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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Messages archangels. Mostrar todas las entradas


Saint Germaine: Sign Your Declaration of Freedom

Write across the sky, the oceans, and on each person’s heart that you encounter, write the word LOVE.
Linda: How we’re going to start this morning, or this afternoon, wherever you are, is to go into our hearts. And I have chosen… I was guided, actually, to choose a piece of music that I haven’t listened to for a while that actually came to us via Liz Chandler.
What I want you to do to get started is to close your eyes and go into your heart, and the vision I want you to hold is that you’re coming with me and yes, St. Germaine, to the south of France and that we’re in the middle of the miles and miles of lavender fields.
The guidance from St. Germaine and from the Council today is to open our hearts bigger and broader than we ever have. So, how you do that… open your crown to allow this energy to enter you, the beautiful blue-violet flame, the scent of lilac, of lavender, the color of Siberian iris, and just sink into your heart as we begin…
“Open Your Heart” by Jessica Noe from the album Calling in the Angels
(Available in the Spirit Store on the COL website… )
And now, feel yourself repeating to yourself, or out loud… out loud is good… the sweet little mantra of St. Germaine:
I AM a being of violet fire
I AM the purity of God’s desires
And he added this this morning:
I AM a being of violet fire
I AM the fulfillment of the Mother’s desires
So, say it and go deeper into your heart:
I AM a being of violet fire
I AM the purity of God’s desires
I AM a being of violet fire
I AM the fulfillment of the Mother’s desires
It’s so important during these times of change that we fully remember, and anchor, and embody, and feel empowered, that in fact, we are the Mother’s boots on the ground. That we are the ones, in form, on planet, as ascended beings, that we’re bringing forth the Dream… and we know that if the Mother has a Dream that it’s already fait accompli, it’s a done deal.
And so, here we are at a time of such monumental, phenomenal, incredible… how many adjectives shall we use?… we’re on the edge of this shift. One of the things that the Council said in a reading, I think this week, was that we didn’t have to look at this as jumping the Grand Canyon. That instead we could be in the middle of the prairies, we could be driving across Kansas, and there’s just a slight dip in the road, a little hill, and we’re on the brow of the hill. Now we’re going down, and now we’re going up. And as we’ve been told by the Mother so many times, we’re not just looking to what’s on the horizon, we’re looking past the horizon. That’s what the collective is counting on us for… not to just see what’s there on the horizon but to really hold the vision, and be the vision, and the fulfillment of the vision of what lies beyond the horizon. And we know this; we know it in our hearts and in the very core of our being, that’s why we’re here.
So, with that, I’m going to move aside for St. Germaine… St. Germaine is reminding me of this song from when I was a kid called “The Purple People Eater”… so, I guess he wants to be humorous today…
Greetings, I AM St. Germaine. You can call me whatever you want, for I have gone by many names, as you know, and lived in many centuries… yes, including the times of birth of this country called the United States of America. And I wish to speak of this today, not to ignore the rest of the beloved planet, because what I say that is applicable to this country is applicable to all nations everywhere… here and far beyond.
The channel has reminded you, and I have nudged her to remind you, that when the Mother dreams that is Her Creation. It is the intention, and the manifestation, and the stillpoint all at once, in the infinite, perfect moment of Creation. And my beloved friends, that is where you are at this moment. And yes, of course, I give you, I offer you, and I stand by you with my Violet Flame, with this I AM Presence.
I want to remind you of some things… you do not fight for freedom, you do not struggle for independence, it is your divine birthright, it is the essence of your divine authority. When this country of the United States has come to this time of declaration of independence, that was what was required… a declaration, a declaration that tyranny, oppression, was not acceptable. The dream for this country and for this entire planet is that it is a place of freedom, it is the living, the manifestation, the clarity, of divine authority, of creativity, of liberty, in the deepest meaning of that word, of that term, this small term that encompasses so much and that is a direct reflection of the Divine.
Now, has this plan gone awry? Oh yes, most certainly, because there has been a clinging… oh, I could give you the list… lack, limitation, death, disease – especially disease, – abuse of authority. But it is the paradigm and it is the dream in every person’s heart… that is what defines you as Nova Gaian, it is the reawakening of the dream. And you dream, and you insist, and you live in the freedom of your being, in your divine right authority to choose, not in domination, or interference with one another, or over one another. That will never work, it never has. You have plenty of history to demonstrate that!
Cruelty has never been an expression of the I AM, and neither is complacency. You cannot declare yourself as an ascending, ascended, being, and step back and say, “Oh, I don’t want to be involved.” I would say to you, “Then why are you here?” There are about a handful of beings that have literally been sent as intergalactic observers… a handful out of billions. Everybody else shared in the dream. Yes, even those that you discern went way off track… they are like the lost sheep, the lost lamb that Yeshua has always gone back and claimed.
Even in my life as Count, there were many of you that were near and dear heart friends. And to tell you the truth, we agreed on most things, but what I often found most stimulating was what I would call the straddlers, those who would sit on the fence, those who sometimes just liked a good argument or discussion. They were not recalcitrant in their opinions, but they wanted to have the mental, emotional discussion on why I would suggest proceeding in liberty and in equality.
Equality has been one of the greatest challenges of this planet, of the collective, since the beginning, since the fall of the Creator Race, since Atlantis, even Lemuria. And you see it in the arrogance and the lack of empathy, that those who wish to rule who consider themselves ‘above’ or superior. And you see it in those that have actually embodied and bought that they are less than. Now, all of you have had moments, situations, often with your family, when you have felt less than… and I thank the Mother/Father/One that you have let that go. But you recall that sense of desolation in that emotional, spiritual, physical moment. And you do not wish that for any who walk upon sweet Gianna, who do not smell the blossoms, that do not smell the lavender because they are feeling so fearful, that they are hungry, and they are cold, they do not have shelter or food. That is not of love.
You are at the point in the Mother’s Pause… which comes in waves… of deciding, not only beloveds what you value for you, for your beloveds, for your family, for your community, but what do you value for Nova Earth? It cannot work if some are cold and hungry. It cannot work if there are those that feel entitled to more. That is why I used to manifest precious gems, to share them, to throw them, to give them away. Because it is not meaningful to own what cannot be shared graciously and with the deepest gratitude of knowing there is more. The Mother is not a stingy Quartermaster. Gaia is not reservedly hoarding her precious supplies. All are meant as angels, and humans, and star-seed, and earth-keepers, are meant to come to express and experience love. And that cannot fully happen if there is not divine authority freedom.
You, my beloveds, as we sit together throwing open your heart, not merely to walk in the lavender fields with me but to walk on the oceans, and the deserts, and the ridge of the highest mountain. You are here to love. Think of it in this way… if there is any impediment to love, you have the tools! Yes, think of it… recalcitrant emotions – and this belongs in every sector – fight fire with fire. Use my Violet Flame, I have given it to you time and time and time again, and I give it to you again today. Take it and write across the sky, the oceans, and on each person’s heart that you encounter, write the LOVE and allow it to ignite, not abuse of authority but equality, and freedom, and justice, and fairness, and kindness, and compassion.

This is the world that you are creating. This is the world that we, as masters, come to walk with you upon again. This is the world your star brothers are co-creating with you through the delegations… even as we speak. It is not some distant future, it is not even next week, it is right now.
So, come and join me. Sign your Declaration of Freedom and celebrate, celebrate with me. Celebrate your divine authority and your divine right to choose. And having made that choice, do not sit at home… no, I do not mean go out and share germs, for it is real… but do not sit at home and whither away. Claim your planet, claim your life, and we are here to assist in greatest joy, in frivolous and monumental excitement. I will meet you just beyond the horizon.
Go with my love. Farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2020 Council of Love, Inc.


Archangel Michael: Mother Earth and All Humanity Are Currently in a Pattern of Transition

Dear Ones,
You are well aware that Mother Earth and ALL Humanity are currently in a pattern of transition and transformation. You are witnessing extreme weather patterns, hurricanes, earthquakes etc etc. All perfectly aligned to bring the Earth back into balance and to redistribute the “Waters” of the Earth.
Balance is KEY!
You are also witnessing Humanity (Self and Others) as this rebalancing takes place within your own Be-ing. So much anger, rage, fear, resentment all being “released” from your bodies in order to assist in Humanities move into Well-Being. All the old energies are leaving your bodies after lifetimes, this is what is required for you to “lighten-up.” You are moving from the very dense carbon to the new crystalline version of YOU. You cannot take the old with you, and that is a challenge for the human Be-ing.
So Dear Ones, Balance in all things is priority right now.
Become aware of what YOU need on a daily basis, to find this balance within, and then that will reflect out to all who come within your radius.
This is a time of massive change and transformation. Within these next 3 to 4 years, all that is NOW, will be unrecognisable (including YOU.) You are learning to accept the changes more readily and are going more easily with the flow that is required to accommodate such change.
NOTHING will be the same in the near future and you are being prepared on a day to day basis to adapt and accept all that is unfolding.
A Reminder Dear Ones – you CHOSE eagerly to be here at this time to be the CHANGEMAKERS!!!!
These changes are necessary for the positive outcomes for Mother Earth and ALL her inhabitants. So we remind you once again to focus your Intention and Attention on the LOVE you are, and the LOVE you hold in your hearts for each other. It is only through and because of this LOVE, these changes will come into perfect alignment.
We have spoken of the changes which are leading toward the ABUNDANCE that you are and always have been. The PEACE that you find within your own heart space and then share with others. The WELL-BEING that is being created by you through your willingness to change your thoughts to those of LOVE and ACCEPTANCE for who you truly are.
It all starts with YOU.  YOU loving and accepting yourself alters your DNA and allows for Well-Being within and without as a consequence.
IMAGINE when you have a Planet of Beings who truly LOVE AND HONOUR themselves, and each other, living in PEACE AND HARMONY.
This is why you came Dear Ones.
This is what you came to achieve for YOU, and ALL HUMANITY.
It all starts with YOU, the work you do to allow yourself to be the LOVE you are, and then radiate that out to your fellow Beings.
What can you Create Dear Hearts?
A pristine Canvas awaits you.
The choice is yours.
How do you wish to proceed?
As always you are never alone, accompanying you on this journey are so many Beings of Light, Star Brothers and Sisters, your Loved Ones in Spirit, the list is endless. Other Galaxies are watching in awe all that is unfolding.
Standing beside you, we await your Call.
» Source » Channel: Leslie-Anne Menzies



ARCÁNGEL MIGUEL - May 03, 2020
I am Archangel Michael and I have a message for everyone on Planet Earth.
You are suppressing your piety.
For those who live in their daily lives, who never look beyond the end of the day, never look outside their normal life, what they call normal, all their behavior and activity is a tool for repressing.
You don't realize this, of course, because this is all they've taught you. But it is true.

You never stop wondering if this is what you really want to do, who you really want to be, or if it is indeed what you have decided to be in this incarnation.
Do you ever wonder this?
Questioning life is more important than thinking you have all the answers.
It is not your job to provide your answers, that is the task of those ordained as their guides, their healers, and their bearers of heavenly truth.
The Luz team that works with you is there to tell you what you need to know, what you have really come here to do. That is not your job, or the job of their authorities to tell you.
Your life has been hijacked.
It has, and you remain like a sad and worn train on a set of sad and worn tracks, going round in circles.
The new high-speed trains with their silver bodies and gold trim pass you by as you go through your life with so little power and so little speed.
Your world is a sacred place.
Yes, see it as such. See him as a saint.
This could be a challenge when you persist in looking at it through the same glasses that you have worn all your life. Drop these glasses and find new ones that show you the reality of what is happening in everyone's life.
You are all beings of holiness, divine beings who came to this planet to raise it again to heaven. But in order to do this, you must see yourself as capable of doing it. And you are.

I say that your lives are repressive. Are. When you suppress your true reality, you do not ask questions, in fact they have allowed you to believe that you have all the answers.
Do you
Do you know what is beyond your sun?
Have you ever looked
Have you ever thought about it?
Have you ever asked the question, "Who am I really?"
"Because I am here?"
"What am I here to do?"
These questions will lead you to your truth.
Do you see divinity in all the life around you?
Do you see the happiness of a dog when it greets you, the smell of the ocean when its waves break on the shore, do you see the abundance of color in an autumn mountain scene, do you see the beauty of the starry sky at night when you look?
This is God. This is creation.
And yet you persist in not seeing the generosity of creation within yourself and within others around you.
You see them as different. That humans are different from creation; are not. They are the creators. You created this beautiful reality that you call Mother Earth. She is yours and you are hers.
See yourself as one with heaven, earth, and heaven.
Let your heart open to realize your divinity.
Realize that you are in an unnatural system right now, and this system is shutting down. When it closes, you will feel liberated, but only when you liberate yourself from it.
And this means that you must end your suppression of emotions.
Emotions are the guide, the key to your future.
When they sing to you, follow their song.
When they yell at you, stop there and don't take another step.
Because they are telling you where to go, what to do and how to create.
When you repress your emotions, you repress your divinity.
You suppress your power, your beauty, your generosity.
You suppress your lives and you stay small.
This smallness must change and must change now.
Then it is decreed and it will be done.
Work with the Creator to change this world to one worthy of his love for you.
Open your heart. Open your mind. Appreciate the change.
And so is
Archangel Michael
(Sharon Stewart)


Pleiades 1 Messages April 20 - 21 2020

Pleiades 1 Messages

Pleiades 1 Messages April 20 2020

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE / SdE !!

Logos expand christic bases.
Ethical strengthening is evidenced.
Green Angel continues with necessary exhibitions.
Calls to new behaviors are re-evaluated.
Divine Rectors are close.
Masters Regression are in evidence.
Tiy: special reverberations happen! Group mirroring in progress.
Thought forms continue to dissolve.
Nature being healed.
Viral outbreaks are diminished by luminosity.
Photonic waves continue to be seen.
Magnetic order in reorganization.
Cristal Fleet starts Phase 1 / Download (Han) >>>>> 32% (non-regressive).
PRENOLI++ >>>> 17% (non-regressive) <<<< Damping chamber active. Collateral 39% P+ V.
Portal 2020 being opened. Proper separations started. T3/T4/T5 >>> 41% (non-regressive).

GRL DesAut. + Pre Mon Temp (-2+).
Discussions are lessened.
Cadence is perceived.
Cooling is initiated for evidenced conclusions.
Larger illuminations occur.
Glitters of “Logos” are seen accompanied down low.
Untruths are exposed. Sentinels see disguise.
Mentally impaired are collected.
Removals of the distorted take place.
FDH (involved and attuned) recognizing transcendental!
Divine heritage is re-established.
Neva in an invisibility cloak for a specific mission in a specific zone. Attention tuned and the like….
Transcendental movement Ghorm started! Own support in progress: 58% (non-regressive).
Transcendental movement Ghorm started! Reverberation in waves happens: 57% (non-regressive).
Projectors of Ship *EONDOR12 in support. 65% (non-regressive).
* Item in Glossary

Support, advice, guidance, to the Alliance [US MIL/RUSSIA/CHINA]

The Ascended Masters in conjunction with the Pleiadians have been providing support, advice, guidance, to the Alliance [US MIL/RUSSIA/CHINA] for over a decade. I believe this same support has recently been extended & embraced by most NATO countries.

Metatrón: Quién es, oración, símbolo y más

These classified [1-99] briefings, proof, relating to our presence here in the Solar System & on the surface of the planet are the reason(s) why all my doubters & nay sayers will never be able to convince my, our, supporters otherwise. Proof, classified at the highest levels.

With the most recent addition of most NATO countries, cabinet level, I think we should call this NEW expanded Alliance The Alliance+.



Archangel Michael: 'I AM the Resurrection and the Life.'

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We send you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we invite you to open your heart to our message for you...

'I AM the Resurrection and the Life.'

As our beloved Lord Sananda/Jesus used these words, the resurrection and the life of Source was activated to the highest levels.

He moved through death and then, resurrection.

Dear Ones, the current times have initiated the process of the dying off old paradigms, energies, realities and beliefs.

As you are letting go massive layers of the old third dimensional reality, orchestrated by your Higher Self, you are making space for the resurrection of your true Ascended Self.

Like the Phoenix, rising from the ashes, you will ignite your true inner light and you will spread your wings to soar to new heights, individually and collectively.

As you say the powerful words 'I AM the Resurrection and the Life,' add anything you wish to create to these words.

So many of you have journeyed through their spiritual awakening on their own...

Now, a large number of people had a rapid awakening and the coming together in your last global unity meditation not only shifted the energies of the Earth, it ultimately connected all the people who chose to enter the network of Light that has been forged by this meditation.

Now, you are not walking this journey of your ascension on your own anymore.

Now you are experiencing this journey with billions of people.

Now, you are connected with a powerful network of lightworkers that is gaining on momentum with every day that passes.

You might wonder, what the recent global unity mediation has accomplished.

It has created a new consciousness within a grid of Light around the Earth.

This consciousness is increasing the amount of Light on Earth exponentially.

It is bringing in vast amounts of high vibrational frequencies to shift the energies into a higher gear.

It is dissolving the layers of the old Earth and is bringing forth the layers of the New Earth.

Each layer is carefully orchestrated to allow for the ascension of Earth to happen as smooth as possible.

With this new momentum your thoughts, feelings, words and actions are now more powerful than ever.

Be very mindful of them and know that you are the Creator of Your Reality.

Know That All Is Well, Beloved Ones.

Welcome Home.

We are walking beside you, every step of the way.

Dear Ones, you are loved beyond measure. Always.

I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.

Thank you, Archangel Michael!

***© misteri 1963 All rights reserved. This publication may be freely reproduced on condition that it respects its integrity and mentions the author as a source of the same and that this URL and the Copyright notice be included ***


Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Sunday, March 22, 2020

Many of you have been playing in the same pool of energy for a very long time, thinking you are blocked by a certain issues or challenges. You always have the wonderful opportunity for expansion by releasing your attachment to engaging with those obstacles and making the empowered decision to connect with what exists beyond them. You can take yourself out of the loop, Dear Ones, by being willing to be led into the discovery what exists inthe realm of potentiality that is just beyond what you can see, and now is an ideal time to do just that. It will prepare you well for when it is time to step back out into the world for it will set you up on an entirely different timeline of potential and possibility. This is the power of the global reset we’ve been speaking of. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Here Is The Latest Energy Update by AA Michael For You:  S'ha identificat aquest missatge com a correu brossa i se suprimirà d'aquí a 7 dies. No és correu brossa | Mostra el contingut bloquejat Asara Telos Channel Ds. 1/2/2020 16:08 Get this latest energy update from AA Michael: For Workshops, Galactic Broadcasts and More CLICK HERE! The Next Live Channelled Galactic Broadcast Topic: "DNA Activation Of Light To Connect You With The Divine Love Of Source!" will take place on Thursday February 13th, 2020 6:00pm US Pacific Time!

Archangel Michael:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We send you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we invite you to open your heart to our message for you...

You are held in the energies of Love and Light by the Source within you, at all times.

As you have incarnated in this human experience, it is now up to you to continue to allow for this Love and Light to flow through you into your world. 

This Love and Light energy is carrying many attributes:

Ease and Flow
and more...

Whenever you have a thought that disagrees with these Divine patterns of perfection, you are closing the flow of this Love and Light energy of Source.

Disagreeing thoughts are for example, when you allow your focus to go to outer circumstances and experiences that are not in harmony with these Divine Patterns of Perfection.

The time has come to be more determined to clear any thoughts that are in discord with Divine Love, Light, Peace, Harmony, Joy, Abundance, Creativity, Oneness, Ease and Flow.

Take back your power from the outer circumstances and experiences and give it back to where it belongs: The Individualized Source within you: Your I AM Presence.

With every thought, emotion, word and action you are able to move closer towards your connection to your I AM presence. 

You give your I AM presence more and more power this way.

This Divine Love, Wisdom and Power can then be expressed into your world with more ease, effectiveness and joy.

When you are not pleased with your experience, simply ask yourself:

" AM I disagreeing with the Divine Patterns of Perfection of my I AM presence?"

"Am I disagreeing with Harmony, Love and Peace?"

Then, begin to make new statements in your thoughts, words and actions that are in alignment with your I AM Presence, The Source within you.

Watch how your world transforms in all areas...
Know That All Is Well, Beloved Ones.

Welcome Home.

We are walking beside you, every step of the way.

Dear Ones, you are loved beyond measure. Always.

I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.


Thank you, Archangel Michael! 

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