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Donald Trump Is About To Arrest Obama and Clinton




~~ IN ORDER TO ~~ 

Corsi: Donald Trump Is About To Arrest Obama and Clinton


Published on Apr 4, 2018
Trump is about to make arrests according to Jerome Corsi.
Treason charges and military tribunals may happen THIS YEAR!
Will Hillary end up in Gitmo?
Will Obama be sent to Leavenworth?


Trump Prepares To Declare California “In State Of Rebellion”—Then Establish New Government

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
An interesting new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today reveals that during President Donald Trump’s first visit yesterday to the State of California since his being elected, he met secretly with top officials of the US military, CIAFBI and Homeland Security at the San Diegobased Marine Corps Air Station Miramar—thereafter making a visit to the Los Angeles area so secretive that local police officials were not allowed to know anything about it—but where he met with the founders of the “State of New California” who just weeks ago declared their independence—all moves, this report says, show clearly that Trump is preparing to declare that California is in “ a state of rebellion”—that then gives Trumpunlimited power under the United States Constitution’s “Guarantee Clause” to extinguish California’s current government and establish a new one. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

California Governor Jerry Brown versus President Donald Trump

According to this report, upon Trumpwinning his election victory in November, 2016, California’s leftist-communist government declared political and litigious war on the duly elected president of the United States—and who then began passing rebellious State laws in direct defiance of US Federal laws—that last week caused Trump’s Attorney General Jeff Sessions to travel directly to California where he delivered a fiery speech declaring that the US Governmentwas filing injunctions and lawsuits against this State—with Sessions then being responded to by California Governor Jerry Brown who accused President Donald Trump’s administration of “declaring war” on this most populous USState—and that caused America’s largest newspaper USA Today, in their article yesterday titled “Could Trump And Sessions Send Federal Troops To California Over Immigration?”, to gravely warn: “Is California the next Little Rock?  Recent statements by Attorney General Jeff Sessions suggest that it might be.”
Reminiscent of the 20th century State and local “Jim Crow Laws” that enforced racial segregation in the Southern United States in direct defiance of US Federallaw, this report continues, California’srebellion against President Trump and the US Federal government has set it upon an ominous path whose similarities to the 1861-1865 American Civil War can no longer be ignored—most particularly due to California’s Attorney General Xavier Becerra, this past July (2017), shockingly approving an official ballot matter for the 2018 November election to decide ifCalifornia will secede from the United States and become its own country.

Known as Calexit II, this report explains, this official ballot measure would repeal a provision of the State’s constitution that says California is “an inseparable part of the United States—and who have now been joined another powerful group named Cal Con Con whose goal is convening a US Constitutional Convention to overhaul what they call a “moldy national blueprint” (i.e. US Constitution) out of step with life in California, and make a “clear and reasonable path for States to achieve complete independence from the United States should any State so choose”.

Fearful of what their leftist-communists lawmakers are doing in trying to separate California from the rest of the United States and become its own nation, this report notes, are tens-of-thousands of this State’s citizens still loyal to the Union—and who, just weeks ago, “declared their independence” from California naming their new territory “New California”—and who are establishing their new Stateby the book” citing Article 4Section 3 of the US Constitution and their working to accomplish their goals of freedom similar to the way West Virginia was created during the American Civil War—and who, like their California followers today, established the new State of West Virginiaby their declaring their independence after Virginia seceded from the Union.

Though President Trump has at his disposal to use against these rebellions California leftist-communist lawmakers 18 US Code, Section 2383 that would jail them all for being in rebellion against the United States, this report details, SVRintelligence analysts state that by his historic “actions and personality” he is, instead, preparing to invoke the United States Constitution’s “Guarantee Clause”—most specifically due to the 1849 ruling named Luther v. Borden wherein the US Supreme Court found that it was up to the President and Congress to enforce the “Guarantee Clause” and that, as an inherently political question, it was outside the purview of the Court—thus establishing that the “republican form of government” clause of Article Four was non-justiciable, a ruling that still holds today.
With the US Supreme Court, therefore having ruled that the “Guarantee Clause” cannot even be questioned by any American Court of any kind or jurisdiction, this report concludes, President Trump’s power to use and enforce it against a California in rebellion are unlimited—and under whose provisions orders him to ensure that all of States have a republican form of government only—and whose actions against these leftist-communist rebels, many experts believe, will begin once Trump fires Attorney General Jeff Sessions and replaces him former US Attorney, and current US CongressmanTrey Gowdy—who is said “will provide the bulldog mentality that Trump will need to carry out the mandate to Make America Great Again and to bring these California rebels to justice”.

March 14, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us,that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]
[Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green(1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]
[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]


Terminating the contract system

One of the main tools of the prison system of the Earth has been manipulating people to reach an agreement on their own free will slavery. This can be easily seen with the manipulation of mass media, however there is a deeper and important layer for this, which are all contracts that have been signed by people over many thousands of years in the penitentiary system the earth.

When we die, we do not jump automatically solve all our problems magically merge with our Soul / Spirit and out of prison on Earth. What happens instead is that we cross to the density that is above us. Densities are states of matter, the denser solid matter, then liquid, then gas, then the plasma, the etheric, astral, etc., as shown in the following chart:

In this graph, you can see seven main planes, each divided into seven subplanes. The physical world is only three subplanes in the bottom of the graph: "dense, liquid and gas." The top gas is dotted line plane plasma. 4 subplanes above plasma are the etheric plane. 7 subplanes etheric above are the astral plane.

It is important to understand that even when we are incarnated in a physical body, we still have plasma, etheric and astral bodies (and all previous drawings), connected to our physical body. There is always communication between planes: something that happens in the liquid level can affect the solid plane, the same with the plasma, etheric, astral, etc.

The veil  , electromagnetic fence that surrounds the planet Earth, exists in physical, plasma, etheric, astral and lower mental planes simultaneously. It has been blocking the vast majority of people entering and leaving Earth. Soul / Spirit itself is not caught, but his incarnations.

The dotted line in the middle of the mental plane represents the end of the world based on 3 dimensions: height and length of depth. All higher planes are pure fluids Love and light which can not exist disharmony, darkness or anomaly, only Love and pure light.

When we die, our consciousness withdraws from the ( "dense and liquid gas") physical world and ascends into the etheric planes and astral. What happens then depends on the choices, circumstances and conscience of people.

The film Nosso Lar is based on a true story as it was told to the medium Chico Xavier, who was famous in Brazil for helping people communicate with their deceased loved ones by providing details about their private lives that he could not have known without being psychic  in this film we follow the story of a doctor who dies and is in the etheric and astral planes.
After dying, he wakes up in a totally dark, desolate and awful world, where people do not have resources and constantly react negative patterns.

This is the etheric plane plasma and in the state he was in prison on Earth.

Seeks and finds grace there, until it is at the end of his rope and prays to God for help. Help arrives and is rescued by people surrounded by an aura of light.

Bring it to a beautiful city:

Cobra has talked about these cities:  

"In fact, at higher astral planes there are areas of light where people can go after they die if they have a sufficiently high vibrational frequency have beautiful landscapes, beautiful buildings, beautiful surroundings but are still tied.. Land for quarantine sooner or later have to return and reincarnate, because the archons still have control over them. " 

 Control system see this clearly in the movie. The city is surrounded by walls

And people can not leave, are discouraged from doing so and, if they do become injured. The whole structure and hierarchy of the city makes people reincarnate, it is actually the only option available to people. There is never mention of moving to a different, or even stay on the astral plane planet. People trying to find a different option are rather embarrassed and considered  "unspiritual" for "not surrender to the divine plan." Again, Cobra has described this situation:  

"It 's also that guides the forces of Light are manipulated by the Archons in the etheric plane, and generally want to do good but are brainwashed, like spiritual teachers on the physical plane, it is quite similar. " 

It is also quite similar to what we see in the medical system on the physical plane. Many hospital employees are well intentioned, but they are brainwashed to poison people daily. 

 In these astral cities, they are told to people to solve their personal problems and make spiritual progress must reincarnate and make a reincarnation specific plan to return to act in these matters. This plan is a contract, which states that accept forget everything during the process of rebirth, and accept suffering for the next life. This is based on the false teachings of karma, which I explained in a previous article: It 

might be necessary to balance the power between the people involved, for example, who broke the recipient can buy another vessel owner or repair, or do some other type of service to compensate vigorously. Or the owner of the bowl could simply forgive and the infinite abundance of Source equilibrate automatically somehow things, not taking away anything who broke the bowl, but giving them both what was necessary. Resources and abundance are unlimited. " not taking away anything who broke the bowl, but giving both what is necessary. Resources and abundance are unlimited. "  Not taking away anything who broke the bowl, but giving both what is necessary.  The resources and wealth are unlimited."

There are many other contracts that people in prison have signed Earth. Atlantis late first, many human (not starseeds) were deceived and promised wealth and power to the dark forces in exchange for the implementation and signing contracts with them. Then, when conflicts on the planet were so strong that the forces of light withdrew, the dark established prison Earth with a border around the planet, preventing all they enter and leave. All within the veil they were forced to sign contracts with the dark, who accept suffering, who accept the conditions of the dark forces, who do not receive assistance from the forces of Light, etc. 

Then in our modern life, many contracts and agreements with the clique were made. The main thing is the birth certificate, which actually is a title owned by the government, which states that have copyright on the name of birth and, therefore, have all registered under this name. This is the reason why in the world can not buy your birth certificate, people can only obtain copies of extracts from it. 

The purpose of these contracts is energetic, have the signature of people give energy to power the dark forces to manifest what they want. 
The solution to these contracts is also strong. We are sovereign beings of Light, incarnations of the Fountain. The will of the fountain is the most powerful force in creation, and wants us free. We are not subject to crazy contracts are disconnected from the Source. To express our free will to revoke these contracts, we can free ourselves from them. We are not out of the prison of the Earth instantly because free will is not respected fully here, but increases the flow of light in our energy field and helps protect us largely. 

In an earlier conference Cobra, he shared with us a contract cancellation I will share here. He advised us to write this text, fully uniéramos our intention, we declare loud and we keep working.

"In the name of I am that I am, in the name of the divine presence of the soul that I am, in the name of all light beings promoted in the name of the Galactic Confederation, in the name of the galactic center, decree and command cancel and void all my contracts and past, present and future events agreements between any part of my being and the dark forces. all these contracts and agreements and all its consequences are now completely erased from my reality. I am now free, all karma my whole being erased now.  

I am a sovereign and free to be light, from now until eternity.  

so be it, and it is.  
in light  

* Sign your name here *  

I recommend everyone to do this, create powerful positive changes for us personally, and the more people do it, less fuel will the dark forces to keep the prison on Earth, the faster will the event and the total liberation for all . 

Victory of Light!


Light and darkness

Positives groups


Galactic Confederation

Cobra ) also called the Galactic Federation. This is a confederal union of positive civilizations around the galaxy, such as Pleiadians, Sirians, Arctuarios ... Its leaders are Ascended Masters, beings living in an enlightened state of consciousness. Ashtar Command forms part of the Galactic Confederation and its main objective is to liberate Earth from the dark forces.
The Galactic Confederation has motherships in Earth orbit and are camouflaged with Tachyon membrane that makes undetectable to radars Cabal. They have prevented nuclear wars on earth again and again. They have also prevented earthquakes, to stabilize the tectonic activity on the planet. Their motivation is to share happiness and love they have achieved as a result of their spiritual growth.
There is a strong disinformation campaign against the Galactic Confederation that started from mediadios 90s, when the Cabal realized the danger posed to the New World Order (NWO, for its acronym in English). Many conctactos of Confereción on earth were subject to intense MONARCH mental programming sessions, and indeed "Ashtar Command" was a trigger phrase to trigger severe reactions of denial. This program caused many contacts stop communicating, and channeled instead to astral carcazas. This was used in turn to prove that the pipeline is inefficient to obtain accurate information from sources Hyperdimensional method. Today there are few reliable channels,

Resistance Movement

This is a group of freedom fighters who live under the earth, on top of the crust terrestre.Tienen constant contact with underground Pleiadian bases in the Himalayas and Bora Bora. His public representative is Cobra.
With the help of the Confederation, they have gotten rid of all Reptilian bases was in this solar system. After 2000 also vaciarion all reptilians underground bunkers in various battles. Then concentrated to divert funds to other secret projects involving technology and military programs were funded, which managed existosamente.
Then they infiltrated its agents within the military and other agencies to help the Positive Milicia with his plan, which is about to bear fruit at any time. Motivation Resistance Movement is to rid the planet so she can stop living in caves and assist in missions around the galaxy.

Positive Milicia

This is the most powerful group on the planet's surface. They have developed a plan for planetary liberation with help (undetected) of the Resistance Movement. Approximately 3/4 of the army agrees with this plan and this is sufficient critical mass to carry out the plan. Drake is their public representative.
Most people in this group is not aware of the involvement of the Resistance Movement. Some of the people in important positions know the Resistance Movement, but would not admit it, because it is still classified information.
This is a group that has not formally a leader, but whose motivation is the liberation of humanity. Especially in the US


Also called Faction 2 or sometimes White Hats. This group originates from European nobility which is almost eliminated by Rothschild. They have a strong military base in the US (Marine), United Kingdom and Continental Europe. Her pubic representative is Lord Blackheath. Right now they are working in partnership of 134 nations attending the creation of the new financial system. Cooperate with the positive Milicia. His main motivation is to end the Federal Reserve and ending the Rothschilds, his old enemy.

They should not be confused with Group Travel Zionists Templars that are part of the Rothschild faction, although there are a couple of Templars Rothschild agents infiltrated within positive groups.

Mixed groups

Yin Yang

The White Dragon Society

This group represents the interests of an ancient Chinese royal lineage, supported by many groups within martial arts organizations around the world. Your contact is Benjamin Fulford. Its main objective is to defeat the Cabal, yet their intentions are not entirely pure, believe because they see their role in the new company to be created after the event will be a bit domineering and controlling. They also have a great interest in the funds to be released after the defeat of the Cabal. In fact the resistance had different problems with them in February 2012 with secret negotiations on the new financial system and this resulted in delays in the Event.

Iluminatis Gnostics

This group originates from ancient lineages within the Russian nobility, and was part of the Cabal a few generations ago. After the Rothschilds destroyed the Romanov dynasty this group split from the Cabal and decided to fight the Rotschilds, although they usango the same symbolism of the Illuminati and part of their ideology. Their motivation is to destroy the Rothschilds and avenge the Romanovs. They have contact with the mafia in Russia and Eastern Europe, and also with the Templars. His spokesman is Alexander Romanoff. They are infiltrated significantly with Rothschild agents. This group will be drastically restructured after the event.

Negatives groups

Game Over

Rothschild faction

Controlled Europe, the financial sector by the Federal Reserve and most of the media. Their leader is Jacob de Rothschid and its connections with Henry Kissinger influence the Rockefeller faction. David Rothschild and his wife Olimpia Aldobrandini influence the Jesuit faction. Black Nobility of Europe (excluding Italy) belongs to this faction. They are mostly oscruos Rigelians monarchs originated in Atlantis, and were responsible for its destruction by the "univesal deluge." His main motivation was to conquer the world, but now their priority is to gather even a little money to control the media for as long as possible and not be arrested in the process.

Rockefeller faction

Controlled the US oil trade, pharmaceuticals, food production and the army. They smuggled Nazi scientists within the US and for that reason they are also called  Illuminazi Their true leader is David Rockefeller (living until recently in his small apartment on East 65th st. NY), with Volksführer George Busch Sr. and counselor-strategist Heinz Kissinger at his side. They are mostly Draconian beings that used to have millions of Reptilian slaves in their galactic empire, which wanted to replicate on earth. His main motivation was to create turn society into a dictatorship based on slavery.Now his main motivation is to escape to the South Pole with at least a backpack and not be arrested .

Jesuit faction

This faction was very powerful until the early 1800s when the Rothschild enpezaron to consolidate. Approximately 10% of the Jesuits belong to this group, along with some cardinals, Pope Black Adolfo Nicolás, Pope Joseph Ratzinger White and black nobility of Italy This faction was created in 325 at the Council of Nicea, where Constantine created the Catholic Worship and began to disappear Gnostic mysteries (like the Gnostic Christianity). Eking out another inquisition and date infiltrate various Christian organizations. Its sphere of influence principal is in South America and Africa Before his main motivation was spiritual control of humanity.Now just try to survive. After the event there will be a process of purification in all religions, to align closer to the truth.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...