At that time it looked like 200,000 people could possibly be in the first round for Ascension, and there were many possibilities as to what that would look like. It was not set in stone, since there are so many variables to consider. We were told, people needed to do much more clearing to raise their frequencies, to be prepared for the Light coming onto the planet, and the Light that Gaia is bringing forth as well, since she too is ascending. Then there is the tremendous Light that the Light-ships will be bringing onto the planet when they light down for First Contact – “The Welcoming.”
Crysta showed up in my life again, after many years, and was able to bring in the Stellar Skulls, the Commander and Metatron, along with some of the Ascended Masters. “Oh yippee!” Once she started addressing the Stellar Skulls, I saw all kinds of possibilities to explore and work with. We kept CW very busy and he started to refer to us as “Team Earth” and we have not stopped working together since.
Present Time
TR: I wanted to know how the Ascension Plan was looking, since “Team Earth” has participated in so many planetary changes since our meeting. I reminded him of what was said back then. So, we asked him if he had time for an update.
CW: Yes, this is a good time for one!
Right now we see a lot more than 200,000 people who are ready. More like 500K will be coming forth, and we see them lighting onto Light-ships first.
Some will indeed be helping others on Earth to move upwards into higher dimensions. And this is a service task which many of these light-workers are choosing to do.
So, it will be a greater group effort with the light received from the Light-ship visit. Others will notice how the change has affected so many who are coming back to Earth to help others. This gives others incentive, because they see the changes.
TR: Will those on the first round that go to the Light-ships, be put through the Crystalline Light Chambers?
CW: Some will – and others will have done so much youthifying on planet Earth, as the frequency will be rising – as Gaia is often continuing to assist in raising the vibration. So, many will be at a younger level already, and feeling the high levels of light from food, movement and meditation. So it is not everyone – no. Only those who have not been on a healing path for such a long time. They may choose to be receiving the Light Chambers, and this depends on many things.
Others will be staying on the Light-ships to assist different areas of the planet, into elevating the level of light.
So, using more Light-ships to light down and give others a glimpse of just what can be, is part of the process. Most of the movement into the New Earth is part of the “Welcoming” energy, to the healing Light-ships — which is a big change from now.
We are gravitating to open up hearts, so people know there is something of such tremendous opening and light, with incredible potential. This is part of bringing out our message even more. When others are sharing information of ships and Light Beings, it all serves to help the purpose. So, it is not negative, it is truly positive, that others are choosing to bring forth (channeling) many beings from Light-ships, and create an anticipatory level of excitement. Or, stated more positively, the more the better, to have messages from Light-ships everywhere. And this is important information to come forth!
TR: Has the process started to bring individuals onto the Light-ships?
CW: We have not begun this process yet. When the time is right it will be noticeable that many are leaving, for a curious amount of time – and just out of the blue. Some may be back within an earth day, as this is not a spa, as you can imagine. ( The Galactic Team is on a totally different timeline from 3D time, depending on where in the galaxy they are. One of the Motherships, for example: one of their days is 5 days here on Earth, and could be a month in their time, so a day gone from home, could be like one of our weeks.)
TR: Are the Light-Ships and Mother Ships ready for our arrival?
CW: We have a lot to do to prepare the planet, the Earth people, Earth leaders, Inner Earth and Gaia. We have a lot yet to do!
TR: Will people be in 5D on the Light-ships?
CW: Most will have felt the movement to the 5th dimension already. We can not bring ourselves down to 3D. It is rather a quick process, as many will be needed to assist their associates, friends, relatives, light-workers, and change leaders. Many communities will need assistance raising the frequency — which will help so many create heart connections in communities. These are the ones that will be able to elevate the frequency of the planet – and change minds and hearts alike.
Have you gotten Cleared to the Core?
TR: I had asked the Commander here if certain people that are working with Ascension ideas will be brought up onto the Light-ships?
CW: They can not come up until they have done much more clearing work.
CW: We are only able to move forward as the planetary influences allow. So there is so much of “Team Earth” that is ready, however we are not ready here. Nor are the influences, around regarding safety, understanding, keeping the peace among the lower frequency beings. So there has to be quite an adjustment.
Right now there are so many who are looking to be a part of the Trump leadership, listening on all levels and following like sheep. So this will take some undoing.
We had great hopes until The Trump leadership began. It does feel like things have had a reversal on many levels. And yes, I agree, that there are some positive changes that are in the works.
So “Team Earth” and numerous of your cleared clients will be coming along initially, and be a part of the start of great change.
TR: Any timeline for us here?
CW: So no set due date right now. We wish we could however. We can carry on this discussion more, this is a good start – right?
We have more to say and will.
Right now there are some pending duties.
TR: One more question? How is it looking for the financial Reval?
CW: This is so interrelated, we have a difficult time using the 2-dimensional calendar and time regarding this, with all of the convoluted snares and entrapments happening. So, a lot of obstacles are being put in the way.
TR: I thought that was the case! Thank You so much!
CW: Blessings to all of you, and you are so very welcome!
Note: The Crystalline Stellar Skulls, Goddesses and Dragons do protect the Light-ships. They have made it very clear that they do not protect any dark ships, including dark triangular ships.
» Source » Channel: Terra Rae

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