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My FINAL analysis of how #TheStorm will unfold❗️


My FINAL analysis of how #TheStorm will unfold❗️ 

2) I shall put together all the Q puzzle pieces. In doing so, I will take my best guess - as to how the IDEAL US Military strategy MIGHT be structured to complete #TheStorm.

3) I am willing to take the heat if my guesses do not largely eventuate.
4) Let’s start with the virus. SARS-CoV-2 is a Psyop. It is a real virus but causes little morbidity and mortality. Thus, it is benign overall, and less of a concern WW than influenza.
5) The virus can be problematic but only in those with serious co-morbid disease - almost exclusively the elderly. Having said this - preventative measures SHOULD be undertaken until #POTUS gives the all clear. Antivirals, such as remdesivir, will be useful in ICU treatment. 
6) The virus was engineered by the Deep State at the University of North Carolina, Fort Detrick and AAHL, Geelong 🇦🇺. It however has been attenuated/neutralised by white hats. Two of the four HIV inserts have had base pair additions to ameliorate the ‘gain of function’. 
7) China, Iran and Italy are all on side with #POTUS. They have largely manufactured the crisis by controlling the release of Psyop disinformation. 
Remember Italy was involved in #Spygate and needed to make amends. 
8) Most deaths will have had intercurrent influenza. Hence conservative influenza prevention/treatment is important. China released the virus at the designated time.
The purpose was to create PANIC as cover for operations. 
9) Quarantines will be staggered throughout major cities of the world. For instance #Sydney is likely to start this Wednesday 18th March 2020. The level of action will be entirely inappropriate for the actual risk posed. 
10) The MSM is hoping the virus is very deadly and will end #POTUS politically. 
It is not and it will not. They will ramp up the PANIC because they have no other choice. They are under the impression the virus is in its original Deep State form. 
11) During these quarantine periods WW there will be silent simultaneous arrests of evil low level Deep State facilitators. These include MS-13 in 🇺🇸, Mafiosa in 🇮🇹, and Canberra Raiders supporters in 🇦🇺. 
12) These nasty individuals will be put in Quarantine Camps run by the WW white hat Military. An example are the American locations here:👇
13) We will not hear too much of these arrests - although some have already subtly been announced. So no dramatic arrests of these nasty individuals. Silence is strategically the best option. 
14) The WW city quarantines will continue from the staggered individual commencements until they all end on 10th April (Easter Friday). Superimposed upon this will be 10 days of darkness which will begin on 1st April (morning) and end on 10th April 2020 as well. 
15) Immediately before the start of darkness #POTUS will tweet “My fellow Americans ... the Storm is upon us ......” April Fools Day will lessen the initial worries about darkness occurring. When darkness occurs there will be peak COVID-19 panic and Medical Martial Law WW. 
16) Indeed Quarantine/Medical Martial Law will have been in place in most major cities for some time before 1st April 2020. Many people will be self-isolating at home. Most will have already prepped for food etc. 
17) In 🇦🇺 the unemployed/pensioners will be given $750 on 31st March 2020. Other countries will have contingencies too. This means few will starve. Some emergency shops will be open to provide supplies if needed but generally most shops will be closed. 
18) The 10 Days of Darkness will involve no social media or internet. There will be electricity but no TV or radio. No newspapers will print. The Military of each country will close these down. 
19) #POTUS will have the ONLY available method of reaching the public WW throughout the 10 Days of Darkness and that will be through the Emergency Broadcast System. Each Military WW will transmit this to TV’s and devices in their respective country. 
20) #POTUS will be either abroad or on AF1 during the Days of Darkness for optics. Ostensibly the excuse for the use of AF1 will be safety and/or infection risk. 
The EBS will be transmitted from AF1. There will effectively be a total news blackout except for #POTUS
21) Professionally made Documentaries will be transmitted on the EBS to TV’s, devices etc WW. The content will lay out all the horrors/crimes and details of everything Q. It will however be family friendly. It will be indisputable. 
22) #POTUS will describe how he was asked to run by the US Military to take down the Deep State and that he is not a “Politician”. He will verify the Q dissemination program. 
23) These Documentaries will include taped confessions of famous Deep State Politicians and elites. The structure of world control will be outlined. Evidence of crimes will be presented. Military Tribunal outcomes will be known. 
24) The presentations will occur for say 8 hours/day for the 10 days straight. Repeats will occur for the rest of the day so that shift workers/emergency workers will not miss anything.
The EMS will be 24/7. Families will have nothing else to do but watch. 
25) The most heinous video’s/proofs won’t be for all - and they can be seen by those wishing to do so, on the Internet, after the 10 Days of Darkness. There will be time to reflect during each day of these 10 Days.
26) There will be mass shock/disgust and confusion. Our role as Patriots will be to provide a sense of calm, validation, compassion and reassurance. Many Patriots previously too scared to talk will be able to do so.  
27) It is unlikely but possible JFK Jr and others will add to the veracity of the operation. When the 10 Days of Darkness finish on Easter Friday there will be a mass outpouring of spirituality. 
28) On Easter Friday the people will be told the virus is now safe to venture outside and assemble. Churches, Synagogues and Mosques will be filled. There will be much grief but also relief. 
29) A small percentage - perhaps 5% will be too progressively deranged and brainwashed to accept the truth. They will try to riot, as usual. However they will soon realise ‘The People’ are far more righteously angry, disciplined and potentially violent. 
30) The Deep State will lose control of the streets forever. The Military will guard TV stations/newspapers to avoid vandalism. After the blackout the MSM will be completely exposed and will not attempt to counter the narrative. 
31) Those Deep State actors who have not flipped and gone to GITMO will engage in the suicide weekend of 11th and 12th of April 2020. Recalcitrants will be left to fend for themselves in front of the informed masses. 
32) There May be an economic reset within the 10 Days of Darkness with an ending of the Federal Reserve and institution of a Gold-Standard but I am not sure. 
33) And that is my best guess for the structure of #TheStorm .... In a sense we must demand Justice but also be benevolent if possible. And then, of course, #TheGreatAwakeningWorldwide will really begin❗️

Please comment.
It is important to understand this information because it is partially supported by the ignorance of the people, who once dissipated, also alerts the public about the breach of trust and duty by law enforcement institutions that already have a legal mandate To enforce the laws. People now awake can gather the authorities to carry out their legal duty

published by Everth Thenansehed 1st official of the Galactic Federation of Free Worlds through Joan Ashtar © misteri 1963 All rights reserved. This publication may be freely reproduced on condition that it respects its integrity and mentions the author as a source of the same and that this URL  and the Copyright notice be included


Justify Closed Borders and Insspire Citizens to Stay Home While upwards of 500.000 Arrest (158.000+ Sealed Indictments Opened) will take place inUSA & greater Numbers World Wide for Horrendous Crimes to Humanityu & Corruptions Related to Human Sex & child Trafficking a Depopulation agenda by Globalist, illegal organ Harvesting, Opioid Fentanyl Epidemic Linked to China & Britain and other nations Implementin Espionage plans of the USA.

These are pictures I downloaded from just 3 sources from 3 different states Showing National Guard Positioning Themselves as Peace Keepers as the Mass Arrests get Ready to Take Place around the USA. (Plus their role is to comfort those without water or Food. Arrest will most likely be Stealth Special Forces rapid Ops)
foto de Alan Fountain.

The Draining of the Swamp Operation is being masked behind a Corona Virus Psyop to Justify Martial Law and necessary peace keeping changes to Inspire Cooperation from the public who have not Quite caught on to the Seriousness of How Trump Halted the Launch of the NWO Genocide that would be taking place right now had Hillary Clinton Been Elected.

This Peace Keeping mission would have been relocation to FEMA camps and not Arrests of those behind the Trump Interrupted plans by Deep State Satanists.

Stay Calm you are Safe: links to Articles Explaining the 3 year Military Event that has been Covertly taking place in The Silent War is Now at Go Time.
foto de Alan Fountain. foto de Alan Fountain. foto de Alan Fountain. foto de Alan Fountain. foto de Alan Fountain. foto de Alan Fountain. foto de Alan Fountain.
The Meme in Photos That Says "Latest Intel" was Taken From my Original Post A Few Days Ago But some Military & Galactic Source Quickly made it an Official Meme and I saw it circulating on a site from Europe already in less than a few days of my writing it. Read it to understand What's taking Place.
Blog Articles:
Face Book Thread Posts on Daily Events:
Alan Fountain


QAnon Reveals Deep State Nazi Connection & Attempt to Foment US Russia War

The military intelligence group QAnon has revealed a deep historic connection between the Deep State and Nazism, and how this Deep State/Nazi force is actively attempting to foment a nuclear war between the U.S. and Russia.
QAnon is a group of military intelligence officials, which has been leaking classified information exposing Deep State machinations against Donald Trump back when he was a Presidential candidate, then as President-elect, and finally as President. What has become very clear to objective observers is that QAnon has been sanctioned by the Trump administration to conduct such leaks.
This was made very public during the Trump rally in Tampa, Florida on July 31 when the U.S. Secret Service broke its standard policy of confiscating all non-approved signs, and allowed many participants to openly carry QAnon signs.
Trump approvingly acknowledged QAnon supporters as evidenced in a short videofeaturing him pointing directly at someone holding a QAnon sign.
While this immediately set off a wave of mainstream media stories debunking QAnonas a crazy conspiracy theory, it showed that the Trump administration was openly supporting the QAnon disclosures and the world wide movement it has subsequently spawned.
On August 28, QAnon made the following postwhich deserves detailed analysis:
In the first Youtube video, QAnon wanted the reader to watch a video clip from the movie, The Sum of All Fears. In the scene, a Neo-Nazi outlined what had been learned from history and how Nazism could secretly flourish in the modern era:
One more thing, let no man call us crazy. They call Hitler crazy, but Hitler wasn’t crazy. He was stupid. You don’t fight Russia and America. You get Russia and America to fight each other, and destroy each other. 
In the second Youtube video, another scene from The Sum of All Fears was shown. It highlighted the importance of maintaining back channel communications between the intelligence agencies of Russia and the US to prevent future misunderstandings that could have catastrophic consequences.
Here QAnon is revealing that direct communication links have been established between Presidents Putin and Trump, who both share the same goal of having Russia and the U.S. avoid catastrophic misunderstandings, while exposing the Deep State and its historic connection to Nazism.
QAnon then poses a series of leading questions pointing to a connection between Nazism and the Deep State. QAnon said:
Was “Nazism’ every truly destroyed?
Was it merely a sub-division within a larger organization?
One finger attached to a hand?
QAnon is here alluding to the historical development of the Nazi Party, which was created by German Secret Societies that had chosen Hitler as a charismatic puppet they could control in order to manipulate the working class through pan-Germanic nationalist ideals. At the time, German industrialists greatly feared the growth of the working-class movement and a communist revolution, and thereby facilitated Hitler’s rise to absolute power.
The Nazi Swastika, for example, was modelled on the Thule Society logo, showing the influence this secret society had on Hitler and the emergence of Nazism.
German secret societies were able to use Hitler and the Nazi state to covertly fund projects in exotic locations such as South America and Antarctica that would lay the foundations for a post-War German economic revival – a Fourth Reich.
Rather than achieving global domination through brute military force, German secret societies understood how this needed to be achieved through covert economic means as both world wars had clearly demonstrated the strategic stupidity of Germany fighting wars on two major fronts to achieve such a goal.
The German secret societies were not alone in pursuing their globalist goals since they worked closely with powerful industrialists and banking organizations in the US and Britain who shared their occult belief systems. Incredibly, these secret societies shared the belief that they were the genetic off-shoots of ancient gods that once ruled the entire planet, who could today be summoned through black magic rituals involving human sacrifice.
Charles Higham, author of Trading With The Enemybelieved that these secret societies, industrialists and bankers formed a worldwide organization he called “The Fraternity”. Others have referred to this secret global organization as “the Illuminati”, “the Family”, “the Cabal”, and more recently, the “Deep State”.
Antarctica's Hidden History by Dr. Michael SallaIn the book, Antarctica’s Hidden History: Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs, I describe how the German Secret Societies, with the support of major U.S. corporations, set up bases in Antarctica, where they covertly developed advanced technologies for both a secret space program and a post-World War II Fourth Reich. Nazi practices such as slave labor and human experimentation would secretly continue in these joint German/U.S. corporate projects, which today include transnational corporations based in many other nations.
When QAnon refers to Nazism as one of the fingers of a hidden hand, they are referring to the Deep State/Fraternity as the larger transnational organization which made possible the Fourth Reich that continues to flourish in the modern era.
QAnon’s next set of leading questions reveal how the Deep State/Fraternity uses social movements to achieve its agenda.
Did ANTIFA organically form?
Flag design coincidence?
Socialist push in US/WW coincidence?
QAnon is here referring to the Deep State’s funding of Antifa through George Soros, the billionaire financial speculator, who has specialized in funding social movements to destabilize and overthrow governments.
The flags QAnon is referring to are those used by Antifa supporters and that used by the German Communist Party, whose similarities suggest the same Deep State influence behind both movements.
QAnon then goes on to make the following statements outlining what lies ahead as the Trump administration continues to do battle behind the scenes with the Deep State, which is embedded within his administration:
Global power struggle.
There is a price we will not pay.
There is a point beyond which they must not advance.
QAnon is here saying that the threat to U.S. constitutional ideals of liberty and justice will not be sacrificed as the Deep State pursues its globalist agenda, which is premised on America’s rapid decline as a global superpower, and replacement by China at the helm of a New World Order.
QAnon then links to a Youtube video of President Ronald Reagan alluding to a mythical Rubicon that the Deep State will not be allowed to cross in its attempt to undermine US constitutional values.
In their August 28 post, QAnon has succinctly pointed to how Nazism continues to flourish today due to a mysterious hidden hand, the Deep State/Fraternity, which gave rise to Nazism’s initial emergence in Germany, and its subsequent incarnation in the post-World War II era as a network of transnational corporations and secret societies collectively making up a Fourth Reich.
© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice



16 June 2018 

President Trump has promised to completely destroy the deep state that is actively plotting to overthrow him. 

During an appearance on Fox News on Friday, Trump said he is "proud" to have beaten the Bush and Clinton dynasties and has now set its sights on Deep State operatives seeking to undermine it 

Information Liberation reports: "I'm really proud because I beat the Clinton dynasty , " Trump told Steve Doocy of Fox News in an interview in the garden of the White House. "I beat the Bush Dynasty". 

"Now I guess fortunately,

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President Trump told Fox News on Friday morning that he is "proud" because he defeated the Bush and Clinton dynasties although intelligence agencies Dishonest " they conspired against "their choice. 

"I'm really proud because I beat the Clinton dynasty , " Trump told Steve Doocy of Fox News in an interview in the garden of the White House. "I beat the Bush Dynasty". 

"Now suppose that, fortunately, I'm in the process of defeating the intelligence dishonest because what they did was amazing and a real insult to millions of people who voted in that election , " Trump said.

STEVE Doocy, FOX & FRIENDS: You know, the IG report came out yesterday. The FBI looked bad. 


Doocy: Your FBI. 

TRUMP: Well, no. It was Comey having to do. We are not talking about my FBI Comey. It was Comey. People in the FBI's amazing. I 'll bet that if you took a poll in that poll FBI would win more than anyone has won a poll. But the best people were horrible. 

You look what happened. They were conspiring against my choice. Probably never this has happened in terms of intelligence, in terms of anything else. But in reality they were plotting against my choice. 

Doocy: the holder at this time - 

TRUMP: I'm really proud, because I beat the Clinton dynasty.

Doocy: Right. 

TRUMP: I beat the Bush dynasty, and now I think hopefully I'm beating a very dishonest intelligence. Because what they did was amazing and a real insult to millions of people who voted in the elections on both sides. 

Doocy: The headline at this time of the Wall Street Journal, the DOJ report criticizes Clinton Comey and agents do not define any bias in the conclusion.

TRUMP: Well, the end result was wrong. I mean that was total dismay. I mean, when you look at Peter Strzok and what it says about me, when you look at Comey with every move. So I guess you know it's interesting, it was a pretty good report and then say the IG ruined at the end with that statement because when you read the report, it was almost like Comey. 

He goes point by point what is Hillary guilty, then said, but we will not do anything about it The report, the IG report was a horror show. I thought a concluding sentence was ridiculous. 

Trump, no doubt, saw Seymour Hersh interview with CNN on Wednesday:

Hersh, who is anti-Trump, Trump praised for defeating the Bush and Clinton dynasties and said he is crushing the media as evidenced by increasing their polls despite unprecedented hostility.

" It 's up in ratings , " Hersh told CNN 's Don Lemon. "I see that the Democratic Party do anything, but basically behaves like Hillary, ran against him for the past two months against him in the last two months of the campaign. And I'm not sure if I'm not in the big city US I'm not sure this guy is different. and I think people are tired of politicians and appealing for many reasons that may not understand, certainly do not understand. it has 48%, 47% of people. He it attracts. There is something about. This is a guy who dropped 13 Republicans with a history of over 200 years of political life. " 

Hersh said the media should calm down the most while playing with Trump's hand being totally hysterical at all times.

"Sometimes I think we underestimate Trump, but that's just my opinion," Hersh said. "I always like to turn to the other side, I guess. But I think the media, I always see distaste for Trump, is like catnip to the American public. It seems that television obviously is doing much better ... you are getting better ratings, newspapers in New York and 'the Washington Post', are getting more audience and are going after Trump is really good news. "

Where is the middle ground? Where are the media who are skeptical? Where are the media that what they say will have some position,

"We're playing the game, that's what bothers me , " Hersh said. 

It does not seem to realize that the big names like CNN and the New York Times tried to moderate their tone after the election of Trump, but saw their audience and readers descended precipitously while the more hysterical publications saw their numbers skyrocket through the roof. 

They stopped moderate their tone after about a week and has been a constant hysteria since. Liberals called as Rachel Maddow are now criticizing Trump for trying to make peace with North Korea and Democrats like Nancy Pelosi are defending the MS-13 as the angels of God.

Note, whenever these old hands in the media say that the media used to be "trusted" and we used to have an "average", that just means they were able to establish the narrative and determine what is the truth, regardless of the reality. 

The division is happening is with those who still accept the lies of controlled against those who are awakening to how they have been creating false story and lying to the American public during the last 100 years media.

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