Agnes Lindhout
Divine union...
Conscious relationships
Sacred lovers
What are women seeking in a partner?
We want you...
We want your heart
We want you to be strong enough to be vulnerable
We want you to be brave enough to heal
We want you to be courageous enough to cry
We want you to be soft enough to feel
We want you to be humbled by your power
We want you to have purpose in your actions
We want you to have direction in your life
We want you to have clarity in your thoughts
We want you to be aware of your ego
We want you to be in touch with your emotions
We want you to have presence in your being
We want you to have integrity in your living
We want you to acknowledge your divinity
We want you to honour your body
We want you to love your essence
We want you to be deep enough to explore
We want you to be free enough to fly
We want you to surrender to love
We don't want you to perform sexually... We crave intimacy
We don't want your money... We have abundance
We don't want your identity... We want your nakedness
We don't want perfection... We want authenticity
We acknowledge the sacredness of the union, to be held and honoured in the highest esteem and will not settle for a partner who does not regard the relationship in the same light
We will not align with men who hide behind...
We want someone who yearns for spiritual growth and is as committed to the union as we are... Together consciously creating a sacred space, an exclusive sanctuary where we can come together with mutual love, trust, honesty, acceptance, honour and respect
We understand it will be one of the most challenging and difficult journeys we will ever embark on but we know we are ready... We yearn for the growth that can only come from two whole individuals who come together to create their highest purpose, aligning with unconditional love and sharing it with the world
We know the road will be a series of rapturous heights and devastating lows but we have no choice... We feel compelled to walk it... Fearlessly...
Doing whatever the hell it takes
Not because we need to feel loved
But because we yearn to love...
We want a man to walk besides us as our equal
Hand in hand... Through the good times and the bad
We want you
The real you...
Heart and soul
To love you unconditionally
To accept you flaws and all
To know you
To admire you
To respect you
To adore you
To honour you
To have patience with you
To understand you
To journey together
To support our missions together
To grow together
To heal together
To create together
To share love together...
With humanity
And the world
On Earth as it is in Heaven
~ Karen Star

Love the unlovable
Forgive the unforgivable
We are ALL ONE
Heaven is back on Earth
Let's make, create and give birth to LOVE

In Liefde en Licht.