
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta pollutants and tóxics.Monsanto. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta pollutants and tóxics.Monsanto. Mostrar todas las entradas

22 de febrero de 2019

If you drink the TROPICANA and Minute Maid Juices, you should know what they are related to cancer

Cancer-Linked Monsanto Chemical Found in Five Major Orange Juice Brands
monsanto orange juice
Tropicana is one of five major brands to test positive for glyphosate according to one non-profit’s lab results. Photo via Marco Verch
As far as healthy drinks go, few are more popular in the United States than a glass of orange juice with breakfast. The average American consumes about 2.7 gallons of “OJ” per year, and about 2/3 of limited-service restaurants offer it as a beverage choice.
When properly made (especially fresh-squeezed and organic), orange juice can be extraordinarily healthy for a wide variety of reasons.
It’s rich in vitamin C, fiber, and contains antioxidants that help protect and nourish the skin among many other benefits.
But if you drink orange juice in the United States, you may be getting far more than you bargained for — a surprisingly high dose of one of the most controversial chemicals in the world, one that happens to be linked to cancer, and also serves as the main ingredient in Monsanto’s flagship herbicide.
And unfortunately for the many thousands of people who drink them every day, the most popular brands in the United States are among those most affected.
Lab Tests Reveal Glyphosate in Orange Juice Samples
The grassroots non-profit Moms Across America has made a remarkable impact in the world of food activism, helping to expose the Monsanto Company’s link to the American Pediatrics Association(they’ve since been given the boot) and keeping its members up-to-date on how to protect their families from toxic chemicals in the food supply.
Recently, the organization made waves with an announcement that caught the attention of orange juice drinkers everywhere: samples of five major U.S. brands tested positive in lab results for glyphosate.
The chemical, deemed a “probable human carcinogen” by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer in March 2015, was found in amounts ranging from 4.43 parts per billion to 26.05 ppb by the group’s tests.
As noted in this post from Moms Across America, research has shown that as little as 0.1 ppb of glyphosate is capable of destroying beneficial gut bacteria. Repeated exposure is capable of weakening the immune system and potentially leading to a host of health problems down the road.
The post also included research that glyphosate may stimulate breast cancer at amounts as little as 1 part per trillion, and that the American diet far exceeds government standards for most people, especially children (who are most at-risk considering their developing bodies).
The five major brands that tested positive according to lab tests are:
1. Tropicana, with amounts of 26.05 ppb and 25.12 ppb in glyphosate residues. Both samples were purchased from Target stores.
2. Minute Maid, with amounts of 13.54 and 12.65 ppb, purchased from Jack in the Box stores.
3. Stater Bros., with amounts of 4.93 and 4.43 ppb, purchased at the stores of the same name.
4. Signature Farms, with amounts of 6.33 and 5.78 ppb, purchased at Vons stores.
5. Kirkland, with amounts of 5.96 and 4.33 ppb, purchased at Costcostores.
What It Means for Shoppers
Kirkland orange juice, found at Costco, is among those that tested positive.
Considering that organic alternatives like Uncle Matt’s are widely available, it’s almost always a good idea to pay a little extra in order to avoid the potential contamination of glyphosate and other harmful substances in non-organic orange juice.
In addition to glyphosate, numerous orange juice companies may contain additives including synthetic vitamins (in an attempt to make up those lost due to processing and pasteurization), as well as so-called “flavor packs” that are likely to be chemically altered and are not required to be listed on product labels.
Both Simply Orange (from Coca Cola) and Tropicana have been sued over these “chemically enhanced flavor packs;” yet another reason why health conscious consumers should think twice before buying them.
What Happens Next?
While organic orange juice and organic oranges are available at many health food stores, the unfortunate fact is that the vast majority of Americans still consume chemically-laden orange juice from the aforementioned companies, including unmarked brands at the grocery store that likely contain glyphosate and other toxic chemicals as well.
To make matters more pressing, the (mostly chemically-treated) citrus growing industry is currently dealing with a bacteria-based “citrus greening” disease that may one day lead to the introduction of genetically engineered (GMO) oranges, which could bring with them a host of other potential health and environmental issues.
In order to help pave the way for change, Moms Across America is urging concerned citizens to contact each of the five companies listed above in order to request that they switch to organic and regenerative agriculture-based methods in the future.
It’s a tall order at this current moment in our food system’s history, but simply voicing your opinion can make a huge difference down the line in helping to change the system.
For more information on how to contact these companies, as well as additional info on glyphosate contamination and safety studies, you can check out the full articlefrom Moms Across America by clicking on this link.
Until then, do your best to steer clear of these five brands, buy organic, and spread the word to health conscious friends who would prefer to keep glyphosate out of their breakfast beverages.
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11 de mayo de 2018

Under the term ...biofortified, Monsanto wants to introduce genetically modified foods in the European Union

Under the term ...

In the following article translated from the website of the NGO NHF,  Federation for National Health,  we are informed of tricks and deals that specialized in the creation of transgenic products, such as seeds of corn, soy megaconocida multinational  MONSANTO , after losing in the first assault the possibility of selling their GMOs, genetically modified organisms in the European market, however returns to the fray and this time, we want them enter through a  FALSE  lABELING  some of its products, They would go on sale to the public through a new term that would define as  biofortified .
Says a saying that " made the law, made the trap ", something they have had to think the senior  MONSANTO  to enter the market power of the European Union its banned GMOs through this labeling, which of course would lead to many consumers to buy these products thinking that consume natural products, when in fact, it is pure chemistry with transgenic patent.
We should remember that studies on the safety for human health of transgenically modified foods are made in a laboratory funded by Monsanto itself. There are no studies proving that do not cause harm their consumption by humans.
Also remember how they spend the directors of this multinational, Monsanto,  to "become legal" their "not legal" products . Through the known method of revolving doors, MONSANTO managers leave their positions in the company and go to work as senior officials of public bodies who process licenses and permits for new food and medicines on the market.
MONSANTO IS THE MAN TO DO SO PERFECT IS CALLED MICHAEL Taylon  and is the executive who more times has gone through the sliding doors from private company to public institutions and vice versa. (Top) 
Dirty dealings arise when dishonest ways used to earn lots of money at the expense of the health of consumers tod @ s.
A penultimate point, the only ones who ensure healthy eating are the workers of big business because in canteens for employees MONSANTO, GM foods are forbidden.
Finally, and before offering the item data, the website of the NGO NHF, had suffered multiple attack from a lot of countries and was out of service until repaired. Here we leave the image with the letter explaining what happened. I leave at the end a few more links for you to check data of this news, we have drawn from the NHF website in the UK.

Scott C. Tips article published on the website of the NGO, NHF

The new work by  the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods  for Special Dietary Uses  CCNFSDU)  of the Codex Alimentarius Commission was simple:
The  Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU)  of the Commission of the  Codex Alimentarius  met in Berlin in early December 2017 and its mission is to draft provisions on nutritional aspects for all foods. 
Also it develops guidelines and standards for foods for special dietary uses that are used to facilitate the normalization of global trade. The NGO, National Health Federation had 2 delegates there.
The meeting of the  CCNFSDU  of this year witnessed a lively debate on the Biofortification.
Dra. Pia Noble, is the blonde lady bob.
At that time  the definition began to transform itself into a food that would include " biofortified " genetically modified. 
Since then, the battle in the  Codex  is underway on whether food GMOs  are not included or within the definition of  Biofortification .
I am sure that Monsanto would be delighted to market their synthetic products under a name that began with the word "Bio".
Then, for the meeting of 2017, the  proposed definition of Biofortification  had been transformed into the following, which includes genetically modified foods: 
"Biofortification is the process by which any nutrient or related substance of all potential source of food (eg, animals, plants, fungi, yeasts, bacteria..) Organisms:  O increased by a measurable level, and / or become more bioavailable for  the purposes intended.  The process applies to any production methods [and excludes conventional fortification]. "

deceptive marketing excellence

The EU raised a valid objection that the name itself " Biofortification " cause confusion in many European countries due to widespread use of the word "bio" as synonymous with "organic".
Other countries within the EU have been very eloquent and support  the EU position here, arguing that the definition should be restrictive, not expanded.  Again, the NHF agreed with the EU position here.
Monsanto seeks to take advantage of the organic market with the loaded word "bio".

President, NOBLE violates Codex procedure

Dr.  PIA NOBLE, President of CCNFSDU  should actually speak in the past tense as he reigned over his last CCNFSDU meeting in December 2017 in Berlin.
Dr. Pia Noble, is the fourth from the left.
She is now removed when it is late and in the process has followed the typical pattern of ignoring international NGOs such as the NHF, not to mention the  Manual of Procedure of the Codex. 
His Imperial Highness,  NOBLE PIA,  allowed the country delegates talk literally for hours, allowing them to make comments they wanted to do and  they came to mind, twenty or more times on this subject without even call once the international NGOs waited patiently. 
As a result, the  international NGOs is not heard at all or only briefly and often after the punctuality of the problem had happened and had already made a decision. 
When I confronted His Majesty,  Dr. PIA NOBLE  about this at the meeting, she refused, saying he had to call all countries first;  but the truth was that even during delays in the discussion, when it could have recourse to an international NGO that was waiting to speak, she deliberately waited until a country were pressing a button and then called that country, ignoring international NGOs still they were waiting to speak.

What follows are my words to the 300 delegates in the room:
"Yesterday, NHF was not timely opportunity to discuss this important issue, so thank you finally can finally speak. 
In the future, I would suggest that you can get more value from unified perspectives on the industry and consumers have international NGOs, if their verbal comments are heard while the specific topics discussed rather than waiting until the end of a point Agenda and even then only to be heard if the weather permits. 
IPFRI, for example, could have offered much information on this subject and we would have liked to hear what you have to say the representative of IPFRI. We ourselves had to wait 2 hours and 20 minutes, all with the flag up, and never got to talk.
"That said, on the subject of writing Biofortification topic, let me say first that NHF has nothing but the utmost respect for IPFRI and your sponsor. These are good people trying to do good things.
"But we have concerns." Although NHF was an early supporter of Biofortification since then have come to see that the concept of Biofortification is in the process of being kidnapped and turned something good into something bad.
"If Codex allows 'any method of production' and 'any source' part of the definition of Biofortification, then Codex will focus on marketing the disappointment of the worst kind.
"Most consumers want a label for genetically modified foods. Consumer surveys worldwide have shown that this is true. 
In the United States, approximately 90% of consumers want such labeling, and yet, here, this proposed definition seek to disguise genetically modified foods under the term "Biofortification".
"That's dishonest, shameful, and for all those sincerely concerned about the credibility and transparency of the Codex, should oppose absolute and positive way to this definition.
Then the National Health Federation is opposed to add the following wording:
(1) 'source potential all organisms'
(2) The process applies to any production methods' and
(3) Note footnote 4 ( 'The production method should be determined by national / regional authority ")
"In the last draft, NHF believes that allowing national authorities to determine whether GM foods are included within the definition, it is simply a backdoor way to include foods GENETICALLY MODIFIED within the definition of Biofortification.
"I thought we were trying to harmonize the standard here. It makes much more sense for us to have a solid definition and not misleading, or, as stated by the Russian Federation not to have some definition.
"And for the reasons expressed by the European Union, we have a problem with the term itself since the word" bio "is almost universally recognized as synonymous with" organic ".
"We also note in passing that it is a state of very sad things where we have reached the point in our history where we manipulate our natural foods to provide better nutrition, especially since we participated in poor agricultural practices that have seen a 50% decrease in vitamins and minerals in our food over the past 50 years. The NHF again mentioned this issue at the meeting of CCNFSDU 2005.
"Regardless of where we are now, however, we will not solve malnutrition by participating in deceptive marketing practices and sleight of hand with this definition. 
The NHF urges this committee to have a clear and not misleading definition as originally conceived at the meeting in 2015, where the delegation of Australia stated correctly that the original document of 2012 on the scope of Biofortification excluded the techniques of genetically modified organisms. "


In the end, after all international NGOs were finally able to speak, including the  NHF  and  IFPRI , the latter admitted that he probably would not succeed in keeping the name " Biofortification " for their products and suggested alternatives such as "agro-  fortification" and "nutria-fortification" . 
President  Noble , however,  stopped the discussion quickly and became his successor untangle this mess in the meeting next year in Berlin.

But that was not all

....  Ironically, the proposed Codex ready therapeutic foods for use standard allowed the use of glucose syrup as a sweetener, but banned the use of corn syrup until NHF said these were sweeteners virtually identical and derivatives very dangerous GMOs that moment.   A change was made.  
In the claims of trans fatty acids and VRN proposed for EPA and DHA, the Nutrition Committee of the Codex postponed any action until the next meeting, but not before both Malaysia and NHF could lash out against Canada and those who ignorantly continue believing in the  long discredited myth that saturated fats have some connection to heart disease. 


The  heavy tactics of the outgoing President, Dr. Pia Noble , resulted in unnecessarily prolonged discussion on defining  Biofortification , which in turn
The  attempt Monsanto was recognized by many delegates so he went and reported at the meeting.  The fight, however, will move to the next year 's meeting to be held in  Berlin in November 2018.  And that meeting will be chaired by the new president of the  Committee , the Ms. Marie-Luise Trebes.

d @ b Snooping

Noting this article,  Deconstructing Babylon , we were tempted to learn visually very named in the article,  Dr. Pia Noble , president of the Committee who led the negotiations for the definition and marketing of products  Biofortified .
Dra. Pious Noble Codex Alimentarius Meeting in 2016
Considering that is married to a former senior company  Bayern  and this multinational merged with as cited  MONSANTO between 2017 and 2018, leading to the largest international company chemical and genetic engineering, perhaps Dr. .  Pious Noble, despite his full name , was not free of suspicion, rather should have been removed from the chairmanship of the Committee, as would be near the  conflict of interest.
It has been an arduous task locating an image or data of this lady, the truth is that either asked  Google  to delete your personal file or no past. 
The only images we have found are the essential and necessary, ie the officially published on the website of  the Committee on each of the annual meetings. Still, if you give yourself around there, you will see that knows strategically placed behind your monitor, or look the other way. In the end, we find the images you have seen inserted throughout the article.
Deconstructing from Babylon, it seems that the person who is in charge of carrying out negotiations to legalize new products for our food, should at least come forward and share their biography as public person. 
The impression given is that of not wanting to face and nobody knows who he is and for that, accepting the position as President of a committee with much responsibility for our future health is not the best place to "get" the anonymity of google, of course the web browser, take good care of their lords and ladies when necessary.
Here, finally, another image of Dr. Pia Noble, who has claimed that we swallow genetically modified products, accepting a false labeling of these products as biofortified, no more.
In the photo,  Dr.. Pia Noble , is the blonde holding the dish waiting for their piece of cake. 
We thought that graphically represents what we might be thinking about her and her performance.

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