
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Russia world III war. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Russia world III war. Mostrar todas las entradas

15 de septiembre de 2017

While massive armies clash in Europe ... Russia and China prepare the "final death blow" to US

As the massive armies of the Russian Federation and the United States and NATO meet in the battlefields of Europe today, a new report of the Security Council (SC) circulating in the Kremlin, confirms that what is rumored It is true. Both Russia and China are preparing to give the "ultimate death blow" to America of which this nation may never recover in our lives.

According to this report, at the summit meeting of BRICS 2017 last week in China, the "interested parties" who attended agreed to launch an economic strike of retaliation against the United States unless the Americans agree to two lawsuits: Americans do sustained and concentrated effort to maintain its national debt limit below 20 trillion.

Instead of accessing these demands, this report continues, President Donald Trump, however, took the side of his communist Democratic Party nations to "undo" the debt limit US and within hours caused that the national debt of America crossed the red line historic $ 20 trillion, thus accelerating the worst drop in the value of the dollar since the signing of the Plaza.

The Plaza Accord, according to this report, is the 1985 agreement between the governments of the United States, France, West Germany, Japan and the UK, to depreciate the US dollar against the Japanese yen and German Deutsche Mark to intervene deliberately in global money markets to manipulate the true "value / value" of these coins-and that was in flagrant violation of the Bretton Woods Agreement of 1947 which required all coins to be linked to the gold price, with the US dollar the only reserve currency to be used in all international transactions.

Worse, this report details, when combined with the "Nixon shock" of 1971 (when President Richard Nixon abruptly announced that the United States would pay more international gold debts), the Plaza Accord solidified what is known as the "system petrodollars" and ordered that no nation on earth could buy oil or natural gas unless they paid with US dollars could only be obtained from the United States, but whose diabolical plot was, in fact, a grant awarded real terms oil importing nations like the United States, Germany, France and Japan.

With each importing nation of oil and natural gas on Earth that has to buy American to survive dollars, this report continues, the United States, in the last nearly four decades, has been able to use this vast plan to make money to build the world's greatest to keep your "system petrodollars" into force military force, but has distorted all rational economic reality, its dystopian statistics confused mind when trying to understand them, because the Americans have created the biggest crisis to face our world, disasters include:

Global-debt of $ 230 trillion - that can never be paid or financed when rates are normalized.

-Pasivos global unfunded $ 250 trillion - that will never be honored.

-Balances central banks of more than $ 20 trillion - because they are all insolvent

-USA. It is insolvent - and is only supported by military power.

-Most of the industrialized and emerging countries only survive by printing money out of nothing - which is unsustainable.

-The interest rates to zero or less, in 20 countries aligned with the US which is unsustainable.

-The system of paper money - whose currencies go to zero.

Therefore, immediately needs a "final death blow" to America to save our world from a total economic collapse and whose "way" will begin, on October 18, 2017, when China celebrated its 5 years and where China (the largest oil importer in the world) will launch a futures contract crude oil denominated in Chinese and convertible yuan in gold, thus creating the most important point of the Asian oil reference and allowing oil exporters overlook forever "petrodollar system."

China, in fact, returning the world to its "state / condition" of 1947 Bretton Woods Agreement, in which gold and gold are used only to pay off international debts by paying oil and natural gas, says Trump's US Treasury report, the secretary Steven Mnuchin was rushed to the main gold deposit in the United States in Fort Knox (Kentucky) to examine its content-and it was the first time since 1948 that any United States secretary of the Treasury as did.

As for why the president ordered Trump for the first time in 69 years that the gold of the Americas in Fort Knox is verified to know what is really there, this report explains that because the United States suspiciously and mysteriously They continue to lose their annual audit reports Fort Knox mandated by US law, with many experts believing it was sold secretly in the mid-1970s after the "Nixon shock", thus solidifying the "petrodollar system."

If the gold reserves of the United States are really missing out, this report points out that its economy will crash immediately because you can not buy the Chinese currency would need oil in the international market, nor can replace with their own oil reserves, since almost all energy companies publicly traded in the United States are spending a staggering 75% of its operating cash flow to pay the interest only debt they owe.

If the United States could continue their charade of "system petrodollars" Only Saudi Arabia, the report continues, it seems very unlikely, as foreign exchange reserves of this country in the Middle East have now fallen below the critical level of 500,000 million dollars and currently remain at 494,000 million dollars and now are openly negotiating with China to replace the dollar by buying its vast oil wealth and whose only hope of long-term survival is the sale of a 5 % Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco), which has been valued between 1.5 and 2 trillion, and that Russia is jockeying to buy, and China as well.

With the United States, therefore, knowing that their "system petrodollars" is close to total collapse, the report warns, their inability to pay gold for its oil needs before its economy collapses on itself and when combined with their own national oil producers bankrupt, clearly shows that US He is now in its "death throes" - and whose only option left for survival is war.

And now the US is flooding to South America with troops for its planned invasion of Venezuela (which has the largest oil reserves on Earth), whose Islamic terrorist forces in Syria (the only producer of significant oil in the Eastern Mediterranean region ) desperately running to steal oil wealth of nations, this report follows somberly, and says that when combined with massive military forces have amassed in Europe, all that is now needed is a spark to ignite World War III .

Although Foreign Minister Serguéi Lavrov has warned once again to Americans who are violating international law, even when in Syria, the report says, however, the United States is "blindly groping" seemed to have in account the reality that their Islamic terrorists are almost completely defeated and have left only barely 15% of the territory they once controlled-all made possible by the massive and inexorable obliteration of Russia of these US-backed terrorists whose imminent total defeat marks a turning point in the modern Middle East-but with a new and serious warning that their losing Syria, the United States now "point to Russia more than ever."

As for who, exactly, in the United States "will aim" to Russia, however, this report concludes, remains uncertain as new disturbing reports from the United States say the President Trump is isolated after his bodyguard long time, Keith Schiller, was forced to leave the White House and Trump is now very isolated, as one of the leading political experts from the United States, Roger Stone, his enemies of "Deep State" are now putting massive amounts of drugs in their food and water as part of their plot to oust him in a coup by declaring that no longer mentally fit to lead this great nation.

Article published by: Sorcha Faal, 13 September 2017

3 de junio de 2017

How is the nuclear potential of Russia?

Sarmat and Yars  : How is the nuclear potential of Russia?

Ensuring strategic deterrence
Among the indisputable priorities of the RVSN, Colonel-General Sergei Karakáev highlighted in his interview for the Russian Zvezda chain "global" scope of these units, their enormous destructive power and its moderate maintenance costs.
"In the current geopolitical environment, the Missile Troops Strategic Designation remain guarantors of security of Russia and its allies, as well as our independence in foreign and domestic policy," emphasizes Karakáev, commander of the Missile Troops Strategic Designation .
The Strategic Missile Troops Designation: ensuring the defense of Russia
© Sputnik.

"Therefore, the maintenance and development of strategic nuclear forces of Russia, including the RVSN groups, remain a priority for the government," he added.

For Strategic Missile Troops Designation, 2016 has been marked by a large-scale re-equipment ranging from delivering samples of modern missile systems to special equipment and weapons.
According to the Russian Defense Ministry until the end of the year, the Army will receive a hundred modern equipment, including ICBMs, autonomous launchers, mobile command centers, machinery alert, engineering and masking.
Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said that the Strategic Missile Troops currently have weapons Designation enjoying reliability, mobility and control in combat.
Video: RS-24 Yars missile is loaded onto a launch pad
© Sputnik / Vadim Savitsky

In 2016, 23 of the Yars missile system entered service of the Strategic Missile Troops Designation according Karakáev.

The commander said that the ultimate goal of updating the war machine of the troops is to get the optimal number of missiles and, thus, ensure nuclear deterrence to keep an adequate level of security in geopolitical terms the country.
In recent years,  the experimental combat missions showed that Yars is a reliable weapon . 
In this regard, the decision to rearm these units with this type of missile was taken.
Most experts agree that the modern missile defense systems are ineffective against the capabilities of these Russian missiles. The  Yars missile  has a  scheme of "trajectory maneuver" , which allows coping with missile defenses, including space.
"Yars is a brand new complex , able to cover large areas of impact areas and be used in facilities not previously prepared, has an advanced chassis and a modern communication system , " explains Karakáev.
© Sputnik / Sergei Kazak

Lately,  the new ballistic missile Sarmat is increasingly causing  panic  among some European and US media.

The Sarmat, also nicknamed Satan 2  will feature updated technical features that will equip it with additional components such as nuclear maneuver units capable of effectively stepped through low altitude missile defense. 
In addition, the new missile can deal with attacks launched from space weapons and any area and in all directions between the north and south poles.
According to the command of the  RVSN, the Russian Army  will have  at its disposal the  Sarmat between 2019 and 2020.
Sword and shield
Political analyst Dmitri Kulikov is convinced that nuclear weapons guarantee peace and security for Russia.

"In his time, this 'shield and sword' helped save the country. And it is not an exaggeration," says the expert.
"Critics of Russia hoped that we were not able to maintain, much less reproduce and multiply this resource."
The analyst believes that the entire system of political opposition aimed to dismantle the lifestyle and Russian ideals, leading to loss of sovereignty of the country.
"The forces that sponsored these destructive processes were clear that the armed forces, nuclear power of Russia, were to be undermined and neutralized E is even set specific deadlines for the collapse:.. Years 2015-2017 However, this plan was not made reality, "the expert concludes.
ICBM Dongfeng-41 (DF-41)

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