
22 de abril de 2020

Pleiades 1 Messages April 20 - 21 2020

Pleiades 1 Messages

Pleiades 1 Messages April 20 2020

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE / SdE !!

Logos expand christic bases.
Ethical strengthening is evidenced.
Green Angel continues with necessary exhibitions.
Calls to new behaviors are re-evaluated.
Divine Rectors are close.
Masters Regression are in evidence.
Tiy: special reverberations happen! Group mirroring in progress.
Thought forms continue to dissolve.
Nature being healed.
Viral outbreaks are diminished by luminosity.
Photonic waves continue to be seen.
Magnetic order in reorganization.
Cristal Fleet starts Phase 1 / Download (Han) >>>>> 32% (non-regressive).
PRENOLI++ >>>> 17% (non-regressive) <<<< Damping chamber active. Collateral 39% P+ V.
Portal 2020 being opened. Proper separations started. T3/T4/T5 >>> 41% (non-regressive).

GRL DesAut. + Pre Mon Temp (-2+).
Discussions are lessened.
Cadence is perceived.
Cooling is initiated for evidenced conclusions.
Larger illuminations occur.
Glitters of “Logos” are seen accompanied down low.
Untruths are exposed. Sentinels see disguise.
Mentally impaired are collected.
Removals of the distorted take place.
FDH (involved and attuned) recognizing transcendental!
Divine heritage is re-established.
Neva in an invisibility cloak for a specific mission in a specific zone. Attention tuned and the like….
Transcendental movement Ghorm started! Own support in progress: 58% (non-regressive).
Transcendental movement Ghorm started! Reverberation in waves happens: 57% (non-regressive).
Projectors of Ship *EONDOR12 in support. 65% (non-regressive).
* Item in Glossary

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...