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11 de marzo de 2018

There should be no transfer to another 'place

Blossom Goodchild - Channeling the Federation of Light - There should be no transfer to another 'lugar'.Muchos feel they are experiencing the beginnings of a heart attack. Not so ... March 10, 2018  

Blossom Goodchild - Channeling the Federation of Light 

Hi my friends. Well, once again, the Internet is very lively with the news that the event will arrive shortly. Your last channel spread everywhere and people are excited to receive the following captivating episode! I'll let you decide how this communication flows.

Greetings / order from the highest to one and all.We are well aware of the emotion that is being formed for this 'EVENT' and this can only be a good thing. To keep vibration ALTA is one of the ultimate purposes of their time on the planet Earth and bodes well for future adventures. 

I have a question if I can? Some say that many souls do not wake will be carried on board vessels when this event takes place ... to heal and prepare, etc., for high vibration on Earth ... and then to be returned. While another source says we'll move through the veil (kind of thing) and go elsewhere.What's your take on all this?

First, we would announce that there should be no transfer to another 'place'. With respect, what would be the point? Because the fact that you areon the planet at this time is to raise your vibration ... to elevate it to a realm / higher vibration. It would make no sense to abandon ship when you are here to "take with you". 

However, after the event will be ... in / on ... Earth a big change in the atmosphere will certainly feel like you've advanced to a higher vibration. 

"Laundering" we are talking about ... is an immensely high vibration ... and once it has taken place, everything will feel as if he had changed. 

There will be done?

Indeed. However, within that change all the same ... I just felt and seen differently. Once the dust has settled ... things seem to be different and yet, they are not. The soul-I will be very different and therefore "see" things in a different light. 

We can not specify exactly what reactions will occur. Because every soul vibrates according to its "position" and thus experience "TU" from the point of view of his soul. 

However, in general ... no doubt ... no doubt ... there will be a soul who is not aware of this. 

This will not take place only in an internal exchange. Because it will definitely be an 'external' also physical experience. 

Much of what we must say we mentioned earlier ...

Forgiveness but still, that's what makes me a bit skeptical. It is not that happening, because I know he will ... one day. Moreover, over time. With respect, we have been exalted on this particular issue so many times before. 

Of this we are aware. However, as you said ... one day will take place and that one day is fast approaching. 

Given that the word 'quick' is very similar to thestandard 'soon'. I do not want to be a Doubting Thomas ... just that this path has been trodden many times! Please continue. 

There will be a screen that your eyes have never feasted before. 

How long will it last? 


Whah! I thought you were going to say a few hours at most.

The display will flash itself to maintain stability for those who experience ... in / at different levels.It is important to know that the energy that brings be received at different levels ... because of the different levels. Vibrational frequencies in which one has lived within ... within himself. 

We have said that some will be unable to cope / deal with such enormity of 'wave structure' and its decision will leave the planet and continue watching and being part of it from 'elsewhere'. 

Will they be many or just a few? 

We can not say ... because it is a momentary decision of each individual as to stay or go.

Undoubtedly, most will want to stay? We have been waiting long enough time to occur. Why sneak into the magical moment? 

Because not all have been permitted or have chosen ... to realize that such an event is taking place and the 'surprise for the uninitiated in this knowledge literally' he frighten to death '. 

Struth ... that's a bit harsh! 

No way. His 'step' will not be severe. It is so kind because it can not be anything else, because of the love available at that time. 

Many have 'signed up ' to do their work after the event and goals, as Blossom know, they are ready and waiting and have been doing so patiently for so long ... so they can do what they came to do.

There is a vast majority of souls who feel helpless and hopeless at this time and have done for many years. Knowing you are here to do something ... even without knowing what that is. 

After this event ... WILL BE VERY CLEAR ALL ... ALL it come to light. 

There will be so many lost souls ... looking / seeking ... 'ones' who have prepared in advance for this 'Come , ' and find due to the pulsating light since. As we have said before ... like a BALIZÓN ... letting souls know where they are. No soul be without. 
You / We're all in this together.

There is a very random question that has just appeared in my head. Here it goes! You Are 'Jesus' involved in this? I know that this event is mentioned in the Scriptures. (I could not tell you where!) We 

answer a big fat yes! 

Unlike you to answer that! How you are involved?

In the sense that their energy is part of you. 

Many souls ORDER / PLACEMENT higher, will be there to carry it out. 

They are there to safeguard the experience to hold the Light ... to anchor ... the best they can. 

NEVER BEFORE HAVE this place. 

Although it has been a major issue for eons ... there are still unknown within it.

There are so many questions I do not know where to start. It definitely will be a blackout? 

Unknown! There is a great possibility of this. But ... will not be / may not be ... of the "terrifying" variety. 




The feeling hits you ... the OLA ... I LOVE that hits / wash over you ... it 's like nothing you've come toyou. 

Therefore, if the 'power' was to blow a fuse for a short time ... possibly even days ... there would be a sense of dread. One will not be surprise in the knowledge that love is everything and the change has occurred ... that such a small thing like that ... if it happens ... it will not matter or consequence.

We can not give time limits as you understand itand yet ... there will be no interest on their computers, so it does not matter whether or not they work. 

There will be no interest in stock markets or financial systems ... there will be no interest in nothing but the sentiment you're sitting and walking into a quagmire ... recognizing each other. 

It will be given confidence from the "savvy" and when the INITIAL POWER EVENT cut back a little ... you begin to "turn around". 


The most important thing ... one's desires, one's interests have changed the perspective. 

The focus will be on LOVE AND LOVE.

Things that were once so important in day one need feel so trivial ... ... compared to future days ahead. 

Within this power that ignites and transforms ... there will be so much fun gifts awakened and excited. 

Thoughts turn away from what we now consume one for literally survive and exist ... to thoughts of breeding for it all. 


I just realized that not talking about you have to go on boats to recover. 

What we would say about this is that it is a possible plan ... depending on what affects who and how many. 

There are many 'possible plans' instead. However, we would say ... this is in the days ... not during the passage.

What other possible plans are there? 

Definitely the joining together of worlds! 

Beings from other "places" will become a common place to meet and greet over time. 

Will there be ships in the skies during the event? 

Not later. 

The power of this event is too strong for any ship can fly. 

Is he around? In the skies in all countries? 


What about our planes? There are always many in the sky at one time. 

They are turned off before takeoff. 

We would say that the 'signs of consciousness' will be in place until the event.

These vary widely. However, one will of electric 'outs'. Electricity will be greatly affected as you start the pre-SPECTACLE period. 

What other signs? 

Inwardly, on a personal level, the heart will feel coming. The energy that is so powerful ... you can not NOT know that something is about to happen. 

Many feel they are experiencing the beginnings of an attack ... corazón.No so only the highest vibration saying hello. 

Will greatly benefit breathe deeply before during and after. 

If anything HIGH VALUE TO SPEND, it would tell others BREATHE through it. 

Is it scary? Whatever may be unknown! 

For some, yes. Because they think that the world is ending.

Far from it, you dear souls. We would say that it is just beginning ... again. 

Such wonders must be witnessed. 

It's very exciting. Not only your Internet brightness / a buzz ... the universe is exuding such joy in the same perspective. 

I know we're near the end of the session still one more thing. Do you have something to do withthis event why so many feel so desperate, so ... what ...? Many tears, many ready to give up and go home. Surely we should feel otherwise if you are approaching both. 

The final blows are being launched. Remember, you are dissipating energy for all ... not just for yourself. I would compare with a ruthless purge of companies souls lost and weakened.

Those who are sensitive to all energies are working as an individual, even doing it for him. 

All will be well 

are aware that there is much to talk about, however, remember the souls metaphor White Cloud in ... it's better to eat only a few squares of chocolate at a time, rather than all block, which leaves one exhausted and lethargic ... exploded ... wishing they 'd just take a little while ... leaving room to digest before admitting more. 

On that note, then, I say goodbye. I really do not know what to think of everything. 

We can suggest that when you think ... you know it's to / from the GOOD highest of all it stands at TIME DIVINE ... will be at the perfect time. 


Thank you. In love and gratitude ... in service.Blossom G xx 

Please revisits the invocation 'We are game changers' whenever you feel like it ... to maintain high energy as possible

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