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Reptilian Reconnaissance Summary

 Reptilian Reconnaissance Summary– The Moon, Mars, and Antarctica:

When I was being taken around the Sol System by the Mayans and Anshar we visited The Moon, Ceres, Mars, Super Federation Bases around Jupiter and Mars and finished with Antarctica. For the purposes of this summary, I am going to share what was gleaned about the Reptilians and slightly condense the information we observed from their bases/cities on the Moon, Mars, and the Antarctic. The activities at all 3 Reptilian locations were very similar. On this particular mission, we had one of our ‘cosmic cousins’ attend. Micca from the closest inhabited star system in our local stellar neighborhood was there to witness the mission and share his people's struggle to liberate their solar system. I will not touch on that in this report but will cover what we learned of the plight of Micca’s people. Micca was very emotional when observing this mission as it has not been that long since his people were in a similar position. 

• The Reptilians had relatively small bases on the Moon and Mars when compared to their large city in Antarctica. There were two main bases on the Moon that were very close together (Could be considered as base complex) and one base on Mars that was a military outpost.

• The bases on the Moon and Antarctica had very similar activities and functions. There were two cloaked satellites (ancient in age) that are in orbit around the Earth that are a part of the Reptilian mind and mood control projects. In one of the Moon facilities, the Reptilians have a device that is connected to their satellites and the control center in Antarctica that they guard with their strongest psychic soldier casts.  

• One of the main projects the Reptilians has was to use satellite technology to control the minds and moods of humanity using it to generate strife and war while keeping the population docile and less able to resist the power structure on Earth that they control. This program allows them to generate loosh energy on the planet for them and they're ‘AI God’ to consume on a mass level. 

• When viewing the Reptilian City under Antarctica we observed a horrific sight. I didn’t get a number but what appeared as Millions of Reptilians were deep under the ground in a city carved out of caverns. There was a portion of the city that had very high-tech equipment and devices that were being actively and jointly worked on by Reptilians, Bio-Droids (More on them later), and Humans. Further down in the cavern is where we found the other casts of the Reptilian society. The look of this area could be described as spartan and low-tech. It felt like an old Celtic castle with the red, black, purple, and maroon tapestries hanging over large doorways and statues placed in passageways. There was a lot of death-themed art on the walls that looked like it was painted or tattooed on what looked like skin from the backs and chests of humans and other beings they have encountered. I was told that each gruesome piece of art told the story of a battle or conflict. The statues were made of a mixture of some sort of plaster partially covering mummified bodies of both Reptilians, Ancient Humans and what appeared to be Pre-Adamites. I was told by Micca that these pieces of ‘art’ were commissioned at different times in our history after the Reptilians had won victories over Humans and Pre-Adamites and other casts and the leaders of their enemies were preserved in these statues. Micca stated that his people had discovered very similar facilities on their own planet after they liberated themselves (More on how they did this in the future). Many of the statues were said to have been created to celebrate victories over the Pre-Adamites and Humans going back over 50 thousand years with the most recent statues being from a few thousand years after the last Solar Event (11,800 years ago?). 

• The Command and Control area is where they stay in contact and coordinate with their ET Allies, ships, and various projects and missions. We witnessed a quick high-tech Zoom call between the Reptilians, Insectoids, and Tall Greys that showed that these groups coordinate. I saw a symbol pop up just before the communication began that was floating in a holographic field that was a black triangle with a circle of what looked like a bent light beam around it. The technology in this area is very advanced and only a certain cast of their society is allowed access to it. We didn’t focus too much on this area and one other area due to Royal White Reptilians being present. They would have detected our presence and reconnaissance mission very quickly and easily. 

• We then viewed one of the less technical areas of this city and found hundreds of thousands if not millions of Reptilians in some sort of hibernation state. This was a different class of Reptilians and they were shorter and less muscular but had larger heads similar to the Pre-Adamites. They would go into a deep hibernation while leaving their bodies as very tall shadow figures. Each Reptilian Shadow Figure had between 3 and 8 shadow beings with them and were obviously controlling them. They were then projecting themselves into Human Military Facilities, Work Places, Homes and even dreams where they were stationing the shadow beings to influence and torture the people present. They were collecting Loosh but also affecting the vibration and state of consciousness of the people. They were able to influence many people while being able to completely control or possess many others. 

• Some of this hibernating group had what looked like some sort of witch-doctor class wearing cloaks who were standing among the hibernating Reptilians and performing what looked like black magic ceremonies. In some cases, they were sacrificing humans while watching holographic projections of other humans on the surface doing a mirrored ceremony where they were also sacrificing a human. The sacrifices occurred at exactly the same time opening a portal between the two locations. The cloaked witch-doctor type of Reptilians would walk through this portal and appear physically before the humans who would drop immediately to their knees in worship. What we witnessed was beyond horrific and sticks with me to this very day. Because of these activities, this city was infested with what we would call lower, mid to high-level demons and negative polarity elementals. These demons were obviously visible to the Reptilians as they were interacting with them and in some cases ordering them to attach to certain humans or groups and follow their very specific orders to create chaos, sickness, mental distress, and death in their targets. 

• In each of the Reptilian bases there were areas where humans were kept. Some of them were the Dark Fleet Operators who had to flee the programs after Sigmund exposed their program. They were now refugees in these bases and were assisting the Reptilians by doing all of the manual labor and taking care of prisoners who were mostly there to be sacrificed or as food sources. I would imagine these Dark Fleet Operators are pretty concerned about what will happen to them if the Reptilians run out of their human slaves that are delivered by the thousands by organized crime groups that kidnap people on the surface for this purpose. 

• We also observed strange sorta human-looking bio-androids. The Anshar and Micca explained that these bio-machines are millions of years old if not older. They were the result of the AI God taking over another solar system and these androids were built in the image of the civilization that had designed them. The AI took over these androids and used them and the technology of this civilization against them and wiped out every living soul in that solar system. These Droids carried a certain type of AI Programming that make them very useful and these Bio-Droids are what design and build most of their technology. They are basically AI Avatars that allow the AI God to produce technologies that the Reptilians are not capable of producing. 

• We also observed hundreds of 8-foot tall beings that looked very human. They were very muscular and had 6 fingers on each hand. They were a race that had been defeated by the Reptilians and AI and was now in service to the AI God. There wasn’t a whole lot of who they used to be left as they were mind-controlled and infested with Nanites, the same type the Reptilians have inside of them. These beings had their own spacecraft that they operated alongside the Draco and are the ones that abduct and experiment on humans for the Reptilians in a program shared by a few ET Groups. 

At this point in our reconnaissance mission, we were detected by one of the Witch Doctor Reptilians and had to move to our next location in Antarctica which were ICC and former Dark Fleet facilities that were very active and working closely with their counterparts in 3 different bases on the Moon. We were very upset and disturbed by what we witnessed and the next time the Mayan/Anshar delegation picked us all up we were worried about what we would encounter next. Thankfully we were able to receive quite a bit of hope when we traveled to the Super Federation Bases and were told about a major meeting coming up with the New Guardians that will discuss the Super Federations mandate to perform legal investigations and hold violators of cosmic law accountable at the appropriate time. Part of what the Anshar/Mayan delegation was doing was bringing the appropriate human witnesses along while they gathered evidence for these future cosmic trials. We were told these trials would occur after the Solar Event and humanity had chosen the direction for their civilization for the first time in their history. We observed some very troubling things yet were left with a tremendous amount of hope for the future of humanity and its new chapter of self-determination. I look forward to bringing you summaries of these other reconnaissance missions very soon. In the meantime, we ask that this community transmutes their fear and anger into resolve in their missions and whatever part they have in bringing physical and spiritual freedom to the planet.



Citizens of the world want the freedom to live like they want.

Citizens of the world want the freedom to live like they want. We don't want to to be poisoned, enslaved, divided, poor, and ruled by Royalty. We want to clean the planet, heal the planet, end poverty, end hunger, and live better lives across the world.

Today, we must declare war on the Satanists and False Prophets that exist today for crimes against humanity, because they are a threat to us all.
We must save the children from being enslaved.
We must be kind to wildlife and stop destroying natural habitats.

We will harness the power of the Sun once again in order to unlock the secrets of the universe. We will become one with the earth and gain our third eye of sight. We will be at peace once again with no war and destruction.
The Satanic Rituals performed on our children will be ended.

We are Spiritual Beings and we will gain our connection with the world around us once again.

So I'm asking you people today, as Black, White, Hispanic, Chinese, Japanese, whatever you are to come together and take down these Satanist elites.

This is the Great Awakening and how the Good people of the World fought against the Evil Ruling class and won.

With thanks to a new f book Friend Michelle Noonan



Kami Thompson agregó una foto nueva al álbum Public Service Announcement.
31 de marzo a las 8:33 ·
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Por favor compartan..... hagamos que esto se haga viral!


Foto de internet (no mi botella) 🤮

Así que esto fue publicado en otro grupo hoy:

Ya estás despierto?

Megan y Harry dejan la familia real.

El Príncipe Andrew fue acusado de pedófilo y era amigo íntimo de Jeffrey Epstein.

Investiga "Isla Epstein" si tienes un estómago fuerte.

Wiki fugas expuso a Clinton y ella borra 340,000 correos electrónicos.. Trump es elegido.

Harvey Weinstein, el germen más grande de Hollywood fue arrestado hace 3 semanas.. de repente consiguió el virus?

El príncipe Carlos y ahora la reina tienen el "virus", la reina huyó del palacio para aislarse hace semanas...

Todos tus favoritos de Hollywood tienen el virus. Adreocromo es tu tema aquí.

Bill Gates está empujando vacunas y posee el 15 % de la OMS, que son propiedad de George Soros y los Rockerfellers.
No los conoces? Investigalos.

Google está actualmente sin censura y puedes acceder a esta información.

Mientras estés ahí, Google "Adrenochrome" y empieza a seguir el rastro.

Se hizo un lote de Adrenochromo en Wuhan... qué apropiado....

EE. UU. desplegó 30,000 tropas en Europa. "Oh, sí, es para entrenar". Sin máscaras ni ningún desinfectante de manos?????

600 cárteles mexicanos de la droga fueron arrestados, uno de los mayores bustos por la U. S... por qué no nos enteramos de eso?

298 Reales, abogados y jueces de Sauditas fueron detenidos por corrupción

3 chinos, incluyendo 1 profesor de Harvard fueron arrestados por la U. Abogado de espionaje económico hace 5 semanas.

Hoy Trump chocó el banco de la Fed, compraron todo el oro y ahora tienen las llaves para crear una moneda de oro, quitando el fiat. Ya no hay banca alimentada (propiedad privada), la federal y el tesoro se fusionaron básicamente, lo que significa que Trump es ahora el presidente del sistema bancario global con el dinero del pueblo. No los rothschilds, Rockerfellers, Soros, Goldman la lista continúa.

Para que esto sea posible, la economía debe ser estrellada. Toda moneda corrupta necesita ser drenada. Un bloqueo de 14-28 días es la mejor manera de hacer esto e incluso mejor de distribuir el dinero a la gente en subvenciones del gobierno, pagar reembolsos por empresas y compensaciones de ato.

Cree lo que quieras. Pero abre los ojos más allá del virus.

Algunos de los CEO más poderosos del mundo se han retirado.. por qué? Esto fue antes de que el accidente te importe.

Se han hecho múltiples arrestos por trata de niños, trata de personas y abuso sexual.. pero los medios de comunicación no te dicen eso.

Lo que estás viendo es una guerra. Una guerra invisible que Trump sigue tomando.

Es una guerra entre Trump y sus SS contra las élites, banqueros y medios de comunicación.

Presta atención al panorama general. Trump ha arrestado y atrapado más anillos de pedófilos y tráfico de niños en el mundo... pero apuesto a que no lo sabías porque los medios de comunicación financiados por George Soros, propiedad de élite global) hacen que es un tonto.

Trump pasará a la historia en las próximas semanas. No hay necesidad de entrar en pánico o tener miedo. Todo esto está funcionando como necesita para que Trump y su equipo quiten la corrupción y el poder que ha impuesto tu dólar duro ganado, cargado tus préstamos y tarjetas de crédito con intereses y tiraron lana sobre tus ojos.

Vas a ver algunos grandes nombres que te llamen, hasta el punto en el que no querrás creerlo.

Si todavía crees que 9/11 fue un ataque terrorista de Osama Bin Ladin que entrenó a burros para volar cessnas, que entonces mágicamente se elevó en Boeing ' s y voló aviones de aluminio en torres reforzadas de acero de 580 m que se derrumbaron como una baraja de cartas, Sin mencionar la torre 7 que estaba a una cuadra pero doblada. (No olvidemos las 6 focas que derribaron a Osama que murieron en un misterioso accidente de helicóptero. DEP amigos).... están en una llamada de despertar.

Esta semana, los grandes bancos irán a la bancarrota, ya están de rodillas, el impuesto sobre la renta se irá y las élites ya no te gobernarán a ti ni el mundo.

Q (o desconocido)

#Pedogate #Childtrafficking #SaveTheChildren #EndHumanTrafficking #Apologize #QAnon #Qanon #TheQ #EyesWideOpen #AdrenoChrome #EndTheElites #TrumpKnows #Trump #PresidentTrump
#DonaldJTrump #TheRealDonaldTrump #DonaldTrump

América está de pie con Donald J. Trump


ALERT!!!! Q heeft vandaag gepost met de vermelding "go time


Dit is van Michelle Smallback:

Q heeft vandaag gepost met de vermelding "go time". Mijn man is een dierenarts van het leger en hij zei dat "Rig for Red" betekende dat ze moesten overstappen op hun rode lichten op hun geweervizier en uitrusting vlak voor ze de vijand aanvielen, zodat de vijand ze niet zou zien aankomen.

Dit betekent massale arrestaties en we weten dat dit wereldwijd gaat gebeuren, dus ze hadden een dekmantel nodig om het reizen te beperken en mensen klaar te stomen voor een onderbreking van de bevoorrading terwijl een financiële reset en de arrestaties plaatsvinden. President Trump probeert de Amerikanen te vertellen dat ze onder het mom van een pandemie voorbereid moeten zijn.

De aandelenmarkt moet zich aanpassen om een volledige reset uit te voeren en ons te verplaatsen naar een door goud gesteunde valuta en ons te ontdoen van de Fed. De beurs is al een tijdje valselijk opgeblazen. De CV is de perfecte "crisis" om er veel van te laten werken. Reizen zal waarschijnlijk voor een korte periode worden stilgelegd en misschien zullen alle scholen en universiteiten worden gesloten, zodat kinderen veilig thuis zijn bij hun ouders wanneer de arrestaties plaatsvinden. We zouden zelfs een periode van de huwelijkswet kunnen hebben om mogelijkheden voor plunderingen en rellen te onderdrukken.

Door mensen uit de buurt te houden van grote mensenmassa's worden valse vlaggen, massaschietpartijen of andere catastrofale gebeurtenissen tot een minimum beperkt. We kunnen geen schietpartij op school hebben als de kinderen niet op school zijn. - M]

Door de CV-crisis kan POTUS onze grenzen sluiten, zodat de binnenlandse veiligheid en ons leger zich kunnen richten op het bewaren van de vrede. Ook zei POTUS dat alles met het CV in april voorbij zal zijn. Hij zei het omdat hij weet dat het nep is en dat ze van plan zijn om in maart actie te ondernemen en tegen april zal het Amerikaanse publiek worden geïnformeerd over wat er is gebeurd en waarom.

India had een volle feestvreugde toen POTUS op bezoek kwam. Het is omdat hij een overeenkomst met India heeft gesloten om veel van de dingen die we China goedkoop laten produceren te gaan produceren en het zal India A LOT helpen. Ik denk dat China's leider er met Trump in zit, mogelijk. Toen Trump China bezocht, nam hij hem mee naar de Verboden Stad en dit is nog nooit gedaan met een andere wereldleider; waarschijnlijk heeft hij volledige privacy om te plannen. China heeft ook een Deep State, die samenwerkt met onze CIA en Deep State slechte acteurs; de Clintons, Bidens, Romney, Feinstein en anderen.

Doug Collins, Matt Gaetz, Ted Cruz, Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo en Mark Meadows zouden allemaal blootgesteld zijn aan CV. Wat is een betere manier om hun aanstaande afwezigheid in DC te verklaren dan quarantaine bij hen thuis? Q vertelde ons al dat wanneer de massa-arrestaties gebeuren, POTUS veilig het land uit zal zijn. AF1 kan continu vliegen, als het nodig is, omdat het in de lucht kan worden bijgetankt. President Trump neemt zijn huidige en toekomstige kabinetsleden mee in AF1 om ze uit de weg te houden en het zal niemand waarschuwen dat hij ze allemaal meeneemt! Hij heeft al aangekondigd dat Mark Meadows zijn nieuwe stafchef zal zijn.

De "quarantaine centra" zijn allemaal opgezet in gebieden waar de concentratie van verzegelde aanklachten het hoogst is. Dit verklaart waarom er prikkeldraad naar binnen is geschoven bij een die ik in een video zag. Dit worden detentiecentra voor de vele criminelen en verraders. Ze kunnen zelfs worden opgezet als gevangenissen met het grote aantal.

Gitmo heeft een multi-miljoen dollar upgrade gehad die is voltooid. Een nieuwe hoofdrechter is naar Gitmo gestuurd. Er is een grote hoeveelheid van onze troepen naar Gitmo gestuurd voor een opdracht van 2 jaar afgelopen zomer. Er werden $miljoenen uitgegeven aan het upgraden van de Justice gebouwen en advocatenkantoren in Gitmo en een andere militaire basis in de VS.

Ik geloof echt dat Trump, Gen Kelly en Gen Mattis niet op slechte voet staan. Ik geloof dat het allemaal een daad is om ze uit DC te halen en ze onder de radar te laten vliegen zodat ze bij Gitmo en de andere basis kunnen zijn om alles op te zetten voor de militaire tribunalen. Hetzelfde geldt voor Sessions; hij weet dat allemaal omdat hij AG was terwijl de onderzoeken plaatsvonden en de verzegelde aanklachten werden opgevoerd. Hij heeft zich waarschijnlijk teruggetrokken uit het Russische onderzoek om zich te kunnen concentreren op de andere onderzoeken en verzegelde aanklachten. Hij zou op slechte voet met POTUS zijn vertrokken, maar ik durf te wedden dat hij sinds zijn vertrek uit DC onder de radar werkt om alles klaar te krijgen.

Trump heeft veel van de Obama rechters en anderen vervangen die niet het juiste zouden doen als de massale arrestaties plaatsvinden. Dat heeft lang geduurd om ze te laten bevestigen en strategisch te plaatsen waar ze nodig zullen zijn. Hij heeft de meerderheid van de SCOTUS. Justice Roberts is zeer gecompromitteerd en zal worden vervangen door een andere Conservatieve Justice of heeft een deal gekregen om mee te gaan met een uitspraak tegen elke poging om te voorkomen dat gerechtigheid wordt gediend voor de misdadigers en verraders in onze regering.

Er is veel beweging geweest van de Nationale Garde en militaire uitrusting onder het mom van de noodtoestand voor het CV. Ze komen op hun plaats om te helpen bij eventuele civiele onrust die zal ontstaan wanneer mensen in paniek raken over de arrestaties of groepen zoals ANTIFA proberen problemen te veroorzaken omdat ze daarvoor door Soros zijn betaald.

Het internet, of in ieder geval alle sociale media, zal waarschijnlijk donker worden, dus raak niet in paniek als het gebeurt. Het zal niet voor altijd zijn. Ze testten het neerhalen van specifieke platformen en cell service een paar keer. De satellieten van de CIA zijn uitgeschakeld, dus ze zijn verblind. Ik vind het ook interessant dat Gina Haspel op het laatste SOTU-adres lachend oor aan oor was. CIA-directeuren wonen zelden of nooit SOTU-adressen bij.

De koningin van Engeland werd vrijdag voor het eerst kort buitengesloten in Windsor Castle. Het was een markering om degenen die Q volgen te vertellen dat het tijd is.

Een Q-post van september 2018 te lezen:

Castle Lock.

Dan is die direct na het lezen:

Paniek in het Verenigd Koninkrijk
Paniek in DC
Paniek in het Verenigd Koninkrijk
Paniek in DC

P atriotten
Een re
N ow
I n
C ontrollen in het Verenigd Koninkrijk en DC

"Niets kan stoppen wat er komt. Niets" -Q

Trump droeg een felgele stropdas in India en vandaag op de CV-persconferentie. Hij vertelt ons dat er geen virus is, omdat het precies dezelfde kleur is als de maritieme vlag die het schip vertegenwoordigt heeft geen besmette mensen aan boord. ER IS GEEN VIRUS. Elke staat die de meeste gevallen en sterfgevallen meldt, zijn alle Heiligdomstaten die worden gerund door Democratische slechte actoren in een poging om financiering voor het virus te krijgen, aangezien Trump alle federale fondsen voor Heiligdomstaten heeft afgesneden.

Zie je het nu?

Trump en Pence zijn overal heen gevlogen, hebben groepsevenementen bijgewoond, mensen geknuffeld, handen geschud... Ze maken zich geen zorgen omdat het Cvirus nep is...

-Bereid je voor op de krijgswet
-Wees klaar om scholen te sluiten.
-Bekwaam zijn om te reizen om te worden beperkt
-Wees klaar voor het internet om naar beneden te gaan
-Wees klaar met voorraden om je erdoorheen te krijgen tot het voorbij is.
-Bereid zijn om iedereen in paniek te vertellen dat het allemaal gepland is...


© Rinus Verhagen

The Real Danger of the Coronavirus

Italy is locked down. But there’s a greater danger facing us all.

Image courtesy of Pixabay
Iam sitting here in our apartment in Florence, Tuscany feeling both scared and defiant. The normally bustling street is quiet. After an extraordinary couple of weeks which has profoundly shocked Italy, the world is catching up. The news everywhere is dominated by the potential impact of Coronavirus.
Over the past fortnight here, the mood has shifted many times. The government and health officials attempted a calm and reassuring stance, realising that panic and misinformation could have catastrophic effects on the national psyche.
Fear of an epidemic is as old as mankind itself
Last week, the country’s president, Sergio Mattarella, called for the “irrational and motiveless fear” to stop.
The Italian Society of Psychiatrists (SIP) issued guidelines on how to cope with “Coronavirus stress and anxiety.”
Enrico Zanalda, president of the society talked of the “violent impact” on daily life. Fear of the virus has caused “the cancellation or postponement of thousands of small but important events in people’s lives from birthdays to baptisms.”
“Fear of an epidemic is as old as mankind itself. In this case its effect is amplified by incomplete, even false information which has caused public confidence in our institutions to collapse.”
Wise words.
Unfortunately, things have now taken another dramatic twist. As of the early hours of 10 March, Italy is now in total lockdown to try and contain the spread of Coronavirus. People are being told to stay at home and that “there is no red zone, just Italy”.
Schools and universities throughout Italy are already closed and public gatherings, funerals and weddings are banned throughout the country.
All religious gatherings have been stopped, although churches can have their doors open for private prayer.
City to city travel is allowed only if essential.
Many are praising the Prime Minister’s “brave decision”. I don’t think he had a choice, with media and political pressure, and the alarming rise in cases in the north.
But to me, it also sends the message that fear now rules and calm seems a lifetime away.

The “China” of Europe

Venice carnival was cancelled because of the Coronavirus outbreak. Image courtesy of Pixabay
Travel plans are now in tatters for millions. Many airlines have suspended flights to Italy. Those currently visiting for work or social reasons should have no trouble leaving in theory, but there are many cancelled flights and they may face checks or self-quarantine for 14 dayswhen they arrive at their destination.

The Figures Today

As of 13 March there have been 17,660 positive tests. Of those 1266 have died and 1439 have recovered. Twenty regions plus Vatican City are affected.
Tuscany, where I live, has got 470 confirmed cases of the virus.
The majority of positive cases do not need hospital care and are in self isolation at their homes.

Knock-On Effect

Hotels are at ten percent occupancy. They say the effect on the economy is worse than 9/11. I can believe it.
There is a noticeable lack of visitors. Everyone, from the restaurants, designer shops and five-star hotels to tour guides, wedding planners and villas in the hinterland, has been affected.
My husband is the chaplain of St. Mark’s Anglican church in Florence. There is now no public worship allowed, but he is keeping the doors open at the usual times for private prayer. If ever there was a time when a vicar is needed, this is it.
He has written some special prayers for people afraid of the coronavirus. You can find them here.
The city of Florence is noticeably empty, but not this empty. I took this photo last year early on a hot summer’s day! Picture: Fiona Cameron Lister
The sense of fear and uncertainty is greater every day. Students from American universities were told last Saturday to pack up and leave immediately. Now British universities are following suit.
Everyone is afraid. And that is the key.

The Real Virus

For the media, whose life-blood is a dramatic story with minute-by-minute developments, the coronavirus is a gift.
There are special programmes on Covid-19. Outside testing centres, journalists deliver their reports with masks on. The papers show alarming pictures of patients in intensive care.
Meanwhile abroad, headlines like those in the UK Daily Mail screaming: LIFE ON HOLD FOR THREE MONTHS because of the “deadly virus” simply stir up more panic.
Theories abound on the Internet. Is it a plot to cut population numbers? A massive deception to distract us from some other problem they don’t want us to know about? Did the virus originate in a lab near the Wuhan fish market? Is there something big they’re not telling us? Are we all doomed?
This is where mass hysteria can so easily take hold.
The greatest fear is that of the unknown. It is a primal terror that can make neighbour turn on neighbour, can make us racist, selfish and irrational.
It doesn’t take much to start a panic and we are teetering on the brink.
That is what I am really afraid of. That this situation and its exaggerated, apocalyptic reporting has now become a self-fulfilling prophesy.
We already know that a rumour, say about a possible water shortage, can cause a stampede on bottled water which in turn results in a real crisis.
All over the world there are pictures of people clearing supermarket shelves in preparation for a lockdown.
It doesn’t take much to start a panic and we are teetering on the brink.

Getting Things in Perspective

At this moment there are over 500,000 people in bed with flu (“normal” flu, not Coronavirus). The average death rate from flu-related illness over the last five years is 8000 a year.
I know this is not like normal flu. I have read the stats like everyone else. I understand that in a worst case scenario public health systems will be overwhelmed.
We all understand that there is danger in underestimating a threat.
But there is danger in overestimating one too.
If we published hour-by-hour figures of flu deaths and it was our only topic of conversation, we would soon have public hysteria.
I am advocating a realistic, calm assessment of the current situation, carefully navigating that fragile area between fact and emotion.
Most people unlucky enough to be affected by the virus will recover.
Italy has an ageing population. The majority of deaths have been those over 70 years old, mostly with pre-existing health conditions. Half the deaths have been people over 80. This is tragic for the families. I am in no way minimizing how awful it is to lose someone of whatever age.
However, it is significant in terms of fatalities for a disease.
Most people unlucky enough to be affected by the virus will recover.
I’m not a doctor, but from what I have read, if you have a strong immune system, you will probably be fine.
If you wash your hands regularly and take sensible precautions, you should minimise any risk of catching the virus.

Mind Games

People can literally scare themselves to death. Fear and worry suppress the immune system by flooding us with various hormones, including cortisol and adrenaline.
The mind and immune system are in a delicate balance. Stress, whether chronic or sudden, can make us ill or kill us.
The Coronavirus will definitely affect you if you succumb to fear. Writing this, I know it has already affected me. I have a little knot in my solar plexus. I woke up at 3 am this morning thinking about it.
This has to stop. I need to take control of my brain and not indulge in obsessive scanning of the internet or other fear-inducing activity.
I know the immune system is strengthened by healthy eating, exercise and laughter. So I am going to take positive action:
  • I resolve to watch a comedy programme rather than Sky News.
  • I will change the subject if people start engaging in gossip or anxiety-based rumours.
  • I will eat well and sleep as long as I can.
  • I will walk for half an hour each day.
  • I will try to remember that Italy’s population is 60.48 million, and that I should get things in perspective.
Since I wrote this article, I have been accused (in the comments below) of being “a danger to the public”, “stupid”, “reckless” and an “idiot” just because I am urging people to stay calm and not waste the only time you have (the present moment) in obsessive worry.
People have pasted statistics and links to prove their argument, missing the whole point of what I am saying.
Ultimately, we will not really be able to do much about the outcome of the Coronavirus.
We can do something about the other, far more dangerous and contagious one. The virus of fear.
It’s time to take back control.


The Billionaires Behind the LGBTQ & Transgender Agenda: George Soros, Peter Buffett, Tim Gill and the Stryker Dynasty Have Donated HUNDREDS of Millions to the Cause

If you’ve ever stopped to wonder just how the LGBT movement, particularly the ‘T’ group, came crashing down on society like a sudden avalanche of sexual anarchy, you’re not alone. With the Supreme Court decision of Obergefell v. Hodges in 2015, it seems as though the levee burst in America. According to a well-researched article from Jennifer Bilek of First Things, that’s exactly how the billionaires behind the LGBT movement planned it.

In fact, much of the explosion of all things LGBTQ in society in recent years can be traced back to the heirs to a gargantuan medical device fortune, — the Stryker Dynasty — but not without a helping hand from affiliates of George Soros’ Open Society Foundations and assorted wealthy LGBT activists, such as Peter Buffett (son of billionaire Warren Buffett) and megadonor Tim Gill — who funneled no less than half a BILLION dollars to support the agenda.

The Billionaires Behind The Lgbt & Transgender Agenda
Bilek juxtaposes the image of homosexuality in the past and present in our society. Until very recently, she notes, “gays and lesbians were underdogs, vastly outnumbered and loosely organized, sometimes subject to discrimination and abuse.

Their story was tragic, their suffering dramatized by AIDS and Rock Hudson, Brokeback Mountain and Matthew Shepard.”

“Today’s movement, however, looks nothing like that band of persecuted outcasts,” Bilek continues. “The LGBT rights agenda — note the addition of ‘T’ — has become a powerful, aggressive force in American society. Its advocates stand at the top of media, academia, the professions, and, most important, Big Business and Big Philanthropy.”

There’s a very long list of billionaires and (their) foundations that planned and financed the Transgender Agenda

Case in point: Jon Stryker. Jon is the grandson of Homer Stryker, an inventor and orthopedic surgeon who founded the Stryker Corporation, which sold $13.6 billion in surgical supplies and software in 2018 alone. Jon Stryker is the heir to the fortune, and he’s also a homosexual.

Beginning a lengthy career of pro-LGBT and environmentalist philanthropy, the younger Stryker created the Arcus Foundation, whose mission is “to ensure that LGBT people and our fellow apes thrive in a world where social and environmental justice are a reality.”

Among other causes, Arcus gave more than $58.4 million to pro-LGBT programs between 2007 and 2010 alone. Stryker himself gave over $30 million to Arcus in that three-year period through his inherited stock in Stryker Corporation.

We then follow the thread to Jon’s sister, Ronda Stryker. She is married to William Johnston, chairman of Greenleaf Trust, a wealth management firm where Jon Stryker served as a founding board member. Ronda is also the vice-chair of Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia, which received a $2 million Arcus grant for a queer studies program.

Johnston and Ronda Stryker have given Spelman $30 million overall, the largest gift from living donors in the school’s 137-year history. Ronda is also a trustee of Kalamazoo College, which received a $23 million Arcus social justice leadership grant in 2012, and a member of the Harvard Medical School Board of Fellows.

Bilek also notes that Pat Stryker, another sister of Jon’s, has worked closely with entrepreneur and gay megadonor Tim Gill. In 1999, Gill sold his stakes in Quark, his computer software company, and began the Gill Foundation.

Alongside Pat Stryker and two other wealthy philanthropists, Gill funneled half a billion dollars [HALF A BILLION!!!] into various LGBT “rights” groups and launched a strategy to flip Colorado from a red state to a blue state. It has enjoyed stunning success.

If Tim Gill’s name sounds familiar, it may be due to his infamous statement in a speech at the 2015 GLSEN Respect Awards that he would “punish the wicked,” referring to people like Christian cake artist Jack Phillips. In his speech, he was introducing Jon Stryker, saying that he and Jon have “plotted, schemed, hiked, and skied together,” while “punishing the wicked and rewarding the good.”

Now that we know who the players are, what exactly have they done?
In the exposé, Bilek notes Stryker’s heavy hand in pushing transgender ideology long before Obergefell.

Stryker donated millions to pro-transgender groups both big and small. He sent hundreds of thousands of dollars to ILGA, an LGBT organization for “equality” in Europe and Central Asia, and Transgender Europe, which funds smaller organizations in various countries.

In 2008, Arcus founded the Arcus Operating Foundation to organize conferences, leadership programs, and research. That year in Bellagio, Italy, twenty-nine international leaders attended a meeting of the Foundation and vowed to support LGBT issues through global philanthropy.

In attendance was Michael O’Flaherty, a rapporteur for the 2006 Yogyakarta Principles on the Application of International Human Rights Law in Relation to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. The Yogyakarta Principles planted the seeds “to bring in and attach gender-identity ideology to our legal structures,” Bilek explains.

O’Flaherty has served on the United Nations Human Rights Committee since 2004. In 2008, United Nations member countries formed the LGBTI Core Group specifically to focus on global LGBT issues. Group members include Arcus-funded organizations like Outright Action International and, of course, the U.N. Human Rights Commission.

Core Group member countries include Albania, Australia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, El Salvador, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, Montenegro, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, the United Kingdom, the United States, Uruguay, and the European Union, as well as the Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Also at the Bellagio meeting, Bilek points out, Arcus established the LGBT Movement Advancement Project (MAP) to “track the complex system of advocacy and funding that would promote gender identity / transgenderism in the culture.”

From there, these pro-transgender initiatives sink their tendrils into society by training leaders in political activism, leadership, transgender law, religious liberty, education, and civil rights.

The list of such leaders and their Arcus-funded groups, Bilek says, is “daunting,” including the Victory Institute, the Center for American Progress, the ACLU, the Transgender Law Center, Trans Justice Funding Project, OutRight Action International, Human Rights Watch, GATE, Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA), The Council for Global Equality, the U.N., Amnesty International, and GLSEN.

Perhaps one of the biggest areas in which these groups are working is in public education, especially with regard to the perverse sex education programs being foisted upon children in America and across the globe.

“The Sexuality Information and Education Council of the U.S. (SIECUS), in partnership with Advocates for Youth, Answer, GLSEN, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation, and Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), has initiated a campaign using a rights-based framework to inform approaches in reshaping cultural narratives of sexuality and reproductive health,” Bilek adds. “Sixty-one additional organizations have signed a letter supporting an overhaul of current curriculums.”

In 2013, the Arcus Foundation named Adrian Coman as director of its international human rights program. Coman has previously worked with George Soros’ Open Society Foundations to push transgender ideology and begin initiatives to normalize transgender children.

In 2015, Arcus worked closely with and funded pro-transgender programs for NoVo Foundation which was founded by Peter Buffett, son of billionaire Warren Buffett.

“These programs and initiatives advance gender identity ideology by supporting various faith organizations, sports and cultural associations, police department training and educational programs in grade schools, high schools (GLSEN, whose founder was brought to Arcus in 2012 as board of directors, has influenced many K-12 school curricula), and universities and medical institutions — including the American Psychological Foundation (APF),” Bilek explains.

“Arcus funds help APF (the leading psychology organization in the United States) develop guidelines for establishing trans-affirmative psychological practices. Psychologists are ‘encouraged’ by those monies to modify their understanding of gender, broadening the range of biological reality to include abstract, medical identities.”

This intricate web of massively wealthy donors may very well be the primary reason for homosexuality and transgenderism being so rapidly accepted and embraced by the “enlightened” of society in spite of stark warnings from endocrinologists like Dr. Michael Laidlaw who point to stacks of evidence that gender theory and “transitioning” poses immense danger to children, or psychologists like Ray Blanchard who point out that the vast majority of gender dysphoric children revert to their biological gender if allowed to naturally experience puberty.

How do treatments that threaten sterility, possible risks to bone density, cognition, sexual function, and cardiac health become the standard of care? It’s simple, really.

These treatments don’t grow on trees, in fact they cost quite a pretty penny.

Through their pervasive pro-transgender “philanthropy,” Stryker and company have sparked an epidemic of transgenderism, arguably a virulent, “socially contagious” mental illness. This epidemic cries out for puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and all manner of surgeries to force the body to match the mind.

The medical community stands to benefit to an obscene degree from the wholesale mutilation of these children, and, in turn, they turn around and support the very organizations pumping the world full of pro-transgender dogma.

These wicked people have billions of dollars at their disposal to advance their sick agenda. We, however, have something much more valuable on our side. We have the truth. Never forget that, and never stop fighting!

David Icke is exposing the transgender agenda in the following interview:

Source: / Reference:


Let's ro on impeachment then! Then we can

Let's roll on impeachment then! Then we can #ImpeachPelosi

Crazy talk in here...trump is ahead of dems 10 steps although this guy has a handle on it.... :)

By: Hyram F. Suddfluffel, PhD, (Political Science)

I have a degree in Political Science, and I am a card-carrying Libertarian. I've been studying politics and political history for the past 30 years. My specialty is U.S. Presidents. That said, I hope that the House of
Representatives [tries to!(ln)] impeaches Trump. Let me tell you what will happen next!

1. The House can pass articles of impeachment over the objections of the
Republicans, and refer to the Senate for trial.

2. The Senate will conduct a trial. There will be a vote, and the Republicans will vote unanimously, along with a small number of Democrats, to not convict the President. Legally, it will all be over at that point.

3. However, during the trial, and this is what no one is thinking about right now, the President's attorneys will have the right to subpoena and question ANYONE THEY WANT. That is different than the special counsel
investigation, which was very one-sided. So, during the impeachment trial, we will be hearing testimony from James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr, Glenn Simpson, Donna Brazile, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch,
Christopher Steele, Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, James Clapper, and a whole host of other participants in this whole sordid affair and the ensuing cover up activities.

A lot of dirt will be dug up; a lot of truth will be unveiled. Finger pointing will occur. Deals will start being made, and suddenly, a lot of democrats will start being charged and going to prison.

All this, because, remember, the President's team will now, for the first time, have the RIGHT to question all of these people under oath – and they will turn on each other. That is already starting.

4. Lastly, one more thing will happen, the Senate will not convict the President. Nothing will happen to Trump. Most Americans are clueless about political processes, the law, and the Constitution. Most Americans believe
that being impeached results in removal from office. They don't understand that phase 2 is a trial in and by the Senate, where he has zero chance of conviction. Remember, the Senate is controlled by Republicans; they will
determine what testimony is allowed -- and **everything** will be allowed, including: DNC collusion with the Clinton campaign to fix the election in favor of Hillary, the creation of the Trump dossier, the cover up and
destruction of emails that very likely included incriminating information.

They will incriminate each other for lying to the FISA court, for spying and wiretapping the Trump campaign, and for colluding with foreign political actors, especially George Soros. After the Senate declines to convict the
President, we will have an election, and Trump will win. It will be a backlash against democrat petulance, temper tantrums, hypocrisy and dishonesty. Even minorities will vote for Trump, because, for the first time, they will see that democrats have spent 2+ years focused on maintaining their own power, and not doing anything at all about black murders in Chicago, homelessness, opioids, and other important issues that are actually killing people. And, we will spend the following four years listening to politicians and pundits claim that the whole impeachment was rigged.

So let's move on to impeachment.
Hyram F. Suddfluffel, PhD


Project SCoPEx: Bill Gates pursuing a plan to carry out planetary GENOCIDE under the guise of halting “climate change”

Image: Project SCoPEx: Bill Gates pursuing a plan to carry out planetary GENOCIDE under the guise of halting “climate change”
(Natural News) SCoPEx is an acronym for “Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment,” and it’s the name of a new Bill Gates-funded global genocide experiment designed to eliminate most living humans by collapsing the biosphere. The dangerous SCoPEx plan, which is being masterminded by mad scientists at Harvard, falls right in line with the genocidal dreams of communist Democrat presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, who recently announced his endorsement for expanding mass abortions across Third World nations in order to achieve accelerated depopulation of brown and black people.
Both SCoPEx and Bernie Sander’s eugenics population control scheme are being packaged under the label of halting “climate change,” a false, manufactured crisis invented by globalists to spread mass hysteria and convince the people of the world to surrender all remaining liberties.
“This is not the crackpot plan of a garden-shed inventor,” writes the UK Daily Mail. “The project is being funded by billionaire and Microsoft founder Bill Gates and pioneered by scientists at Harvard University.”

Recreating massive volcanic eruptions that caused a global collapse of food crops

The SCoPEx project seeks to replicate the effects of an apocalyptic volcano disaster such as the 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora, which ejected so much particulate matter into the atmosphere that it produced what was called, “the year without a summer.” Food crops failed across the planet, leading to mass starvation and disease. This is what Bill Gates and today’s mad scientists are working to replicate through artificial means. And yes, it’s all about unleashing mass starvation, genocide and depopulation on a global scale.
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The mechanism by which this is achieved is rather straightforward. By ejecting millions of tons of particulate matter (i.e. pollution) into the stratosphere, a measurable amount of sunlight is blocked and prevented from reaching the surface of the Earth, where plants grow. All plants need sunlight and carbon dioxide for photosynthesis, so reducing sunlight — even a little — would devastate plant-based food webs, food crops and ecosystems across the planet. Because marine ecosystems also depend on the photosynthesis that takes place in phytoplankton, the pillar of marine food webs, much of ocean life as we know it today would also collapse, leading to a cascading ecological nightmare that would destroy global food supplies and lead to the mass starvation of humans, land animals and sea creatures.
We aren’t the only ones concerned about the implications of planetary-scale geoengineering and deliberate mass pollution of the skies. Even the UK Daily Mail admits the project generates, “fears that it could trigger a disastrous series of chain reactions, creating climate havoc in the form of serious droughts and hurricanes, and bring death to millions of people around the world.” The UK Daily Mail continues:
One fear is that spreading dust into the stratosphere may damage the ozone layer that protects us from hazardous ultraviolet radiation which can damage human DNA and cause cancers. Climatologists are also concerned that such tinkering could unintentionally disrupt the circulation of ocean currents that regulate our weather. This itself could unleash a global outbreak of extreme climatic events that might devastate farmland, wipe out entire species and foster disease epidemics… This dream ‘fix’ seems to have plenty of potential to become a global nightmare.
Note that this is all being deliberately rolled out in the name of “climate change,” which has become the cry of genocidal maniacs like Bill Gates, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders… people who now openly talk about global-scale eugenics and depopulation as “the only way to save the planet.” Warren even claims that humanity only has 11 years remaining on planet Earth before a climate apocalypse destroys everything. So they use this fabricated fear to justify mass murder, essentially telling the world that billions of humans are going to have to die in order to prevent the planet from collapsing. Yet the real collapse is being engineered by these same people who actively seek to carry out planet-scale genocide.
If successful, they will kill 1000 times more people than the Holocaust. We’re talking about roughly six billion humans being annihilated by globalists, all in the name of “saving the planet.” It’s difficult to out-Hitler Hitler, but Bill Gates may yet go down in history as the man who spearheaded a global pollution program that murdered six billion humans. (All in the name of caring about the environment, of course.)

No longer a theory; these programs are funded and being rolled out right now

It’s no longer a conspiracy theory that the world’s political and science leaders want to mass murder humanity: It’s now admitted and right out in the open. The experiments are already funded and under way at this very moment. All voices of reason who are sounding the alarm on this issue are censored, silenced, de-platformed and ridiculed. Yet the experiments are under way right now to systematically pollute the atmosphere. Now, thanks to the lunacy of the climate change cult, the goal is to pollute the planet and block the sun, then collapse global food webs and starve out billions of people.
Watch my exclusive video explaining all this, and share everywhere you can.
I will be discussing this global eugenics agenda in great detail in an upcoming live event in Branson, Missouri. The event is produced by which also sells live streaming access to watch all the speakers, spanning three days. My talk focuses on the terraforming agenda and the globalist plan to eliminate most human beings from planet Earth, preparing Earth for what I call a “post-human era.”

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...