
18 de mayo de 2020

Astral sex: Is it possible to experience sexual pleasure outside our body?

Astral travel is a subjective mental experience during which Consciousness temporarily leaves the physical body at rest and uses the astral body - or subtle body - independently. From there derives the name of astral splitting, since in the Astral Journey it seems that the body split up and another body appeared, independent of the physical body.
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Also known as an out-of-body experience, this phenomenon can also be defined as the sensation of floating projected out of the body. In some cases the subject may experience autoscopy - the possibility of seeing the body itself from the point of view of an external observer - or even be able to project the vision from other places. This separation of body and spirit, by the way, can be spontaneous or induced, voluntary or involuntary.
On the other hand, the sexual act is defined as the set of behaviors carried out by at least two people with the aim of giving or receiving sexual pleasure. For this reason, for most people having sex involves only a pleasant physical experience in which two people - usually taking off their clothes earlier - have sex. Yet incredibly, some experts argue that there are other ways to engage in non-physical sex, a different world for sex, one of unbridled pleasure and passion beyond our physical bodies. They are the so-called non-bodily sexual relations, supposedly maintained on the astral plane.
Astral sex
Astral projection expert Steve G. Jones, in an interview published by the British tabloid Mirror Online, defended the possibility that people could shed their physical bodies to make love outside the body. “It is a process in which two people leave their physical bodies to enter the astral plane and interact intimately with the souls of others. No foreplay is required. In fact, the pre-sex ritual time must be used to enter a state of meditation, somewhere between wakefulness and sleep. Once this is done, it is a simple matter of relaxing, sitting, starting, and reuniting with your astral partner. ”
According to Jones, for an astral sexual encounter to be successful, astral couples must have a great synchronization when it comes to performing the astral link. "The orgasm that is achieved is produced by the union of souls and energies. Some testimonies of people who have lived this experience of astral sex assure that they have been able to maintain these pleasant sensations, even after their souls return to the physical body ”.
astral sex
Jones added that the more experienced on these astral trips can, in theory, maintain astral sex while simultaneously engaging in sexual activities in the physical world. “If both do it correctly in time, relationships can arise in the astral world and the physical world. It is very difficult to achieve this, but if this were to be achieved, there would be a "prize": one could experience much more complete and profound sensations than two physical bodies allow. Everything goes through the round trip or feedback. Feedback - feedback - is very important during sexual exchanges and sometimes this is lost in the physical world, but in the astral world feedback is automatic, because you are seeing the soul of the other ”.
Astral sex
According to Jones, this procedure can be successful depending on how the pairs intertwine in the astral projection. "The fusion of souls or energy is" orgasm ", a combination of physical and astral pleasure that can continue to be felt after each person returns to their physical bodies. There is no lie among those involved, there are no lies possible because all the intentions, all the feelings are shown in the person's soul instantly. ” However, Jones warns that to achieve this state, people must first enter a practice that involves having a very adequate preparation, which can bring enormous benefits to those who become proficient.
Astral sex
Some experts on this topic, in any case, assure that although astral sex would be possible, it would also carry some dangers. While it would be possible for a person to travel outside their body and merge the energies with their partner while they are asleep, sharing an almost cosmic experience, there are also experts in astral projection who have managed to “visit” a person without permission (in this case, as unusual as it may seem, one would be talking about an "astral violation").
These experts also warn about the possibility of encountering the presence of certain negative entities that also inhabit the astral plane, much more intelligent and cunning astral beings and that would have the ability to change shape and read our feelings and thoughts and adapt to them. fool us. Contact with these beings, of course, would cause loss of energy, depression, anxiety, shame, fear and suicidal thoughts in the real world.
Astral sex
Be that as it may, the apologists of astral sex assure that it brings a delight and enjoyment superior to that provided by physical sex, since it implies being one with everything, and the fusion of the soul with universal love

Publicado por  RANKENLT OSARAN Comandante interestelar de la Federación Galáctica de planetas libres a través de Joan Ashtar  ***©misteri1963 ésta publicación puede reproducirse libremente a condición de respetar su integridad y mencionar al autor/a, como fuente de la misma y se incluya esta URL y el aviso del Copyright***

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